#setfan salvatore
clnriswood · 7 years
CW + TW characters who deserved better
Eddie Thawne
Isaac Lahey
Stefan Salvatore
Rip Hunter
Laurel Lance
Ronnie Raymond
Bonnie Bennet
Cheryl Blossom
Leonard Snart
Kaleb/Kol Mikaelson
HR Wells
Tyler Lockwood
Kira Yukimura
Tommy Merlyn
Kai Parker
Allison Argent
Lexi Branson
Literally everyone except Damon Salvatore. 
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asscidtears · 5 years
i think the best thing about delena being endgame and just delena itself is that they’ve literally conquered over every single obstacle thrown at them. Everyone on the series (mostly caroline, katherine and stefan at times) was against this relationship. There were so many things holding them back trying to break them throughout this seires, so many people trying to disprove their love and relationship. So many people trying to get in damon’s head making him feel like his relationship with her was one sided and delusional. So many people thought she was just going to go back to stefan because she didnt really or never really loved damon.
Everyone thought that she was only with Damon because she was turned into a vampire and if she was still human elena she would’ve ended up with setfan. FALSE. because when she actually did turn human after drinking the cure she still stayed with damon by his side and still wanted to be with him. So that debunked the elena is only with damon because she is a vampire and “isn’t herself” argument.
Everyone thought elena’s feelings for damon werent real or true because she was sired to him. Eveeyone thought that because shes sired to damon and will literally do anything he says at will that her so call “feelings” must be because of the sire bond and as soon as the bond is broken she’ll run back to stefan. FALSE. once bond was broken she still stayed with damon and even told him she was in love with him. In fact, the sire bond just heightened the feelings that were ALREADY there from when she actually was human. So elena had to already have feelings for damon before she turned and was sired, and she did.
Remember that dramatic doppelgänger prophecy where stefan and elena were allegedly fated soulmates destined to end up together and that the universe was supposedly designed for them to end up together through fate? remember how everyone tried to play with damon’s emotions convincing him that he was just wasting him time because elena was eventually going to leave him for stefan? and you know what ended up happening, the so call prophecy ended up being FALSE. Turns out it wasnt even real, just something to drag stefan and elena close together so that travelers could steal their blood. And Elena still chose to be with damon despite everyone telling her she should be with stefan. despite the “prophecy” she still chose Damon.
Also, the truth is , damon/delena was always in the picture, even if she didnt realize it. She fell in love with Damon WHILE she was with stefan. Like elena said, it didnt matter whether she was human or a vampire because somehow she always ended up going back to damon. Damon was always in the equation no matter how hard she tried to fight it. Elena had technically cheated on stefan at least 2 or 3 times with damon by allowing him to kiss her or her kissing him. But she never allowed that when she was with damon, when stefan lost his memories and elena was trying to help him remember, there was a breif moment when stefan tried to kiss her but elena stopped it and said she was with damon. Elena stopped stefan from kissing her when she was with damon but she never stopped Damon from kissing her when she was with stefan. She even admitted to Alaric when she was having her memories compelled away that she knew she shouldn’t have let him kiss her but she did anyways. She wanted to kiss damon.
throughout everything that they’ve been through and all the obstacles in their way, they still found their way back to each other. Elena was literally willing to die for him/ with him when she got in that car and he was willing to die for her time and time again. Their love was strong and most importantly real. Even on that night on the bridge when she chose stefan she didnt found a way back to damon. It was always damon and it was always going to be damon even if she didnt realize it. She loved him as a vampire and she loved him as a human. There is literally no excuse anymore. Elena always saw the good in Damon and knew he was more than the vilan everyone made him out to be. She loved him past all his flaws and he loved her unconditionally. They deserved to be endgame and the happy life they got in the end. Every possible argument against delena has been desputed primarily based off of elena’s actions herself. We always knew damon’s feelings were genuine but people had a hard time believing elena’s were and she has proven time and time again just how real and genuine her love for the infamous Damon Salvatore really was.
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minutiaewritings · 7 years
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being best friends with setfan salvatore mood board
i know i haven’t posted in a while, but do you guys have any mood board requests? 
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stay-upstead · 12 years
that awkward moment when in the beginning of season two and Stefan was joking around with what the Lockwoods could be and he through in 'werewolves' and they actually turned out to be werewolves. bet he didn't see that one coming.
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forgothowtofly · 12 years
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echoedthroughmymind · 13 years
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something always brings me back to you, it never takes too long.
no matter what I say or do,
i'll still feel you here 'til the moment i'm gone.
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