serialunaliver · 5 months
someone: hi
me: did you know the narrative that school shooters in the US are all bullying victims is false and originates from inaccurate coverage of one of the most infamous school shootings, the columbine shooting? in reality the columbine shooters were reactionaries who isolated themselves deliberately and followed an ideology that positioned them "above" the rest. so, a lot of school shooters are actually ideologically motivated rather than revenge motivated. no one knows this and the media paints these murderers as victims. do you want to know what the columbine effect is? also I have a lot to say about "stranger danger" as a conservative fear campaign to promote the isolated nuclear family
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ozi-uwu-vwv-owo · 3 months
Yo I said this before but a reminder for the new blog, REBLOG stuff okay? It supports artist and your local bisexual so PLEASE don’t just like, this goes for me and any other blog
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synttaxx · 1 year
Every day I thank the gods for making me trans, I get to partake in the act of creation which is such a beautiful thing. It's a difficult existence sometimes, but the joy that comes with self-creation is worth it :)
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tub3rculosis · 5 months
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ersatzpenguin · 6 months
I—a mom who is rapidly approaching an age that can no longer be described as her “mid 30s”—have been thinking of things I wish I had known/done when I was younger. Specifically, things that would have helped me avoid and/or minimize the many quarter (mid?) life crises I’ve had. And instead of just keeping these to myself, wallowing in my own mistakes, I’m going to share them with you fine Tumblrinas. Did you ask? No. But I’m doing it anyway.
Routinely ask yourself whether you’re doing what *you* want to do, or what *others* want you to do. You’re living *your* life, not theirs. High-priority subjects to consider: your sexuality, gender, career, partner(s), living situation, etc. AKA, find the potential crisis and act on it before it becomes a crisis. Active misery should not be a prerequisite for change.
Life (and capitalism) can be constraining, but many things we assume can’t be done or can’t change *can* be done and *can* change with effort and time. There may be tradeoffs involved, but telling yourself some things can’t be done/can’t change just means they never will.
Related: Depression, anxiety, etc. show up in a lot of ways, and they will fuck up your life if left untreated. So, get treatment. Not everyone benefits from the same things, and some therapists can be actively bad, but using that fact to avoid getting the help you need is not recommended.
Learn a second language if you haven’t already, and go live in another country for a while if at all possible. Even if you end up moving home, living in another country can be a great opportunity to break out of your own (potentially harmful) routines/environment, learn from others, and practice empathy.
Pick up a creative/expressive hobby. You do not have to be good at it. Making something with your own hands/brain is very rewarding and will improve your mental health significantly.
Pleather jackets are cool, but also basically like wearing a plastic bag. If you get active while wearing one and don’t unzip it, you will start to become soup very quickly—and not a tasty one like potato soup, either.
And there you have it. The wisdom I’ve gained from decades of trying to human, and frequently having not so great a time of it. I hope it’s helpful. If not, whatever. You do you. Some lessons you gotta learn the hard way.
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anqaspond · 3 months
growing up in a fundamentalist cult no one actually thinks is a cult is a fate i wouldnt wish upon anyone. genuinely. people keep gaslighting you into thinking its just your culture, meanwhile youre being assaulted and harrassed and literally owned and all of it being ignored or defended under the thin veneer or multiculturalism.
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lapouris · 3 months
about the sc discourse n stuff, ive seen ppl outright say they're going to read the preboot despite what kittycorn says and its WEIRD.. theres a difference between criticism and js being disrespectful to the project
I've not seen it myself but I think it's really weird how people are reading it out of spite considering all the stigma about it but also really funny how almost any problem they would have with reboot is probably 10x worse in preboot lmao "dude this comic sucks i'm gonna read the worse one that'll show them"
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kittydoggie · 2 months
I'm so sick of seeing pro-AI posts framing people with actual issues as alarmist luddites.
The theft of the materials AI are trained on are moot at this point. The consent issue is moot at this point.
The real issue is the cult that people have created regarding AI, overestimation of how useful it will be in various scenarios and so on so forth. They're trying to jam AI into everything, including medical practice. Which will go very poorly, because of the hallucinations AI is prone to. AI is being used to filter resumes already. Tests from an AI company are being foisted on the job market.
And yeah, they're trying to replace artists and writers.
It's a buzzword, but it's also a problem, like crypto. Same kind of grift, new tech.
These things called "AI" aren't even true artificial intelligences, nor are they the path to them.
Man, I come here to shitpost, and you fuckers got me writing serious. Folks said I was alarmist when I noticed the issues with Bitcoin. Folks said I was alarmist when I pointed out the golden age of streaming content was going to end. Folks said I was alarmist when I called in on fucking microtransactions way back in the day.
No, fuck you. Pay the fuck attention.
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punchthewitch · 3 months
Hello Tumblr
I am once again presenting my music because I'm quite proud of this one and this is my blog that no one looks at and I can do whatever I want
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serialunaliver · 4 months
"you hate capitalism because you're jealous of rich people" well I wouldn't mind having an in-ground pool but there's also other reasons to hate capitalism such as the fact that owning a chocolate company that doesn't use fucking child slavery earns you praise because it's so uncommon, or the fact that it by design results in repeat economic collapses when the average consumer can't afford to stimulate the economy, or the fact that our future (and current) existence on planet earth is full of detrimental environmental disasters because pursuing fossil fuels was more profitable in the short-term, or the fact that entire wars are started specifically to make money, or...yeah the list goes on
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ozi-uwu-vwv-owo · 2 months
Aw fuck idk how much longer I’ll stay here since tumblr is now selling stuff to ai companies now, after all this shit. I want to keep all the friends and followers I made here though. I would probably just get off social media as a whole as I have no more places to go, I left reddit already, twitter is a shithole only really ever use it for art or porn, other places just are completely differently built or are just too small and spread too thin meaning nobody really interacts, I’m on TransFem.social as OziUwU but I probably won’t use it much, nor have most people interacted with me on there
This site was surprisingly the best experience I’ve had on social media (which is saying something) I don’t want it to go, I’ve met so many people and grew such a following before I was nuked, I don’t want to let go.
Please don’t make me let go
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nevesmose · 23 days
When posting things I've written I try to go by "UK at Eurovision" rules:
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Anything other than nul points, zeroes across the board, no activity whatsoever is mission accomplished.
Even a single hit/view/whatever means that someone, somewhere looked at it or read it or engaged with it in some way. That's a win, you put that in your pocket and think my work made some kind of contact with another human being somewhere in the world.
To be completely honest with you as I hide behind a picture of Dr Robotnik on the internet, I'm the type of person whose first impulse is to instantly think "WAAAHHH IT DIDN'T GET A MILLION HITS AND A BILLION LIKES AND A THOUSAND HOT BUTTERED KUDOS IN THE FIRST FIVE SECONDS SO IT MUST BE BAAAAAAAAAAD WAAAH VALIDATE ME DADDY" and to be absolutely clear, I know this is a Bad Thing.
It's a character flaw originating, I suspect, in not having a fully-developed theory of mind about other people for a very long time. I've posted before about how in every way except physical I am Perturabo of Olympia and it's not a joke at all. I really am the type of person who is
too arrogant to win people over through effort. You expect people to notice you there in the half-darkness, and point and shout out, “There! There is the great Perturabo! See how he labours without complaint!”
And to reiterate, this is not a good thing. This is a highly negative corrosive aspect of my personality that can, and has, damaged all the relationships I've been able to form and it's something I need to consciously work on, especially relating to anything creative.
Just as an aside, I think writing is honestly something that helps with developing theory of mind because I've always experienced it as a deficit in understanding why people act/behave/whatever the way that they do. With writing you can smoosh your metaphorical action figures together over and over again until it starts to make more sense.
Anyway, it takes practice but the alternative is never developing at all, just staying stuck in my own head ruminating about everything over and over again while the world and everyone in it keeps moving on.
Yes I was an undiagnosed-autistic perfectionist overachiever as a kid, whyever do you ask?
So like I said, I try to go by UK at Eurovision rules.
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tub3rculosis · 7 months
if ur pagan n believe in that divine masculine divine feminine dichotomy shit you're no better than christians who use the bible to support their queerphobia. the idea that masculinity/femininity are inherent to the universe completely ignores that these roles 1) have not always existed and 2) rose to prominence mainly in europe. to see gender as an inherent binary is not only a massive red flag for many queer folks but is also kinda fucking racist or at least eurocentric considering the massive fucking amount of cultures with gender roles that go beyond masc/femme. and basing a whole belief system on this shit is actually crazyyyy esp bc these same bitches will more often than not see themselves as allies. girl PLEASE stfu like just go full terf atp it'll be less offensive ☠️
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harshebmmako · 4 months
fr tho i had felt that despite my depraved and hyper-edgy persona i still was, and needed to be, a Good Person underneath.
feels good to be freed from that
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anqaspond · 3 months
i had a dream i said goodbye
I had a dream that we were living it up like we promised we would. that you came to me, again, and i let you, again. I had a dream we sped on roads we shouldn't have, and we flipped over, and I was there when both our mangled bodies contorted against tar and steel and caught their last breaths. i had a dream that our closure was written in blood and not half-eyes-closed unlocked doors.
i had a dream i was happy. had a dream i knew what was coming. that i lived in a dream house, at a dream party, and i was loved. i had a dream i didnt waste what i had. i had a dream i knew what would happen to me. sleep problems and prayers. it isnt your fault.
i had a dream we spoke again. i had a dream you told me you wanted to kiss me, and didnt imply it through layers after layers of irony. had a dream you didnt watch me be brutalized for wanting you. had a dream you didnt turn into somebody else. happy valentines day.
i had a dream it happened again, the same way, over and over. that you killed me no differently from the last. that i devastated you again, i didnt want to- dont want to, on repeat in my mind, like i had a choice. i had a dream and it woke me up in a cold sweat paralyzed and crying.
i had a dream that explained itself to me. one that rejected the layers of myself, that forced me out and made me watch it happen. i had a dream where i wasnt having a dream, could only see at the bottom of a perscription bottle and i want it again and again and again
i had a dream i said goodbye in a way that mattered. i had a dream itd be okay like it cant be now. i had so many dreams i might as well be living in one. i want to touch your hand, teach me how to stop having dreams and start living out of them.
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lapouris · 5 months
I do not have the energy (or memory) to manage multiple blogs so everything is being dumped here lmao
I'm a pixel artist/game dev/actual rat who'll post fanart or progress pics of projects I'm developing as well as reblog Actual Garbage
You can find my list of socials at linktr(dot)ee/lapouris (I also have a Discord server where I post early works as well as sometimes early playable builds of stuff??)
Commissions: CLOSED
✨Currently suffering from extreme Sparklecare Hospital brainrot (fatal)✨
My taglist is:
lapposting - Self posts
lapourisart - My art posts
lapdevstuff - Game dev screenshots, etc
reblogposting - Reblogs
answerposting - Answered questions
importantposting - anything I find useful to know
sparkleposting - All Sparklecare-related posts
seriousposting - Serious topics (for blocking purposes)
MAUSFÄNGER - Current game project
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