#seriously if anyone recognises the Dionysus and Athena bar thing pls tell me so I can credit them
athena-rocks · 2 months
What are your headcanons for Athena’s relationship and dynamic with her godly siblings?
I’m gonna preface this with Athena has a looooot of siblings due to Zeus being, y’know, Zeus, so I’m only going to talk about the Olympians. Don’t worry that’s still six Gods, relationships and dynamics and for some of them, I’ve got a lot to say.
So who will I be going over in this. They are:
- Artemis
- Apollo
- Dionysus
- Hermes
- Hephaestus
- Ares
They definitely get on well, both being trained in fighting, stamina and strategy, both being virgin goddesses. Their main issues are that Athena is very much so city and Artemis is very much so not city, but not so much so for either that it causes some drama. They’re dynamic can be described as very chill, they get along well together and are friends.
Similar to his sister Apollo gets along well enough with Athena, but they do have a bit more drama than Artemis and Athena. The Trojan war mainly is a point of some bad feeling between the two but they’re polite enough that they can get along well enough together. In terms of dynamic it’s basically like two siblings that moved far away from each other and when they meet up on Christmas they’re just like “So, how’s college?” “I have three kids and a diploma.” “Oh yeah.” Not besties but they can get on well enough.
Now I do have a few interesting points here. One, Dionysus’ wife Ariadne was abandoned by Theseus, the hero of Athens, so it’s likely a point of some contention between the two. Though I don’t think they’re enemies, Athena is very stressed Dionysus is just never stressed he probably helps her out, I saw somewhere the idea that Athena goes to Dionysus’ bar to relax and I think that’s pretty cool, if anyone knows who that came from please tell me and I’ll edit this post to credit them! Dynamic, youngest and oldest. Chill and super stressed.
(Don’t question the blue I don’t know how the fuck you get other colours.) Joined by their fellow connection for diplomacy they likely get along well. Hermes is described as a diplomat in the Odyssey when going to Calypso’s island to tell her Zeus orders her to release Odysseus. Athena for obvious reasons will get along well with someone who often acts as a diplomat and messenger, and their shared helping out of Odysseus definitely helps. But… as an underdog Hermes is often characterised as a prankster of sorts. And pranksters love rule followers, which Athena is. She’s likely the subject of many of his pranks, much to her displeasure, but she’s patient and can often put up with him. Though she will sometimes snap.
In terms of dynamic its low energy and high energy siblings. Pretty simple.
Now… the big two.
(Again ignore the colour pls, I’m saving red for Ares.) Well… Hephaestus… yeah… I don’t think they’re friends. Obviously. Hephaestus’ attempt to assault Athena is quite frankly disgusting. Not only is she clearly not into him or wanting that but there’s no way to think she is when she’s a virgin goddess. I can’t make any jokes here, it’s not funny. Maybe after a few millennia she’d potentially partially forgive him, she’d go to his forge when necessary herself instead of sending someone else, but the idea of them being close friends ever again is not something I think possible.
Dynamic? Siblings that cut contact. I’ll leave it at that.
Alright! Last one! Let’s do it!
Their relationship is in my opinion very interesting. They are naturally enemies in many ways, god of violent warfare and goddess of strategic warfare. They are opposed. But I think that there’s a lot more to it.
Athena is Zeus’ favourite. She’s the perfect child, the golden child. Ares is Zeus’ least favourite child, for not much reason either. Athena didn’t choose to be the favourite and Ares doesn’t deserve to be treated the way he is, and this all cumulates into a divide between the two, a wedge in a relationship that didn’t even get a chance to form. They have their moments, one helping the other rarely. They hold resentment to each other, but still are siblings.
I’d call their dynamic the golden child and the shadow. Athena is a beloved war goddess and Ares will always be in her shadow, and I hate that. He deserves better, they both deserved to be siblings.
With that I have now gone over the relationships and dynamics of Athena and each of her siblings on Olympus! Remember these are my personal opinions! You do not have to agree with me, that’s perfectly fine. Thank you for the ask and I’m sorry if it’s taken a while to get back to you!
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