sachiusagi · 2 years
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Star Wars ocs part 1: clone wars and pre clone wars era
(From June to November 2020)
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tdlb · 27 days
hey y'all
so episode 8...
i'm writing this as i'm watching it. tbh, i would also walk out of any room scott's in. cable, i get it.
logan!! what the hell?! just sarcastically calling scott "daddy"!? i choked. logan, sir, don't be like this (no actually, be like this).
roberto's mother watching fox news while calling the x-men terrorists omg, dude. jubes saying to him "you have a trust fund and i have good taste" iconic.
i hope rogue's okay, i hope kurt's okay... and once again, jean is jeaning.
i do love kurt though. do we have any theories on rogue? is she just out because she got blown up and the grief?
okay, how many of y'all are thirsting over magneto in his speedos? because they put in that shot on purpose!
always remember cable is a softy built like a brick wall.
doom! you better not be not trying to double cross these idiots for latveria, come on doomsy! you can do better than this!
talking of doomsy, what is up with people putting robots in people? (if you don't know, doom did this in the last year or so but for better reasons)
of course jeeves is a sentinel!
"oh my stars and garters!" indeed, hank.
love how logan was just watching tv when this went down, also keep him quipping.
oh, they dropped pirate swords in front of kurt - let's gooo
jubes getting attacked by sentinels in a mall... again! and lampshading it!
oh, our house is burning.
ewww the senrinals staring at rogue.
kurt is the certified bamf.
x-men is legit terrifying right now.
but hey, the summers clan are in fast and furious!
i hope magneto gets clothes.
aaaand back to terrifying
magneto was right!
oh hi petey, whatya doin'?
logan really out on the battleground titties out, huh? remy would approve.
okay, as always- thoughts and theories welcome! i don't think we have to worry about morph too much... yet. and i'm sorry this was such a random stream of consciousness, my head ain't in the best place today. surprised i could even watch the episode.
stay safe, guys and love each other okay?
i'm here if you wanna talk x-men or just say hi, feel free.
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daily-hyosatsu · 2 years
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I'm running out of tree names but what a tree name this is! 榑林 is read Kurebayashi, Fubayashi, or Senrin. You'll remember 林 Hayashi from the other day, but 榑 is new to me! It's generally read kure or fu, and it means unbarked lumber. Very specific.
Bonus name: the small silver plate on the mailbox reads 久野 Kuno, which is great practice because 久 has come up quite a lot in this short time!
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frunkygreenman · 10 months
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laplaylistes · 2 years
Senrin Hanabi
Senrin Hanabi https://laplaylist.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/hqdefault-6091.jpg
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A small sketch for the good KaibaRin vibes.
@anxiouslyangsty13 @king-switch @floof-ghostie
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bearandbirdfan · 3 years
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Monster!Class 1B Ship Icons
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mia-japanese-korean · 2 years
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Welcoming Descent of the Amida Buddha Triad, Unknown Japanese, 13th century, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
the Buddhist art of the Kamakura period in Japan (1185-1392) is one of the great religious arts and this thirteenth century painting on silk mounted as a hanging scroll is an elegant and fine example; the Descent of Amida (raigo) is represented; Amida Buddha is one of the leading gods of Buddhism whose cult enjoyed great power from the ninth century; he is usually shown, as here, descending to receive the adorer's soul, for he promises blissful and luxurious life in the next world; in the Mann painting he is accompanied by two divine attendants, the Bodhisattvas Sishi, shown adoring, and Kannon, shown with the Lotus Pedestal; similar but rather inferior figures to these appear in a celebrated early thirteenth century hanging scroll in the Senrin-ji, Kyoto; the Mann scroll is especially splendid not only for the refinement of its draughtsmanship, but for its color; on a muted black background, the figures are gold, the red lines of form being incisions through the gold leaf to the red ground; a light raw ochre halo surrounds Amida's head, the clouds are pale lavender; the use of color is thus austerely restricted, and there are only a few other touches Amida's lips are scarlet, there are pink and white ribbands and some of the precious stones of the jewelry are picked out in dull tints; the richness of the gold, especially against the black, makes for a stunning effect, and the precision of the tense, flowing drawing, incomparably skillful and delicate, can be contemplated with endless pleasure Followers of the Pure Land sect of Buddhism in Japan believe that, at the moment of death, Amida Buddha will descend from his paradise to receive the soul of a faithful follower. This painting depicts Amida floating downward on clouds. He is accompanied by the bodhisattva Seishi, whose hands are clasped in prayer, and Kannon, who holds a lotus upon which to receive the soul of the dying. The extreme refinement of the painting, rendered entirely in gold on indigo-dyed silk, is a hallmark of Buddhist imagery of Japan's Kamakura period (1185-1333). Size: 33 3/8 × 14 5/8 in. (84.77 × 37.15 cm) Medium: Hanging scroll; gold and color on indigo-dyed silk
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iamthespineofmybook · 3 years
Religions of Experia
Ricaul: The Balance of Creation and Destruction
The Ricauli pantheon was formed from the tales brought back by Bram of the four Dragons of Creation who keep the Monarchs of Destruction sealed away. Though his version of the story made things sound more like the Monarchs’ imprisonment was unnecessary or cruel, leading to these versions being seen as beings of equal stature, rather than one set preventing the other from destroying everything. The current iteration of the religion has the Dragons as being lazy and the Monarchs as overly passionate, so the Diamond Guardian is needed to motivate or stop them, respectively.
The Diamond Guardian
The Firestorm
The Maelstrom
The Hurricane
The Earthnight
The Blizzard
The Storm
The Crusher
The Verdurous
Fekarni: The Seven Musing Gods
The Seven Musing Gods of Fekarni are all that are left of the Old World’s pantheons, though there are buried references to the other Old Gods in the Great Library of the Collegiate.
Guthan Àlainn of Eloquence
Dèan Gàirdeachas of Lyrics
Aoibhneach of Comedy
Moladh of Praise
Melodach of Tragedy
Miannach of Love
Ainmeil of History
Quderemasa: The Holy Circle of the Sky
The Gods of Quderemasa are said to have chosen the family and given them the divine right to rule the world. They have animal heads in much the same way the real-world Egyptian gods do. Urbs Magna is considered the head of the pantheon. Each of them, including Honesta, have an associated constellation that can be found in the night sky. The Circle is therefore the closest equivalent to Earth’s Zodiacs, with each deity claiming twenty-two-and-a-half days in ascendance. The equinoxes and solstices are special holidays that celebrate the parts of the pantheon that appear in that season. When two gods are ascendant at the same time, they have their own celebrations based on which two gods are prominent..
Honesta Lustitiae, Lord of the Dawn, hawk head, 2 Viesolis-23 Viesolis
Profunda Cogitatio, Lady of the Sea, axolotl head, 25 Viesolis-18 Plusolis
Messor Meam, Lord of Journeys, horse head, 19 Plusolis-12 Vensolis
Ignota Iitoa, Lady of Mystery, empty hood, 14 Vensolis-7 Malsolis
Opus Flagranti, Lord of the Forge, gorilla head, 9 Malsolis-3 Clarasolis
Urbs Magna, Lady of Civilization, human head, 5 Clarasolis-25 Clarasolis
Mass Tempora, Lady of the World, deer head, 26 Clarasolis-19 Virisolis
Pecunia Sanguis, Lord of the Dead, cat head, 21 Virisolis-14 Morisolis
Aeque Phiala, Lady of Potions, snake head, 16 Morisolis-9 Meisolis
Atque Meri, Lord of Revelry, elephant head, 11 Meisolis-4 Somnusolis
Solidum Aegis, Lady of Protection, dog head, 5 Somnusolis-26 Somnusolis
Gloria Absoluta, Lord of Victory, eagle head, 28 Somnusolis-21 Frisolis
Celestis Feram, Lord of Storms, fox head, 23 Frisolis-16 Perumsolis
Percute Furore, Lord of Destruction, bull head, 18 Perumsolis-11 Nixsolis
Spatium Prospectus, Lady of Time, owl head, 12 Nixsolis-5 Calsolis
Certum Finum, Lady of Destiny, dragon head, 7 Calsolis-28 Calsolis
Doramoe: The Ministry of Creation
A mix of The Celestial Bureaucracy and Norse Mythology, the Doramoe pantheon is almost ridiculously large, especially when one takes into account all the Odd-Job Gods.
Sotoku Zondu, governor-general of the pantheon. Mightiest warrior and great administrator.
Diaosu, the craftsman, who shaped the world.
Jyanzu, the architect, who designed the world.
Haiyan of the ocean, who filled the world with water.
Tiankon of winds, who gave breath to the living.
Dashi the master of monsters, who governs monster-kind.
Boshi the timelord, who measures what time the world gets.
Dashi and Boshi are brothers, and Boshi is believed to be the reason that Boss Monsters take decades to respawn from Save Points compared to a human's next day.
Shyou the beastlord, who keeps watch over wildlife.
Yinrin Zanshi, the leader of the Wushen, who show the dead to their halls.
Huifu, the overseer of the Save Points. Boshi's lover.
Aruneson, God of Experience Points
Kuraurii Nebiniraaru, God of Mana
Ajirafaru Gaigakusu, God of Health
Guan, God of Light
Yinyin, Goddess of Shadow
Ranshaoje, God of Fire
Reidian, God of Storms
Bingu, God of Cold
Senrin, Goddess of Trees
Wanyouyinri, Goddess of Gravity
Faguan, God-Arbiter
Aiki Wosi, God of Attack
Jyengu Maodun, God of Defense
Chian Guda, Goddess of Strength
Chian Gyingu, God of Constitution
Minjye, God of Dexterity
Kongming, God of Focus
Jingushin, Goddess of Willpower
Shingyun, Goddess of Luck
Omerasu, God of Cruelty
There is a god of lies, but no one (at least of the mortals) is quite sure who he is.
Misc. Admin Gods.
Afernai: The Duality of the World
The two gods of Afernai stand at opposites to each other in all things (except that both are considered very attractive). Part of the religion is that Sefka seeks to possess the unrivalled beauty that is Terrenith.
Terrenith, Goddess of birth, creation, growth, generosity, etc.
Sefka, God of death, destruction, decay, selfishness, etc.
People pray to Sefka when they’re going to war, on a hunt, or when slaughtering food animals, whereas they would pray to Terrenith for a bountiful harvest, a successful birth, or a grand construction.
Because of the male/female divide of Terrenith and Sefka, the culture of Afernai is similarly divided (which will be expanded upon in the Afernai entry of this series of posts).
Ahcos: The Philosophy of the Eternal Spirit
For a long time, the only “god” of Ahcos was The Guardian of Order, until the Chosen of Ahcos returned from her otherworldly adventure and spoke of three beings she heard of but never met, and the stories of these powerful elemental beings gave rise to the other three gods. In addition, they believe in a world called “Droker Kishaka,” which is a metaphysical realm made of dreams, fears, hopes, and nightmares, where the souls of the dead go to their punishment or reward as well as where new souls are born.
The Guardian of Order (The statues of the Guardian are modelled after the First Grand Magus)
The King of Chaos (The only thing constant about the King of Chaos is his crimson eyes)
The Light Force
The Dark Way
The Terrible Stillness, a being sealed away almost two thousand years ago by the first Grand Magus. The seal and its location is known only to the current Grand Magus, shared to the next only after a successor has been finalized. It is considered a boogeyman by most Ahcosians.
Ancient: The Founder’s Cult
Ancient’s only god was actually a regular person once, but has long since been deified into being responsible for creating the entire continent of Boru Khan, rather than just the creation of the Ancient Laws and thereby the Ancient Kingdom itself.
The Founder
Each of the species of Lormoor has its own belief systems.
Generic spirits of earth, water, and wind (Behemoth, Leviathan, and Ziz are merely seen as very powerful spirits)
Hakhjma, essentially Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos all rolled up into one.
Migaen, Korrep God of Inspiration
Lusodra, Emork God of Perspiration
Tyiestan, Roni God of Determination
The Truly Saved:
A low-key cult of people from all over Origo and Ancient who believe that Save Points are unnatural things that steal the souls of those who use them. Most people look at these “Saved” as harmlessly crazy.
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kaialone · 4 years
Spirit Tracks Translation Comparison: Character Names
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In this post I will cover how the names of notable characters were changed in the English versions of The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks.
Like many Zelda characters, the ones introduced in Spirit Tracks are connected by common naming themes. Specifically, most of the major characters in this game have names that relate to trains.
With such pun-based names in particular, the localization may choose to adapt or even change the names in ways that make them more appealing to the target audience.
And that's exactly what happened with Spirit Tracks, so let's have a look at them.
With each of these I will list the character's English name, as well as my romanization of their Japanese name, and then explain the origin of both.
Note that my romanizations won't always match the respective literal romanizations, depending on the name's origin.
The Lokomo:
Anjean = Sharin
Anjean's Japanese name is シャリン/Sharin.
It's taken from 車輪/sharin, which means "wheel".
Her English name is derived from the word "engine".
Gage = Valve
Gage's Japanese name is バルブ/Barubu.
It's taken directly from the Japanese spelling of the English word "valve", so the most logical thing is to romanize it as "Valve".
His English name is taken directly from the word "gage".
Steem = Stym
Steem's Japanese name is スチム/Suchimu.
It's taken from the Japanese spelling of the English word "steam", スチーム/Suchīmu, with the long-vowel mark "ー"  removed. This means the vowel is short instead of long.
To get the short vowel across, I personally like to romanize this name as "Stym" (rhymes with "gym".)
His English name is derived from "steam" as well, following the same idea of being an altered spelling of the original word.
Carben = Senrin
Carben's Japanese name is センリン/Senrin.
It's derived from 前輪/senrin, which means "leading wheel".
His English name is derived from the word "carbon".
Embrose = Boila
Embrose's Japanese name is ボイラ/Boira.
It's derived from the Japanese spelling of the English word "boiler", ボイラー/boirā, with the long-vowel mark "ー"  removed.
Therefore, I like to romanize it as "Boila".
His English name is derived from the word "embers".
Rael = Tenda
Rael's Japanese name is テンダ/Tenda.
It's derived from the Japanese spelling of the English word "tender", テンダー/tendā, with the long-vowel mark "ー"  removed.
His English name is derived from the word "rail".
Byrne/Staven = Dego
Byrne's Japanese name is ディーゴ/Dīgo.
ディー/Dī is one way to transcribe the letter "D" in Japanese, and ゴ/go means "five". The name is a reference to the JNR Class D51, an old Japanese type of steam locomotive that is quite popular.
This also gives this name a connection to Cole's Japanese name, which I'll explain in his section. The reason for them being connected is likely since they were designed as a duo from the start.
I personally like to romanize this name as "Dego".
His US English name is derived from the word "burn". Like the Japanese name, this one also has a connection with Cole's name.
In the EU English version, he is called "Staven", which is derived from the BR Standard Class 9F 92220 Evening Star, the last steam locomotive to be built by British Railways.
While "Staven" is closer to the Japanese name in the sense of being named after a specific locomotive, "Byrne" retains the aspect of being connected to Cole's name.
In general, all the Japanese Lokomo names are taken from the actual parts of a train, with the exception of Dego (Byrne/Staven), who is named for a specific locomotive. This is likely because he was one of the earlier characters to be created, going through many design changes, and wasn't planned to be a Lokomo from the very start.
The English version is a bit more loose with their pun sources, but still sticks to the theme of train-related names. Overall, it feels like they were trying to go for names that sound similar or allude to actual real life names, though.
Byrne/Staven stands out again, this time as the only major character to have his name be different in the EU English version. I don't know the reason for this, but he also has different names in the respective American and European versions of French and Spanish.
Main Antagonists:
Cole = Kimaroki
Chancellor Cole's Japanese name is キマロキ/Kimaroki. Also of note is that he is a minister in the Japanese version, not a chancellor.
His name is taken from the キマロキ編成/Kimaroki-hensei, a Japanese train formation used for snow-plowing.
Notably, JNR Class D51 locomotives were commonly used to lead the Kimaroki formation, thus giving the names Kimaroki and Dego (Byrne/Staven) a connection. Again, this is likely since they were seemingly designed as a duo from the start.
His English name is derived from the word "coal", and I presume his title was changed to chancellor for the sake of alliteration. Like the Japanese name, this one shares a connection with Byrne.
Malladus = Mallador
Malladus' Japanese name is マラドー/Maradō.
His name is seemingly derived from the LNER Class A4 4468 Mallard, the holder of the world speed record for steam locomotives.
The name takes the Japanese spelling of "Mallard", マラード/Marādo, and moves the long-vowel mark "ー" to the end.
Thus, in Japanese, his name is simply an anagram of the word "Mallard".
To reflect that, one could adapt it into English as something like "Mallad'r", but the problem with that spelling is that it doesn't get the Japanese pronunciation of his name across.
Therefore "Mallador" is my personal compromise.
Of course, there's plenty of other possible romanizations, depending on which details one wishes to keep.
His English name is derived from "Mallard" as well.
Supporting NPCs:
Alfonzo = Cirokuni
Alfonzo's Japanese name is シロクニ/Shirokuni.
シ/Shi is a Japanese transcription of the letter "C", ロク/roku means "six", and ニ/ni means "two". The name is a reference to the JNR Class C62, another old Japanese type of steam locomotive.
Given its origin, I like to romanize it as “Cirokuni”.
His English name was likely chosen since it sounds similar to “Gonzo”, his ancestor from The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker.
Teacher = Jī ("Geezer")
Teacher's Japanese name is ジイ/Jī. This literally translates to "Old Man" or "Geezer".
From what I've seen, ジイ/Jī appears to be an at least somewhat common thing to call characters who fill the archetype role of "elderly retainer of a princess".
In any case, I like to go with "Geezer" as a translation for this name.
His English name is taken directly from the word "teacher".
Fun Fact: While it's never mentioned in the game, I know of at least one Japanese guidebook for Spirit Tracks which states that Teacher's real given name is アルバトロス/Arubatorosu. This would be romanized as "Albatross".
There have been multiple train models called “Albatross", so he was likely named for one of them.
Ferrus = Tetsuo
Ferrus' Japanese name is テツオ/Tetsuo.
Tetsuo is an actual masculine Japanese given name, chosen here for sounding similar to 鉄道/tetsudō, which means "railways".
His English name is derived from "ferrum" which is Latin and means "iron". I would assume they chose that because 鉄/tetsu by itself also just means "iron".
That’s about it for major characters first introduced in this game.
In this post I only went over the name changes of the more prominent characters, but if you are interested in learning a bit more about the names of all the characters from this game, you can read about them here.
If you wish to see the rest of my The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks translation comparisons, you can find them here.
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hawthorne-cant-draw · 4 years
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another oc 😔. their name is Senrin Black and they're a necromancer
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dalmareallamontagna · 7 years
Beautiful blue and green Senrin fireworks over Nagaoka city...
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Character! Taki because I mean c'mon I have to-
you have chosen well
Why I like them - because he’s ninjutsu gakuen’s #1 super star, duh (he is a beautiful narcissistic man and i love him)
Why I don’t - ? cannot compute?
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - every single episode he is in
Favorite season/movie - ummmm that’s hard to choose… i like season 23 a lot because shuichirou joined and he’s like my second fav 4th year, but season 24 was also good because it had an episode with all the 4th years that i really enjoyed, and season 25 so far has episodes i really really like
Favorite line - idk if i have a fav line? i don’t really memorize dialouge, but a fav scene of mine is when taki suggests to go in front of the line for running because koheita goes too fast and taki turns everyone into overly detailed ikemen 
Favorite outfit - that glittery scarecrow outfit was the most beautiful thing ever
OTP - we all know the REAL otp is taki x his senrin rinko
Brotp - taki and all the rest of the 4th years but maybe also taki and koheita?
Head Canon - taki has a lowkey rivalry with tachibana senzou for silkiest hair
Unpopular opinion - taki should have more fans in his fanclub
A wish - for him to one day be the star he wants to be (which is probably gonna be being a well-known or famous ninja, because i don’t think he’s quitting being a ninja anytime soon)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - for him to be sad/unhappy
5 words to best describe them - handsome, narcissistic, beautiful, talented, polite (at least to his seniors)
My nickname for them - taki :D
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My version of the ship dynamics.
(And also introducing a new ship I really like now.)
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(Behold, KoTsuna. The ship of Kosei Tsuburaba and Setsuna Tokage)
@personwithproblem @soft-pancakes @floof-ghostie
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Loving You Always~
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@personwithproblem @kawayls @anxiouslyangsty13 @soft-pancakes tada!!!
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Boyfriends freaking out at their teammates for being idiots 😊😊😊
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@personwithproblem @anxiouslyangsty13 @soft-pancakes
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