#seblaine wedding
smythesm · 1 year
I Was Enchanted To Meet You- Thursday, April 27, 2023
Para: I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Thursday, April 27, 2023 (Seb 28, and Blaine 26.)
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: Blaine and Sebastian get married under a sky of spring flowers.
Warnings: This RP in general includes; Mentions of death/Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title and Lyrics Taken From: Taylor Swift- Enchanted.
We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress over the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut to keep dash neat. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian Smythe was getting married and he was thrilled. That was a thought he had never imagined would happen. But, things with Blaine were just that way- mystical, surprising, shocking, romantic, and wonderful. The two of them stood in the courtyard of their Boston home with their hands clasped together. They were surrounded by a select few of their family and friends. 
The courtyard was full of every type of purple and white flower you could imagine. There was a mix of magical and natural flowers, even some sprinkled in from Friday's Flower Shop.  Blaine had spent the days leading up to the ceremony working his magic to create garlands of hyacinths that swept across the space intertwined with sparkling fairy lights, bouquets of lilies and corsages of sweet smelling lilacs for both of them to wear. 
Sabine looked impeccable in her sleek black dress as she sat in the front row, the mother of the grooms. Blaine had told her that his father was in England for business and couldn’t get back. They didn’t want her to think he was on bad terms with him but couldn’t really tell her about the whole exile thing either. She said she understood and gladly accepted the role. She had been a wonderful help, of course. She helped to make sure the chairs and catering arrived on time and even volunteered to watch the house and the pets while they were gone even though she didn’t need to with Freya around.
Hunter had held Mel, their little flower girl, and even sprinkled magical aubergine petals down the aisle. He couldn’t hide his smile as he stood next to Sebastian, Mel’s little coos and giggles mixing with the soft music that played. Tony was their officiant of course and Sam, B’s best friend, stood next to him with a happy look in his eyes that could rival an excited Enjolras ready for a treat. 
Tony spoke eloquently but Sebastian could hardly focus on the words. He knew he needed to of course, he had things he was supposed to say. He just couldn't stop staring at his soon to be husband. He looked perfect with his sleeves rolled up and his suspenders. They kept squeezing each other's hands three times, “ I love you.” Seb just wanted to slip the ring onto his lover’s finger, just wanted to dance under the dizzying but lovely scent of the flowers and drink champagne and kiss and kiss and kiss until it was time to celebrate their wedding night all alone. 
When it was time for his vows he felt more nervous than he had anticipated. He pulled the piece of paper from inside of his tux jacket and unfolded it with ever so slightly shaky hands that only Blaine would notice. 
“ I’m not the best with words unless I’m arguing a case or just….arguing in general, so I’m going to keep this short and sweet. Blaine, the day that Ras dragged me into you at the park was the best happy accident to ever happen to me. You're my favorite person and somebody I never could have imagined ending up with. I grew up thinking that I didn’t need love, that it was a losing game and that I was too smart for all of it. I hate admitting when I’m wrong, but I’m so glad that I was. I love you and everything that you are.” 
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had worked meticulously and tirelessly to make sure his and Sebastian’s wedding was beautiful and intimate, he’d spent weeks tweaking each leaf and petal- most of the flowers were natural except for the hyacinths which Blaine had gone to great measure to craft out perfectly with magic, all the while explaining to his soon to be husband all about Apollo. One of Blaine’s patron gods, and why the flower was significant in the first place. Alas, the story was a sad one-  Apollo lost his lover after all, but the point of incorporating the symbol into such an important day for the two of them was that Apollo had gotten love Hyacinth while he was alive and didn’t their story have traces of Sebastian and Blaine’s story? Men loving men, others being jealous of that, fates… It seemed only natural to have as many of the flowers as possible. He’s also made sure to tuck little surprises of red roses and myrtle here and there to honor Aphrodite. She did have a hand in their meeting after all and was protecting his love still. It made him smile every time one of their human guests made a comment about the pop of red in all of the magical purple and white.
And Blaine truly had outdone himself. The whole courtyard looked like a fairytale and smelled floral with a sprinkle of freshly cut grass. It just felt like love and spring and the birdsong was enough to make a person cry. It was as if they were singing just for them. It was gorgeous. Still, none of it compared to the man standing in front of him in a fitted dark tux, purple flower in his lapel, trembling fingers holding onto a piece of paper that featured words that threatened to sweep Blaine away all over again. He wanted to reach out and steady Sebastian’s hands and reassure him once more with three squeezes of love, but he was too taken with his words to do more than grin. 
Sebastian’s words, the man who said so little but showed so much. Gods. It was all happening, it was real- they were getting married. Sure, technically they were already married, the papers were signed so they could leave for their honeymoon in the morning with little fuss, but here in front of an audience of people they cared about both present and in memory, it was actually happening. His breath hitched as he listened, Seb telling him that he loved him and everything he was almost made him lose what little control he had over himself and a teary laugh escaped him at Seb’s little joke. 
“I hope someone recorded that so I can remind you that you said it later…” 
He swallowed to keep himself from losing it over Sebastian’s sweetest words, but he could still feel the tremble in his bottom lip and his eyes stung with tears as gold met green. Blaine felt breathless and like he might float away and was only able to steady himself by reaching out and taking Seb’s hands in his. 
“I- well, I guess it’s my turn,” He looked around the crowd at all the faces watching them- Sam, Hunter and even adorable little Mel, hair in ringlets, in her dad's arms stood next to them all with goofy grins on their faces. Tony stood in front of them looking gorgeous with her long braids piled on her head, the tip of her nose red from sniffling. She was doing such a good job. Freya and Ras sat happily with the two of them like proper wedding party members, Freya had trained the pup well. They both looked so proud, yes even Freya. Sabine sat up front with, wiping away tears as she listened, and he watched as Thomas actually took her hand in his as he looked up at Sebastian with- was that pride? He thought so. Blaine noted that David and Nick had snuck in somewhere in the back because of course they did, forbidden or not they had shown up. He gave them the smallest nod. Only two people were missing for him- one was in his heart and he could feel her there each time the spring breeze rustled a new batch of petals into the air, almost like his mom was throwing them herself. And the other person would be risking a great deal by showing up. He supposed his dad not being there was for the best even if it hurt both of them.
He cleared his throat, knowing it was pointless as his voice would be thick with tears the moment he tried to speak anyway.
“Sebastian… where do I even begin?” He squeezed Seb’s hands trying to steady himself and took another breath. “After I lost my mom I never really thought I’d find happiness. I had this… emptiness inside of me and I felt so alone all of the time even when people I cared about were around me. It felt like a piece missing that I hadn’t noticed before and nothing made me feel better about it. Nothing until you and Ras came crashing into me and turned my whole life upside down. The two of us have been through so much- more than most people could come back from, you know?” Blane wanted to say that they’d sacrificed and lost more than most but he didn't’ want anyone to question it, besides Sebastian knew what he meant, “we’ve fought so hard to keep what we have, this love- this untouchable thing, and we’ve came back stronger than ever after all of it, most people would just fall apart-”  He swallowed hard, rolling his eyes upward to clear away the tears and losing a few in the process.
“I said I wouldn't cry and here I am crying- shocking, I’m sure.” he paused and brought one of Seb's hands to his lips before kissing it gently, “What I’m trying to say is that I love you so much. In fact, I love you a little more every single day that I get to spend with you. Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done and getting to just sit next to you and wind down on the couch each night after a hard day is the most magical thing in the world to me.” He didn’t care if that last line was cheesy, he meant it.
He wanted to tiptoe up and kiss his person, but Tony was telling them it was time for rings and Blaine’s heart jumped again knowing they were one step closer to being Mr. and Mr. Smythe-Anderson. Normally there would be a ring bearer but the two of them had decided to keep the rings close to their hearts in honor of the way Seb had proposed during their short engagement. Blaine reached up to Sebastian’s necklace, the one that held his protective crystals and wedding ring and slid Seb’s ring loose with shaking but sure hands, nodding to Seb to do the same, his fingers gently guiding Sebastian’s to his own necklace.
Sebastian’s POV:
It came as no surprise that Blaine’s vows were perfectly picked and poised. Most guests wouldn’t think twice about the word ‘magical’ but to Sebastian it meant everything. In their world, one filled with enchanted fruit, gods, cryptids, and teleportation, Blaine had picked him as the most bewitching thing. He had always picked him over the power and the divination, over leading the Witches in his father’s footsteps. Sebastian had never really felt like anybody’s first pick before he met the other man. He wiped a tear off of his cheek with the back of his hand and rolled his eyes playfully, only for B to see.
He knew that later on, when it was just the two of them in their bed that they’d tease each other about how sappy everything was and that he would cheekily deny his nervous hands and watery eyes, he’d smother B with kisses to end the playful teasing and the dark would wrap them up as they tangled together. 
The rest of the ceremony was a bit of a blur. They slipped each other’s rings on with shaky and soft laughter. They kissed and held each other tight when Tony announced them as husband and husband. They walked down the aisle surrounded by soft applause and shiny eyes. Sebastian stopped to hug his mother and Blaine shook Thomas’s hand. Looking around at the small group, Sebastian couldn’t wait to get inside and celebrate with their friends and family. 
Sabine had helped them set up the downstairs of their home or the small reception. There were more of Blaine’s flowers and handmade candles with lemon balm and cinnamon for good cheer enchantments to keep the mood bright. Sam was in charge of music and manned the record player, Sabine doted over the appetizers and insisted all the guests eat more. Hunter cheered when the two of them sloppily fed each other the first slice of their chocolate wedding cake. 
They spun around the living room dancing with their friends to their favorite songs, taking turns twirling Mel around, her giggle better than the music- the champagne didn’t stop flowing (literally, it was secretly magical) and the furniture was covered in suit jackets and discarded high heels. There was candle wax on the floor and flower petals in their hair. Sebastian hated mess and disorganization but this felt perfect, felt like one of the parties Blaine had described from the old times, when witches would dance and sing and drink for the changing seasons.  
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s body buzzed with an energy that could only be defined as cosmic as their wedding evening soared on. He was tipsy on champagne, laughter and stolen kisses. He’d already referred to Sebastian as his husband more times than was really necessary  but he couldn't seem to help himself. It was made all the better by the twinkle in his husband's eye each time he turned to answer Blaine’s call which made Blaine want to keep doing it even more. He found it so hard to contain himself when Sebastian cheekily referred to Blaine as Mr. Blaine Smythe-Anderson while they were pressed close and slow dancing to a song that had lost its lyrics to the melody of Sebastian's voice whispering the words into Blaine’s ear. He swallowed hard, stupidly happy as he remixed an echo of the words to Sebastian by replacing his name with Seb’s and giggling like a kid and good gods they were the cheesiest they’d ever been before. He secretly loved it though and supposed it was warned after the chaos they’d been through.
He was about to make himself pull away so that he could surprise his man with one more thing before the party ended and he got to steal him away and into their bedroom for the night when, dancing there and looking over Seb’s shoulder he spotted a face that outside that he was sure wouldn't be able to make it. There, in their flowery courtyard, standing just out of the fairy light glow where only Blaine could see him stood Will Anderson. His dad was smiling at him, really smiling- blue eyes glittering with a happiness Blaine hadn't seen on him since before his mom died. Blaine’s breath hitched and before he could even smile back, Will was gone. He smiled to himself, opting to keep the secret for just him until later on when he could share it with Seb. Weeks later when the two of them would go through their wedding gifts Blaine would find Will’s gift among the guests as if he’d been there the whole time and perhaps he had been. Blaine hoped so.
He let himself sway with Sebastian for a few moments longer, just breathing in his husband and the revelry around him, his heart feeling light and fluttery with joy over the events of the day. He pulled back and tiptoed up to press a few soft, lingering kisses to Seb’s lips before guiding him to a chair he had placed next to the piano he’d moved into their living room. When he’d magicked it down here yesterday Sebastian had  been curious but Blaine had jus told him that someone might want to play it. Nevermind that the someone happened to be him. He cleared his throat and the music faded away slowly by his own doing. He made sure to make the change subtle so their less “in the know” guest wouldn't wonder how he’d done it.
“I, um, I have another little surprise for my husband.” 
He licked his lips as he looked around at everyone's faces. He suddenly felt so strangely nervous as he sat down at the bench. Blaine performed live all the time. He sang and played at the Snowed In, he sang and played at the river and in parks and on stages. That was the whole reason they’d even met in the first place. But looking up at everyone now, Blaine felt so overwhelmed that his nerves were starting to get the better of him and he wondered for a moment if playing, which was one of Blaine’s strongest magics,  with people like Sabine and Thomas around would give him way. He couldn’t help but hum with his natural, Witchy energy when he played, but most people didn’t notice because they were strangers or they knew what to look for. People just knew they felt better after hearing Blaine play. But, one look at Sebastian’s eager, open and smiling face told him it was okay and he let his fingers hover over the keys. He kept his eyes up and trained on Seb as he spoke, not wanting to miss a moment.
“I’ve spent a long time trying to find the perfect song because of course I was going to sing to you, you know? I mean,  it’s me. I wondered if maybe I should go over the top and happy, or slow and sappy. There were so many options I could have used to show you how I felt and then the other day while baking for the Snowed-In this little gem came on and it hit me, I thought it described exactly how I felt when I first met you, Sebastian. And I am so happy that you went against your own rules and reached out to me after that first night and didn’t let me spend forever wondering if you knew how very enchanted I was to meet you…”
Blaine grinned to himself at the silly romantics of it all and let his voice trail off as he pressed his fingers to the keys, shifting into a slow, stripped down piano version of Taylor Swift’s Enchanted. His voice rang sweet and soft yet seemed to fill the room as if that was all that there was in the world. He moved his way through the song, his eyes never leaving his husbands as the rest of the room faded until it was just the two of them.-
 (There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you
 Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"
'Cross the room your silhouette
Starts to make its way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy
 I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you…
And now I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say, "Hey"...
This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again…
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you…)
 Blaine’s voice, though trained to do the exact opposite, cracked on his last note as emotions took over and what seemed silly a moment ago left him feeling raw and exposed in his feelings now. His vision blurred with tears as the room came back into view, everyone standing with blissful, softly magicked expressions on their faces- Blaine had tried to only channel his energies to Sebastian since he knew what to expect. Blaine’s vision tunneled only to him, Seb who looked just as blissful and a little in awe, his eyes bright and green in the candle and fairy light glow. Was his husband crying too? Blaine stood on jelly legs and closed the short distance between them, eyes full of happy tears and enveloped Sebastian safe and protected in his arms.
“I know it was cheesy, I couldn't help myself though. I just love you so fucking much, Seb.” The words were whispered against Seb’s jaw as Blaine tried and failed to reach for new kisses.
“I can’t wait to spend forever showing you how much.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian quirked his head to the side, a curious smile spread across his face as Blaine pulled away and announced that he had another surprise. Their guests turned to follow  Blaine as he walked over to his instrument. He could feel everyone’s eyes switch over to watch him, to look for his reaction. All Seb could do was smile and watch his new husband speak, his fingers ghosting over the keys, itching to play. 
As Blaine spoke, he could picture their first chance meeting perfectly. Well, chance probably wasn’t the right word. It was destiny. It was the fates plan all along. Seb thought about how B told him they were connected by an invisible string that tangled and wove around their lives until they finally came crashing into one another. 
He shook his head and rolled his eyes playfully as Blaine wove the song title into his introduction. The whole thing was just so perfectly Blaine and just so reminiscent of their beginning that he couldn’t stop grinning. Sebastian could feel the pang of happy tears threatening to fall as the other man kept his golden eyes locked on his. His body felt like it might float away with Blaine's magic music flowing through him. 
When the song ended the two of them crashed into each other’s arms and held tight. 
“That was perfect, B.” 
He finally caught Blaine’s lips in a soft kiss, “I love you back. Can’t wait to hear you sing for the rest of my life.” 
 The party slowly wound down after midnight. Sabine urged them to not worry about the mess, said that she’d take care of it. Of course all Blaine needed to do was wave a hand and the whole place would look good as new but they had to agree and thank her to save face. Sebastian had a feeling that even if his mother knew for sure that B was a witch, she would still insist on cleaning. She shooed them away, towards the stairs and told them to go to bed. 
“You two have a flight in only a few hours. Don’t worry about me or the pets. Go. Go!”
They knew that they had their flight to Norway and that they should probably sleep a little but, B was magical, after all. He could whip them something up to give them energy or even add more time to their day.
 As soon as they were in the privacy of their own room, their hands were on each other. It felt like their first time, tripping over pant legs and awkwardly trying to take dress shoes off, laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. 
 Blaine’s POV:
As the song ended and Sebastian fell into his arms Blaine made sure to discreetly brush the little happy tears from Seb’s cheeks.
“Good because I have saved so many melodies just for you….” 
His  voice was a hushed and giddy whisper as he twirled them around the room while Sebastian whispered the sweetest things back to him. Blaine’s once aching and lonely world felt so full and new at that moment. Sure, the two of them had spent beautiful and terrifying years together already, but this felt different. This felt new and exciting and most of all- safe. He felt a security he hadn't felt since his mother had died. With Sebastian by his side and friends on their side he was ready to experience all that life had to offer now. He could hardly wait to start.
Guests slowly started to head home, all except Sabine who had sent her own husband on and was insisting she stay and pet sit for Ras and Freya even though they had told her they could make arrangements for them. She wouldn't hear anything else and wanted to clean their wedding mess and to sleep in their guest room. She wanted time with her grandpets. Between Sebastian and him though, they thought she might be using it as an excuse to have two weeks of alone time. She was already dressed for bed and curled up on their couch with Freya at her side and Ras at her feet. A book in her lap and a glass of wine in hand as she absently shooed  them up the stairs- almost as if they weren’t even registering to her.. It made Blaine smile how comfortable she was.
Come morning Blaine would be whisking Sebastian away to chase the mystical northern lights in Norway and there they’d remain for the next two weeks, tucked away in a snowy village almost as old as magic. Seb wasn’t much for snow, but he loved Blaine and they already had a second summer honeymoon planned out for August in which Blaine told Sebastian he’d take him someplace hot where they could be next to naked together on sandy beaches again. But for now, the snow called and besides, Blaine had already promised to keep his husband warm with more than just magic.
His hands fumbled like the first night and strange nerves made his fingers quiver over Sebastian’s freckled skin when he pressed him down into their bed. Everything felt new and just like it always had to him- it was like he was seeing the two of them in a new light, yet nothing had changed at all. He was all energy and want and filled with unfamiliar clumsy giddiness. And yet each rise of Seb’s constellation of freckles under his fingertips was as familiar as his own skin. Each kiss, giggle, gasp and moan felt like home and he couldn’t get enough.
He couldn’t wait to spend the next two weeks alone with his person doing exactly this every chance they got under flickering aurora borealis greens and pinks. Aphrodite was going to be so pleased with them by the trip's end, he was sure of it. Furthermore, he couldn’t wait to spend forever knowing he’d finally get to freely live his life just loving Sebastian. He was getting everything he’d ever wanted.
 (The boys shall return with more stories in the future.)
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calsvoid · 6 months
what do you mean i have to watch glee to write glee fanfiction
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akfanficlove · 2 years
You loved my "Seblaine met as kids"-series? Well, to end this Seblaine Week right, I end it with the first fic I wrote for it and the wedding that should have been:
20 years after they met, the day has come to make a vow and seal it with two silver rings. Or: When my "Seblaine met as kids"-AU culminates in a beautiful wedding.
Read it here!
Thank you @seblaineaffairs for this whole week, I can't wait to sit in my armchair and appreciate all the things everyone created and it's all because of you putting in the time and effort ❤️
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andersoncharm · 2 years
I Can Hear the Bells (Something’s Beginning)- Friday, December 9, 2022
Mini Para: I Can Hear the Bells (Something’s  Beginning)
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Friday, December 9, 2022- A week after- A Little Light Wedding Planning.  (Seb 28, and Blaine 26.)
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: Blaine and Sebastian talk to Sabine about their wishes for their wedding.
Warnings: This RP in general includes; Mentions of death/Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title Taken From: Hairspray- I Can Hear the Bells
We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress over the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut to keep dash neat. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine paced around the kitchen and busied himself putting things that were already where they belonged back in order A task which consisted of picking each item up, looking at it, and then promptly placing it back in its home. This was it. They were finally going to tell Sabine that they didn’t want a big wedding or an extravagant honeymoon. His stomach dropped a little at the thought and ran his finger so hard over an invisible fleck of dirt on the counter that it made a sharp squeak. Gods, get it together. Everything's fine. And of course, it was, she’d understand.
He kept throwing little glances over at Sebastian who was sitting at their breakfast bar with a sleek, thin, grey laptop opened up on the countertop. The sound of a low chime rang throughout the spacious kitchen and Blaine caught Seb’s eye, he looked adorably nervous. He’d even gotten a bit dressed up for the Skype call which made Blaine laugh because Seb’s mother had seen him at his worst. He stopped his redundant pacing and reached out to give his fiancé's hand a comforting squeeze, hoping it granted him a bit of courage with his wonderful whirlwind of a mother. As soon as he did so the ringing cut off and was filled with Sabine Smythe’s sweet lilting accent as she exclaimed her surprise and excitement over the face-to-face call.
He didn’t know why they were both so nervous- it was Sabine and it was silly that they’d be nervous about her reaction to how they wanted to do their own wedding. She loved them and just wanted them to be happy and healthy together. On the other hand… it was Sabine! The same Sabine wanted to plan and make things lavish and over the top and who had probably already called every place she could think of to make the day perfect for them and they hadn’t even given her a date. She was the mom who only wanted the best for her son and her future son-in-law, who always spent time making sure Sebastian knew he was loved and always made sure Blaine knew she loved him just as much as if he was hers and he loved her for it in return. She’d talked about little else since Sebastian had told her about the proposal and Blaine’s acceptance. She was beside herself excited. So excited that when Seb tried to call her last week to tell him, she’d cut him off and started to throw plans at them a mile a minute. Needless to say, this all was a week overdue and Blaine was feeling the anxiety.
He felt like maybe they were cheating her out of her motherly experience by wanting to have something small and intimate. How were they supposed to tell her they wanted a small spring wedding outside in the courtyard of their own house with Tony officiating and a small wedding party that included a dog and a familiar “cat”? Or that they wanted a lowkey honeymoon up in the mountains where they wouldn’t be bothered for a few days. Once upon a time, Blaine had thought that maybe he’d like a huge wedding with hundreds of guests and extravagant decorations but it was before his mom died and before he’d been exiled from the only life he’d ever known, including his own father. The thought of doing all of that now felt daunting and all he really wanted was to be Seb’s husband. To have someone call him Mr. Smythe-Anderson.
“B... Baby- Hey, you gonna say hello or stare out the window all evening?” 
He hadn’t realized it but he’d been staring out the window at Ras chasing little flurries of snow dancing in the air of the fading sun as Freya stood nearby on the stoop watching over the loveable pup all while Blaine fantasized about being Sebastian’s Mister. Sebastian’s voice was playful as he arched his brown and then furrowed them as if to ask where he went and as if to say don’t you dare leave me alone here. Blaine ducked his head sheepishly in apology and then made his way around to stand next to Seb before leaning into his lithe body all by sighing at the comfort of being close to Sebastian brought. He grinned as Sabine’s pretty face came into view. Her green eyes, so like her son’s, shone with delight as she watched them.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I was watching Ras and Freya play in the flurries and got distracted, they’re so cute. Anyway, how are you?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian knew deep down that his mother wouldn’t hold their decision against them and that she would ultimately understand. He still felt a bit nervous, like how he used to feel when he would bring home a not-so-perfect grade back in high school. He could tell Blaine was going out of his way to keep his hands busy. His mother had been nothing short of supportive and they just didn’t want to let her down in any way but they had to do what was best for them. All that really mattered was that they were going to get married, they were going to put roots down together and he would marry B in the middle of the street if he had to. They both knew that at the end of the day, she’d get it but that didn’t make it less intimidating. Sebastian and Blaine made eye contact and he pressed the call button. 
Sabine’s classic beauty came into view. Her blonde hair was pulled back into its classic chignon and Seb could see that she was sat in her clean kitchen. “Hey, Mom.” Sabine’s face brightened and she smiled her smooth, perfect smile and greeted him in French. Her eyes wandered around Sebastian and he could tell she was looking for his fiancé. 
“B... Baby- Hey, you gonna say hello or stare out the window all evening?” 
The other man made his way over and greeted Sabine in his usual charming, effortless way. Even when he had nerves, his grace still emanated from him. Sebastian loved that about Blaine and he could tell that Sabine did too.
“I’m well. To what do I owe the pleasure of getting to see my beautiful boys?”
“Well,” Sebastian looked over at Blaine who nodded in encouragement. “We have done a lot of thinking lately and-”
“Grandchildren?” Sabine cut in.
“No, Maman, we’ve talked about this.” He he spoke gently and could feel a small slump in B’s body. Sebastian placed his hand on the small of his back and rubbed slow circles to comfort them both.
“We decided that we don’t want to have a big wedding. I know how excited you’ve been to plan but, we’d just prefer something small and intimate. We wanted to tell you before you got too deep into all of this wedding stuff.” 
“Right, B?” He looked at him as if to say a little help here.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tried his best not to visibly react to Sabine’s casual, and not without an undertone of excitement, mention of children. He knew she still held out a bit of hope that the boys would “change their minds” but that she didn’t expect anything more than the two of them bringing Ras and Freya around here and there. And themselves, of course. She had taken their news and reasoning of deciding against children mostly because of the state of the world- with grace and only rarely mentioned them. Still, it hurt a little to hear now. He knew she meant no harm by it, but that didn’t stop the dull ache. Seb’s hand at the small of his back sent a surge of comfort through him and he took a deep breath, his smile falling easily back into place as he spoke.
“We know how excited you’ve been to plan something special for us, but hey, you can still help us do that. See, we plan on having it in the Spring, when the flowers and trees are at their second best, and we wanted to just, sort of have it here- where we built a forever home together, out in the courtyard, under the trees. That’s why Seb told you I was taking care of all the flowers because they’d mostly be in nature, and well, I just love putting flowers together, as you know. But I was thinking we’re gonna need a whole bunch more and I could very much use your help picking them out.” 
That wasn’t why Seb had told Sabine that Blaine would take care of flowers, he’d told her that because Blaine could grow the best flowers with his hands, but she couldn’t know that. Even though Blaine had messed up a couple of years ago and had forgotten to let a bouquet of flowers he’d given Sabine die naturally and she’d asked a bunch of questions. Thank god his guy was persuasive and good at sidetracking others. He looked at Sebastian to make sure he was doing this right getting a nudge and a little smile in return. His fiancé was probably just happy he didn’t have to say as much right now.
"Of course, you won’t just be in charge of flowers!  You’ll also be an honored guest. Mother of Groom,” He paused, not knowing if he should add the next part, but his mouth was moving before he could stop himself and it felt good saying it. “Or since were nontraditional and I don’t have that option- you could even be Mother of the Grooms if you want that. Everyone that will be there knows what I’ve lost, who you are, and what you mean to me so it’s an option… It’s entirely up to you.” He tried not to think about the fact that his father would more than likely be forbidden from attending and still wasn’t sure what he’d tell Sabine or how he was supposed to be okay with that. But, he kept speaking before she could reply, his nerves getting the best of him, leaning into Sebastian for further comfort. Gods, why couldn't they just say “I do” right now? The ring was all but searing a hole into its temporary home against his chest each day it was made to wait for its own forever home on his heart finger.
“We haven’t worked out all the little details, just that we want to be at home when we tie the knot and we want your help in making a smaller ceremony happen just as much as if it were a big ceremony.” He worried his bottom lip as he watched his soon-to-be mother-in-law’s pretty face work through emotions.
“We didn’t break your heart too much today, did we?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Blaine’s easy way and natural charm were comforting as he eloquently explained all of the details to Sabine. Sebastian was good with words and could be extremely convincing, it was his career after all. But B was just a lot more patient with words where he was efficient and with something as delicate as a wedding, B was the expert. 
There was a small crease of concentration between his mother’s eyebrows but it softened as Blaine explained everything. "As much as I love to plan extravagant things, I understand. I only want what makes you two happy.” Sabine’s voice was soft. Sebastian knew she would accept but relief still settled over him and he could feel his fiancé loosen up more as well. He had been given a wonderful mother and he had put her through some hell in the past but he was thankful for her and her never-ending acceptance.
“No no, no broken hearts today.” Her green eyes turned a little misty. “Of course, I’ll be the Mother of the Grooms.” A small tear fell down her cheek that she swatted away with a manicured fingernail.  “You two just want to ruin all of this expensive makeup, don’t you?” 
Sebastian smiled and shook his head. “Never. “ He cleared his throat to keep himself from getting too emotional while sandwiched between his two favorite people being honest and open together. It was crazy how much his life has changed since he’d met the other man. He was calmer and happier and his emotions weren’t something that he was ashamed of anymore. “As Blaine said, there are still a lot of little things that need to be figured out. Obviously, your assistance is needed. And we would love it if you helped with our tux fittings.”
He turned to look at Blaine and smiled a little relieved smile. “What am I missing? It’s go time now.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s heart gave a little flutter as he watched a tear slowly trace its way down Sabine’s pretty face and he knew it was in response to his suggestion. He had to fight the urge to keep himself from doing the same. He swallowed hard and tried his best to keep the smile on his face even though he was sure it was wobbly now at best. His laugh was easy when she quipped back to hide her emotions and he found himself shaking his head along with Sebastian. Everything still felt so surreal, in a few months, give or take a little, he’d be married and he’d have in-laws. One of which he was extremely close. He kept picturing himself getting to cook meals at the lake for the Smythe family again alongside Sabine as he’d done a couple of Summers ago. Where they had worked so well together with happy little trills of laughter while Sebastian watched them with happiness in his eyes over the steam of his coffee cup. He liked to imagine that maybe one day he could even maybe win over her accommodating yet less companionable husband the same way he’d instantly won her over. He wasn’t sure how, but he had the time now.
He was so pleased that she had taken the news of their smaller ceremony with grace, but of course, she did. It was Sabine and she was probably the most graceful person he knew now. Ideas for flowers and outfits were flitting around in his head and he couldn’t wait to sit down and write them all out. He was so happy that he’d get to say his I do’s outside, in nature. It was important to him that the trees and the wind and sunshine surround them. A little way to bring him closer to his craft and his mother. He’d find a way to sneak in a bit of flower magic into the ceremony. He’d love to have more, but normal people that weren’t allowed to know his secret would be there, and the less magic he used the better, but they couldn't stop him from having some at his wedding.
“It makes me so happy to hear you say that.” He nodded in time with what Sebastian was saying. Gods they had so much to do if they were going to do this all by Spring. He had to laugh at himself, here he was wanting a smaller wedding partially for less stress just so he could still stress over it. “Right, we have so many little things to go over, but don’t you worry about any of that right now, I’ll get back to you about the flowers as soon as I figure out what color we want and all of three of us should plan a shopping trip at the beginning of the new year for our attire” They three of them rambled on for a fair bit which resulted in Blaine pulling out his wedding pad of paper and a pen so he could take even more notes and suggestions from Sabine and Seb. And by the time they had closed the laptop Blaine’s wrist hurt. 
“I think that went well.” 
He laughed and leaned turned so that he was facing Sebastian. The evening had passed into full night now and with the glow of the laptop gone Seb’s face was hard to see, he placed his pen on his now-closed notebook, and then he waved his hand through the air- the glow of the kitchen lights eased themselves on much softer than they would have been if he hadn’t used magic and had just turned them on at the switch. The ambiance of magic light was much preferred though. 
“How would you feel about April 27? Or we could even do June? I mean, we met on June 27 four and a half years ago,” Gods, had 2018 only happened less than five years ago?, “but that’s Summer and we wanted a Spring wedding so I thought maybe we could do the same day with a different month?”
He watched his future husband for a moment, looking up at him through his lashes and he desperately wanted to be as close to him as possible. A wave of overwhelming love for his man passed through him and he reached out to take Sebastian’s face in his hands, he leaned up and kissed him, letting his lips linger before speaking softly.
“Gods Seb- I love you so much and I just want to marry you. I really don’t care what day we pick.” Looking at Seb in a glow of magic, he hated the thought of not just doing it tomorrow. But, he knew they had to pick one, that people were counting on them. That didn’t stop him from halfheartedly joking-
“Mm, how about tomorrow?” 
Sebastian’s POV:
 Sebastian loved watching Blaine scribble in his official wedding notepad. He had teased him pretty relentlessly about it, all in good fun of course. It was actually a very nice pad of quality paper, embossed with their last names in gold script. Seb assumed that it was probably anointed too as B had picked it up at Fridays, the local temple of Aphrodite. Of course, they planned on purchasing some of their flowers from them and the devotees were swooning over their engagement. He wouldn’t be surprised if the pad were a gift from the high priestess herself. Sebastian made a small remark along the lines of ‘that thing turned out to be pretty useful after all’
Sebastian pushed the laptop to the side of their granite countertop and stretched his long arms. “It went great. Now the real fun begins.” He watched Blaine’s hand as soft, warm light illuminated their faces. Sebastian nodded. The date didn’t really mean much to him, he just wanted to be married already. “I like that idea a lot.” He leaned into the other man’s hands, they were still warm from the magic B had done. Seb leaned into the gentle kiss and sighed, his hands on Blaine’s wrists. “I love you back. So fucking much.”
He knew that Blaine was joking in a bittersweet kind of way. “If only.” Sebastian stole a few more kisses. “But, I have plans for you tonight, “ He nipped at his fiancé's ear lobe. “I think we’ll be too tired to do anything but lay in bed.” Sebastian looked down at B with a mischievous smirk. He ran his hands down the other man’s chest to settle on his waistline. “What do you say, future Mr. Smythe-Anderson?” Blaine was on him before he could think of anything else to say, the scrape of the bar stools loud in his ear as he was pressed into the countertop and covered in kisses. They left their clothing in a trail to their bedroom, scattered like rose petals down a wedding aisle. 
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smilingbuckley · 5 months
2023 writing wrap up
Tagged by @jamespearce9-1-1
Aka every fic I wrote in 2023 separated in each month. And I wrote a lot so I don't know if Tumblr will allow me to post all links.
Anything I will write before the end of the year will be added - as long as I don't forget to do so lol.
Tagging @watchyourbuck and @thewolvesof1998
Fics are under the fold :)
Challenge: figure out how many titles are 5 Seconds of Summer lyrics.
I wanna cry, I wanna fall in love, but all my tears have been used up
Buddie, 7,8K, M
Done with his (what he thinks) unrequited feelings for Eddie, Buck tries to move on and starts dating again. He really, really tries. But his feelings seem to not be able to go away. And to make things worse, Eddie starts pulling away.
I'm better than him (just saying)
Buddie, 9K, E
Eddie’s point of view of the previous fic.
Just as Eddie was about to ask Buck out, planning to spend the rest of their lives together, Buck announces that he's dating again. Eddie isn't just hurt, but he also feels incredibly jealous and might try to sabotage a date or two...
Kinda hoping for forever
Buddie, 10,1K, E
Buck and Eddie finally have their first date, but it gets interrupted by someone needing medical attention. Both immediately get into EMT mode and Buck saves the man life. Watching Buck be so heroic, in a suit... Eddie has never been so turned on before. And he shows Buck exactly that when they get home.
God forbid you leave me like all of the rest did
Buddie, 33K, 10/10 chapters, T
Buck’s life changes when he loses his boyfriend on a call and Eddie’s body is never found. The only thing keeping him here is taking care of Christopher. He struggles to figure out how to live without the love of his life and what decisions would be the best for Christopher, but gets support from not just his found family, but the Diaz family as well.
Meanwhile, somewhere, Eddie is fighting to stay alive.
The universe's punishment (or perhaps a miracle)
Buddie, 2,5K, T
A record-breaking heat wave is about to take out the power in Los Angeles, causing Buck to get stuck in an elevator with a patient in labor. He's the one who has to help her bring her son onto the world.
Why does it feel so good to be bad
Buddie, 7,1K, E
While Athena and Bobby are finally able to take the cruise they planned for their honeymoon, it's Buck who gets chosen interim captain this time. And Eddie, newly dating Buck, wasn't prepared for how horny it would make him to see Buck in charge. Of course, things take a turn when Eddie disobeys an order at a call.
And I love to love you (for God's sake)
Buck & Bobby, (Buddie background), 8,9K, T
Multiple moments over time where Bobby shows Buck what it's like to have a loving parent.
I'm the chords (and you're the melody)
Seblaine, 2,9K, E
Instead of going to their anniversary dinner like they planned, Blaine has figured out a new idea on how to celebrate their wedding anniversary. It involves Sebastian’s old Dalton blazer and... well, literally nothing else.
The ghost of survivor's guilt can be so unkind
Buck & Athena, 2,7K, T
In the edge of a breakdown, Buck starts to run on a sleepless night. But then he can't stop. He kept on pushing as his body protested until he literally couldn't continue anymore. Unable to move, he watches the sunrise in an unfamiliar park.
Then Athena shows up.
The darkest night never felt so bright (with you by my side)
Buddie, 4,2K, T
After a misunderstanding outside a club, a guy tries to beat Buck up. He goes home, planning on hiding this from his team, not wanting to worry them. But with everything, he forgot about his plans with Eddie until the man shows up at his apartment and demands Buck to tell him what happened.
His eyes only
Buddie, 3K, E
Buck’s not jealous. Jealousy means that he’s afraid Eddie would do anything with these women. Buck knows he wouldn’t, not only did Eddie figure out he was gay, he also was definitely not the cheating kind. Eddie was so hopelessly in love with Buck that even Buck could see it. No. What he is, is possessive. He wants to walk over there and show those girls who Eddie belongs to.
Wake up sunshine (somebody loves you)
Buddie, 1K, G
Buck wakes up from his coma with Eddie by his side.
Worth staying for
Buddie, 40,1K, E, 6/6 chapters
Years after the truck bombing, Buck has settled into his new job as a nurse. Then he meets Eddie Diaz, a single-parent firefighter who keeps ending up in the hospital. Eddie also happens to work with Buck's old team. Buck's friends and family encourage him to go for it, but he has been burned before. Would it be worth it, the possibility of having his heart broken again? He's not sure. But the universe seems to have some different plans for them.
Aka the start of the Nurse Buck series
Don't want to know the other side of a world without you (can't live without you)
Buddie, Eddie & Chris, 4,2K, T
Eddie and Christopher basically live at Buck's place when he's in a coma. One day, Eddie finds a few boxes hidden in Buck's closet. As he goes through it, he realizes that his feelings were requited all this time. But it's too late. The doctors aren't optimistic about Buck waking up and the 118 are slowly preparing themselves to say goodbye to Buck. So, really, it's too late. Right?
The sun will rise, the moon will fall (tomorrow never dies)
Buddie, 4,2K, T
Part 2 in the Nurse Buck series
Buck gets woken up by his colleague when a firefighter has been shot. Worried, Buck hurries to the ER where he sees one of his worst nightmares.
It was Eddie. Eddie is the one who got shot.
If I'm with you, I'll never die
Buddie, 1K, G
Buck and Eddie get into a fight when Eddie risks his life on the job to save Buck. Que the classic love confession during a fight.
Lights will guide you (so run like hell)
Buddie, 1K, T
Eddie shows up at Buck’s loft a complete mess having a gay crisis. Though looking at Buck, his crisis is solved.
(This was written before Eddie’s age was confirmed so that's why he's older than canon)
My love is your love (now and forever)
Buddie, 9,7K, E
Buck and Eddie are finally getting married today, but they can't keep their hands off of each other even before they said 'I do'.
I've got you, Kid
Buck & Bobby, 1,1K, G
Buck wakes up from his coma with Bobby by his side
It's hard to watch everything I want spilling down the drain
Buddie, 5,4K, T
Buck wakes up in a perfect world. He's married, he has adorable children, his parents love him, Daniel is alive, the 118 is closer than ever. But a voice keeps calling him back, begging him to come home. But... Buck doesn't want to.
You know it's gonna get better
Buck & Bobby, 1,2K, G
Unable to sleep during a thunderstorm, Buck gets a late-night visitor who seems to have a similar problem.
I'm not leaving
Buck & Bobby, 1,7K, G
Bobby gets lightly hurt on a call, but Buck worries. Bobby doesn't understand because he's fine aside from a minor concussion, and he'll be back at work in no time. Buck confesses that he hadn't told Bobby the truth about his coma dream.
Friends with the monster
Kaz & Wylan, 1,7K, M, Graphic description of violence
A new rival kidnaps Wylan to send a message to Kaz.
Just the memory of your face
Buddie, 1,1K, T
Buck and Eddie have a movie night together. When the main character's love interest dies, Eddie has a panic attack. Buck worries that it's because of Shannon, but it's because Buck dying still haunts Eddie.
Eddie Diaz vs the cat straight out of hell
Buddie, 2,9K, T
Buck convinces Eddie to take home a cat they rescued on a call. Buck and Christopher immediately fall in love with her, but Eddie is convinced she is a demon from hell.. (Or: 5 times Eddie hates the cat Buck brought home + one time she's not really that bad.)
Bring him back to me
Buck & Bobby, 1,2K, G
While Buck is in a coma, Bobby talks to the Buckleys... it doesn't end well.
Story of another us
Buddie, 1,3K, T
Buck still firmly believes that it should've been him who got shot. So, the universe shows him what life would've been like if that had been the case
And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you
Buddie, 1,9K, G
Buck gets a flashback after hearing a gunshot, Eddie is there to comfort him. Buck finally tells him what happened after Eddie's memory fades.
Keep me in your heart, never let us part
Heartrender Husbands, 8,7K, M
The story of how Ivan fell in love, and why he, the Darkling's most loyal soldier, betrays his country to keep the man he loves safe.
What can I say except you're welcome
Buddie, 1,1K, T
Pepa sets Eddie up on a date. He doesn't want to go and is prepared to let whoever it is down, but turns out his tia knows him better than expected.
Knight without armor
Jespeanor, 3,8K, E
Eleanor wants to try something new in the bedroom. Jesper does whatever his princess wants.
You're the cure to everything
Buddie, 1,8K, T
Eddie takes care of a sick Buck
I don't want to talk about it (I'm already screaming inside)
Buck & Athena, 6,3K, G
Athena is great at hiding her emotions, so no one notices as she struggles with Buck's temporary death. But slowly it builds up, until she breaks.
'cause we belong together now
Buddie, 68,8K, M, 14/14 chapters
Buck and Eddie help with the birth of a beautiful baby girl on a call. After her mother dies, Buck falls in love with the baby as they drive to the hospital and is determined to adopt her. He and Eddie decide to adopt together. The problem? They're not together.
Desperate to give this baby girl a good home, Buck and Eddie try everything to be able to adopt her. Including a marriage of convenience and pretending like they've been together for a while now.
Pick you up if you fall to pieces
Buddie, 1,4K, T
Eddie comforts his husband after a tough shift.
This is a place where I feel at home
Buck & Bobby, 1,1K, G
After watching parents mourn the loss of their children, the 118 go to check up on their children. And Bobby... he's staring at Buck, and Buck is confused.
Fingertips on me (I can feel them still)
Buddie, 6,1K, E
A very drunk Buck and Eddie decide it would be a great idea to hook up. Then they wake up with no memory of the night before.
I'll give you the best years
Buddie, 2,4K, T
10 months after they got together, Eddie finds a hidden engagement ring.
Ain't nobody got a mom like mine
Buck & Athena, 1,6K, G
Buck wants to give Athena presents for Mother's Day, but he's nervous about it. Would that be crossing a line?
I need your love to guide me back home
Buck & Bobby, 3,6K, G
Buck gets brain damage during a call and loses his memory of everything and everyone. He can't even remember his own name. The only thing he remembers is the face of the man he firmly believes is his father. (Spoiler alert: it's not Phillip Buckley)
He ain't my blood, but he's got my name
Buck & Bobby, 2,2K, G
Buck has been acting secretive, making Bobby worried. But then he finds out why, and he couldn't be happier
Don't you worry child
Buck & Bobby, 1,6K, G
During a thunderstorm, Buck seeks comfort from his father figure.
Got nothing but love for you (fall more in love every day)
Buddie, 6K, M
5 times Buck and Eddie are almost caught + 1 time they are
Can't live without you
Buck & Bobby, Buddie, 9,5K, T
On a call, Bobby takes a bullet meant for Buck. Buck doesn't know if he'll ever be okay again. Thankfully his father figure is okay.
I'm not afraid to change your name ('cause I'm crazy about you)
Buck & Bobby, Buddie, 2,6K, T
Sequel to 'he ain't my blood but he's got my name'
5 times Buck gets called by his new last name + 1 time he has another name change
In the moonlight you look just like an angel in disguise
Buddie, 35,7K, 6/6 chapters, M
While Christopher is at camp, Buck and Eddie go on a vacation of their own to a small cabin in the woods... It goes as well as you'd expect.
Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will
Buck & Bobby, 2,8K, G
Bobby finds out that Buck’s parents never told him he loved him. So, Bobby starts saying those words to Buck.
I feel it crash down (down on me)
Buck & Bobby, 2,4K, G
During therapy, Buck learns something new about his childhood. He struggles to process it. Luckily Bobby is there for him.
Let me fix it for you
Buddie, 10,3K, M
5 times Eddie fixes or builds something for Buck + 1 time Buck thanks him for it (... sort of)
And when I open my eyes, I hope to see your face
Buddie, 1K, T
Eddie wakes up next to Buck the morning after they get together and has some sappy thoughts.
Oh love (please have mercy on me)
Buddie, Buck & Bobby, 1,7K, G
Buck gets horrible news. Eddie finds him crying in bed.
I will be your gravity, I will stay and never leave
Buddie, 3,3K, G
What if Eddie had pressured Chimney into admitting why he was acting weird around Buck?
The other fics this months are all for Whumptober. Here is a link to the Whumptober series so I don't have to tag all the fics.
You're our missing puzzle piece
Buddie, Buck & Chris & Eddie, 4,8K, G
Whumptober day 1: swooning The night before a planned camping trip, Christopher gets sick. So, instead of camping in nature, Buck helps Eddie take care of Christopher.
Taking care of you is all I've ever wanted
Buck & Athena, Buck & Bobby, 5,1K, G
Whumptober Day 2: Thermometer While the 118 has temporarily parted due to family things, it's just Buck and Bobby at the station for the week. Buck can't afford to be sick right now... Except he gets the flu. But rest assured, Bobby and Athena take good care of their son figure.
Always thought I was hard to love ('till you made it seem so easy)
Buck & Chimney, 3K, T
Whumptober day 4: "You in there?" For Maddie's birthday, the Buckley parents are taking them out for dinner. It ends with disaster and Chimney standing up for Buck before comforting his brother (in law).
When the world ender comes, baby run for your life
Several 9-1-1 relationships, 17,5K, M
Whumptober day 5: Debris Another tsunami hits Los Angeles, this time the entire team is caught in it and gets separated, desperate to find their way back to each other. Buck had warned them something felt off... they should have listened.
Don't mind me (I'm just feeling kinda broken)
Buck & Chimney, 2,5K, T
Whumptober day 6: "It should have been me." To the outside, Chimney seems fine. He is there for his friends and family when Buck temporarily dies and falls into a coma. He comforts them, is a shoulder to cry on. But then Buck wakes up and things go back to normal. Except... Chimney hasn't moved on. He can still feel Buck's lifeless body underneath his hands. And at some point, Chimney breaks.
Fox on the run
Buddie, 17,5K, 4/4 chapters
Whumptober day 3, alternate prompt: lab rat When Eddie and Chris go to visit Buck for their usual dinner and a movie night, they find the place in shambles. Someone has kidnapped Buck. Months go by without any break in the case, but then suddenly a fox shows up in the Diaz backyard, and Christopher is certain that it is Buck. But Eddie doesn't think that's possible, because this isn't some sci-fi or fantasy movie. Right?
Falling and falling until I fell (for you)
Buddie, 4,3K, T
Whumptober day 7: radio silence / "Can you hear me?" Buck is having a fun day with Maddie and Jee-Yun when he gets the call from Eddie. Eddie is hurt and doesn't think he'll survive, so he spends his last moments confessing his love to Buck.
Earthquakes won't wait for another day
Buck & Bobby, Buddie, 3,4K, T
Whumptober day 8: overcrowded ER Buck and Bobby are preparing a family dinner at Buck's loft to announce and celebrate Buck and Eddie's engagement. However, an earthquake has different plans.
If I walk out the door, would you care enough to follow?
Buddie, 3,5K, T
Whumptober day 10: "You said you'd never leave." Buck confesses his love for Eddie. Their friendship ends. Heartbroken, Buck seeks advice from his parent figures.
(Soon to have a sequel)
These crutches were made for walkin'
Buddie, 2,7K, T
Whumptober day 11: animal trap On a beautiful morning, one of the last before the fall and winter come, Buck takes a grumpy Eddie hiking on a track in the forest. Things don't go according to plan.
My father's son
Buck & Bobby, Buddie, 27,3K, 4/4 chapters, T
Whumptober day 9: mistaken identity / 2023 prompt: kidnapped After a DNA test, that he took as a joke, Buck's entire life is pulled upside down. Traveling to Los Angeles with the thought of helping a man find his missing son, whose results Buck accidentally got, it turns out that there was no mix-up at all. Buck is that missing son, kidnapped just after birth. For twenty-six years, Buck has been living a lie. He tries to get used to his new life, his new family. He starts a new job. But there's another problem... he's falling for one of the firefighters under his father's command. And the people who raised him, the Buckleys, refuse to confess the full truth.
I just want to feel alive (tears hitting the ground)
Buddie, 4,6K, E
Whumptober day 12: "I'm up, I'm up." / 2023 prompt: nightmares Buck still struggles with having died. After yet another nightmare, he seeks out his best friend's comfort, who makes him feel alive again.
I love the heat, I love the noise (I love my name inside your voice)
Buddie, 8,3K, E
Whumptober day 13: cold compress Buck asks Eddie if he can use his driveway to wash his car. Eddie is not prepared for a shirtless Buck to look this hot while doing something so simple as washing a car. A water fight turns into something more... but after all the feelings have been confessed and sexual tension has been taken care of, Buck seems to forget something important: sunscreen.
It's not like we planned this (getting out of hand)
Buddie, 3,5K, E
Whumptober day 14: water inhalation, "Just hold on" / 2023 prompts challenge: sex injuries
Buck has an... unfortunate accident in the shower. The only person he trusts enough to call is Eddie
To wake up by your side is all I wanna do
Buddie, 14,3K, M
Whumptober day 15: "I'm fine" After a fire destroys his loft, Buck moves in with the Diazes indefinitely. Except neither he, Christopher, nor Eddie wants him to move out. Buck gets used to being fully included in the Diaz family and the changes it brings to be with them full-time. It's a dream come true, especially when things between him and Eddie start developing in a certain way.
I made a promise that I'll come home (soon)
Buddie, 4,3K, T
3rd in the Nurse Buck series
Whumptober day 16: gurney / 2023 prompts: adoption What is supposed to be a normal shift at the hospital ends in a nightmare. Buck has to try his best to keep one of the babies safe from the hands of the shooter.
I'll see you again my loved one
Buck & Bobby, 1,5K, T, Major character death
Sequel to 'oh love (please have mercy on me)'
Whumptober day 17: "Leave me alone." Bobby dies and Buck struggles to continue living.
I seek the stars above worlds to be the guides
Buddie, 3,8K, T, graphic description of violence
Whumptober day 18: Tortured for information Retired Navy SEAL Buck gets the message that his husband has been taken captive. His old SEAL team ask him to go on one last mission.
Under the neon lights, I think we might get married in Vegas
Buddie, 5,5K, M
Whumptober day 19: floral bouquet
Buck wakes up married to Eddie in Las Vegas. Neither of them remember how they got here.
'Cause I know where tonight is going
Buddie, 4,6K, M
Whumptober day 20: Blanket, found family The 118 prepares to join a mud run for charity but ends up in a bet about who will be the fastest. Buck and Eddie train together, but things go differently than planned.
I can still taste the ocean like it was today
Buddie, Buck & Chris, 1K, G
Whumptober day 21: restraints Buck wakes up in the hospital with no idea how he got there. The only thing he remembers is the water taking Christopher away from him. And he needs to find him.
I wish I said I love you just one more time
Buddie, Buck & Chris, 4,3K, T
Whumptober day 22: glass shard, vehicular accident On their way home, Buck and Christopher get into a nasty car accident. The 118 responds to the scene and is horrified to find out that it includes two of their own. Recovery after is tough, especially because Christopher doesn't seem to remember who Buck is...
Watch me
Chenford, 3,1K, G
Whumptober day 23: stalking Lucy has the feeling of being watched. After having hidden it from Tim, thinking it's just paranoia after her latest UC mission, he convinces her to check her apartment for bugs. Then it turns out that she should have listened to her instincts from the start.
Love like yours will surely come my way
Buddie, 1,4K, G
Whumptober day 25: storm Buck wakes up during a storm and goes to his best friend for comfort.
Your touch is made of something heaven can't hold a candle to
Whumptober day 26: working to exhaustion / "You look awful." Eddie takes care of Buck after an exhausting shift.
Since I met you, I just can't forget you
Buddie, 10,6K, M
Whumptober day 27: "Let me see." When Eddie adopts a cat he rescued on a call, he doesn't expect to develop a major crush on the cute veterinarian.
You were mine for a night (I don't know how to say goodbye)
Buddie, 11,3K, E
Whumptober day 28: alt prompts: panic, miscommunication After a strange Valentine’s Day shift, Buck and Eddie start being friends with benefits without really talking about it. Eddie wants to be more, but is too afraid of losing Buck.
Do you ever long for true love from me
Buddie, 5,3K, M
Whumptober day 30: borrowing clothes 5 times Eddie gives Buck clothes to borrow + 1 time he takes them off.
I love you a latte
Buddie, 9,3K, M
Whumptober day 31: setbacks / "take it easy." New to Los Angeles, Eddie meets a cute barista at a coffee shop recommended to him by Chimney. Even though he embarrasses himself by being flustered by Buck, he keeps coming back and starts a friendship with him.
Will the curse be reversed if I say it backwards?
Buck & Bobby, Buck & Athena, on going, T
Whumptober day 29: "What happened to me?", troubled past resurfacing After offending a witch, Buck gets turned into a baby. Athena and Bobby are stuck with raising him until the witch is found and they figure out a way to undo the spell. The biggest problem? Magic isn't supposed to exist. How do they explain where Buck went?
Oh, I'm falling for the first time (heart is gonna flatline)
Buddie, 28K, M, 3/3 chapters
Whumptober Day 24: neglect When Buck's Jeep dies, his best friend Sophia offers a ride to school. That's not strange, because the Diaz house is more his home than his parents' house is. However, this also means that Eddie Diaz, whom he's had a crush on for years, is his ride home. They slowly get a little closer, and when Buck gets kicked out of his house, it's Eddie whom he calls. Now he gets to stay permanently with the Diazes and his relationship with Eddie changes. (Aka a Buddie high school AU)
Heartbreak that I can't escape
Buddie, 4K, G
Eddie can no longer hide that he's not okay after Buck died. Buck makes a decision that surprises him.
When your world is on fire
Buck & Chris, Buddie, 8K, T
The 118 responds to what should be a normal house fire only to find out that one of their own is stuck inside and believed to be dead.
Caught up in your curls
Buddie, 6,1K, E
After having been in El Paso for awhile, taking care of his Abuela, Eddie can finally go home to Los Angeles. He fully expected his son to have changed over the past few weeks because he's a teenager, they change every day. What he didn't prepare for was Buck, who suddenly has grown out his curls. Curls Eddie has a weakness for. It causes for some... interesting situations, until Eddie reaches his breaking point.
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hddnone · 5 months
Draft is finished of a Seblaine fic that had the following inspirations:
Someone else recognizing that Blaine is the only one able to talk Sebastian out of something dumb
Wanting to flip the script of my fic where Sebastian interrupts Blaine's wedding
The line "He's not capable of loving anyone."
It is sappy and dramatic and I had to rewrite every conversation three different ways and it might be terrible but it did make me happy.
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gleekingdom · 4 months
The reason why I like seblaine so muuchhh, and I hate the whole slushie thing that happened between seblaine that slightly ruined there thing going on in canon. These also might be headcanons too.
~ There eyes are like drawn to each other they kept giving each other guegue eyes and I loved it XD
~ Blaine tried to play hard to get but he seemed to kinda like Sebastians flirting with him. ( But he tried to deny cause he was with Kurt at the time)
~ Them dancing together
~ Blaine would make Sebastian a better guy, and Sebastian would help Blaine not stress as much and have fun.
~ Sebastian actually felt bad about the slushie incident. And he started to try to be better and part of that I believe had to do with that he wanted Blaine back in his life again. Also they did end up being atleast friends again seeing as Blaine happily invited Sebastian to his wedding with Kurt.
~ I feel we deserved to see a longer redemption ark on screen for Sebastian. And one of the people that Sebastian was nicest to was Blaine. ( I understand grant Gustin had just started the flash so he couldn't but I feel like Sebastians character deserved more okay XD)
~ Blaine would get a bit bashful around Sebastian and slightly stuttered or sometimes would be kinda speechless.( I am not making this up you can look it up the scenes of them together XD)
~ They were attracted to each other and I feel like if things had gone differently there could of been genuine romantic feelings there. Plus I just feel like they generally did care about eachother.
~ them flirting off eachother would be amazing (( XD ))
~ Sebastian was so into Blaine, and Blaine needs the attention. Plus Blaine would give Sebastian much attention if they were together.
~ Coffee shops were both there thing (( you'd usually see scenes with them there)) so coffee shop aus fit them perfectly!
~ the way fanfic writers write seblaine in fanfiction to me really makes me really like the character and creates a whole other depth to him that I really like.
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jammie3132 · 6 months
REPOST FROM 11/6/2023
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe Chapter Title: Real Life isn't a Fairy Tale Chapter Summary: Sebastian can't decide if he and Blaine are soul mates like his Nana claims, or two people destined to be each other's "would've, could've, should've" been. Warning: Death of non-canon character
10 Days of Seblaine 2023 Day 1: Soulmates
One Year Later
Sebastian looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. Does he have enough time to shave? Should he have gotten a haircut? Does he like the frames on his new glasses? It’s been a month and he still wasn’t sure.
He opened his dresser drawer to get his watch and saw the letter Blaine gave Steph. He hadn’t read it since that day but remembered every word.
Blaine Devon Anderson, the 2nd strongest person he’d ever met (of course, Nana was first) had a breakdown. It was so bad he left NYADA prior to the end of semester for a wellness center in California. He wanted to be the one to tell him to make it clear it had nothing to do with Sir Knight abruptly cutting off communication. Also, how his aunt delaying his Showcase put him in academic no-man’s land, but he didn’t blame June. He would’ve done the same thing if a member of his family fell down a flight of stairs and broke their hip.
The breakdown happened because several issues he’d refused to deal with came to a head at the same time, which happened to coincide with the anniversary of the lockdown.
The bright spot was he broke up with Hummel. Annabelle showed him video Santana took of the ridiculous proposal. A quicky wedding in Vegas? Blaine deserved more than that, proving he’d been right since high school. The should have never been former Warbler was always too good for old Gayface.
“I’m supposed to be the overthinker in this relationship.”
He turned around and smiled for the first time he could remember. Blaine was sitting against the headboard of his bed, wearing only a strategically placed towel and eating a cronut.
“Get out of my head Anderson.”
“Never going to happen Smythe. You want half of my cronut?”
“I’m good. I don’t have much of an appetite.”
“Your loss.” Blaine took a bite, followed by a porn worthy moan. “You were right. This cronut is much better than the ones in NYC.”
“NYC focuses on the donut. Paris focuses on the croissant.” As Blaine took another bite, Sebastian felt his earlier happiness begin to wain.
“I’m really glad you’re here.”
“I was backpacking through Europe, not Mars. Getting to Paris wasn’t hard.”
Blaine spent 6 months at the wellness center. When his parents picked him up, he told them he didn’t want to go home…NYC or Ohio. He was taking some of the money Cooper’s mom left him and backpack through Europe. Charles and Pam weren’t high on the idea because it was October. He said he was going anyway but promised if weather became an issue, he’d go to Château sur la colline.
Yes, even if Sebastian is filming in another country. It will give his Nana a chance to show me all his embarrassing baby pictures.
The Andersons accepted the compromise, but Blaine never traveled to Paris…until this morning. When Sebastian woke up, the traveler was sitting cross-legged on the end of his bed, looking like he didn’t have a care in the world…and hadn’t seen a bar of soap in weeks. He was promptly escorted to the shower. “Whatever, I’m just happy you’re here now.”
“So, since I’m here and you don’t have to leave for another hour, want to talk about your parents?”
“Too bad, I do.”
Sebastian walked over to the chair by his picture window. Joining Blaine on the bed wasn’t a good idea. But neither was having this particular conversation. “What’s there to talk about?”
“They tried to see you a week ago and you had them arrested…and extradited back to Ohio. Nothing about that you want to talk about?”
“They should’ve gone to jail for causing Nana’s fall.”
“And they will, after the US Justice Department gets through all the shit your dad pulled as State’s Attorney and your mother did on his behalf.”
“I don’t care.”
“You’re the one who went back to Ohio when they were on vacation, got into the house and found the evidence your father was falsifying against Dalton and some of the Warblers for their steroid trials. You’re the one who turned over the evidence, starting the Federal investigation…and you don’t care?”
“No, because I got to go to McKinley and see for myself that you were safe after the lockdown. Then I got my perfect, but totally cliché, first kiss with you in the pouring rain.”
Blaine flashed him a teenage Sebastian worthy smirk. “You got a lot more than a first kiss.”
“I’m seeing your dad later! I thought we agreed to never discuss that night again!”
“Oh no, you aren’t getting off that easy. I had to watch my dad’s face as all the clues went into place like a jigsaw puzzle. He didn’t hear him say he couldn’t decide whether to give us a birds and bees lecture or high five because I was gone for HOOUURRS! Or how my going back to Kurt made less sense because…HOOUURRS!”
“Please, please, can we talk about anything else?”
“We can go back to talking about your parents.”
“One last question?”
“Fine but choose wisely. I’m done with Xavier and Marie Smythe…especially today.”
“Were they the reason you pushed me away? Why you kept telling me to go back to the life you chose? To go back to Kurt?”
“Yes, I knew they would find a way to weaponize my feelings for you. That was the reason I cut off, or at least tried to cut you off, after Nana’s fall. If they found out I was communicating with someone I called Prince Charming…I couldn’t take the chance. It would’ve been worse if they found out he was actually you.”
“Ok, I get it but what about after our night together?”
“With the way things ended with Hummel, you’d never be able to let go. You’d always wonder what you could’ve done to fix the relationship. If you were ever to move on, hopefully with me, it had to be your decision to leave.”
“You were playing a dangerous game.”
“I had complete faith that Hummel would fuck it up, and he did. Has Santana had to call the cops on him yet?”
“Why haven’t you asked Annabelle? She moved into my house when she and Santana made their relationship official.”
“I haven’t seen Annabelle in a couple of months. Since we were filming in Greece, Benny decided to check on me personally.”
“Check on you or check out the beaches?”
“Sounds like your manager. And no, Santana hasn’t called the cops, as far as I know. My parents considered a restraining order when my ex didn’t get the message I wanted nothing to do with him…and had left the state. But evidently, Santana, Sam and Marley are developing a mission to troll Kurt hard when the pictures of you shaking hands with Kate Middleton at your British premiere are published. My parents put the order on hold so they didn’t screw up their plans.”
*groooaaan* “Don’t remind me!”
“Of your movie’s British premier? Aren’t all James Bond movies first premiered in London?”
“I shot my sex scene with Hailee right before filming went on hiatus…”
“How was it?” Blaine asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.
Sebastian responded with a middle finger. “She’s a girl so some of my best acting was required. The point is, because the film will be PG-13, they can briefly show my ass.”
“How briefly?”
“30 seconds”
This time it was a double middle finger response. “No, not awesome.”
“Why not? Didn’t they tell you beforehand they were showing your ass?”
“I was aware, but 30 seconds is longer than you think, and I forgot something very important.”
“IMAX. My ass is going to be out for the world to see on 100 foot scenes. The premiere in London will be on an IMAX screen. My giant ass is going to moon the Prince and Princess of Wales! This isn’t funny!”
“First of all, I’m pretty sure IMAX screens aren’t that big. Secondly, you’re right, this isn’t funny. It’s amazing. When I get back to NYC, I’m doing a complete remodel of the basement. Gut everything and expand the theater. I’m getting the biggest home screen possible!”
Before Sebastian could reply, the alarm he’d set on his phone went off. Talking with Blaine, despite the topics, had been a welcome distraction. “I really don’t want to do this.”
“Your Nana is being awarded the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour. It’s the most prestigious award France awards civilians, but it’s usually world leaders. As much as she loves June and Steph…”
“She would be crushed if I didn’t go.”
“Bingo! Now go put on your jacket and fix your tie. With all the practice you got at Dalton, I can’t believe you did such a shitty job.”
Sebastian went back to his dresser to check in the mirror “There’s nothing wrong with my tie.”
“Seb? Who are you talking to?”
He spun around so fast he almost fell. Steph was standing in the doorway and there was no sign of Blaine. It took Sebastian a moment to realize he hadn’t been there to begin with. “No one, I was practicing what I’m going to say.”
“Liar, you were talking to Blaine.”
His cousin knew him too well. “Has anyone heard from him?”
“Not that I’ve heard. Charles, Pam, Sam, Santana, Trent, and Annabelle have all tried to contact him. I even tried. He’s completely off grid.”
“I just thought…”
“That if Blaine was your soulmate, like your Nana constantly told you, he would’ve just known you needed him and found a way to be here today?”
Sebastian ran his fingers through his hair and once again regretted not getting a haircut. “I must sound like an idiot who's watched too many Rom-coms. Someone who believed that Sir Knight and Prince Charming would find a way to be together and not be stuck in this right person/wrong time paradox for eternity. I guess what they say is true…real life isn’t a fairy tale. But damn it, I own a fucking castle!”
Someone clearing her throat put an end to their conversation.
“Boys, the car is here” June told them before giving them each a hug. Then she reached out and patted Sebastian’s cheek. He was well aware she wasn’t a fan of his facial hair. “Your Nana loved you more than anyone, except possibly my brother, her soulmate. You finding that kind of love was her greatest wish.”
“Can we not do this today?” Sebastian (kind of) whined while shaking his head. “I can’t believe I agreed to this dog and pony show.”
June Dolloway was not biologically related to his grandmother. However, after 50 years of being more like sisters than friends, they looked remarkedly similar when pissed off. “Juliette Dumas-Alexander was a treasure. She helped more people in France during her lifetime than the government has in 100 years. She deserves to be celebrated. Sebastian, as much as you want to deny it, you are now the head of the Dumas family. Certain things are expected of you. Do not downplay the importance of this memorial by acting like the petulant brat you once were! Do you understand?”
He never denied what his grandmother’s death meant for him. He just wasn’t ready to accept it. “Yes Ma’am. Let’s get this over with. I mean, we should be going. There are people waiting for our arrival.”
The ceremony was a colossal cluster fuck before Sebastian walked in the doors. In the past year he’d done two campaigns for Dior, been on the cover of Men’s Vogue and was finally introduced to the public as Andrew, son of James Bond. He lost track of how many interviews he did for that. Much to the studio’s relief, with the exception of the expected haters and homophobes, the reactions to his being gay and Andrew having both a female love interest and an ex-boyfriend were positive. However, like with his ass on IMAX, there was a side effect of his newfound fame he’d dismissed regardless of Annabelle’s constant warnings.
Fangirls…and boys
There were hundreds of them standing outside the cathedral, waiting in the rain for just a glimpse of him. It was insane! Fortunately, with all the dignitaries attending, security was ridiculously tight. There was some scattered squealing but most of his fans were respectful. He’d send out a tweet thanking them later.
It got worse as soon as the damn thing began. When the President of France came to him with the idea for a memorial, he kept saying celebration of all the good Juliette had done for people of France. What it became was an endless rotation of politicians, minor European royalty and heads of charities giving eulogies on what Juliette Dumas-Alexander meant to them.
The world was shocked to find out Juliette left the entire Dumas Estate/Foundation (with provisions for June and Stephan) to My Darling Boy, Sebastian Alexander Smythe. However, extended family was far more pissed than shocked. They (somehow) convinced his parents to come back to France and contest the will on the basis his mother was Nana's only child, ignoring the fact there were arrest warrants for them in both France and the US...BIG MISTAKE. But it didn't matter. Nana left behind a video explaining her reasoning. According to the lawyers, it made the will iron uncontestable. An emergency hearing prior to his parents' extradition back to the US confirmed their assessment.
And now these assholes chose Nana’ memorial service to practically beg him for money. Again…BIG MISTAKE.
After more than 2 hours, it was his turn to speak, representing the family. Since he was last, when he finished the President was to present him with his grandmother’s (posthumous) Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour. That was to be followed by a celebration of life video montage. So much had happened, he'd forgotten sometime during the service Annabelle (when did she get there?) sent him a message stating she fixed the problem with the music for the montage so not to worry. There'd been a problem with the music? They had a fucking 50 person choir (the only good part of the day) who sang Nana's favorite hymns between speakers.
Couldn’t anything go right?
By the time he was at the pulpit, he was so upset he wasn’t going to stop himself from doing something unworthy of the new head of the Dumas family. He locked eyes with his Aunt June, and mouthed I’m sorry. Then he found the people paying respects on behalf of both Dior and the movie. He gave them a look hinting he was about to do something they weren’t going to like. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
“My name is Sebastian Alexander Smythe. Juliette Dumas-Alexander was my Nana. I loved her more than anything and am honored she chose me to continue her legacy. While many of you might believe you know me through my work with Dior and interviews for my upcoming movie, I promise you don’t. For example, my bullshit detector is legendary. Because of this, it was obvious from the beginning every person who gave a so-called eulogy today was attempting to hit me up for money. That was not only disgraceful and insulting to both me and my grandmother, it was stupid. As of today, I am ending your funding. None of you are getting another dime.”
He didn’t say another word, going back to his seat next to Stephen, ignoring the President of France standing next to the podium with his grandmother’s medal. The hundreds of people present went silent, none of them knowing what to do next. Sebastian didn’t care. He was so mad he closed his eyes in an attempt to prevent tears. It didn’t work, and once they started every emotion he’d held inside for the past 2 weeks came flooding out.
And then a piano began to play.
I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill I threw the day old tea from the cup Packed up the photo album Aunt June had made Memories of a life that's been loved
Sebastian’s eyes flew open but they were still so full of tears it was hard to be sure of what he was seeing. There was no video, no choir. Just Blaine and a piano mesmerizing hundreds of people. But of course, it couldn’t be. It was his mind playing tricks on him again.
Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals Poured the old ginger beer down the sink You always told me, "Don't you cry when you're down" But Nan, there's a tear every time that I blink
Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up, but I know A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved
This version of Blaine was different from his vision earlier. His hair was still longer than before, but the facial hair was neatly trimmed and he was wearing glasses. To top things off, he was wearing a bow tie with his nicely tailored suit. In other words, this Blaine’s appearance mimicked his own with the exception of their ties. Another reason to disbelieve what was in front of him.
So I'll sing Hallelujah You were an angel in the shape of my Nan When I fell down you'd be there holding me up Spread your wings as you go And when God takes you back I'll say Hallelujah, you're home
Fluffed the pillows, made the beds, stacked the chairs up Folded your nightgowns neatly in a case Steph says he'd drive then put his hand on my cheek And wiped a tear from the side of my face
I hope that I see the world as you did 'cause I know A life with love is a life that's been lived
So I'll sing Hallelujah You were an angel in the shape of my Nan When I fell down you'd be there holding me up Spread your wings as you go And when God takes you back I'll say Hallelujah, you're home
“I knew he would come. Aunt Juli was right. He is your soul mate.”
Sebastian turned to Step, shaking his head. Hell, his whole body was shaking. “You can see him?”
“Yes, Seb. Blaine is here.”
Hallelujah You were an angel in the shape of my Nan You got to see the person I have become Spread your wings and I know That when God took you back he said Hallelujah, you're home
He barely gave Blaine the time to stand up from the piano bench before Sebastian had his face in his hands and was kissing him like his life depended on it.
When he needed air he didn’t let go but put their foreheads together. “You’re here.”
“I’m here.”
“You wrote a song for me.”
“Yes, I have but not this one. Ed Sheeran wrote this song, but I was given permission to change some of the lyrics to honor your Nana. Don’t want any copyright issues if this happened to hit the internet.”
“Oh shit! My speech…”
“If it gets out, I’m sure people will see it the same way I did. You were passionately defending your Nana’s memory. Those people should be embarrassed and held accountable for their actions. Well, I guess you covered that part.”
Sebastian repeated his kiss complete with saying “You’re here.”
“I thought we’d established that.”
“We did but I’ve been seeing you ever since Nana died. You’ve been so real. Who finally got ahold of you?”
“No one. I was in the Alps, recreating the whole Sound of Music experience, and had horrible cell service. A couple of days ago I had an overwhelming feeling something was wrong. When I finally saw all the messages on my phone, for some reason I called Annabelle of all people. She told me what happened with your Nana and what was going on with the music for the video. I told her I knew a song that would work and she took care of getting permission.”
“If that was only a couple of days ago, how did you get here so quickly?”
Blaine smiled and pointed to a waving Annabelle and Santana. “Our Satans got me to a church. Go figure.”
Sebastian kissed him again but this time it was only a peck. “They might have physically brought you here, but this was all my Nana. She insisted we belonged together, that we are soulmates. I told her I didn’t believe in such things, but she had to be right. Why am I not surprised she’s still meddling in my life even though she’s gone?”
While Sebastian and Blaine were getting reacquainted at the front of the cathedral, they failed to notice people leaving. However, there was a small group of people watching what was going on with a great amount of interest.
“Do we know who he is?”
“Who cares? He held the attention of this entire place with just his voice and a piano.”
“But can he act?”
“Sebastian had never acted when we hired him. Think of the publicity we’d get if we cast his actual boyfriend in the movie as his ex-boyfriend.”
“We don't know for sure if they're boyfriends. Sebastian's never mentioned one."
"No matter what, we have to do something. We’ve filmed as much as we can without recasting Taylor. I don’t want to sound crass, but Sebastian needing this break couldn’t have come at a better time.”
“You better not say that in front of him.”
“After that speech our star gave, I doubt anyone will be crossing Sebastian Smythe anytime soon. I’m going to talk to Annabelle. Maybe we can get some information on our mystery man.”
Sorry about the repost. I didn't realize until a couple days later I had posted a draft...oops.
There is one more chapter…the movie. It wasn't going to be a whole chapter which is why this one is shorter than the previous ones. It will post on 10 Days of Seblaine Week 2023 Day 9: Celebrity/Famous.
Did you guess Blaine wasn't there in the beginning? The biggest clue was... Get out of my head Anderson/Never going to happen Smythe.
Supermarket Flowers: Sheeran, Ed; Levin, Benjamin; McDaid, Johnny 2017
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seblaineworld · 6 months
Of Weddings and Croissants (21795 words) by ArwenP
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Glee
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe, Cooper Anderson, Sebastian Smythe's Father, Sebastian Smythe's Mother, Sebastian Smythe's Family, Blaine Anderson's Father, Blaine Anderson's Family
Additional Tags: hehehehe guess what besties, they have never been biggest idiots, and did i mention oblivious?, Weddings, Paris - Freeform, everything is more romantic in paris, Idiots in Love, Fake/Pretend Relationship, OR IS IT, seblaine week, Seblaine Week 2023, day 4: free day
Series: Part 4 of Seblaine Week 2023
There are very few things Blaine Anderson would not do for Sebastian Smythe. Perhaps there is nothing he wouldn't do.
That comes to bite him in the ass when Sebastian asks him to go with him to Paris, of all places, as his fake boyfriend.
The catch here, however, is that they have been friends with benefits for three years.
So, long story short: Blaine is screwed.
Written for 10 Days Of Seblaine 2023 Day 6: Free Day
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seblaineaddict · 1 year
Tumblr media
Seblainintine's Weekend 2023
Love And Romance - Day 3
27 year old Sebastian and 26 year old Blaine on their Wedding Day in 2021 - exactly 10 years after they first met. Happy, so in love, secure - and both finally feeling like their missing puzzle piece has slotted into place.
I'm not gonna say where this Graphic was created for, as it would pretty much spoil the fun of getting to that stage, but I had a lot of fun planning it. This is definitely one of my favourite Seblaine Graphics that I have ever created.
Hope everyone's enjoyed Seblainintine's Weekend 2023. Next up - Seblaine Week 2023, of course. We'll be posting more details including a range of dates for you all to choose from around Easter over on @seblaineworld, so get your thinking caps on now as to what themes you'd most like to see this year.
Love you all. Our tiny (but always fierce) Fandom continues to grow even as we enter our twelfth year, and it's wonderful to be part of such an inclusive, insanely talented and friendly group of like-minded individuals. 💜
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measuringbliss · 2 years
Glee Rewatch Masterpost
Hi, this post serves as introduction and as masterpost to my ongoing Glee Rewatch. I watched the show once before (during the first half of 2022) and I already missed it a month later, hence the idea to not only rewatch it, but give my thoughts on each episodes in individual posts. My thoughts range from simple opinions (you'll see a lot of me gushing on outfits) to full-on analysis (why is there a French cabaret poster on the wall?) but it's all very not serious. I don't delve much (at all? for now?) into the real-life stuff since I'm still new to the fandom and everyone probably already knows everything about everything.
Written on October 1st, 2022.
Season 1
Just finished writing for the first episode!
Finn is cute in Glee 1x08 after being slushied
Glee: Grilled Cheesus
Pilot | Showmance | Acafellas | Preggers | The Rhodes Not Taken
Vitamin D | Throwdown | Mash-Up | Wheels | Ballad | Hairography
Mattress | Sectionals | Hell-O | The Power of Madonna
Home | Bad Reputation | Laryngitis | Dream On
Theatricality | Funk | Journey
Rocky Horror Picture Show references in Glee
Glee is avant-garde
Season 2
Audition | Britney/Brittany | Grilled Cheesus | Duets
Rocky Horror Glee Show | Never Been Kissed | The Substitute
Furt | Special Education | A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle | Silly Love Songs | Comeback
Blame It On The Alcohol | Sexy | Original Song | A Night of Neglect
Born This Way | Rumours | Prom Queen | Funeral | New York
The Glee Concert Movie
Season 3
The Purple Piano Project | I Am Unicorn | Asian F | Pot o' Gold
The First Time | Mash Off | I Kissed a Girl | Hold on to Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Xmas | Yes/No | Michael
The Spanish Teacher | Heart | On My Way | Big Brother
Saturday Night Glee-ver | Dance with Somebody | Choke
Prom-asaurus | Props | Nationals | Goodbye
Glee: Sebastian, Seblaine and Kurtbastian
Thinking again about Cruel Intentions and the Glee CI!AU Seblaine fic and why is Blaine as Annette so great????
Season 4
The New Rachel | Britney 2.0 | Makeover | The Break-Up
The Role You Were Born to Play | Glease | Dynamic Duets
Thanksgiving | Swan Song | Glee, Actually | Sadie Hawkins
Naked | Diva | I Do | Girls (and Boys) on Film | Feud
Guilty Pleasures | Shooting Star | Sweet Dreams
Lights Out | Wonder-ful | All or Nothing
Season 5
Love Love Love | Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback | A Katy or A Gaga | The End of Twerk
Movin' Out | Puppet Master | Previously Unaired Christmas
Frenemies | Trio | City of Angels | 100 | New Directions
New New York | Bash | Tested | Opening Night | The Back-Up Plan
Old Dogs, New Tricks | The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season 6
Loser Like Me | Homecoming | Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker, Part One | Part Two | What the World Needs Now
Transitioning | A Wedding | Child Star
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester | We Built This Glee Club
2009 | Dreams Come True
Glee's iconic moments
Fandoms before and nowadays: Glee compared to Buffy and Hannibal
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calsvoid · 3 months
i just know everyone around situationship seblaine is so sick of them
someone will see them holding hands and ask them how long they’ve been dating and they’ll say it’s complicated and that someone will follow up with a how long has it been complicated for and the answer is like six years
they’re just friends and by just friends they mean they’ve been in love for nearly the entire time they’ve known each other
they are each other’s dates to weddings, parties, work events, literally everything
they practically live together and are raising a cat together
but nooo they’re not dating it’s not like that between them
everyone either tells them to break up or get together and they refuse to do either
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seblaine-rph · 10 months
So sebastian Smythe did you ever get over your crush on Mr. Blaine Anderson himself? Or is that crush still there?
Cute. I'd say the fact that this is Seblaine RPH should answer that; in this reality, I have more than just a crush and it's given me everything I ever wanted. So is this your RSVP for the wedding?
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imogenlefay · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Season 6 canon divergence, wedding crasher, kind of, Seblainiversary 2020, Prompt: Today Forever Summary:
“Don’t do it. Don’t get married.” Sebastian confronts Blaine before his spontaneous wedding, and things spiral from there.
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shehungthemoon · 3 years
I would like to give each beautiful seblaine gifmaker on this site a pretty kiss on the lips please, you keep me happy on the worst days
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hddnone · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Time will tell if this starts a typical Wed trend. Here's a snippet from a Seblaine holiday party fic that's been the most recent thing I've worked on:
“I didn’t get a cat,” Blaine protested with a huff.
Sam let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. “Good, because dude it is too early in the relationship for the co-parenting of animals. Take it from someone who's been there.” Then Sam's eyes went wide and apologetic as he realized what he'd accidentally revealed. "I'm so sorry, man -"
Blaine sighed and rubbed his face as the voices of his high school friends create a chorus of offense. This wasn't how he'd wanted to begin this conversation. He'd had a plan.
“You’re dating?!”
“How long have you kept this from us?”
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