safarikalamari · 28 days
tagged by @seaofolives !!! thank you!!!
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
i have a whole bunch just saved in one file so they don't really have names but:
Bits and Pieces
Sci-fi AU
Bfbdbcbbd hojchy (listen i was having a moment)
idk who to tag but i might post this on a side blog and tag ppl there ;P
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seaofolives · 11 months
I said I would share this on ao3 but then that would entail coming up with a title and a summary which are, you know, my weaknesses. so I'll just put this here first lmao
anyway who wants pain for tanabata 🎋
ship: guesule
words: 100
I wish, her letter says, Ms. Miorine would tell me she loves me.
What does it say about his stars, Guel wonders? That of all the branches he could hang his paper wish on, it had to be the one next to hers? Next to that wish. He doesnʼt doubt that itʼs hers, sheʼs the only one he knows who wants that womanʼs heart.
He lowers his prayer, hesitating. In the end, he takes up the pen again to amend his wish, then finally hangs it just next to hers.
I wish you would tell me you love me, too.
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fth2023fanworks · 11 months
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clockwayswrites · 3 months
Opening Line Patterns
Tagged by @jaybirdh!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
This is an interesting one! Let's see, going backwards by last updated, Ao3 published only, grouped by series:
A Broken Sort of Normal (dp x dc) They are going to lose.
Bleeding Out, Bleeding In (dp x dc) Brainless motherfuckers. Scissor Sharp Red Hood resisted the urge to shift his weight from foot to foot.
Assembly Required (dp x dc) “Jesus fucking Christ, where are you?” Jason muttered as he jabbed send on another text message.
Tim Jr. Coffee Machine Extraordinaire (dp x dc) Dick worried his lip between his teeth as he looked Tim over.
Like Betta Fish Do (dp x dc) Danny was going to kill Johnny.
Offering on a Chance (dp x dc) “Danny.”
Shadow of a Bat (dp x dc) For Batman, it started during the Justice League’s raid of the GIW facility.
A Snake's Distraction (sk8) “Langa, we have to help them,” Reki said.
Sunshine and Madness (ffxv) Nyx had the distracting feeling of the hair at the nape of his neck just starting to stand up and he reached up to scratch the itch where his braid brushed against skin.
I think you can really feel that 'Sunshine and Madness' is my oldest. It has a very different voice than the rest!
I really love starting in situ- which I did know! And apparently if I'm going to start with dialog or internal dialog I start almost mid thought/moment.
I am actually fascinated by how short most of my starting sentences are. Those are often on a line by themselves too like a jab.
Sadly, this list doesn't include my favorite starting line: The first man Cor Leonis ever killed was his own father.
...okay so maybe they're all a little violent too.
This was a fun exercise though! Um, tags. Let's jump the normal fandom ship and go with @eliotadrift, @mokulule, @seaofolives, @kageyuuki.
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isleofair · 10 months
Since you have excellent taste in fanfiction (both as an author and as a reader), can you recommend some Taibani fanfictions? ♡
Oh my goodness! 😳 Thank you so much, this is such an incredibly nice thing to say!!! 🥺🥺🥺💙💙💙 I have to admit, especially since I started writing myself, I have not been reading as much as I should, or would like to, and there are many amazing stories out there I haven't managed to get to yet. But I will do my best! 💪
First of all, I saw that you just reblogged this, but I just can't not include @nicoroni's home is where the heart is (and my heart beats in your chest). (Barnaby/Kotetsu, M, 8K) What initially seems like a relatively light-hearted sequence of increasingly-funny ways Barnaby tries to confess to Kotetsu will, before it's done, grab your heart and squeeze and never, ever let go. This will live rent-free in my head forever.
Then we have My Bunny Valentine by @exquisitefrogprince (Barnaby/Kotetsu, T, 10K) which utterly captivated me and made me shake with the tension and the emotion, and has both an incredibly beautiful, almost ethereal interlude featuring Nathan and a gorgeous, precious, spun-sugar ending.
your eyes become a paradise by @hearjessroar (Barnaby/Kotetsu, T, 2K) manages to fit in such a small space an amazing, very human study of Kotetsu, and Barnaby, and Barnaby through Kotetsu's eyes, and Kotetsu reflected in Barnaby's eyes; and a small, but fundamental brave leap into a new, soft beginning for them together.
Some Things Are Worth the Wait by @mad-madam-m (Barnaby/Kotetsu, T, 2K + 1K) is a small series filled with soft, quiet love, respect, and the importance to both take some first steps, and wait patiently at the end of the path for what is most precious to come to you.
Now, in case you meant, as I hope, Taibani-as-in-the-fandom, and not just as the pairing... *rubs hands in glee*
First, a small detour into GoldenRose land:
The Nearness of You by @mad-madam-m (Ryan/Karina, T, 2K) is funny and adorable and features Karina being absolutely done, Ryan being a hopeless giant muffin, and a kick-ass tiny old lady. What more could you want?
Good Golly Miss Molly by @captaindeadpoet (Ryan/Karina, T, 9K) has Karina falling into domesticity, co-parenting Molly, and love with Ryan, in approximately but possibly not quite that order. It also contains one of my favorite atypical declarations of love.
And finally, because I always like to leave my favorite treat for last... FireSky, my absolute most beloved! ❤️💜
My Valentine, my demise by @gusutianzixiao (Keith/Nathan, T, 2K) pulled at my heart so freaking hard and I could not get enough. Nathan hides away from Keith on Valentine's Day to avoid having her heart broken. But of course her heart, instead of getting hurt, shows up on her doorstep, as giving and trusting and forgiving and caring as he ever is.
Hindsight is 20/20 by @saltedpin and Apathy (Keith/Nathan, T, 12K) features, uh... a Sky High photo shoot gone wrong. Very wrong. Or very, very right, depending on your, erm, perspective. And how much you enjoy what probably has to be one of Nathan's top 3 sights in the entire world. In any case, this is hilarious, but also tender and bold and with both Keith and Nathan being the absolute most.
second crack by @seaofolives (Keith/Nathan, T, 24K) is an actual FireSky coffee shop AU and if that isn't enough to entice you, it is also a fantastic, gripping view into heartbreak and slowly, consciously, gradually healing from it, with the help of a soft, bright hope for something new and fresh and absolutely beautiful, with someone who finally, unexpectedly fully gets you.
(Dear Tiger & Bunny fandom: please, feel free to add on to this! Let's spread the love to more stories and more authors!)
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avianscribe · 29 days
WIP Title Meme!
@seaofolives tagged me! Thank you! XD
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Hahaha, some of these have been languishing for YEARS (in fact I'm pretty sure some of these have shown up in this meme before XD) and my writing has been really spotty lately, so I'm not sure when they'll get finished, but I'm happy to gab about them!
Kingslayer (FFXV) A Piece of Clockwork (FFXV) Wyvern's Tail (FFXVI) Omen Cor (FFXV) FE3H Time Manip Battle Fic Body Swap--Not My Life (FFXV) FFXVI Hanahaki
Tagging @star54kar, @mathclasswarfare, @chasingfigments, @inktail , @fallintosanity if you all want!
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ofdemonsandangels · 6 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @marley-manson!
I'll be tagging @seaofolives, @alovelyburn, @white-winter-hymnals, @moonlight-blue-rose, and @shiroganeryo
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently six, five complete and one ongoing
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Berserk but I also write for D.Gray-Man and dabbled in SK8 the Infinity
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A Familiar Canvas ➡️ wild (like young volcanoes) ➡️ say me, wight in the bom ➡️ One of Heart, One of Mind ➡️ Encompassing Lust
5. Do you respond to comments?
I always do!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Take Me to the Poppy Field. It's pre-canon ManaCross, so ofc it's angsty, and I do love myself some good ManaCross angst
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Easily One of Heart, One of Mind. It's a Yulma wedding fic and I shoved all the fluff and happy feels into it as possible
8. Do you get hate on your fics?
Not yet and not to my knowledge
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Uhhhhh let's see. Encompassing Lust contains sexual content but I wouldn't go as far as to call it smut. I'd like to write a proper smut fic one day but I'd have to be in the proper mood for it, if you get my gist
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
wild (like young volcanoes) would be considered a crossover by some, but it's really just an au, a Percy Jackson au
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hopefully not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated
Not yet
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
This is hard! Can I cheat and make it a three-way tie between GriffGuts, Yulma, and Matchablossom? I tend to alternate a lot between these three and I love them so much.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My GriffGuts lovechild au. I've shared snippets of it on this blog before but every time I try to work on it, my mind takes me elsewhere. I still want to finish it though! The question is when
16. What are your writing strengths?
That's a very good question that I have no good answer to. I guess I'm pretty good when it comes to descriptions. And metaphors. I love myself a good metaphor, so when I have the opportunity to add one, I will
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'd be here all day if I listed off every one of my writing weaknesses lmao. But if I did have to narrow it down, it'd definitely have to be my perfectionism and chronic revisionism. I can't stand it when a word or sentence structure doesn't sit right with my mind. I'll just stare at it for minutes and if I can't find a solution, I'll just straight up nuke the entire doc because everything else starts to look wrong in my mind. My beta readers can attest to this
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
*traumatic flashbacks of all the VLD fics that had Lance speaking bad Spanish/Spanglish*
I don't think writing dialogue in a different language is bad at all, it's just very obvious when the author is 1) a non-native speaker and 2) uses Google translate. Don't be afraid to reach out to friends who speak the language you're trying to write!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Officially published? Berserk. But first ever? That would be Percy Jackson. It's a stapled five-page, handwritten reader insert fic and I still have it in my room, under my bed.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oh hands down it's One of Heart, One of Mind. Yulma is a ship that means so much to me and it quite literally defined the way that I viewed queer ships in media. It took me forever to write this fic but that was because I wanted to do them justice.
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rose-madder-gaze · 3 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns!
I was tagged by @mathclasswarfare (here are math's first lines) and @avianscribe (here are avian's first lines). TY 💛
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
I considered cheating and only doing FFXV fics, but woe, niche fandom be upon ye:
Sometimes you kiss a princess, and then you live happily ever after. ("Spanner in the Works," FFXV, Cindy/Luna, rated G)
To Noctis, it has always been a bedtime story: the Ring, the Sword, and the legend that connects them. ("Besmirched," FFXV, Gladio/Noct and Prompto/Ignis, rated T)
Stirrings cease, the silence of a shadow passing; silence like a curtain drawn closed: he's close. ("Hwamei, who speaks at dawn," Thunderbolt Fantasy, Lin Xue Ya & Sha Wu Sheng, rated G)
"Ouch!" Lunafreya rolls over in the grass, a hand to her head. ("Death and Life," FFXV, Gentiana/Luna, rated G)
Lunafreya watched through her glass as the lights came back up. ("Burnt Pink Gin," FFXV, Gentiana/Luna, rated G)
Outside was a blue Insomnian night. ("Seiðr," FFXV, Gentiana/Luna, rated G)
This is the girl called Luna. ("Dream on the Distaff, A'tangle," FFXV, Gentiana/Luna, rated G)
Of all the mornings to wake with a touch of fever – it is, of course, the morning when he wakes thinking of him. ("Try to eat," Thunderbolt Fantasy, Wan Jun Po/Shang Bu Huan, rated G)
Shāng pulls off his headphones when the break room door opens. ("Hit It Off," Thunderbolt Fantasy, pre-slash Mu Tian Ming/Lang Wu Yao/Shang Bu Huan, rated G)
The near future lay on the other side of the mountain. ("Spring's First Thaw," Thunderbolt Fantasy, Lin Xue Ya & Sha Wu Sheng, rated G)
As for patterns… I start a lot of fics in the dark/morning (6/10 of these)? LMAO I'm not totally sure what patterns are here. Starting with narration, rather than dialogue? All but the first two of these are limited-word fics (500-word max), so maybe that somewhat skews the results? Unfortunately, I'm a poet: I don't believe in the independence of the first line. Let me know if you see any patterns.
I'm tagging @seaofolives, @gingerel, @firefallvaruna, @ignoctrabbithole (it let me tag you this time >:D), and @every-lemon if you waaant/haven't done it yet!
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kiliofdurinsline · 29 days
I got tagged by @withgreatpowercomesmyfuckingdick!!
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Let's.... just look at the WIPs i'm actively working on. [kicks a box of like 30+ half-started WIP ideas under the bed] yeah that's absolutely the only ones i have what are you talking about??
anyways imma organize these by fandom bc there's still a decent amount in different fandoms so! also this is the name listed in my fic org doc, i aint hunting through my mess of folder hierarchies for everything
colloquium dracones
and if you're under him you ain't getting over him
As Much Fun
The One Where They Don't Know We Know
SK8 the Infinity
demon/vampire matchablossom au
just kiss me slowly
soulmate au
the madlad supernatural au
my og theory for ff7 rebirth that now gets to be a longfic
hacker au
Legend of Zelda
Homemade in Hyrule sequel fic for TotK Sage!Sidon content
so that's..... 11.....
tagging: @trappednightingale @silverliningslurk @azaelyas @t1meslayer @seaofolives @miss-midnightt @the-one-blog-to-rule-them-all @danganphobia @abyssalpeach @gingerel @imjustelm tell me what your WIPs are, friends 👀
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chasingfigments · 16 days
WIP Title Meme
I was tagged by @ghost-bxrd and @avianscribe!
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
My WIPs:
[Redacted] AU
For Some Desperate Glory
A Hallway of Locked Doors
Lysithea dismantles her house
he went away whole (but the chamber was covered with his blood)
Prompto & Ignis WoR
Prompto post-canon calendar change
Religious Crisis & OT3
(No pressure) Tagging @fallintosanity, @marmolita, @crazyloststar, @mathclasswarfare, @omgfloofy, @seaofolives, @battle-goats, @ezra-blue
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safarikalamari · 11 months
Tagged by @seaofolives to share the last 7 lines of my current wip!!!
But I’m not a fan of my last 7 lines so have the intro to the story as compensation
The inner streets of Liuzhou were packed and the pounding rain did not help.
With vendors protecting their wares and businessmen trying to get home, it was a wonder that anyone could get through without a few bruises and confusion.
Cole pushed through a crowd down a small alley, wishing he was just at home and out of the humid weather as another body bumped into him. At last, a familiar door stared at him and he knocked, waiting for the small peephole in the center to open.
“Yì nián,” Cole muttered when a pair of eyes stared at him.
With that, the door opened and Cole shot inside, shaking some of the rain from his hair. The smoke was thick and the air tepid as he slunk down a narrow hallway. Beyond the low murmurings of others in adjoining rooms, it was still and Cole kept a steady hand close to his hidden gun.
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seaofolives · 8 months
#GUEtober2023 Day 04/#グエ10月2023年 4日目
Prompt: Sin/テーマ: 罪
EN 🇺🇸
Seeing Suletta working at the dining table, her back pointedly turned to him, Guel starts feeling anxious again. But bravely, and meekly, he sits down beside her, and waits for her to bring her hands to her lap when she faces him…albeit with a stiff expression.
“It was my fault,” Guel confesses. “I forgot about our anniversary and made up all sorts of excuses…Iʼm sorry.” Now that he realizes how silly it is, his gaze falters.
But Suletta chases it back quickly with a sneaky kiss on his cheek. And when she smiles, he finds himself smiling back.
JP 🇯🇵
(日本語翻訳はDeepLとGoogle Translateで行いました。)
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hadescookbook · 1 year
Tumblr media
📢 Gather 'round, Shades; it's time to officially introduce all of the Kitchen's brand new staff members!
Without further ado, Hell's Kitchens' CONTRIBUTOR LINEUP! ✨
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@frydough | @celestial-mari | @nottesilhouette | @/bluepeachtea | @/soulimagines
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@/cassibee_ | @/soojinwen | @/elianzi | @/faedriana | @/lukatales | @/dinyvel | @/sleepyspacey | @/soul_starshine
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Cover: @silly_chaotic
@/aisudoki | @bruhger | @/campanellama_ | @/ginkg06 | @/neverdraws | @dvdexe | @/EmylieBoivin | @/EpicGrapes | @erinye | @etcetceteras | @/_everennie | @hyriaven | @/mirarasol | @/kaygoldio | @/KITSUNIC0 | @/maynope00 | @jamiedraws | @/milohmei | @/xu_carman | @artcrystals | @sandflakedraws | @/sarahmillsart | @/sirkisshy | @/sunncean
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Cover: @/silly_chaotic
Spot Art: @/imnotscaredrlly
@dailyzagreus | @/pandalanachick | @/pouletland | @/SeaWWeed1 | @/sepulchrate
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@/kingblaiddyd | @/teablooming | @/seaofolives | @/mystella666 | @/corviiid
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mokulule · 1 year
I was tagged my @clockwayswrites, I dunno if I should say thank you cause I have an unfortunately long line 😂
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words
From Ghastly Glacial Goodies:
One missed patrol and everyone was up in arms.
9 words 😅, 9 people to tag so let’s get this started (also feel free to ignore): @kaelinaloveslomaris @spell-cleaver @slx99 @floralflowerpower @bjurnberg @vehan-tikkun-olam-and-stuff @radioactivepeasant @seaofolives @azelda-scroggs

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clockwayswrites · 11 months
Heads Up, Seven Up!
Tagged by @darlingatlas: post the last seven lines of (one of my too many) current WIP. So let's have some LBFD!
“—but, like, that’s just the appearance of the ectoplasm. With enough effort and will we can completely change that appearance, but most beings stick with something close to their living form, at least for those of us that were alive. Frostbite’s explained that because the form we had as the living is basically imprinted on our core so it’s the easiest and the most natural form for our ectoplasm to take. Minor changes like hair and clothing are easy, because we changed those all the time when alive, but bigger changes take more effort and a level of up keep. “You and I are a little unique as halfas. We’re in flux in a way that other ghosts aren’t. My from has pretty naturally aged up as my human half has, for example, though Frostbite thinks that I could still very easily revert back to the age I was when I died if I wanted too, since that’s part of the original imprint.”
World building drop I guess?
Um.... if you want and only if you want... @gingerel @seaofolives @thebisexualmandalorian @mokulule @aerisleis-fics @kageyuuki @zorilleerrant (HA I got to seven!)
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isleofair · 28 days
WIP ask game
I was tagged by both @zimithrus1 and @seaofolives (thank you both so much!!! 🥺🙏💖💖), and initially I was self-conscious about my extremely generic non-titles, but... I guess I want to play, too, after all 😅
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then tell them something about it!
(The original rules mention snippets, but most of these currently have a billion notes and maybe one (1) sentence actually written down, so... )
Untitled document Untitled document (I know 🤦) Taibani Intertidal sequel notes Michelle Soulmate AU notes Fantasy AU draft Fantasy AU notes (yeah, these two only count as one, I guess) Not June? Arranged Royal marriage thingy NOT September Cour 2 fic
Fair warning: some of these are the writing equivalent of doodles, and are not really meant to go anywhere, and what I will tell you about the rest might be extremely cryptic because I like to keep things close to the vest before my stories are ready 🤭😅
The original rules say "tag as many people as you have WIPs" but honestly that seems like a lot, sooo... I'll tag a couple of people who I'm fairly sure have WIPs right now, but with zero pressure: @imaginatorofthings, @thekuraning, @tempkiriri, @hearjessroar. And if anyone else wants to do this, consider yourself tagged! 💙
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