#sdcc this year maybe
nalyra-dreaming · 1 month
So to recap…
* Talamasca is coming
* There was more s2 footage
* They brought in Amy Lee for the presentation
* Sam, Delainey, Assad and Eric were there, supposedly Jacob is filming, and Sam knew he couldn’t come 😭
* Our cast is cute as hell 🥰
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neil-gaiman · 12 hours
One time, I was on Coronado Island during SDCC and saw you. It's probably been 12-15 years now. Since that day, sometimes when I feel out of place because maybe my style or vibe doesn't match the crowd I'm in, I think, "Stop! Be as comfortable and confident as Neil Gaiman walking around wearing all black in the California sunshine!"
This sounds very wise. I long ago learned I'm more comfortable feeling like me.
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davidmariottecomics · 10 months
The 6 Figure Theory
In today's blog, I'm getting *spicy*! In that I have a hot take that is of course related to the current state of the entertainment industry, but isn't as directly about comics or writing or editing or what you might usually expect. Anyway, let's get to it! 
The 6 Figure Theory The 6 Figure Theory states that once an individual is earning $100,000, to maintain that level of pay, they must sacrifice some level of morality. It only applies to individuals making over $100K annually--not families where multiple incomes may combine to be over $100K. And the level of morality sacrificed is hard to quantify, both because morality is deeply personal and often hard to quantify for an individual and because the extremes one is willing to go to are likely tied to the level of money being brought in. 
So, for example, let's say you're a big shot Hollywood executive who has been paid $500 MILLION over the course of about 5 years. Let's say you're making "384 times the average pay of a Hollywood writer." Chances are you are out of touch with reality and willing to make a bunch of business decisions that make you look like an incompetent asshole. Maybe you'll cancel competed and even released work as a way of getting tax write-offs. Maybe you'll attempt to sell your film music catalog. Maybe you'll repeatedly not come to the table in any sort of reasonable way in such a way that multiple unions go on strike. Maybe you'll spend your time at a retreat for some of the wealthiest people in the world turning down Venmo requests from the people whose projects you've canceled to save a dime. Maybe you'll be described as the most hated man in Hollywood.
Now, that's just one extreme example. He's so incredibly highly paid--if he was willing to just not take a salary for 5 years, he could single-handedly pay out the proposal amount from the WGA. And, let me check my notes, he would still be incredibly, unjustly wealthy and live his extravagant life. That's the sort of money that allows true ignorance. 
I don't know anyone making David Zaslav money, personally. And I'm pretty glad to not. But even at the lower side of that 6 figure theory, there are people who are being paid to make decisions that may compromise their morals--from freezing pay rates to letting people go to instituting AI. Or, maybe you're making that and can remain morally upright in your work, but like... become an anti-vaxxer or something. 
It's easy to look at the wealthy and famous and see issues. Humans are inherently fallible and scrutiny goes harder with more public visibility. But I have to wonder, truly, to what extent higher wages correspond with lower ethics. And I think that's a question a lot of folks are asking on the picket line now too. Make sure you send them your support, whether through the Entertainment Community Fund or direct action with SAG-AFTRA or the WGA. I have not specifically seen picketing actions at SDCC, but obviously, be aware and supportive if they happen. And I saw things like the Venture Bros creators pulling out of the show (though I'm unclear on if the new movie will still be debuting regardless). You don't have to cancel your streaming platforms--in fact, largely the request has been the opposite because the concern is fewer people on a streamer will be used as data justification that the work of actors and writers doesn't make enough difference to maintain an audience and therefore their labor is less valuable. And, finally, there are other unions going on strike, like UPS, and they deserve your support too. 
Passing $5 Back-and-forth Infinitely Forever
It stinks that this has to come back to those of us who are making less to support each other. But whether it's because there's increased morality for folks making lower wages (and, I'd describe the shrinking middle class as that) or, maybe, it's less a matter of morality than community and solidarity (though... I'd contest those are inextricably linked), it does come to us standing together. And sometimes, it means doing what little we can, supporting each other back-and-forth with the same $5. 
With that rant out of the way, see ya at SDCC next week! 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Craig of the Creek (Cartoon), Honkai Star Rail (Video game) Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links (Video game), My Adventures with Superman (Cartoon), the beach, Girly Drinks by Mallory O'Meara (Book), The Broken Room by Peter Clines (Book), Crime Scene Kitchen (TV show), all the folks I've seen being supportive of the joint WGA/SAG-AFTRA strike--including the many folks changing their SDCC plans, getting closer to finalized on SDCC plans myself! Oh, and I forgot to mention it a couple weeks ago, but Poison Ivy: Thorns by Kody Keplinger & Sara Kipin slaps. 
New Releases this week (7/12/2023): I didn't have any new releases this week, but it was a pretty big week for IDW as a whole!  Eddie Campbell's The Second Fake Death of Eddie Campbell & The Fate of the Artist, Van Jensen & Jesse Lonergan's Arca, the first issues of Stephen Mooney and David Messina's The Rocketeer: In the Den of Thieves, G. Willow Wilson, Chris Wildgoose, and Msassky's The Hunger and the Dusk, and the second issue of Andrew Wheeler and Ilias Kyriazis's Cat Fight, the My Little Pony 40th Anniversary Special, plus more TMNT and Trek than you can shake a stick at! 
New Releases next week (7/19/2023): Also an off week, but there's somehow even more TMNT to check out, plus the start of our big Star Trek event: Day of Blood! 
Final Order Cut-Off next week (7/17/2023 - AKA Preorder Deadline) Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors - All Hail the King! TPB (Editor)
I'll be at San Diego Comic-Con! I'll see you at Sonic the Hedgehog: Speeding to the 900th Adventure on Sunday at 10, room 25ABC! If we've planned something, I'll see ya there too! And if not, y'know, at least let me know you'll be around and hopefully we run into each other! 
I'm now on Patreon! A big part of it is a new way of accessing this very blog! But I'm also going to be updating it with some other cool stuff soon--from exclusive blogs to old scripts and pitch materials that I can share to funky one-off videos/podcasts (?) to group funded new comics pages! And there'll even be updates during SDCC (thanks, pre-scheduling)! 
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Do you not want to read this pitch for my Patreon? Good news: If you subscribe to it, this is cut out from the blog! Ooo aah!
Lastly, because of SDCC, expect no or a very short blog next week. And Becca's Twitch stream won't be back until the 25th, I believe. But in the meantime, Becca's own Patreon has been very active, including some stuff they recently drew on stream! And their webshop is current (though orders won't ship til after SDCC). It's Non-Binary Awareness week and San Diego Pride, so now's a good time to support them! 
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Pic of the Week:
I was in Old Town earlier this week and saw this very fun display of "Sonic" hats. Love that they come in every color. 
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sleepytoycollection · 5 months
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Thrift finds.
I have actually been trying to avoid thrifts rn to erase the temptation to buy things, but my dad wanted to go + I got a generous Christmas gift of $50 a few days ago and I slipped up.
On the plus side my dad checked my stuff out to get me the senior discount, so all of this was only like $10.
And now it's out of my system no more thrifting until next payday.
That spiel out of the way, I am very excited! I will put further ranting under the cut!!
A SmartGurlz/Kurhn doll!!! I think I saw one post about these a year-ish ago maybe?? Never thought I'd see one on person.
Draculaura was in a grab bag with the other MH clothes. Was thrilled to see the Iris outfit, I passed on I<3Fashion Iris since I managed to get her SDCC doll thanks to a friend, but I always loved this look.
I'm debating on whether to customize Ula or just clean her up. She's got glue head, but also she's fairly complete and doesn't have wonk.
And other cute rainbow surprise unicorn. I love the dragonfly wings!!!
This is the 5th AG doll I've found this year, and the third one by the pleasant company, not a modern Mattel. While a nice find, Who is donating all these AG dolls. I've gone years never seeing a single AG in a thrifts so it's a little strange to see such an influx.
Also, her outfit? I'm 99% certain it's from one of the 18" Kelly dolls they made in like, the late 90's. It has a barbie tag so I don't know what else it would be.
And finally B-A-B Fluttershy. I see B-A-B ponies fairly often at my local thrifts, but usually pass I for the most part I usually prefer G1s, and try to limit how many plushies I have in general. Fluttershy is the only exception bc for some reason, despite barely having ever watched MLP: FIM, I really love Fluttershy. She's so cute. I have only a handful of G4 stuff, but 90% is Fluttershy (the other 10% is Chrysalis lol).
Gonna be fun to fix all this up. c:
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ineffablefool · 11 months
Hey guys.
I know that there’s all kinds of fun events coming up, screenings and signings and conventions and whatnot.  They will involve large numbers of people in the same space.  I accept this.  It is happening.
Please wear a properly-fitted N95-or-better mask if you’re going.
Please mask up if you’re going, because covid is still out there, and I cannot risk bringing it into my house.
Please mask up if you’re going, because I can’t go.  I have to very, very sharply limit my time in public, because every time I go out I am risking covid, and I cannot bring covid into my 100% high-risk household.  That means I have to ask myself what I’m willing to potentially hospitalize my companion of 20 years for, or what I’m willing to potentially hospitalize myself for.  And as long as covid is circulating freely, I can never stop asking that question.
I can’t join my fellow fans at the Good Omens early screening, or at SDCC, or anywhere, because almost nobody is masking.  Almost nobody is being covid-conscious.  Could you, just for these few events?  Please?  The more individual humans that do it, the more other people will see them doing it and perhaps follow suit.  The more that people in general are willing to wear masks, the less likely I am to catch covid with every trip outside.  I might be able to go to a con again, some day.  I might be able to go watch that total solar eclipse coming up next year, the one we were already making plans for back in 2017 (I’m guessing we’ll just have to wait for the next one that swings by anywhere near to us, which will be in... let me check Wikipedia... 2044).  I might be able to just... go out in public without it being a huge stressor or requiring tons of preparation, swing by a coffee shop just because I feel like it, maybe even have offline friends again.  Have a professional cut my hair in a way that gives me good gender feels again.  (Do you know, I’ve been ready to talk to my doctor about testosterone for almost two years now?  But gender dysphoria won’t put me or my housemate in the emergency room.  Vastly increasing the frequency of my visits literally to a place where sick people congregate might.)
I understand that the pandemic has been declared to be over, and that long covid is obviously only something that happens to someone else, and it’s okay, as long as you’re young and/or basically healthy it’s fine!! :) :) :) :)
I’m one of the weirdo sickies.  As long as you’re having your fun togetherness times unmasked, I get no fun togetherness times at all.
If you’ve ever gotten even a tiny bit of joy from a story I’ve written, could you please just wear a properly-fitted N95-or-better mask when at one of these public events?  As a personal favor to me?  Because, yes, I know a handful of people wearing masks a thousand miles away doesn’t make an objectively measurable difference to me.  Except it would make such an incredibly huge difference.  To me.  If for just one single day this summer, someone would put up with some inconvenience, just to show the world that they do still care about people like me.
(This post is me, as one person of a particular fan community, reaching out in an attempt to reach others in that community who are aware of my specific existence as a human being, and who could potentially want to do me a favor.  If this breaks containment then no, random person who doesn’t know who I am and doesn’t care, I am not asking a single thing of you, other than that you accept that perhaps this interwebs posting is not for you.  Because it’s not.)
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my-mt-heart · 11 months
If “Hope is not lost” reminds you of Caryl, that’s fair. Their relationship was and still is rooted in hope, the hope of finding Sophia at first, and now the hope of finding happiness with each other in a world plagued by tragedy and horror. We know Daryl is hoping to get back home in the spinoff. We know Carol will come to his rescue in S2. So it’s true, hope is not lost for either of them nor for the fans who were devastated by extremely poor decisions last year.
The problem—because there’s always a problem when it comes to this show—is I don’t see Carol anywhere in that key art. I don’t see her name in that ridiculous font. I don’t see a Cherokee rose to symbolize Caryl’s story or their hope. It’s just Daryl posed in front of stained glass. Squint and you can just make out the angel wings fans associated with him throughout the main series. That subtle touch of familiarity gets lost though, as will the iconic vest when it's replaced by suspenders and a neck tie.
The real intention behind the iconography is to replicate Christian art. Because…why? Daryl’s France’s savior? The women and children survived over a decade of the ZA, but suddenly need a white American man to save them all? I find that ironic considering Daryl would’ve died a hundred times over if not for a woman.
I find the whole theme offensive. Even the possible title, Raise the Dead, has biblical connotations. Jesus rose from the dead and rose others before he was crucified. Christianity in itself is also a kind of a coming back to life. Before one becomes a Christian, they are “dead,” and committing themselves to God raises them into a new life in him, an eternal one. But Daryl Dixon isn’t Jesus, he isn’t Christian, he isn’t even religious, so why are tptb forcing him into these tropes?
It all reeks of American exceptionalism and sexism, and I’m just so fed up with AMC’s short-sightedness. How do I maintain the hope of seeing Daryl and Carol get the story they deserve when there’s still several months of S1 promotion let alone airtime standing in my way? I’m genuinely asking.
In other news, in case some aren’t aware, SAG is now on strike with the WGA, and that’s a really good thing for all of us in the long run. It does mean that actors won’t be at SDCC to promote their shows, but I expect fans will still get something. Pre-recordings maybe? I REALLY need that Melissa announcement. If the art is any indication, the trailer for S1 is going to be triggering.
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n7punk · 9 months
She-ra (2018) Con-Exclusive Merch & Giveaways
I'm assembling a master post of all officially-produced merch for the SPOP reboot, but it's focused on information. I have a separate post focused on promotion-exclusive items, and this post is dedicated to detailed information for the ambiguous middle ground: con exclusives. Some of these were given away and some were for sale.
If I get additional information on any of these specific items, I'll edit the post to add it, but if I find anything new then it'll go in a reblog addition as I've hit the image limit on this post.
Sometimes you have to click photos to see full images, as many are cut off due to varying dimensions. Any [x]s will lead to the source of the images, usually secondhand listings that will eventually become defunct. I use the best photos I can find.
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The buttons (first two images) were at NYCC in 2018. [1st] [2nd].
Han Cholo sells a lot of pins on their website, but the four on the right were exclusive at SDCC one year (concept photo in the final reblog here, this post chain in general has a ton of photos of She-ra merch from a mix of sources). [3rd]
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A foam tiara (2 photos) and a (seemingly foam and plastic) flat sword were at NYCC 2018 & 2019 and SDCC 2019. [2nd], [3rd]
There aren't any good photos and I'm at the image limit anyway, but there are pictures in the final reblog here of knee-high socks that were given out at promo events (possibly cons) and in reviewer/influencer promo packages. They're patterned after She-ra's uniform and have a cape on the back. Any details on this would be appreciated if you know them.
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Temporary tattoos (far left) and stickers (middle left) were at NYCC 2019 and maybe also Power-Con. Coloring sheets and hair ties were at either NYCC or Power-Con. The coloring sheet is watercolor with paint squares provided at the top of the sheet. I believe the hair ties came in three colors (purple, pink, and blue) and the long post* has good photos of the pink one. If you want to look at approximately ten pixels, this listing has all three colors. [1st] [2nd] [3rd]
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Bookmarks were available at SDCC one year and likely any other locations that had the books (Power-Con, etc). [x]
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Collector card sets featuring 16 of the characters were given out at cons, possibly SDCC 2018. First image is the front of the packaging, second is one of the cards, and the third is the back of the package. [1st] [2nd] [3rd]
Buckle up, this is the final, longest part. Posters were at many conventions and some designs may have been available at multiple cons. I mostly want to catalogue the designs here and will list a con just when I know it. Most listings online are of fan reprints unless otherwise specified.
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The first four (left to right) were available at SDCC 2019. The 4th & 5th are the front and back of the same poster, which was probably also distributed at places like Power-Con or wherever they sold the books (since it's a Scholastic poster). [4th] [5th]
Here are clean social media uploads of the 2nd and 3rd image. The 2nd was also the cover image for season 3 and the front of the DVD for seasons 1-3.
The character mini prints in the bottom right [6th] seem to have been given out at multiple cons. They were probably at SDCC (year unknown) and/or Power-Con (year unknown). The collector card designs roughly followed their design pattern.
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All three of these were at SDCC WonderCon. The first was 2019 and the second was probably 2018. The 3rd was supposedly at 2023 but was (probably) 2018 unless they still just had a bunch of extras laying around. WonderCon also had a variant of the 4th poster from the SDCC section above, but I can't find good photos of it and there's going to be a third variant of it further down too, so at this point I think you get it.
The first design is the cover image for season 2.
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The first was probably at NYCC 2018. The right two were given out at a NYCC 2019 panel, as well as sent out with an exclusive statuette to family bloggers to promote season 4.
The first design is the cover art for season one. Its design was also used for a shopping bag at Anime Expo 2019 (photo in the final reblog here). The second one is the cover image for season 4.
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Distribution currently unknown (if there ever was one). The second image is the cover for season 5. I'll edit on the distributions if I happen to find them, but I'm fine with what I've got here. I could have missed one or two posters, but since their distributions mostly amounted to handing out flyers, they're hard to find.
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lines-we-cross · 7 months
Gimple said at NYCC this year there is a plan to merge all the spinoffs into one show..
Remember Melissa got sidelined last year because Gimple needed to use a solo DD show to set up the return of Rick?
Confirmed at NYCC by Nicotero when he said they couldn't use Carol for s1 because Daryl needed to GROW as a person on his own,so when Carol and Daryl reunite it will have an bigger impact.
You also had Gimple say it was Norman's ide to move the whole spinoff to France,something that caught Norman completely of guard. Reasons why Norman was quick to say it was Melissa's ide to. The memory of last years backlash is still very fresh in his mind,not something he wants to revist and especially when he and Melissa have managed to fix the broken pieces in their relationship. Throwing Norman under the bus is Gimple's way of washing his hands of all the responsibility he has for the backlash/drama/financial lost AMC got last year.
Gimple doesn't care about Norman/Daryl or Melissa/Carol, all he ever cared about was Rick. Andy is Gimple's boy,always have been. Gimple is petty as hell,so by putting his main competition on the sideline.Meaning Kang/Melissa and the much anticipated Caryl spinoff. He gets to shine on his own...
Gimple said they where going to film DD durring summer,knowing full well Kang could not participate since she had other obligations with projects she was set to work on durring that time period.
This gives Gimple the perfect excuse he needs to replace Kang with another Showrunner,and to sideline half of his competition.
After Zabel was announced as the new showrunner,Gimple postponed DD filming for 7 months.
Then you have Melissa,she got sidelined because they needed a solo season of DD to let Daryl GROW as a person on his own,so he could be OPEN for the possibility of a potensielle romance with Carol.
If this isn't the biggest fucking horseshit of an excuse i have ever read,I don't know what is.
Melissa got sidelined so the Boys could play,by removeing the other half of his competition and postponing the Caryl spinoff a year. The excitement for the mutch anticipated spinoff cools down a lot,but then we have Carol return and the excitement starts to build again. Now we are being told by Gimple and company the move to France was all Norman's ide,it's his concept,his creative input that guides the direction of DD s1. So Melissa getting sidelined,the nun shipbate all came from Norman.That's what Gimple wants you to believe,by going with that narrative it reminds the fandom of why they got pissed at Norman in the first place.Why some are still angry and blames him for Melissa getting sidelined,and maybe if you remind them just enough,they will not tune in for s2. Gimple knows exactly what he is doing, s2 The Book of Carol is in direct competition with TOWL. He needs his show to do better,like I said Gimple is petty as hell.
Gimple was a part of DD s1,but he has no part in s2. Could it be because he got removed by AMC?
Melissa got rightfully pissed when she got sidelined,her spinoff got pushed back a year. Not to mention her costar/bff just went along with it without takeing a stand for her or their show. Same show they worked so hard on,same show that was in the process of finalizing their last scripts for s1 before they got tossed aside. Anyone suprised Melissa told TPTB to fuck off, that she would NOT be a part of DD? Knowing Melissa she probably didn't use those exact words,it's hard to be in a spinoff when you can't even stand to be in the same room with your costar. What we saw at SDCC was Melissa acting her part and being a professional
We know Melissa was still a hard no at SDCC in July,the first week of September Melissa spoke to EW and said Carol had more story to tell.
It's an easyer sell for AMC to get Melissa back if you remove Gimple from DD,not to mention giveing her the same creative control over her character and a role as an Executive Producer like her costar have. That makes for a more attractive offer,then just returning to status quo with Gimple still at the helm.
AMC said a while back that Gimple will be producing new episodes of Tales,that's Gimple's consolation prize. Tales a show that flopped,and was heavely criticized by fans as well as critics for not delivering good stories.
Karma never tasted so good...
2024 can't come fast enough...
Imagine all the Caryl promotion for The Book of Carol ❤❤❤
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avatar-news · 10 months
Avatar at SDCC 2023
Here’s your rundown of the Avatar franchise’s presence at San Diego Comic-Con this year:
👉 [CANCELLED] Avatar: Braving the Elements—Live! on Thursday July 20th at 1pm!
The Braving the Elements panel this year has been ***cancelled*** last minute due to the SAG-AFTRA strike meaning that hosts Janet Varney (the voice of Korra) and Dante Basco (the voice of Zuko) aren’t attending SDCC.
This is the panel that Avatar Studios revealed their first animated movie, the adult Team Avatar one, at last year; we don’t know what would have been revealed, if anything, this year.
It’s possible the soundtrack that was just announced today completely out of the blue was supposed to be revealed at this panel.
👉 Water, Earth, Fire, Air: Continuing the Avatar Legacy on Saturday, July 22nd at 12:30pm!
This year’s publishing panel is still on. This is where we could get news on novels, comics, etc.
This is the panel that the Azula in the Spirit Temple solo graphic novel was announced at last year, as well as the new Korra comic trilogy/trio, the first of which is supposed to be focused on Mako. This SDCC, we’re hoping that Mako comic is fully revealed, as well as maybe preview pages for Azula, and an even longer shot would be finding out who the next ATLA and/or TLOK comics will be about (Azula/Mai/Ty Lee; Mako/Bolin/Asami??)
It’s also possible with The Legacy of Yangchen just having coming out this week that the next Chronicles of the Avatar novel will be announced, revealing which Avatar the next books will be about, but they haven’t previously had news at comic cons so it’s not a sure deal.
👉 Mattel ATLA collector set
Mattel is releasing an Avatar: The Last Airbender collector set on the Barbie movie’s release date this Friday!
It will be available at the Mattel Creations booth, check out more info here.
👉 The Legacy of Yangchen exclusive edition
An exclusive edition of The Legacy of Yangchen is available at booth 1216!
That’s it as far as I know. It’s a pretty low-key SDCC this year across the industry due to the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. For Avatar, keep an eye out for potential publishing news and don’t have any expectations beyond that.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Yeah to add to that anon, I've been coming across some stuff on different platforms as well in the last 24 hours and honestly, I'm very disappointed in some individuals. I can see where show fans were coming from to some extent only accepting what was shown. Some of them got way out of hand, but some of these comments are now coming from people that have been in the fandom. I know Sam was also subjected to this but if I'm being honest, I think it's worse for Jacob because he already had to hear, and still is hearing it, just for being casted. There are the normal comments on YouTube making comments about Claudia/Assad/Jacob's race which I think as a fandom we have come to sadly expect, but I'm very disheartened to see it with some individuals in the fandom who were criticizing the group (and rightfully so) doing it to Sam last year that are now being just as ugly and/or insensitive toward Jacob, Claudia, and/or Assad.
-I've seen someone refer to Louis as Amber Heard and Sam as Johnny Deep.
-Tumblr posts saying Louis has manipulated Lestat the entire time and only did anything wrong (Antoinette, etc) in response to Louis' manipulations.
-There are some comments on a subreddit not under the IWTV subreddit saying that the the showrunners need to realize that Sam is the only reason people are watching the show.
-Another stating they are glad Louis is going to be exposed as a liar so maybe people will lose interest in Loustat and consider replacing him with Nicki.
-Another comment saying Louis/Jacob should be killed off along with Claudia because he is the true abuser and they don't want to see Lestat yearning for him after wronging Lestat.
-Another conversation that started as a discussion with Lestat's bloody frame from the trailer that ended in criticizing Rolin's comments about keeping Jacob around longer than season 2 because they would prefer to see Lestat with other love interests that are worthy of him.
-Another attacking Assad's looks.
-Another suggesting other actors who should have been casted as IWTV characters, rating them lowly, and detailing what is wrong with their looks in a discord. Poor Assad is getting the brunt of that one.
-A tweet from someone outside of the fandom complaining about the iwtv fandom for crossing the line with Eric and saying they should be jailed so I'm assuming it was not a pleasant exchange.
It is ridiculous and I had to get off IWTV related media today because it also crossed my mind that Jacob and Assad could probably see a lot of this. I commented this and was told "well they did it to sam so now it's jacob's turn."
How… nice.
Some points of this I actually saw, so…
Tbh, the cast is aware of the backlash just look at how nervous Sam was at the SDCC panel (and that was before the main shit even started). They know. And I also think it is no coincidence that Jacob withdrew a bit or that Assad was shit scared of taking on Armand.
This story comes with baggage because for some reason people just cannot stay polite. Don’t see the human behind the screen. Separate them from the role. Ugh. It makes me want to scream.
I really wished I‘d been wrong there, honestly 😒
I expect it to get worse before it gets better and I can only recommend that everyone curates their bubble / feed accordingly.
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nodesiretogrowup · 11 months
if Mattel continues to have the SDCC exclusives as add-ons to g1 lines next year should be a Sweet Screams Clawdeen. maybe cotton candy themed since it wasn’t used in the original releases, but it would still match them unlike this year’s Freak de Chic Draculaura.
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genericpuff · 10 months
I don't know if you have seen the last thing RS posted on instagram, and I don't wanna sound mean or like I'm criticizing every single thing she does, but, why does this feels a bit off? Like, I know every author needs money, and that's why they sell books, special editions and merch from those books. But seeing how some people who went to that last "book signing" now want to order or buy ANOTHER lo book just to get an autograph or that "exclusive doodle" feels a bit... Idk, bad? Like, the fans have to spend more money than other fans just to get this stuff? It feels a bit like what happened with that Persephone + Ares book that had a special edition that was all black, but costed more than the regular edition so the fans had to spend more money if they wanted their lo novels to look good together. Idk, maybe i'm just seeing too much into it, but I still wanted to ask your opinion on the matter.
Love your work, btw. Lo rekindled is so good, and your art is beautiful!
so I looked into it and yeah! it's off! it's super off!
story time, but there's this band I'm really into where, 1-2 years ago, they had released two new separate EP's, and they were selling them individually as special editions, only for them to then SELL THEM ALL OVER AGAIN AS BUNDLED VERSIONS AND THIS JUST LIKE
there was also a time where this Youtuber musician my husband was really into was selling vinyls, and we managed to snag a copy in the hour that they were available, only for them to start selling SIGNED copies the week after they had sold out of the original prints
it's just an overall "ech" move because it really screws over your audience for paying attention/getting in first, y'know? That's what's such a big deal about being in a fandom, a lot of people like being "first" so to sell something under the precedent that it's "limited edition" just to print more with an even COOLER thing attached feels like such a fuck you. They're literally just trying to gouge more money out of people who have already bought the thing and "need" the exclusive copy.
This just goes to show btw there was nothing stopping her from signing books personally at SDCC. That feels like such a middle finger to the people who paid money to go to and be at SDCC (travel costs AND attendance costs) esp the people who cosplayed as LO characters and were clearly specifically there for Rachel just to be given a stamp and shooed away with zero conversation (as I talked about in a previous post) and then find out later after you've already gone home days later that you can get a PERSONALLY SIGNED AND DOODLED COPY if you go and buy a brand new book in one specific bookstore. That's so lame man, I can't even.
Just to add btw, not related to your ask really, but it really goes in conjunction with it, there was a tweet recently from Rachel advertising some new t-shirts.
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But people who bought the shirts reported that they're INCREDIBLY cheaply made and don't look anything like the products listed. You can even see the low ratings on them but when you actually view them-
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I do not feel the need to say it any louder for the people in the back, it's being spoken clearly at this point - WT and Rachel are cashing out on what little merit they have left, they do not care.
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beccadowski · 1 day
i know its been 20 years but what if i cosplay adama at sdcc?
i wanna be a cunty little genderbent adama making men mad that a fat little lesbian is adama. maybe even wear fishnets
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onbearfeet · 10 months
A really nice thing that happened at SDCC:
Someone poked into a conversation I was having and said they were "obsessed" with the "perfect silver" in my hair.
For context, my natural hair color is medium to dark brown, depending on how much I've been in the sun, and it started getting little silver threads in it when I was about 24, starting from the giant scar on my scalp (long story). I'm approaching 40 now, and oh, God, do people have OPINIONS about my hair color. About half my friends think I should cover it up. My mother thinks I should color the whole thing, maybe go auburn. My dad thinks I should bleach it all and go blonde (no, Dad, that doesn't even work with my hair type or my skin tone, what?). I have people telling me it's stopping me from getting jobs (it doesn't even show in Zoom interviews) or relationships (I'm dating a lovely woman who dressed as Rogue for the con) or respect (as if I ever got that anyway).
This was probably the first time I'd ever gotten positive feedback on my decision to not give a shit what color my hair was today (my eyes have been shifting for years). It was very nice but also felt like I'd stumbled onto an alien planet.
Anyway. If you can tell someone in a non-creepy way that you like how they look, do so. I don't know a single human being who gets told often enough that they look nice.
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my-mt-heart · 10 months
Thank you to everyone who sent me such kind and supportive messages yesterday. It hurts that I can’t be the beacon of hope right now. It’s not because I can’t read the subtext or see what the intended endgame is. I can, but to me, the positives are significantly overshadowed by the ways AMC mistreats their target audience and if I don’t call it out, then their push and pull strategy stays the same while our chances of satisfaction get smaller and smaller.
From what I’m told, Melissa wants fans to look forward to watching, to take comfort or find some support in the show and characters like Carol and Daryl, who she loves as much as we do. She knows they’re an outlet for those of us who are struggling in real life.
S1 may not have been aimed at Carylers initially, but now that we’re the ones who can ensure the show’s longevity, bringing us comfort is the most logical thing AMC can do. Yet, they fall back on old patterns, going all out to make us think Daryl’s replacing his real family with French surrogates while only dropping subtle hints to the beats we really want. And without the payoff, those suggested beats mean nothing.
Maybe the spinoff won't lead to a dead end the way S11 did, but we need a show of good faith this time around, *especially* during S1’s promotion. Releasing old photos of Melissa and liking Caryl posts does not provide any reassurance, it just shows how low AMC thinks they can set the bar. We’ve been shouting at them for over a year that we want equality between Norman and Melissa—and Daryl and Carol—so why are they sticking with a title that positions the woman as less than? We’ve said no more shipbaiting, so how did that scene make it into the first 20 fucking minutes of the show? We’ve said Melissa should be announced, but they let another actor on a different show hijack her moment of joy. We’ve said we don’t want Melissa or her fans being subjected to online cruelty anymore, but all of the above makes it worse.
There are ways to address these issues without spoiling the “plot twist,” so I don’t know what the holdup is. Control? Contractual obligations? It’s gross and unethical regardless and I won’t pay a dime for any of it. Studios always treat viewers like numbers, but if AMC doesn’t start acknowledging the human needs of its viewers—sooner rather than later—then the numbers they like so much will just keep dwindling.
TWDU's SDCC 23 panel without actors
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Star Trek's SDCC 23 panel without actors
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klkbass · 8 months
What Happened to Mako? (My Legend of Korra story)
I realized the other day that the Legend of Korra has been over for nearly a decade. Although many believe it is the inferior of the two Avatar shows, I have watched the entire series at least five times (maybe six). The biggest reason: Mako. Here was this handsome, cool, Firebender. I was a stan almost instantly.
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After the series ended, I was disappointed with his outcome. I thought for sure he should be with Korra. So, I did what any good fan would do when they are displeased--I started writing my own version of events. The more common nomenclature: fanfiction.
It started as a Makorra story, but it wasn't NSFW or anything of that nature as many fan stories tend to rise. I wanted something that stayed true to the nature of the original cartoon. Something that could be shared with any audience similar to what "The Legend of Genji" was doing. Also, after reading the graphic novels, I wanted to further explore the ramifications of having humans and spirits living so close together. Thus, the question became, "What if Mako got cursed?" With his position as a detective, it could happen. It would also put him opposite of Tokuga. So, I wrote several thousand, thousand, words and, as things tend to do, eventually the story drifted out of my purview. It was fun while it lasted...but the seeds had been sown.
Fast-forward to San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) 2022. Avatar studios announce two new graphic novels. One to feature Azula, and the other--Mako; both to be released in the summer of 2023. I was ecstatic. After so many years we were finally going to get more LoK content and, more specifically, Mako content. That's when I decided to revisit my own story. Maybe it would have some similarities to what was to come. I rewrote the entire thing to be more canon. No longer was it Makorra. Korra could be there, but this was going to be his adventure. What started as a few chapters, evolved into what is currently around two-hundred thousand words of what happened to Mako after Korra.
When SDCC 2023 came around, I waited with baited breath for news of the aforementioned graphic novels. Azula's story was being pushed back to fall (fine), there was going to be a new story featuring Iroh and June (who asked for that?)--and that was it. No mention of the Mako graphic novel. Not even if it was officially canceled. It was simply non-existent. I was disappointed to say the least.
Alas, at least I had my own nonsense.
Then, a thought slowly began to build. I could share my nonsense. There are still fans out there who want to see more of Mako. Maybe I could find someone that might appreciate what I've done. No sense putting in all this work and keeping it to myself. I was hesitant of course. I've never shared any of my stories before. I'm hardly a wordsmith though I pretend to be one on the internet. After several months of waffling, I decided "what difference would it make?" I could keep it to myself where no one else would read it, or I could share it and maybe find someone else who might enjoy it. There was very little risk short of the wrath of the internet. Keyboard warriors are never shy about sharing their displeasure of things they don't like.
I guess, at this point in my life, I'm too old to care. (Don't ask my age!)
So, if you've made it this far, let me add my shameless plug. If any of this sounds interesting to you, you can find my story here.
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Please enjoy, and here's to hoping we get something official.
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