#scry capers
weaselle · 1 year
feeling around for a WIP to pick back up, should I tell more of my Dead Earth story?
i did a big, deep dive world build for a  sort of far-future predictive scifi adventure concept called Scry Capers that i was happy with but then i wasn’t satisfied with the story or characters.
So i started writing a different story using the same universe and liked it much better, and that’s Dead Earth. I’ve got like, 3 pretty short chapters written.
Here’s the about blurb
In the far future, more than half of humanity lives on the Moon. There are also a few populations on in-system space stations, the Mars Colony, and the Fleet Crews that live on the enormous ships that travel between them all. The last of the earthlings inhabit a dead and deadly Earth, ruined by humanity’s failure to properly steward our planet, and ravaged by terrible wars. Vast abandoned mega-cities return to nature and become home to the superunnatural: altered people and animals that are either cybernetically Upgraded or biologically Enhanced. Scavengers and Privateers make illegal loot runs to Dead Earth for anything of value to smuggle into space colony black markets.
     The situation for the few million people still living on Earth is growing worse and a final chance of rescue off-planet is taking place, a cooperative mission organized by the governments of the Moon, overseen by the newly formed and nefarious Planetary Evacuation and Transfer Agency, who takes violent measures to protect against “infiltration” of the Moon by any who are not “pure” humans. This is not a welcome policy for the various UpGraded and Enhanced people who have become a part of Dead Earth society - lifelong lovers, leaders, parents and friends in the communities left to fend for themselves for so many generations. Into this hotbed of unrest and wreckage sails the crew of one small smuggling ship. Come explore this future with them.
If you want to read what i have already, here is Dead Earth
and if you do read it... should i keep writing it? or pick a different WIP? If you read it and want to know more about the universe right away, i do have quite a bit of the world building notes and maps and stuff as tumblr posts already that i’ll probably be reblogging soon
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vestige-nan · 2 years
The Thorn in my Side, the Pebble in my Shoe: Ch 6
Summary: The main quest line in Mannimarco’s perspective, except that he falls chaotically in love with the vestige just as much as he chaotically hates them.
Fun stuff: As always, vestige is gender neutral and physical features are not described. Also, now we get to see where I got the title! Also also, I assumed it was this way for everyone who plays, but whenever I play ESO and NPCs join me to “help” fight, they’re usually useless and don’t help at all (unlike in Skyrim), so I translated that to the vestige is just so cool and good at fighting compared to everyone else.
I wasn’t disappointed. I was angry.
After raising Tharn above his station, after promising him the right hand of godhood, after taking him under my generous wing when I could have just as easily sent his unworthy, traitorous soul straight to Coldharbour, the mealy disloyal politician still sided with the divine’s forsaken vestige.
The very stupidity of such a thing! To side with a gullible, unintelligent fool over the greatest necromancer the world has ever known! The King of Worms, and future God of Schemes! Ruler of Oblivion and Nirn! And he chose the soulless corpse walking around who couldn’t pick an alliance!
How I wanted to tear the skin from their flesh and the flesh from their bone when I scryed Tharn projecting in front of the vestige, begging them for “asylum”. It was so pathetic I was glad to see him traitorous, and yet my rage remand. 
What was so special about this soulless fool of a being that they could steal Tharn from me? That Tharn would measure being the right hand of a god to a rebel on a losing side and pick the latter? So they had pulled a few capers here and there, that meant nothing! Tharn had seen my power and the vestige was able to take him from me anyway.
No matter. The vestige would try in vain to take a soul from Coldharbour, and this time they wouldn’t succeed. I would make sure of it. This time, I planned to be there to stop their foolish crusade. 
I felt a strange... thrum? Lilt? I’m not sure what it was—In my chest cavity. It would be my first time seeing the vestige in person, or more importantly the first time they would see me. Not including the time I killed them. Even just recognizing the fact caused the lilt in my thorax to return. 
Surely, I couldn’t be nervous! I had a plan in place in the off chance the vestige does best my undead army, so nervousness had no logical rationale. Then... perhaps it was excitement? Yes, certainly it was simply excitement to destroy an irritating obstacle. Excitement to prove to Tharn he made an error in evaluating my enemies. Excitement to show the vestige just how powerful and superior their adversary really is.
That last one invited the lilt back into my chest. I decidedly chose not to dwell on that any further. 
I watched the vestige carefully through my magical visage. I watched and I waited for the perfect moment to have my entrance: right when I could watch the hope build in Tharn’s eyes, just so I could take it from him when he believes he’s free.
I watched how compliant the vestige was as Aquilarios commanded they and the half-giant retrieve Tharn. I watched as they obediently followed Tharn’s unhelpful instruction without complaint. I watched as they eclipsed the half-giant completely in skill and ability, leveling my raised soldiers and cultists alike. I even watched them as they attempted a bit of necromancy.
A thought came to me as the vestige completely obliterated my useless regiment. The vestige... certainly wasn’t untalented. Foolish, dimwitted, and utterly beneath me, yes but not... untalented. I was reminded of their ambition I had pondered earlier. If I wasn’t planning on forcing them to drink their own blood, I might toy with the idea of enlisting them myself. That is, if they’re torture wasn’t even more tempting than their talent (which it was). (Greatly).
Ah, yes. The vestige had climbed to the top of the tower and made their way to Tharn. This would be the moment I interject. Though, ever precautious, it would only be as a projection. Nevertheless, my power, while only dulled slightly by my caution, would be enough to entrap Tharn, imprison Lyris, and take my leisurely time in crushing the pestering little vestige.
“So, we meet in person at last. You looked taller in your projection.“ Tharn quipped to the vestige.
“I’m here to get you out.” The vestige was slightly out of breath as they spoke, their weapon tightly gripped in their hand.
"And not a moment too soon. If I had to inspect one more bloody soul gem, I'd have thrown myself from the tower." Ah. Tharn would inspect every last soul gem I collect for the rest of eternity for his treason.
The vestige paused a moment, before looking to the half-giant. Their brow seemed to furrow as they turned back to the imperial. “Why should we trust you, Tharn?” So, they had at least modicum of sense.
"A fair question. I know things. Things that can help you—” 
Before the imperial could let his silver tongue loose, I banished Tharn in a flourish of dark magic. The vestige and the half-giant took a step back, and my voice rang out clear to instill fear into them.
"Now, now, Tharn. No telling my secrets." I mused, perfectly. And as the magic settled, my projection appeared, commanding in presence and regal in nature. “Go to your room, Abnur. I will deal with you shortly."
I turned to the half-giant, a smirk marking my features, "Ah, dear Lyris. Your old position at the Foundry is still available. We'll even give you your own set of unbreakable chains." I could see the way the half-giant’s resolve crumbled at the mere mention of her horrors, and her despair only fed my delight.
"And you.” Lastly, I turned toward the vestige. How different they looked when their attention was on me. The slight crease of their brow, their conviction tempered by trepidation. The way they gripped their weapon just a hair too tightly, their lips pursed as they swallowed, and their eyes—their eyes which I had never seen hold both curiosity and dread at once—quivered under my scrutiny. I could bask in their enthrallment to the end of time. “The thorn in my side. The pebble in my shoe. How strong are you? Shall we test your limits?”
At once, I rose my undead servants to battle, a horrible cacophony of chattering bones and black magic being raised by a gesture of my hands. The vestige had to tear their eyes from my projection, and the struggle they had doing so made me grin.
Unfortunately, my grin was quick to fall. The vestige was swift to act, and my first wave of undead servants didn’t stand a chance. Watching the vestige on the other side of a looking glass was one thing, but even seeing their capabilities as a projection was something else entirely. If it hadn’t frustrated me so much, I would say it was impressive.
I was quick to summon another onslaught. However, attack after attack didn’t seem to slow the vestige down. Even as Lyris, the half-giant, began to depreciate in strength, the vestige remained stubborn. I could feel my grip on my composure slipping, my nails digging into my palms and my teeth bearing against one another. As the last of my skeletons collapsed into dust at the hand of the vestige, my temper snapped.
"How infuriating! The process drains the energy from most victims, yet you keep fighting!" I snapped, and the vestige looked up at me with a maddening sort of accomplishment. I hadn’t meant my furious outburst to be taken as praise, but of course the soulless fool took it as such. I composed myself quickly, straightening my back and letting out a short, marked exhale. “Your strength surprises me. But how much more can you take, I wonder?”
That was right. I had all eternity to abolish the vestige’s strength, and no matter how accomplished or skillful they were, the vestige couldn’t keep this up forever. As the vestige recognized what I had, I could see the apprehension in their expression and, even better, in their attacks. I could drink their dismay, and I wanted to chase the pleasure I derived from it. 
In a torrent of sickly black magic mixed with bones and death, I conjured a horror that would surely disparage the vestige enough to force them to their knees in surrender. The size of a troll with ribs layered like armor, a monstrous bone colossus erupted from my craft.
To my disappointment, the vestige was not trembling with fear. They did not fall to their knees and beg for my mercy. No, instead of fear in their eyes, the vestige took one look at the bone colossus and their eyes lightened with... excitement. What should have struck terror into their soulless heart instead inspired challenge.
What was worse was that I seemed to be enjoying this just as much as they were. I hated to admit it, but I liked testing their limit; seeing how much they could measure up to my power. I wanted to try them further, to count how many of my servants they defeat and to see how long they would last. I wanted to craft the most appalling, gruesome, nightmare-inspiring, horrifying amalgamations and see which one makes them tear the air with their screams. I wanted them to fill my castle with the bodies of my own creations just so the satisfaction of their defeat would be so much more.
When the vestige met the finishing blow on the bone colossus, an excited thrill traveled up my spine. I was always the type to enjoy the hunt over the prize.
I rolled my shoulders back, let my tongue graze my teeth, and held up my hands to conjure something even more terror-inducing, when suddenly I was stopped.
"Mannimarco! You dare attack the chancellor of the Elder Council?" Tharn’s nasal tone tore my concentration, along with his effete magic. However, it was enough to stop me in my tracks. 
I felt a snarl curl my lips in disdain for the imperial as I cast a blast of magic towards the chancellor.
“His power wanes, Vestige! Strike him down, while his attentions are on me!" He called out.
I didn’t have a moment to reacted before my projection was shattered. Eyes wide and my magic slowly dissipating, I whipped my head to Tharn as he disappeared before my eyes, "How dare you betray me, Tharn? Your suffering will be legendary!"
As my projection and magic faded, I was alone again. Wrath filled my veins and boiled my blood until all I could see was red. I destroyed whatever work I had on my desk in front of me, slamming my fists on its surface and dragging them across the intricate soul gems and scrolls. 
“He will pay for his treachery!” I hissed aloud, and in a jerky, rage-filled movement, I conjured my scrying visage. 
The vestige, Lyris, and Tharn were escaping through the refuse chute. My mind was flitting through how I could drill regret and remorse into the traitorous imperial. Just as I was wildly grinning at the trio’s capture, the doors from the refuse chute being locked, a soul shriven out of nowhere teleported into the chute and offered them escape. 
My desk collapsed with a loud SNAP as my fist came down on its surface.
“You-!” My words felt like venom on my lips and my eyes burned with hatred as they drilled into the vestige’s body. “You vile, deplorable, soulless-!” With a wave of my hand, I shattered a random soulgem, scattering it into a thousand pieces simply because the act of destroying a life calmed me. However, this time it didn’t seem to calm me as much as I hoped. I whipped back toward the visage. 
“While Tharn will suffer a thousand lifetimes for his betrayal, you, dear vestige,” I spat. “The end of time could not stop your torture!”
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violettadecalda · 3 years
Elements: Water Edition
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About the water element: The water element has much to do with emotions, healing, and the subconscious mind. Like water, emotions are fluid and ever-changing. Some other common themes attributed to or represented by water are courage, cleansing, fertility, sleep, psychic abilities, and self-reflection.
Water in magic: water is often used as a form of cleansing, and is also common in magical workings having to do with love, friendship, and dreams. Rainwater, snow water, rosewater, dew, hail water, sea water, river water and even blessed water are all commonly used. Water may be sprinkled, splashed, or bathed in as needed in spells. Ritual baths are quite common. Submerging something in water can help to banish or release it, similar to burning it. Some witches will run water over sigils as a means to activate them.
Forms of water include: Liquid water, ice, water vapor, snow.
Some water spirits include: Undines and mermaids.
Color: Blue
Direction: West
Tools: Goblet, chalice, cauldron, mirror.
Tarot suit: Cups
Zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
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Water in daily life: It's no secret that we all need water to survive, and that we take in water all day every day, whether we drink it directly or recieve it through food and other drinks. In fact, the human body is over 70% water. In other aspects of life, sometimes it is rainy, snowy, foggy, or just humid outside. Sometimes we go to the lake, the beach, the river, the creek, the pool, even the water park. It all depends on what is in your area, but regardless of what is there, it is known that many people experience a call towards bodies of water and water itself. Most people will tell you that they take baths to relax, they get all their great ideas im the shower, or that the worst part of a shower is getting out. Many people have known the peace of floating on the calm surface of a large enough body of water. Even kissing, really, is an exchange of water.
Water in the home: On the more obvious side of things, a home usually has showers, bathtubs, sinks, and even toilets to bring water into their daily lives in some way. Less obvious is mirrors, which are a symbol of water. Some people will have small, decorative fountains in their homes. Some will have a humidifier in their room. Others will have a duck pond outside. These are all sources of the water element. A daily act that usually uses the element of water is cleaning. Cleansings in general are associated with water, but chores like cleaning household appliances, mopping, and doing the dishes all use water directly.
Water in the kitchen: Boiling, blanching, poaching, and braising are all cooking methods that utilise the element of water. However, there are also many foods that are associated with the water element. These include~
Apples, avocadoes, bananas, blackberries, cabbage, capers, cauliflower, cranberries, celery, lentils, limes, cherry, coconut, cucumber, grape, lemon, lettuce, soy milk, sesame oil, safflower oil, coconut oil, papaya, peach, pear, strawberry, mozzarella, goat's milk, feta cheese, cottage cheese, bleu cheese, tamarind, tomato, vanilla, apricot, butter, fish, octopus, shellfish, butternut squash, white wine, apple cider vinegar, milk, plums, pomegranates, sugar, sweet potatoes, zucchini, agave syrup, seaweed, melons, tea, raspberries, and of course regular drinking water.
Herbs associated with water: Aloe, camphor*, magnolia*, yew*, camellia*, birch, cardamom, salt, catnip, chamomile, wolfsbane*, sweet pea*, sandalwood*, elder*, gardenia, geranium, hibiscus, poppy*, periwinkle*, jasmine, licorice, lilac, lily*, myrrh*, morning glory*, ivy*, iris*, hyacinth*, lobelia*, lotus, mustard, myrtle*, hemlock*, foxglove*, eucalyptus*, passionflower, rose, skullcap, spearmint, daisy*, daffodil*, belladonna*, slippery elm*, tansy*, thyme, valerian, violet, willow, wintergreen*, yarrow.
Stones associated with water: Aquamarine, blue tourmaline, pearl, coral, blue topaz, flourite.
Animals associated with water: Whale, dolphin, turtle, fish, swan, frog, cat, crab.
Incense: Lotus, sandalwood, myrrh, mugwort, vanilla, violet, jasmine, raspberry, hibiscus.
Water on the altar ideas: A bowl or cup of water, a chalice, a bowl of sea salt, a seashell, seaglass, blue ribbons or cloth.
Divination with the water element: Scrying bowls; scrying mirrors.
Water work for spoonies:
Keep a humidifier in your home
Use blue pillowcases, blankets, sheets, curtains, or wall decorations
Wear something blue
Decorate with blue ribbons
Keep a bowl of water out
Take a bath, wash your face, or just use a mister on yourself
*Some herbs are unsafe or even deadly to ingest and can be dangerous to use. ALWAYS do research.
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years
So, you know how both Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein were able to get their hands on extradimensional spaces? Vox Machina had two bags of holding, and the Mighty Nein had a handy haversack, a bag of holding, and the amber vault. It’s a pretty common reward for lower-level players once they beat a difficult quest for their level--you beat this boss, so now the rule of carry capacity is a bit more flexible. To be honest, the question of the New Nobodies getting one isn’t a question of if but rather when.
Anyways, you know how whenever talk of those extradimensional spaces comes up, it always goes back to Dork the Ox? The ox that Vox Machina bought, then promptly put in the Bag of Holding, only for it to suffocate? Like all living things that need to breathe and are put in a bag of holding do? You know how, if it weren’t for that one caveat, any extradimensional space would make for the perfect hideaway to keep another creature hidden away, out of harms way, unable to be seen or scryed upon?
If only there was a way to get around that...hmmm...
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Oh yes, that’s right! Air Genasi have Unending Breath! Which means that any Air Genasi could, in theory, slip into an extradimensional pocket and just...chill for a few hours, heck even a day if they didn’t allow themselves to pass out. And there are numerous ways that the New Nobodies could use this trick to their advantage
but what if, perchance, you needed to get someone’s brother out of trouble? What if you needed to be sure no one would notice him, because his appearance is very recognizable? What if he just so happened to be the very same race with Unending Breath as his own brother?
And what if, perchance, this caper to sneak one’s brother out of harms way just happened to take place just after our group of heroes, still rather low-level, complete a rather difficult mission that very likely could place them in the spot of either stealing or being rewarded some kind of extradimensional pocket? After all, Lady Hexum’s request is to steal an object from another eccentric collector--what’s to say they don’t do a bit of extra-credit and nab something really special for themselves? Something so perfectly suited for just this sort of situation?
Just...what if?
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pyrot3ch-nick · 2 years
With the Streets of New Capenna mtg expansion coming up and all the “alleged leaks” that happened over the past few days, I am making my predictions today:
A few card names that are pun/wordplay titles of noir/mob films. Sleep with the fishes, cement shoes, whack.
“Drive-by shooting” instant that deals damage to all creatures on field
A caper card that makes treasure tokens.
A “family dinner” card that makes food tokens.
A bootlegger card that makes drink artifact tokens that when sacrificed give poisoned counters or -1/-1 counters to opponent or opponents’ target creature
More rogue tribal support cards
A double face artifact card based on the Maltsese Falcon
A “Crime Alley” legendary land/enchantment card that obliterates tokens
A “caped crusader” reference
Sagas will make a return but as newspaper headlines
A Newsies reference. “Seize the day” “king of new capenna”.
An “intrepid reporter” (white/blue mana) creature with scry or investigate. Likewise a “private eye” (black/blue) creature with the same mechanic.
As stakeout card with the surveil keyword
Krenko returns to be the kingpin mobster he was meant to be. A Planeswalker Krenko due to the events of War of the Sparks.
A flaming cocktail instant or sorcery that deals damage OR that prevents land from being untapped for a number of turns OR outright destroys land.
A speakeasy tap land that when tapped afterward lets you phase out or prevent opponent player keywords/triggers from activating or triggering while phased.
“An offer you can’t refuse” enchantment that turns target creatures against their controller
A mugging card that lets you steal artifacts/equipment from your opponents
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weaselle · 5 years
Scry Capers hashtag fictionblast
      In the far future, more than half of humanity lives on the Moon. There are also a few populations on in-system space stations, the Mars Colony, and the Fleet Crews that live on the enormous ships that travel between them all.      The last of the earthlings inhabit a dead and deadly Earth, ruined by humanity’s failure to properly steward our planet and ravaged by terrible wars. Vast abandoned mega-cities return to nature and yet become home to the unnatural: altered animals/people that are either cybernetically Upgraded or biologically Enhanced beings. Scavengers and Privateers make illegal loot runs to Dead Earth for anything of value to smuggle into space colony black markets.       The situation for the few million people still living on Earth is growing worse and a final chance of rescue off-planet is taking place, a cooperative mission organized by the governments of the Moon, overseen by the newly formed and nefarious Planetary Evacuation and Transfer Agency, who takes violent measures to protect against “infiltration” of the Moon by any who are not “pure” humans.       This is not a welcome policy for the various UpGraded and Enhanced people who have become a part of Dead Earth society - lifelong lovers, leaders, parents and friends in the communities left to fend for themselves for so many generations. Into this hotbed of unrest and wreckage sails the crew of one small smuggling ship. Come explore this future with them. Basically it’s about a space smuggling ship of rag-tag adventurers who raid the surface of Dead Earth and sell goods on the Lunar black market. They wind up chasing down a series of ancient sites that answer questions about the deep origins of humanity.
In addition to the Martian and Lunar Colonies, there are the Space Stations, and The Fleet. Originally, the Fleet was the Station Supply Fleet, created to service the seven space stations humans had built. Life on these stations was secretive, and their smaller populations tended toward high I.Q.s in the top of their various fields of study, who then raised  several generations of children who were certainly very, very smart, even if thus far unproven to be genetically enhanced to be extra intelligent, as several stations were rumored to do. Stations were little worlds unto themselves, and along with developing various needed commodities in their areas of specialty (such as nano-tech, medical research, the production and improvement of various foods and technologies) they also developed their own ways of life. Likewise, the Service Fleet, many ships crewed by up to two hundred men and women on between-station journeys that could take three years or more, acquired their own culture. The stations began to have differing opinions about what the law should be on-station.Those opinions disagreed with the opinions of Earth and the Lunar colonies, and when one of those disagreements came to a head on Station Delta, Space Command  found out very quickly that one of the things all the stations had in common was an opinion that attempts at military boarding and take-over of a station would not be tolerated. Initial reports by surviving members of the Lunar Military incursion team were to the effect that yes, the extremely intelligent people of Station Delta had, in fact, thought to engineer quite efficiently against armed intrusion. Planetary authorities were further caught with their pants down when the seven stations of Sol System immediately unionized, announcing themselves an alliance of self-governing bodies. The Sol Union then gave the fleet that serviced them (and relied largely on the stations for refuel and supply) an offer: “join us.” On each ship of the Fleet, decisions were made. On some ships, there were votes. On other ships arguments were more pointed. Explosive, even. Two ships were lost entirely. In the end, the Council of Captains was formed (some of whom were very new to their captaincy indeed) who defined each ship as an autonomous entity within the Captain’s Council, and unanimously offered an alliance with the Sol System Union, simultaneously offering Earth and the Lunar Colonies a peace-treaty with trade agreements. Once the Sol Union signed allegiance with the Council of Captains, there wasn't really any choice for Terran government; the station labs produced a lot of the best goods and technology: medical equipment and vaccines, personal electronics, as well as widely enjoyed arts and entertainment- that last bit was particularly tricky for Space Command to get around. It was extremely difficult to garner the support of the citizenry when the 'enemy' was so damned popular. And the ships of the Fleet were almost all of the serious space-craft humanity had made; there was no space navy, or any kind of second fleet to provide shipping. In effect, the rebel space stations, while refusing to trade any of those things with Earth or the Moon, had agreed to sell to the Fleet. And the Fleet was offering to sell those things to the Earth and Moon. And buy goods from them to sell to Sol Union, of course. Terra couldn't afford to refuse, and indeed, the Delta Solar Treaty worked well for all concerned.  ______________________________________________________________________ The ship is a Sprite Class escort ship repurposed for surface raids and smuggling. The crew is 12 strong 1 AL Short. Buff. Mechanic. Loves vehicles. Missing two fingers. Weapons of choice: sawed off shotgun, hammer, and explosives. Seems fierce but is a big softie. Loves sandwiches and beer. Very seriously insists that he is not of the magic race of dwarves. Always winks afterward. Pet/companion: robot badger. 2 PAIGE Navigation officer. Bookkeeper. Researcher. Woman of Persian heritage. Smart, plays chess, loves books. Grew up half her time on a Space Fleet ship half at a space station. Excellent cook. Weapons of choice: tranq gun full of customized doses and a poisoned dagger. Pet/companion: cat. 3 FEY the captain’s left hand. Loyal to a fault. Black-haired lady of Irish decent. Deadly with several weapons, as well as hand to hand, for some reason, likes the compound bow. Pet/companion: a raven. 4 Q (sometimes Quade or Quin) Tech savant. Computer engineer, code monkey, inventor, robotics tech. Ship pilot. Genius. Always listening to weird music. Androgynous ace black person. Pet/companion: probably-sapient robot built by Q. Resembles a spider the size of a chihuahua  5 DOGWOOD (or maybe Jinx) Being of mystery. So many tattoos. Unrecognizable ethnicity. Witch, probably. Constantly picking pockets and pulling little cons. Tarot cards for poker, winners hands come true. Weapons of choice: hands, random items, the surrounding environment, and pure luck. Flirts with 100% of everyone. Pet/companion something that is probably a coyote but might be a fox? some kind of jackal? Smarter than it should be.  6 . SIX Six is trouble. Don’t bother Six. Six is emotionally fragile and also might rend you limb from limb. Let’s just, let’s just leave Six alone. Pet/companion: the beast within 7 LIEUTENANT WOLFE (usually just called Lieutenant) the captain’s right hand. Weapons of choice, rifle, axe. Russian and Scandinavian ancestry. Companion/pet, clearly, a grey wolf, grey, named Shadow (follows him everywhere.) 8 EIGHT-BALL. Rogue. Gambler. Half-Japanese black trans woman. Loves pool and casinos. Loves cash, jewels, and reeeeaaalllyyyy expensive whiskey. Quickdraw artist with a pistol. Personal pool cue houses a sword cane blade. Laughs easy, holds grudges. Pet/companion: raccoon. 9 THE CAPTAIN. Also referred to as Boss. Trying to navigate the group to success. Slow to give up personal information. The crew are all family the captain would die for. Non binary person with ancestry in mongolia as well as various east asian populations. Pet/companion: Siberian Husky.   10. DOC. Not actually a doctor, more like a paramedic, field surgeon. Sort of a vet for humans. A mostly Tibetan person. Might be 40 years old, might be 90 years old. Pet/companion: saker falcon. 11. SU. Sometimes Suke. Assassin. Bodyguard. Not a talker. Japanese. Highly specialized weapons. Pet/companion: venomous cyborg snake.  12. The Client / possible new adoptee, a well-off lad from the lunar colonies, disowned for his stance against the political status quo, with powerful political enemies. He has hired the crew to help uncover proof of a big secret he is trying to bring to light, and he has his own secret from the crew. Meanwhile, he does his best to unlearn some of his lunar colony privilege and preconceptions, out where population gene pools aren’t screened for designer mutations and cybernetic upgrades don’t define you as less than human. Companion/pet: cyber-ferret. _____________________________________________________________________ Here is some background and world building, and please, I know it says prologue, but it’s really just, like, rough world building notes
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weaselle · 5 years
Hashtag fictionblast
Okay, so, I have the writing bug, a bunch of ideas, and not much time - I’m going to use tumblr tonight to capture as much of it as I can before I have to go to bed and start my 60 hour work week. I have a trio of group adventure ideas: The POD aquatic near future fiction that takes place almost entirely in the deep ocean, as the group explores cetacean intelligence, marine creatures and behaviors, and the unseen depths of our planet.  Cirque Moulin modern fiction about a socioeconomic revolution with it’s genesis in a visionary traveling street circus. Scry Capers a far future scifi story in which humans mostly live on the moon and mars, and a small crew of Dead Earth scavengers uncover the deep roots of humanity in their raids to the surface. okay, here we go!
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