#screw the supreme court
wingdingking · 2 years
jason: so abortions are illegal but guns aren’t? interesting. *cocks guns* i’ve got a supreme court to visit.
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I like how we are now being forced to carry fetuses and raise babies. When:
a majority of our generation is either still too young, broke and focusing on college/education.
Or tired, over worked, under paid middle aged people who can barely pay a fraction of basic living costs.
Crime in general among our society has increased horrendously. Especially towards minorities and children. (COUGH COUGH: WOMEN, CHILDREN, POC)
School shootings/shoot out every other fucking week. (I know this should be linked and fall under crime part up top. But honestly this is a separate and deeper rooted issue. JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS HELL HOLE OF A COUNTRY)
This government better not be surprised when mortality rates of women or children/babies go up. No one can afford even feeding themselves, let alone a baby/children at this point.
For the first time in a while my family can barely afford stocking our fridge from the inflation that has been going on. All the government is doing is starving their people and children economically, socially, and so much more Running us through the mill and to bend us over backwards. For a constitution and flag. Written and made for the rich, white, and old wrinkly husks we call law makers.
And to top if off they bring religion into it as if they think everyone in this country still believes in some singular righteous God. What the fuck ever happened to separation of church and state? As we speak they are just plucking away our rights like feathers. So if you STILL have rights of any sort left. Please do everyone else a favour and fight tooth and nail too keep them. Cause you never know when someone might take them.
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yanderegameguys · 2 years
I’d like to apologize about being sharing about my feelings and thoughts at this time but it would be an empty apology. I’m not going to apologize for getting mad that I myself just became a second class citizen it a Country that’s all about how we are free and have equal rights!!!!
I’ve been too young to fight for anyone before but as I am older now I’m starting to fight. They are not stopping at roe. They want to go after contraception (which I take not because I am sexually active but because I have painfully terrible er visit periods), gay marriage (love is fucking love god damn it) and privacy in your bedroom (I don’t care about peoples sex lives, unless you’re loud asf and it’s 2 am and I’m trying to sleep 😑). We’ve all had to fight for our rights before and it’s sad that it has to be done a second time.
Y’all don’t want gun control but think you have a right to control a person’s body. They got mad at Vaccine Mandates so why can’t we get mad at them pulling this crap? Don’t even give leeway for terrible cases either (rape, incest, mentality, incomplete miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or the possibility of death to the birth giver.)
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sparklytrashllama · 2 years
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(From Pinterest)
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blahajcentral · 2 years
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raggedyoldwitch · 2 years
anyone who isn’t straight, white, and male literally have no rights in this country and so many people don’t see anything wrong with that.
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samasmith23 · 10 months
Ya know… with everything that’s happening with SCOTUS lately, I’m reminded of a quote from Scorpion from the 90s Spider-Man cartoon:
“Stupid wall crawler! Ya ruin everything!”
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Just swap out “wall crawler” with “SCOTUS”…
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mauvecardigans · 9 months
tfw you would have qualified no question for full forgiveness under the previous student loan order but don't qualify for the save plan
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smiletime2 · 9 months
I'm on the verge of starting the Syndicate irl I swear to God FUCK THIS GOVERNMENT
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eidolons-stuff · 2 years
I have seen many posts of ppl being upset about the overturning of Roe v Wade (rightfully so)
but the best thing I have seen is the doxxing of the supreme court members' ip addresses.
I don't condone it, I just think it's funny haha. Little funny weird that you want their ip addresses but you do you boo
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clockwork-garden · 10 months
More Nimona posting because DAMN I just love this movie
Everything about the final "battle" (it's not really a battle because Nimona isn't fighting them) is so good and so perfectly representative of the current assault on (and attempted genocide of) queer people in the US.
Even in her full-on black mist beast form*, Nimona only makes one single attack against anything in the city when she swipes at the billboard advertising the monster slayer board game. Other than that, all the destruction is caused by the knights attacking her. We see it right away too, when several of their missiles fly off and hit nearby buildings.
*(I don't want to call it a "monster form" because even if that's how the people saw her, she wasn't a monster, just a super depressed bean)
The drones strafing Nimona do more damage to the streets and buildings than to her, but they keep firing anyways until there's a trail of fire and destruction in her wake. All anyone sees is the fire behind the monster; they don't see what actually caused it.
And of course, the Director is willing to annihilate half the city in order to kill one person.
But don't worry, she's one of The Good Guys, so it's okay. When the people at the top of the hierarchy do bad things it's okay, because being at the top of the hierarchy means they're actually good people and can't do anything wrong.
Feels familiar, right? One trans high school kid wants to play soccer and suddenly tHe wOrLd iS eNDiNg ermahgerd fAmILy vAlUeS aaahhh LET'S SEND THEM SOME DEATH THREATS!!!!
But a conservative politician demonstrably engages in sex trafficking or SAs people and nothing happens to them.
Now people can refuse to serve you because the Supreme Court is an offense to the concept of justice (it already was; the recent decisions just enforce my opinion), and you know that this is going to affect the cishets too. GNC cis woman? Get the fuck out, creep. Straight boy with good fashion sense? We don't serve your kind here. Never mind if you're visibly queer.
The metaphor breaks down a bit because, while conservatives are more than willing to burn society down just to screw over queer people, they're also sexist, racist, ableist, classist (though the Director is also classist af, which I love), etc etc etc. Taking away women's rights, making queer people illegal, and removing what few social safety nets we have are all part of the plan.
The Director wanted to fire the cannon into the city to kill one "monster" at the expense of half the city. Conservatives are firing the cannon into the city because they hate half the city.
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yanderegameguys · 2 years
Can’t believe guns have more rights than women have with their own bodies
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odinsblog · 10 months
When most people talk about expanding the Supreme Court, they're talking about adding a few Justices, two or four to the bench. But I am not most people. I do not think we should add a few Justices to get into an endless tit for tat with Mitch McConnell and his Federalist Society forces. I think we should blow the lid clear off this incrementally institutionalized motherfucker, and add 20 Justices.
I'd like to tell you about my Court expansion plan and explain why adding many Justices instead of fewer Justices is actually a better reform, fixes more underlying problems with the Court, and works out to be less partisan or political than some of the more incremental plans out there.
Let's start with the basics.
Expanding the number of Justices on the Supreme Court can be done with a simple act of Congress, passed by the Senate and signed by the President. Court expansion does not become easier or harder based on the number of Justices you seek to add to the Court. From a civics perspective, the process to add two Justices to the Court is just the same as the process to add 20.
Arguably, the rationale is the same too.
The current plan, supported by some Democrats, is to add four Justices to the Supreme Court. Their arguments are that the Court has gotten woefully out of step with the American people and the elected branches of government, which is true.
They argue that the country is a lot bigger now than it was in 1869, when Congress set the number of Supreme Court Justices at nine, which is also true. Basically, all of these arguments flow together into the catchphrase, “we have 13 Circuit Courts of Appeal, and so we should have 13 Justices.”
See, back in the day, each Supreme Court Justice was responsible for one lower Circuit Court of Appeal. Procedurally, appeals from the lower circuits are heard first by the Justice responsible for that circuit. But now we have 13 lower Circuit Courts of Appeal, meaning some Justices have to oversee more than one. If we expanded the Court to 13 Justices, we'd get back to a one to one ratio for Supreme Court Justice per Circuit Court of Appeal.
But it doesn't actually matter how many circuits each Justice presides over, because all the Justices do is move an appeal from the lower court to the Supreme Court for the full Court to consider whether to hear the appeal.
Their function is purely clerical.
It doesn't matter.
One justice could oversee all 13 circuits while the other eight went fishing, kind of like hazing a rookie on a team. And it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference in terms of the number of cases the Supreme Court hears. It's just a question of who has to work on Saturdays.
Indeed, I'm not even sure that I want the Court to hear more cases. These people are unelected, and these people already have too much power. More cases just gives them more opportunities to screw things up. I don't need the Court to make more decisions. I need the Court to make fewer shitty decisions. And for that, I need to reform how the Court makes those decisions. And for that, I need more people. And I need those people to make their decisions in panels.
Those lower courts, those 13 Circuit Courts of Appeal, almost all of them operate with more than nine judges. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has — wait for it — 29 judges!
All the lower courts use what's called a panel system. When they catch a case, three judges are chosen at random from all the judges on the circuit to hear the case. Those three judges then issue a ruling. If the majority of the circuit disagrees, they can vote to rehear the case as a full circuit.
The legal jargon here is called “en banc” when the full circuit hears the case.
But most of the time, that three judge panel ruling is the final ruling on the issue, with the circuit going en banc only when they believe the three judge panel got it clearly wrong.
Think about how different it would be if our Supreme Court operated on a panel system instead of showing up to Court knowing that six conservative Justices were against you, or the one or two conservative Justices that you invited onto your super yacht are guaranteed to hear your case.
You literally wouldn't know which Justices you'd get on your panel.
Even on a six-three conservative court, you might draw a panel that was two-to-one liberals, or you might draw Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett instead of Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch, which could make a huge difference. Either way, you wouldn't know which Justices you'd get.
Not only does that make a big difference in terms of the appearance of fairness, especially in this time when some Justices are openly corrupt, it also makes a big difference in terms of what kinds of cases and arguments people would bring to the Court. Without knowing which Justices they'd get, litigants and red state attorney generals would have to tailor their arguments to a more center mass, mainstream temperament, instead of merely shooting their shot and hoping their arch conservatives can bully a moderate or two to vote with them.
Now, you can do panels with nine or 13 Justices, but you pretty much have to do panels with 29 Justices. Overloading the Court with Justices would essentially force them to adopt the random assignment process used by every other Court.
That would be good.
Sure, litigants could always hope for en banc review, where the full partisan makeup of the Court could be brought to bear. BUT, getting a majority of 29 Justices to overrule a panel decision requires 15 votes. Consider that right now you only need four votes, a minority of the nine member Court, to get the full Court to hear a case.
I'm no mathlete, but I'm pretty sure that 15 is just a higher bar.
That brings me to my next big point about expanding the Court to 29: Moderation.
Most people say that they do not want the Court to be too extreme to either side. Generally, I think that argument is bollocks. I, in fact, do want the Court to be extreme in its defense of voting rights, women's rights, and human rights. But maybe I'm weird.
If you want the Supreme Court to be a more moderate institution, then you should want as many Justices on the Supreme Court as possible. Why? Because cobbling together a 15-14 majority on a 29 member Court will often yield a more moderate decision than a five-four majority on a nine member Court.
Not going to lie. The law is complicated, and judges are quirky. If you invited five judges off the street over for a barbecue, they wouldn't be able to agree on whether hot dogs and hamburgers count as sandwiches.
It's simply easier to get five people to do something extreme than it is to get 15 people to do something extreme.
Think about your own life.
If you wanted to hike up a damn mountain, that is an activity for you and a couple of your closest friends. You're not taking 15 people to climb a mountain. That's not even a hike. That's an expedition, and you're expecting one or two of them to be eaten by bears on the way to the top. But if you're organizing an outdoor activity for 15 people, you're going to go to the park, and your friends will be expected to bring their own beer.
Most likely, adding 20 Justices would moderate the conservative majority just by putting enough people and personalities in the mix that it would be harder for them to do their most destructive work.
Just think about how the five worst senators you know, or the five worst congresspeople you can think of, often don't get their way because they can't even convince other members of their party to go along with their nihilist conservative ride.
Note, I said Conservative majority.
The astute reader will notice that I have not said that I want to add 20 fire-breathing liberal comrades who will stick it to Das Kapital for the rest of their lives. No, I believe the benefits of this kind of court expansion are so great — panels and the moderation from having more justices trying to cobble together en banc majority opinions — that I'd be willing to split the new justices ten and ten with conservative choices.
A 16-13 conservative leaning court would just be better than a six-three conservative court, even if my guys are still in the minority. The only litmus test I'd have for this plan is that all 20 have to be objectively pro-Democratic, self-government. All 20 have to think the Supreme Court has too much power. You give me 20 people who think the court should not be rulers in robes, and I'll take my chances.
However, there's no objective reason for elected Democrats to be as nice and friendly as I am when adding 20 Justices. Off the top, seats should be split eleven to nine, because Mitch McConnell and the Republicans must be made to pay for their shenanigans with the Merrick Garland nomination under Barack Obama. Republicans stole a seat. Democrats should take it back, full stop. I will take no further questions about this.
From there, this is where Democrats could, I don't know, engage in political hardball instead of being SAPS like always.
You see, right now, Republicans are dead set against court expansion because they are winning with the Court as it is. I can make all of the pro-reform, good government arguments under the sun, and the Republicans will ignore them because, again, they're winning right now.
But if you put forward a bill to add 20 seats, the Republican incentives possibly change: obstruct, and the Democrats push through court expansion on their own, and add 20 Justices of their own choosing, and you end up with people like, well, like me on the court. Or Mitch McConnell could release Senators to vote for the plan, and Republicans can share in the bounty.
It puts a different kind of question to McConnell: Join, get nine conservative Justices and keep a 15-14 conservative majority on the court, or Obstruct, and create a 23 to six liberal majority on the court, and trust that Republicans will take over the House, Senate, and White House so they can add 20 of their own Justices in the future.
Note that McConnell will have to run that whole table while overcoming a super liberal Supreme Court that restores the Voting Rights Act and strikes down Republican gerrymanders. Good luck, Mitch.
My plan wins either way.
Either we get a 29 person court that is more moderate, we get a 29 person court that is uber liberal, or McConnell does run the table and we end up with a 49 person court or a 69 person court. And while Republicans are in control of that bloated body, everybody understands that the Court is just a political branch there to rubber-stamp the acts of the President who appointed them.
Perhaps then, voters would start voting based on who they want to be in control of that court, instead of who they want to have a beer with.
The court is either fixed, or neutered.
It's a win-win.
I know 20 is a big number. I know we've all been institutionalized to believe that incremental change is the only change possible. And I know it sounds fanciful to ask for 20 when the starting offer from the establishment of the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and President Joe Biden, is zero.
But like a doctor with poor bedside manner, I'm less interested in people's feelings and more interested in fixing the problem.
If you give me two Justices or four Justices, I can reverse a number of conservative policies that they've shoved through a Supreme Court that has already been illegitimately packed with Republican appointees. If you give me a few Justices, I can reestablish a center-left, pro-democracy majority… at least until those new Justices die at the wrong time, under the wrong president.
But if you give me 20 Justices, I can fix the whole fucking thing.
—ELIE MYSTAL, In Contempt of Court
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blahajcentral · 2 years
what the fuck is wrong with the supreme court? womens reproductive rights are not yours to control! the supreme court is full of DUMBASSES !
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jeswii · 10 months
I haven't been this angry in a while. No student loan forgiveness, the dismantling of affirmative action, and a precedent set for business to discriminate against queer couples. This is absolutely insane. Three major decisions made to target minorities and make life harder and you know what the Supreme Court is going to do now?
Go on vacation.
Yeah, they decided these cases on the last few days of success and they won't come back until October. They get to go on a three month vacation after screwing people over.
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samasmith23 · 2 months
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I am calling serious bullcrap on this decision! Screw the Supreme Court, and screw Donald Trump!
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