#scales pattern comes from Airi
silversiren1101 · 1 year
For the recent ask thingy, roots and texture for Mino? Genuinely curious if you've thoughts about like the fantasy-historical style of Mino's clothing choices (esp. considering her origin in Cheliax)
Hello Spoon! Great questions!
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
A lot of Mino's general design ideas are rooted in her origin: Westcrown. There is no official influence for Westcrown and its culture, but I personally see it as very Venetian in influence! It's a city of bright white marble and once gilded statues and fountains and publics works left to crumble as the old capital, right there on the Inner Sea coast, straddling islands and inlets.
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Cheliax in general has a curious vibe that is basically just "Every Imperialist/Colonizer culture in one" ranging from Spain to Italy to England, and it's a bit easier to get a cultural vibe on specific cities. Hence, Westcrown to me has a very Venetian quality to it! Especially with so much mention of the old nobility and vaneos that overlook everything else, the deposed lords and ladies desperate to keep any little power they have left and keep up appearances.
Mino, though, isn't any Lord or Lady. She grew up an orphan with just rags to wear, but Westcrown beats in her heart and blood. She is drawn towards bright fabrics that are airy and breathable, but strong: the kind of things the poor and working class fishermen of the city would wear. A crisp white linen work-shirt, durable but breathable pants that can withstand the grime and wear and take of constant work? Colors: whites, oranges, yellows, browns, blues. Very coastal bright and proud of it.
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Even in her finery she is drawn towards lace and silky ribbons that are bright and delicate; nothing at all like the dark colors and velvets and ribbing more common in the dark heart of Cheliax (Egorian).
It's in her appearance too: unlike most Chelaxians Mino is not weirdly pale with dark accents and theming! She has a warm ivory skintone that tans easily like she's drinking in sunlight. She has blonde hair with dark roots and bright eyes and lips. Her scales are like the whitegreen caps of ocean waves. Pretty much everything about her evokes feelings of a sea-scented breeze beneath a blue sky with only a few white clouds, perfectly warm day that'll require some sunscreen, the sound of gentle waves somewhere close by...
So yeah! A lot of her design comes from her being a proud Wiscrani, which itself is Venetian in influence. This is a woman who grew up breathing in salt air, always within sound of the ocean, where the sun is bright and weather is on the warmer side. She wears her bright colors and patterns and heritage with a prideful defiance to what Cheliax has become, like most Wiscrani do.
Her armor, of course, is Hellknight-core but with a more approachable slant to it. Less spikes, more blue than black, but still, Hellknight lol.
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
Answered here! And it pairs well with the Roots answer above!
Questions from this ask game!
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rainbowolfe · 11 months
A Stupidly Detailed Analysis of Shamura's Theme
Here it is if you haven't heard it, the whole OSTs a bop though. Not a single miss. For context to what I'm going to say, every supporting-lead character has a unique "lead vocalist" in their theme, so when I refer to that character that's what I mean. I found it interesting that the vocals for all their siblings appeared in their theme when the opposite wasn't the case for the Bishops + Nari's themes.
I don't have any ~formal training~ in music or music theory, but I can FEEL the intent and I can see the stuff, I just don't know all the technical terms. So bear with me XD
Link to JUST the analysis, without all the observations.
Shamura's voice is very hissy/airy, much like it is in-game. Kallamar and Narinder both have very high voices, but while Narinder's has a lot of "body", Kallamar's doesn't. Heket's voice is mid-range but very distorted. Leshy's voice is mid-to-high range, but has a softer feel to it. And The One Who Waits(TOWW) voice is the alto of all altos lol
Chorus 1
The song starts with the chorus, that's funky. An unknown* voice sets the melody; 6 beats that start at G, work their way up the scale from C, then end on a high note (A or B). This repeats for four measures, with the final measure getting an extra note (goes low, then high). This will be called "Shamura's Melody".
On the second repetition of Shamura's Melody, Shamura joins the unknown voice in a duet with Heket providing her distorted backup vocals (she is 4 beats, but starts on the melody's 3rd note). I noticed that Shamura tends not to sing the last note of each measure.
I have two ideas for the voice that creates Shamura's Melody. It's either Vephar's (which would imply that Shamura is following the lead of their followers) or Heket's (which would imply that Shamura is following Heket's lead). Either way, Shamura's beliefs are not their own. They're someone else's ideas that they are repeating and upholding. And Shamura and Heket are on the same page about it.
This could be applied to Shamura's origin with the crown. By donning the Purple Crown, they were made apart of someone else's religion/cult and thus upholding beliefs, doctrines, etc that were already established by another.
"In my silk, I snared a Crown… to their faith, irrevocably bound…"
For the case of it being Heket, TOWW and Narinder do have separate voices despite being the same person (physically anyways). This clearer voice could be Heket before her injury, or it could be that Heket also has two sides to her as well—a good and a corrupt side. While her ideas may have been good/come from a good place, the Heket she is now (the Heket that agrees with Shamura) is warped and corrupt.
Shamura skipping notes in certain measures could be a marker for how they felt about their siblings at that moment. Four measures for four younger siblings.
Based on Bishop Order, this would mark some level of disagreement with Heket, Leshy, and Narinder. Based on age order, the disagreement would be with Leshy, Narinder, and Kallamar.
"He of havoc, he of blight; she of hunger, they of might. Five becomes four becomes three becomes two becomes one becomes nothing."
Oh. The separation between Kallamar and Heket (with the ';') aligns with the two "sides" shown in this song. Cool when things work out like that.
Verse 1
Leshy and TOWW sing an entirely different melody, slightly off from the Main Beat. Deemed TOWWs Melody because, well, that's what it is. It's the through-thread of his theme. It seems to be on 2/4 and flows up and down in a specific pattern. This verse is only four measures, with Kallamar accompanying the harmony towards the end of the second measure. Narinder joins in for the second and fourth measure, but in the fourth measure he sings 4 notes instead of the 2.
This splits the family into two sides: Leshy, Narinder, and Kallamar vs Heket and Shamura.
The use of TOWWs melody could have a literal meaning, representing Narinder's beliefs and ideas. Perhaps the "new" ideas that got him locked up in the void. Leshy and Narinder share a few connections, but the most obvious one is the camelias. Not surprising that these two hold the same/similar beliefs, especially with Leshy being a God of Chaos. Kallamar being part of this group is most interesting because he (and Heket) are the stagnant parts of the Old Faith.
I've always wondered why Narinder opted to start calling himself The One Who Waits, when that clearly isn't what he wants to be. He doesn't want to wait. He doesn't want to be the God of Death the way all the others have been. So, an alternative:
TOWWs melody in this piece represents what they have to be as gods and as Bishops of the Old Faith. Leshy lives by it, Kallamar reluctantly lives by it, and Narinder lives by it reluctantly as well... until he doesn't. He tries to sing a different tune.
The siblings opting not to sing at certain parts kind of stuck out to me, so I'll explore it whenever it comes up. I'll stick to age order, since that aligned well in chorus 1.
Leshy sings all four measures, so he's cool with everyone. Narinder shows disagreement with Leshy and Kallamar. Kallamar shows disagreement w/ Leshy and Heket, but he's coming around on her.
Chorus 2
Shamura's Melody once again, now lacking the unknown voice from the first chorus. This time Shamura sings the final note in each measure, and Heket's backup vocals are more confident.
The TOWWs melody, but sung by Kallamar with Leshy providing backup vocals. Only four measures again, Leshy absent on the third.
Without the third voice leading the song, both Shamura and Heket are louder and more confident. Shamura shows agreement with all their siblings, so whatever was wrong resolved? And yet both sides are still singing different melodies, and now Narinder is absent. Based on the two options discussed above, Kallamar is now the one who is either discontent with his role or suggesting new ideas of change. Leshy being less vocal here compared to the last verse could signify a lack of belief in Kallamar, even if their ideas are the same. His absence on the third measure would also mean strife with Kallamar.
Chorus 3
Kallamar and Leshy carry on the alternate melody in the same fashion, but now Shamura's Melody is over it with slight modifications. First measure gains a note at the end (down, then up), second measure the final note goes down. For the first two measures, Heket gives the leading vocals while Shamura does backup vocals. They switch spots for the last two measures, Shamura opting not to sing the final (new) two notes at the end of the third measure, and goes down on the final note of the fourth measure while Heket goes up. Heket also stops being backup vocals for the last measure, makes it a duet.
The back and forth between the two melodies show the different "ideas", but the way Shamura's Melody completely overpowers and drowns out TOWWs Melody would point to those ideas not exactly living in harmony. This is emphasized by how, in the bridge, the two melodies are no longer in sync. Without Narinder/TOWW to back those ideas, they fade away and the "same" continues with Heket taking the lead, even if only for a short time. During this period, Heket gained mixed feelings about Leshy, and a lowered opinion of Narinder.
When Shamura takes the lead position again, they and Heket begin to drift apart ideologically. Maybe it's the changes Heket has subtly made. They're upset with Narinder, and their opinion of Kallamar has lowered. But Heket's opinion of Shamura has gone up, even as she refuses to return to her supporting role. She wants to lead. With Shamura? or in their place?
Kallamar is consistent throughout this section, but Leshy shows strife with Shamura when Heket is in the lead, and strife with Heket and Narinder when Shamura is in the lead.
With no vocals, the alternate melody plays over the Secondary Beat using only TOWWs instruments. They are out of sync. On the second repetition of the melody, Leshy's instrument enters playing the Secondary Beat. On the third repetition, the vocals return: First Leshy, then Kallamar, and then Narinder.
The Bishops hit a point where none of them are willing to unify. The family's broken. None of them sing. And there's nothing left but TOWWs influence following the tempo Shamura set, two things that are wholly incompatible. But then Leshy's influence unifies with what remains of Shamura's. Maybe it's less influence in the sense of power, but their love for each other. Leshy's instrument plays to Shamura's beat, and the result is the family's reunification.
It's Leshy who starts it, making amends with Kallamar through TOWWs Melody. The two of them make amends with Narinder, and they make the change they've desired from the beginning. (Or they break free of the roles assigned to them)
Alternatively, Leshy forgives all. Kallamar forgives all but Leshy. Narinder forgives only Kallamar and Shamura. But maybe further forgiveness will come later, because....
Final Chorus
A new melody that everyone* sings together in harmony ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・ Two high notes sung in alternating octaves for the remainder of the song, in sync with both the Main and Secondary beat. Narinder is the loudest voice, but Shamura and Leshy accompany him. Kallamar joins in on the third and fourth measures before the song ends.
Shamura finally sings a different melody, in harmony, with Narinder and Leshy. One that is hopeful and bright, and honestly led by Narinder IMO. Kallamar is late to join this final chorus, which could be because he still had unresolved tension with both Shamura and Leshy. But it could also be because he doesn't pay attention (he enters late on his own theme song too lmao).
Heket's part in this is so fascinating. She's there by Shamura's side the entire time, supporting their ideals, their beliefs. Never once straying to the 'other side'. She's characterized as someone vicious, whose words are hurtful and toxic. But also as someone who cares a lot about her family. And yet, it would seem that she may have attempted to usurp Shamura's position as either the head of the Old Faith or the head of the family. Which wouldn't work.
This family seems bound by their love for Shamura. Leshy potentially loves and cares for all of them, but theres clear divides for the rest. Heket loves Shamura and Leshy. She might love Kallamar as a brother, but she certainly doesn't like him. Kallamar loves Shamura (even though he threw them under the bus) and possibly loved Narinder before his fear of death/the Red Crown took priority. And Narinder loves Leshy, Kallamar, and Shamura.
Shamura loves Narinder the most, so it makes sense they finally come to some sort of compromise. Shamura's way didn't work for the boys. But Narinder's way didn't work for Shamura. And the resolution comes from something that is different from what either of them stood by.
What seems like a happy ending is achieved, but without Heket.
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figureofdismay · 1 year
strange daughter, her enchanted bridegroom
Oh, lament, for we are hapless, and made to repeat certain patterns, tracking soot-marks ever forward from what was burned, what we said we would not burn again, the pains of our mothers, the preventative medicine, the suffering shape of ruins left behind. We see it, and still cannot recall, or avert, or abstain from placing our feet, with heads baffled by concerns minute and swarm-like, into footsteps ready-made.
You have a waxwork daughter, come and make her sit before the fire to see if it will make her grow dewy, or bend in some semblance of living calm. She works away her idle hours like curls shaved from a bar of soap to make it last, with precise and quiet ritual, with bowed head and neat hand, as she has learned, as she is allowed. Yet behind the grille of studious pursuits, behind the closed shutter of downcast eyes and good labour, she is not dutiful. She is inward gazing, and filled with songs and a slurry of dilute rages, and pride, and the machinery ratchet of a thing raised slow from echoing, earthen depths with unrelieved dread and sick joy, awaiting what might appear.
The snow begins. That was always the beginning,  the snow, the foggy snow-light in the deep of night, in the wild wood with all its stern, watching gazes. Walking there, precipitous flight slowed, a lost traveller, with empty pockets, fearing the wood will take him, and lead him, and keep him wound asleep inside its many-caverned heart— but instead salvation, riches, an impossible promise that hides, beneath its dazzle and perfume, a cutting barb. Or a woman alone, reckless, spending a last hope, too late, the hasty flight to rescue what she had treasured and cast aside, a love’s quest shocked from her lungs, from her slender, sturdy limbs in airy wrappings, by the cold, cold, biting jaws of winter, though she struggles on.
That is the definition, the vast, inescapable winter's night suspended before you, its trial laid bare, the scales that hang to weigh your selfless love and your sinking regret, is the dividing line, the bride’s great test of devotion to see if you will turn back and prosper, or push on, and on, towards the heart of the enchantment where love sits -- where you have left him, to swallow his own poisoned barb, to where he sleeps in death. The swirled, brilliant haze, and behind that ice-gauze veil the unforgiving twilight wilderness that you must cross, and its unknowable greedy shadows, the frayed, yawning gaps in the substance of the world. The tiny, pattering hush of snowflakes landing and the sharp, billowing air, and-- dwindling thought until thought is the hush, and you cease to push your shins through the soft, soft eiderdown, powder white and you pause.
And in pausing, wonder at the far distant summer you left behind, the thick, yellow heat, the insect hum of the peach orchard where you had walked together, in gracious sunlight in full fruit, those luminous days in full love’s-bloom, a dream, still vivid, fleeing just ahead of you, yet always a fathomless distance away.
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scionheart · 1 year
Drabble || What's Needed
Prompt: Hanzo has a near death experience and gets sent to the spirit world temporarily.
Word count: 1670
Background music linked below & optional! I have a track for each part. They may not go 100% with the scene but it's primarily just what I was listening to while writing each respective scene.
Part 1 beginning with "Everything is white."
Part 2 beginning with "Everything is black."
Click the read more to access it and please let me know what you think!
Everything is white.
Colorless and blinding. Yet, it doesn’t hurt. In fact, nothing is felt. It’s as if all senses are dull or simply nonexistent. The blank screen of the male’s vision slowly begins to detect a line in the distance. A horizon, seemingly. It’s hazy and uneven. Transparency varies in the abnormal shapes drawn out in front of him. Slowly, more becomes clear. Senses begin to reset. A breeze caresses his skin, wrapping around every part of him in a soft embrace as if holding him with loving intent, whispering by his ears. A bare foot is brought forward, stepping down. It’s enveloped in the haze. The other foot follows suit, and the pattern continues for what feels like hours on a silent path with no direction.
All sense of being is lost. The knowledge of oneself seemingly vanished, leaving just a shell. However, it’s… strangely peaceful. It feels free. A wave of relief washes over. No air fills his lungs as none seems to be needed anymore. The haze swirls up on his sides as he slowly strides past, sprouting, arching, growing branches, leaves, forming trees floating without roots and others rising from the supposed ground, all creating a pathway for him. Some roots explode from underneath and reach overhead to create white archways with white petals floating down like snow. His pace increases. Arms begin to swing. Fists clench. A soft color washes the sky above him, painting the colorless world with a pop of blue. The scent of fresh sakura fills his nose.
What’s at the end of all this?
Steps slam into the haze, disturbing it as he goes. Life continues to rapidly sprout around him. Keeping his pace, no issue, the lightness of his new body becomes known to him. In the distance, a Tori gate forms from the mist. Closer. Closer. Almost there. Coming to a slow trot as the gate towers above, his run comes to a halt mere feet from its archway. The white poles gleam with golden etched designs of dragons. The sharp points of its top have the haze fogging from the tips. Looking through it, the horizon continues, unchanged. Clouds meet with the sky in an endless field. Barren. Empty. He approaches the gate. He’s drawn to it, as if it’s grasping his very mind and puppeteering him from the inside. His arm lifts, his fingers unfurling to reach out.
Is this…?
His focus is interrupted by a form breaking from underneath the clouds just next to him. Serpentine in form, a soft blue is its color, followed by a second form to his opposite side displaying the same color and traits as they both slither out of sight seconds apart only to reappear in front of and behind him. They disappear for several long moments before wind is blown up from the ground, the blue form exploding from underneath between the male and the gate, soaring up into the air, becoming recognizable.
Scales pattern it’s body, three fingered hands in a pair of four total. Another blasts up from the clouds following suit, bodies twisting in the air. Looping. Swirling. The first one points it’s head towards the man below, leveling out before it slams down behind him, it’s body wrapping a border around, the tail giving almost it’s full weight to the clouds to block the Tori gate. The other serpentine floats down more softly, it’s front talons gripping the top of the gate, the back pair landing to the ground behind it. However, it’s body cannot be seen past the gate’s border.
A deep, airy voice is heard, it’s origin the being behind the male. Hanzo turns, tilting his head upwards to meet the face of a blue dragon looking down at him, its chin tilted down towards its chest so their eyes can meet. Antenna like whiskers flow to the sides of its muzzle. Its mouth had not moved to speak. Its voice is simply heard. Understood. The presence around him has grown a little tense, yet familiar.
“It is not your time.”
Hanzo is silent for a long moment before speaking. “What? Who… Who are you?” The other dragon’s presence is heard from atop the gate. “We are the guardians of Yomi.” Hanzo takes a step back. “Yomi… You called me Hanzo. Who is Hanzo?!” His voice is raised, confusion, yet also slight irritation at being interrupted from his path. Feelings begin to rise in his chest where initially there was a void free of such emotion just moments earlier. The dragon replies in mind, an airy hiss escaping its throat.
“You. Hanzo Shimada. Heir to the Shimada family. You. Our vessel for the land of the living. You must remember!”
The other dragon joins in. “You must remember, Hanzo!”
“You must return.”
“Must return!”
Hanzo yells back at the entities in retaliation, spinning around to face the gate and the twin dragon. If Yomi was his destination, then so be it! This is truly where his path leads, where it will always lead. Do they not understand this? This is what he’s been seeking for so long. Now that he stands at Yomi’s gate, he’s being held back. He can’t. Not now! He’s come this far! If he can just see inside… just to see. Just to see him. To find him and maybe… they can come back. Together.
A small exhale leaves Hanzo’s throat with a quiver. He looks up to the dragon overhead. He speaks, his voice strong and commanding.
“If I truly am your vessel then you must listen to me!” He pauses, the strength in his voice slightly breaking. “I must undo what has been done.”
The dragon upon the gate bares its teeth and growls. Its mouth opens and a roar bellows.
“Then you are lost!”
Hanzo remains planted in his position, keeping his gaze upon the other. Over his shoulder, a soft, yet stern tone pulls his attention.
“There is no undoing what has been done. What you seek does not lie beyond this gate. You must do what is needed. What’s necessary.”
Memories begin to flood Hanzo’s mind. His eyes go blank as images impose themselves upon him. His youth. His experiences. His brother.
His brother.
I’m here…
Frozen in place, he stands as a statue. Brown hues shift to look at the gate and its uncertain portal. The soft deep voice speaks once again, slowly.
“Find a new path. Do what is needed.”
The dragon’s pure white eyes pierce into Hanzo, yet it is not with malice. “You must return.” Hanzo breaks his stillness to glance over his shoulder at the dragon. His eyes filled with regret, almost pleading. He very slightly shakes his head, side to side. The dragon takes a few steps back. The one upon the Torii wraps its body around the gate to block it while the form of the other departs it’s position, tail dragging along the ground to lift into the air as the creature leaps up, swirling above before once again beginning to plumet downwards, this time, directly for Hanzo. The archer looks up, baring his teeth yet has no time to react before the dragon’s mouth opens, snapping shut around him.
Everything is black.
A force strongly grips Hanzo’s chest through his back, dragging him downwards. His breath is stolen from him, ripped right from his lungs as the rest of his body feels as if it’s being dragged through a hard, solid surface. Suddenly, the pressure is released, throwing him back into being.
His mouth gapes and eyes shoot open, air floods his lungs in one long, loud gasp. He struggles to regulate, constantly gasping for air as if he’d been drowning. Pressure is felt on his upper arm, muted voices can be heard all around him. A blue haze lingers above his head before dissipating as soon as his vision comes to. A white veil to both his left and right. Figures he doesn’t recognize surround him. His senses in disarray, he pulls away from whatever is placing pressure on his arm, sending him rolling off the surface he was laid upon, dragging equipment on wheels with him by the small cables attached between them and him on varying areas of his upper body. He grunts as he slams into the solid floor.
A flood of emotions stemming from his stomach coursing through every fiber of his being flow to his chest, then his head, finally, his eyes. His mouth remains open as his face is in pure shock.
Anger. Sadness. Disgust. Regret.
He faces the floor, pushing himself up, the sight of the white ground with his fingers splayed flat, palms down and a small blue glow from the tattoo on his left arm becomes blurry. He releases a short, rough exhale. A quick inhale. A rough exhale again. The blurriness begins to shake, stretch, and finally… drop to the ground. It makes a soft noise as it splats against the tile, leaving a tiny glistening puddle. Another follows. Then another. Then another. With another quivering inhale that gets hitched in his throat, once his breath allows, he lets out a voice cracking wail. It draws out for a long few seconds before morphing into a scream.
A strong, heart-shattering scream.
He fights to drag one of his legs under him yet fails as his strength just isn’t there. Lowering himself down, he flops over on his back, tears rolling down the sides of his face. He goes deathly silent, only his short breaths can be heard now. He shuts his eyes, his head pounding. In his revived state, he can no longer fight. He gives in, unable to do anything about the strangers handling him to replace him upon where he was before. Not long after, his body begins to slip into unconsciousness.
Everything is black.
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tanghanwa · 1 year
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APRIL 2023
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A certain kind of calm has fallen over the outposts. After new arrivals, high tensions, power outages, and the world seeming to shift on its axis, at the end of the day, the world readjusts. And life goes on. Zero Zero may be considering their return home. Cair Mallplex has finally come to the calm after the storm. Though that's not usually how that phrase goes, is it? Featuring a rousing game of tennis, ghosts in the machine, and new names, depending on how you look at it.
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lilahernandez829 · 8 days
Cozy Elegance: Enhancing Your Living Space with Luxurious Throw Pillows
Adding luxurious throw pillows to your living space is a simple and effective way to bring elegance, comfort, and style to any room. These small accessories can make a big impact on the overall look and feel of your home. From enhancing the comfort of your sofa to adding a pop of color to your bedroom, throw pillows are versatile and can be easily switched out to update the decor with the changing seasons or trends.
Choosing the Right Throw Pillows
When it comes to selecting throw pillows for your home, there are a few key factors to consider. First, think about the size and shape of the pillows. Square and rectangular pillows are the most common shapes and can be mixed and matched for a layered look. Consider the size of your furniture and the scale of the room when choosing the appropriate pillow size.
Materials and Textures
Another important consideration is the material and texture of the throw pillows. Opt for luxurious fabrics like velvet, silk, or faux fur to add a touch of sophistication to your space. Textured pillows can also create visual interest and dimension in a room. Mixing and matching different materials can add depth and warmth to your decor.
Color and Patterns
Color and patterns play a significant role in the overall aesthetic of your living space. Choose throw pillows that complement the existing color scheme of the room while adding a hint of contrast for visual interest. Bold patterns can make a statement, while solid colors can create a sense of cohesion. Don't be afraid to mix patterns and colors to create a dynamic and personalized look.
Arranging Your Throw Pillows
How you arrange your throw pillows can also impact the overall vibe of the room. Play around with different arrangements to find what works best for your space. You can stack pillows, layer them, or prop them up against each other for a casual and inviting look. Consider using odd numbers of pillows for a more effortless and balanced display.
Seasonal Updates
One of the best things about throw pillows is that they are easy to switch out for seasonal updates. In the warmer months, opt for lighter fabrics and brighter colors to create a fresh and airy feel. In the colder months, bring in cozy textures like wool or faux fur in rich, deep hues to add warmth and comfort to your space.
Caring for Your Throw Pillows
To keep your throw pillows looking their best, it's important to care for them properly. Be sure to fluff and rotate your pillows regularly to maintain their shape and fullness. Check the care instructions for each pillow to see if they are machine washable or if they require dry cleaning. Spot clean any spills or stains immediately to prevent them from setting.
Enhancing your living space with luxurious tabelware is a simple and cost-effective way to elevate your home decor. By carefully selecting the right pillows in terms of size, shape, material, color, and pattern, you can create a cozy and elegant atmosphere that reflects your personal style. Don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations and arrangements to find what works best for your space. With a little creativity and attention to detail, you can transform your home into a stylish and inviting retreat that you'll love coming back to every day.
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milargro-blog · 26 days
Exploring the Latest Modern Wallpaper Trends: Styles and Patterns
Latest Modern Wallpaper Trends - Introduction
Wallpaper has made a significant comeback in interior design, evolving from traditional patterns to modern and innovative styles that can transform any room. With advancements in materials and digital printing technologies, today's wallpaper options offer an endless array of colors, textures, and patterns. In this blog, we will delve into the latest trends in modern wallpaper, focusing on the unique styles and patterns that are shaping interiors around the world.
1. Textured Wallpaper: Adding Depth and Dimension
One of the most exciting trends in modern wallpaper is the rise of textured designs. Textured wallpapers add depth and dimension to walls, turning them into focal points of the room. These can range from subtle fabric-like textures to more pronounced three-dimensional effects that mimic materials such as wood, stone, or metal. Textured wallpapers are particularly popular in minimalistic or industrial-themed interiors, where they add warmth and character without overwhelming the space.
2. Geometric Patterns: Bold and Beautiful
Geometric patterns have surged in popularity due to their versatility and bold visual appeal. These patterns range from simple lines and shapes to complex arrangements that create a vibrant and dynamic effect. Geometric wallpapers can be used in various settings, from a contemporary living room to a retro-inspired kitchen, making them a versatile choice for any decorating style. The key to using geometric wallpaper effectively is to balance its boldness with neutral furniture and decor.
3. Floral and Botanical Prints: A Touch of Nature
Floral and botanical prints are perennial favorites in the wallpaper world. However, modern interpretations of these patterns are far from the traditional designs many may remember from their grandparents' homes. Today's floral wallpapers are large-scale and feature realistic, detailed botanical illustrations. They often come in bold, vibrant colors that make a statement or in soft, pastel hues that create a serene, airy feel. These wallpapers are perfect for creating a nature-inspired oasis in bedrooms and bathrooms.
4. Metallic Finishes: Luxurious and Glamorous
Metallic wallpapers add a touch of luxury and glamour to any space. These wallpapers use metallic inks or foils to reflect light, adding a shimmering effect that enhances the ambiance of a room. From subtle silver and gold accents to full-on copper or bronze backgrounds, metallic wallpapers can be as understated or dramatic as you wish. They are particularly effective in formal dining rooms, master bedrooms, or other spaces where a touch of elegance is desired.
5. Abstract Art: Wallpapers as Canvas
Abstract wallpapers are like having a large-scale piece of art directly on your walls. These designs can be interpretative, featuring splashes of color, unusual shapes, and textures that evoke emotion and curiosity. Abstract wallpapers are ideal for those who love a modern, artistic vibe in their living space. They work well in spaces where you want to inspire creativity and free-thinking, such as home offices or studios.
6. Chinoiserie: East Meets West
Chinoiserie wallpaper is a fusion of Eastern and Western design elements, featuring intricate and delicate patterns inspired by Asian art and culture. Traditionally hand-painted, modern chinoiserie wallpapers are now digitally printed, making them more accessible and affordable. These wallpapers often feature scenes of nature, such as birds, florals, and landscapes, rendered in vibrant colors and exquisite detail. Chinoiserie can add an exotic touch to any interior and is particularly popular in dining rooms and entryways.
7. Photorealistic Wallpapers: Ultra-Realistic Views
Photorealistic wallpapers offer breathtakingly realistic views of landscapes, cityscapes, or even textured surfaces. These wallpapers are designed to create an illusion of depth and space, making them a fantastic option for smaller rooms or apartments where you want to create a sense of openness. Whether it’s a forest, a city skyline, or a rustic brick wall, photorealistic wallpapers can dramatically alter the perception of space.
8. Eco-Friendly Wallpapers: Sustainable and Stylish
As sustainability becomes a higher priority, eco-friendly wallpapers are gaining traction. These wallpapers are made from natural or recycled materials and use eco-friendly inks and adhesives. Not only do they help reduce environmental impact, but they also promote a healthier indoor climate free from volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Eco-friendly wallpapers come in various patterns and textures, ensuring that style does not have to be sacrificed for sustainability.
The world of modern wallpaper is diverse and exciting, offering options for every taste and style. From the depth and intrigue of textured wallpapers to the bold statements made by geometric patterns, and the artistic expression of abstract designs, there is something for everyone. Whether you're renovating a single room or revamping your entire home, considering these latest trends in wallpaper can help you create spaces that are both beautiful and expressive. As we continue to embrace more personalized and stylish home environments, the role of wallpaper in interior design is undoubtedly set to grow even further. Content Source: Exploring the Latest Modern Wallpaper Trends: Styles and Patterns
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luxeaurahome · 2 months
Interior Design
Title: Mastering Interior Design: Timeless Tips for Transforming Your Space
In the world of  interior design, the possibilities are endless. From cozy and inviting living rooms to sleek and modern kitchens, each space presents an opportunity to showcase your style and personality. But with so many design trends and options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That's why we've compiled a comprehensive guide to help you master the art of interior design and create a home that reflects your unique taste and lifestyle.
1.Understanding Your Space:
Before diving into any design project, it's essential to understand the space you're working with. Take note of the room's dimensions, architectural features, and existing elements that you want to incorporate into your design. Consider the room's purpose and how you envision yourself using it. Whether it's a cozy reading nook or a bustling family room, your design choices should cater to your lifestyle and needs.
2.Establishing Your Style:
Every individual has their own unique sense of style, and your home should reflect that. Take some time to explore different design styles and identify elements that resonate with you. Whether you're drawn to the clean lines of modern minimalism, the warmth of rustic farmhouse decor, or the glamour of Hollywood Regency, understanding your style preferences will guide your design decisions and ensure a cohesive look throughout your home.
3.Creating a Cohesive Color Palette:
Color has the power to set the tone for a room and evoke different emotions. When selecting a color palette for your space, consider the mood you want to create and how different colors interact with each other. Neutral tones like whites, grays, and beiges provide a versatile backdrop for any design style, while bold hues add personality and drama. Experiment with different color combinations and don't be afraid to incorporate pops of color through accessories and accent pieces.
4.Maximizing Natural Light:
Natural light is one of the most valuable assets in any interior space. Not only does it create a sense of openness and airiness, but it also has numerous health benefits, including boosting mood and productivity. Maximize natural light in your home by strategically placing windows and skylights to allow for ample sunlight to filter in. Avoid heavy window treatments that block light and opt for sheer curtains or blinds that can be easily adjusted to control privacy and glare.
5.Layering Lighting:
In addition to natural light, artificial lighting plays a crucial role in interior design. Layering different lighting sources – including ambient, task, and accent lighting – adds depth and dimension to your space while providing functionality for various activities. Incorporate a mix of overhead fixtures, table lamps, floor lamps, and sconces to create layers of illumination that can be adjusted to suit different moods and occasions.
6.Selecting Functional Furniture:
When it comes to furniture selection, prioritize pieces that are both stylish and functional. Consider the scale of the room and choose furniture that fits proportionally without overwhelming the space. Opt for versatile pieces with built-in storage solutions to maximize space in smaller rooms. Invest in quality pieces that will stand the test of time and consider the comfort and durability of upholstery materials, especially if you have pets or young children.
7. Adding Personal Touches:
Make your space feel truly unique and personal by incorporating elements that reflect your interests, hobbies, and experiences. Display meaningful artwork, family photos, and cherished mementos that tell your story and create a sense of warmth and intimacy. Mix and match different textures, patterns, and materials to add visual interest and personality to your space.
Interior design is a journey of self-expression and creativity, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. By understanding your space, establishing your style, and incorporating timeless design principles, you can create a home that is both beautiful and functional. Whether you're starting from scratch or refreshing an existing space, let these tips be your guide as you embark on your design journey and transform your space into a place you'll love to call home.
Title: Elevate Your Space: A Guide to the Best Interior Design Tips
In today's world, where aesthetics play a significant role in our lives, interior design has become more than just arranging furniture or picking out paint colors. It's about creating spaces that reflect our personalities, enhance our well-being, and provide functionality. Whether you're revamping your entire home or just looking to freshen up a room, here are some top interior design tips to help you elevate your space.
1.Understand Your Style:
Before diving into any design project, take some time to understand your personal style. Are you drawn to modern minimalism, cozy rustic vibes, or perhaps vibrant eclectic designs? Knowing your preferences will guide your decisions throughout the design process and ensure that the final result feels authentic to you.
2.Focus on Functionality:
While aesthetics are important, functionality should never be overlooked in interior design. Consider how you use each space and prioritize elements that enhance usability. Opt for furniture that not only looks good but also serves its purpose well. For example, choose a comfortable sofa with durable upholstery for the living room or a spacious dining table that accommodates your family and guests.
3.Play with Colors and Textures:
Color has the power to completely transform a room's atmosphere. Experiment with different color palettes to evoke the mood you desire. Soft neutrals can create a calming ambiance, while bold hues add drama and personality. Don't forget about textures – mixing materials like wood, metal, and fabric adds depth and visual interest to your space.
4.Let There Be Light:
Lighting is a crucial aspect of interior design that can make or break the ambiance of a room. Incorporate a variety of lighting sources, including overhead fixtures, task lighting, and accent lights, to create layers of illumination. Natural light is especially prized, so maximize it by using sheer curtains or strategically placing mirrors to reflect light throughout the space.
5.Embrace Statement Pieces:
Make a statement with standout furniture pieces or eye-catching decor items that serve as focal points in your room. Whether it's a bold area rug, a unique piece of artwork, or a statement lighting fixture, these elements can add personality and visual intrigue to your space. Just be mindful not to overcrowd the room – let your statement pieces shine without overwhelming the overall design.
6.Pay Attention to Scale and Proportion:
Achieving balance and harmony in a room requires careful consideration of scale and proportion. Ensure that furniture and decor items are appropriately sized for the space, avoiding anything too large or too small that disrupts the visual flow. Additionally, maintain a sense of proportion by arranging furniture in a way that feels balanced and cohesive.
7.Curate with Intention:
Avoid the temptation to fill every inch of your space with decor. Instead, curate your belongings with intention, showcasing items that hold significance or bring you joy. Incorporate meaningful pieces like family heirlooms, travel souvenirs, or handmade crafts that tell your story and infuse your home with personality.
Best Interior design is a powerful tool for transforming your living spaces into environments that reflect your personality and enhance your lifestyle. By following these top tips, you can create a home that is not only visually stunning but also functional, comfortable, and uniquely yours. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and elevate your space to new heights!
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shoppsin · 3 months
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anuharhomes · 7 months
What are the Best Ways to Decorate a Small Apartment?
Best ways to decorate a small apartment
Decorating a small apartment in Hyderabad can be challenging, but it's also an opportunity to get creative and make the most of your space. With a few simple tips, you can create a stylish and functional home that feels cosy and inviting.
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1. Choose the right furniture
When choosing furniture for a small apartment in hyderabad, it's important to select pieces that are scaled to your space. Avoid oversized furniture that will make your room feel cramped and cluttered. Instead, opt for sleek and streamlined pieces that will maximise your square footage.
Look for furniture that can serve multiple purposes. For example, a coffee table with storage can be used to store books, magazines, and other items. A sofa bed can provide extra seating during the day and a place to sleep for guests at night.
2. Use vertical space
One of the best ways to create the illusion of more space in a small apartment is to use vertical space to your advantage. Hang shelves on the walls to store books, photos, and other decorative items. Use tall curtains to draw the eye up and make the ceilings appear taller.
If you have high ceilings, you can even consider installing a loft bed to create additional sleeping space. This will free up floor space for other activities, such as entertaining guests or working from home.
3. Use light and mirrors
Light and mirrors can both be used to make a small space feel larger and brighter. Place mirrors opposite windows to reflect natural light throughout the room. Choose light-coloured furniture and walls to help create an airy and open feel.
You can also use artificial lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Floor lamps and table lamps can be used to add additional light to dark corners or create task lighting for specific areas.
4. Declutter and organise
Clutter is the enemy of a small space. Make sure to declutter your apartment regularly and keep surfaces clear. This will help the space feel more spacious and inviting.
Invest in storage solutions to help you keep your belongings organised. Baskets, bins, and shelves can all be used to store items neatly and out of the way.
5. Add personal touches
Even though your apartment is small, it's still important to add personal touches to make it feel like home. Display your favourite photos and artwork, and add plants and flowers to bring life to the space.
Choose a colour scheme that you love and incorporate it throughout your apartment. This will help create a cohesive look and feel.
Here are some additional tips for decorating a small apartment:
Use rugs to define different areas of your apartment, such as the living room, dining room, and bedroom.
Choose furniture with legs to create the illusion of more space.
Use clear or light-coloured furniture to let light pass through.
Hang art and other decorative items at eye level to draw the eye up and make the ceilings appear taller.
Avoid using too many patterns or colours in a small space, as this can make the room feel cluttered.
Use baskets and bins to store items under furniture or in closets.
Add a touch of luxury with items like velvet pillows, a faux fur throw blanket, or a crystal chandelier.
Contact us to create a stylish and functional small apartment in Hyderabad that you'll love coming home to.
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aartexblogs · 8 months
Exploring the Top Curtain Fabric Catalogue
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Curtain Fabric Catalogue: Unveiling the Best Selections
Understanding Curtain Fabric Types
Curtain fabrics come in various materials, each with its unique characteristics. Whether you're seeking durability, elegance, or light filtration, these fabric types have you covered.
Cotton: Cotton curtain fabrics offer a natural and breathable option, perfect for a fresh and airy feel in your home.
Silk: If luxury is your preference, silk curtain fabrics exude opulence and elegance, adding a touch of sophistication to any room.
Linen: Linen fabrics are known for their timeless charm and natural texture, creating a relaxed yet refined ambiance.
Velvet: Velvet curtains bring a sense of plushness and warmth to your space, making them ideal for cozy interiors.
Exploring Patterns and Designs
The pattern and design of your curtain fabric play a pivotal role in defining your interior style. Here are some popular choices:
Floral Patterns: Bring the beauty of nature indoors with floral curtain patterns, adding a touch of freshness and vitality.
Geometric Designs: Modern and contemporary interiors often feature geometric patterns, lending a sense of order and symmetry.
Stripes and Checks: These classic patterns never go out of style, offering a timeless and versatile look.
The Art of Choosing Colors
Color selection is crucial when exploring the curtain fabric catalog. The right colors can transform your space. Here are some tips:
Neutral Tones: If you want a timeless and adaptable look, neutrals like white, beige, and gray are excellent choices.
Bold Hues: Vibrant colors inject energy and personality into your décor. Reds, blues, and greens can make a bold statement.
Measuring and Installation
Proper measurements are essential for a seamless curtain installation. Learn how to measure your windows accurately and choose the right curtain length and width for a polished look.
Upholstery Fabric: Elevate Your Furniture
Types of Upholstery Fabrics
Upholstery fabrics should combine comfort, durability, and style. Explore these popular options:
Leather: Timeless and luxurious, leather upholstery adds a touch of elegance to any piece of furniture.
Microfiber: Known for its durability and easy maintenance, microfiber is an excellent choice for homes with children or pets.
Chenille: Chenille upholstery offers a soft and cozy texture, perfect for sofas and armchairs.
Upholstery for Different Furniture Pieces
Different furniture pieces require specific upholstery. Discover which fabrics are suitable for sofas, chairs, and more.
Sofas: Consider durable fabrics like leather or microfiber, as sofas endure daily use.
Chairs: Experiment with various textures and colors to create an accent piece that complements your décor.
Upholstery Maintenance Tips
Maintaining your upholstery is crucial for its longevity. Learn how to clean and care for different types of upholstery fabrics effectively.
How do I choose the right curtain length? Select a curtain length that allows them to just touch the floor or hover slightly above it for a clean, stylish look.
Can I use velvet curtains in a sunny room? Velvet curtains can fade when exposed to direct sunlight, so it's advisable to use them in rooms with less sun exposure or pair them with blackout liners.
What's the difference between genuine leather and faux leather? Genuine leather is made from real animal hide, while faux leather is a synthetic material. Genuine leather tends to be more durable but also more expensive.
How often should I clean my upholstery? Regularly vacuum your upholstery and schedule professional cleaning every 12-24 months, depending on usage and fabric type.
Can I mix different curtain patterns in one room? Mixing patterns can work well if you stick to a consistent color palette and vary the scale of the patterns.
Are there eco-friendly upholstery fabric options? Yes, there are eco-friendly upholstery fabrics made from sustainable materials like organic cotton, bamboo, and recycled fibers.
Exploring the top curtain fabric catalogue and upholstery fabric options is an exciting journey that can elevate your home's aesthetics. With a variety of materials, patterns, and colors at your disposal, you can truly transform your living space. So, embrace your creativity and embark on the adventure of enhancing your home's charm and comfort.
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classicalmusicdaily · 9 months
Do you know the iconic song, Für Elise? Its haunting melody has captivated music lovers for centuries. But what grade level is this beautiful piece of music? Are you a beginner, intermediate, or advanced pianist who wants to learn how to play it? Let's dive into all the details about the Grade level of Für Elise and how challenging and rewarding it can be to master its timeless notes!   Overview of Für Elise and its composer, Ludwig van Beethoven   Have you ever heard the piano classic, Für Elise? It's a beautiful and catchy piece that has stood the test of time. Written by the renowned composer Ludwig van Beethoven, this timeless piece was first discovered after his death and has been adored ever since. Für Elise captures the playful essence of a spring day, with its light and airy melody. As for Beethoven, he is an icon in music history, known for revolutionizing classical music. Despite facing hardships such as deafness, Beethoven left an indelible mark on music and continues to inspire musicians to this day.   Explanation of piano grade levels and their difficulty   Have you ever wondered how professional piano players evaluate their skill level? The answer lies in the piano grade levels. These levels are used as a standard measure of a pianist's proficiency, with grades ranging from 1 to 8. Each grade level comes with a set of pieces and technical requirements that increase in difficulty as the pianist progresses. For example, Grade 1 covers basic skills such as playing scales, chords, and simple tunes, while Grade 8 includes complex pieces that test the player's technical ability, sight-reading, and musical interpretation skills. Achieving a higher grade level indicates a higher level of proficiency, but it requires dedication and years of practice. So if you're currently at a lower grade, don't be discouraged. Keep practicing and you'll be able to tackle those more difficult pieces in no time!   A detailed breakdown of the difficulty of each section in Für Elise   Have you ever tried to play Für Elise on the piano? If you have, you know it's not the easiest of pieces. But have you ever wondered which section is the hardest part? Let me break it down for you. The beginning might sound simple with its repetitive theme, but don't be fooled. The left hand has to maintain an even rhythm while the right-hand jumps around the keyboard. The middle section is where things get tricky. The fast and intricate melody is played solely by the right hand, while the left hand still has to maintain a steady beat. And finally, the ending - the most iconic part of the piece can be a challenge with its ascending and descending arpeggios. Overall, Für Elise is a beautiful piece, but don't underestimate its difficulty. With practice, though, even the hardest sections can be mastered.   Tips for learning the piece at different grade levels   Learning to play a new piece of music can be a daunting task, regardless of skill level. It's easy to get overwhelmed by complex rhythms, tricky finger patterns, and challenging techniques. However, there are a few tips and tricks that can help make the learning process more manageable. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, breaking the music down into smaller sections is a great place to start. Take the time to study each section individually before attempting to put it all together. Additionally, listening to recordings of the piece can provide invaluable insight into the overall sound and feel of the music. With a bit of patience and diligence, you'll be able to tackle even the most challenging pieces with confidence and skill.   Tips to help you master playing Für Elise regardless of your current skill level   So, you've set your mind on mastering Für Elise? Great choice! It's a beautiful piece of music that has captured the hearts of many. But where do you begin? Well, whether you're a total beginner or an intermediate player, there are a few tips that can help you along the way.
First, break the piece down into smaller sections and practice them one at a time. Focus on mastering the right and left hand separately before bringing them together. Second, practice slowly and deliberately. Speed will come with time, but accuracy is key. Lastly, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Embrace them as learning opportunities and keep pushing forward. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to playing Für Elise like a pro!   Examples from beginners to advanced players    When it comes to learning to play Für Elise on the piano, it's easy to feel intimidated by the task at hand. But the truth is, mastering this iconic piece is easier than you might think. From beginners to advanced players, there are plenty of examples out there to prove that anyone can learn and conquer it. With a bit of practice, dedication, and perhaps a little bit of guidance from a skilled instructor or online tutorial, you'll be playing Für Elise with confidence and skill in no time. Don't let fear hold you back from attempting this staple of classical music you might be surprised by just how much you're capable of achieving.   Conclusion:   Für Elise is often seen as an intimidating piece for beginners, but with practice and proper instruction, anyone can master it! As discussed, the complexity of the piece is judged primarily by its grade level. At any level  whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced player being adequately prepared for Für Elise is key. You should learn the fundamentals before tackling this timeless classic. Even though this will take more time, it will be a worthwhile endeavor in terms of your overall advancement as a musician. As Beethoven himself once said “Music should strike fire from the heart of man and bring tears from the eyes of woman” so don’t be afraid to go on that journey to enrich your musical experience with Für Elise!   FAQS: Q: How long does it take to learn Für Elise? A: It depends on the skill level and experience of the musician. For those with some previous piano playing experience, learning Für Elise could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks or more. For absolute beginners, mastering this iconic piece could take several months, depending on their dedication to practice and instruction. Q: What should I know before attempting Für Elise? A: Before starting to learn Für Elise, it’s important to have a basic understanding of musical theory as well as some knowledge of piano techniques. It is also helpful to comprehend the significance of dynamics in music, so you can get the most out of playing the piece. Lastly, it's essential to have a solid grasp of sight-reading and fingering techniques before attempting Für Elise. Q: What is the hardest part of learning Für Elise? A: The most challenging part of playing Für Elise can be navigating all the tempo changes. It’s important to have a good sense of rhythm and understanding of musical phrasing. Additionally, mastering the arpeggios can be tricky as they require careful precision and control. With patience and practice, however, even these difficult sections will eventually become second nature! Q: What tips do you have for learning Für Elise quickly? A: To master this piece more quickly, focus on sectional practice. Break the piece up into smaller sections and work to perfect each part before moving on to the next one. Additionally, employing finger exercises such as scales and arpeggios can help you build your technique and improve your overall skill level.
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daisycorners · 1 year
How To Choose For The Kitchen
Kitchens are the hub of the home, a space where form meets function, and with open plan kitchen-diners, a resurgence in family mealtimes and dinner parties with friends and family - we are spending more time in this room. So, of course, it's become one of the favourite spots for hanging and displaying art. But where to start when it comes to choosing the perfect piece?
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Choosing by size When choosing art for your kitchen, the scale is an important consideration. Large-scale artwork can help create a focal point or establish a mood, while smaller-scale pieces may be better suited for balancing space in the room. Smaller Kitchens In kitchens, wall space can be limited, and it's not always easy to find ways to include art in such a small space. But smaller prints are more versatile and easier to have in your kitchen. They look great leaning against a worktop or sitting on shelves, and if you like sharing your home inspo, they bring your kitchen shelfie to life! Open-plan kitchen diners For open-plan kitchen diners, choose large-scale pieces that are bold in colour or pattern and create a focal point in the room. Large abstract prints, statement canvas art, or lush landscapes work well here. Top tip: Build your collection over time and choose meaningful pieces - you don't have to buy them all at once
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Choosing a theme or style
Whilst showing your personality through your home is important, consistency is key. You may already have a statement wall in your kitchen, particularly if you have an open-plan living space. If so, buy your art to match. Matching your art to your wall is much easier than the other way around.
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Cheerful colours and witty words If you're looking for new wall art for your kitchen, don't be afraid of colour. A light and airy kitchen can benefit from colours that make a statement. Bright, warm colours will create an energetic and happy space that encourages people to spend time there. Reds and yellows are also said to stimulate the appetite - ideal for a kitchen! And if you have a more modern or industrial-style kitchen, colours such as orange or yellow may feel more at home. Here are a few examples of how colour can impact your kitchen. Blue is peaceful and relaxing, perfect for those after-work dinners. Green is fresh, soothing and serene—a great reminder of nature. Yellow is energising and gives off a happy vibe that makes us think of warm summer days spent outside with friends and family. Neutrals never go out of style and bring warmth to your kitchen. Whatever type of wall art you choose—whether it's an abstract piece or something with words—colour is what brings life into the room. Use it to tie everything together and make the space feel more cohesive and homey! Funny typography can help you start your day off right, making mornings a little easier, and putting a smile on your face after a long day at work.
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Beautiful Botanicals
Plants and nature bring positive and creative energy to our every day. It's popular in kitchens as it can set the mood, decorate, make a statement and create focus points—all while adding colour.
If you've limited space for real plants—or, like me, have a habit of not keeping them for too long—botanical wall art can raise your mood and keep you calm and relaxed. Perfect for when things get a little heated in the kitchen.
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Style Guide Top Tips
We hope we've inspired you with our ideas for decorating your kitchen! Remember that the most important thing is to have fun with it and make sure it reflects your personality. The best part about decorating is that there are no rules or limits—there's no right or wrong way to do this.
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So what will it be? Will you go bold, bright and colourful? Or maybe something more subtle and neutral-toned suits your style better Whatever choice works for you, go for it!
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ispravahomes · 1 year
Behind The Doors: Villa Brisa
Highlights: Herringbone patterned flooring in the living room that continues from the floor to the wall. The herringbone used here consists of broken chips—more than 10,000 stones—that were physically hand-cut and hand-pasted in a certain format, even on the walls.Staircase: Everything from the risers to handlers is in wood. There are plain white walls with polished Burma teak wood with a larger-than-life chandelier hanging above.At Villa Brisa, texture and materiality take centre stage in this contemporary ode to the Portuguese aesthetic.
Nestled in Goa’s Anjuna on a 10,500 sq.ft. plot of land lies Villa Brisa. The four-bedroom home was designed as a modern Portuguese retreat for Mr. Rajeev Vyas and took 19 months to complete.
Deviating from the traditional Portuguese design colour, here, a palette of beige, cream, yellow and blue come together, while elements of the aesthetic such as tiles (the main door has blue tiles panelled above), flooring and the structure of the home were maintained. The home is a play on textures and materials in a herringbone pattern—the materiality ranges from Shahabad stones and rough marble laid in a mosaic format to polished wood and terrazzo. The entire design of the home started evolving from this rough and polished stone look, while the kitchen features terrazzo flooring. The wall surfaces are plain white with niches here and there to enhance depth.
The living and dining area feature expansive double-height ceilings from which 10 ft. modern brass chandeliers are suspended. The den or games room is on the first floor and you can look into the living and dining area from here.
With the colour palette of the whole home being white, beige and cream, the use of wood adds further warmth. The client’s brief was that the home should look light and airy and exude warmth. The first floor features two bedrooms and the games room.
In the bedrooms, white and yellow and white and blue are the dominant colour. The designers played around with the curtains, using sheer curtains over the floor-to-ceiling windows to bring in the beautiful landscape. The high walls of the compound allow for privacy while also protecting from direct sunlight, thereby suffusing the room with beautiful golden light.
The other bedroom has a thatched roof that is 1.5 times higher than a normal roof. With this incredible height, a wooden four-poster bed and interesting hanging light fixtures add to the drama and scale of the room.
Outside, the designers focused on a tropical mood board with the landscaping, adding decorative lamps, a pond and elements of a fish and wave design to bring in the surrounding water bodies. The landscape gives an ‘infinity’ effect because there is no construction or any structures around. It instead flows into unmarred greenery with views of paddy fields and swaying coconut trees.
Swimming pool: Usually, pools have a 1.2 metre step to get in, but here there are end-to-end steps on the shorter length of the swimming pool, giving the feeling that you are walking straight into the pool. The pool overlooks lush paddy fields and gives a sense of an infinity pool.
The details: While the entire home has an underlying concept of Modern Portuguese style, we wanted to go a little offbeat with the artefacts. We used Arabesque elements in terms of sculptures in the niches on the walls, vases, and so on. To tie in the whole look, we had a larger-than-life rug in a modern design.
The terrace: The terrace area is a nice, cozy semi-covered area with a bar and seating that overlooks the landscape.
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Bold Kitchen Design Ideas For 2023
There are many ways you can make a statement and add personality to your kitchen design. Whether you’re updating your kitchen or planning a new build, these bold and daring ideas are sure to give your home a fresh look in 2023.
One of the top trends for 2023 is using color to create a warm and inviting kitchen. In addition, designers are bringing in more organic elements and using natural materials like wood and metals.
Cabinets are a kitchen’s central design element and set the tone for the rest of the space. They are also a great place to add personal flair to a space.
In 2023, cabinets come in a variety of colors and styles. They are an important part of any kitchen, so it’s best to choose them carefully.
The color you pick can make a huge difference in the look and feel of your space. For example, light shades of gray or a warm wood finish can give a modern and elegant look to your kitchen.
Alternatively, you can opt for an all-white cabinetry look or go for accents of color in your cabinets. This will allow you to achieve a bolder, more striking look without overwhelming your kitchen.
Another popular trend for 2023 is reclaimed materials in the kitchen. These cabinets are made from old wood or metal and are a great way to get a unique and stylish look while helping to reduce waste.
Backsplashes play an essential role in a bold kitchen design as they protect your walls from splashes and moisture. They also serve as a focal point and can help create an eye-catching feature.
Another popular backsplash trend in 2023 is the use of patterned tiles. Favored by contemporary, Bohemian, and transitional kitchens, they can add a touch of drama to your design.
One of the hottest options is Escher tiles. Originally crafted as a decorative tile in the 8th century, this pattern resembles scales on a fish.
When selecting a backsplash, make sure to match its color and style with the rest of your kitchen. This way, it will not overshadow other elements or compete for attention.
A bold backsplash is a great choice for any type of kitchen but not all kitchens require sophisticated materials or multi-colors to create an impactful statement. It can be used to complement neutral colors like white, gray, and soft brown and is especially appropriate for darker shades of cabinets and countertops.
A modern kitchen has to have a lot of functionality. This includes appliances and sinks.
Stainless steel finishes are becoming more popular in contemporary designs. They’re being used to complement natural elements such as wood and stone.
Many modern kitchens include a range hood placed either on the wall or over an island. This is a good way to create a unique focal point in the room.
Another great way to make your space stand out is with a striking backsplash. This can be done with a glossy finish in neutral tones or by opting for geometric shaped tiles.
This trend is perfect for anyone who likes the idea of a sleek, clean look. It also allows you to incorporate your favorite color or pattern.
Kitchens should be a light and airy space where you can cook your meals, socialize with family and friends, or entertain guests. In 2023, we’re seeing that kitchens need plenty of lighting to function well and look stylish at the same time.
The key is to think about different areas of the kitchen and what each requires from a light source. This includes task lighting, ambient lighting, and accent lighting – each needs to be considered carefully so that your kitchen feels well lit at all times.
Color is also a key factor in your kitchen’s lighting. Whether you choose neutral light shades or bright pops of color, it’s essential that your lighting is in harmony with your design.
Natural light is particularly important in a kitchen because it allows you to prepare your food more easily and safely. You’ll want to bring in windows wherever possible and install them above the sink, too. These windows allow you to see what you’re cooking better and improve your mood while you’re working in the kitchen.
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Metro Vancouver’s Premier Kitchen and Bath Renovation Company
Your kitchen is more than just a place to cook; it’s a space that brings people together, connects them, and helps them feel relaxed and comfortable. It’s a space that makes you proud to invite guests over, and it’s a space that lets you show off your personality and style. That’s why Vancouver Kitchen Renovation wants to help you create the perfect kitchen for yourself and your family. Whether you’re interested in updating your existing kitchen or starting from scratch, we can help you turn your dream kitchen into reality. We believe kitchens aren’t just functional spaces; they bring families together, connect them, inspire creativity, and allow them to express themselves. So we strive to create designs that reflect these values, and we’re excited to share them with you.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable kitchen design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current kitchen, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions
Where should a fridge go in the kitchen?
The refrigerator sits between the stovetop and the sink. It should be close to the cupboards so you can quickly get what you need.
Does your new kitchen need planning permission?
You will need permits to change the locations of electrical and plumbing. If you plan to make structural changes to your walls in order to accommodate them, you might also need a permit.
If you’re unsure whether or not you need planning permission, it’s always best to check with your local authority before proceeding with any work.
Should I move out during the kitchen remodel?
If you’re good at takeout, there’s no need to move. For children and pets with young children, you might be able to live at a neighbor’s house. This will allow you to relax and not have to worry about your children being in danger or getting hurt. Also, it will make your life easier if there isn’t any construction noise or dust. You should get a written estimate by your contractor before you move. So you can plan your move around them.
Which colour is best for white kitchens?
A white kitchen can look great in various colours, but walnut is a good match. The space will be warmened by the natural wood tones, which will make it look more spacious. Both colours will also complement each other well. Black and grey are great choices if you want something subtler. However, if you want to make a statement, go for a bright colour like red or yellow. Whichever route you choose, ensure the rest of your decor ties in with your choice so that the space looks cohesive.
In large firms, the commission charged by the GC ranges from 15 to 25 percent of the total job cost. (thespruce.com)
Keep 10 to 25 percent of List 2, depending on the budget. (familyhandyman.com)
It’s a fantastic thing about most home improvement projects: no matter the job. It often seems like the last 20% is the most difficult. (familyhandyman.com)
Followed by cabinet cost, labour, and appliance costs consume 20 percent each of your budget. (hgtv.com)
Your most significant cost investment for a kitchen remodel will usually be cabinets, typically comprising 25 percent of your budget. (hgtv.com)
External Links
The 8 Essential Elements of a Craftsman-Kitchen Workbook
Do’s and Don’ts of a First DIY Subway Tile Backsplash
Create an Open, Craftsman-Style Kitchen (DIY)
Open Floor Plan History, Pros, and Cons
Get Kitchen Remodeling Cost Estimates from Professionals
2022 Kitchen Remodel Cost Estimator
Add A Room per Square Foot
How To
How to design the kitchen you’ll be able to enjoy cooking in for years
Kitchen design should combine aesthetics with practicality. Your kitchen should be designed with functionality in mind so that it feels like home.
These are some ideas to help you design your dream kitchen.
The layout that is most suitable for you will be the best. L-shaped, U shaped, and galley are the most common kitchen layouts. L-shaped kitchens can accommodate multiple cooks and are ideal for entertaining. U-shaped cooking areas are great for families with lots of family members. Galley kitchens are ideal for small spaces as they are efficient and easy to navigate.
Compare the various types of cabinetry available and select quality products. There are many options depending on your budget. You will reap the benefits of investing in high-end cabinets. They will last longer and look better.
Choose a color scheme that makes your heart happy. Whether it’s your favorite shade of green or pink, find a color palette that will bring color and life to your kitchen. It can be bright colors and soft pastels. Just make sure it matches the rest of the room.
Look for a harmonious balance between beauty, function, and style. Your kitchen doesn’t have to be all-encompassingly beautiful. Sometimes it’s more important to put emphasis on function than beauty. You don’t have to eliminate decorative elements. You can create a unique focal point by using a combination of glass, metal, brass, ceramics, stone, wood, and other materials.
Create a comfortable environment. Remember that comfort is the most important thing when designing your kitchen. You’ll spend a lot of time in this space, so it needs to feel inviting and welcoming. Consider adding seating areas and lighting fixtures to make it more relaxing after a hard day.
Make sure you have enough storage. You should have ample storage space in your kitchen to store all your cooking tools, utensils as well as dishes, pots and pans. You should think about adding extra cabinets when remodeling your kitchen.
Include a pantry. A pantry allows you to efficiently organize and store food items. Additionally, a separate place where you can store additional supplies will help to keep clutter away from the rest of your kitchen.
A new flooring option might be worth considering. You can make a big difference in the look and feel of your kitchen by choosing the right flooring. There are many flooring options. You can save space by using the same flooring in all rooms.
Expanding plan. One of the biggest mistakes people make when remodeling their kitchens is not including enough room for future growth. Expanding your kitchen is possible by adding a walk-in pantry, sliding doors or expanding the countertop space.
It is important to allow plenty of natural light. It’s the best way to appreciate your kitchen. Make sure there is plenty of sunlight coming through windows if you intend on using your kitchen for family gatherings.
Energy-efficient appliances are recommended. It is important to consider energy efficiency when remodeling your kitchen. This means you should replace your old appliances with energy-efficient models.
Budget wisely. Before shopping for new appliances, cabinets, or anything related to your kitchen project, do a detailed analysis of your finances. This will allow you to narrow your options and help you save money in long-term.
Define a place for entertaining. No matter if you like hosting dinner parties at home or entertaining friends over drinks and food, having a designated dining space will provide a place for your guests to gather and socialize.
An island can be added to your kitchen. An island is an excellent addition to any kitchen because it provides extra prep and eating space while also serving as a convenient spot to put your beverages, snacks, and other small items.
Helpful Resources:
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Amazon product links
1 Bed with drawers https://amzn.to/3KCKMii
2 Pot rack
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50+ Beautiful small kitchen decorating ideas 2023 @Classydecorchannel
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Portfolio – Vancouver Kitchen Renovation
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Contact – Vancouver Kitchen Renovation
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2023 Kitchen design trends
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The post Bold Kitchen Design Ideas For 2023 first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/kitchens/bold-kitchen-design-ideas-for-2023/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bold-kitchen-design-ideas-for-2023
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