#scale of 1-10 how bby girl is he?
magicnightbunny · 1 month
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I’ve spent several days improving my rendering into something more solid. I think the results came out really good and make him seem more three dimensional.
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sweetbunnykook · 3 years
Hi can I rant a bit here, it’s nsfw so please ignore me if you really don’t care. You’re one of the first persons I thought of idk why maybe it’s because of Only You, that I felt like maybe you would understand. It’s a bit long so I do apologize. 1.
I met this guy a couple of months ago, he’s older than me and I’m sure it will cause people to look at us with judging eyes. I am 19 and he’s 25, it’s not much but when people see it as a girl that barely enter high school and a guy that is just a cradle robber. I genuinely hope not, since it’s not that much of an age gap. He’s been very kind to me, sweet, helpful. He’s a lot more mature than I am, he is as good as he is bad to me. Half and half situation. I’d like to see what you advice me. 2.
Last week, I decided that I wanted to make the next step with him. I trusted him and felt ready. And he was so sweet and had the whole day plan out, he set up everything. A romantic dinner and the bed set up with flower petals, honeymoon like. He wanted to make my first time special, I appreciated that. We were in the middle of getting to it, I’m sure there is no need for details. And I got a call from a friend, she called and we talk for a bit. Normal things, yet important to her. 3.
When I got hanged up me and him giggled and he asked me who call. Just normal things between giggles and whispers, however. As we try to get back at it, I started talking about things. Which brought me to a mental breakdown in the middle of our night. He was obviously taken off guard but instead of being annoyed or quickly assure me to get back at it. He embraced me, listened to me and softly advice me. Told me it was okay that I was more than enough. Assured me in my fears.4.
I apologized for ruining our night and he told me not to apologize, that he loved me. That he wanted me to smile, not to force it. I cried for a while and when I was better, I joked about ruining the whole day. He shook his head and kissed me, not sexually but idk emotionally? We felt asleep, I was too tired for anything anymore. Still classified as a virgin lmao, we are finding time for us. But not everything is honey with him.6.
Idk if it might be the age difference or what. But he treats me like I’m naive, he still sees me as the stupid girl that finished high school. He tries to manipulate me in a way, I think. Telling me that I am still young and I have a lot to learn. That only he properly gets me and that only he can protect me. That the other people are the reason why I have mental breakdowns. That I’m just young and that I am clearly lost. In need of his guidance. It pisses me off, but I’m not sure if it’s true.7
He is the best person I met and he treats me like I am the best person as well. He’s patient and sweet, he’s everything that I once wished in a man. But he’s everything I been scared of. He constantly calls my phone, asks me who I’m texting. He wants to know everything about my life. If a spend an extra minute talking with a friend, it’s the same question. ‘Do you like him?’ ‘Who do you belong?’ 8.
He is weird, he wants to meet my parents. However, I’m sure my parents will freak out once they find out. Even if they don’t know about his bad habits. Besides, we have only been dating for 4 months. He makes me feel loved. I wanted to ask what you’d do? In a way I look up to your advice and I understand if this is out of nowhere and you don’t want to answer it. Thank you for your time anyways, have a good day.10.
As nice as your older boyfriend may seem, there are large red flags in this relationship that makes me believe that even his good behavior is riddled with bad intentions. 
I have seen it all. I grew up with women who fell for men exactly like your boyfriend. They convince you that their possessiveness is love, they know exactly the right things to say when you’re upset or sad, they start to tip the scales a little more to see how much they can push your boundaries until you don’t have any. 
Your boyfriend is training you, not dating you. First, the age difference is a big red flag. No matter how many times he, or the people around you, tell you that you’re “mature for your age”, you are 19 years old. Your brain isn’t even fully developed. You haven’t discovered yourself enough to know what you truly want out of a relationship and a lot of older men exploit this vulnerability. Second, abusers often isolate their victims. Constantly asking who you’re texting, who you’re talking to, creating a suspicion that any man within five miles that you know are out to get you - bby, that’s him tipping the scales. That’s him indirectly telling you “I don’t like you conversing with people who isn’t me, if you don’t stop I will keep doing this until you do”. When people show their true colors, believe them. 
Another thing is you’ve only been dating him for 4 months and he wants to meet your parents already. That’s something an abuser I know does; he wins over his partner’s parents to pressure the woman into staying in the relationship because it’s him showing: “Everyone loves me, can’t you see we’re perfect together?”. On top of that, he treats you as a child because he knows you are still in your late teens and wants you to succumb to his wishes to “prove” to him that you’re an adult, even though you are not in the same stage of life he is in. There are plenty of women around his age that he can choose but he sees you, a girl fresh out of high school, and decides he, a 26 year old man, wants you. Isn’t that very shady?
I won’t label him as anything but I do want you to be extra careful and decide what is best for you. Because you asked for my advice, I personally recommend that you leave him and learn about yourself more and experience life a bit more before jumping into a relationship this serious with a man far older and far more experienced as well. Trust your gut. Remember that abusers look like everyone else in this world. They know how to search for your pain points and exploit it, they know exactly what to say to get you to react in a certain why that may look innocent at first but gradually makes you succumb to their wishes, they weaponize your insecurities. 
You may think “you don’t know him like I do” or even say that he has good qualities more than he has bad ones. Then tell me why your gut told you to come to me for advice? It’s hard to leave someone you grew fond of. I understand you completely. A lot of women I know who have dated abusers or are dating (or married to) one have that same gut feeling as you but have been trapped by children, by familial expectations, and by the “honeymoon” phase of the relationship. I beg you not to end up like one of those women. 
Please, please, please take care of yourself and stay safe. When it comes down to choosing this relationship or choosing your freedom, please choose your freedom. 
- 🐰
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capricornus-rex · 3 years
A Shadow of What You Used to Be (11)
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Chapter 11: Set in Motion | Cal Kestis x Irele Skywalker
Requested by Anon
Summary: There is another! Years after young Anakin Skywalker departed Tatooine, his mother Shmi delivers a second child—this time, a daughter. Whilst the circumstance of the girl’s birth remains unexplained, Irele Skywalker has yet to choose the true path between those laid out for her.
Tags: Fem! OC, Irele Skywalker, Force-sensitive! OC, Anakin’s Younger Sister, Skywalker! OC, Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice, Long-lost Sibling
A/N: Hi guys, I’m slowly getting back on my feet mentally. I hope I didn’t disinterest you guys with how long I’ve taken to write stories. If you still stayed to tune in to the story despite the dramatic change in my posting schedule, A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU GUYS!! I’ll keep writing to make this story interesting.
Requesting to be tagged: @heavenly1927​
Also in AO3
Chapters: Prelude – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 | Previous: Part 10 | Next: Part 12 | Masterlist
12 of ?
17 BBY
A day after her full medical examination, the Anathema charted a course to the western arm of the Mustafar system.
For the first time in a near-month, Irele officially can wander around the ship. The first thing she did with the privilege was to find her way to the bridge, with HY-L33 by her side. Despite her plain-looking clothes, she stuck out like a sore thumb.
She approaches the viewing pane of the bridge, a spot that most officers were accustomed to seeing Vader instead, and watches the bluish-gray moon come into size as they pass through the Imperial blockade. She didn’t listen to the standard exchange between officers from each end, her gaze remained on the moon. She allowed herself to close her eyes to get a feel of the planet—she felt it cold and brooding, and yet it was brimming with life. She started to guess what kind of terrain it had too, probably volcanic rock, she thought; but the closer the ship got, she realizes that it was mostly water.
Unaware that she’s connecting with the planet’s essence through the Force, to her, it felt like frolicking around someplace new and unexplored; for this particular moon, she could feel the cold water seawater freeze the nerves under her skin, she could the faint light of the bioluminescent creatures thriving in the depth as if like starlight, and the strong current that nearly swept her off of her feet. Her eyelids shot up.
“What is this place?” she asked no one in particular.
“We are approaching the moon, Nur, Lady Irele.”
Irele turned her head to the side to see who answered: a young uniformed officer with black hair neatly cropped at the sides. He donned the exact same garbs as his colleagues, the only thing that differed was the badges pinned on his left chest—which was relatively fewer than the seasoned admiral.
The same officer didn’t go far from her; as the Anathema got into the moon’s exosphere, he escorted her—along with HY-L33, whom she insisted to be allowed to follow her—to the hangar where the shuttle Zenith awaits its passenger. Irele made herself comfortable in the main cabin, furnished with only a small round table surrounded by a booth, across it is a slab meant as a bench for other passengers.
The girl’s curiosity grew at the same time the moon scaled in size as they descended into the atmosphere. At first glance, she’d think the gray and black surface would be high cliffs; the Zenith cut through the clouds, revealing much of the land mass, she leaned in by the window to find that there was none. All of it was water. The only other terrain that existed there was the fortress that sat in the middle of the ocean, it was practically an artificial island in its own right.
“What is that?”
“That is Fortress Inquisitorius, Lady Irele.”
“What’s in there?”
“This is the standard lodge and training grounds for Inquisitors.”
It’s the first time she’s heard the word, though she’s absolutely sure that she is none of that.
“Why am I being brought here?”
A pause came upon the droid, HY-L33’s neck whirred as to bow her head.
“My apologies, neither captain nor crew have uploaded their ship manifest into my database.”
Irele made a mental note to request for HY-L33 to have special privileges if it involved her. That is, if she can even make one.
The fortress’s peak pierced through the sky like a spear, standing tall and as deep as the ocean floor. The pilot gently curbed around, allowing Irele a closer look and all of a sudden she felt weary.
Irele exited the Zenith and was then passed over to another officer, though much older and appearing to be perpetually vexed by this fool’s errand. Nevertheless, the escort officer walked Irele and HY-L33 through the fortress. It was a metal maze underwater.
The vibrant blue of the underwater life reflected a sheen over Irele’s widened eyes. Mouth agape, she had forgotten that she was in such a foreboding, ominous place. Never has she ever dreamed in her entire life that she’d see a place this blue, after living of seeing nothing but golden-brown sand that stretched up to the ridges where the twin suns hid.
The escort officer kept on blathering about where was what, schedules—her schedules, specifically—of her routines and training sessions. Irele was having none of it, she walked by the glass wall staring at the shoals that swam past her. Her distracted giggling caught the attention of the officer and he snapped.
“Lady Irele, did you hear what I just said?!”
The poor, startled girl’s shoulders jumped and her heels sprang. She froze in place.
“S-Sorry, I was looking at the water…”
The officer sighed and switched his tone, “Would you want me to arrange a tour in your own personal pod, young lady?”
It didn’t take a genius to see that the officer’s words were drawling with a harsh breed of sarcasm. Irele’s fists balled so tightly that her fingernails dug curves on the skin of her palms. She glowers at him, refusing to speak. The escort rolled his eyes and sighed, further irritated by this mundane task given to him.
“Puh! Children!” he scoffed under his breath as soon as he turned away from Irele and continued.
Eventually, they arrive to a viewing room with a wide window that spanned from left to right. Irele was reluctant to stand beside the escort, the latter thought likewise so he stepped back himself. Below the viewing deck, Irele witnessed something intense, brutal, and oddly fascinating.
Two individuals, armored head to foot in sleek black, both wielding weapons but each a different kind.  One held a pair of rods, and the other a weapon in the same fashion as a hammer. Violet electricity crackling along the ends of the weapons sparked at every collision and strike each fighter made.
Irele pressed herself against the glass when the fight was getting good. She didn’t place her bet on anyone, she had never seen a graceful, calculated fight such as this—even though this is a normal sparring session, to keep these fighters’ wits and skills sharp. The dual wielder eventually wins after staggering his opponent with a flurry of attacks.
“Come now, young lady, it’s time I bring you to your quarters.”
She looks away from the viewing pane and then to the escort, her expression served enough as a question asking for elaboration, though he didn’t humor her with an answer—even if she actually asked.
Her room in Fortress Inquisitor was a bigger version of the one she had in the command ship; and so she had to adjust all over again, but seeing that it was no different either way, getting used to the room was somehow easy.
“Well, HY-L33, I guess we’ll be staying here for a while.”
“Indeed, Lady Irele. I will be here to assess you medically if you are fit for your regular training sessions assigned in your schedule.”
“Why am I going to be trained? Are they gonna make me an Inquisitor?”
“In a way, Lady Irele, yes. But you will not be named an Inquisitor.”
“Then what’s the point of training me? I get that I will need to learn how to fight but for what?”
HY-L33 stood silent and incapable of answering her master’s questions. Irele apologized for barraging the droid with questions that may not have been—as she now mockingly calls it—“not uploaded into her database.”
Irele took rest for the day, not knowing what’s in store for her in the coming days.
The pawn now moves.
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daredevile · 4 years
tagged by @florenepugh [ thank you ashlyn!! 🥰 ] to answer 73 questions! answers are below the cut!!
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? it’s a solid 7.5
describe yourself in a hashtag? #swordswingingmaisiewilliams
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? i’d say sebastian stan but he’s way older than me
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? an ambivert’s monologue
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? i got stitches on my head once
what’s your wake up ritual? once i’m awake, i’m a w a k e . then i brush my teeth and get on with my day :)
what’s your go to bed ritual? it’s lying in bed and watching youtube till 1-2 am then actually being reponsible and sleeping.
what’s your favorite time of day? sunrise [ 4-5 am]
your go to for having a good laugh? friends or b99
dream country to visit? norway!! 
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? my friends taking me hiking to watch the sunset on my bday!
heels or flats/sneakers? hate heels. huge sneakerhead!
vintage or new? modern..
who do you want to write your obituary? hasan minhaj lol
style icon? ella balinska
what are three things you cannot live without? movies, music, my laptop
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? oregano if it makes sense!
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? sebastian stan, albert einstein, michael jackson
what’s your biggest fear in life? irrational - fear of failure and disappointing my family rational - deep, open water like the middle of the ocean
window or aisle seat? aisle! i want some free space 😅
what’s your current tv obsession? la casa de papel!!
favorite app? youtube 
secret talent? raising an eyebrow and winking! 😂
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? bungee jumping from mountain 
how would you define yourself in three words? friendly, witty, ambitious
favorite piece of clothing you own? my softest hoodie!!!
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? a flannel lol
a superpower you would want? an eidetic memory please! spencer reid vibes 
what’s inspiring you in life right now? nostalgic music
best piece of advice you’ve received? it all works out in the end.
best advice you’d give your teenage self? don’t give a shit!
a book everyone should read? harry potter for sure!!
what would you like to be remembered for? being a great friend.
how do you define beauty? beauty is understanding your imperfections and knowing that’s it’s ok.
what do you love most about your body? my eyes i guess
best way to take a rest/decompress? listening to music ☺️
favorite place to view art? all these amazing-ass edits on tumblr!
if your life was a song, what would the title be? no idea... :)
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? i mean i can play the guitar but i'd love to learn electric
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? my left forearm
dolphins or koalas? koalas!
what’s your spirit animal? a corgi and i ain’t complaining
best gift you’ve ever received? an email from my dad saying he’s proud of me and my accomplishments
best gift you’ve given? late-night drive to taco bell then going to the beach while blasting music in the car [ it’s more meaningful that this lol ]
what’s your favorite board game? game of life and monopoly
what’s your favorite color? baby blue!!! 
least favorite color? orange
diamond or pearls? neither but diamonds if i had to choose
drugstore makeup or designer? none! not a fan of makeup 😅
blow-dry or air-dry? blow-dry
pilates or yoga? pilates
coffee or tea? coffee!
what’s the weirest word in the english language? pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - a lung disease you get from inhaling volanic ash and dust
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? dark chocolate bby!!
stairs or elevators? elevators
summer or winter? winterrrrr
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? tacos!! 🌮
a dessert you don’t like? anything too chocolatey like choco lava cakes 
a skill you’re working on mastering? penciling!!
best thing to happen to you today? i’m just gonna say chaos night!
worst thing to happen to you today? nothing lol
best compliment you’ve ever received? i remember every little thing someone has told me but one that stuck with me the most is that you’re not just my best friend, you’re my fucking family 😭
favorite smell? vanilla and men’s cologne
hugs or kisses? hugs i guess 
if you made a documentary, would it be about? christopher nolan’s directing choices!!!!
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? titanic :(
lipstick or lipgloss? how bout lipbalm!
sweet or savory? savory!
girl crush? ella balinska, rihanna, emma watson, kristen bell, jameela jamil, stephanie beatriz, melisa fumero!!
how do you know your in love? love is too intense for me at this point in my life 🙃
a song you can listen to on repeat? call out my name by the weeknd!
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? probably an incredibly rich person just to not worry about it
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? starting uni hopefully soon!
tagging @tinanewt @ctrls @bellamy-blakez @wespers @acrookedsaint @gomez-michelle + anyone else who’d like to!! :)
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ladililn · 5 years
What Rogue One taught me about the Jedi, despite no Jedi actually appearing in it
So I initially started writing this for @rogueoneanniversary last year, and then Real Life happened and I disappeared from Tumblr and then Tumblr disappeared from me and now here we are, a full standard year later, and guess who still has (now very belated) Thoughts she wants to share? This girl! Because guess who still hasn’t gotten over this movie? This me! (Not sure whether @celebraterogueone is the correct place for this now?)
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The first time I saw Rogue One, I completely missed the fallen colossus in the sands of Jedha. I just thought it was an overhead shot of some weirdly-shaped mountain. The second time, it took a moment for my brain to register and make sense of the image, and then I wondered how I'd ever missed it.
This one object, one blink-and-you-miss-it set piece, tells us so much about Jedha and the "ancient religion" of the Jedi and themes that run through the entire saga and even, I think, characters who aren't even in Rogue One (there's a reason the fallen Jedi statue looks exactly like Old Ben). It immediately calls to mind Shelley’s Ozymandias:
I met a traveller from an antique land 
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone 
Stand in the desert…Near them, on the sand, 
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies[…]
[…]Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
To return for a moment to Admiral Motti’s “ancient religion” line in ANH—I’ve seen people point that out as a plot hole, or at least an early inconsistency, given that the Prequels show the Jedi faith alive and well a mere nineteen years earlier, which doesn’t seem very ancient. I find that charge specious for several reasons—first of all, “ancient” doesn’t mean “dead." I think you could easily and accurately refer to Judaism or Christianity as “ancient religions,” and both of those are alive and well now. The religion began a long, long time ago; thus it is “ancient.” I’d also argue that we hardly needed the Prequels to belie the idea that the Jedi Order was beyond human memory. We know in ANH that Obi-Wan used to be a Jedi Knight, and although Alec Guinness looked (and was) older than Obi-Wan’s actual age, there was nothing in that movie or the other two OT movies to indicate human lifespans differ significantly in the GFFA.
Still, I see the disconnect. On the one hand, we have a not-that-ancient man who was once one of the “guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic.” On the other, you have Luke, who’s never even heard of the Jedi, and Han, who doesn’t believe in the Force. Again, some see these as errors, considering Han was already ten when the Republic fell, meaning the Jedi were still getting up to their incredible and well-documented feats when he should’ve been old enough to be aware and remember.
Explanations for this seeming disconnect can be found across the franchise, and they boil down to two main points: the Jedi’s (relative) lack of reach throughout the galaxy, and Order 66. 
Here’s a fun figure: how many Jedi were there in the galaxy before Order 66? 10,000. Ten fucking thousand. That’s a ridiculously tiny number. A laughably tiny number. A Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale number. An entire galaxy, all those planets and star systems, billions and billions (trillions? quadrillions?) of sentient beings, and you could name every single Jedi in a few hours. Put them all in the smallest NFL stadium, and they couldn’t even fill half the seats. 
Sometimes I find the Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale-ness of the GFFA frustrating (although IMO the “why is this galaxy filled with the same 10 people?!” complaints fans like to toss around ignores the history of the mythic storytelling tradition Star Wars is very much a part of and how the franchise fits into/plays with those genre conventions, but that’s a rant for another day). But in this case, I fucking love how ridiculous a number 10,000 is. I think it’s perfect. Our view of the Jedi’s relative size and stature in the galaxy is warped by the lens through which we see the galaxy; up until Rogue One, we’re pretty much just hanging out with Jedi. Not only that—in the Prequels and TCW, we’re hanging out with the best of the best, the council members and the freaking Chosen One. They’re the elite among the elite. The 1% of the 1%, only more like the .001% of the .0000000000000001%.
There’s an excerpt from the Rogue One novelization that I think illustrates my point perfectly. This comes from a section of the book that’s meant to be “supplemental data [from the] personal files of Mon Mothma,” a document entitled “Short Notes on the History of the Rebel Alliance Navy” (side note: how much do I love in-universe archival material? a whole fucking lot) (all emphasis mine):
What worked in the Clone Wars cannot work again: the partnership of Jedi Knights and Kaminoan clone armies constituted a peerless weapon that no longer exists. 
Consider a brigade of clone troopers served by a Jedi commander: Such a unit might penetrate a world’s orbital defenses and seize control of the entire planet while taking (and inflicting!) minimal casualties… [W]hat blockade could be thorough enough to keep out a handful of determined star fighters and a single clone drop ship? 
...With the Clone Wars’ end, the destruction of the Jedi Order, and the decommissioning of the Kaminoan cloning facilities, the self-proclaimed Emperor and his military advisers determined that the future of warfare was in large-scale naval weaponry—in a fleet of battleships and battle stations that could atomize any enemy, whether on a planet’s surface or among the stars. They rebuilt a military not for precision strikes but for hammerblows… No potential rebellion could dare eschew infantry altogether, but—lacking the elite support of the Jedi or clones—the cost in lives would be abominable…
From an in-universe perspective, the Jedi are OP as shit. Guys, these are a tiny handful of beings with the ability to move shit with their minds! They can run and leap insane distances at inhuman (yeah, I know that’s an impossible term in the context of a galaxy filled with humans and aliens, but you know what I mean) speeds, they can move in ways other people could never imagine, they have the sort of reflexes that allow Anakin to participate in a sport other members of his species, the most populous in the galaxy by far, physically cannot. They can manipulate the environment around them telekinetically. They can manipulate people telepathically. Their weapons can cut through anything. It’s been said before, but it bears repeating: they are literal space wizards. I know this is all obvious, but think about it from the perspective of your average galactic citizen: here is a microscopically tiny group of people who can literally do magic.
Why are there so few of them? Well, the Force moves in mysterious ways. But also, there don’t really need to be more. Talk about casting an outsized shadow: 10,000 people holding the entire galaxy together. Like Mon Mothma says, one Jedi (and their handful of trusty clone troopers) = an entire fucking battle station in terms of military power. And with the Sith so long in hiding (side note: the Rule of Two makes the Order look positively overpopulated), the Jedi have had no real opponent of their own stature and ability level to contend with for a long, long time. (We see, especially in TCW, how difficult it is for a non-Force user to be made into a credible threat for the Jedi in any circumstances. Those plotlines almost always require characters to be nerfed, either by having to hide their powers (because undercover), being restrained by the Code and not wanting to harm civilians (a Jedi’s primary weapon—though obviously not their only weapon—is hard to make nonlethal, or at least non-maiming), or conveniently forgetting most of their powers.)
Now, it could be argued that there do “need” to be more, because are they actually doing such a great job guarding peace and justice? Are they successfully holding the galaxy together? Even before the Clone Wars, we see in TPM that their power doesn’t extend all the way into the far reaches of the galaxy. Of course, you could also argue that the lawlessness of the Outer Rim has less to do with the Jedi’s inability, in terms of sheer forcible (sorry) power, to do anything about it, and more to do with the politics of the Republic, and you could be right. But that’s part of the point. The Jedi are enforcers of peace, not rulers. They’re not supposed to be making decisions on galactic policy. (That “supposed to” is key, but again: a story for another day.)
So my point is: sure, on Coruscant in the year 20 BBY, you’re not going to have anyone blinking and saying “Jedi who?” It’s a Core World—the Core World—and most of the characters we’re familiar with in the Prequel Era are by necessity among the upper echelons of galactic society, or at least moving in circles that bring them into contact with the upper echelons. High-ranking politicians, rulers of various worlds, heads of planetary militia—people who have reason to be interacting with the Jedi. (Even the criminals they interact with are top-level, crime bosses and legendary bounty hunters. You’re not going to call a Jedi to arrest a petty thief.)
99.999% of the galaxy’s citizens have never seen a Jedi in person. (We’re going to leave beside the issue of the media in the GFFA, because that’s a whole ‘nother kettle of, uh, mynocks?) The farther you get from Coruscant, the farther removed you are from galactic high society, the less you probably know about the Jedi. Han, growing up on the streets of Corellia, has no reason to be an expert on Jedi. I’m sure he’s heard rumors, but he is perfectly justified in being a skeptic, particularly once the Jedi disappear seemingly easily.
Which brings us to the Jedi Purge. Here’s the thing: Order 66 wasn’t just about literally killing all the Jedi and burning their Temple down. It was a planned cultural genocide as well. A revision of history. We all know the line from 1984: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” Palpatine destroyed the memory of the Jedi as surely as he destroyed the Jedi themselves. We’ve met, in various canon sources, history professors who lost their jobs because any mention, scholarly or otherwise, of the Jedi Order had become verboten. We’ve seen kids studying for their galactic history class in which one of the questions concerns Mace Windu, leader of a “criminal gang that interfered with a legal execution on Geonosis and sparked the Clone Wars.” Talk about revisionist: that goes against everything Palpatine himself said and did during the Clone Wars, a not-insignificant timespan of at least three years of his own personal history he has to revise, but in his role as Emperor, he can pull that off. This is what totalitarian governments do. We already see it begin in RotS, when Palps tells the Senate all about the Jedi Order’s attempt at a coup. And it’s effective! Five years on, Tarkin himself says the Jedi already feel like a distant memory.
And of course it’s fairly ludicrous (though not, I suppose, impossible) to assume that the statue on Jedha fell and was partially buried in sand within the last 19 years. But that’s one of the things I love most about Star Wars, something it’s particularly famous for: its Used Future aesthetic, the continued reminders that this is a galaxy with a history, one as complex and mysterious and tangled in its own legends as our own. That fallen colossus is one of many clues throughout canon that the Old Republic, the Jedi Order, belief in the Force—all were in decline long before the events of the Prequel Era.
Similarly, it’s clear that Jedha itself, once among the most holy sites in the galaxy, was also only a shadow of its former glory long before it got wiped off the map entirely. From Wookieepedia (again, emphasis mine):
As more of the galaxy was mapped, more direct hyperspace routes were discovered. These new passages made the old, winding routes, such as those connecting with Jedha, obsolete. The once-popular Jedha became an antiquated curiosity rather than a relevant destination, a location for those who desired spiritual guidance, a deeper purpose, or to simply exile themselves from the larger galaxy.
It’s typical Imperial excess to take the idea of Jedha’s long-buried secrets lost to the sands of time and literalize it by blowing the damn thing up. Horace Smith’s Ozymandias is less famous, but as (if not more) relevant to our discussion (“The City’s gone,” anyone?), and I leave you with its last stanza:
We wonder,—and some Hunter may express
Wonder like ours, when thro' the wilderness
Where London stood, holding the Wolf in chace,
He meets some fragment huge, and stops to guess
What powerful but unrecorded race
Once dwelt in that annihilated place.
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son-oreo · 6 years
Chapters: 1/10 Fandom: DC Animated Universe, DCU (Comics), DCU Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Lois Lane, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Perry White, Diana (Wonder Woman), Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, J'onn J'onzz Additional Tags: Bruce Wayne is Batman, Dick Grayson is Robin, Alternate Universe, where things aren't as confusing, Daily Planet, Based on a Tumblr Post, I am trash sorry, James is a Dork, Pls don't hate my bby, Bruce owns daily planet, justice league - Freeform, the original members, Slow Burn, I'll try to have no love interest, No love interest, BAMF, will keep adding tags Summary:
James, a recently hired editor at the well known Daily Planet, is looking forward to his first day on the job, hurrying through the large glass doors of the newspaper company.
You might be thinking that this is just another boring story about a guy who gets a job and then is pressured by that job but over comes that pressure and makes it work somehow, befriending his boss, and 'getting' the girl.
Well, you're wrong. I didn't base this off of a Tumblr post for nothing. James has a secret power that no one knows about. James was born with the ability to “see” how dangerous a person is with a number scale of 1-10 above their heads. A toddler would be a 1, while a skilled soldier with a firearm may score a 7.
Today at his new job he has the honour of meeting some of his co-workers, such as Lois Lane (surprisingly a 5), Jimmy Olsen (an average 5).. and Clark Kent. Who was able to make James feel like he was going insane, this mild mannered journalist ranked at a 10.
Read about James as his life gets much more complicated, unknowingly meeting members of the Justice League while they're out of uniform and on the streets.
...Poor James...
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marymuft · 7 years
Can’t Sleep Survey
Did you cry when you first watched Titanic? I think I teared up.
What was the last thing you did before doing this quiz? Peeing
What would your parents do if you came home with a tattoo? I have four. They just say “Lemme see it” now. 
Ever purposely broken your iPod/phone just for a new one? no.
Ever kissed someone with a tongue piercing? No.
Gotten high in the past 24 hours? :)
Has a friend ever made you extremely angry? Yes.
Are your parents divorced? Nope.
If you got kicked out, where would you go? Uhh. Well, I’d text Liz, Diane, Ashley, maybe Dana, and see if they could house me til Damion realizes he’s stupid.
If any of your friends got kicked out, would your parents let them stay with you? I’m sure they would have when I lived with them. They put up some of my brother’s friends.
You’re locked in a room with the last person who hurt you, what happens? I don’t know who that is right now? Ashley’s parents? It’d be fine, we’d play cards.
Injured someone in the last week? Not to my knowledge
Do you like Pokemon? I like the pokemans.
Would you get your feet tattooed? Did that already.
Have you kissed more than ten people this year? Nope.
Have you told anybody you loved them today and meant it? Yes.
What was the last thing you and your mom talked about? What time Evelynn was coming over tomorrow.
Do you know people that smoke weed? Yep.
What was the most boring thing you did today? Woke up.
Last kiss drunk or sober? Not sober. 
How do you feel right now? I’m a little tired. Lil wired. Dry throat.
What were you doing last night at midnight? In my bed on my laptop.
You think that stars are people we lost? They’re just big balls of gas.
What are your plans for tonight? Go to sleep.
Is there any band/artist you would love to see right now? The Matches would be so cool to see.
What is/was your worst subject in school? I wasn’t really bad at any of the academic ones. But, GYM, if that counts.
When’s the last time you cried? I def cried this week. Probably... Tuesday.
Would it be more likely of you to fail science or math? Science.
Do you find it rude when people text when they’re talking to you? Only if it’s a serious conversation. 
Do you tell your parents everything? Nope.
Do people say you look like a certain celebrity? No, but I have gotten very different ones through the years.
Who do you think you look like? My mom
Name a flaw that you think you have: My teeth.
Name something that you like about yourself: I’m super compassionate.
What’s a word that you overuse? “Okay”
Had a blast from the past recently? I’m in my parents house right now. So yeah.
Ever seen a pregnant woman smoking/drinking? Yes
What’s something you want for your next birthday? Money. Lots of it. And a keyless entry lock.
Do you hate when people talk to you about their relationships? Nah. Unless it’s clear that it’s an inappropriate time or place.
What’s the last thing you said out loud? "Augh.”
Don’t you hate when you get hit on by creepers? Yes.
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I don’t think I ever close my closet door.
Do your parents use coupons a lot? Not that I know of. I do thought. 
Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Usually on stairs.
What are you doing right now? This. And deciding if I need to pee again.
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10. 5. Maybe a 6. 
Do you always seem to lose your bobby pins & hair ties? Nah, i’m pretty aware of them.
Have you ever clogged a public toilet? Friend’s place count?
Have you ever been followed by a stranger when walking home? No, cause then they went their own way.
Do you have any jewelry on currently that came from someone special? “You are my sunshine” ring from my mom.
Have you ever saw someone get run over? No.
Is it currently cold where you live? It’s actually like Hell outside.
Do you put pepper on almost everything you eat? I’m not very good at eating. 
Do you own more than 50 different colored eye shadows? I probably do actually... Maybe 30.
Do you always feel like people are staring at you in public places? Yes.
What’s one of your biggest fears? Being thought of as mean and uncaring.
Is there currently any food crumbs on your bed? Maybe.
Have you ever watched the show Bananas in Pajamas when you were young? Yes. It was one my favorite shows!
Do you ever get any compliments on your eye lashes? Yep. I was blessed with perfect ones. 
Do you own a pair of converse? Since middle school.
Would you rather be unhappy being single or unhappy being with someone? I would rather be unhappy being single. 
What is something obvious about you that everyone notices? ... Uhm. My fishnet stockings.
100 Things You May Not Have Known About Me…
or care to know about me, but here ya go anyway…
1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank? Lemon vodka press probs. 
2. Do you follow college football? Nope. 
3. Who took this survey before you? ???
4. Who was the last person to send you a text message Damion
5. Last time you went swimming in a pool? ...Uhm. Two weeks ago, if just feet count. 
6. Are you happy? Not usually.
7. Where was the last place you went shopping? I went to Tom Thumb this afternoon.
8. How do you feel about your hair? It feels nice. I just washed it.
9. Where do you live? ATX bby.
10. Last thing you ate? Little Caesar’s cheese pizza.
11. Do you wish you were some place else right now? Yes and no. I want to be back in the morning. But, impossible givne distance of where I’d like to be.
13. Do you have any expensive jewelry? Not really.
14. AIM or MSN? Was def an AIM kid.
15. What classes are you taking? Next semester I’m taking Graph Theory, Cirriculum, and uh... Specialized Content.
16. How many hours on average do you work a week? 30+
17. Who do you like right now? My dog.
18. Do you watch the olympics? Yeah.
19. Last restaurant you went to? Whole foods count?
21. Who was the last person to call you? My roommate.
22. What’s your sign? Sagittarius. 
23. Do you have a favorite number? 16. 
24. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donation? I bought a red nose.
25. What do you spend most of your money on? Food.
26. Where does most of your family live? ... Even spread of extended.
27. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? Sibs.
31. Favorite kind of beer? Don’t dig that shit.  
32. Have you ever experienced true love? Yes.
33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? Nah. I mean I had some, but I wasn’t like super into it.
35. Myspace or Facebook? Facebook.
36. Do you have T-Mobile? No.
37. What is your favorite subject? I enjoyed the fuck out of DiffEQ.
38. Do you sometimes wish you were someone else? Yes. Or just a better version of myself.
40. Are you an outcast in school? I felt like I was, but looking back I was not as much as I felt.
41. Last time you saw your parents? Like, 3 hours ago.
42. Do you have any talents? I’m good at teaching mathematics.
43. Ever been in a wedding? Flower Girl.
44. Do you have any godchildren? No.
45. Last movie you watched? I put on The Bucket List. But, I think the dark tower counts.
46. Are you missing anyone at the moment? Yes.
47. Did you take a nap today? I woke up at 2. NO time for a nap.
49. Ever been on a cruise? Nope.
50. Favorite vacation spot? Snow places.
51. Favorite genre of music? Been grooving to indie alt. 
52. Do you have any wealthy friends? Yeah.
53. Ever met anyone famous before? Yes.
54. Would you give your ex a second chance? No, doesn’t seem like a good idea.
55. Are you multi-tasking right now? Nah.
57. Could you handle being in the military? Not at all.
58. Are you hungry or thirsty? I’m thirsty..
59. Favorite fast food restaurant? Panera.
60. Favorite Nightclub? I love Highland. 
62. Do you own a camera phone? Yeppp.
63. Ever had to take a sobriety test? No.
65. Can you speak any other languages? Only a little Spanish. I’m only fluent in English.
66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out? Last month.
67. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Like 20..
68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? No, google photos?
69. Last place you were at? Tom Thumb.
70. What is your school mascot? Bobcat.
71. Ever been to Las Vegas Nope.
72. Ever been to Mexico for spring break? Nope.
73. Have you ever bought condoms? Yep.
74. Do you have any regrets? I have some.
75. What do you think is your best feature? My eyelashes.
76. Have you ever been gambling? Yeah, love me some Brittney Slots..
77. How old are your parents? 69 and 56.
79. Do you have your wisdom teeth? Unclear. Never had any removed, but not sure if they were there in the first place.
80. Favorite place to be? My bed.
81. Have you ever been to New York City? Once, I need a redo
82. Favorite sit down restaurant? Idk. I go to a few. I always like Olive Garden breadsticks.
83. Ever been to Disney Land/World? Disneyland... I think. 
84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Tina Belcher. 
85. Last thing you cooked? A microwave bowl of soup...
86. How is the weather today? Hot.
87. Do you e-mail? It is how academics communicate. Less awkward.
88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill? My mom sent me a card. 
89. Favorite store? Target.
90. Are you dating someone right now? Nope.
91. Last voicemail you received. Momma.
92. Do you drunk dial? Nope. 
93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Dropped it in the toilet once. 
94. What is the best city in the state that you have lived in? ATX is the best.
95. Favorite band? I’m gonna go with The Matches. Lyrics are perfect.
96. Last time you were sick? Had a sinus infection a few weeks ago.
97. Are you lactose intolerant or do you have IBS? Nope.
98. What’s the last concert you went to? Oh lord... Warped like. 7 years ago? I can’t remember. I haven’t been to one in a while unless you count happening upon ones as SXSW.
99. Ready for the weekend? I’m ready to see my little nugget of a niece.
100. What did you do last night? Got wired and did things.
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