#sbs payback
aellyne · 1 year
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I can't believe how much you've grown! [...] I'm not a child! [...] I'm a grown-up now!
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kdramastuff · 1 year
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on the importance of voiceover narration by character when character is played by Lee Sun Kyun
abstract. it is very important and criminally underused. extremely overlooked problem.
introduction. there is voiceover narration to be done and there is Lee Sun Kyun’s voice. 
materials and methods. Lee Sun Kyun’s filmography and good ole human ears.
results. speak for themselves.
discussion. write voiceover narration into everything Lee Sun Kyun is in and have him voice it. Lee Sun Kyun is in this world, ergo all the narration in this world should be done by Lee Sun Kyun.
references: see materials and methods
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wullu · 1 year
So there's a Moon Chae Won and Lee Sun Kyun drama that's gonna air soon and he has a mullet and they are gonna be partners and fight crime or whatever and there might be a loveline or even like a hint of one and I swear to god, it's been a while since I felt like I had a burning need to see a drama but like the description above is exactly the reason why I do have a burning need to see this one omg
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kooriyuki · 1 year
Payback - First Impression
Story in a Nutshell Our protagonist Eun Yong (Lee Seon-kyun) is a self-made uber-rich, who escaped South Korea and settled down pretty nicely in Mongolia, until an unexpected email summons him back to his home country. The premiering week is mostly flashbacks of how Yong transformed from a seemingly wayward youth released from the detention center, to a gangster earning his meager keeps, to an…
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wayward-dreamer · 8 months
New Blood
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Fem!Supe!Reader
Word count: 4,750
Summary: The executives at Vought American are enamoured by the new supe at the annual shareholders party, hoping to make her a new addition to Payback. Soldier Boy isn't pleased with the idea, as he's the only one who gets to decide who joins his team. He tells her this fact, and braces himself for a fight, but gets something much better out of their encounter.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY. Swearing, angst, SB being an asshole, misogyny, smut: dirty talk, rough sex (like insanely rough, they're supes after all), using powers during sex, choking, hair pulling, unprotected sex.
A/N: I got an anon Soldier Boy fic request to write something similar to the Homelander/Stormfront sex scene from 2.05, so here it is. It's been a while since I've posted anything, so I just hope it reads well. I may even be up to writing a part 2. Happy reading! :) @that-sarcastic-writer for your kinktober writers list ;)
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Vought never really needed an excuse for a huge party.
With the company gaining more stock in the last few years, there were plenty of things to celebrate. There had been talk recently that there was a chance for them to become an international corporation, as more supes were added to their registry and employees of Vought American were being promoted around the clock. The annual shareholders party kept getting bigger and bigger with every year the company was earning more credibility, and the year of 1984 was the most decked out the foyer on the 40th floor had been in recent times.
The champagne was free-flowing, the hors d'oeuvres were endless as waiters walked through the crowd, and all the shareholders had their attention on the supes in the room. The members of Payback were scattered around, some in deep conversations with the higher-ups in Vought, and others that cared more about finding a way to entertain themselves for the night.
Y/N threw her head back with an exaggerated cackle, taking a sip of her champagne as she turned her face away from the shareholder she was talking to, rolling her eyes. She faced him again, a smile plastered on her face as her hand smoothed down the shoulder of his charcoal suit.
“So, how much control do you have over those powers?” he asked, a slick grin pulling at his lips.
“Well sir, if you’re asking what I think you’re asking… I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love it when things get a little heated,” she replied, as she lifted her hand, a small flame appearing between her thumb and forefinger. Gently, she hovered her fingers close to the skin of his jaw, causing him to jump at the faint burn.
Their eyes met as they both laughed, his hand sliding down her back and resting on her hip. Y/N tried not to show her disgust as she continued to smile, a few more of the shareholders and members of the board joining them, all of them intrigued by the newest supe to join the Vought family.
“You certainly have a better handle on things than those fucking twins,” another one of the suits stated, briefly looking back at the TNT twins across the room before he turned to her, “you’d make a better contribution to Payback than they are right now.”
“Thank you, sir,” she said, clinking her glass with his.
In truth, she had no desire to be on the team for any personal gain, but if being a part of it offered greater benefits for her family back home then she was more than willing to do what needed to be done.
Soldier Boy leaned against the high-top table as he sipped his whiskey, his line of vision directly on the woman across the room at the bar, surrounded by all the corporate fuckers that had barely spoken two words to him all night. The only thing he had heard was an earful from Stan Edgar about the last mission he had gone on, but it was all a bunch of hypocritical bullshit. He continued to ignore the man as he stood in front of him, his eyes focused as he watched her, observing her every move as she practically threw herself at all of them.
“We need to do some damage control before you head off to Nicaragua,” Edgar added, stopping as he realized he wasn’t getting anywhere. “If you want to stay relevant, Ben, I suggest taking some of my advice on board.”
“Who the fuck is that?” Soldier Boy asked, a quick glance at him before he nudged his chin towards the woman in question.
“Ember,” Edgar replied, curtly. “Y/N. Promising up and comer from Detroit. VPs think she might be a good fit for the team, that we need some new blood around here.”
“My team?” Soldier Boy turned towards Edgar, jaw clenched as his eyebrows furrowed into a glare. 
“I believe you mean Vought’s team,” Edgar countered, unfazed by the way the supe was staring him down. “But she’s no one to concern yourself with. Leave that to us.”
Soldier Boy rolled his eyes, taking another sip from the tumbler in his hand as he looked back at Y/N. She stood in the middle, champagne in one hand and cigarette in the other, charming the men that circled her, and even a few women. His scowl deepened as he watched her laugh, show off her powers and flirt with them. They were all hanging on every word she said. Usually it would be him cracking jokes with all the suits, inviting them to after parties with the best drugs, booze and women. They hadn’t even looked his way this entire time.
He didn’t know much about Y/N apart from her supe name, Ember, but there was no way she was getting into Payback, into his team, without his approval. He smirked in as he saw her excuse herself, strutting away from the group with an exaggerated swing of her hips, the tight latex bodysuit accentuating the curve of her ass. He threw back the rest of his drink, leaving the glass on the table as he adjusted the front of his suit, walking away from Edgar and whatever lecture he was about to continue.
The smile grew on his face as he saw her walking down the hallway, the heels of her thigh-high boots clacking against the marble floor. He shook his head as she took one last puff of her cigarette and threw it on the ground, putting it out with the toe of her boot before she made her way to the restrooms.
She definitely needed a lesson about who was in charge around here, and who she needed to impress to be in the team.
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Y/N stepped out of the cubicle, blowing a large bubble of her gum and popping it, washing her hands under the gold and ivory tap of the black marble skin. She turned the water off, shaking the drops off her hands before she reached for the paper towels, wiping them thoroughly. She threw the paper in the trash along with her gum, turning on her heel to look at herself once more in the mirror. She placed her hands over her covered chest, pushing her breasts up slightly, giving herself more cleavage in her tight suit before she headed back to the party. She opened the pack she had attached to her hip, taking out her silver cigarette case and opening it, grimacing when she found it empty.
“Fuck,” she breathed, as she snapped it closed and shoved it back in the small pack.
With one last look at her figure in the mirror, she turned towards the door and walked out into the hallway. Her heels clicked against the floors for a couple steps before she stopped abruptly, her sight fixed on the man leaning against the wall, who’s own eyes drifted up the length of her body, a small smirk pulling at his lips as he placed a cigarette between them.
“Got a light?” he asked, winking.
With a playful roll of her eyes as she clicked her fingers, a tiny flame igniting. He leaned forward, the tip of the cigarette burning as he inhaled, pulling it out as he blew the smoke out in rings. Their eyes met as neither of them made the move to step aside, staring each other down. Y/N knew exactly who he was, and she even had a feeling she knew what he wanted, but there was no way he was going to get it so easily. She wasn’t going to hold out completely, she was far too curious about him for that to happen.
“Ember… right?” he inquired, even though he already knew.
She gave him a firm nod, boldly reaching for the cigarette between his fingers and placing it to her lips, taking a large drag herself. She blew it out slowly, right in his face, slightly annoyed that he didn’t react. “Whatever you want, Soldier Boy… you’re looking in the wrong place.”
“Oh come on, doll, I just wanna talk,” he reasoned, shifting closer to her as he gazed into her eyes.
“I have a name,” she stated, her features void of any emotion. She wasn’t in the mood for whatever he was trying to do.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice deep and husky as he uttered the word.
She felt a shiver run down her back as she heard him speak her name, but she tried not to show the sudden effect he had on her. “What do you want?”
“Why don’t we talk?” he asked, nudging his chin in the direction behind her. “Somewhere private.”
She took another pull from the cigarette, blowing it out as she dropped it on the ground, putting it out with her boot again. She glanced up at him with a smile, tilting her head with curiosity. “Only if you got something stronger.”
His smirk widened as he offered her his arm, waiting for her to take it. She lifted her eyebrows in an amused, silent ‘really?’, before she stepped forward, her heels echoing on the floors as she walked towards the elevators. She stepped in and waited for him, feeling her stomach turn as he pressed the last button, ‘50’ for the penthouses. They stood in silence as the elevator moved up the floors, but she was very aware of his eyes on her when she wasn’t looking. The doors opened to the 50th floor, letting them walk out into the short hallway to the door that had “Soldier Boy” in shiny gold letters. He tapped in a few numbers into the keypad, the green light allowing him to open the wooden door into his loft.
Y/N sauntered in, taking in the décor around her and noting the theme was of course the same as his look and aesthetic. Dark shades of green in the rug and the cushions on the black leather couch, gold flakes in the black marble of the bar in the corner of the room, a gold bust of a Bald Eagle with its wings spread as the centerpiece on the surface. It was his all-American hero persona all over the apartment, and if she wasn’t itching to find out what he wanted she’d be impressed. She watched as he walked over to the bar, his suit tight and accentuating all the right parts of him. He picked the decanter filled with bourbon and poured a generous amount into two tumblers, reaching under the bar to retrieve the small bag of coke he always kept there.
“So… you wanted to talk?” she asked as she wandered over to the bar.
“All that fun you were having back there…” he started, as he made short lines of coke with his knife across the top of the bar. “It’s a fucking problem, and we’re gonna do something about it.”
Their eyes locked briefly as he offered her the rolled up dollar bill, before she bent down and snorted the first line, throwing her head back to inhale it properly. She did the same with her left nostril, wiping up the remaining powder that had fallen on her lips and rubbing it on her gums. She picked up the tumbler and took a sip, moving away from the bar and taking in the view from the floor-to-ceiling window.
“The crab cakes were fucking better than this coke; not such a crime to enjoy that,” she stated.
“Don’t play fucking dumb with me, sugar.”
She turned around, staring him down as he did the same with her, both trying to figure each other out and as quickly as possible. The air around them was thick with tension, and it was going to go one of two ways.
“I wasn’t doing anything other supes haven’t done,” she reasoned, shrugging her shoulders. “Give these guys a great pair of tits and an ass you can bounce a quarter off of and they’re drooling like dogs with a fucking bone.”
His expression was blank, completely unimpressed with her pretense. He leaned down towards the bar, pinching the side of his nose as he dragged it across the surface, snorting up the white substance. He leaned back as he sniffed, humming softly as his eyes opened, glancing back at her with a smirk pulling at his lips.
“Whatever you’re tryin’ to get outta those shareholders back there, tryin’ to convince them by letting them put their hands all over you… they just want a couple hours between your legs and won’t give you what you want.”
“And you know what I want?” she asked, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.
“You want to join Payback,” he replied, as he walked towards her, slowly. “And there’s only one way you can.”
“Really?” she scoffed. She looked up at him with a wicked glint in her eyes, knowing what he was implying, but choosing to rile him up. “How?”
“Isn’t it fucking obvious?” he thew back, his features pulling into a deep glare. She was hitting a nerve already.
“No, what’s obvious… is that you’re fucking jealous of all the attention being on me,” she replied, calmly. She squared her shoulders, unafraid of him even as he stood taller than her. “You can’t stand the fact that someone might take your spotlight. That you don’t get a say about what happens with Payback anymore. Everyone knows Noir’s the only valuable player for Vought. The rest of you… you’re gonna end up C-listers, with crummy deals at amusement parks and running Herogasm into the fucking ground.”
“Watch it, Y/N,” he warned.
“And as for you…” she chuckled. The sound was almost evil. “You know they’re all just humoring you, right? Countess, the twins… I mean fuck, even Edgar just gives you shit to do so he doesn’t actually have to deal with you. He’s probably got a replacement lined up for you already.”
Soldier Boy’s jaw clenched as he scowled down at Y/N, reaching forward and grasping her arm in his tight grip. The glass fell out of her hold, shattering on the floor as he pinned her hand to the wall behind her, pressing his body into hers to keep her from escaping. She growled as she struggled against his strength, lifting her free arm to swipe at him, but he was too quick for her, repeating the action and holding it to the wall. She glared up at him, breathing heavily as her forearms started to heat up, her skin covered with an orange glow. He grunted as it singed the flesh of his palms, but he made no move to let her go.
“Are we gonna fight or fuck this out? ‘Cause I’m getting some really mixed signals here,” she snapped between gritted teeth.
The heat under his palms became overwhelming, causing him to step back as he groaned. Y/N raised her curled fist, ready to strike him but a gasp escaped her as he pushed her back against the wall once more, his hand around her neck. Their gazes locked as they glared at each other, an eerie silence falling between them, both of them waiting to see what the other was going to do. It seemed they both had the same thought, their lips meeting in a rough, searing kiss as her hands fell to his shoulders, pulling him closer. Their mouths moved together, each of them fighting for dominance over the other, her grip tightening as she tried to get control over him. She bit down on his bottom lip, her teeth nipping the skin hard, a growl leaving him as he pulled back. He swiped his thumb across his lips to check if he was bleeding, seeing a spot of crimson on the tip.
“Oops,” she whispered, smirking at him.
“Is that all you got?” he questioned, his eyes darkening as he pressed down on her neck.
She wheezed slightly, chuckling as she scowled up at him. “I don’t think you want to see my worst.”
She lifted her hand, the tips of her fingers lighting up with embers, slowly developing into small flames. She raised an eyebrow as they continued to look at each other, the flames diminishing as he eased his grip, his hands landing on her hips. He turned her around and slammed her down on the bar, the decanters of liquor falling off the surface from the force of her landing and smashing on the ground. Their lips met again, just as rough and frantic as before, their hands snatching at each other’s suits trying to get them off. He pulled down the zipper of her latex bodysuit, peeling it off her shoulders and down to her hips, his mouth traveling down her jaw, neck and down to her breasts, his teeth nipping harshly at her skin. She let out a guttural moan as her hand pulled at his soft hair, a frustrated growl escaping him as she forced his eyes to meet hers.
“I think I’d rather have that mouth between my legs,” she ordered.
He snatched her hand away, gripping it tight between his fingers, slowly twisting it back as his green orbs blazed with anger. “I don’t get on my fucking knees for anyone, doll.”
“Too hard at your age?” she mocked, cackling.
Soldier Boy glared down at Y/N as he pulled her fingers back, a harsh grunt passing her lips at the force, fearing he would snap them clean off. She squared her shoulders, tugged her hand out of his grasp, pressing both of them against his clothed chest and pushing him back with all her strength. He yelled as he skidded across the marble floor, his back hitting the leg of the dining table, causing it to shift back several inches. He stared back at her as his rage continued to grow, watching as she sauntered over to him, half-naked, the broken glass on the ground crunching under her heeled boots. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she wriggled her fingers, small embers turning into short flames as she rubbed them together, taunting him.
“You’re gonna fucking regret that,” he threatened, slowly rising to his feet.
She moved closer to him, tilting her head so that her mouth was inches from his. “Let’s see you fucking try.”
 She reached for the tactical vest he was wearing, unbuckling it quickly before ripping open the gathered collar of his suit just as fast. He flicked her hands away, grabbing her by her hips and taking control, turning around and pushing her down on the table. She grinned wickedly as her face pressed into the wooden surface, letting his hands roughly peel her suit down her body, her boot-clad legs and tossing it aside once it fell around her feet. He removed the top of his suit, kicking her legs apart as he unzipped his pants, stroking himself as he lined up to her entrance. He placed his hand between her thighs, his fingers feeling how wet she was already, bringing a smirk to his face as he brought them to his mouth and sucked at her arousal.
In one quick thrust of his hips, his cock was sheathed by her walls, a loud moan escaping her as she felt the stretch. He wasted no time, setting a brutal pace to his thrusts, fucking into her hard and fast. He grunted as his fingernails dug into the skin of her hips, his pelvis smacking against the curve of her ass as he continued to pound into her. The table shook under their weight, the creaking getting as loud as the sounds of pleasure coming from both of them, the wood starting to crack at the legs.
A squeal left her as one of the legs gave way, the table tilting as it broke from the force of their rigorous movement. He caught her in his arms just in time, her back pressing into his bare chest as he pulled her back. She laughed as she shook her head, rolling it back onto his shoulder as his hand slid up the front of her body, his fingers curling around her neck. She moaned wantonly as he applied pressure, his hips unrelenting as he felt the way she clenched around him so perfectly.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking tight,” he groaned, wrapping his arm around her hips to keep her close. “Stretched so perfect around my-”
She reached back and smacked her palm around his mouth, rasping short breaths leaving her. “Shut up.”
He suddenly pulled out of her, causing her to whine at the loss of him. He grabbed her by her arms and walked her towards the wall, pushing her up against it. He held both her wrists together in one hand against her back, leaning over her as he smirked, his cock teasing her folds.
“You fucking ass,” she muttered, sending him a glare over her shoulder. “Just put it back in.”
He chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. “That kind of talk’s not gonna cut it if you get on my team, Y/N.”
His deep and husky voice in her ear sent a shiver down her spine, and he no doubt noticed. “Last I heard, it’s not your decision.”
“You couldn’t be more fucking wrong, doll,” he whispered, the words sinister as he leaned further into her.
He took hold of his cock and pushed back into her, his head tilting back with a grunt as he felt her walls around his shaft once more. A loud whimper fell from her lips as he kept the same pace as before, his hold still on her wrists as his other hand wrapped around the back of her neck and pressed her against the wall. She tried to free her hands from his grasp, but he was far stronger than her. He was the strongest of all supes, so it wasn’t a surprise. She had caught him by surprise a couple of times, but he wasn’t going to let that happen again.
“You like that, sugar?” he asked, smirking as he nuzzled his nose along her jaw. “Like the way my cock fucks you hard and fast, fucking deep into your tight little pussy…”
“Fuck,” she gasped, her eyes squeezing shut as she tried to ignore his words. She couldn’t let him know just how much she was truly basking in the feel of him inside her. “I-I…”
“Come on, doll, use your words,” he taunted, his breath fanning against her ear. “You’re gonna cum so hard on my dick, I can feel it. I can feel the way you’re squeezing around me right now, it’s gonna feel so fucking good.”
She whimpered as she tried to hold herself back, but he was right. She was already close and she needed that euphoric release from him more than her own dignity in that moment. She managed to tug her hands out of his hold, one of them reaching up and cupping his jaw tight. She dug her nails into his skin, a pained growl coming from him as embers singed his flesh. He recovered quickly, the skin healed as he lifted both her wrists and pinned them to the wall above her head, his hips smacking harder against her. She moaned as she felt the heat blaze deep in her core, the coil ready to snap at any moment.
“Better play nice, Y/N,” he husked, holding her hands in a death grip as he pressed his forehead against the side of hers. “Be a good girl and I just might take you in… I can fuck that attitude outta you everyday, it’ll be our little secret…”
She felt him deep inside, the head of his cock pressing against the wall of her cervix with each thrust. She turned her head back to stare up into his green orbs. His pupils were blown wide from the drugs and the pleasure coursing through him, and she knew they both couldn’t hold on much longer. One hard snap of his hips against her had her cry out, her walls contracting around him.
“Fuck, please,” she panted. “Please make me cum.”
He grinned as he heard the desperation in her voice. He knew he had her.
“Cum for me, doll,” he groaned, one of his hands slipping down her arm and into her hair, tugging the strands tight between his fingers. “Fucking soak my cock.”
Soldier Boy’s words were all Y/N needed to push her over the edge. A string of moans turned into a loud shriek as she felt the coil snap, her arousal covering his shaft. His own release wasn’t much further behind her, his neck strained back as his cock pulsed inside her, a drawn out “fuckkk” escaping him, spurts of seed coating her walls. He breathed heavily, trying to come down from his high as he pulled out of her, turning away to pick up the top of his suit and dress himself. She hissed as she felt the ache between her legs, pressing her thighs together to keep his cum in. She moved away from the wall, finding her suit on the floor and picking it up. She got ready quickly, zipping herself up and fixing her hair before she faced him.
They stared at each other as she felt his seed inside her, her mind making a quick note to stop at the restrooms again before heading back to the party. She spotted his drink still sitting on the bar and walked over, ignoring his gaze as she moved past him. She picked up the drink, turning around and finally meeting his eyes.
“I don’t need your approval to be in Payback,” she began, tossing back the amber liquid in one shot. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to talk to Mr. Edgar.”
“You’re wasting your fucking time with him, Y/N,” he stated, glaring back at her.
She scoffed, sauntering over to him, her heeled boots echoing on the marble floors. She looked up at him, a silence falling between them once more as they continued to figure each other out. A mischievous smile pulled at her lips as she lifted her hand, round and small embers glowing on her fingers as she smacked his cheek. He jolted slightly at the brief sting against his skin, causing her to giggle as she stepped back, relishing in the way he scowled at her.
“See you around, Ben.”
Without another glance at him, she left the glass on the bar and walked towards the door, slamming it shut behind her. Soldier Boy shook his head, his rage getting the better of him as he picked up the glass and threw it across the room, causing it to shatter into tiny pieces as it hit the wall. He had no desire to return to the party, his mood completely soured now, thanks to her.
He picked up the bottle of bourbon and the bag of coke, walking back into his room. They’d be a better use of his time than talking to any of those fucking suits at that party.
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Six weeks later, Y/N AKA Ember was named the newest member of Payack. She accepted the new position and all the congratulations with a huge smile on her face, shaking the hands of her new teammates and bosses, members of the board and shareholders in Vought American, soon to become Vought International.
No matter how wide she grinned, however, she couldn’t enjoy the accolade. It was all tarnished by the events that came before, in honor of Soldier Boy’s heroic sacrifice in a nuclear blast. She wanted to be able to rub it in to him, making him jealous of all the attention she was getting and get him riled up, in hopes they’d have a repeat of what happened that night of the shareholders’ party.
It was a strange feeling, to wish that he was there. She just had a feeling that Vought wasn’t being completely honest about what happened to him. She couldn’t think about that, though.
She had a country to protect, people to save, and an image to uphold in order to help her family. That had always been her top priority.
No matter how much the greatest supe of all time plagued her thoughts.
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Forevers: @hintsofhoney // @makeadealwithdean // @writercole // @flamencodiva // @440mxs-wife // @sexyvixen7 // @foxyjwls007 // @maliburenee // @waynes-multiverse // @weepingwillowphoenix // @kyjey // @leigh70 // @savagemickey03 // @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone // @agentorange9595 // @buckybarnes-1917 // @lunarmoon8 // @stoneyggirl2 // @hobby27 // @sweetcyanidemilkshake // @envyaurora95 // @jassackles // @ircngirl //
The Boys: @lacilou // @kazsrm67 // @smellingofpoetry // @krazykelly // @nancymcl // @quincessimus //
Soldier Boy: @emoryhemsworth // @spnwoman // @akshi8278 // @katelyn--renee // @candy-coated-misery0731 // @deans-spinster-witch // @deans-baby-momma // @mariaenchanted // @globetrotter28 // @pink-sparkly-witch // @lyarr24 // @stephv213 // @perpetualabsurdity //  @lessons-of-red // @redbarn1995 // @xlynnbbyx // @recoveringpastaaddict // @maggiegirl17 // @rebeccathefangirl // @ladysparkles78 // @sl33pylilbunny // @smolone88 // @chernayawidow // @deansbbyx // @ultimatecin73 // @solariklees
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zepskies · 11 months
Okay, I loved the reader smacking Ben's ass, so can we do an uno reverse of the situation, but lmao it would probably not end well because knowing Ben it probably would've been done during a terribly inappropriate time like a meeting or something, also I know that you didn't explicitly say it was BMD ben and reader but I did read it as such, lmao - salvadoreña anon (lmao it feels a little weird to call myself that because Im also desi lol)
Hello my Latina Lovely! 😘 (Wow! Love that you're also Desi. ❤️)
Aw, hell, you done uno-reversed me…
See this imagine for context: Repaying Soldier Boy for a job well done.
(And yes, I had Break Me Down-verse SB x Reader in my head writing that one as well lol. They're ingrained in me. 😂)
Word Count: 350
Imagine: Ben gets a little payback.  
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Your heels clacked on the tile floor brusquely as you made your way back to your office, over in Surveillance. You carried a stack of paperwork that had to be sorted through—and on Grace Mallory’s desk by end of day today.
Your hair was falling out of its loosening bun, and you tried in vain to blow a piece of it out of your face. The elevator on the opposite end of the hall dinged. The doors opened, and out came your boyfriend, strutting into the hall in his supe suit.
You smiled. “Wow, that was quick. You caught Metallo?”
“Being booked with bendy straws for arms as we speak,” Ben replied with a cocky smile. He headed toward you down the hall. “Gonna grab a bite to eat. Care to join?”
You raised a brow at bendy straws for arms. He really needed to work on how badly he roughed up these supes when bringing them into custody.
“Can’t right now,” you said, gesturing with your eyes to your workload. “But I’ll let you know when I’m ready to head home, if you want to wait for me.”
While you spoke, Ben was busy taking in your white blouse, the dark red lipstick, the pencil skirt, the sexy little heels. It was straight out of one of his fantasies…
Maybe you’d be down for a round of sexcretary after work. His lips curved at the thought.
But then, he remembered how you’d got him to accidentally shatter a nice crystal wine glass the other night, and it got him contemplating some retribution.
“All right. See you then, baby doll,” he said mildly.
When he finally reached you, he gave you a nice smack on the ass as he passed by.
You jolted with a wide-eyed yelp. Ben smirked at the sound.
He’d gotten you with a little more force than he thought though, as it made you lose your grip on your files. They flew from your hands and scattered onto the floor.
You twisted back to meet him with a glare. Ben’s hand clenched and curled back…
Then he gave you a sly grin.
“Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?”  
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AN: So I don't typically post two new fics within the same day (sorry for the spam), but this one was short and essentially a sequel to the other imagine lol. (And my weird brain doesn't like a packed drafts folder. 😉)
I have at least one more SB imagine coming this week. I got a ton of requests this weekend, so thank you all! I really am so flattered. 🥰🥰
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
SB Tag List:
@melancholictearz @katherineann83 @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @tipthejar @ajjustice @thewritersaddictions @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman
@mrshalverson2021 @iprobablyshipit91 @agalliasi @venicesem @waters-2567 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @mimaria420 @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @skyesthebomb @this-is-me19 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore
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Mind games 'til we lose control (Soldier Boy)
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Pairing: Soldier Boy X Fem Supe!Reader
Summary: You knew Soldier Boy a long time ago, and when three strangers show up at your door saying he is alive, all of the feelings you thought you had buried come flooding back. Takes place during eps 5 and 6.
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, you know better than these mfs), fingering, creampie, praising kink, dirty talk, Soldier Boy bc he's a warning on his own, cursing. Spoilers for ep5. Read at your own risk.
WC: 7.2k I'm sorry
A/N: Yay more soldier boy bc we love shitty characters in this household. Hes so fun to write I'm sorry. And the finale left me in my sb mood soo I finished this piece that had been sitting in my drafts since ep5 came out. Pls father forgive for I have sinned. And so will you after reading this. Enjoy you sinful fucks
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Comments are reblogs are highly appreciated!
It had been decades. Half of a lifetime for some. But for you, it didn't feel like it had been that long. Once you left Payback, after Nicaragua, your life just felt like the same day repeating itself. And you didn't exactly look a day older than you did in '84, so ever since he died, it was like you got stuck in a loop of nothing but your own thoughts and your own company. 
Until these three guys came knocking at your door. You didn't know who the fuck they were, but they sure as hell knew a lot about you. Down to your close relationship with America's favorite supe, Soldier Boy. To the public eye it was always him and Crimson Countess. But before her there was you and him. You had… Something. You didn't know what it was. He was your best friend, and you fucked, a lot. Whatever that was, you didn't know. Though that last part was always kept under wraps. But it didn't matter because you weren't Countess, you weren't PR material. You were just the girl with the psychic powers and the purple eyes. But even when he was with Countess, he would always go back to you. And you to him. As fucked up as it was. As painful as it was, you just couldn't stay away from each other, and Vought really fucking tried. 
As painful and toxic as your thing with Soldier Boy was, you liked it. You liked it like you liked the control you could have on others, the power it gave you. But even he was more addictive than that. So his death was more painful than any pain anyone could inflict on you, because that you couldn't control. And as fucked up as it was, you loved him. In your own fucked up way. 
Soldier Boy is alive, they told you. 
He was fucking alive. 
It took you a minute to understand how. They took the time to explain. You weren't surprised to learn the rest of Payback's members had to do with it. Soldier Boy wasn't exactly the most loved. He was a fucking asshole and he knew it, everyone knew it. But you don't think he ever expected his team, his own girlfriend, who you knew he eventually grew to feel something for, much to your dismay, would ever betray him like that. Fuck, did he think you betrayed him too? 
The three men, Butcher, Hughie and M.M, you learned, asked for your help. You had nothing to do with what happened, they knew that, and they were hoping Soldier Boy did too. You didn't have his superhuman strength, or bulletproof skin, but you were pretty fucking powerful. Your powers, while psychic, were pretty dangerous. And you could be pretty useful at times, despite what most people thought. And apparently Butcher thought so too, because he wanted you to team up with him, Hughie and possibly Soldier Boy to take down Homelander, who you had unfortunately met at one point and personally thought to be a worse, less humane and completely psychotic version of Soldier boy. And those weren't exactly a good combination. 
That wasn't what you cared about though. You cared about Soldier Boy, about Ben. You needed to see him for yourself, alive. You could figure out the rest later. 
You would be lying if you said you felt bad for the Payback members who were most likely going to die by Soldier Boy's hand, an idea you seconded as soon as Butcher mentioned using Countess as bait. Your time in Payback was goddamn agony. Every member was an absolute ass to you, with the exception of Soldier Boy, who was only half an ass to you, but you had known him prior to joining Payback. Hell he was the one who got you into Payback in the first place. You were a psychic, and the team deemed you useless, like a cheap and weaker copy of Mindstorm. Even though you were the only one who was actually disciplined and skilled in combat. And you could do a lot more than just hear people’s thoughts and trap them in their own mind until they died. But alas, supes will be supes. And they harassed and abused you to no end. Countess being the worst out of them all. She pushed you around, verbally and at times physically abused you, and often used your mind reading against you until you lost control. Ben would step in at times, as ironic as it was, considering he bullied the entire team as well. But he drew a line with you, and he would break someone's back if they bothered you. Something Countess didn't exactly like, especially towards the end, where your on and off relationship with him was fading and they got more serious. She was particularly spiteful of you for years, and you wished you could say you gave a fuck. So this turn of events was particularly enjoyable for you. 
"You fucking lying cunt." You spat at the red head, your fist collided with her jaw with a particular force fueled by both built up anger from years of abuse and also for taking the only man you ever loved from you. Her head snapped back into place to glare at you, not being able to move much from her chained position. "You told me Ben was dead. You fucking cried he was dead. And I believed you. I cried for him for years. And what were you doing? Honoring his fucking memory at an amusement park while he was being tortured and experiemeted on."
"Awe, were you sad because you couldn't be Soldier Boy's fuck toy anymore?" She tilted her head cynically and pouted mockingly. "Or was it because he never loved you?" 
Your jaw slightly twitched, and your hands twitched at your sides, faint violet sparks radiating from them as your eyes also began to glow a light shade of violet. You lifted your hand, sparks coming from your fingertips as you opened and slowly closed one of your palms, your fingers moving back and forth ever so slightly. Countess started to gasp for air, her face turning nearly as red as her hair. 
"I should've crushed your fucking throat when I had the chance in the 80s, he would probably still be with me if I had." You closed your hand more, your eyes now fully glowing a bright shade of violet. Countess was red and was choking out gasps for air when you heard your name being called, or more like yelled. 
"Oi!" Butcher yelled at you, you of course didn't move a muscle. He grabbed your shoulder and said your name again. "Oi, Violet Storm, that's enough. She's Soldier Boy's to deal with, remember?" 
Your nose twitched, for a moment losing focus to eye the hand on your shoulder. You exhaled sharply, and groaned, shrugging his hand off your shoulder as you opened your palm again, releasing Countess with a huff. She coughed violently and you were wishing she choked in her own spit. But then again you wouldn't get the satisfaction of seeing Soldier Boy kill her himself. 
"I'm really gonna enjoy seeing Ben kill you like the lying and traitorous bitch that you are." You smiled at her in the same mocking and cynical way she had mere minutes ago. 
You turned around to face Butcher, jaw tight and your eyes still glowing. He gave you a look, not of fear, but of like "holy shit", there was some amusement there too. You wondered if he enjoyed hurting supes as much as you enjoyed hurting each other. Probably. You said nothing to him as you walked past him and walked out of the trailer. 
Fuck, it had been a long time since you've used your powers, since you felt so much power course through your veins your eyes lit up and sparks left your fingertips. It was like they had died with Ben, but now that you knew he was alive your powers were too. Your fingers still sparkled and your hands were shaking. Did he still remember you? It had been decades. He was tortured and experimented on in ways you couldn't even begin to imagine, would he still be the same or did they break the little humanity he had left? Would he care to know you missed him and cried for him all those years? Jesus. You closed your eyes and sighed unevenly, shaking your head in disbelief with yourself. Why? Why did he still matter so much to you? It's not like he loved you like you did him. No, he loved Countess. You knew she was right, but that didn't make you need him any less. Most supes had their drug, coke, alcohol, sex, but he was yours. 
The two men joined you outside, Hughie having stayed outside that whole time. Butcher and M.M were looking at you, both with different attitudes of course. Butcher looked slightly amused, like he was glad he made the choice to find you. While M.M looked disturbed and like he disapproved of what you had just done. You didn't care about either of their opinions though. 
"What the fuck was that? You can't be pulling shit like that." M.M reprimanded you. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. These men had known you for a collective twelve hours, and they were already telling you what to do. 
"I didn't kill her did I? She's fine." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Besides, when Soldier Boy gets here, she's gonna wish I killed her first. She has it coming." 
"That's not what we're here for. And that sure as hell isn't what we agreed on when we came looking for you." M.M argued, seemingly tensing up at the mention of Soldier boy. Butcher stood close to him, almost as if to calm him down. 
"I'm not doing this for you. I'm here for Soldier Boy. I don't owe you guys shit." You said blankly, but your expression hardened and you dropped your arms at your sides when M.M took a step towards you, his jaw tight and body tense. There it was again, like the mention of Soldier Boy riled him up. "If there is a problem with that, you can say it to my face." 
"You're awfully loyal to a guy who wouldn't so much as bat an eye if you got killed in front of him. If he would kill his own girlfriend, what makes you think he'd be loyal to you?" 
You clenched your jaw and your fingertips twitched with faint violet sparks, "The fuck do you know about Soldier Boy?" 
"I know that he's a piece of shit murderer with no regard for the people he has hurt. I know that he's just like the rest of you supes. And you aren't any better. You are just as bad as Soldier Boy." 
You took a step forward, your hands releasing violet sparks and your eyes were starting to glow as well. Butcher stepped right in front of you, creating a barrier between you and M.M. 
"That's enough. We're all working together here, remember?" 
"This one full on kills Gunpowder but I'm the big bad supe for choking Countess. You don't know shit about me, or Soldier Boy I can tell you that fucking much." You glared at both of them, your face twisted into a tight expression as you turned to walk away. You heard Butcher call your name, but you ignored him and kept walking until you were away from their sight.
You were loyal to a fault. You often wondered if that was your biggest strength or your biggest weakness. And you were loyal to Soldier Boy, you loved him, though you would never admit that out loud. And you'd be damned if you weren't going to stand up for him. You hadn't realized how far you had wandered off from the property when minutes later you saw a blast and Countess' trailer blow up, leaving nothing but a ball of fire, rubble and ashes behind. Holy fuck, did he do that? 
You ran back to the others, and just as you were running in the darkness of the night, you ran right into a hard armored chest. Your heart raced as your eyes traveled all the way up until you were met with the pair of cold green eyes you had so foolishly fallen in love with. Fuck he was alive, he was here. You took a step back, your lips slightly parted as you tried to speak. You gave him a quick sweep with your eyes, full armor, still fit him perfectly, but no helmet, he had a beard and his hair was slightly longer than you remembered. But it was still him, the same freckled face, the same forest green eyes, the same lips. He hadn't aged a day.
"Ben," You said his name with a small sigh, tears pricking your eyes. You wanted to hug him, kiss him, touch him, anything. But you didn't. Your hands twitched at your sides, but you were frozen in place. You didn't know that he knew you weren't part of what happened. He was going to kill you too for all you knew. "Ben I— I didn't know—" 
"I know." 
He took a step forward, closing the gap you had just made and he ran his fingers over the side of your face as he leaned down. "I know you had nothing to do with this, it's okay sweetheart." 
"I got knocked out cold, and when I came to they told me the Russians killed you. I-I thought you were dead. I cried for you… For decades." You squeezed your eyes shut for a second, trying to stop the tears from falling. When you opened them again, you saw him slightly tilt his head and his eyes were big with pleasant surprise, and maybe endearment? 
"You cried for me?" He asked with a small smirk, like that was even a question. You scoffed softly and shook your head.
"You don't believe me?" You half smiled, you grabbed both of his hands, his shield being left on the ground and you placed them on your face. He looked at you confused for a second but realized what you were doing when you gravitated your sparkling hands over his temples. 
"Woah, sweetheart you don't have to—" 
"Ben, I don't think I could ever say what I felt with words. Just let me show you." You closed your eyes, and after a second of apprehension, he did the same. 
Your fingers ghosted over his temples as you accessed his mind, and you allowed him to access yours. With your powers, whenever you intruded someone else's mind, it could be like a two way street. You could get a glimpse of their mind, their thoughts and memories. But they could also get a glimpse of yours, but only if you allowed it of course. You had created this shield in your mind, so that no one could ever slip into your mind. You had only ever taken that shield down with Ben. You would let him in your mind, you would let him hear your thoughts. He couldn't see images, but he could hear your thoughts, feel your emotions like they were his own. It had been a long time since you had deliberately read someone’s mind. You were high on painkillers and medication half of the time so you didn’t have to listen to people's shitty thoughts. And fuck, it was overwhelming. He felt nothing but agony and despair, a storm inside your mind. He could only imagine that was a fraction of what you felt when he supposedly died. 
An uneven breath left your lips as you let him explore the darkest and most secluded parts of your mind. You let him feel your pain, and you could feel his. You could feel all the pain he endured during his captivity, all the times he begged for someone to come save him. You felt a tear slip from your eye. And just when you were about to speak, you heard someone speak. 
"Oi! The fuck are you two doing? We've got to go. You can kiss and make up later." Butcher, ever the untimely man, called out to you, making you break the connection. 
You gasped softly when you came back to, your eyes glowing violet for a second before they returned to their natural color. You dropped your hands at your sides and looked at Ben. You found his eyes, and they were a mixture of sad and content. And you could return the sentiment. 
Butcher and Hughie walked past you. No M.M. huh.. You didn't bother to ask and you simply followed them. Ben grabbed his shield from the ground and silently walked beside you, though you could feel his burning gaze on you. 
"I missed that." 
"Man I fucking missed bennies." 
You laughed at that, watching out of the corner of your eye as he crushed up the pills Butcher brought him and snorted them. That sure brought memories. 
"You know there's stronger shit out there right? Benzos barely have any kick." You said in your head, but he heard it too. He snapped his head up and looked in your direction. He looked at Hughie for a second, trying to figure out whether or not they heard it too. And then he realized you were talking in his head, using your powers. 
"Can you not talk in my head? It freaks me the fuck out." He said to you with annoyance. 
You tried to laugh and simply shrugged innocently, pretending you had no idea what he was talking about. "Sorry." Your voice echoed in his head again and he glared at you. 
"I'm sorry who's talking in your head?" Hughie asked with alarm. He probably thought Ben was having a PTSD episode and was hearing voices or something. 
"Mystic powers over here." Ben pointed at you. You smiled innocently and looked at him like you had no idea what he was talking about. "She likes to talk in people's heads to fuck with them. Be thankful she hasn't done it to you." 
"I do not. I just like to fuck with you." You said nonchalantly, casually levitating one of your knives in the air with a slight move of your fingers. 
"You can do that? Talk in people's heads like that?" Hughie asked with hesitation, his eyes a bit wide when he saw you so casually move your knife around in the air. 
"There's a lot of things I can do, kid." 
"Oh you got that right. The things this girl can do. You have no fucking idea." Ben said with a laugh, and this smug glint in his eyes when he looked at you. "The things she can do with her hands. Fuck, she can give you one hell of a time without even touching you I can tell you that." 
Your eyes widened at his unfiltered words and your jaw tightened as your face turned hot. He kept his eyes on you, and there was this shit eating smirk on his face, like he was enjoying your embarrassment. You loved him, but fuck sometimes he made you want to stab him. 
Hughie looked at you with wide eyes, his mouth slightly agape and he looked both confused and disturbed, "You guys?" You could hear the double meaning in his tone. 
"Oh she didn't mention it? That breaks my fucking heart Violet." Ben clicked his tongue in disapproval and shook his head at you. You stopped the motion in your hand at the nickname. Nobody ever called you Violet, it was Violet Storm or your name, only he called you that. 
"I swear to god I'm going to shove my knife into your ear if you don't shut the fuck up." You hissed in his head and glared at him from the spot you had claimed on one of the beds. He simply laughed and took a swing straight from the bottle of whiskey Butcher brought him. 
"I always wondered why you never told anybody 'bout us. I mean, who wouldn't want the world to know they were fucking Soldier Boy?" He kept going, pushing at your buttons like only he could. He was doing this on purpose, antagonizing you, like he was trying to punish you for something. "But then again, you did always want a normal life, marry some ass-kissing corporate asshole, pop out a few girls with pretty purple eyes. It was quite the fantasy you had, what ever happened there?" 
You clenched your jaw, one of your eyes slightly twitching, "Well maybe not all of us could move on and settle for the first stuck up piece of ass Vought sat in front of us. I actually wanted someone that loved me, unlike someone who just settled for the next decent fuck." You said impassively. You tried not to show your emotions, your face remained blank. His, however, was like an open book. The way his nose and jaw twitched and the humourless grin on his face screamed that your words were getting to him, too. If he was going to bite you could bite too.
"Let me guess, nobody lived up to the expectation? It's kinda hard to find someone who can do what I can. Did I ruin all men for you sweetheart? Is that why the minute you heard I was back you came running? Couldn't bear to live without me?" You didn't know if it was the arrogance in his voice, the humiliation you felt or if you just wanted to find an excuse to get back at him for the heartbreak he caused you when he chose Countess over you, whatever it was, you snapped. 
Without thinking twice, you flicked your hand and the knife that you had just been levitating in the air flew straight to the small table Ben was sitting at. The tip of the blade sunk flawlessly in the middle of the burger he was about to grab. His face was fucking priceless. He looked down in front of him for a second or two before his head snapped in your direction, his eyes big and jaw tight. That pissed him off, and not because you could hurt him with your knife, but because that was your intention, deep down. 
"Oh Jesus." You heard Hughie mumble, probably scared to be in the middle of a supe dispute with no powers now that the Temp V had worn off. But what caught your attention was Ben's reaction. 
"The hell is wrong with you? The fuck did you do that for?" 
"Oh, I'm sorry, I was aiming that at your fucking dick." You hissed at him, flicking your fingers, bringing your knife back into your hand. You watched him laugh bitterly as he stood up and you dead eyed him as he stood in front of you with a tight expression on his face. 
“Since when are you such a bitch? Did the lack of dick and cocktail of pills fry your fucking head?” He said harshly, huffing at you. You bit your lip, feeling your face grow hot and your fingertips tingle with electricity. 
You stood up in front of him, back straight and head high, even if he was an entire head taller than you, you weren’t scared of him. 
“Since you chose a red head stuck up cunt to have kids with. You really were never too bright were you Ben?” You tilted your head and you could see the way his jaw twitched, but he said nothing. “I saw her thoughts, I could see what was in her mind, and trust me, she fucking hated you. They all did. I didn’t. Not that it mattered to you, you only loved her.”
“Then why the fuck did you let them do that to me? Why didn’t you fucking stop them? Why weren’t you there?” He questioned you, his voice getting louder and louder with each sentence until he was pretty much screaming in your face. 
“I didn’t know!” You screamed back, no longer being able to control your bottled-up emotions, and you snapped. He wasn’t expecting you to answer back, and definitely not scream back at him. He pursed his lips together and glared down at you but said nothing back. So you continued. “I fucking loved you Ben, and trust me I would’ve done anything to protect you but I didn’t know. I stopped hearing their thoughts a few weeks before it happened. I don’t know why, Mindstorm probably did something to protect their minds from me because they knew I would’ve warned you. I would’ve never let that happen if I had known. And trust me had I known you were alive I would’ve looked for you, but I didn’t know. I thought you were fucking dead for fuck’s sake. So don’t punish me for something I had no control over, I punished myself enough for the last thirty years.”
You didn’t realize you were crying until you felt your face get coated with hot tears. Your breathing was uneven and your hands were shaking. You had never told him that you loved him, not ever, you had never even said it out loud. You found his eyes, and they were softer, glossy even, and his expression softened the second those words left your mouth. It was like reality had smacked him across the face, a little too late. 
“Sweetheart I—” 
You shook your head, “Fuck you Ben. Just fuck you.” Your voice was quiet this time, soft and broken. You missed the look of genuine regret he gave you. But you weren’t looking at him anymore, you stared at the floor as you walked past him, shoving him out of your way and you headed straight to the bathroom.
Ben slightly flinched when he heard the door slam shut. He thought you ripped it off its hinges with how hard it closed. He closed his eyes and bit his lip, mentally kicking himself for being so fucking stupid. You loved him, how did he never see that? 
He was about to follow you to the bathroom when he heard Hughie speak, for the first time in the last five minutes, “Maybe you should let her cool off.” He said quietly and with caution, but he shrunk further into himself on the couch when Ben glared at him. 
“And maybe you should mind your own fucking business before I shove my shield up your ass.” He said to the brunette and smiled sarcastically at him. 
“Nope, I want nothing to do with this.” Hughie said as he stood up and went straight to the door, probably just to sit outside until Butcher came back, but he didn’t definitely didn’t want to be in there when whatever went down between you and Soldier Boy. Probably a good idea. 
Ben paid no mind to it, he instead turned his attention to you. He stood outside the bathroom door and knocked a few times. 
You wiped your face with your hands, keeping your face in them for a few seconds, silently screaming in frustration when you heard a few knocks on the door. You looked up and looked in the direction of the door and you had a feeling it was Ben. No, you knew it was him. 
“Fuck off Ben.” You called out, but instead you saw the door handle jiggle, but of course it was locked. Not that that would actually stop him. 
“Y/N seriously let me in.” He said through the other side, you heard him sigh heavily. You exhaled heavily and told him to go away again, but of course he wasn't going to give up that easy. “You either open this goddamn door or I’ll break it. And then we’ll have no bathroom door. Your choice.” 
You groaned out, running your hands over your face with frustration. He was fucking insufferable, and stubborn as fuck. But you knew he would just kick the door open so it wouldn’t make a difference. You sighed heavily and tried to compose yourself before you unlocked the door and opened it. You glared up at him the second he was in your view. 
“I don’t want to fucking talk to you.” You huffed at him, face fixed into a frown. Fuck he forgot how stubborn you could be too. 
“Don’t be fucking childish.” He rolled his eyes at you and invited himself into the bathroom, making you back up in the constricted space until your back was hitting the vanity sink. 
“Yeah because you’re so mature.” You muttered and rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest and you kept your eyes glued to the shitty floors, but you refused to meet his eye, though you could feel his gaze burn on your face. 
He sighed heavily and took a step closer to you, he wasn’t all up in your face like before, but just enough to be in your way and in your view. And he spoke again, his voice smooth with cockiness, “Do you remember when we first met?” 
“How could I forget?” You chuckled dryly at the memory, it was still fresh in your mind, you thought about it every day. 
“So you remember how you flung me ten feet across the room for trying to kiss you?” He asked with a small smirk. You weren’t looking at him, but you knew he was smirking, you could hear it in his voice. You pursed your lips together trying to stop yourself from smiling, and you simply nodded. “The minute you threw my ass across the room and I saw those pretty eyes light up violet, you fucking had me. I couldn’t stay away from you. You know why?”
“Hm?” You mumbled, still forcing yourself not to look at him. 
He grabbed your face, forcing you to meet his eyes and fuck he had you melting the second his green eyes found yours. He leaned down, his lips ghosting over yours and he spoke, “Because you drove me crazy like nobody ever could, I wanted you from the minute I saw you. You said I didn’t love you, but you’re wrong, I did, I just didn’t think I could have you, not like that.” 
“Thinking was never really your strong suit, was it pretty boy?” You laughed softly at him, not fighting his hold, not fighting his gaze, you just melted into it, you were tired of fighting. 
“Fuck you.” He shot back with a chuckle and a small grin. 
You were about to respond when he crashed his lips against yours without a warning. You gasped against his mouth and inhaled sharply through your nose, but you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been dying to feel his lips on yours again. You kissed, him, and you fucking kissed him hard. You gripped his jersey so hard you thought you were going to rip it and you held him against you. He slipped an arm around your back and pulled you flush against his chest as his mouth covered yours. He bit your lip and your mouth fell open. He slipped his tongue in your mouth, exploring it like it was the first time, it sure as hell felt like it after so long. He held you tight and took as much as he could until you were gasping for air. Only then he pulled back, and he was tugging at your clothes like he wanted to rip them right off, he was tempted, too. 
“Fuck, I haven’t had some pussy in forty fucking years, I feel like a hormonal teenager. I really fucking want you, like right fucking now.” He rasped between breaths as he left open mouthed kisses on your neck. You hands were tugging his baseball Jersey off his shoulders when you heard him, and you couldn't help but snort. 
“Jesus. Everything that comes out of your mouth is so gross. Your head is even worse, it’s like fucking Herogasm up in there.” You teased, hissing softly with pleasure when you felt him dig his teeth into the pressure point on your neck, well at least he remembered your weak spots. 
He grabbed your jaw and pressed a hard kiss to your lips before he spoke, “Trust me sweetheart there’s a fuck load of shit up there. I can show you, some other time. I want to be inside this pretty pussy first.” 
“Fine by me.” You bit your lip, your thighs rubbing against each other with anticipation. 
You didn’t waste time, you knew Butcher would be back soon and off you would go. Ben stepped back as you pulled your shirt over your head, and he did the same with his, your clothes making a pile of clothes on the floor. You were all over each other in seconds. 
His mouth was on yours and his hands gripped your ass. You gasped softly when one of his palms collided with your clothed ass and he smirked against your lips. His tongue was back in your mouth and it was fucking messy and desperate, but you didn’t care, hell you loved it. In the process, he hoisted you up on the vanity and he stood between your legs. One of his hands tugged your jeans down your legs, your panties along with it. You kicked them off and you were pretty much naked, exactly how he wanted you. He pulled back, leaving you to chase his lips for a second. He smirked, bringing two fingers to his lips and he spat on them before he was pressing them against your clit. You gasped softly and your eyes instantly closed at the shock of pleasure. He spread the wetness of his fingers over the bud for a second before he was sliding two long digits into you. And you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from screaming. 
“You’re so wet for me already aren’t you, pretty girl? I could fuck you right now, wouldn’t even have to finger you open.” He chuckled lowly as he watched the way his fingers slid in and out of you with ease. And you really wanted to fucking scream then. 
“Ben I know you like to tease and make me beg for it, but we don’t have a lot of time and I swear to god if you don’t fuck me I’m going to shove a knife into your ear while you sleep.” You threatened, one of your hands coming to grip at his longer strands of hair. And he laughed at you, you sounded more desperate than anything. 
“I forgot how desperate you could get when cock drunk. But I like it when you think you can tell me what to do, it’s cute.” He chuckled, mocking you even. But his fingers left you as soon as he said those words. As cocky as he was, you knew he was as desperate for intimacy as you were, the hardened silhouette of his cock said as much. 
He pressed a sloppy kiss to your mouth as he tugged his sweatpants and boxers down his hips and his cock sprung free. He pulled you to the edge of the sink by your hips as he slid into you. He swallowed your moans as he let out a groan of his own the second he felt your walls squeeze his cock. 
“Fuck,” He groaned against your mouth, sitting still for a second, the bare feeling of your walls being nearly enough to make him lose it. But fuck that, he didn’t spend forty years in a lab alone just for him to end this before it began. “I forgot how fucking good your pretty pussy felt around my cock. There was never anything like it.” 
You were barely listening to his words, it had been a long fucking time since you had been intimate with anyone, let alone since you had been with him, and you were already fucking gone. 
He grabbed your ankle and hooked your leg high on his torso as he drew back before he slammed back in with enough force to make you slide back on the sink. And again. And again. He held you by your hips as he quickly found a pace. It was fast and hard, but you knew him, you knew what he could do, and you knew he was holding back. And you didn’t want him too, whatever he had trapped inside there, you wanted him to let it out. 
“Ben,” You could barely trust your voice, but he heard you and he lifted his head, his green eyes small compared to the black of his pupils. You tangled your fingers around his hair and pulled, hard. “I’m not going to break, you know that.” 
He looked at you, his longer strands falling over his eyes as he panted, and he looked like something snapped in his head. In any other situation, you would’ve been able to see that he was holding back, why he was holding back, but your mind could only take so much. He knew he wanted to keep himself together, not lose control, but fuck, if you wanted all of it, he would give you all of it. 
He grabbed the same leg that was on his waist and threw it over his shoulder and snapped his hips, fucking hard. You actually screamed this time, your eyes rolling into the back of your head, the new angle allowing him to bury himself deep enough to brush against your most sensitive spot with each snap of his hips. He wrapped a hand around your hair and pulled your head back, his lips ravishing your neck as he braced himself on the mirror behind your head. There was nothing slow or romantic about the way he fucked you, it was rough and animalistic, like he was angry and also desperate for intimacy all the same time. 
“F-fuck Ben, don’t stop.” You muttered out, your jaw falling open as you felt a burn deep in your stomach and you could feel electricity run through your entire body. 
The hand that wasn’t gripping his hair for dear life gripped the vanity beneath you in an attempt to stop yourself from sliding back and forth with each thrust he gave you. You felt electricity run through your fingers and you felt something crank under your hand along with the warm feeling of sparks on your fingers. 
Well shit. 
“Shit,” Ben chuckled when he saw the way the vanity cracked under your hand and some pieces fell on the floor. “You wanna come sweetheart? You wanna come all over my cock until you’re a shaking, whimpering mess?” He coaxed into your ear, his hips grinding into you as he released your hair and pressed his thumb against your clit. He could feel your wall squeeze him and your legs shake, he knew you were close to tipping over the edge. 
“My pretty Violet,” He pressed a wet kiss to your jaw as he rubbed harsh circles on your clit, and he soaked in the way your lips parted to let out broken moans. “Look at me. Let me see those pretty eyes.” He demanded you, giving you a particularly sharp thrust that made your eyes shoot open, giving him exactly what he wanted. 
“Yeah that’s it, I missed making those pretty eyes lit up.” 
Your eyes were shining bright violet as your orgasm washed over you, leaving you breathless and you shook, your walls clenching around him as a wave of wetness seeped through you. You whimpered his name quietly over and over again as he fucked you through it, soaking in the way your walls squeezed him and it triggered his own release, he didn't have to control himself anymore. 
“Fuck, that’s it, just like that.” He pressed his face into your neck and squeezed his eyes shut, a low moan of his own leaving his lips as he spilled himself inside you with a sharp and deep thrust. You felt the mirror behind you shatter just as he came, his hand putting enough pressure to make pieces fall out the frame. And you knew he felt it too. “Fuck me.”
He stilled inside you and stayed there for a while. You held on to him and you honestly had no idea how long you even stayed there. You just knew that you both were breathing normally by the time he pulled out of you, your mixed releases seeping out of you. Ben still had his face on your neck, but you heard him mumble something. 
“I'm glad you didn’t forget me. I know I never forgot you.”
It felt different, the air, like you no longer could cut it with your knife. Maybe you just needed to fuck it out of your system. It tend to be like that with Ben, a good fuck would solve all of your problems. At least now you were being honest with each other. 
He was sitting on one of the beds now, and you were sitting on the other. Hughie had returned by then, not wanting anything to do with what had just happened so he didn’t inquire much, good. They were talking and you listened quietly, absentmindedly levitating one of your knives, though you knew you would have to talk to Ben about what he said. There were a lot of things you still had to talk about. But you would have time for that. So when Butcher came back with an address for the TNT Twins, you knew you were on your way to fuck some people up. 
You were suiting up when Bucther went to the bathroom and immediately came back with a distraught look on his face. “Oi, the fuck happened in here?”
You and Ben looked at each other, he had a small smirk on his face and his typical smug glint in his eyes. You were a bit more reserved and you felt heat rush through your cheeks as you looked down. Butcher looked at Hughie, and when the younger boy looked at you and Ben, Butcher groaned. 
“Fucking hell you two. I leave you children alone for an hour and you’re already fucking like rabbits.”
“Hey at least you didn’t have to hear it. It was fucking bizzarre.” Hughie muttered from his corner, looking extremely mortified. Ben looked at him with narrowed eyes. 
“I can still shove my shield up your ass. I guarantee you it feels real fucking nice, wanna try it?” He said to Hughie, slightly lifting the heavy shield in his direction and he flashed the younger brunette a perverted smile. 
Poor kid, he had to deal with the three of you. 
“Ben leave him alone, poor kid is already traumatized enough as if by your presence.” You said to Ben, slightly nudging his shoulder with your own as you leaned into him, your chin pressed up against his shoulder. He looked down at you and half smiled, his eyes bright and big. It had been a long time since someone looked at you like that.
You fucking loved Soldier Boy, and he loved you. In his own fucked up way. But you were okay with that, because you were fucked up too. 
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iprobablyshipit91 · 10 months
iprobablyshipit91 Fic Recs
So after starting to read more Soldier Boy fics, and my Dean list becoming huge I decided he should get his own post!
As always, there will be a mix of fluff, angst, smut, au etc. but let’s be honest, this is SB and pretty much all smut 😂 Please make sure you read the warnings for each story on it's own page.
Beautiful dividers by @firefly-graphics
Soldier Boy x Reader
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Repaying him for a job well done by @zepskies
Ben gets a little payback by @zepskies
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Sweet Thoughts by @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone
Hero Worship by @rizlowwritessortof
She’s Out To Please, She Pouts Her Best by @venus-haze
Time of the Season by @waynes-multiverse
Checkerboard by @zepskies
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Love Actually by @zepskies
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Break Me Down by @zepskies
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monty-glasses-roxy · 5 months
Wanna hear a scenario that lives in my head rent free and rotates in there like rotisseire chicken?
Ruin ending where Cassie survives the elevator but believes the Mimic's latest trick so now she thinks Gregory did betray and attempted to kill her.
Friendship no more.
And Cassie is now absolutely out to get him. But she doesn't want to simply kill him or anything like that, oh no. Instead she works on then strikes him where it hurts the hardest by taking what he likes the most away from him:
But I don't mean as in destroying Freddy (I don't think she'd be that far gone,) but by attempting to destroy Gregory's friendship with Freddy; or at least, throw a huge wrench into it.
How? Imagine the cam stations let Cassie access and salvage parts of old footage from the former camera system from the day SB happened; footage of Freddy telling Gregory not to hurt his friends because the problem may be something beyond their control, then sweet sweet footage of Gregory planning, staging and purposely destroying his friends (heck, he straight up pushes Chica from behind into the trash compactor!) to rip away their parts, in contrast to the lies he'd always told Freddy that his friends had suffered accidents as means to hide in intentional involvement.
And Cassie shows Freddy all that footage, evidence that his "superstar" had lied to him since day one, and that their friendship had been founded on these lies and deception.
Whether Freddy decides to distance himself from Gregory or not, is debatable. But even if not, Cassie still wins, because no way Gregory and Freddy's friendship would remain the same after that.
Oh this is good. I've been staring at it all day.
This relies on the idea that Freddy doesn't like... already know. I feel like he does ngl, but doesn't that make it worse? Cassie could be there, believing that Freddy deserves to know the truth, that vengeance is sweet, but he needs to know what his "superstar" did to his friends... but then he already knows. Not the specifics of course, he wasn't there to see any of that, but he knew about it, and allowed it to happen. Of course, seeing it for himself is a different feeling to just knowing and not really acknowledging it, so it would definitely change things, but it's not what Cassie had wanted. It's not what she expected.
She's angry, she's upset, and she expected better of Freddy than this. She expected him knowing the truth to be the only payback she needed. Non-violent and passive in execution, simply allowing the consequences of Gregory's actions to come back and bite him but then it doesn't.
And suddenly, Cassie understands why Roxy had been so aggressive about both of them. This isn't what she wanted at all, she feels like he's taken yet another thing from her and gotten off with barely a slap on the wrist... but what about Vanessa? What if Gregory lives with her now? What if seeing that stuff changes her perspective and alters how she sees Gregory?
Vanessa was as in control at the time as Roxy, Chica and Monty were. What gave her a pass, and not them? If he and Freddy both knew she could be saved, why didn't they try to save the others? Why was it just her? How is she supposed to process this information on top of everything else?
What if Cassie realises that she did get that revenge, just not in the way she wanted? Vanessa takes this information and starts to make visits to the Plex to check in on everyone, having not realised they were even still there after the place seemingly caved in. What if they bring Bonnie back and now, since Freddy is no longer welcome, his relationship with Gregory gets more tense? What if by taking this to Freddy and Vanessa, Cassie and the others get a new friend in Vanessa, Freddy and Gregory get a bit more distanced from her, and Cassie still feels like she's won? She may not have severed Freddy's trust in Gregory, but she still did some damage...
Or what if she does all this, but in the end it just feels wrong? What if she succeeds in her goal but it just feels hollow and empty, completely void of the satisfaction she'd hoped to gain? Would it make her see Roxy in a new light because she was on the Freddy warpath this whole time, right by her side, and she seems completely satisfied with this outcome? Or if she doesn't, what if Cassie watches her fucking clock him out for her own satisfaction and thinks "hey if it works for her... why don't I do that?"
There's so much to think about here that's a fun one
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aellyne · 1 year
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kdramastuff · 1 year
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oh, the new Lee Sun Kyun drama starts today
Koreans with their revenge and crime thrillers i swear
why can’t i have nice things
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deanwanddamons · 2 years
Love To Hate You
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Summary: Y/N and Soldier Boy hate each other, but can’t resist one another when they meet again after many years apart.
Word Count: 2.2K
Pairings: Soldier Boy x F Supe!Reader.
Warnings: Smut, oral sex (female receiving), P in V, loathing, swearing, SB being a dick, violence, drug use.
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing Soldier Boy. Please be kind. I would love to know your comments. 
A/N 2: As always thank you to my beta @winchest09. You are my cheerleader, my bestie and my constant support. I love you. Also, thank you to @waywardbaby for pre reading and your support. 
My Masterlist 
Buy Me A Coffee
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His strength was phenomenal.
Y/N had no choice but to allow herself to be pushed backwards, until her shoulder blades hit the filthy wall behind her.
With one almighty yank, Soldier Boy ripped her thin T-shirt away from her body, the flimsy pieces being thrown to join the debris strewn on the ground, along with her bra which had also been torn, her breasts bouncing with the force of his actions.
His rough palms cupped her tits, his large hands easily covering them. He squeezed them, eliciting a moan from deep within her throat. A satisfied smirk pulled his mouth into a grin.
“I fucking hate you,” Y/N growled, loathing the fact that her nipples were hardening at his touch. On one hand, the man in front of her made feelings of pure abborance rise in her chest, on the other she had never wanted anyone as much as she wanted him.
Memories of them screwing against a tree on the battlefield after a particularly bloody fight flooded her mind, the images sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. When she had been approached by the Russians to help capture him, she had of course been reluctant, but the rest of the Payback team had out voted her, so she had gone along with it.
Thanks to her powers, it took thirty years for her to age only one year. During that time, she regretted being part of his downfall, and had never expected to see him again. When he had found her after all these years, demanding answers, she thought she was seeing a ghost.
“Nuh huh, babygirl,” he growled, “you don't hate me. You know what you hate? You hate the fact that you love the way I’m touching you right now.” He fisted his hand in her hair and roughly pulled her head closer to him. He could always read her body so fucking well, since the very beginning when she had been with him.
“You hate how wet you are between your legs, how soaked your panties are and how much you want me to fill up your pussy.”
She jerked her head to get out of his grip and he let her go, chuckling and looking at her under his long lashes.
“Me on the other hand? I hate you,” his voice was low and full of malice, “for betraying me. For siding so easily with everyone who pulled me down, who sold me out. And you need to pay for that. You are going to pay for that.”
His lips crashed into hers. His kiss was hard, his tongue snaking its way into her mouth. She tasted weed and whiskey. She knew she should be disgusted by this, but inexplicably felt wetness seep into her panties.
Bracing her palms against his solid chest, she tried to push him away, but it was no use. She knew she had more strength than she had displayed; being a superhero had its benefits. However, she held back as secretly she had wanted this to happen for months.
He didn’t even stumble. Instead, he pulled away and leaned back slightly, the moonlight streaming in through the cracked windows glinting off his green eyes that were boring into hers. Bringing his hand up to her cheek, he moved away a loose strand of hair with his fingers. She grabbed his wrist and yanked his arm away.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” she hissed through gritted teeth. She could never really understand how it was possible to loathe his touch and yet at the same time crave it so much. She had accepted the fact that this encounter could not end well for her. After all, Soldier Boy was used to getting his own way and she knew that deep inside he relished how she wanted to put up a fight. And she was going to give him one. At least just for her sense of pride, she'd try.
Bringing her arm up in front of her, she pulled her fist back and punched him in the chest with all her might. This time he did stumble, but only briefly.
She glowered at him, gripped hold of his arm, and spun him around, forcing it up behind him. He sarcastically chuckled as she pressed her knee into his back, and attempted to move him forward. He didn’t budge, his feet planted flat on the ground. Her hatred flowed out of her as she tugged at his hair, wanting to cause him pain. The only thing she could think of doing was to bite a small bit of his exposed skin. So that’s what she did.
“Bitch!” he grunted.
It didn’t hurt him. His skin was impervious but the nerve of her annoyed him. Soldier Boy whipped his body around, and grasped her throat between his fingers, lifting her up and ramming her against the opposite wall. She huffed out a breath as she hit the concrete.
Soldier Boy's mouth suddenly covered hers again, his kiss sloppy and needy, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip. She yanked her head away, feeling liquid drip down her chin. Brushing the blood away with her thumb, Y/N kicked him in the shin. He frowned, before a smirk graced his features.
“There is no point fighting it, Y/N,” he whispered, “I want this, you want this. May as well admit it.”
Suddenly having no control over her actions, she felt herself nod. He was right. She really wanted to try more, fight more, resist more but her body had betrayed her almost the minute they had met in this abandoned building. She had tried and this is what she kept repeating in her head like a redemption mantra, like an excuse for allowing herself to surrender to him once again.
Soldier Boy dropped down onto his knees, his blunt teeth suddenly clamping down on her pebbled nipple, sucking it in hard. Pain radiated through her, but the feeling caused her underwear to become soaked. She clutched his hair in her fingers attempting to move his head away, but it only made him suck harder.
He let her sensitive nub go with an audible pop, before rising to his full height. His form was intimidating, tall and broad, the front of his supe suit clearly jutting forward, his erection obvious.
He gripped the side of her shorts and along with her panties, shuffled them down her legs, leaving them pooled around one ankle. She was limp, allowing him to strip her completely naked, as though she was in a trance.
He stepped back, his head leaning to one side as he admired her, his hand disappearing into his suit. She realised he was stroking himself when she saw the material begin to move up and down.
“Turn around,” he said through gritted teeth, “and spread those legs for me.”
Y/N’s chest was heaving as she did as he asked. Slowly spinning her body, she rested her palms on the cold concrete, and leaned forward. Closing her eyes, she waited, her arousal warm between her thighs.
She felt his palms spread her legs further apart, his stubble tickling the delicate skin of her thigh deliciously, then a wet tongue licked a strip along her cunt from front to back.
“Hhmm, you taste delicious,” she heard him mumble before she felt his nose nudging against her slit, “and smell divine.” His breath made her shiver as he deeply inhaled her aroma. “So wet for me,” he murmured, dipping a thick finger into her entrance, gathering her slick with the tip, before inserting a second digit. He scissored her open, the stretch stinging slightly causing her to let out a hiss.
She pushed her hips back against his mouth, letting him know that she wanted, no, needed more.
He chuckled. “Like that do you?”
“Fuck yes,” she purred, her voice coming out a croak.
“Good, as I’m going to eat you alive. But you’re not gonna come until I tell you that you can. Got that?” She agreed with a nod of her head.
Soldier Boy bent his fingers at the knuckle, the movement making her yelp, his calloused pads finding that small, spongy area inside her. Her legs began to shake, pure pleasure sending shockwaves down her spine. Replacing his digits with his mouth, he speared his tongue into her entrance, fucking her with it while he flicked her clit with his thumb.
“Fuck, Ben. That’s it. Right there.”
He hummed at the use of his real name, the vibration hitting her core, the coil there extremely close to snapping. He continued to lap into her, before he licked up her slit, slurping against her puckered hole, dipping the tip of his muscle into her tight ring. She bit down on her bottom lip as a hiss escaped her.
Soldier Boy pulled away suddenly leaving her bent over, naked. She glanced at him over her shoulder and noticed he had stepped out of his clothes, his impressive erection bouncing in front of him as he moved, his muscular arms, shoulders and sharp abs on show. He rummaged in the pocket of his suit which was now on the floor, producing a bag of white powder. Y/N went to move from her position, but a sharp slap across her ass cheek halted her movements. A yell of pain fell from her lips.
“Do not move,” he growled.
She acquiesced, resting her forehead against the cool wall in front of her as she waited to see what would happen next. She felt some powder land across the small of her back and her ass. Soldier Boy then leaned down to snort it up, running his tongue across her heated skin to get any excess before he bit down on her ass cheek, making her squeal in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He trailed his mouth up her back until his lips were resting on her shoulder.
Wrapping her hair around his left wrist, he pulled her head back to expose her neck. As his right hand squeezed her throat, she felt his hard cock lining up against her hot sex. He teased her waiting pussy with the tip, rubbing it up and down her folds, causing her to lean over further, opening herself up to him. He slid into her with ease as she was so wet. The stretch of her entrance felt delicious.
“Oh fuck,” she exclaimed.
He wasted no time setting a rough pace, letting go of her hair and throat in order to grip tightly onto her hips. Soldier Boy pounded into her furiously, bending his knees to allow him to grind into her as far as he could. Her legs began to buckle with the force, so he wrapped his arms around her thighs and effortlessly lifted her off the ground. This action opened her up to him even further.
She groaned as his cock disappeared deeper into her, the blunt head hitting her G spot perfectly. Knowing that his strength was plenty to take her weight, she allowed herself to relax into his hold. He lifted her up slightly, then dropped her onto his solid member, and repeated the action, bouncing her up and down, his erection dragging over her walls with each thrust.
A long whimpering moan passed her lips, her eyes closed from the pleasure. Just as the tip was going to slide out, he lowered her down and pushed his hips forward hard.
“Fuck. Soldier Boy. Harder,” she encouraged him, wanting him to ruin her and knowing that he could.
An animalistic growl began to emit from his throat as his thrusts became faster, the frequency of her bounces almost a blur. The familiar feeling of falling off a cliff raged within Y/N as he pistoned her body up and down with ease.
She knew the sound he was making was a precursor to his release. “I’m going to come,” she announced, the coil in her belly tightening to an almost painful degree.
“Fuck Y/N,” he grunted. “Come all over my cock.”
As requested, she let herself go, the ferocious pounding proving too much to handle and with a ragged scream she climaxed, her juices running down his shaft and flowing over his balls. His hands clenched her thighs, the grip no doubt leaving bruises on her skin as she felt him still, and a bestial growl was released into the air as he came deep inside her.
Soldier Boy held her exactly where she was as he pulled out of her and with a gentleness that surprised her, lowered her to the ground. His seed ran down the inside of her thigh, her breathing laboured as she sucked in much needed oxygen. As she turned to face him, she realised he was already dressed, gathering her clothes together.
“Are you going to kill me now?” She questioned.
“I’ve changed my mind,” he grunted, handing over her ruined clothing. “You’re too good a fuck to let go. So you’re off the hook. For now.”
With a wink and a smirk, he walked away, leaving her standing there, naked, clutching the shredded material in her hands.
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Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed please like, comment and reblog as FEEDBACK IS GOLD and is the fuel that keeps me writing. My tag list is open, so if you wish to be added, send me an ask HERE
Soldier Boy - @waywardbaby / @writercole / @watermelonlipstick / @sams-sass / @jawritter / @b3autyfuldisast3r / @spn730015 / @evergreencowboy / @440mxs-wife / @babysimpala / @emoryhemsworth / @waynes-multiverse / @winchestergirl2 / @charred-angelwings / @deans-baby-momma / @semperprotego / @akshi8278 / @nancymcl / @mrsackles14 / @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior​ / @maggiegirl17 / @xlynnbbyx / @deangirl93 / @jamerlynn / @fantasydevil2002 / @pink-sparkly-witch / @baby-winchester67​ / @deanwithscissors / @maliburenee / @candy-coated-misery0731 / @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men / @siospins2 / @kickingitwithkirk / @lovealways-j / @sexyvixen7 / @spnwoman / @globetrotter28 / @idblamekate / @joseyrw​
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My hc as being the daughter of SB and sister to HL:
Soldier Boy/Daughter
His feelings towards having a daughter I would say is very “neutral” given his behavior towards women, he’s more or less pretty awkward about it because now he’s like “Do I have to not act like a dick with this “thing”?”
But surprisingly he TRIES to be less vulgar and does try to protect you in a sense that he knows how men think
One of his main phrases with you is “A lady shouldn’t act like this” basically overall EXTREMELY MISOGYNISTIC sadly you don’t know any better growing up
You learn about womanhood through his various lady friends, don’t even bother asking him because he’ll probably kindly tell you to fuck off KINDLY
Awkward hugs, like “there, there”
Any bully that you may have depends on whether they are male or female
Male = beats the shit out of them, then their dad, then fucks their mom and will probably steal their bike to give to you as a Xmas present, it’s July btw
Female = acts all nice and when no one is looking tells them this “If you keep fucking with my kid, I’m gonna fuck your mom and ima gonna be your new daddy..now give me $20”
He’s gonna keep the $20
He did pretty much raise you the minute SB brought you home
Your the only consistency he has in his life, growing up he tries his best to protect you from everything SB related (doesn’t always work)
When SB brings home a lover HL tells you that’s dads special friend and if they are too loud which is all the time he gives you ear muffs and plays the quiet game with you
SB is passed out in the hallway? Oh he’s sick he’ll be fine (probably)
Isn’t particularly happy when the team Payback is around but is glad that they are under SB’s foot
Doesn’t mind Black Noir, both you and HL are pretty attached too him growing up
But as you grow older and venture out and try to make new friends, HL gets extremely jealous wanting to be your ONLY BSF
Calls your friends “sluts” for trying to erase his influence over you and if you get a bf he will totally SNITCH to SB
His fondest memory of you both is when you were kids and trying to avoid SB because he was in one of his moods and you and him were under the covers, you pinky promised him that you’ll never leave him and he’ll never leave you
His “friends” are your friends and doesn’t see anything wrong with that Bc he’s your big bro and he could always use Maeve and Starlight as a scapegoat
SB would hold his baby girl at arm's length, unsure of what to do with this delicate little thing.
first few years of your life he'll dress you up in boy clothes cuz he doesn't want to deal with baby girl clothes with all the pinks and frills. Homelander will be the one to pick you up a yellow onesie with a big sun on the front from a thrift store with his money from being a paper boy
Soldier Boy will find himself growing softer the longer he cares for you. When it's just the two of you at home, he'll even speak softly to you with a lilt of using a baby voice. he'll outright deny it though if Homelander catches him using the voice
the way you learned about periods? one of SB's lady friends left her purse out in the living room and you rifled through it, finding not just her cigarettes but some funny looking torpedo things. she informed you how it worked. literally terrified you because bleeding for four days straight is not normal and SB sure as hell wasn't going to teach you about feminine hygiene.
and from the Crimson Countess you learn that some women also wear the flimsiest underwear.
"Did you see her underwear? It looks like it's made out of floss!" you'd giggle while HL can only flush and tell you that's not what proper ladies wear and steer you the other way
really, the only member of Payback that you and HL liked was Black Noir. he'd draw with you or take you and your brother out if everyone was being too. . . rowdy
Buster Beaver's Pizza Restaurant becomes a favorite
really, Black Noir is the only male HL feels comfortable letting you be around
even his male friends he trusts to a certain degree. never would he leave his sister completely alone with any of them. more like they're his little spies who tell HL of any other bugs scuttling around you
he doesn't like it when you make your own friends who try and pull you away from his side
will do anything to turn you against these 'sluts'.
both of you have bonded through the trauma of growing up with Soldier Boy. huddled under the blankets to ignore the outside world. Homelander holding you close and promising it will always be just the two of you against the rest of the world. and you full heartedly believe him because he'd never lie to you. not your beloved big brother who carries the sun on his shoulders just for you. even if he doesn't like your friends that aren't his. after all, he was just trying to keep you safe. that was his main goal in life.
and frankly, as bad as HL sister complex was, your big brother complex was even bigger
as you were Homelander's only constant, he was your's as well.
@theeonlyroman thank you so much for sending all these HC 😭❤️ i look forward to every single one of them and get so giddy and excited to answer them ❤️
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cactikiki · 6 months
I am assuming that you meant like actual questions when you said specifics but if I saw it wrong I'm sorry😭
But I was thinking like, how did the dialogue between Greg and Ellis go when Greg said he wanted to change the story? Was there any reluctance from Ellis at all or was he totally chill with it? It's hard to really tell because it's stated that theyve been friends since they were younger, but then again Ellis seems a bit careless in some ways, so maybe he was just going along with everything because he wasn't interested in the story in the first place?
And I've been wondering since Greg and Ellis seemed to be around each other alot, if the topic of GGY ever actually came up in their conversations, or if the topic of Greg being GGY came up either. It would add a whole new layer of things if Ellis did know, and it could be why he didn't try to stop Greg from changing the story. (Being forced into submission under the threat of him or his family being harmed in some way, it would make more sense than him just being entirely thoughtless and choosing to let Greg change it all despite how hard Tony worked on it.)
I apologize if this is alot, I just really like talking abt this kind of stuff and the whole GGY thing in general, there is so much missed plot potential 😭😭
Okay so.
This is gonna turn into a shitty essay so more below the cut
Tony doesn't talk to his friends. Communication is key in any relationship, and he doesn't seem to understand or utilise that. He doesn't tell Ellis or Greg how he feels about things, about his plans, and so on; and it leads to him always doing things on his own now.
I think the GGY trio has a flawed friendship.
Tony and Ellis are the root of it since were friends first-- since childhood. They should be close and know the most about each other; Greg joined the trio last and remains mysterious. It's probably canon that Tony and Ellis never even met the real Gregory, the one in SB and parts of RUIN. Therefore it's not really Gregory to blame for anything Greg does, but the Mimic/glitchtrap/Afton, whoever you perceive it to be
And so, I won't count Gregory entirely because he was being mind controlled and all that. 'Greg' is causing many of the issues between them, it seems, but there's also this oneeee big problem.
It's like he expects them to read his mind, to just know what's going on in his head.
I think Ellis and Greg really did want to help, but Tony just... Went off on his own, doing his own thing out of impatience. He did the entire thing without them.
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It is more likely it's the former, though, and Greg would've given Ellis the idea. He needed a coverup, and Tony's little story was too close to the truth; what if others got suspicious?
The thing is with this... Are they really assuming? Ellis just knows Tony always starts without them. He never talks to them about ideas, he just goes off and does it alone. If Ellis (and ig Greg) feel like they can't have input, why would they interfere? And maybe that's why Tony feels like they assume he'll do it all, on purpose.
I wonder though if that's actually what's going on...
I think changing the story was maybe Ellis and Greg's way of getting him back (and I've heard some mutuals share this thought), either upon realising Tony has written it all himself, or they'd planned it when they noticed Tony already going off on his own for the millionth time.
So Greg would've spoken to Ellis, maybe brought up his insecurities. I don't know if Ellis is worried about Tony moving on, given how much closer he is with Greg now than him-- that's just a headcanon I have. But if it were canon, 'Greg' would 100% use that to manipulate Ellis into helping him write a new story as payback. I think he'd hesitate, but in the end be convinced.
And it is hard to manipulate him like that. "Change the story your friend worked so hard on because if you don't, he'll hate you." I think it'd be hard to convince him at all. How does that make sense? But Greg is persistent and Ellis is scared of losing his best friend
Ellis, of course, doesn't communicate either. None of them do. And I think it's definitely 'Greg' making the friendship between the two worse, stirring the pot instead of helping like the real Gregory would.
But honestly... I don't think they got to know the real Gregory before one of them died and the other saw missing posters of his only two friends all over town a few days later.
They're such a tragic friendship but it's interesting to think about... I love talking about relationships between characters especially tragic ones auughhh. This is why whatever happened exists specifically
I hopeeeeee. Everything here makes sense. I'm not always good at writing my thoughts unless I have someone else to bounce off of in a conversation, because that makes me think more about specific things and gives me ideas etc
But I tried!! So enjoy that abjshdhebjd
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