#sasha waybright mentioned
“Anyone Who Doubts My Love is a Liar” - Marcanne oneshot
This was just a really quick thing inspired by art from @clums1ly on twitter and I haven’t been able to get the little fic idea out of my head. This is the quickest thing ever and I am SO exhausted I have no idea how good this is. Enjoy!
“How long is Sasha going to be at the conference?” 
Marcy stooped over their tablet, painstakingly lining one part of the comic panel for the umpteenth time trying to get it right. In the next room at the kitchen table, Anne leafed through a stack of reports and sorted them into various piles by the aquarium departments discussed. The shuffling paused for a moment as she answered, “Just a week.” 
“When did he leave?”
“This morning.”
“How many times have I asked this now?”
“Three in the past hour.”
Marcy grumbled and flopped their head down on their desk, resting their head on the cool wood beside their tablet. Anne giggled. The chair scraped over the floor, and then Anne was pulling on their jacket to sit them up and wrapping her arms around their neck.
“I miss him already, too,” she said. “It’ll be quick. He promised to call us tomorrow morning and every time he gets the chance.”
Marcy leaned their head back, and Anne placed a quick kiss on their lips. They smiled as she smirked down at them. “Am I being overdramatic?”
“Mm… I can’t really say anything. You know how I feel about that stupid motorcycle and I’m not a fan of him driving it so far. I really wish he would have gotten a train ticket or a bus or something else besides that thing.”
“Oh, come on, you know he loves that thing. Besides, he drives better than I can walk.”
“Marbles, that does not make me feel better at all.” 
“I’m teasing,” she sang. “He’ll be okay. He won’t be gone long at all.”
“I know logically it’s not long but… I just don’t really, you know…”
“Don’t like him being away so long?”
“I don’t either. It’ll be okay, though. Trust me, it’ll go fast, and we both have work to keep us occupied and you have that big Creatures and Caverns campaign this Friday, right?” 
Marcy leapt to their feet, nearly headbutting Anne. “Shit, I forgot that was this week! I have to get my plans together, I have such a huge plot point coming up in the story and I still have so many details I have to work out! This group is ridiculous, I swear to Frog, I have to come up with fifty different scenarios to prepare for every weird idea they come up with, Anne you wouldn’t believe it!”
Anne doubled over laughing. She caught their sleeve and pulled them into her, quickly calming the surprised panic as she looped both of her arms around theirs. She had to stand on tiptoe to kiss their cheek now, something that neither they nor Sasha ever stopped teasing her for. They melted into her and shifted so she could put her arms around their neck. She moved the long part of their hair out of the way, scratching lightly at the undershave as they closed their eyes. They gave her a quick squeeze and pulled her flush against them. 
“I’m going to start dinner,” she said. “Will you help me before you get started on your campaign plans? I know you haven’t eaten yet today, so don’t even argue with that, and you’re good at getting the measurements exactly.” 
They flashed a dopey, hopeless, lovesick grin. “You know I can’t say no to you.” 
“Yeah, I know. Come on.” 
Marcy quickly saved their drawing before following along.
Later that night, settled into bed, they spent hours staring at the ceiling. Anne was fast asleep, snoring softly and curled up against their side, clinging to their arm. She fell asleep like hitting a switch, despite the fact that she conversely had to set at least ten alarms to wake up on time in the morning. They were jealous, almost, especially now that they were once again lying awake, exhausted but not tired, or at least not in a way that signaled to their brain to turn off already. It was made even worse by the cold, empty space on their other side.
They had gotten so used to the three of them cuddled together every night since they moved in together. They were used to Anne beneath their arm or cuddled against their back, used to Sasha hiding his face against their neck or lying on their chest and always so delicately considerate of their scar. They liked the comfort after so long apart, and the trio wasn’t utterly inseparably codependent anymore, but still…
Anne mumbled in her sleep and wriggled closer to them. Heaving a sigh, they squeezed their eyes shut. It was only a week and they had a myriad of things to distract themself. It would pass before they knew it.
“We want nothing to do with you.”
Marcy stares at Anne and Sasha. They were so young back then - before Sasha cut his hair, before Anne developed the little metallic lightning bolt scars covering her body, before Marcy got the chance to apologize and do everything they possibly could to make up for their mistake, no matter how often their girls assured them they didn’t have to, not anymore, not after everything that happened to them. And now here they are again, their little young selves, telling Marcy once again that all that the mistakes had gone too far to forgive. 
They clap their hands over their ears and violently shake their head. “You can’t do this to me, not again,” they beg. Spots of orange open in the grass beneath their feet. “It’s lazy, you know that? You don’t even get it right!” 
“How about this?”
Marcy looks up. Their girls, their girls as they are now, watch them from across the open meadow. Their eyes are wrong, dull and empty and devoid of all the beautiful light that Marcy so often finds themself getting lost in, and they recognize that but it’s so hard to look past everything else. All they can focus on is the unadulterated hatred on the specters’ faces. 
“Everything has to be just right with you,” says Anne. “You’re so clingy.”
“You can’t stand a single change,” says Sasha. “Anything out of routine makes you freak out.”
And then, in unison:
“You really can’t do anything without us, can you?”
Marcy clenches their jaw and presses the heels of their hands into their eyes. More orange eyes open in the sky as Marcy falls to their knees. The voice - no, voices - that come next are horrifically familiar. Through the shrieking of centuries-dead geniuses, their own voice shines through, twisted with mockery and vitriol.
“You could have had everything,” the voices say. “Countless worlds. Eternal happiness. Them. You could have had them without any of the turmoil.”
“That’s not how it works.” Tears stream down Marcy’s face as they choke on hiccuping sobs. “I know that’s not how it works. The three of us talked things out and we know how to make it work now. I learned to stop hiding a long time ago and you don’t know that because you’re gone and we won and you can’t keep doing this to me!” 
“And you believe that?”
“They’re lying to you, just like you lied to them. You were hurt, that’s all they feel bad for - you’re a pity case. Have you ever realized that’s what they always say when you try to apologize?”
“Stop it!” 
“‘You don’t have to make up for it, you don’t have to keep feeling sorry, you don’t have to keep apologizing because you already went through so much.’ They feel bad for you, Marcy, but we never did. We had faith in you when they didn’t. We tried to give you a world where you could have everything you wanted but you refused.”
“Shut up!”
“Don’t tell us you never regretted it.”
“I said shut the fuck up!” 
The world fractures.
Marcy awoke gasping. Awful burning arched between the scars on their back and chest. The room around them was split by taut strings of glowing orange light, all the pieces turned and twisted and offset from each other. Marcy clapped their hands over their eyes and tried to slow their rapidly quickening breathing. 
It wasn’t real, they told themself. Anne and Sasha loved them more than anything, they knew that. It was just a horrible nightmare with the remnant of whatever was done to them tearing their brain apart like it did almost every night for the past decade. Their girls were always there to soothe the nightmares away and assure them that all the lies the phantom voices told them were just that: lies. 
But Sasha wasn’t there. No, no, he was at his conference, that’s what it was. Marcy knew that. They shook their head and reached over to the other side, just needing to feel Anne there even if she hadn’t woken up to notice. 
Their hand meant empty sheets. They shot upright. The pain in their chest worsened. They looked around the room, dimly lit from the moon through the open curtains, and they found both of their companions to be missing. Anne was supposed to be there. Sasha, no, but Anne was supposed to be and it didn’t make sense that she wasn’t. 
Everything has to be just right with you.
“Anne?” Marcy called. The split second of silence immediately turned them frantic. Tears ran down their face. “Anne!”
Anne ducked back into the room holding a glass of water. They were already on their feet as she set the glass down and let them fall into her arms. She cupped their face, eyes wide as her brows drew together. 
“Woah, Marcy, what’s wrong?” she asked. They shook their head and buried their face against her neck. Tangling her fingers in their hair, she gently lowered them to their knees and hugged them as tight as she could without hurting them as they dissolved into a bawling mess. She kissed their shoulder, their cheek, their temple, anywhere she could reach without dislodging their head from its place. She adjusted to pull them into her lap. 
“I’m sorry,” they sobbed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” 
“No, baby, it’s okay.”
“I-I-I just, I woke up and you, you weren’t there and they kept saying all these things-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m never going to leave you.” She pulled back as far as they would allow, just enough to press their foreheads together as Marcy tried to quiet the gasping pants that their breathing had quickly devolved into. “Marcy, take a deep breath. I’m here. It was just a nightmare, okay? Whatever they say, they’re lying. I promise you that they’re lying. I love you so, so much, and Sasha does too, and we’ve worked through all that. You have nothing to apologize for and beat yourself up over anymore.”
Marcy whimpered and hid their face again. “They said… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t…”
“It’s alright. If you want to tell me, you can tell me.”
They took a shaky breath. “They said… they said that you guys only stayed because-” Their voice hitched. “-because of what, what A-A-Andrias…”
Burrowing deeper into Anne’s embrace, they clutched at their chest, right over their scar. Anne nodded and stroked their hair. She knew what they wanted to say, and she would die a thousand times over again before she made them actually speak it aloud. 
“Marcy, we’re here because we love you,” she promised. “You and Sasha are the loves of my life, and I know he feels the same. You made such an insane effort even after you moved to work through things with us and within yourself. You put so much work into fixing things. It’s one of the biggest shows of love that you tried so hard, okay? I love you so, so, so much. I’m never going to leave you, I promise. Never again.” 
Marcy just nodded. Anne waited for their breathing to calm until she was comfortable with helping them to their feet and pulling them into bed with her. Wrapping her arms around their waist, she curved around her, front pressed against their back, kissing the back of their neck as the tremors and sobs wracking their body eased.
“I’ve got you,” she whispered. “I’m never going to let anything anywhere close to that happen again. If someone wants to try, they’ll have to go through me, and a literal god is my colleague so that’s going to end really badly for them.”
That got a weak, trembling laugh from Marcy. “I forget that sometimes.”
“I’m pretty sure they have the same voice as one of the characters from that show you used to watch when we were younger.”
“Which one?”
“The cartoon where ninety percent of the women are lesbians.”
The laugh was stronger this time. “I think I know what character you mean,” they said. They untangled themself and rolled onto their back, looking up as Anne as she supported herself on her elbows and leaned over them. She wiped the tears off their face, following the touch with kisses and making sure to plant one on every single little scar she found. One hand went to their chest, very tentatively hovering over the gnarled tissue there, and when Marcy smiled, pressed her palm flat over it. “Thanks, Anna Banana.”
“Always, Marbles. And hey, if you wake up and you need me and I’m not there, just yell and I’ll come flying in, okay? Unless I’m in the bathroom. Then I’ll just yell back.”
Marcy threw their head back laughing at that one, although they immediately hissed and held a hand over their eyes. “Shit, ow.”
“Yes. Just a pulse behind my eyes again.”
“Well, you just keep your eyes closed for now and try to fall asleep again. I’ll be right here being the lookout for both of us.” 
Marcy grinned. “Can I have a kiss before I go to sleep?”
Anne responded by pressing their lips together. It was a quick, sleepy, easy kiss, but there was so much love conveyed in it that Marcy’s heart swelled from just from that one brief moment. As they rolled onto their side again, Anne held them tight. They felt her smile against the back of their neck.
“I love you, Marcy. So, so, so much.” 
“I love you, too, Anne. With all my heart.” 
“That’s all I’ll ever need.”
“Yeah.” Marcy took her hand and held it to their lips. “Me too.” 
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Oh god now that toh ends with luz being able to travel between worlds ppl are using that to dunk on amphibia. And now that belos died ppl are using that to dunk on su.
They are different shows people! They have different themes! Amphibia is a classic take on isekai as escapism! Marcy went to amphibia to avoid her real life and while she had fun she didnt mature until after she accepted she needed to embrace change in her life! Anne matured in amphibia bc she always recognized that she has her own life to get back to! Sasha matured after realizing that too! Leaving amphibia for good means to embrace the step out of childhood! Something thats inevitable for everyone!
The owl house is about finding a community in midst of ostracization! Luz stayed in the boiling isles because she found people who accepted her quirks! The boiling isles was in danger from a bigot and luz helps her new community defeat him! Its a very queer story! Community is the center of the story so it makes sense for luz to be able to go back to the boiling isles since shes maintaining her place in the community!
Steven universe is about choosing to be kind! Its that everyone has their own specific traumas that they can overcome with the right support! Its about surviving in a world of bigots at any cost, even if it you have to work with the bigots to carve out a space for the people you love! Because people like you exist and theres nothing anyone in power can do about it! Its also a very queer story! The diamonds can never stamp out the off colors because they will always be there! Steven works with the diamonds not because he likes them but because they can improve the world for his family if only he could get through to them! Hes rewarded for choosing to be kind with success because the theme of the show is hope! Hope that anyone can change! But even though the diamonds stop being fascist steven still doesnt like them because its not about forgiveness! Its about fixing things! Stevens just polite about it!
The owl house starts off with the assumption that everyone can change but its not about the potential its about the willingness to change! The focus is on belos, whos had every chance to turn his life around but will never admit that hes wrong! And the show posits that if someone isnt willing to change theyre not worth helping! Its not about whether or not the character is fascist its about if theyre willing to stop being fascist! Several characters stop being fascist and are welcomed by the characters with open arms belos just wasnt one of them! Several characters clean up their acts but dont adequately address the previous harm they did and are STILL fully forgiven eventually! For toh forgiveness is paired with fixing things you just need to give it time!
And theres an argument that some of these shows didnt do their themes well. If you wanted to portray amphibia as an escapism world that the girls need to leave behind to get to their richer futures then having them get such caring found families go against that by giving them a potential of a good life in the isekai world. Steven universe uses the diamonds as metaphors for mental illness and relationships but its hard to stick with that when you also need to consider the countless other gems they hurt. I think its also fair if people prefer one theme over another.
But a lot of stuff i see comparing these shows just go over surface similarities? Like oh shit! These two shows have the same character archetypes! They have the same inciting incident! This must mean that theyre exactly the same in everything but names and artstyle and are trying to say the exact same things! Like. No. Sometimes,,,,,two stories,,,,,,can talk about two different things,,,,,,,
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sleepyamphibia · 2 years
i refuse to believe that sasha and marcy's injuries just. didn't affect them, after amphibia.
when they got back to earth they needed disability aids (wheelchair, walker, cane, braces, etc) and were physical therapy buddies. marcy's parents don't end up moving her until she's healed enough to walk on her own. anne visits them a bunch and the girls have regular hospital sleepovers until then.
marcy has issues with her organs and stuff bc the rejuvenation thing she was in was made for amphibians. completely unrelated (/s), she also gets extremely tired in the cold and once slept for a week straight bc the ac in her house was too low.
they also now both experience regular back pain. when marcy moves back (bc we all want her to) they give each other back rubs.
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electrozeistyking · 1 year
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we’re in shitpost territory, y’all
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detentiontrack · 7 months
Reminder that at the end of reunion, Sasha had NO idea that Grime was nearby to catch her. Sasha thought she was once again all alone, and fully accepted her potential death if it meant saving Anne (both in the immediate danger of both of them falling off of a crumbling toad tower and in general Sasha thought Anne’s life would be so much better if she didn’t survive the ordeal)
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aspynnwoofs · 1 month
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KIWIIIIII i finally remembered to post the Greying Wings AU drawing! i don’t love it, but i thought i may as well post it
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jaekaicx · 10 months
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apparently i havent drawn everett with his cane
(alts under the cut)
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also referenced from a tiktok i saw
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scrabbleknight · 5 months
Pet the Girl (Amphibia One-Shot)
I wrote a Sasharcy fanfic, if you even care. I... don't really know why. But I hope you like Sasha X Marcy stuff.
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mira-blue · 2 years
headcanons on how the girls (gnc) take care of each other when they're sick (post amphibia) because i'm sick and bored part 2:
[ part 1 here ]
anne's favourite soup is vegetable soup. after many (many) trials and errors, sasha and marcy master the art of making it, for her
ironically, anne is the one who insists on working while sick. sasha had long since learned to take and maintain the necessary breaks and boundaries in relation to her job (being a therapist could easily become overwhelming), while marcy tended to overwork herself until she got sick, which usually rendered her far too exhausted to do anything. while anne wouldn't go to the aquarium, she would work from home by going through & writing research papers. that is, until sasha & marcy take her laptop away from her and force her to rest
sasha absolutely refuses to kiss either of her girlfriends whenever they get sick, while marcy intentionally demands more affection when she's sick, full on with puppy eyes and everything. sasha always gives in
no matter what, the three of them always sleep cuddled together at the end of the day. this usually means when one gets sick, the other two eventually end up getting sick as well
marcy can't swallow pills, so she dissolves them. sasha, on the other hand, cannot stand the taste of medicine, and cringes whenever marcy drinks it. anne doesn't really mind either way, but she dislikes needles
marcy is a firm believer in the healing powers of boiled potatoes and 7up; it's her go-to sick meal, and she makes it for the other two as well
whenever marcy gets sick, sasha cuddles next to her and they take turns playing video games on marcy's switch. as for anne, she cuddles next to her and reads marcy's favorite novels out loud
sasha stubbornly refuses to stay in bed when sick, so anne and marcy usually have to bribe her with cuddles. this has made anne late to work multiple times
the trio have a little tradition (started by sasha and marcy) in which they will get each other the most ridiculous 'get well soon' cards
during a particularly bad fever, anne started sobbing while scrolling through frog videos. sasha and marcy were, of course, very supportive, and even got a bit emotional themselves
being sick tended to make marcy feel extremely weak, possibly as a side effect of the core taking over her body. pain from old injuries that never healed right would flare up, and her muscles would ache regardless of whether she had a fever or not. she hates it, but sasha and anne always do their best to help her through the pain, constantly reminding her that they are there for her, that she is safe, and loved
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toasty-owl-arts · 1 year
ayyy finally finished this up after literal months lmao
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creatingchimera · 1 year
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i drew art focusing on anne and marcys transformations and now its sashas turn for pain
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shalegas34 · 2 years
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The final installment in my AU where they’re not separated forever series - a recreation of the most iconic moment in the entire show (of course)
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bioluminating · 26 days
Elsa from the frozen musical is so Gwen Stacy coded
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spookyc · 2 years
The fact that people are comparing matt braly to fucking jk rowling because he retroactively confirmed marcy to be autistic is driving me up the fucking wall. Are you guys actually being serious? Like personally, I couldn't give less of a fuck that he confirmed after the show's end that marcy was autistic, as an autistic person. I think a ton of creators, more than you think honestly, create characters with autistic traits so to see a character actually be confirmed for this is pretty cool, and let's be honest that girl was never neurotypical. What I do care about is that people think this a jk rowling level move.
Let me just spell it out for you guys since yall have no reading comprehension on this site, jk rowling retroactively added rep to her books because she didn't have any. She did it to cover her ass. And the rep she did have was shaky at best and straight up racist at worst. Along with the copious amounts of antisemitism.
Matt Braly created a show that stares a Thai main character, along with her Taiwanese-American friend, features two wlw relationships, has a drag queen that voices a prominent character in season 3 who is also pretty gender non comforming and confirms that Sasha is bi. (Side note: have seen people say that Sasha was only confirmed bi on twitter and no??? Thats blatant misinformation, there was a shot that shows Sasha with a bi pride flag sticker in the finale. Lets not lie about shit, kay guys?) Amphibia didn't need representation it was baked into the core of the show, Matt probably just did this to appease the fans and sure you're allowed to feel weird about it because it wasn't intentional but what yall aren't gonna do is compare the creator of amphibia to prolific TERF jk fucking rowling.
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detentiontrack · 3 months
Also a headcanon I deeply hold on to is that when Sasha learns to relinquish control and stop forcing herself to be a certain way, this extends to her control issues surrounding food and for the first time in her life she starts eating without fear of change and she gains weight and is happy with her bigger body.
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waybrights · 2 years
just some small sashanne sillies,,, i miss them :(
ps my spelling hasn't been checked so if u see any mistakes,,, no u don't djdjjdjd
"woah!" the loud gasp over her shoulder is all sasha needs to grin proudly at her work. "how'd you do that?"
sasha turns to face her friend with a proud smile and holds up her small chain of blue flowers - weeds, her mother called them, but they were pretty and easy to make into chains, so sasha picked and weaved them to her hearts content. "it's easy really annie!" she says, pushing up onto her dirt stained knees to help anne. "you just need to pierce the stem with your thumb and them pull the other flower through." she tries to give a demonstration, but anne drops her chin onto her shoulder and sasha starts feeling strange.
a good strange, she realises and lets the butterflies flap around her stomach and the peculiar warmth grace her cheeks. it's a nice feeling, anne leaning against her, their bodies pressed together so their heat starts to mingle, dirty hands holding clean ones as they thread flowers together.
it takes sasha several goes before she finally pulls the blue flower through, with her tongue between her teeth and eyes narrowed, it finally threads through and adds another link to her chain. just like marcy taught me, she thinks happily as she holds the chain up for anne to see.
"see! easy!"
anne's eyes go impossibly wider and she shuffles ever closer, her knees digging into sasha's back as she does. "that's so awesome sash!" she giggles watching intently as sasha does the same again. "what is it?"
sasha hums for a moment, eyeing the chain with thought before an idea clicks into place. an idea that makes her heart sing. "it's a crown annie! a crown for you!"
"oh!" anne sits up causing sasha to stop what she's doing (she doesn't pout, when annes warmth leaves her, no of course she doesn't, she's ten now not a baby).
"what?" does she not want my crown? or maybe the colours wrong? should i have made it yellow instead-
sasha watches as anne scrambles up, her curls bobbing in the afternoon sun and grin even brighter. "i'm gonna make you a crown too! so we can match!" and before sasha can say anything else, anne is off, crawling through the grass in search for flowers that are fit for a princess.
they sit in silence for a while (something that is a rarity these days), both too focused on their crowns to even think about speaking and running their concentration. even when sasha finishes, she sits there in silence, watching anne's hands as they pierce and weave pink flowers together.
it's magical, she thinks. marcy would like this, marcy likes magic things. but marcy isn't here because her parents sent her to smart kids school for the summer, so sasha takes a mental picture of anne and the crowns and tucks it away in the back of her mind for later, when she can see marcy again.
eventually, anne finishes, tying up her pink chain of flowers with a slight bounce and a wide smile. "here!" she says, the word bursting out of her as excitement runs through her every vein. she holds up the crown and sasha giggles, standing up to tower over her.
"no, silly," she laughs and to anne its a wonderful sound. "you do it like this!" then she coughs and steps back, a suddenly serious look on her face as she speaks. "ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness the crowning of the prettiest princess that lives on this side of the us," sasha says, lowering her ring of blue flowers onto anne's curls. "anne boonchuy, the new princess of the state of california!"
anne claps when sasha steps back with a wink. making sure her crown is secure, anne pushes herself up and grips the circle of pink in her hands. "your turn now sash," she whispers, as though someone may overhear them.
"oh yes," sasha nods, "of course your majesty." anne giggles again and sasha sits down on the grass with her legs crossed and hands folded into her skirt. "you can go now," she says in a matching whisper after she makes sure she's comfortable as possible.
anne nods and steps forward, raising the crown above sasha's head. "sasha waybright, of the waybright house three doors down from me," she starts, lowering the crown as she speaks. "i officially dub you: princess sasha, the second most prettiest princess in all of america!" the crown settles over sasha's ponytail and the girl sighs.
"is it marcy? the most prettiest?" sasha asks, pulling her ponytail through ever so gently. "if it is i won't be mad, annie, i think she's the prettiest ever as well. both of you are."
the warmth in anne's cheeks most certainly doesn't come from the sun. "yeah, it is marcy. but you're really pretty too!"
sasha smiles her winning smile and takes anne's hand, pulling her back into the house. "cool! now i'm really hungry, do you want some snacks?" she rambles and anne spends the rest of the day in a warm haze, full of only love and happiness as she spends the rest of the day with one of her two favourite people.
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