zaxmsstuff · 6 days
Sometimes I think Aiden is insensitive, I mean in the mission 'Thanks for the advice' when Aiden and Damien meet again after the attack, Aiden blames Damien for the attack. Now what I want to say is: Doesn't Aiden know that Damien has a family? It's obvious that Damien wasn't just attacked, but something else happened to his family, and while Aiden may not know anything about Damien's family, do you think Damien isn't suffering? I don't know, that mission always seemed like a moment of insensitivity on Aiden's part.🫠
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zaxmsstuff · 11 days
There is something I have always wondered: who was the other man accompanying Maurice? I mean, does the other man also pay the price for that attack? So why was he only torturing Maurice and not both of them? Or did that guy just tell Aiden that Maurice had all the information and he saved himself?
It is clear that he did not attack but he did participate, although at first glance it was only to see if Maurice managed to commit the attack.
Watch_dogs is a very mysterious game full of questions that may one day be answered or maybe never.🙃
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zaxmsstuff · 26 days
There's something I don't understand about the ending of Watch_dogs.
Why if Aiden doesn't attack Jordi, does Jordi shoot Damien and Aiden? I mean, it's more than clear that his goal was to kill Aiden if he tried anything, and he did, but why Damien?
Obviously this ending is not canon and is in fact lost, but it made me very curious.
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(a screenshot of what I mean)
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zaxmsstuff · 27 days
I am a person who sometimes starts to make theories and sees things over and over again despite having seen them a thousand times.
Clarifying this, I come to tell you a theory about the mission where Aiden Pearce enters the prison to threaten a guy we saw at the beginning of the game.
To be more precise, Aiden is going to threaten him not to "reveal" his identity, but if you look at the expression and the way he said that he didn't recognize him, it seems very sincere.
Now here's my theory. Jordi was allied with Damián long before, why do I say that? I say this because after finishing that mission Damien kidnaps Nicole. I feel like everything Aiden did was just a distraction, a distraction Jordi gave him while Damien was planning something, maybe the kidnapping.
Surely Jordi was already hired by Damián long before.
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