#sanctuary info
Welcome to Poly's Bird Sanctuary!
This is a blog dedicated to a crossover roleplay between Poly, Leo, Arwenn, Kay, and Sunny! This crossover includes fandoms like A Hat In Time, Garten of Banban, and various original characters! Thanks for stopping by :-)
Mod/Writer Tags: 🩸✨ - Poly, @/drewmwalker 💙 - Leo, @/absolutecorrupt 🌙 - Arwenn, @/moontaledno 🪞 - Kay, @/theplxnetsystem (use "#f: kay" to find them!) 📷 - Sunny, @/ohklah0ma
Search for a character's name in tags to find posts about them!
Other tags: #sanctuary troubleshooting for official sanctuary posts #sanctuary summaries for chapter summaries #sanctuary info for character and blog information #shitposting for stupid jokes and memes #mailbox for asks/responses/etc #art for character or story art
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my-name-is-apollo · 3 months
On the shrine of Apollo at Delphi:
Between the bounds of east and west, the twin peaks of Parnassus tower to the heavens. The mountain is sacred to Apollo and Dionysus, in whose honour the Theban Bacchantes, honouring the two deities as one, hold their triennial festival there, at Delphi. When the Flood drowned the Earth, this mountain alone rose above the waves, and was all that parted sea from sky. Parnassus’ peaks were differentiated even so by the waters, one rocky summit on display the other one submerged. There Apollo, his skills as yet un-honed, killed the Python with his arrows, avenging his mother who had been driven out when pregnant. Themis once ruled that shrine and oracle. Thus Apollo, hearing the deep chasm in the earth breathe out divine truth, exhale prophetic words, enshrined himself in the sacred cavern, brooded over the sanctuary, and there became prophetic.
- Lucan, Pharsalia (Trans. A. S. Kline)
!!! Apollo Dionysus joint worship mentioned !!!
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humming-fly · 11 months
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Congratulations to the Diablo team and Inarius and Lilith for making/being the most divorced couple of all time
(for the record drawing these i was picturing them Pre messy breakup because it's even funnier for me to imagine them just being utterly awful right from the get-go)
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strawberrybyers · 2 months
posted on facebook an image from one of the sets of stranger things to see if any of my 80’s babies/children/teens/adults fam members or whoever might be familiar with the lore and give me the insight.
i wrote out the post so formal though so they couldn’t get a whiff of the fact i am not asking because i intend to write an article for cinemablend but instead for my tumblr blog so my fellow mentally ill queers and i can go insane over a piece of prop to prove one of the hundreds of theories we all have ping ponging between us
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Pros of Launching a New Tumblr Account Solely for Making a Sanctuary Information Resource: a) Don't have to use the wiki anymore, for various practical and personal reasons. b) Helps other people on here get info for fics, etc. c) excuse to rewatch Sanctuary and go rabid. d) helps with my own knowledge.
Cons: I'm feeling lazy.
(excuse the essay/vent in the tags)
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slumberingsanctuary · 4 months
hi hello, i am coin/slade and i use she/her he/him pronouns
This is a clan gen blog, however instead of cats, im using my own dragon species! This blog was also inspired by Anchorarge Refuge! (Which is another clan gen comic but set in the wof universe)
It's very cool, you will check it out
Anyways onto my founders! (And pea crab)
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this image contains somewhat simplified chibi versions of my dragons, they will look a little different once i start posting the moons
Now some small bits of information and self imposed rules
-i can't turn down any new comers
-no tribrids (not because they're impossible but because i don't feel like designing one)
-if a cat joins as an adult i interpret their age in years instead of months (so i don't have a buncb of 5yr olds dying)
-dragons must follow a specific naming scheme depending on their species
-in between moons I'll post some info regarding the world and it's dragons, ranging anywhere from natural environment to coloration to lore, i will also be rebloging other clangen blogs tagged with #slumbering recommendations
-dragons under two years must be accompanied while on patrol
Moons: slumbering moons
Asks: slumbering asks
Reblogs: slumbering recommendations
Info: slumbering info
Refsheets: slumbering refs
Moon 0: https://www.tumblr.com/slumberingsanctuary/745030072018305024/moon-0?source=share
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 months
#its sort of funny. i think my medication is working pretty well. i feel stable in a way i never really have before#is it the dopamine stablizer or is it my ion channels? whos to say. it doesn't matter. but it also doesnt change some things#the ways i think and react negativly to change. but it makes it easier to deal with. i still experience this strange dispaire on the#weekends or anytime im not working. i think the oddest thing is thst i dont think ive ever been this consistenly sad#not in a depressed sort of way. just a passing thoughts make me tear up sort of way. it doesnt feel out of control. it just feels like a#prelude to grief i guess. bc my mum is still in the hospital and its so hard to kno what that means from halfway across the country#my sisters are both home right now. they both live within 3hrs of where we grew up. one sister lives in the city my mom goes to for#treatment. so they have the opportunity to see her more than me. i dunno if they do tho. we dont really talk. i dont kno if they're as sad#as i am. if im overreacting bc i cant physically see what's happening. what the feeling is in the room. not that she would probably complain#shes the suffer in silence type. my dad keeps texting us pics of our shitty lil sunroom that hes redoing#to make my mum a lil sanctuary. he must be sad too. its his wife. hes staying with her in the hospital rn. i dunno its so weird#when i talk to my counselor she assumes i find out info thru calls or talk to my sisters abt it and i gotta b like nah we dont really talk#i get my info thru text. i havent talked to my parents on the phone in like a month. i dunno we just dont talk. so i dont kno how to reach#out and be like yo so whats up? shoulf i plan on coming home this summer for a bit?? like???#this is the disadvantage of leaving thr place where you grew up. probably when i finish my phd i should move closer to home#somewhere in the Appalachian mountains maybe. somewere in the eastern deciduous forrest. somewhere with thunderstorms.#but thats years from now. who knows what ill b doing. for now im just sad and tired and i dont quite kno what to do in the short or long#term bc im feeling the weight of my mental limitations rather intensely. but maybe im just being self limiting#whatever. i dont have a dead mum yet. shes not even on hospice care. things are just uncertain and dont look so hot#i just dont see how it can get better from here when chemo gave her secondary blood cancer and shes still full of tumors#i dont think im being that dramatic. it just objectively seems not great for survival#unrelated
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squidkid15 · 1 year
Main inspirations behind the godkiller au and the hunter au? :3c
Like, what inspired you/continues to inspire you when making content for those aus?
In like probably 95% of my and Lotus's AUs it just sorta...happens? We joke about sharing a headspace and the monkies just sorta...wander in eventually. Finding a new AU sometimes feels like a wildlife photographer (tiny man was the most notable I'm this sense). Stumble on a single idea/concept and build from there. Or take one event/detail and change it just enough and say "so what changes now".
For Godslayer, Red was originally a villain. He was supposed to be some terrifying threat that someone needed Core Wukong to help solve. Ans then we started exploring "Okay so why is this macaque so terrifying" and said he killed God's. "Okay so why did he do that?" Etc. Etc. And it just kept on going until we reached depressed single father of five. Absolutely wild jump but I could trace the exact path it took to get there.
Hunter (at least he part ove shared) is that we had a Wukong originally from an adjascent/another au (sanctuary is complicated /fond but there's another ask asking for explanation for that I'm just gonna do it at a computer instead of mobile cuz it'll be long) who was missing/didn't have a fleshed out macaque to match. So we took the hunter wukong and then did the same thing as Red, just kept following the au and ended up with a really cool assassin guy.
There's also some arbitrary stuff too, but mostly when it comes to the designs, less the plot beats. Hunter Macaque has blue eyes because I saw another design with blue eyes and I said "omg yes" and slapped them on the next Mac that needed a design. Stripes' freckles and stripes are the same reason.
As for the inspiration to keep going, that's in large part due to @lotusmonkey . Get you a friend who indulges every wild thought you've got and bounces them back. I mean that seriously. We have SO much fun just coming up with scenarios and ideas and RPing them out. We wrote a combined over 80k words in a single month. For a single rp/thread/au. That doesnt count offshoots or other aus. So those ideas happen and then I just wanna draw them.
That and the headspqce with the monkies. They just do their own thing sometimes (they had a whole siege plot unfurl without Lotus and I coming up with any beat like just last week its wild what they get up to) and that's inspiration too.
I rambled so much longer than I meant to gjshdjsud
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nightfallgame · 2 years
Here to ask the important questions tbh. Like.. body questions.. I have a list! What are their body types? Are any of them more toned?? Do some have hipdips? Or like weird insecurities? OOO HOW THICK IS THEIR HAIR? do they.. get a lot of body hair? That isn't supposed to sound weird I wanna know if they got arm hair or not I promise. Ik a few are supposed to be petite but surely they gotta have SOME differences.. do any have moles? Birthmarks? Not even full moles just the dots too. AAAAAAAAAAAAA
It's not a weird question! :D It's really fun! This is a topic that's just very interesting to think about, so! Body details incoming! There are a few facial details included too, but I tried to keep it to body stuff.
Also, this got, uhhh... long. >.>
. . .
Average boy all over.
There's nothing really remarkable about his proportions or build, except that he's visibly underfed.
If he gains weight, it goes to his stomach and thighs first.
Would probably have a cute butt if he had more body fat.
Surprisingly delicate-looking hands, with neat nails that he keeps trimmed short. The bones/tendons don't stand out much.
Has a few freckles on his cheeks and upper chest, but they're very faint and hard to see.
His hair is pretty fluffy, especially if he doesn't brush it well.
He's built tiny, but solid. Intentionally tries to gain muscle, and it's worked pretty well for him— he's toned, just thin.
If he wasn't so underfed, he'd be pure, compact muscle.
Pretty clear skin, with just a few dark, small moles here and there. Doesn't get much acne or hair grease.
His hands are super bony, but also weirdly strong. Good grip.
Doesn't have a lot of body hair, except for on his calves and around his pubic area. Kind of self-conscious about that.
Always covered in bruises and scrapes of varying intensity, often with some belt lashes on his back too.
Has a thigh gap. Hates how "feminine" it looks.
Tall, lanky, and scrawny.
Long limbs and a long torso, somehow.
The kind of torso where you can see his ribs and hipbones super prominently, but he still has a weird amount of muscle overall.
He's quite a bit stronger than he looks.
Has a few non-raised moles on his body, and a fair amount of body hair— enough that it's noticeable on his forearms and shins.
One of the few of them who grows a bit of scruff on his chin and jaw if he leaves it alone.
Naturally greasy hair, and he's prone to acne if he doesn't take care of his skin.
Very slender build that's just pretty. Not too tall, but still looks long-legged and oddly graceful.
Narrow waist and slightly wider hips. Soft thighs.
His skin is incredibly soft and almost perfectly clear. He doesn't have many moles or freckles at all.
Doesn't grow much body hair, and what's there is also soft.
Thin, long-fingered hands that tend to shake.
The partially-blind eye behind his eyepatch is slightly cloudy. He's gotten used to keeping it closed.
His collarbone and the tendons in his neck noticeably stand out.
Pretty average build. Seems shorter than he is, thanks to slouching and cowering most of the time.
Overall thin, but has a bit of notable stomach pudge.
Since he tends to skip meals in favor of buying alcohol, he looks unhealthy and pale more often than not.
His desk job means he has very little muscle mass.
Straight, fine, greasy hair that he should probably wash more often than he does.
Crooked teeth, especially the upper ones more in front.
A tendency of nervous smiling has started to give him wrinkles/dimples near his mouth.
Fairly tall, but his narrow build kind of kills the effect.
Narrow shoulders and hips, without much of a waistline. He's usually too sick to eat much, so he looks highly undernourished.
Lots of freckles. Most notable on his face, but they're everywhere, including on his arms, chest, hands, and thighs.
His veins are unusually visible through his skin.
Not much body hair overall, but he grows enough facial hair that he has to regularly shave.
His skin is pale in an unhealthy kind of way, the sort of pallid where he looks ready to pass out more often than not.
Dark circles. Notable dark circles, and slight eyebags.
Average build, if a bit petite. Broad shoulders for his size.
Keeps near-perfect posture— partially because he's so nervous and tense, and partially because it makes him feel confident.
Aside from the scar on his cheek, he has a few of them on the insides of his wrists and thighs.
Naturally spiky, fluffy hair that he has to work to contain.
He has a fair amount of body hair, especially on his arms and calves, but it's surprisingly soft.
His hands are small and tremble enough to be inconvenient.
If he was a healthier weight, he'd have an "inverted triangle" body shape, with a wider chest and shoulders, and narrow hips.
Tiny, tiny, tiny. His build is small and just plain cute.
Smooth, clear skin, save for a few notable moles. There are a couple on his stomach and more on his arms.
Small, thin-fingered hands with long-ish nails that he keeps well-filed. Sometimes uses a coat of clear nail polish.
His eyes are a strange, pale, albino-like red.
Usually wears a slight amount of red eye shadow.
Very little body hair anywhere, save for long, dark eyelashes that wouldn't be out of place on a doll.
Small tooth gap between his front two teeth.
Strong build despite his weight. He's tall, and carries more muscle mass than his submissive personality makes you expect.
Long legs, prominent hip bones, and wide shoulders.
Thick hair that grows quickly. It's past his waist because the monk won't let him cut it.
Equally thick body hair, including a trail from his navel to his pubic area that he's quite self-conscious about.
His hands are big and long-fingered, but he bites his nails bloody.
The veins in his forearms and hands stand out a bit.
Has a few freckles scattered around his body, and is prone to dry skin. Also has some small scars from picking at scabs.
Somewhat petite build— he's not exactly short, but he's little, somehow, in his proportions.
Narrow waist and wider hips, and his calves are stronger and more defined than his thighs.
Notably pointed canines, especially the upper ones.
Little hands with naturally sharp nails. Tends to accidentally scratch himself even when they're trimmed.
Very pale skin. He sunburns easily and often.
His skin is mostly clear, with no distinct freckles, and only a couple of moles here and there.
Not a lot of body hair, but it's thickest on his legs.
Bad skin. He doesn't take care of himself, so it's always greasy. Prone to acne and skin-picking.
Fairly thick, dark body hair, especially on his legs, forearms, lower stomach, and pubic area.
Overall thin, underfed build. Average proportions.
If he ate properly, he'd naturally gain muscle tone. Even as scrawny as he is, he's stronger than you'd expect.
Bites his nails bloody, always has healing scabs on his fingers.
There are a few scattered scars on his arms from clawing at himself during panic attacks.
His posture is horrible— he slouches constantly.
Small build, overall, with narrow shoulders and thicker legs.
His hands are small, but strong, with short-clipped nails and a surprisingly good grip.
Prone to acne, especially when he's stressed... which is often.
Keeps near perfect posture, mostly because of how nervous he is. Always making an effort to stand and sit up straight.
Crooked lower teeth, with a couple slightly overlapping.
Has a few freckles on his cheeks and forearms. They get darker with sun exposure and fade over the winter.
His hair is spiky and thick even when it's short— if he grew it out, it would be a nightmare to maintain and keep neat.
Tall and thin, but looks more graceful than awkward.
Long legs, narrow hips, and fairly broad shoulders. His build is masculine, but still somehow pretty.
His hair grows quickly, so he has to keep it regularly trimmed.
He gets some body hair on his legs, but grows next to no facial hair, and doesn't have much anywhere else, either.
Pretty hands. They're not too big, but have long fingers, no stand-out veins or tendons, and well-maintained nails.
He's needed glasses since he was a child. His vision is awful.
Flat affect. His emotions don't really show through on his face... and he tends to look grouchy/bored without meaning to.
Small build that appears slightly stunted for how old he is.
Has more squish than muscle mass, thanks to an overall inactive lifestyle and eating better than most of the others on this list.
Impossibly soft hair that's naturally wavy. Dries in ringlets, but fluffs up when he brushes it.
Tiny, cute hands. Sometimes lets Alistair paint his nails black.
Weirdly clear, almost perfect skin. Has a few freckles here and there, but he has a strange lack of blemishes.
Tends to rock on and off of his tiptoes when he has to stand still. Prone to fidgeting overall.
Blushes easily and darkly— he can't hide it at all.
Small build like his brother. He's only a bit broader/taller overall.
He weighs more than Christian and is slightly thicker in build. Still lacks any kind of body strength, though.
His hair is thick and determined to fall into his face if he doesn't pull it back. The headband is very necessary.
The scar across his nose is thick and didn't heal well.
Keeps his nails sharp and often painted a dark color.
He's careful about his appearance and likes staying clean and presentable. His posture is also excellent.
Also has weirdly clear skin, almost better than his brother's. He has a notable mole on his hip, though.
He has a small, slight build that's unusual for how strong he is. He's tiny enough to struggle keeping up with the larger Blight boys.
Very, very flexible, almost to contortionist levels.
His missing eye has a very unpleasant scar left behind.
Struggles to put on weight, especially anything that's not lean muscle. Even maintaining weight is hard for him.
Doesn't grow much body hair, and what's there is fine and soft. His hair is also fairly thin and sleek.
Tiny as he is, most of his strength is in his arms and core. Visible abs, especially because of his lack of body fat.
His posture is noticeably stiff... except for when he's fighting.
Tall, strong build. He's lanky and thin, but what body mass he does have is pure muscle.
Broad shoulders, strong arms, and big hands.
Has an average amount of body hair, but not much on his face.
The burn over his eye is ugly. The skin is lumpy, off-color, and didn't heal well. It's difficult to properly open and close that eye.
There are plenty more scars all over the rest of his body, ranging from little nicks to nasty wounds.
When he's nervous, his expression goes completely blank.
He's big everywhere (yes, there too), and highly insecure about it. His strength makes him feel dangerous.
Noticeably sharp teeth— and not just his canines.
Has a decent amount of body hair, especially on his forearms, lower stomach, and pubic area.
Cuts his own hair, one chunk at a time, whenever it bothers him.
He's absolutely covered in scars, and most of them look painful. There are enough of them to impede his flexibility.
Has an awful case of resting bitch face. Even when he's trying to look pleasant, his expression seems angry and tense.
Narrow waist, with stronger legs and arms. If he put on weight, it'd go to his thighs and calves first.
Mostly average build with quite a bit of lean muscle tone.
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sincosma · 1 year
hello! ive been a fan of your shink work for a long time and i was wondering if you were going to continue sanctuary? im really sorry to bother you like this but i will patiently wait forever
thank you for this lovely message, anon! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my shink work 🥺 you’re not bothering me AT ALL!!!
Sanctuary is a project I’ve really struggled to get back into. But I have a list of projects I want to finish and Sanctuary is at the top of it. I’ve written a little bit more since the last update, but not a full chapter’s worth.
Honestly, I think I’ve been feeling a bit uninspired because it seems the ship is mostly dead. In fact, when I’m in the “shink” or “link/sheik” tags these days on tumblr or ao3, I’ve been noticing it’s actually just zelink in disguise.
So I guess it’s been hard for me to get back into writing a male sheik/link AU piece because it feels like everyone has moved on. I get really inspired by seeing other creators making stuff for the ship so it’s been kinda hard to ignite that spark since.
This message does help a bit with that spark, so thank you! 🤧 And if the male!sheik community is still out there and has simply moved to a different place that I’m unaware of because I’m an old fart, please let me know! I miss seeing and reading the amazing shink content that seemed more prevalent in like 2014-2016ish. That rarepair life is tough 😮‍💨
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fuzzydreamin · 11 months
That bitch Carla always hanging around in Sanctuary
I know you're an Institute spy woman!
And to think I flirted with you. Thought you were cute. How dare.
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thvndersnow · 1 year
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ooc and gen tags + first round of character tags
ooc ;; your enormous eyebags have captivated me
info ;; from marathon to waterloo in order categorical
ramblings ;; noises and what they mean
gen hc ;; you can hide a lot about yourself but honey what are you gonna do?
answered ;; tell me all about your problems i was killing before killing was cool
ask memes ;; look who's inside again
promo ;; now this? this is beautiful
self promo ;; see the artistry in tearing the place apart with me
theo tag ;; they saw trouble in my eyes and were quick to recognize the devil in me
theo hc ;; i was made to become a sanctuary
theo aes ;; my soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
theo ic ;; i wanna take shelter but i'm ready to fight
astrid tag ;; i want to watch the world burn; i brought the gasoline
astrid hc ;; the thrill of control is the sweetest taste i've known
astrid aes ;; whiskey and french cigarettes
astrid ic ;; this is performance; this is a self defense
jackal tag ;; we all wanna party when a funeral ends
jackal hc ;; we are all a bunch of liars; tell me baby who do you wanna be?
jackal aes ;; pretty in pink
jackal ic ;; the kids don't care if you're alright honey
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gamenu · 2 years
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I’m itching to do some writing now that I stepped away from the vidiya game for like 2 minutes! Like this for some asks! 💗
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chaosmultiverse · 4 months
[PAGE, REVERSED] - Have they been deceived? If so, how (and if known, why)?(for Stargazer if the question hasn't already been asked that is :)
THE SWORDS (Tarot HC Meme) ☆ Permanent Meme
Oh Stargazer has been deceived a lot, in a sense the I.D.E.A Collective (aka the group he is a part of) is one long chain of deception designed by those at the top, so for some examples of what Stargazer has been lied to about!
What is going on in other multiverses
The history of the Chaos Multiverse they have on file
When Odyssey the ship & AI were created
What they intend on using the chaos multiverse for
As for why, simply the I.D.E.A Collective works off the philosophy of a need to know basis, like how the ealry nukes were built, almost no one in the collection gets to see what their work adds to the greater whole, Stargazer is no special case and is pretty low ranking as far as Observatorys even go as he was given a multiverse considered unstable, so while there's a wealth of knowledge to find there is more risk of death.
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hotmess-exe · 4 months
zoos shouldnt exist zoos shouldnt exist zoos shouldnt exist zoos shouldnt exist zoos shouldnt exist zoos shouldnt exist zoos shouldnt exist zoos shouldnt exist zoos shouldnt exist zoos shouldnt exist zoos shouldnt exist zoos should really just not fucking exist!!!!
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Okay, so the welcome-to-the-sanctuary blog is not coming along as I hoped, mostly because I do not have the motivation or attention span to finish anything about it today. Or to write or read much for that matter.
Also stumped myself on whether or not I should include a list of the cast. It would be respectful, but... (anything I put after this sounds just plain lazy, even though the wikis, IMDb, and Wikipedia don't do it. 😭)
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