aexphr · 2 months
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My obsession
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aexphr · 2 months
She did it again! She used my photo again. This screenshot was just sent to me a few minutes ago! Because I blocked her on Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, she sends these photos to my friend in the comments.
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And when my supporters began to report about her en masse, this is the answer she gave:
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I beg you, if you have a Twitter, send complaints about her, it’s time to stop.
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aexphr · 2 months
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She healed his wounds.
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aexphr · 2 months
So here's an interesting thing.
This is Saddler's POV when Ashley picks up Leon's gun:
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Leon isn't looking at Ashley.
He's looking right at Saddler. And that's the look of a man who's ready to kill.
It's only after the first shot is fired that Leon actually looks at Ashley, and his expression is completely different when he does.
From Ashley's POV:
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This might sound weird, but this is probably the best showcase of how fundamentally changed Leon is in RE4make from RE2make. In RE2make, his focus would've been Ashley first. He would've been worried about her and scared for himself. Saddler would be an afterthought; Leon can worry about Saddler after both he and Ashley are safe.
That was probably what Krauser was referring to during training when he told Leon that he was too soft to do what's necessary. You know, before Krauser himself went nuts, and the meaning of that statement became something else entirely.
But in RE4make, Leon's first response is rage. It's violence. It's murder. His instinct isn't to save Ashley or protect himself -- it's to kill Saddler.
It's only after it hits him just how stuck he is -- after that first shot is fired -- that the worry starts -- that the regret and heartache kick in.
What Krauser taught Leon -- what he really taught Leon -- was that protecting someone is more than shielding them from harm or pulling them to safety. It's eliminating the threat around them so that they can be safe. Shields can break, and running protects no one.
So, sure, the "being held against my will" thing is the main reason why Leon turns down Ashley's offer at the end of the game -- but it's not the only reason. It's because Leon came to accept, over the course of this mission, that he's not that guy anymore. He can't stand by and be Ashley's guard. The only way he knows how to protect her is by eliminating the threat around her -- and that's not what security detail does.
But that's who Leon's become now. The ship of "serve and protect" has sailed, for him. In his own words: "You've gotta keep moving forward."
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aexphr · 2 months
Resident Evil 4 Remake's story is structured like the plot of a romance novel: master post
A few months ago, I wrote up a very quick and dirty outline/explanation of how Resident Evil 4 Remake's story had been restructured from the original game to follow the story beats of a romance novel. At the time, I didn't think it was all that important to explain it super in-depth, but now that more and more people are looking at it, I figured I should probably explain what I mean with each of these beats lmao
1) Call to Adventure / The Meet Cute
All that a meet-cute actually is is the scene in which the characters that the romance is centered around meet for the first time. The intention is to show an initial spark between the characters -- they meet under bizarre/unexpected circumstances and, at some point, both characters become aware of just how significant it is, even if neither says anything about it.
Leon and Ashley's meet-cute starts with her swinging a candelabra at his head and ends with Leon holding her in his arms out in the rain for a period of time that is absolutely too long to be normal for the circumstance. They lock eyes in this moment, and it's meant to be seen as Significant.
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2) Refusal of the Call / Rejection of the Relationship
This is the "I'm just imagining things" reaction to the significance of the meet-cute. Both characters treat the spark as though it never happened -- and, usually, it's because there's other external factors influencing their ability or willingness to follow the trail of that spark and see where it goes. Instead of going "Hey, you're cute, can I get your number?" both characters just jump straight to "Well, anyway --" and go back to living their own independent lives apart from each other.
After they both snap out of that weird trance they were in after Leon caught Ashley out the window of the church, he goes right back to treating her like a mission objective, and she just has absolutely no idea what to make of him at all. Ashley spends the next few sections of gameplay in shock and disbelief with lines like "Seriously, this cannot be happening." and "I just wanna go home..." Leon ignores all of her complaints, keeps her moving even when she asks for a break, and doesn't really speak much to her at all other than to bark orders at her.
3) Acceptance of the Quest / Giving the relationship a chance
Something Happens that forces both characters back into each other's lives and/or personal attention, and they both find that they do Like each other, actually -- even if that feeling of "like" isn't anything super significant. It could be something as simple as realizing that they enjoy the other's company and wanting to see/talk to the other more often.
This arguably starts when Leon and Ashley first run into the cabin and Leon puts a comforting hand on her back that he absolutely did did not have to put there -- but it's definitely in full swing after the cabin sequence is over. Personally, I would say that it's the revelation about Ashley having a plaga in her that's the Something that Happens between them. The whole mission starts to become a whole lot more personal, because now it's not just about surviving and escaping -- now it's about making sure that Ashley stays Ashley.
She starts to open up to him more, and he suddenly becomes much warmer towards her, as well. He's quick to reassure her ("I won't let that happen. I promise.") and not only responds to her when she talks, but also begins talking to her unprompted as well.
This is also the first time Leon ever tries hitting on Ashley with the "Seems this isn't your first time running from creeps" line, and it fails spectacularly.
4) Trials and Temptations / Three Dates
This one is probably the one that needed the most explaining LMAO I shouldn't have let this one go. The "three dates" don't have to/usually aren't meant to be actual, literal dates in romance novels. They're just three significant events that happen between the couple that builds and then reinforces their bond. (It also doesn't necessarily have to be three -- some stories only do two, some do five, etc. The point is that Things Are Happening that strengthen the relationship.)
That is why I said that their three "dates" are:
1) Ashley busting the window open after the Mendez boss fight, helping brush the embers off of Leon, and helping to pull him to his feet. This is the first time the two of them actually smile at each other and the first time they start to act as a team.
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2) Salazar's introduction ("The girl's just fine. With me."). Leon wants so badly to be that cool guy in an 80s movie who shows up out of nowhere and puts his arm around a beautiful girl and looks at some dickhead harassing her and goes "This guy giving you a hard time, babe?" This is the closest he's ever gotten to and will ever get to being that in his life. He's not cool enough to ever actually be that guy for real.
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3) The road to the Water Hall (Leon jumping across the chandeliers + this is the first time the "knight and the princess" allegory is stated) (You could also include the Garrador here, because if you take Ashley down there after the fact, there's special dialogue that happens that's... God, Leon sucks at this whole flirting thing. He just sucks, dude.)
5) Midpoint Crisis / I-need-you-but-can’t-have-you
Everything is going so well... until it isn't anymore. The three dates have given the couple a glimpse of how special and important this relationship could be, which is great -- until it becomes a problem. One of the characters gets freaked out by the intensity of the relationship and pulls back out of fear, because there's something else happening in their life that's bigger than either character and more important to be addressed.
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In Leon and Ashley's case, it's Ashley's plaga. Saddler takes control of her briefly and gets a hold of Leon's knife, stabs him, and then threatens to cut her own throat. When his hold over her breaks, she's terrified. She needs Leon now more than ever because of this, but she's more afraid of hurting him than losing herself, so she runs away from him in tears.
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6) The Road Back / Pulling Back Together
Basically, the plot forces the couple back together, and -- due to the raw, open vulnerability caused by the Midpoint Crisis -- their bond is stronger than ever. The feelings change from "yeah, I like them" to "I want them." Real intimacy starts to form and build here, because the interest in and attraction to each other is allowed by both characters to be acknowledged. This is usually where the sexual tension starts to really kick into high gear, and the audience is just waiting for that moment when it all breaks open.
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This starts with the pep talk that Leon gives Ashley when he finds her again -- which is romantically framed and coded with its imagery and cinematography. It continues through the entire Grand Hall segment, which includes the moment in the game in which Leon is at his boldest in terms of expressing his attraction to her. This is the point in the game in which their relationship is at its most playful. They tease each other and flirt and pass compliments back and forth -- and, for a while, it feels like the two of them are unstoppable and able to take on the world together.
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7) The Fall
"The fall" is the shortened version of "The moment they actually fall in love." It's the "oh god, I think I love them" moment. The two characters do not necessarily have to admit to each other that they've experienced "the fall" -- and usually, at least one of them doesn't. But they both experience that moment where it hits them.
We see Ashley "fall" at the start of her gameplay segment, where she takes Leon's earlier words to heart and draws strength from them. ("I won't run. Wait for me, Leon.") He's inspired her to strive to be more than she is, and she embraces the way that he makes her feel, in that moment.
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We see Leon "fall" as soon as he catches the key that she tosses down to him. He looks up at her with stars in his eyes and offers to catch her if she jumps down. An interesting detail to note is that this is the first and one of the only times in RE4make that Nick Apostolides reverts to using the tone/voice that he used for Leon in RE2make. It's soft and sweet and gentle as he makes her an offer that has no reason to be made, just for the sake of getting to hold her in his arms again.
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And, in order to drive home the point, this all happens during a scene that was framed, shot, and directed to mirror/mimic the balcony scene in Romeo & Juliet.
8) Dark moment / The Break Up
Once again, Something Happens and comes between them -- and this one is way, way worse than the Midpoint Crisis. This isn't "I'm scared to be with you" -- it's "I can't be with you." Hope for the relationship is completely lost, and both characters become overwhelmed in their individual despair.
Verdugo breaks them up physically -- not once, but twice. And that second time involves Leon being forced to watch Ashley endure Salazar's weird "ritual" and be unable to stop it or do anything to help her. He just has to sit with that failure and suffer through it until he's literally thrown away and discarded while Ashley screams his name.
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When Leon finally finds Ashley again, we see him confront the one moment in the game when he honestly, truly loses hope. He sits down on the floor at Ashley's bedside, and there's nothing more that he can do than wait for her to wake up. Some part of him has already become convinced that they won't make it out of there alive -- not both of them, at least. Not together. And he's ready to commit suicide as a contingency plan.
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9) The Sacrifice
This is the "do or die" moment for the relationship in a romance novel. This is the moment where the decision is made to confront not just the external force keeping them apart, but also the internal flaws that are feeding into that avoidant urge. The couple decides that their desire to be together is stronger and more important than whatever fear or force is holding them back, and though it's terrifying to do it, they stand up for the relationship in the face of opposition.
In RE4make, we see this play out through the sequence in which Leon carries Ashley to Luis's lab and how the two of them, against all physical and mental odds, manage to remove each other's plagas. This is especially emotionally significant for Leon, who says the words out loud: "This time, it has to be different..." He's openly acknowledging that his trauma from Raccoon City is what made him so ready to pull the trigger on himself back in that holding cell. Here, now, he puts his foot down, confronts that trauma, and says "No. I have to beat this."
And he does, even at great physical cost to himself. But the sacrifice was worth it, because it was for her.
10) Declaration
In a very literal sense, it's the declaration of love. It's an outward, spoken confirmation of the bond they share, now that the trial from the Sacrifice has been overcome. Traditionally in romance novels, this happens with the actual words "I love you."
But RE4make isn't a traditional romance novel, and Capcom has an entire fanbase of angry nerds who take fictional relationships too seriously to navigate through. So, instead of an explicit "I love you" what we got instead was an explicit verbal confirmation of their bonded status as a team.
"Hey... We're a team, right?"
"Keep this up? I'll be out of a job."
11) The HEA
"HEA" stands for "Happily ever after."
While I could (and did) say that Leon and Ashley literally ride off into the sunrise together, that does feel disingenuous. Even though it's true and the imagery is there, they don't really have a happily ever after. Not really. This is the only part that's missing from RE4make.
And that's because RE4make isn't just a romance on its own -- it's a fairy tale set inside of a story that's self-aware and knows that fairy tales aren't real. And so both Leon and Ashley wake up from this shared dream of a romance they've been having, as reluctantly as they do, because it's time for them to come back to reality.
Fairy tales aren't real. Romance novels aren't real.
Their feelings are real. But life doesn't work that way. Not for them.
They may not have a happily ever after, but they do have this moment to be together -- and for them, it's enough.
Because it has to be.
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aexphr · 2 months
The first time Ashley really looks at Leon without being in full fight-or-flight, he looks like such a fucking asshole LMAO
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And their character models are literally too close together for me to get POV shots while Leon's holding her after the catch (their actual literal eyeballs got in the way), so I just got as close as I could without it looking weird, and:
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I can't find a platonic explanation for this moment. He could have just put her down. He just puts her down every single time he catches her after this. And judging from his reaction and considering the thoroughness of his training and his readiness for this mission, there's absolutely no way that Ashley is the first person he's caught after a jump like that -- so it's not even like he's stunned that he managed to pull it off. He doesn't ask her if she's okay, doesn't give her an "I told you" or a "See?" Doesn't breathe a sigh of relief or show any signs of stress about having to do that at all.
He just... stands there. And holds her.
They don't even start off looking at each other; it's only when he lingers with her in his arms that they turn their heads and lock eyes. They both have just sort of fallen out of time and space. Their urgency to escape is momentarily forgotten.
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It's so much different from Leon watching Ada's chopper at the end of the game -- when there's a thousand different thoughts and doubts and questions and conflicting feelings zipping through his mind, ranging from their complicated past to her unknown employer to the fact that he just let her walk away with whatever Krauser had killed Luis over, and there's no taking back that decision now that he's made it.
This is the complete opposite. Instead of having racing thoughts, Leon is experiencing an absence of thought. He completely forgets himself -- his position, his status, his rank, his mission -- forgets who he is, what he's doing here, and why he's with Ashley in the first place. A connection forms between them in this moment, and they both feel it.
And for that moment, Leon suddenly is no longer a top secret government asset with experimental training holding his mission objective, the president's daughter, after a jump. He's a man holding a woman, in a way that feels inexplicably meaningful, on a chill autumn night as the rain comes down around them.
It's such a classical example of the Held Gaze trope in romance stories that it should be on the fucking wikipedia page for it.
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aexphr · 2 months
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aexphr · 2 months
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He smelled the scent of her perfume every time she fell into his arms.
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aexphr · 3 months
dude I’m going fucking nuts
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Every look, every gesture, every movement.
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aexphr · 3 months
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И никакая сила не сможет им помешать, ведь он не прикасался к ней целую вечность.
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aexphr · 4 months
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aexphr · 4 months
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One year later..
He will never be able to forget her.
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aexphr · 1 year
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Summer heat and wandering eyes
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aexphr · 1 year
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he’s enjoying the view 🧡
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aexphr · 1 year
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aexphr · 1 year
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aexphr · 1 year
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@bebecas 2x2 milestone event - day 4: parallels
Stede x Ed // Steve x Eddie
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