#sam fell first but steph fell harder
ghostbsuter · 6 months
He smoothly slides next to Steph, acting nonchalant in a way she knows he's forcing himself to appear.
"So," the guy starts and steph hope of not being hit on at the gala burns away.
"You single?"
She sighs, groaning inside, imagine herself whacking the cute guy.
"Not interested." At her dismissal, he blinks owlishly. In that moment, Cass swings by, taking her side.
"Oh!" The boy chokes. "Ancients no– not for me," he coughes, and steph doesn't know if she should be offended.
"I'm asking for her." He points across the ballroom, and steph meets the coolest looking gal (beside her and cass) and sees her flush, hiding behind her glass.
Oh she's adorable.
"I'm danny by the way," the guy— Danny introduces, "that over there is Sam, Samantha Delphinium Manson, call her Sam tho."
He grins when she turns to look at him, interest peaked.
"Saw her looking at you and knew i had to wingman," At his words, she gives a matching grin.
"Stephanie Brown, I go by steph." They shake hands. It somehow feels like they'd just agreed to some shady business.
"Mind giving me pointers before I woo your bestie?"
"Ask about plants and animals. You will quickly learn of her passionate work."
Tugging at her arm, Cass leans to her, wishing her a quick good luck.
They hold a silent conversation with Danny looking at his shoes, as much as steph would love to woo someone, she wouldn't leave without making sure cass would be okay.
Cass only shoo's her away, and Steph takes that and does.
Time to let her charm go wild.
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whump-tr0pes · 4 years
Honor Bound 2 - 39
This is a series. Start here, continued from here. 
This is a sequel to Honor Bound. 
Cw: blink-and-you’ll miss it consensual sex mention, home invasion, thoughts and discussion of death, gendered slurs (aimed at someone of the opposite gender as the one slurs usually indicate), blood mention, death threats, mention of suicide, gore mention (imagined), gun in the mouth, dismemberment mention, hanging mention
Gavin was alone in the house, alone with his thoughts.
He’d been alone more often than not the past few days. He knew the family was planning on going south soon, and they needed to prepare. They went into town on a daily basis now to meet with people who had recent updates on the syndicate movements, to gather food and supplies, to set up a home for Edrissa once they left. From everything Gavin could gather, Edrissa would be living with a young couple who had escaped the syndicates several years ago. One had been a “companion,” one had been a “pet.” They would know exactly the kind of care Edrissa would need. She’d be safe, for perhaps the first time in her life.
Gavin assumed the rest of the team would head south when they were ready. He’d heard Tori talk about possibly starting a safehouse up here, but he doubted she would follow through. Not that he didn’t think she could do it; he’d just seen how Tori was with Vera. How they touched each other whenever they could. How they would position themselves protectively in front of the other when one of them suddenly couldn’t breathe. How they shared a bed. How sometimes at night Gavin could hear the noises they made in bed together.
It all made him burn with longing.
I’m never going to find anything like that, he thought to himself fiercely. There’s no one who could ever feel that way for me, not after what I’ve done. No one I would want in return, anyway.
He tried to return his attention to the line he’d been reading for the past 20 minutes. It was a book Gray had brought him from town, something about recovery from trauma. The others need this more than I do. I haven’t been traumatized. At least, not by anyone but Vera. He sighed.
The front door opened. That’s weird. I didn’t expect anyone back for hours. “My room,” he called.
He’d gotten into the habit of announcing himself when there was a possibility of someone happening across them when they were by themselves. He figured it made them feel safer, knowing where he was. And it didn’t hurt so much when they walked in knowing he was there, and didn’t jump and look at him like he was something under their shoe.
It was really only Ellis who did that anymore, and even then it wasn’t as often.
Someone came into the house so quietly Gavin thought they might have been doing it on purpose. Why would they be sneaking around? They know I know someone’s home. He looked up at his doorway, his head slightly tilted, trying to listen. It sounded like at least two people were home, but they weren’t talking to each other.
The hair on the back of Gavin’s neck stood up.
“Guys?” he called, putting the book down on his bedspread. “Gray? Isaac, is that you?” He swung his legs over the side of the bed and slowly stood. Whoever it was, they were in the hall now. Coming towards his room. His heart felt like it was stuck in his throat. “Sam?” He walked slowly to the door.
He looked through the doorway and into the hall. His eyes went wide as his gaze fell on a dark figure, tall, massive. Someone he didn’t recognize. He fell a step back into his room.
Hands closed on his shirt and dragged him from his room, slammed him against the wall in the hallway. Gavin cried out as his head cracked hard against the wall.
“No no no no…” he pleaded. A heavy hand clamped over his mouth as the man dragged him into the living room. Gavin screamed against his hand as the man wrenched one arm behind his back. He looked around, terrified, at another man, dressed in black just like the first. A gun was holstered at his hip. He looked down at Gavin with pure hate in his eyes.
The man holding Gavin threw him to his knees and he hit the ground hard. He groaned and tried to scramble to his feet, his shoulder throbbing. “No,” he sobbed. “Please no, no…”
A slap rocked his head to the side and he fell to the floor, his head spinning. He tasted blood and realized he’d bit his tongue.
“Shut up, you syndicate fucker,” the taller one, the one who had grabbed Gavin, snarled.
“No no no please, I didn’t… no, please…” Gavin sobbed. He tried to crawl away from the men, tried to get to the couch, just to put a few feet between him and them. A hand grasped his hair and yanked him backwards, back to his knees. He cried out, his hands coming up to pull against the hand in his hair.
“Let’s just fucking do it and get it over with,” the shorter one growled. “I’m fucking tired of this piece of shit breathing.”
“No,” the taller said from above Gavin’s head. “I finally fucking have the chance to get a little bit of justice for Steph. No fucking way I’m giving up on that.”
“I…” Gavin gasped. “I never knew a Steph…”
“Shut up,” the taller one roared. He yanked Gavin’s head back viciously, so Gavin was forced to look up at him. “Shut the fuck up, you syndicate prick, your fucking father slaughtered her for fun. And you used to do the same fucking thing. Sounds like Stormbeck senior is fucking worm food right now. I don’t mind you standing in for him, you little bitch.”
“Please,” Gavin sobbed. “Please, no.”
The man released his hair. “Put your hands behind your back, Stormbeck.”
“No.” Gavin pitched forward on his hands and knees again, trying desperately to escape the two men. The shorter one aimed a kick at Gavin’s stomach that pitched him onto his side. Gavin shuddered and wheezed.
The taller man yanked Gavin up to his knees and pulled one arm behind his back again. He forced Gavin’s arm up higher, until his hand was nearly pressed against his opposite shoulder. Gavin screamed.
“Put your other hand behind your back or I break this one off,” the man growled in his ear.
Gavin wailed as the man jerked his arm back harder. “Okay okay okay!” he yelled. “Please…” He put his other hand behind his back. He sobbed in relief as the man stopped wrenching his shoulder. He whimpered as the man held both his wrists in one hand and slid a zip tie restraint over his hands. The man pulled it tight around Gavin’s wrists and stood up again, walking around to Gavin’s front. Gavin twisted his wrists against the restraint, his heart pumping despair through his body. They’re going to kill me. The family won’t even know what happened.
“I’m sorry,” Gavin moaned. “I’m… I’m fucking sorry my dad did that to Steph, I’m sorry I—” He gasped as his head snapped to the side with another blow. His left ear rang.
“You don’t get to say her name,” the tall man snarled, suddenly kneeling in Gavin’s face. “You don’t get to fucking say her name, you syndicate bitch. You thought you could spend your whole life torturing people, hurting people, and it wouldn’t come back on you? You thought you could ruin lives and it would never come back on you?”
Gavin sobbed, tears streaming down his face. “No,” he whined. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
The man stood and snorted at his partner. “He’s sorry,” he said with a snarl.
The shorter man’s lip curled. “The idea of playing with him for a bit is sounding better and better. Schiester said they wouldn’t be back for hours.”
“I fucking told you,” the taller one said, and drew his gun from its holster.
“No!” Gavin screamed, shaking his head, scrambling backwards on his knees. “No, please!”
“We should zip tie those feet, too,” the smaller one mused. The taller man laughed and stepped back around Gavin.
Gavin lurched forward, trying desperately to get to his feet before these men could restrain him further. The taller man’s hand closed on Gavin’s hair and pulled him back down hard onto his knees. The man pressed his knee against the top of Gavin’s calf, right where it meets the knee, and leaned. Gavin froze and cried out in agony. The man made quick work of tightening the zip tie around Gavin’s ankles.
Gavin knelt on the floor as the other man got to his feet, shivering, sobbing. Tears dripped down his face and onto the floor. They have hours to torture me before they kill me.
“So,” the taller man said, drawing his gun again, “How do you want to die, syndicate bitch?”
“P-please,” Gavin whispered, his throat too constricted with fear to make a sound. “Please, no…”
The taller man held the gun to Gavin’s forehead. Gavin cried out and pulled away from the gun. The man’s hand shot out and grabbed his hair, dragging him forward until the gun was pressed against Gavin’s head. “You wanna die like this?”
“N-no,” Gavin moaned. They’re going to have to clean my brains off the walls. “No, don’t… don’t do this…”
The man laughed and tapped the gun against Gavin’s head. “Hm.” He moved the gun to press against Gavin’s cheek. “How about this?”
Gavin trembled against the man’s iron grip on his hair. “Please just… t-take me outside. Please. Don’t make them see this, please… Don’t make them see this in their own home…” The last thing they need to see is more death. “Don’t get my b-blood all over the…” Gavin rocked forward, gagging hard at the thought of his blood running in rivulets across the floor in the hallway, soaking into the carpet in the living room and the pad underneath, ruining it forever. Thinking of the family finding his body, cold, empty, the room so full of the stench of blood it would never come out.
The taller man grinned. “What do you wanna bet I can make this look like you did this to yourself? What do you wanna bet I can make this look like your suicide?”
Gavin yanked hard against the zip tie around his wrists. They might stage this like a suicide, maybe even put the gun in his limp hand after they’d killed him, but his family would see the red around his wrists and know. They have to know I wouldn’t kill myself. He didn’t know why that was so important, but they had to know. They had to know that he…
Tears pricked his eyes and he swallowed. They had to know he wouldn’t leave them, that he still wanted to live. That he wanted to be with them, as miserable as it was. I love them. I love them all so fucking much, why did it take me so fucking long to say it, I love them…
Gavin yanked harder. He felt the skin around his wrists break open and bleed.
The taller man pulled the gun away from Gavin’s cheek and smiled wickedly.
“Open your mouth, syndicate bitch.”
Gavin sobbed and tried to twist away from the hand in his hair. The man only tightened his grip and forced Gavin’s head forward. “Open your mouth,” the man growled at him. “Do it. Now. Or I blow your fucking head off right now.”
Gavin clenched his jaw shut and pressed his lips together. He shook his head against the man’s grip, tears streaming down his cheeks, his eyes fixed on the gun hovering inches away from his face.
The man snapped Gavin’s head back, shoving the barrel of the gun against Gavin’s forehead. “You really wanna die right this second? Let us play with you, you little bitch. Stormbeck fucker. The longer you let us play with you, the better chance they’ll come and save you, right? Your stupid fucking traitor family. You want that, right? Open your fucking mouth.”
They’re not going to save me. They’re going to find my body, and forget about me. Why would they risk themselves to save me? Even if they caught you, they’d just stand back and watch me die. He blinked tears out of his eyes and did his best to stare the man down.
The man ground the barrel of the gun into Gavin’s cheek, and he winced. The man’s finger was on the trigger. The safety was off. “Open. Your. Fucking. Mouth.”
Gavin shuddered at the thought of the bullet in the chamber, inches from his face. All the man had to do was pull the trigger, and the bullet would tear through Gavin’s skull at 2500 feet per second. It would obliterate his brain, tear up everything that had ever made Gavin Gavin. He wouldn’t just be dead, he’d be destroyed. All in less than a second. He squeezed his eyes shut so he wouldn’t have to see the gun.
He whimpered and opened his mouth.
The gun pushed past his lips, pressing down over his tongue, shoving all the way to the back of his throat. Gavin’s eyes flew open and he gagged.
“That’s what I fucking thought, Stormbeck bitch,” the man growled. “That’s what I fucking thought. Fucking coward. Fucking piece of shit.”
Gavin sobbed, the steel-oil-gunpowder taste on his tongue making him sick. The man grabbed the back of Gavin’s head and forced the gun harder into his mouth. Gavin’s eyes streamed as he gagged again, his spasming throat twisting a sob as it forced its way out. He shuddered and heaved forward. He couldn’t beg with the gun in his mouth. Couldn’t plead. He could only cry, and choke.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you like this,” the man rasped in his ear. Gavin cried out and shied away. The man’s grip tightened on his hair. “I’m gonna pull this trigger and kill you. How many people have you killed, little bitch? How many people have you killed? Now, I’m gonna bring that shit right to you. You’re finally gonna know what it feels like to die.”
I bet it hurts, Gavin sobbed in his mind. He tried to form the word “please” around the gun. He gagged again as his tongue pressed up against the barrel.
“Maybe I shouldn’t kill you just yet though, yeah? What if I just fucking cut you apart, piece by piece? That way when your fucking family comes home, they have to go on a little Stormbeck treasure hunt. Maybe your hand between the couch cushions, your ear in the shower…” The man chuckled. “Your dick hanging on the front door.” He snapped the gun up against Gavin’s teeth. “Maybe I should put your head on a spike outside.”
Gavin squeezed his eyes shut. Please, please no. Please just kill me. I know I deserve the torture but please no…
“Maybe I shouldn’t kill you here at all,” the man mused, his gaze moving over Gavin’s face, over his eyes. “Maybe I should just drag you to the square and hang you, properly. Maybe we could do it slowly.”
“Maybe we should just send him piece by piece to his darling mother,” the shorter man sneered. “I’m stuck on the dismembering idea.”
Gavin wailed around the gun in his mouth, tugging hard against the zip tie around his wrists, pulling against the hand fisted in his hair.
“Or maybe,” the taller man said softly, and eased the gun a centimeter out of Gavin’s mouth, “We just take you back to the town hall. Chain you up in the basement. Keep you there for a month or three. Your family would never fucking know where to find you. Maybe we should just keep you like the fucking bitch you are, see exactly how you like it.”
Gavin shook his head slightly. The man forced his head back and pushed the gun all the way into his mouth.
“Naw,” the man said, his finger tightening on the trigger. “I think I’m just gonna do this here.”
Gavin closed his eyes.
The front door opened.
Gavin’s eyes flew open, and he moaned in despair as Isaac walked through the door.
Isaac’s eyes went wide and his hand jumped to his waistband. To the gun Gavin knew wasn’t there, because Isaac never carried his gun inside. Isaac fell a step back, his eyes fixed on Gavin. Not looking away.
“Sam!” Isaac shouted. “Gun! Now!”
The shorter man snapped his own gun up to point squarely at Isaac’s chest. “Back the fuck off,” he grunted. “Back off right now. Turn around and go.”
Gavin whined and pulled against the hand in his hair, trying to plead with Isaac and hating himself for it.
Isaac slowly raised his hands to waist level, but no higher. He hadn’t looked away from Gavin since he’d opened the door, but now he raised his gaze to the gun in the shorter man’s hand. “I want you to think about what you’re about to do,” he said gently. “If you kill me, you permanently damage the north. My family will never work with you again. They’ll stop bringing your families to you. They’ll stop bringing you skilled laborers. They’ll stop risking their lives to harbor your spies, move your equipment. You kill me, and you cripple your operations up here. You kill me, and you’re fucked. Do you understand that?”
“But this bitch—” started the man with the gun in Gavin’s mouth—
Ellis burst through the door behind Isaac. Gavin flinched as the door slammed against the wall and nearly closed again. Ellis’s jaw dropped, their gaze darting between Gavin, the man holding him with the gun in his mouth, and the man pointing the gun at Isaac’s chest.
“What the… fuck…”
Isaac pushed Ellis behind him. “Ellis, get back,” he said urgently. “Get back. Tell everyone to stay back.”
Sam walked in just behind them, holding Isaac’s gun out. “Isaac, what—” Their eyes went wide at the sight of the men. Their hand began to shake and they nearly dropped the gun. Isaac’s hand shot out and snatched it away from Sam, then aimed at the shorter man.
“Sam, get back,” Isaac said, his voice taking on a hint of desperation. “Please…”
“Isaac, what…? Gavin…?” Sam stood frozen in place.                                        
Isaac pushed Sam behind him with one hand while the other kept the gun pointed squarely at the men. “Ellis,” he said calmly, “Is the other car here yet?”
Ellis shot a glance out the front window. “They’re just pulling up.”
Isaac swallowed. “Go tell them to stay outside. Please. Go tell them—”
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Ellis snarled at the men, completely ignoring Isaac. Gavin looked up at them in shock. Ellis took a step towards the men. “What the fuck?”
“Stay back,” the shorter one growled. “Stay back, or we blow his fucking head off.”
“No, fuck you,” Ellis snapped. “Fuck you very much.”
“Ellis,” Isaac said through his teeth. “No. Tell the others—”
The door pushed open again, and the rest of the family appeared in the doorway. Vera jumped and dragged Tori away from the door, and dashed off to the car to grab her own weapon. Gray pushed Edrissa behind them and started to guide her back to the car. Finn lunged forward, their hands reaching for Ellis.
“Answer my fucking question,” Ellis snarled, and Gavin shrank back. “What the… what the fuck?”
“What the fuck do you care what happens to this Stormbeck prick?” the smaller man demanded.
The taller man pushed the gun hard into Gavin’s mouth. Gavin felt his upper lip catch between the gun and his teeth. He whimpered and tried to pull away, eyes streaming.
The shorter man’s hand tightened around the gun pointed at Isaac. His hand was shaking. “What the fuck do you care about him? He’s a…” His eyes filled with tears. “He’s a monster.”
Ellis’s eyes blazed with fury. “Yeah, motherfucker, but he’s our monster.” They lunged forward and bowled over the smaller man in a full-body tackle. The gun went off as Ellis slammed the man’s hand into the ground, shrieking like a wildcat. Sam leapt into the fray, landing squarely on the man’s crotch with all their weight. The man groaned and doubled over.
Vera burst through the door again, her gun held tightly in her hand. Her eyes went wide at the screaming, clawing fright that was Ellis, screeching and biting, and Sam, wrestling the gun out of the man’s grasp.
The man still holding Gavin looked between Isaac and Vera, his eyes darting quickly, his hand tightening in Gavin’s hair. Gavin could feel him trembling. He waited for the gun to go off, to tear through his mouth, punch through his brainstem so there would be no hope of survival. Gavin whimpered.
“Think very carefully about what you decide to do next,” Isaac said, raising his voice over the sound of Ellis screaming. “If you kill him, it’s gonna take you a few seconds to bring your gun around to aim at us. I have a very fast reaction time. Kinda twitchy. Must be the trauma.” His eyes flicked down at Gavin and for a moment, Gavin could swear Isaac smiled. He whimpered as the man pushed the gun down hard against his tongue.
“Hey,” Isaac barked, and the man jumped. “If you’re cool with dying over this, fine. Just know that if you shoot him, you’re dying in this house today.” Isaac raised his chin at the other man, now groaning and sobbing, holding his crotch as Ellis and Sam kicked him over and over. “We’ll even let that one go, for good measure. Take the gun out of his mouth. Right now.”
“No,” the man growled. He yanked Gavin’s head back until Gavin was staring at the ceiling. Tears ran from his eyes and into his hair. “This fucker destroyed everything I love—”
“What is actually him, or someone else in the syndicates that this poor idiot is standing in for?” Isaac said calmly. “Because I understand if it was him. If it was, we can work something out. Some kind of justice.” Gavin’s eyes went wide and he looked at Isaac, just as the man looked down at him. Isaac shook his head slightly from side to side: I won’t let him do that. Gavin sobbed.
“Or,” Isaac continued, “you kill the one useful syndicate member alive in this world just because you wanted to stick your gun in something. And then you leave this house in a body bag. Up to you.”
The man stared down at Gavin, hate twisting his face into something terrifying. His hand shook around the gun. He forced Gavin’s head back further, until Gavin started to bend backwards. He whimpered and gagged against the gun.
“Come on, man,” Isaac said, pitching his voice low. “Up to you. Put down the gun. Let him go.”
The man trembled, and for a moment Gavin was sure the man would kill him. He braced for the shot, tried to think of something good in his last moments. He shuddered, looked past the hand holding the gun in his mouth.
All Gavin could see was Isaac.
The man hunched his shoulders and bowed his head. He forced down a sob. “Fine,” he growled, and pulled the gun from Gavin’s mouth.
Gavin pitched forward with a sob, his jaw aching. Isaac moved in quickly and twisted the gun out the man’s hand. Vera jumped in to roll the other man onto his stomach and lean on his back.
“You have something to restrain yourself with?” Isaac asked the man, his voice intense.
“What the fuck, you said—”
“I’m not gonna kill you, you idiot,” Isaac spat through his teeth. “I’m gonna restrain you and drive you back into town. Then I’m gonna have a long fucking conversation with your mayor about exactly what the word “hospitality” means. Got it? Do you have any extra restraints?”
“Y-yeah,” the man stuttered. “Zip ties, left pocket.”
“Perfect.” Isaac stuffed his hand in the man’s pocket, still holding him at gunpoint. “Hands behind your back. Now.”
“I will make this very fucking simple if you don’t do what I fucking say,” Isaac hissed. “Hands. Behind. Your back. Now.”
Gavin swallowed hard as the man obeyed Isaac. Isaac tightened the zip tie around the man’s wrists, his eyes fixed on Gavin. Moving over him. Checking for injuries. Gavin felt his skin burn under Isaac’s gaze.
Isaac turned his gaze back to the man and dug his hand into his pocket again, pulling out another zip tie. “Here,” he said, holding it out to Vera. He looked up to see Finn still standing in the doorway, their mouth slightly open, a look of amazement on their face. Staring at Ellis where they now stood, towering over the shorter man on the floor. Vera tightened the zip tie around the man’s wrists as he groaned.
“Finn,” Isaac said, and snapped Finn out of their reverie. “Can you handle this one? Get him to the car?”
“You bet.” Finn grinned, stepping forward to pat the man down before jerking him to his feet with a hand clamped down on his collar. “You fucked with the wrong family, moron. We’ve got people who are fucking feral.” They smirked in his face and shoved him through the front door. The second man came next, supported between Vera and Ellis, who were not being gentle. Sam panted on the floor, their skin red and shiny with sweat, a wide grin spread across their face.
Isaac quickly knelt beside Gavin and put a steadying hand on his shoulder. He grabbed the knife in his pocket and reached for Gavin’s wrists. The zip tie snapped under the knife.
“Isaac,” Gavin sobbed, and threw his arms around Isaac’s neck.
Isaac froze for a moment. Took a breath. His arms wound around Gavin’s waist.
“Isaac, thank you,” Gavin gasped, his breaths coming too fast. “Isaac, they… he was… fuck, I’m so sorry…”
Isaac squeezed Gavin gently. “Why are you sorry? They…” Isaac pulled away, his eyes moving once again over Gavin’s body. His gaze returned to Gavin’s face, to the red mark that probably spread across his cheek. “They… they tortured you, right?”
“N-no,” Gavin mumbled. “It was nothing. It wasn’t a big deal. They only—”
“Gavin…” Isaac said gently. Gavin’s heart lurched uncomfortably. “They tortured you. It’s okay. You’re allowed to say it.” He leaned down and cut the zip tie binding Gavin’s ankles.
Gavin let out a twisted sound halfway between a laugh and a sob. He pressed his hands to his face. “Why…” He shuddered, and his chest ached as he heaved a real sob. “Why did you save me? He could’ve just… fucking… killed me, and it would’ve been over…”
“I didn’t want to get blood on the carpet,” came Isaac’s reply.
Gavin’s head shot up and he met Isaac’s gaze. Isaac was smiling gently. “Kidding. Because… fuck, Gavin, it’s fucking weird but you’re with us now. No one fucks with you but us. No one murders you but us.”
Gavin flinched.
Isaac’s face fell. “Okay, that was maybe in bad taste.” He stood and held a hand out for Gavin. Gavin took it and painfully got to his feet. His hand felt cold when Isaac let go. “I want you to stay here with Finn while we handle this mess.” He waved his hand in the general direction of the cars. “Maybe we’ll leave Vera here, too. Just to be safe.” He took a step towards the door. “Does that sound okay? Will you be okay until we all get back? Gray and Edrissa will be here, too.”
“I-Isaac…” Gavin’s tongue felt too big for his mouth. Isaac just saved me. I don’t know if Vera would be willing to do the same. “Vera, um… she…” He wrapped his arms around his stomach and winced. “Could you… I mean, could you… please…?”
Isaac stared at Gavin. “Could I… what?”
“Um.” Gavin swallowed. “Could you be the one to, um, stay?” His cheeks burned with humiliation.
Isaac chewed his lip as he regarded Gavin. After a moment he said, “Sure. I can stay. Just let me check with Vera and Gray and send in Finn, okay?” He touched Gavin’s shoulder for a moment before he seemed to think better of it, and then pulled his hand away. “Will you be okay for just a second?”
“Yeah,” Gavin breathed, swaying where he stood. “I’ll be, I’ll be fine.” He watched Isaac as he turned and jogged out the door.
Continued here
@untilthepainstarts​, @womping-grounds​, @free-2bmee​, @quirkykayleetam​, @walkingchemicalfire​, @inpainandsuffering​, @redwingedwhump​, @burtlederp​, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​, @insomniacscoprio​, @cursedscribbles​, @whumpywhumper​, @stxck-fxck​, @omega-em-z-02​, @whumps-the-word​, @slaintetowhump​, @finder-of-rings​, @cinnamonflavoredhugs​, @thatsthewhump​, @im-just-here-for-the-whump​, @orchidscript
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buckyssoul · 4 years
Sweeter Than Syrup
Paring: SamBucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,425
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: polyamory, sexy times (a dumb amount of dirty talk), a little bit of a praise!kink, my general foul language, also an abundance of pet names (I have absolutely Zero self-control okay,,)
Summary: just a cozy day in with your boys,,, breakfast, cuddles, oh and a hella explicit threesome. fr it’s like 85% smut, im so sorry hhhh.
A/N: HEY!! I died for like a year. But I’m back now with renewed inspiration thanks to the sambucky show (: also huge shout out to @empyreanwritings​ for beta reading for me. I don’t know what i’d do w/o you, steph. ilysm <3
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Bucky was pulling the last of the French toast off the skillet when he heard you and Sam walking down the hallway to the kitchen of your shared floor at the Avenger’s compound. He smiled when he heard your harmonious laughter as you came through the doorway.
“Hey, Bucky” you smiled as you walked over to him swiftly, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and placing a delicate kiss on the tip of his nose. “It smells delicious in here” you sighed happily.
He smiled warmly and placed his hands on your hips, “Hi, baby” he replied softly as he leaned in to kiss your lips. He pulled back sooner than you would have liked and smiled at you with nothing but love in his eyes. “You guys are back just in time, everything’s ready.” He pecked your lips once more.
Sam came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, squishing you between your two beautiful boyfriends. He kissed your neck softly from below your ear down to your shoulder causing a tingle to go down your spine. He then leaned forward, squeezing you between them more in the process. But you didn’t care, in between Sam and Bucky’s arms was your favorite place to be. He kissed Bucky softly on the corner of his mouth, “Hey Buck, we missed you” he smiled happily at the soft puppy looking man.
“You dorks were only gone an hour” he chuckled lightly, smiling as his heart warmed being so close to the two loves of his life.
“Which is 59 minutes long enough to miss you” you replied with a genuine warm smile as you leaned in to kiss his dimpled chin.
Sam pulled away first, turning around to get the plates, cups and silverware out of the cabinets to set the table. You gave Bucky one more soft kiss on his plushy pink lips before going to get the butter and drinks from the fridge. Bucky smiled to himself, wondering how the hell he got so lucky. He grabbed the syrup from the pantry as well as the French toast from the counter and made his way to the table where you and Sam were already sitting. Sam poured himself a glass of orange juice then he handed the bottle off to Bucky knowing that’s what he would want too.
“Here, baby. You want some?” Bucky asked lifting the orange juice bottle toward you.
“You know my girl loves her chocolate milk, Buck” Sam jested and winked at you.
“You’re ridiculous,” you couldn’t help but laugh and shake your head at him, “You’re right though, I do love me some chocolate milk.” You winked back at him as you grabbed the half gallon and started filling your glass.
You filled your plate first and started to dig in before either of the boys. A deep moan erupted from your throat, “God Bucky, this is so fucking good,” you sighed as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Bucky and Sam locked eyes smirking at each other, which you missed being lost in the wonderland that was Bucky’s French toast.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it, sweetheart” he gave you a cheeky smile.
“I’m glad too,” Sam smirked.
After breakfast was done you all found yourselves in the living room. Bucky was lounging on one side of the couch and Sam was on the other, they liked to have you sitting between them. You went to sit down on the middle cushion, but Bucky grabbed your arm and pulled you into his lap before you could sit all the way down. You squeaked as you fell ungracefully into his strong arms. He pulled you close to his body and began planting light kisses all over your face.
You were giggling uncontrollably, “Bucky, stop!” you laughed harder as his fingers started to tickle your sides.
“I’ll save you baby!” Sam shouted as he grabbed your legs and dragged your body to lay between them. Your head was now in Bucky’s lap as Sam crawled up to lay between your legs. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your breasts, “Ah, my favorite place to be” he sighed as you chuckled at him, chest still rising and falling heavily from trying to catch your breath.
Bucky ran his fingers through your hair, you looked up at him and smiled softly before relaxing your head back down and letting your eyes fall shut. You brought your hands up to begin rubbing Sam’s toned, muscular back. His eyes fluttered closed as he relaxed further into you, letting himself take in this moment with the two people he cared about most in the world. Bucky looked at you both, smiling to himself, he was so in love.
You released a soft moan as Bucky started massaging your scalp. Sam’s eyes shot open at the noise. He looked up and his eyes immediately locked with Bucky’s. They shared a smirk with each other again. They loved the sounds you always made for them. Sam slid his hands up your sides and slowly started massaging your breasts. You let out a higher pitched whine and heavy sigh at his ministrations.
Sam sat up so Bucky could tug your shirt over your head while he tugged off your jeans, you didn’t protest. Both of them took in your appearance, your soft skin on display for them only covered by your thin black lace bralette and matching thong. Sam, still sat up on his knees between your legs, started to massage up your thighs while Bucky reached down to toy with your pebbled nipples through the fabric of your bra.
“So soft and warm for us, angel” Bucky hummed lowly as Sam lightly rubbed his thumb over your clothed clit.
You arched your back up at their gentle touches, silently begging for more friction.
“You’re so pretty, love” Sam praised you, voice barely above a whisper, as he pulled your thong off. He leaned down to put his mouth to work on you, but you stopped him by planting your foot against his chest gently.
“You two are wearing far too many clothes” you smirked and raised an eyebrow at him daring him to test your patience. You rolled off the side of the couch to your feet and turned to face them, waiting for them to lose their clothes. They stripped faster than you’ve ever seen them do so before, both of them left in just their boxers within seconds. Without speaking you gently moved Sam by his shoulders, so he was laying on his back in the middle of the sofa. You leaned down to kiss him, moaning when he pushed his tongue into your mouth, you could still taste the syrup lingering on his tongue from breakfast.
You pulled back with a soft smile, “I can think of somewhere else I’d like that tongue to be” you chuckled as he nodded enthusiastically.
“Ain’t gotta tell me more than once, baby” he smiled as he tugged you by your hips to straddle his face. You sighed in immense pleasure when his warm lips wrapped around your clit.
You looked over to see Bucky with his bottom lip trapped between his teeth, slowly stroking his shaft as he watched Sam eat you out, eyes hooded, tip of his cock red and weeping, begging to be touched. You salivated seeing him standing there, naked and needy.
“Come here, baby” you motioned for him to join you on the couch. He came and rested on his knees in front of you. You pulled your bralette off, tossing it to the other side of the room.
You grabbed Bucky, lacing your fingers through the silky hair at the base of his neck and pulled him to you connecting your lips, he brought his flesh hand up to cradle your jaw as his metal hand started lightly pinching your hard nipples. The sensation causing you to moan into his mouth and grind your hips down on Sam’s face. Both of them took advantage of your haze, Bucky sliding his tongue into mingle with yours, loving the lingering sweetness on yours from the sugary breakfast you finished not too long ago. And Sam doubled his efforts-- grabbing your ass in his palms, massaging and squeezing your cheeks. You took Bucky’s throbbing cock in your hand gently and began stroking him. He growled deep in his chest, you smiled as you pulled away from his mouth, teeth nipping at his plump bottom lip.
Bucky stared down at you through his lashes as you lowered your head to take him into your mouth. You looked back up at him as you flicked your tongue out to tease the tip of his painfully hard cock. His whole body tensed at the sensation and his flesh hand flew to your hair, lightly caressing your scalp as you took him deeper into your warm waiting mouth. His tip reached the back of your throat and you relaxed your muscles to take him in even deeper, using your tongue to caress the pulsing vein on the underside of his thick cock. You caught him off guard with the throaty moan you released due to Sam sliding two of his fingers into your soaking wet pussy, instantly finding your most sensitive spot. His lips sucked on your swollen clit, his tongue flicking over it rapidly. You tensed up and pulled Bucky from your mouth, replacing it with your hands, as you started breathing heavily, feeling your orgasm approaching quickly.
“That’s it, baby. Come all over Sam’s face, you know he loves your sweet pussy juices. Sweeter than sugary syrup. Come on, angel.” Bucky was encouraging you, stroking your jaw as you continued panting.
“Fuck!” You whined, “Feels so good Sammy, please don’t stop.” Your thighs started twitching uncontrollably..
Sam groaned as he felt your walls starting to constrict around his fingers, the vibration on your sensitive clit throttled you over the edge, hard. You came with a scream, gushing all over Sam’s mouth, he continued to lick at your overstimulated core as you came down from your high.
“So good for us, baby” Bucky cooed, pulling you up to his mouth to kiss your swollen lips.
Sam rolled out from under you and quickly scampered off to the kitchen. You melted into Bucky’s strong supportive arms, letting him cradle your weak body while you recovered from your earth-shattering orgasm. He kissed along your jaw to nibble at the spot below your ear that always made you moan and shiver.
“Oh, Bucky” you sighed into his neck. Bring both your hands up to run through his chocolate locks, you started kissing and nipping at his throat.
You felt his still hard cock pressing against your hip. You pulled away from his neck, leaned in to press a short kiss to supple lips before whispering, “I want you both to fuck me, Bucky.”
“You know we’ll give you whatever your heart desires, sugar” he smirked, “All you gotta do is ask” he finished leaning in to kiss you once more.
“Absolutely, babydoll” Sam agreed as he came back into the room with a glass of ice water. “Drink up” he said handing the glass of water to you. “We aren’t done with you yet.”
You took the glass and chugged the whole thing, thanking Sam with a kiss as you walked back to the kitchen to place the glass in the sink.
You walked back into the living room to see your boys kissing and gently stroking their still hard cocks. “I’ll be waiting in the bedroom for you when you’re ready, boys”
They slowly broke their kiss and followed you to the bedroom. When they arrived, you were sprawled out on the satin sheets of your king sized bed. They stared at you for just a moment, taking in your gorgeous form. Your eyes shut, hair laying around your head like a halo, bottom lip trapped between your teeth, whimpers escaping you as your fingers massaged your sensitive clit. Your other hand pinched and caressed your breasts, your pussy dripping already with arousal.
“You’re stunning, angel” Bucky mused, voice rough and thick with need.
“An absolute vision” Sam agreed.
Bucky approached the bed, wasting no time crawling between your legs and licking up the juices dripping from your cunt. You released a high-pitched breathy sigh at his actions. Sam crawled up next you on the bed giving your soft breasts some attention with his smooth lips and warm tongue. He swirled his tongue around one before closing his lips around it and sucking on it gently. He alternated between them, showing each nipple equal amounts of attention. Bucky was doing the same to your swollen clit, his lips wrapped around it gently sucking and massaging the sensitive nub with his velvety tongue.
“Mmmh, so good to me boys” you sighed. They both hummed, keening at your praise. “I love your mouths, so careful and tender for me” you continued. You reached down wrapping one hand around Sam’s cock, stroking him slowly. The other hand you tangled in Bucky’s hair, gently caressing his scalp. “That’s it, right there, Buck. Make me come, baby” you whimpered when he slid one cool metal finger into your warm fluttering walls.
“You’re so good for us, darlin” Sam cooed, kissing up your chest and throat until his lips sealed around yours swallowing your moans. You began to stroke Sam’s cock faster as your orgasm approached, the coil in your stomach winding tighter every second.
“You wanna come again, baby?” Sam asked, voice thick with desire “You wanna come all over Bucky’s face too? Let him taste that sweet pussy nectar?” His words were pushing you so close to the edge you could scream if your voice box knew how to function properly. “Come on, sugar. You’ve gotta get that pussy nice and wet for us if you want to take both our cocks,” he added, you whimpered at the thought. Bucky plunged his tongue deep into your pulsating pussy, bringing his finger up to flick rapidly at your clit, “Come Y/n, come on Bucky’s tongue” Sam demanded, his voice stern and gravely. And you obeyed, coming with a broken scream, hand squeezing and pumping faster on Sam’s cock, fingers gripping tightly at Bucky’s soft hair, thighs clutching around his head.
“That’s a good girl” Sam praised you, stroking your jaw as you caught your breath. “You look so pretty when you orgasm, princess” he added as he leaned down to softly kiss your cheeks nose and forehead.
“You really do taste sweeter than syrup, baby” Bucky mused, sitting up to wipe your juices from his face.
“I think I’m ready for both those gorgeous cocks now” you sighed after catching your breath for a minute.
Sam laid down on the bed and you leaned down licking at the little bit a precum already escaping his tip, his eyes rolled back in pleasure. You sucked and licked him softly a few more times before straddling his hips and rubbing him against your slick entrance.
“Oh fuck darlin, can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock” he sighed.
You sank down on his cock slowly, feeling every inch of him as he slid into your warmth. You moaned once your hips met his, feeling incredibly full. “You feel so good inside me baby” you praised him as you leaned forward to capture his lips with your own. You began rocking back and forth at a languid pace, enjoying the feel of his cock dragging along your most sensitive nerve endings.
After a minute or so you felt Bucky’s hands on your hips massaging down you where you and Sam were connected. He gently wedged two of his flesh fingers into you alongside Sam’s thick cock, doing his best to ease you open enough to take both of them at once. You whimpered and slowed your pace at the intrusion.
“It’s okay, baby” Bucky reached up with his metal hand to gently caress your beautifully round ass, “just gotta get you ready for both of us at once. You’re doing so good, sweetheart” he praised.
You disconnected yourself from Sam’s mouth, whimpering and kissing down his jaw to hide your face in his neck, kissing and nipping lightly at the flesh under his ear.
Sam reached both his hands around you to rub up and down your sides slowly, stopping at your hips and coming back up to caress the underside of your breasts with his thumbs, “You feel so good, babygirl” he cooed. “Are you ready for Bucky to join us now?” he asked softly. You couldn’t respond verbally, so you just nodded ‘yes’ into the side of his neck.
“Okay, sweetheart” Bucky started as he rubbed his tip at your entrance. “I’ll go slow, tell me if you want me to stop, okay?” you just nodded again, holding your breath as he slid into you, next to Sam. You whined into Sam’s neck and Bucky stilled, about halfway in, “you okay, doll?” He asked with worry edged into his voice.
You breathed out heavily, “Y-yeah, Buck. Keep going, baby.” You reassured him after taking a few deep breaths. He pushed in the rest of the way, settling in easily due to your wetness. You were stretched to the max though, neither of your boys were small, and you were feeling fuller than ever before. “Please move” you begged after taking a few moments to adjust to their size.
Gently, the boys began to rock in and out of you in tandem. As Bucky pulled almost all the way out, Sam would thrust back in and vice versa. You began to moan and whimper unintelligible nonsense into the side of Sam’s throat, hands clutching at his muscular shoulders.
“You’re so wet for us, princess” Sam whispered, tone flooded with pleasure, hands still caressing your sides. You sighed happily at his praise.
Bucky sucked on two of his flesh fingers before reaching around to strum at your clit. You clenched around them tightly at the initial contact, letting out a high-pitched whine into Sam’s shoulder. “Fuuuuck baby” Sam panted, “Squeezing us so tight.”
“You gonna come for us a third time, babygirl?” Bucky teased and he rubbed your clit faster.
“Oh fuck” you whimpered, “Don’t stop, I’m so close” you panted.
“Come for us, baby” Sam grunted as he thrusted harder into you, he and Bucky both increasing their paces. “Wanna come for you sweetheart, but you’ve gotta let go first” Sam panted, his release nearing as well.
“Gonna fill you up with our cum” Bucky added, “but you have to come for us first babygirl, come on” he begged.
A few more flicks of Bucky’s strong fingers against your swollen nub and their cocks pumping into you vigorously, stroking every inch of your sensitive walls, and you came with a strangled shout, gushing around them. Your warm, slick release and the clenching of your muscles around them sent both your boys over the edge. They came grunting and panting, mumbled praises of how good you are to them. You felt the warmth of them coating you and mixing with your juices. It was running down your thighs as they pulled out of you, leaving you feeling exhausted and empty. You rolled off Sam, eyes closed, breathing heavily.
Bucky came up beside you, brushing your sweat slicked hair back from your face. “Hey, honey” he whispered, “You wanna go shower off and take a much-deserved siesta?” He scooped you up in his arms when you lazily nodded ‘yes’.
You rested your head where his neck met his shoulder, pressing gentle kisses to his collarbone, “Love you, buck” you mumbled in a sleepy haze.
“I love you too, babydoll” he smiled and kissed your forehead before gently setting you on your feet in the shower between himself and Sam.
“Mmmm, I love you Sammy” you cooed leaning in to give him a soft kiss under the warm stream of the shower.
“I love you too, sweetheart” he kissed you back softly.
The boys took their time washing you and themselves before helping you out of the shower and drying off. Sam carried you back to bed, and you cuddled up with your two boys under the thin sheet of your bed, drifting off to the feel of three soft hands on your body and one smoothe cold one.
I hope that was alright for a coming back from the dead piece. Thank you for reading!!
Tags: @wintersxsoul​ @barnesnroses​ @emilysallysmith​ @gennyld-blog​ @velvetbarnes​ @hiddles-rose​ @writingsoftheloser​ @legendaryloki​ @wolfsbucky​ @namebydot​ @geeksareunique​ @if-n0t-l8ter-when​ @snuggleducky​ @prettybabyboyjay​ @empyreanwritings​ @krystallynx​ @netflixa​ @loricameback​ @suz-123​ @buckys-cherry​ 
*not on my list but might be interested in reading: @sebs-nose​ @versdan​ <3
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make-me-imagine · 5 years
Ship Request please! Supernatural Guys please! Avengers Guys please! Hi! My name is Steph! Im a single mom of two boys, im in my 20s! Im pretty shy, extremely polite and i have a bad habit of saying “Sorry!” Too much, im a people pleaser, i care for others more than myself and i enjoy taking care of people. Im a huge book lover, storms, fall, muscle cars, wolves are my favorite animal, um i like country music? Um im not sure what else to say^^’ lol im kinda an introvert so my boys are my life
I ship you with Dean. He would think he was the luckiest guy in the world for having met you and your children. He would love them like his own and never let any harm come to them. He thinks your the most beautiful woman he’s ever met, and makes sure you know this every day.
How you met: You got caught up in a case when the boys came to town. Dean was smitten the second he saw you, and when he saw you when your sons he fell even harder for you.
Dates: Dean takes you for long rides in the impala (Sam watched your boys) and you too do random things. Arcades, movies, food, etc. Anything that sounds fun in the moment. But you two also go off for some quiet alone time too, usually involves sitting on the hood of the impala with some drinks and food watching the clouds move over you.
PDA/Cuddling: Dean is not afraid to make it obvious that you are dating. Hand on hips/back/waist, sudden but pinches, kisses on the head, cheek and lips. Plus he is def a cuddler at night, holding you against him as if you would disappear if he let go.
Best-Friend: That would obviously have to be Sam. He is the best uncle to your kids and treats you like the sister he never had
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I ship you with Clint. He loves kids so he would love your boys. He would often tease you about how nice you are, and would also chastise you for being too nice, reminding you that you don’t always have to do what others ask. He would do nice things for you all the time, buy you flowers, candy, books, etc. Plus he would show up with cool stuff for your boys too.
How you met: You ran into him in the middle of nowhere. You recognized him but tried not to make it obvious (it was). You found out that he had a farm nearby, and asked if you’d like to come see it. When you brought up your sons, thinking it might turn him away, he quickly suggested you bring them too
Dates: Picnics in the country-side, going to markets or fairs and having lunch, family dates to museums or movies.
PDA/Cuddling: He loves wrapping his arm around your waist, or across your shoulders as you walk together. He also loves cuddling on the couch, his hand gripping yours as he plants kisses on your head.
Best-Friend: Natasha. At first she intimidated you something awful, but then one day you saw her talking with your kids and they were laughing and she was smiling. You saw the lighter side of her and you two ended up becoming quick and loyal friends. 
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percywinchester27 · 6 years
Word count: 600-ish
Pairing: Dean X Reader
Warning: Severe PTSD (heed the warning), trauma
A/N: This is for @torn-and-frayed‘s Halloween with Dean drabble challenge. My prompt was: “Scream.” Thanks for the extension, Steph. You’re awesome <3 
Special thanks to @thing-you-do-with-that-thing for putting up with this fic, and putting up with me. I am sure the later takes so much more patience and effort than the former ever took. 
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She didn't talk, not yet anyway. But God, she screamed. Every night. And the scream pierced Dean like the ragged edge of a striated knife.
When he pulled her in his arms each night, he dreaded for the moment that was inevitably coming… because it always happened. Every damn time.
He and Sam had found her lying on the cold, crude concrete floor, bloody and broken. The moment he looked into her dying eyes, Dean knew there was no question of leaving her there. He still distinctly remembered the way she had clung to him; her shaking fingers clutching desperately at his jacket. When her eyes closed, it felt like the wind had been knocked out of him.
But, she'd made it. Like the fighter that she was, she'd made it through… but she’d lost her words.
There were the screams though, screams which Dean knew would haunt him for the rest of his life.
It had just happened. One night, she had slipped into his bed and he'd held her in his arms, tightening his hold with every passing second in an effort to put her back together. After that, it became a silent promise, that he'd hold her, that he'd protect her.
Now he'd just come to expect it. When she nestled against his chest every night, Dean wanted to hide her from her own thoughts. He would count hours, minutes and seconds till it happened. He wouldn't allow himself to sleep, because even a second's delay was not acceptable when it came to her. He had to be there for her, soothing her, before her scream even echoed off the walls. He had to be there to rub her back and whisper soft reassurances, convincing her bewildered self that she was fine, that she was home.
Afterwards, when she'd lapsed back into her fitful sleep, all tears finally spent, Dean would still find it hard to not think of the horrors she had went through… that she was still going through.
He struggled to find the words to make it better for her, or at least tell her how much he cared. He wanted her to know how much he wished it hadn't happened to her. Because if there was one thing he could ask for, he'd ask for her peace, without skipping a beat. The finality of this one thought was what gave it away. He was in love with her, and there was no going back.
The first time it happened, Dean thought he’d made a mistake. She couldn’t have spoken, could she? But she had. It had been more of an exclamation, but it was something and it seemed to have brought a lot of her back with with it.
Eventually she found more words, and she found her smile. The light in her eyes was back, and every second of that journey, Dean only fell deeper in love with her. Every morning he woke up thinking that today was the day he would get a grip. Today was the day he would stop falling harder, but he did anyway.
Every morning he vowed he would tell her that those hugs, those soft brushes of his skin against hers meant so much more to him than she realized. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, but seeing her smile just a little more than the day before, the words died on his lips, because he didn’t want her to retract back into the shell she was just starting to come out of. Because despite the improvement, the nightmares still found her every night still, causing the  blood-curdling and bone-chilling scream to echo through the Bunker.
Tonight, Dean was prepared. The moment the tiniest hint of a sob sounded from her, he shook her awake; gently, rousing her before she could even completely open her mouth. Maybe it was the vulnerability in her eyes, maybe it was the instinctive relaxation when she realized that she was with him, but Dean couldn't help it as he bent down and pressed his lips against hers, softly, hesitantly. What he didn't expect was for her to throw her arms around his neck, dig her heel into his back and melt against his body. The rest of his night was spent trying to somehow cram more love into the corners of his heart.
Who knew that words were never really needed to silence that scream. The answer had been him all along.
A/N 2: The drabble above is actually a part retelling of my fic Broken
Tagging a few: @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @sdavid09 @grace-for-sale @growningupgeek @bellastellaluna @blacktithe7 @supernatural-jackles @deanssweetheart23 @jayankles @jotink78 @feelmyroarrrr @mrswhozeewhatsis @plaidstiel-wormstache @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @torn-and-frayed @captainradicalpassion @melonberri @thevioletthourr @katiekatskorner @rhapsody-in-flannel  @roxyspearing @atc74
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flauntpage · 7 years
Russell Westbrook's Mega-Extension is More Complicated Than You Think
Russell Westbrook signed the largest contract extension in NBA history this afternoon, which means the Oklahoma City Thunder can finally exhale. The league's reigning Most Valuable Player, a two-time scoring champion who's coming off an unprecedented year in which—in case you haven't heard—he averaged a triple-double, will now likely remain with the same organization for his whole first-ballot-Hall-of-Fame career.
It's a wonderful outcome for everyone involved. Westbrook gets long-term security (and an insane amount of money on top of his recent 10-year pact with Jordan Brand) while the Thunder don't have to worry about him leaving for greener pasture this summer, when Paul George and Carmelo Anthony can also become unrestricted free agents.
Small-market organizations crave stability above everything else. They're rarely sturdy enough to survive a volatile marketplace, and a variety of factors are making it harder to rebuild on the fly—including the NBA's recent lottery reform, which OKC was the only team to vote against.
If Westbrook departed, and the Thunder fell to the bottom, there's a decent chance they might stay there for a very, very long time. And with fans who don't know what prolonged failure feels like, it's fair to wonder if professional basketball in Oklahoma would even exist a decade from now .
But, of course, Westbrook signed the extension. And now the franchise's future is moored to Westbrook's animatronic hustle. He's a generational figure, and even if the Thunder landed three straight top-three picks in the draft, it's far from certain they'd find someone as dominant and relentless as he's proven to be.
If Paul George opts out of his deal and re-signs a five-year max contract with the Thunder this summer, people will look back at today as the franchise's momentous turning point. Westbrook's faith in general manger Sam Presti may just incentivize George to stick around. And in doing so, other stars around the league may be interested in ways they weren't three or four years ago.
In case it isn't clear, the Thunder had no choice but to offer Westbrook this deal and they should be over the moon he signed it. But that doesn't mean there isn't still a lot of pressure on this year's team to perform for the sake of the organization's long-term health. If they disappoint and George walks, the Thunder will likely spend the next few years floating through mediocrity, a re-run of their carnivalesque 2016-17 campaign.
This extension is a lot of money over many years and Westbrook's best days may be in the rearview mirror. He'll earn about $38.1 million alone during his age 31 season, the second year of the new contract. It doesn't expire until he turns 34. Things could get very ugly on the back end, as his physical advantages decline and his price tag goes up.
FiveThirtyEight's CARMELO Projections don't have Westbrook falling completely off the map, but his game isn't expected to age well, either. Despite making a career-high 34.3 percent of his threes on 7.2 attempts per game last season, he's not a particularly accurate outside shooter, which cuts into how he can ultimately complement those around him within the confines of a muddy playoff series.
He's very eliant on his unparalleled athleticism, and, considering the fact that he's had multiple surgeries and procedures throughout his career (most recently a platelet-rich plasma injection in his right knee that's kept him out of training camp), health should be a concern.
On top of all that, the timing here isn't great. Locking Westbrook up while the Golden State Warriors sit on top of the basketball universe is unfortunate if Oklahoma City's goal is to win a championship during their franchise player's prime. Several teams around the league have opted to compete in the future instead of the present, and while Golden State's dominance shouldn't behoove the Thunder (or anybody else) to hit the rest button, now is as good a time in NBA history to start over.
Oklahoma City's financial situation is another topic worth discussing. How will the once-fickle Clay Bennett treat the luxury tax going forward? Even though this team didn't report a loss last year, they've paid into the revenue sharing system going on six consecutive seasons, according to ESPN. If they stay above the tax this year, they'll face harsh repeater tax penalties in 2018-19, and competing from here on out with the Warriors, Houston Rockets, and Los Angeles Lakers (organizations that print money) won't be cheap.
But if that's the cost of having Russell Westbrook, well that's the cost of having Russell Westbrook. Anything can happen when you have a top-six player. Steph Curry could tear his ACL tomorrow and Kevin Durant could decide he really loves Magic Johnson and wants to play in L.A. in 2019 leaving the Thunder as the league's top team. The NBA, by nature, is highly unpredictable.
With Westbrook in the fold for the long haul, life is much more predictable, and that's exactly how Oklahoma City wants it to be.
Russell Westbrook's Mega-Extension is More Complicated Than You Think published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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Russell Westbrook’s Mega-Extension is More Complicated Than You Think
Russell Westbrook signed the largest contract extension in NBA history this afternoon, which means the Oklahoma City Thunder can finally exhale. The league’s reigning Most Valuable Player, a two-time scoring champion who’s coming off an unprecedented year in which—in case you haven’t heard—he averaged a triple-double, will now likely remain with the same organization for his whole first-ballot-Hall-of-Fame career.
It’s a wonderful outcome for everyone involved. Westbrook gets long-term security (and an insane amount of money on top of his recent 10-year pact with Jordan Brand) while the Thunder don’t have to worry about him leaving for greener pasture this summer, when Paul George and Carmelo Anthony can also become unrestricted free agents.
Small-market organizations crave stability above everything else. They’re rarely sturdy enough to survive a volatile marketplace, and a variety of factors are making it harder to rebuild on the fly—including the NBA’s recent lottery reform, which OKC was the only team to vote against.
If Westbrook departed, and the Thunder fell to the bottom, there’s a decent chance they might stay there for a very, very long time. And with fans who don’t know what prolonged failure feels like, it’s fair to wonder if professional basketball in Oklahoma would even exist a decade from now .
But, of course, Westbrook signed the extension. And now the franchise’s future is moored to Westbrook’s animatronic hustle. He’s a generational figure, and even if the Thunder landed three straight top-three picks in the draft, it’s far from certain they’d find someone as dominant and relentless as he’s proven to be.
If Paul George opts out of his deal and re-signs a five-year max contract with the Thunder this summer, people will look back at today as the franchise’s momentous turning point. Westbrook’s faith in general manger Sam Presti may just incentivize George to stick around. And in doing so, other stars around the league may be interested in ways they weren’t three or four years ago.
In case it isn’t clear, the Thunder had no choice but to offer Westbrook this deal and they should be over the moon he signed it. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t still a lot of pressure on this year’s team to perform for the sake of the organization’s long-term health. If they disappoint and George walks, the Thunder will likely spend the next few years floating through mediocrity, a re-run of their carnivalesque 2016-17 campaign.
This extension is a lot of money over many years and Westbrook’s best days may be in the rearview mirror. He’ll earn about $38.1 million alone during his age 31 season, the second year of the new contract. It doesn’t expire until he turns 34. Things could get very ugly on the back end, as his physical advantages decline and his price tag goes up.
FiveThirtyEight’s CARMELO Projections don’t have Westbrook falling completely off the map, but his game isn’t expected to age well, either. Despite making a career-high 34.3 percent of his threes on 7.2 attempts per game last season, he’s not a particularly accurate outside shooter, which cuts into how he can ultimately complement those around him within the confines of a muddy playoff series.
He’s very eliant on his unparalleled athleticism, and, considering the fact that he’s had multiple surgeries and procedures throughout his career (most recently a platelet-rich plasma injection in his right knee that’s kept him out of training camp), health should be a concern.
On top of all that, the timing here isn’t great. Locking Westbrook up while the Golden State Warriors sit on top of the basketball universe is unfortunate if Oklahoma City’s goal is to win a championship during their franchise player’s prime. Several teams around the league have opted to compete in the future instead of the present, and while Golden State’s dominance shouldn’t behoove the Thunder (or anybody else) to hit the rest button, now is as good a time in NBA history to start over.
Oklahoma City’s financial situation is another topic worth discussing. How will the once-fickle Clay Bennett treat the luxury tax going forward? Even though this team didn’t report a loss last year, they’ve paid into the revenue sharing system going on six consecutive seasons, according to ESPN. If they stay above the tax this year, they’ll face harsh repeater tax penalties in 2018-19, and competing from here on out with the Warriors, Houston Rockets, and Los Angeles Lakers (organizations that print money) won’t be cheap.
But if that’s the cost of having Russell Westbrook, well that’s the cost of having Russell Westbrook. Anything can happen when you have a top-six player. Steph Curry could tear his ACL tomorrow and Kevin Durant could decide he really loves Magic Johnson and wants to play in L.A. in 2019 leaving the Thunder as the league’s top team. The NBA, by nature, is highly unpredictable.
With Westbrook in the fold for the long haul, life is much more predictable, and that’s exactly how Oklahoma City wants it to be.
Russell Westbrook’s Mega-Extension is More Complicated Than You Think syndicated from http://ift.tt/2ug2Ns6
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topsolarpanels · 7 years
The 76 ers’ mad analytics experimentation was doomed to fail- but at least it was memorable
Basketball had never seen an attempt to build a franchise the route Sam Hinkie wanted to. And with Colangelo and DAntoni now on board, were unlikely to see it again
The Sixers have attained losers out of all of us.
The 1-29 experiment in tanking analytics is being tainted by the introduction of basketball people in Jerry Colangelo and Mike DAntoni. After more than two and a half years of of Sam Hinkie being able to do whatever he wants, dump any asset and draft every damaged 7ft guy the world over, those above Hinkie are now forcing him to be influenced by two guys whose knowledge of statistical analysis probably ends with recognizing also that a three-pointer is worth more than a two-pointer.
In Colangelo and DAntoni, chairman of basketball operations and associate head coach-and-four respectively, the Sixers are wrecking what mad statistician/ GM Hinkie was constructing before we all got to see the final Frankenstatistic product. The Sixers are like a bold avant garde movie that had the studio fell Keanu Reeves and Reese Witherspoon into it halfway through filming. Pulling Hinkies computer plug now is like refusing to allow infinite monkeys to finish writing on their typewriters.
Its dropping the funding on the development of an alternative energy vehicle that was to be fueled entirely on weed smoke.
If those analogies are bad or confounding or tortured, theyre even more fitting for whatever it is that Hinkie was attempting to do with his bad and confounding and tormented Sixers. Unfortunately , now well never know. Because now the Sixers have basketball people with basketball knowledge.
Jeff Skversky (@ JeffSkversky) December 21, 2015
#Sixers chairperson Jerry Colangelo tells #ESPN the #Sixers are absence basketball people& knowledge – that’s why they hired Mike D’Antoni
Yuck. With the input of Colangelo and DAntoni, the Sixers will no doubt become like any other squad, scratching and clawing for semi-relevance and a low playoff seed barring a generational star falling into their laps.
Hinkie promised something different. No squad had ever tanked like Hinkies Sixers. Previous sports tankings were designed to land one special player and then instantly get to work on contending. Hinkies tanking was indefinite, geared to draft no one in particular other than maybe discovering the NBAs first eight-footer and didnt promise arguing any time soon. This is a team that has won one of its last 40 games over two seasons and indicates zero signs of arriving improvement.
Basketball had never seen an attempt to build a franchise this route. And with the Sixers giving up, were unlikely to ever see it again.
Maybe Colangelo, Hinkie, DAntoni and Brett Brown will mesh perfectly and build a balanced squad in Philadelphia that will contend for championships in the near future. But even if that happens, well still be left with the nagging is the issue of what might have been. Awesome or terrible and it was looking more and more like terrible Hinkies ultimate The Process Sixers were going to be memorable.
Weve lost them eternally. We are losers. We are all just Sixers now.
Vine of the week
Alex Kennedy (@ AlexKennedyNBA) December 18, 2015
Kevin Durant x Dr J – Under The Basket Reverse Layup( Vine by @TheCauldron) https :// t.co/ BnTBDgJQy5
In last weeks tight four-point loss at Cleveland, Durant pulled off a pretty spot-on Dr J impression in the first quarter. But its not even Durants best Julius Erving-style reverse layup in his career. Check out this ridiculousness from three seasons ago against the Nuggets TAGEND
When your wingspan is that of an adult condor, the normal binds of sidelines and backboards simply dont apply.
How did LeBron carry the Cavalier this week?
After LeBron sat out back on December 5 in Clevelands loss to the Heat, he has returned to median 27, six and five as Cleveland has won five in a row. Kyrie Irving even owes his first points of the season to LeBron thanks to James passing up a dunk on Sunday to give Irving an easy bucket.
Somewhere someone awful ripped James for over-passing on this play.
Quote of the week
I actually feel sorry for people who have nothing to do on Christmas Day other than watch an NBA game. I think we get a little carried away with ourselves in sports supposing were more important than everything else. Stan Van Gundy
Full disclosure: that hilarious quote is not from this week. Its not even from this year. Van Gundy said it back in 2009 when he was head coach-and-four of the Orlando Magic.( Fun fact: the Magic were then penalty by Scrooge Stern over Van Gundys public objection to working on Christmas. Really .) Van Gundys Pistons arent scheduled to play on Christmas this year, so he can expend the vacation doing whatever it is that people with rich, full lives do instead of watching basketball. Watching A Christmas Story over and over maybe?
Power Rankings
1. Golden State Warriors( Last week: 1 )
After their slip-up against the Bucks, the Warriors seem to be rolling on towards the 1996 Bulls wins record with back-to-back victories by an average margin of 17 points. But maybe not everything is perfect. Consider that Steph Curry is shooting just 47% from the floor in his last four games while NBA laughing stock Kobe Bryant is shooting 51% in his last four. Can the Warriors genuinely expect to win a title in 2015 with a shooting guard who is worse than Kobe? Hashtag: FunWithStats.
2. San Antonio Spurs( 2 )
Gregg Popovich is on-record as disliking the three-point shoot, but Kawhi Leonard is on pace for a career-high in three-pointers made and his 47.2 three-point percentage is even better than Currys. Leonard better knock it off or he could get benched.
3. Cleveland Cavaliers( 4 )
Kyrie Irving played his first game of the season on Sunday against the Sixers. Bullying is incorrect and the Cavaliers should apologize.
4. Oklahoma City Thunder( 3 )
Kevin Durant hit a go-ahead jumper with 5.8 seconds left on Monday night and then blocked Chris Paul as day expired to give the Thunder a 100 -9 9 win in Los Angeles against the Clippers. Its probably more productive if we all stop debating if Durant or Russell Westbrook is the best player on the Thunder and instead talking here how fun it is to watch a team play that has both of them healthy and in their primes.
5. Miami Heat (8 )
The Heat are said to be a possible landing place for Dwight Howard in a potential trade, which are truly be a good deal for Miami if theyre looking to get a 30 year-old player in rapid decline who is owed $23 million next year.
6. Atlanta Hawks( 16 )
Dennis Schroder had a tooth knocked out against Portland on Monday night and reacted by calmly placing it in his sock.
Joe Giglio (@ JoeGiglioSports) December 22, 2015
Dennis Schroder lost a tooth last night and decided to set it in his sock. https :// t.co/ QWPc7MaPw 5
If Schroder puts things like teeth in his socks, the lint tray in his washing machine must be quite a sight.
7. Indiana Pacers( 9 )
George Hill is the next Jason Kidd. Not because hes a future Hall of Famer. Hes not. Hes just a point guard who, like Kidd, will forever have regrettable photos of himself online with a blonde dye chore.
8. Toronto Raptors( 5 )
The Raptors have lost three of four, including a 10 -point home loss to the lowly Kings on Monday. Maybe the unusually warm wintertime climate has tricked them into playing like they do in April.
9. Dallas Mavericks( 11 )
Head coach Rick Carlisle tells Chandler Parson has been a lot of hard work to recover from hybrid microfracture surgery on his right knee: Everybody wants a nice cooked steak, but nobody wants to see you chopping up the cows in the back. The last five or six months, Parson has been in the back butchering clows thats the kind of work hes had to do. Rick, you play in Texas. Everyone is absolutely fine with chopping up cows.
10. Chicago Bulls( 6 )
The Bulls have lost three in a row and Jimmy Butler tells new head coach-and-four Fred Hoiberg needs to coach the team a lot harder. Before this year, the Bulls were coached by the ball of stress and rage that is Tom Thibodeau, so Butlers idea of what constitutes intense coaching may be a little bit skewed.
11. Detroit Pistons( 15 )
The Pistons released Josh Smith a year ago today. Detroit was 5-23 at the time and has gone 43 -3 9 since. Perhaps the Clippers, Smiths current employer, should try to turn their lucks around by releasing him this year.
12. Orlando Magic( 14 )
As 24 year-old Magic center Nikola Vucevic continues to take steps to toward becoming a star, its fun to think back to 2012 when he was a throw-in with Andre Iguodala in the trade that netted the Sixers Andrew Bynum and Jason Richardson. What if the Sixers had maintained Vucevic? Sam Hinkie would have yet another talented seven-footer on his roster. On the downside, Vucevic would be helping Hinkies squad win games.
13. Boston Celtics( 10 )
Celtics fans dedicated Kevin Garnett a long salute on Monday night in what was probably his last-ever game in Boston.
Garnett smiled broadly even though his squad lost. This is not the same Kevin Garnett who played in Boston.
14. Los Angeles Clippers( 7 )
The disappointing Clippers and awful Lakers play on Christmas Day. The only way the sports day can get worse in L.A. is if everyone wakes up and find the Rams and Chargers under their tree.
15. Houston Rockets( 17 ) The Rockets have won three in a row thanks to playing their best defense of the season. And just think how hard the rest of the team has to play defense when James Harden is doing this TAGEND
YannickYounique (@ Yannick_DYB) December 20, 2015
I know we say it all the time but James Harden is the worst defender ever pic.twitter.com/ e5mMkKiVtk
16. Charlotte Bobcats( 12 )
Just when we all guessed the Bobcats might finally be turning the corner, they ran and lost four of five to fall out of the top eight in the Eastern Conference. This is where a clever Internet person would insert the Jordan screaming meme.
17. Memphis Grizzlies( 13 )
The Grizzlies are showing signs that their new small-ball approach could pay off. Now they just have to perfect it to the point of besting the small-ball champ Warriors. Good luck, guys!
18. Washington Wizards( 20 )
John Wall dished out a career-high 19 shall take part in Mondays win over the Kings only to injury his ribs in the final minutes. This is your latest reminder that Washington D.C. sports cant ever win.
19. Utah Jazz( 18 )
The Jazz beat the Sun on Monday night, allowing them to retain the No. 8 place in the West at 12 -1 4. The Western Conference continues to make a strong suit that it is the new Eastern Conference.
20. Milwaukee Bucks( 21 )
Do the Bucks deserve to be in the Top 20? No, probably not. They lost by 18 to the Lakers a week ago, after all. But Milwaukee is the only team to beat the Warriors this season and with Golden State looking for revenge back on Friday, the Bucks had a 10 -point fourth one-quarter result!( Before ultimately losing by nine .) That deserves a trophy. Maybe even a parade. It at least deserves a place in the Top 20 of our power rankings , no matter how temporary.
21. New York Knicks( 20 ) 22. Denver Nuggets( 24 ) 23. Sacramento Kings( 26 ) 24. Phoenix Suns( 24 ) 25. Minnesota Timberwolves( 25 ) 26. Portland Trail Blazers( 22 ) 27. New Orleans Pelicans( 28 ) 28. Brooklyn Nets( 27 ) 29. Los Angeles Lakers( 29 ) 30. Philadelphia 76 ers( 30 )
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post The 76 ers’ mad analytics experimentation was doomed to fail- but at least it was memorable appeared first on Top Rated Solar Panels.
from Top Rated Solar Panels http://ift.tt/2nEiIBR via IFTTT
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flauntpage · 7 years
Russell Westbrook's Mega-Extension is More Complicated Than You Think
Russell Westbrook signed the largest contract extension in NBA history this afternoon, which means the Oklahoma City Thunder can finally exhale. The league's reigning Most Valuable Player, a two-time scoring champion who's coming off an unprecedented year in which—in case you haven't heard—he averaged a triple-double, will now likely remain with the same organization for his whole first-ballot-Hall-of-Fame career.
It's a wonderful outcome for everyone involved. Westbrook gets long-term security (and an insane amount of money on top of his recent 10-year pact with Jordan Brand) while the Thunder don't have to worry about him leaving for greener pasture this summer, when Paul George and Carmelo Anthony can also become unrestricted free agents.
Small-market organizations crave stability above everything else. They're rarely sturdy enough to survive a volatile marketplace, and a variety of factors are making it harder to rebuild on the fly—including the NBA's recent lottery reform, which OKC was the only team to vote against.
If Westbrook departed, and the Thunder fell to the bottom, there's a decent chance they might stay there for a very, very long time. And with fans who don't know what prolonged failure feels like, it's fair to wonder if professional basketball in Oklahoma would even exist a decade from now .
But, of course, Westbrook signed the extension. And now the franchise's future is moored to Westbrook's animatronic hustle. He's a generational figure, and even if the Thunder landed three straight top-three picks in the draft, it's far from certain they'd find someone as dominant and relentless as he's proven to be.
If Paul George opts out of his deal and re-signs a five-year max contract with the Thunder this summer, people will look back at today as the franchise's momentous turning point. Westbrook's faith in general manger Sam Presti may just incentivize George to stick around. And in doing so, other stars around the league may be interested in ways they weren't three or four years ago.
In case it isn't clear, the Thunder had no choice but to offer Westbrook this deal and they should be over the moon he signed it. But that doesn't mean there isn't still a lot of pressure on this year's team to perform for the sake of the organization's long-term health. If they disappoint and George walks, the Thunder will likely spend the next few years floating through mediocrity, a re-run of their carnivalesque 2016-17 campaign.
This extension is a lot of money over many years and Westbrook's best days may be in the rearview mirror. He'll earn about $38.1 million alone during his age 31 season, the second year of the new contract. It doesn't expire until he turns 34. Things could get very ugly on the back end, as his physical advantages decline and his price tag goes up.
FiveThirtyEight's CARMELO Projections don't have Westbrook falling completely off the map, but his game isn't expected to age well, either. Despite making a career-high 34.3 percent of his threes on 7.2 attempts per game last season, he's not a particularly accurate outside shooter, which cuts into how he can ultimately complement those around him within the confines of a muddy playoff series.
He's very eliant on his unparalleled athleticism, and, considering the fact that he's had multiple surgeries and procedures throughout his career (most recently a platelet-rich plasma injection in his right knee that's kept him out of training camp), health should be a concern.
On top of all that, the timing here isn't great. Locking Westbrook up while the Golden State Warriors sit on top of the basketball universe is unfortunate if Oklahoma City's goal is to win a championship during their franchise player's prime. Several teams around the league have opted to compete in the future instead of the present, and while Golden State's dominance shouldn't behoove the Thunder (or anybody else) to hit the rest button, now is as good a time in NBA history to start over.
Oklahoma City's financial situation is another topic worth discussing. How will the once-fickle Clay Bennett treat the luxury tax going forward? Even though this team didn't report a loss last year, they've paid into the revenue sharing system going on six consecutive seasons, according to ESPN. If they stay above the tax this year, they'll face harsh repeater tax penalties in 2018-19, and competing from here on out with the Warriors, Houston Rockets, and Los Angeles Lakers (organizations that print money) won't be cheap.
But if that's the cost of having Russell Westbrook, well that's the cost of having Russell Westbrook. Anything can happen when you have a top-six player. Steph Curry could tear his ACL tomorrow and Kevin Durant could decide he really loves Magic Johnson and wants to play in L.A. in 2019 leaving the Thunder as the league's top team. The NBA, by nature, is highly unpredictable.
With Westbrook in the fold for the long haul, life is much more predictable, and that's exactly how Oklahoma City wants it to be.
Russell Westbrook's Mega-Extension is More Complicated Than You Think published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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