#sagau yae miko x reader
krowlovesinazuma · 1 month
Could you do marriage headcannons for miko with the creator
Read this prologue for context!
Scenario: Marriage
Characters: Yae Miko
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Thanks to Inazuma's traditional values and culture, marriage is seen as quite the symbolic, and important social event, that can change one's life forever. As such, there are some that simply decide to live without it.
Ironically, Miko was one of these people. It made sense, as a youkai, to simply watch and not get too attached to the townsfolk, content with her influence as a shrine maiden and taking care of her publishing company. With her duties, and youkai lifespan, it just wasn't logical.
That's why, even when you appeared, showing such a fascination and preference for her, she never once thought about the possibility of marriage, and as such, you're the one bringing the topic up as a possibility! It's a certain way to catch her off guard.
She thinks it's a joke, or an exaggeration of your feelings at first, but when you refuse to drop the subject, or start imagining things, she decides to question you seriously, just in case. Better to settle this quickly, than let it drag on and confuse you!
She'll ask if you're really alright with the prospect of being attached to her for the rest of her life. As for if she's willing... Years ago, she wouldn't have given it a thought, but being with you made her happier than anything else in her life!
When you accept, Miko will ask for a break from both of her duties for a while, to embark on a sweet honeymoon with you! She'll take the chance to step away from Inazuma like you used to do with her when you controlled her from outside. She has so many places she wants to see again, now with you by her side!
While the ceremony and marriage could be done in public, Miko would rather it stay between the two of you. Not only does it make it more comfortable for her to show her true feelings, but it's way less of a hassle to prepare and maintain!
Life with Miko is quite interesting! As her creator, she makes sure that you're comfortable and satisfied, but she never resists her urge to tease and play with you for long. Since it's never as bad in public though, you can tease her back and see her true emotions!
She'll soften up whenever you ask for it, and sometimes she'll ask you to be fully compliant if she had a stressful day. Trust me, she really needs it from time to time, especially with the process of making Inazuma open again...
What about in public then? Miko uses the chance to make both hers, and your image even more mysterious! Teasing visitors that get curious, and making rumors spread, all while letting you have fun with them as well!
Overall, life with her is quite peaceful and relaxing if you're devoted to it, and listen to her wishes. Do so, and she'll be more than happy to listen to yours, and give you the comfiest life you could've dreamt of!
"Dear... Be a good darling and get on the couch for me. I want to cuddle you for a moment... Ugh, you wouldn't believe the nerve of some customers, demanding to meet me face to face when I'm clearly so busy. Yes yes, the others tried to convince him, but it wasn't enough to get through his thick skull. Shhh... Just be a good pillow for me, I need it."
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whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 4
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 3, Part 5
TW: this has death, mentions of child abuse, and more heavy topics. Remember that SAGAU is (usually) a yandere au and yanderes are a warning by themselves. Plus SAGAU is a cult, that makes it 10x worse depending on how it is. You've been warned.
You wake up feeling refreshed for once. You managed to get a full sleep and when you felt your face, the mask was still there. As you get off the bed your foot touches the bag the clothes were brought in. Now with more clothing options, you take a shower ready to properly wash your body.
The shower attached to your room was small and clean. This wasn't earth so no shower or bathtub but what they had was the closest to it since the Kamisato's were rich. In fact, you would even say it's better than Earth. Were the water bills here as high as it is on Earth?
You soaked in the warm water as you scrubbed away the filth. From the dirt to the dried blood and the pus from the electric wounds. Your hands traced the faint scars that covered your body. Little nicks from knives to full-on stab wounds from a certain relative.
Some days they felt like battle scars. You looked at them proud of how far you've come, how much you've survived from. Other days or most days you should say, they felt like your failures were on display. Whether from lack of awareness or for failing to save him.
The thought of him still makes you sad even though it's been years since it happened. It seems being in another world in a whole new situation couldn't shake his influence from your life. You aren't completely sure if that's a good or bad thing.
You finish your bath and apply first-aid to the minor wounds. You were quite skilled in this area from years of practice. Looking through the bag with a critical eye you choose one of the new outfits. It's unlike anything on earth. Both in style and fabric. Actually that's probably cause you were never able to afford high-quality clothes like this.
In typical Genshin fashion, it was asymmetrical with many accessories. You left most of the accessories in the bag and only wore the body suit pieces with the shirt and pants. Your feet cried in relief with the new socks and shoes.
As you finish doing your hair, someone knocks on the door. You open it to see a servant handing you a tray of food.
"Good morning, I'm here to deliver your food and a message." You take the tray from them and listen.
"The weekly festival and ritual for the creator will be happening this afternoon. As such Lord Kamisato has requested that you leave for Ritou after it. 'An oracle should attend even if not publicly. Especially as it's the Kamisato Clan's turn this week.' That is what Lord Kamisato message says."
Fuck. A ritual and festival for you? That's just begging for your bad luck to bite you in the ass again. You can already see yourself accidentally meeting Ei there.
"Thoma will bring you there after lunch. If you have any more questions please don't hesitate to ask." The servant gives you a moment to voice any questions before leaving.
Everything you wanted to ask isn't something they could have answered so it was best to wait till Thoma picked you up. You set the tray down and begin eating, it seemed this day wasn't going to be any less hectic than yesterday.
You were stuck in the estate while waiting for Thoma to pick you up. You couldn't leave in fear of meeting an enemy and dying. You may be the creator and should be a god therefore immortal. But did you really want to test that? No. You've skimmed by death enough times to know it's painful.
Trying to be productive you thought back on when you first arrived on Seirai Island. Now that you have a good identity with the Kamisato's approval you need to worry about living difficulties.
How will you get mora? A job would be best but you need one that allows you to travel around. You couldn't risk getting attached to one place in case your identity is compromised. It also can't be stationed in Inazuma meaning Komaniya Express was out of the question. The Adventurers' Guild was the only option.
You could probably sign up sometime during the festival but that could be risky if Ei requests their records to search for you. If the opportunity arises then you'll sign up today, if not then you'll do it in Liyue.
Since you'll be traveling around then a home or apartment isn't necessary. You'll probably need some camping gear to sleep and cook. Thankfully your life on earth has already taught you what you do and don't need. Plus a weightless game bag with little to no limit is priceless.
Now the hardest part is how you'll deal with the enemies. You don't know how to wield a weapon outside of a pocket knife and you had no controllable elemental powers. (The anemo and geo that helped you yesterday did not count. You couldn't actively call upon them.)
Learning a weapon was hard. A brand new skill and you weren't even sure which would work best with you. No vision, delusion (not that you would ever use one), gnosis, or main character powers like the traveler. You were really in a tight position, would the Guild even hire you?
The moment you think that you almost laugh at yourself. If reckless Pallad who was so weak he couldn't run away from slimes. Clueless Lynn that couldn't find apples or sunsettias unless they were handed to her. And Tiantian who doesn't even know what the Adventurer's Guild does could all be hired, then so can you.
That doesn't fix the initial problem as they all stay in their nations while you'll be traveling. Hilichurls and other monsters' aggressiveness may have been exaggerated for the games sake. But that doesn't mean they aren't aggressive and can't attack you.
A series of knocks matching a melody are heard on the door. Were you really deep in thought for that long?
Opening the door, Thoma stands on the other side with a smile. "Y/N, are you ready to get going? The festival is going to start soon and my lord went early with my lady to prepare the ritual. I can show you around it while we wait for the main event."
His fast-paced speech showed off just how excited he was. It was a cute sight. Would this count as a date?
"Yeah, I'm ready to go. Everything I have is in my bag."
"Perfect then let's get going." Thoma takes your hand and leaves the estate with you. You begin the trek with Thoma when you remember your original questions about the ritual.
"So this must be pretty popular if it's done every week. In the message Ayato sent me, he said it was the Yashiro Commission's turn. Does that mean the other Commissions take the other weeks? Who does the last week?"
"The last week is a collaboration of the Tri-Comission with the Elctro Archon in charge. We take the first week, the second week is the Kanjou Commission, and the third week is the Tenryou Commission. It's courtesy for each commissioner to attend them all but the Electro Archon only attends hers."
So no accidentally running into Ei at the festival? Perfect but you'll still be on guard. Ei may be the biggest threat but you haven't forgotten the others. Ayato, Yae, and Heizou were the top people to avoid to keep your identity. You had no choice but to meet Ayato and even though it worked out, you didn't want a repeat of that.
"Then the last one must be the most exciting. Can you tell me more about what to expect?" Thoma helps you past the rocky path as you are halfway to Inazuma City. His grip is tight when you jump off a particularly steep ledge.
"When we get there the ritual won't start yet but the festival will be in full swing. You'll be free to walk around and look at the stalls. Food, drinks, games, merchandise of the creator, and even some small plays."
"Merchandise and plays?" It's weird thinking that you have official merch. Especially since no one knows that you are the face of said merchandise. You'll probably need to buy some to upkeep your oracle schtick.
"Yup! Merchandise can range from posters, clothing, plushies, and even decorative food. The scriptures say that the creator is especially fond of F/F." Wow, they even know your favorite food.
"Would they be selling the actual food at the festival too?" Please say yes. You've been dying to eat something from your world. Teyvat is great and you don't miss your old life but that doesn't mean you don't miss the things you used to have there.
"Of course they do! Everyone loves to experience what the creator loves to feel closer to them. As for the plays, they differ every so often. Sometimes it's the classic 'Creator making Teyvat' while sometimes it's something more farfetched like 'Creator using the traveler and acolytes for their will'."
You're not sure if your wish is arrogant but you kinda want to see one of these plays. Hopefully, if you have the time you can watch one before the festival ends. You can see Inazuma City coming closer and closer.
"Then what exactly is the ritual?"
Thoma smiles mischievously at your insistent question. "You'll just have to wait and see. Since the creator sees through you best, we wanted it to be a surprise."
Sighing you give up, it didn't really matter since you'll be seeing it in person. You climb the steps and finally look around as the surroundings slowly got more colorful. Banners of you with a gold cloak on are situated all around.
Awed you let Thoma lead you deeper into the city. Many stalls were set up with everything Thoma said. The people were no longer NPCs with similar models and nearly identical clothes. Instead, people of all types were chatting as they walked the streets. Colorful kimonos, yukatas, and what were those called? Happi? Either way, the sheer variety and amount of people stunned you. The 'crowds' in Genshin always looked lackluster so this was a wonderful surprise.
All around you could hear everyone speaking about someone. About you.
"What a beautiful work of art. I'm sure the creator would be pleased if I hung this up in my house."
"The perfect figurine of the creator. I'm sure this shows only a fraction of their perfection."
"Mommy, can I please see the play? Mr. Sorahiko promised to do the play about the creator and the archons. It's my favorite one!"
"Yet again I had enough rent and a free day to attend the first ritual of the month. Our beloved creator always looks out for us."
Man, you weren't sure how they would react if they knew you were the creator. In fact would you even still be the same if you lived a year or two as the creator? You're most likely to get a savior or god complex judging by how they talk about you.
Thoma smiles at the sight of your excitement. The way your eyes never stop on one place for too long. Your fidgeting as if you can't wait to be freed and explore. He had made sure to have this time off to spend it with you. He wanted to spend as much time with you until you left.
"Y/N, I'll show you the best spots and places. Trust me when I say that-"
"THOMA!" Thoma is cut off by the yell of his name. The way his eyelids drop and his lips scowl for a second show his annoyance. Was this person super annoying or something?
It's an old man with balding white hair and a slightly hunched back. He's behind the counter of Shimura's restaurant. He must be the owner, Shimura Kanbei.
"Thoma get over here! I need to speak with you!" Yeah, you can definitely understand Thoma's annoyance now. From what you can remember Shimura only ever bitched about Uyuu restaurant. But he was also a samurai so maybe that's why he's so rowdy?
Thoma smiles apologetically at you and says, "Just give me a minute please." You nod and watch Thoma go to Shimura. They talk and Thoma seems very insistent on something while Shimura keeps refusing. Seems Thoma lost the argument by the way he walks back to you with a disappointed expression.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I won't be able to spend time with you like I wanted. I owe Mr. Shimura a favor and he wants to cash it in now. I tried to convince him to let me repay it another time but it seems he needs it now. Again I'm really sorry Y/N."
Thoma's head was hanging and his eyes were closed with resignation. It was like looking at a sad puppy who was being punished for breaking his toy. You can't resist reaching over to pat his hair.
His eyes shoot open in confusion but he doesn't move away. He only stares at you with an unreadable expression and an embarrassed flush. You can't help but laugh a little and move your hand away after getting your fill of patting him.
"Sorry if that was sudden. You just looked really cute, like a puppy. You don't have to apologize for doing your job Mr. Fixer. This isn't the last time we'll see each other so go ahead and help the old man."
He looks away with a smile when you call him cute. He enjoys the way his face feels hot when you are around. The feeling of your hand on his hair was surprising but very nice. He wished you left it there a little longer. Maybe even forever.
"Thank you Y/N, I'll finish this up quickly and then join you! But before I forget, here, this is for you from my lord and lady." Thoma takes out a thick pouch and hands it to you.
The clinking, weight, and shape of the pouch give it away immediately. You open it a little to see loads of mora inside it. You could kiss Ayato, Ayaka and Thoma. You were no longer broke! Eagerly you put it into your bag for safekeeping.
"Use the money for whatever you wish. It's a present from them."
'I'll be sure to thank them when I see them. And thank you too Thoma for delivering it and escorting me here. Now go finish helping Shimura, we can hang out afterward."
Thoma smiles and jogs back to Shimura. You wave goodbye before strolling down the street. Once you get to a less crowded area you sit down and open your bag.
The game screen pops up and although the pouch is no longer there, your mora has gone way up. Instead of 108 mora, it's now 150, 108 mora. Knowing someone else gave you this money purely for whatever you want is really nice... Is this how Zhongli feels whenever Hu Tao and Childe pay for him?
Well, you won't be using most of this money, an oracle that wishes to stay hidden should live a frugal lifestyle. Plus you never know when you'll need to pay someone off to keep your face hidden. Even still spending some of the money now to enjoy this festival wouldn't be that bad. Right?
With renewed enthusiasm, you set off to explore the stalls. You make sure to keep your eyes peeled for any signs of Yae or Heizou. But it's all smooth sailing.
You get to a stall selling F/F and buy one. The taste is wonderful even though it's not exactly the same as the one you used to eat on Earth. Spotting a different stall selling Tricolor Dango, you get closer.
There's a little sign that says. "Tricolor Dango Creator Edition! Limited Sale!" It seems even here merchants won't lose a chance to make mora. The Dango is blue, gold, and purple colored. Curious you buy one and try it.
It's actually really good and it felt slightly nostalgic. Looking at the second one you bought, you stare at it trying to recall where you've seen the colors before.
It hits you that it's the same colors of the Fates you wish for in Genshin. Blue for the 3 stars, purple for the 4 stars, and gold for the 5 stars. They sold this as the 'Creator Edition' does that mean they can see your wishes?
A loud sound interrupts your train of thought. You and a few other bystanders look over to see Gorou looking distraught at his Tricolor Dango on the floor. A knocked-down stack of boxes on the ground and oh boy, Yae Miko standing right with him.
You can't hear what Yae is saying to Gorou as he fixes the boxes. But you can see the very uncomfortable look on Gorou's face as she circles him. You want to leave, Yae is not someone you want to get the attention of.
Steeling yourself to turn around and walk away, you try to look away. Yet you can't stop looking at just how badly Gorou wants to escape her. It bothers you to no end. You glance at the Tricolor Dango he dropped. It's the same creator edition dango you bought.
You groan and start walking over to them. This was so stupid, you were so stupid. Reckless, dumb, softhearted and-
You continue to beat yourself up as you confidently walk over to them. Yae looks at you with slight confusion as you sling an arm around Gorou's shoulder. The look on his face is hilarious.
"Hey, Gorou! Good to see you came back to Narukami Island so soon. I know you came back for your gig at the Yae Publishing House but I never even got to see you. C'mon, let's hang out while we have the chance. Oh, and you must be the Yae Miko right? A pleasure to meet you, I hope you don't mind me stealing him. Thank you, goodbye~"
You drag out the last syllable as you simultaneously drag Gorou away. Yae doesn't follow you to your relief and Gorou simply lets you pull him away. Once you're far enough away you let go of his shoulder and take a step away.
"So uh about what I said. You know what let me just be honest. I'm the creator's oracle and that's how I knew all that personal information about you. You just looked super uncomfortable around Yae that I couldn't walk away." Rubbing the back of your neck you look at Gorou sheepishly.
"Wow, that's uh a lot to process at once but let me thank you first. I was really uncomfortable. She isn't some horrible person but I'm not the best at countering her teasing attacks. Thanks for helping me retreat from that situation." Yeah, you did it at the cost of your own safety.
Even still the way his tail wags a little as he speaks and his ears twitch makes you want to reach out and pet them. Now that you can properly look at him, it was incredible to see actual animal ears on a person. You try to tamper down your excitement but it's a little hard since they move so often.
That's also when you notice the way Gorou is staring at your dango. His poor dango was left on the floor and he does have a big sweet tooth. Ah it's just one dango, you can get more dango later. You hold your dango out to him with a smile.
"I'm pretty sure Yae startled you making you drop your dango. You can have mine, it's the same limited creator edition." Gorou seems a bit bashful at his obvious desire but takes it from you gratefully.
"Thank you again. Even though you know my name I would still like to properly introduce myself. I'm General Gorou of the Watatsumi Island resistance. Even though the war is over, we still have official duties to maintain peace which is why I commute over here. What's your name?"
"My name is Y/N, as I told you earlier I'm the creator's oracle. As proof, I do have a fan given to me by the Yashiro commissioner." You take the fan out and it glistens in the sunlight. Gorou's eyes widen at the sight of it. Was it really that influential?
"I mean I already mostly believed you simply by the information you knew but to have Lord Kamisato's fan is impressive. It's an honor to meet you Y/N being the creator's oracle must be an envious position. That also explains why my body was weirdly okay with you pulling me along."
He really believed it just like that? Gorou isn't from Narukami yet he held the fan in such high regard. You mentally thank Ayato and have a feeling you'll be thanking him a lot more after this.
Gorou finishes the dango in record speed while you spot a stall selling creator merchandise. Gorou follows your eyes and stands next to you, his soft tail brushes against your skin. Man, you really want to pet him.
"Do you want to check out that stall together? I mainly came here for the festival and I already completed the work I had to do. It would be great to explore the festival with you."
You nod excitedly and tug at his wrist. "I don't remember much before I became the oracle so I want to explore everything! It wouldn't be embarrassing for the creator's oracle to buy some of their merch right?"
"Of course not! There is a lot of good things only available during the festival. And afterward, I can show you the best spot to see the ritual." Gorou lets you pull him to the stall full of creator accessories.
Really you just wanted something that would make you seem like a big fan of the creator. Nothing super stalkerish level but noticeable to those who are cultish, like the acolytes.
You look around at the items on the stall with Gorou. Nothing catches your eye until you spot a bracelet. The design is what really drew your attention.
The bracelet was gold with Intertwined Fates and Acquaint Fates as charms. It's incrediably beautiful but also worrying. How did they know this symbol when it's only in the Wish system and Paimon's Bargains?
Right when you're about to ask the vendor, Gorou looks at it and says, "Oh, I recognize those, pretty aren't they? It's written in the scriptures that when the creator is close to coming back they will use stars with fate's design to input their will into their chosen acolytes. I'm lucky to be one of them."
So that's how they know. Quite clever how they input the word fate into it hinting at the name intertwined fate. Or was it the other way around?
"Such rich history. I may be knowledgeable in some areas concerning the creator but in others, such as the history, I'm lacking. I hope by traveling around Teyvat I can grow closer to the creator."
"Don't say that Y/N! You are like a signal officer for the creator, hold that position with pride. No one expects you to be perfect right away. I don't know you very well but I can already see how hard-working you are."
Well, he wasn't wrong. Making up a whole new identity in a new world is hard work. But you decided not to buy the jewelry or anything else. Who knows what kind of act you may need to use later on? Expensive jewelry like that could hinder you more than anything.
"Thanks Gorou, I'll do my best to live up to the title of oracle. But enough about that, let's continue exploring. In fact, do you smell that? I can basically taste all the food they have here."
Gorou perks up at your words and points toward another stall.
"Do you like sweet food? I know all the best ones here. Even if you don't we can start there with the dango milk, it's a good warm-up for the other treats!"
You follow Gorou to the stall and order your own dango milk. Thick, sweet, and a weird texture? You can see why Ei likes it but you can also understand why Wanderer hates it. In fact, knowing that Ei loves this is ruining the taste.
"Are you okay Y/N? You don't seem to enjoy it. If you don't that's okay, not everyone likes it."
"I'm fine but yeah I don't really like it. Maybe because it's too filing." You chuckle weakly. You were enjoying yourself so much that the thought of Ei really ruined your mood.
Gorou glances around before gently holding your wrist and leading you to an empty bench. He makes you sit down before giving a 'wait here' gesture and leaving. You look at his retreating form in confusion and simply sit there.
You didn't do a good job hiding your emotions just then but his actions were still confusing. Wouldn't someone normally just say encouraging things and leave it there? You just met him today after all.
While you were still wrapping your head around his actions, Gorou comes back holding a box. He sits next to you and opens the box while speaking.
"I'm in no position to make you talk or vent your frustrations to me but I'm a firm believer in speaking your mind. Muzzling up all your thoughts never helps anyone. I may not have the perfect advice or any advice but I'm a good listener. But if none of those things interest you then you can eat this box of sweets with me."
He opens the box showing it full of taiyaki, sakura mochi, sweet shrimp sushi, and berry mizu manjuu. The way he holds it in his lap while offering it to you is like some teenager confessing. Especially with how his ears flatten on his head with his tail wagging slowly.
You can't help but feel thankful that out of everyone that you accidentally slipped up in front of, it was Gorou. Not only because he was a good person, but because he was the type of person to not overlook someone else's problems. At least that was the impression you got from him when he chose the books that would help Watasumi Island in that one event.
You smile shyly and grab one of the fish-shaped Taiyaki. The jam is sticky and sweet mixing with the crunchiness of the shell well.
"Well, I can't say too much about it but you're right that speaking a little will probably help me." You take a deep breath before retelling what happened with Ei. Of course, you used metaphors, alias, and even more tricks to hide the real story while getting the main conflict across.
As you speak, your emotions bleed through. You take angry bites of your treats leaving little crumbs on the corner of your mouth. Gorou is intently listening and nodding along the whole time. Absentmindedly he reaches out and brushes away the crumbs.
Both of you freeze once the action is done. You pull away with a slight blush and Gorou yanks his hand back as his tail wags rapidly.
"I'm so sorry! I was so caught up listening to you that I did that automatically." His face is starting to get redder and redder with each word. He buries his face into his hands in embarrassment.
You grin devilishly at the opportunity that luck has presented you with. You weren't Yae but a chance is a chance. You would be a fool to give it up.
"I understand and don't worry I'm not bothered by it. Just a bit surprised. But it's a bit unfair isn't it?"
"What do you mean?" Gorou looks up from his hands as he feels a chill go down his spine.
"Well you got to touch me, shouldn't I get to touch you as payback?" Gorou's ears go straight up and his face all the way to his neck goes red.
"I'm talking about your ears of course! Your animal features are most similar to a Shiba Inu right? I would love to pet your ears." You can't tell if Gorou is relieved or disappointed by how he sighs.
"Y-Yeah, I guess I can allow that. Is it really that tempting?" He moves to sit by your side rather than in front of you. Now with him almost pressed against your side you pet his ears. Almost immediately he whimpers at your touch.
"Please. Please ignore the sounds, I can't exactly stop them." He basically begs you. With a small laugh, you decide to go easy on him and not comment on it. Instead, you focus on how his soft ears twitch under your hand.
As you continue quietly petting him, he seems to relax further into you. Before long the almost empty box of sweets is beside you with Gorou's head on your lap.
Was he sniffing you?… Should you take it as a compliment or as something creepy? Well it's normal for dogs to smell people and you weren't being any better petting him like this. So maybe you're both weird and it's best to ignore it.
His eyes are closed with his cheek laying on your lap. His tail wags rapidly thumping against the wood of the bench. He mumbles sounds of contentment with whimpering mixed in. It's an incredibly cute sight. To the point where perhaps everything you went through was worth it for this moment.
You sneakily pet his tail, to which his tail responds eagerly by wagging harder. Gorou is seriously lucky nobody is around to witness this. It's ironic how just like you helped him from Yae, he helped you deal with Ei. It makes you feel a certain sense of kinship with him. Even if yours was significantly more dangerous.
"Y/N, there you are!" You jump at the sudden yell of your name and Gorou immediately sits up straight. Gorou whips his head around a bit dazed trying to find the source of the noise.
"I'm sorry it took so long, where were you anyway? The ritual is about to start." Thoma jogs closer to you and Gorou- did Gorou just growl at him?
You stare at Gorou in slight disbelief, maybe he was still out of it from sleeping? Yet Thoma seemed to respond in kind by grabbing your hand and pulling you up onto your feet, away from Gorou.
"You were hanging out with Gorou? Makes sense as he tends to come over a lot for the festival and work."
Thoma's words may be friendly but the way he was staring at Gorou told a whole different story. Gorou stands up from the bench too with his ears straight up in alert. Gorou stares at him with a barely concealed growl while Thoma smiles with gritted teeth.
Holy shit, they were never this hostile before. Well, they never interacted or had any voice lines with each other but they are both just friendly people in general. Why the hell are they even fighting? You know what the cause doesn't matter anymore. You don't need this kind of attention coming towards your area.
"Alright hold it you two." You yank your hand out of Thoma's and stand between them. Giving them both cautious glances you try to clear up the situation.
"I and Gorou were just enjoying the festival since we ran into each other at a dango stall. He dozed off right when Thoma yelled my name. The growl wasn't intentional. And Gorou I'm sure Thoma was just worried due to the growl."
They both seem to want to say something but they shut up at the look you give them.
"You guys aren't angry are you? I mean we should be enjoying the festival for the creator especially since the ritual is about to begin."
"No, I'm not angry. I was just a bit startled by the sudden hostility." Thoma says trying to hold back his frustration. You raise an eyebrow at that seeing clearly what he was trying to hide.
"I agree with Thoma. It was a bit offensive that he believed I would hurt someone outside of battle but I'm guessing that he was just worried about you." The look they give each other once Gorou is finished tells their true feelings.
"Alright since neither of you are mad at the other, why don't you shake on it?" Were you just fucking with them? Yeah, but if they were going to tell stupid lies then you'll make them do stupid things. You still didn't fully understand why they were so mad at each other.
Nonetheless, they both robotically reach out and shake hands. You can easily tell how they are tightening their grip to bruise and intimidate each other. Thoma may have the height but Gorou is a general for a reason. They let go at a draw.
This was going to be fun. Smiling you link arms with them and start walking to the main area of the city.
"With that out of the way, we should head to the ritual. We need to get good spots to watch it after all. I still don't even know what the ritual is."
The atmosphere relaxes for a minute as both men admire the sight of you. Your strength and willpower to keep plowing forward with both of them in tow despite their spat. They give each other a dirty look behind your back before walking in step with you.
"We should go to the left side Y/N, you did say we could hang out once I was done helping Mr. Shimura."
"The right side is better. I did promise to show you all the best spots."
And here they go again. By the time you get to the main area where a crowd was slowly forming, you were ready to sit in the first spot and ignore them both.
Like an angel from heaven Ayaka strolls to your group with her practiced perfect smile.
"Y/N, are you enjoying the festivities? The ritual is about to start and I'll need to bring Thoma with me to help out behind the scenes."
You release Gorou and Thoma as Ayaka gets closer to you. You've never been so happy to see her before. Still aware of the people watching you only hover near her.
"It's been a lot of fun, everything looks beautiful. I'm going to get a good spot for the ritual thanks to Thoma and Gorou. But of course, I understand that you need to take Thoma. I'm excited to see what you and Lord Kamisato have prepared."
"I'm just as excited to see your reaction Y/N." Thoma walks over to Ayaka as cheerful as ever but you can clearly see the way his shoulder sag. You wave goodbye to them both and Gorou has a smug smile. The minute he sees you looking, his smile softens to something kinder.
"Alright Gorou, lead the way." You still didn't fully understand what's making them so hostile but honestly, it didn't really matter. They weren't hostile to you and you were leaving today anyway.
"It's just up these stairs, and-" Gorou's words are drowned out by an overwhelming sense of something watching you. More like someone you realize as the sight of pink fox ears flickers in the corner of your vision. Seems like Yae has decided to watch you or Gorou, maybe even both.
You sit down with Gorou and pay extra attention to manage your expressions. The last thing you want to do is slip up again. A huge crowd formed near the stage, it looked suffocating to be there. Thankfully the spot Gorou brought you to was still close but high enough that you weren't being trampled.
On the stage is a statue of yourself. The statue is holding the Inazuma symbol in its hands as if displaying it. This statue is made of stone instead of wood like the one in your temple. The clothing and hair were made of Obsidian while you were made of Jadeite. The most notable detail was how gold lines seem to follow your veins in the statue.
Was that some sort of reference to the story of the creator bleeding gold? From what you remember reading in the room in the Kamisato estate, the scriptures said "The creator's blood is like flowing gold. Sacred and holy. Never should it have to be shed, and if so, may the offender pay for bleaching their golden blood."
You sure as hell bleed red so it's most likely that it's metaphorical rather than literal. But how many people in Teyvat see it that way? You had a feeling everyone took that chapter literally instead.
Ayaka goes up on stage holding a box while other servants that you recognize from the estate follow her holding more boxes. She gives her box to someone else to hold before going to all the other boxes and taking out the contents.
Gold, jewels, jewelry, fabric, and bottles of something presumably fancy are laid at the feet of your statue. Two servants place incense at either side of you before Ayaka lights them. The smell is refreshing and vaguely reminds you of cinnamon.
Your body seems to relax automatically but you keep it still since Yae may still be looking. Just as you're about to comment on the smell, Gorou speaks up.
"I've always wondered what it smells like." What? Gorou who has a great sense of smell can't smell it? You look around to see nobody else reacting to the smell.
Quietly you ask, "What do you mean by that? I thought we were just too far away to smell it."
"The incense used for rituals is special. It's specifically made with elemental power. Its concentration to make the sticks is so fine-tuned that only the creator and archons can smell the true scent. Everyone else smells nothing or a indescribable smell."
Well bullet dodged, you almost got caught there. By claiming to smell something, you would have drawn way too much attention for something that couldn't prove you well enough. You nod quietly and look back to the ritual.
Ayaka had now opened the box she was carrying showing two elemental decorations. It made sense that it's the highest prized offering since the Kamisato Clan deals with elemental energy the most.
She places a beautiful Sakura made of ice near one incense and a crystalline Camelia near the other. They were both truly beautiful, you would have loved to take them with you.
Ayato strolls to the front from who knows where and kneels at the statue. Never did you think that you would see Ayato kneel and clasp his hands in prayer at a statue of yourself. Yet everyone takes his lead and kneels down. The moment you see Gorou kneel is when you follow along.
Ayato's voice rings out over the dead-silent area.
"We offer these humble gifts to the creator. Our one and only maker that sacrificed themself for their creations. From every pebble to all the blood that exists in Teyvat. They all belong to you. We will continue to worship and offer to you as long as we still have the oxygen to do so. Let your title be our dying last words as you take us from this world into your loving eternity."
Damn, if you forgot that basically all of Teyvat was a cult, you sure as hell remember now. Just yesterday you were joking and play fighting with Ayato and now he was praying to you to basically make sure that he dies thinking of you. At least you knew that your worries about him killing you weren't unfounded.
You hold back the sigh of relief when Ayato says 'Amen' and everyone stands back up. Thoma opens the gate to your statue as the rest of Kamisato Clan leave the small space. People form a line to the statue holding offerings and boxes.
Old, young, men, women, and other species besides human all go up to your statue with gifts. They place them down and mutter a short word of thanks before moving for someone else. You look over at Gorou who's watching everyone with you.
"I didn't know what this ritual was so I have nothing to offer this time. Do you have anything to offer?" Gorou smiles mysteriously at your question.
"Yes, but I already gave them my offering. Really, I and her excellency offered on behalf of Watatsumi Island but I still count it since I was the one who caught him. But you won't see him till the next part of the ritual."
Oh, was sacrificing the next part? It wouldn't be pleasant to see animals be sacrificed in your name but you could deal with that. You wonder what kind of animal Gorou caught.
"Well just let me know which one you caught." He nods and rests his head on your shoulder as the line finishes. You can still feel someone staring at you. It seems Yae still hasn't given up.
With everyone out of the area around your statue, the gate is closed and Thoma walks onto the stage pulling 3 people along. They're in chains and old ragged clothes. Cuts, bruises, and dried blood cover parts of their bodies. You hold your breath at the sight of them lined up.
Ayato walks to the front of the stage and Thoma forces all 3 people onto their knees.
"People of Inazuma, this week will be slightly different from the Yashiro's usual sacrifice. Instead of one, we have three prisoners with the highest amount and the worst crimes committed."
Ayato unsheathes his Amenoma Kageuchi, the sword you had maxed out for him. He points it at the first prisoner.
"This man was a samurai that used his status to kidnap, rape, and kill multiple children. For the lives and innocence of those children he will face capital punishment. May the creator carry out their will through his punishment."
Oh my god. Yes that man is horrible and if his punishment is execution then let it go through but in your name? No, no, you don't want that man's life on your consciousness. Ayato points at the second prisoner.
"This woman was caught by the Grand Narukami Shrine. Not only was she colluding with a foreign nation to start a war but she was also found poisoning the water supply in the Shrine. That resulted in many shrine maidens becoming permanently ill and even dying. It also damaged the Sacred Sakura, she will face capital punishment. May the creator carry out their will through her punishment."
Was he going to say that for all of them? How many people have been sacrificed in your name? You barely breathe in fear of choking and calling attention to yourself. Right before Ayato points at the third prisoner, Gorou points at them first.
"That man is the one I caught."
Such a simple sentence yet it made you so nauseous. Were you dumb or just in denial for wanting to believe earlier that he was talking about an animal?
"This man was caught on Watatsumi Island. He had been found planting multiple explosives near the crop and farms on their island. This would not only kill a good portion of their population but also ensure that they would starve in the upcoming winter. For the attempted murder of so many lives he will be charged with capital punishment. May the creator carry out their will through his punishment."
The prisoners keep quiet with their heads down. Were they feeling guilty, resigned or apathetic? Doesn't matter, for what they did they deserve capital punishment but not under your name. They were still living beings that should rot rather than be killed for a god that didn't even ask for it.
"After hearing the crimes of these individuals. What punishment will we carry out in the creator's and victims names?" Ayato's voice booms and the public responds in kind.
At first it was a jumble of yells for certain executions. Seeing all these people including children yelling out for punishment in your name left bile in your mouth. You weren't about to say that all life was precious and that killing them in general was wrong but you were selfish.
The main reason you were so against it was due to your own conscious. Because this whole scene is confirming something you never wanted to believe. Something you struggled to accept or deny.
The masses seemed to reach an agreement and Ayato announced to everyone.
"The samurai will be forced to commit seppuku, the shrine maiden will be beheaded and the arsonist will be burned at the stake."
The stage is a blur of movement as the crowd cheered. The roaring applause and yells of excitement made you dizzy. You watch in a daze yet hyperaware of everything.
It starts with the child abuser, Ayato forces the man's hands around what looks like the man's sword. Ayato forces him to stab himself in the stomach. Its dragged from right to left. The blood sticks to the sword as Ayato pulls it out, the sight is disgustingly familiar. The samuri has his hands handcuffed behind him as he is left to bleed out to death in front of everyone. You aren't quite sure but by the way his mouth is moving, he seems to be screaming in pain.
The guillotine must have been set up while you were watching the samurai. Ayaka forces the bound woman to her knees and closes the top trapping her head. The shrine maiden is muttering judging by her mouth movement. Ayaka raises her sword and at that moment, the shrine maiden yells above the noise.
"Oh, beloved creator! Take me into your sweet embrace and show them all the truth of this world! Just as I have done everything for you, please-"
Her words are cut off as her head rolls. Ayaka stands there with a bloody blade and a frosty glare. The woman's head is stuck in a pleading expression and tears drying on her face. Your hands slowly grow paler with every second. The sound of desperate pleading brings your attention to the arsonist.
The man is already tied to the stake with wood at the bottom of it. Thoma's vision lights up but instead of hitting the man with his fire, he simply lights the wood on fire. The fire licks the thrashing man's feet and grows up the stake.
You can't stop staring at the two men slowly dying. In seppuku someone is supposed to cut the head off but no one will do it. And usually with burning executions they add more wood and fire to hurry up the process yet no one is adding anything. These two men are rightfully suffering for their crimes but you can't help but feel isolated as the crowd cheers for the men being publicly tortured.
In your name, in your name. Their deaths are on your hands. Those lives were taken due to you. You already had someone else's life on your hands, how could you handle any more?
A soft touch on your shoulder makes you look toward the source. When did he even move his head off your shoulder? Gorou is looking at you with worry evident on his face.
"Are you okay Y/N?"
More than anything you want to say no. You want to hide away and forget the deaths you just witnessed. More than anything you want to cry and not worry about the consequences. But things like that are too good for you.
You are sure of it now. Your identity must be hidden forever. The minute anyone finds out your true identity is when you'll suffer a worse death than those prisoners. Your brain and body seem to finally catch up with reality. You give a sad smile to Gorou.
"This is something completely new to me. Truthfully I'm just confused about how to feel about all this. But the creator's feelings are echoing clearly. They are thankful and very happy to see how devoted Inazuma and its residents are but... At the same time, they can't help but feel sad too. Innocent people suffered and even though those criminals are getting their due punishment, they still feel love for them. Because all of Teyvat and its beings are their beloved creations."
Gorou nods his head in understanding before asking.
"But what about you? This must be pretty intense for you as it's your first time."
Gorou really was kind, he's still worried about you. It's too risky to ever open up like you did before but you still need to maintain a close relationship with him.
"You're right, I think I need to step away for a little while. The creator's feelings mixed in with mine are creating a mess." Gorou nods in understanding before holding your hand and leading you away. Your skin pricks at the feeling of being watched so intensely.
Your mind is running a mile a minute to categorize everything you've learned. To think of a plan on what you'll do when you get to Liyue. Yet every time you go into the deep crevices of your mind with thoughts like 'Should I just live in the wilderness forever?' It's Gorou's hand that grounds you back to reality.
Reliable as ever you think to yourself as he sets you down on a bench near the Inazuma City entrance. It's funny how you are being taken care of by him twice in your first meeting. It seems even knowing how he gave a horrible man as a public sacrifice isn't enough to dissolve your love for him.
In fact your love for Ayato, Ayaka, and Thoma as people still existed in your heart. For years you had Genshin and it's people as your only source of safety and comfort. Despite your fear and desire to be away from Ei, you still wished that she would have some form of happiness too.
"Do you want to talk to me about it? If not then I can just sit with you until you're feeling better."
"It's fine Gorou, you should just go ahead and enjoy the rest of the ritual. That man you caught almost did irreplaceable damage to Watatsumi after all."
"You may be right but he's already suffering his due punishment. I'd rather help out my comrade than spit on the defeated enemy."
Gorou's words though encouraging will only lead to more trouble. Not only would you start becoming dependent on Gorou if you relayed your troubles in another metaphorical tale. But Yae's eyes are still watching you and it's quiet enough that her ears won't miss a sound.
Hmm, this plan might be risky but risk is necessary to trick Yae. You chew on your bottom lip while looking away from Gorou.
"I'm just a little sick. All the sugar and excitement wasn't the best combination for my stomach. Just let me have a breather and I'll be good to go. Go on ahead without me, I'll be fine."
Gorou is about to retort but a yell of "General Gorou!" cuts him off. A Watatsumi soldier stands closer to the main area waving their hands.
Gorou sighs and stands up with his tail drooping. He looks apologetically at you while you only smile nervously back.
"Don't worry about me Gorou. Just go ahead, I'll catch up later."
He nods and leaves. Once you're sure he's out of sight you slump against bench in relief. A matching sigh of relief leaves your lips as you tilt your head back and close your eyes.
"Well, aren't you a sneaky one?"
You hide your smile by rapidly sitting up straight almost hitting Yae who was behind you. Her teasing chuckle as you move to stand up and spin around to face her, lets you know that it was successful.
"No need to stand up little one. You're quite skittish for someone that managed to pull that cute doggy general away from me."
You duck your head and look away with a nervous chuckle.
"It's just that I was startled by you. I really mean no offense Ms. Yae." You finish speaking and can't stop your teeth from biting your inner cheek.
Yae smiles at your little tell as she places her hand over her mouth mockingly.
"Startled? By me? I believe you aren't being entirely truthful. But it's fine by me if you want to keep up your little lie. It's just that..."
Your eyebrows pinch in worry as she trails off. She stays silent as you begin fiddling with your hands.
"You'll have to be my precious 'friend' seeing as you stole Gorou from me earlier. At least for a little while."
You light up at her words and smile. Relief is clear in your face as you hold your hands together in front of you.
"Isn't that more of a good thing? I mean everyone says that you are very popular. I guess all the talk about kitsune biting was false!"
You immediately slap a hand over your mouth as Yae laughs at your words.
"Do we now? You must have heard such things from one of my editors."
Your cheeks take a light pink hue as she steps closer and peers down at you. Her gaze is piercing and you turn your head away slightly.
"I-I'm so sorry! Please don't eat me!" You speak with a pleading tone and your eyes screwed shut.
A little zap from her electro-fox hits your forehead making you look at her in confusion.
"I'm not going to eat you little one. My word, do I really have that fearsome of a reputation? That does make me wonder why a little lamb like you is wearing a gold kitsune mask if you are so scared of being eaten."
Time to see if you've built up enough credit for your trick to work. Your eyes wander around the area refusing to look her in the eyes. Your lips start to turn a little red from how harshly you're biting it.
"It was just pretty."
"Even though it's broken?"
"...it was cheaper that way." Your eyes are a little glossy from embarrassment. Your lips tremble as you stare sadly at the ground.
There was an awkward silence after you spoke. On the outside Yae isn't affected by your words but you caught the way her ear flickered for a moment. She's feeling a bit guilty.
Yae was arrogant and for good reason too. But it was also this arrogance that helped you get to the point where she won't ask about the mask anymore.
She can't help but feel the need to tease someone easily embarrassed like Gorou. By mimicking that flustered state with a dash of enthusiasm due to your first appearance being so energetic. You made yourself a perfect target for her to underestimate.
This paved the way for her to feel superior to you. That's why such an easily faked tell like biting your lip or really any area of your mouth worked so well. Made sense since most highly skilled people find the beginner tasks the hardest after they become masters. Something about being too used to harder things makes them either look too deep into simple things or overlook it completely.
You only could pull this act and not reveal your oracle due to Yae not feeling any bond. Ayaka didn't feel any bond or familiarity because you never pulled her. You didn't pull for Yae either and it seemed your theory is correct. Since she doesn't sense your divinity, she has no real interest in you besides your mask.
You can only hope that you managed to swindle her enough for her to lose interest in you completely. She wasn't heartless but she also had no problem leaving people to suffer unless it concerns someone she cares about.
The smell of burning flesh reaches the area and your act falters. You cough and wipe away a small tear. You peek at the fire that completely enveloped the arsonist and the black smoke rising. Your face grimaced at the sight of it. Was that samurai still bleeding to death?
Even from far away you can hear the people cheering as the stake falls down. You can imagine the way the burnt corpse crunches as it hits the ground. Was that shrine maiden head and body still there as it grows cold and stiff?
Yae tilts your head to look at her using her wand stick. The ribbons tickle your skin as you look up at her making sure to keep your eyes reminiscent of a doe.
"If you think your little act was enough to fool me then you're wrong." Shit, did she see through you at any point? No, it can't be. The only thing you let slip was your distaste.
"Stepping away from the ritual to avoid watching any more of the bloodshed is quite selfish. It's our job as the creator's subjects to dirty ourselves with blood in order to keep our creator pure." You recognize this from the book you translated to read. It spoke about the people of Inazuma only offering blades never used, therefore 'clean' to the archon. It seems it applies even more to you as the creator.
"Inazuma is filled with bloodshed, I suggest you learn to live with it. The Shogun fought numerous wars for this nation and even more for the creator."
You keep your mouth shut. As much as you would like to retort and speak against it. You really can't afford to bring any more attention to yourself. Your safety is on the line.
You keep a sad and guilty look on your face as you listen to her.
"Are you from Inazuma? It's honestly quite disappointing if you are, a resident not knowing Inazuma's history with the creator is a crying shame."
Shame bubbles up within you for not being able to speak your true thoughts but you use it to your advantage instead.
"I'm sorry... I just don't know how to read. I'm one of the residents forced out of Yashiori Island due to the war and tatarigami. I'm really sorry."
Another silence ensures and you don't even have to look at her to see the pitying look. It seems you were right about her feeling bad for those affected by the war. It was only a guess due to the counseling services she holds for samurai returning from war but it paid off.
"Don't look so pitiful like that, you're making me look like the bad guy. Nevertheless, ignorance is not an excuse to do wrong. I expect to see you stay for the whole ritual next time."
Yae only gives you a glance before leaving. You keep your head down as her footsteps slowly get quieter. You wait an extra second before slumping onto the bench and groaning.
This was exhausting, you couldn't wait to be on the boat to Liyue already. As you sat there trying to ignore the loud cheers from the main area thoughts of what Yae said kept trickling in.
It's the people's job to be dirty with blood for the creator? Bullshit. Even if some people were overzealous and wanted to sacrifice evil people, they shouldn't force other regular believers into it!
Just how many people were peer pressured into joining the cult's violent nature? If this whole creator religion started so long ago then what if those who refused to participate were turned into sacrifices? That would have forced people to join in fear of being killed.
After centuries or even millenniums of this pattern, this obsession and violence became normal and even expected behavior. As much as you enjoyed almost everyone's company, you could not afford to stay even a day longer. They may start expecting you to join in on stuff like this. You are no stranger to death and violence but Teyvat was supposed to be your chance to change. Not for you to find a new reason to inflict harm, especially for a religion about yourself.
Through the smoke and noise of everyone partying, you can smell the incense Ayaka lit earlier. Just a few minutes to relax you tell yourself. Bringing your knees to your chest to sit in a fetal position on the bench, you hide your head. You watch two cats play fight nearby as you think.
You just need a minute to decompress.
The beginning with Gorou wasn't the best but I think I got it to improve as the chapter went on. The real struggle was Yae. Personally I'm not that fond of her and writing her was hard. I hope all you Yae lovers weren't too offended, I really did do my research to keep her in character. This was actually half of a chapter but I really wanted to publish something. 10K words here instead of 15K like the other one is progress in my book. I'm trying to find a happy middle of 'long enough that it doesn't drop off' and 'not long enough that editing makes me cry'. Besides I wanna spread out the trauma I'm giving reader. Gotta save some for next chapter. All the comments and hearts are very appreciated!
Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @conspicuous-mayonnaise, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention If you are in italics that means I couldn't tag you! Usually you'll need to check your settings to fix that.
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I had a thought for a creator but they didn't believe they were the creator and could influence others into believing it too.
The two characters are Sara kujou and yae miko
@mastadon64 here you go!
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Godboss - Kujou Sara and Yae Miko
Kujou Sara
Cw: Sexual innuendos
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-Honestly, waking up in Teyvat, you had a hard time convincing yourself you weren’t dreaming
-(It took you tumbling down a hill and slamming into a particularly sharp rock to realize it was not a dream. Also, ow)
-(You ignored the way your blood was golden. You were pretty sure you’d never seen the Genshin characters bleed anyways. It was probably just censoring. Totally.)
-Some way or another, you ended up in Inazuma
-Honestly, it wasn’t as bad as you were expecting
-Most of the creatures were pretty chill, and as long as you avoided the people, you didn’t get in much trouble
-And then you kicked a Tenryou commission officer in the face and got arrested
-You know, jail wasn’t as bad as you expected either!
-Your cellmates weren’t too bad either- one of them asked you if you were god, which was weird, because you didn’t look anything like the Shogun, but you gave him a stick of dango and he shut up
-(You might not have been a god, but the fact that you managed to keep your inventory from the game was the closest thing to a divine blessing that you could imagine. Who needs a gnosis when you have your own pocket dimension?)
-It’s about half an hour before you’re taken from your cell for questioning
-You walk into a small interrogation room, shock igniting in your chest as you spot Kujou Sara
-Wasn’t she important?
-Was kicking that guy in the face really such a grave offense?
-“Are you the Creator God?” She asks, deathly serious
-Why did people keep asking you this???
-You’re pretty sure you don’t look too godly, garbed in stolen clothes that you’re ninety percent sure you put on wrong, a fading bite mark on your arm from when you tried to pet a rifthound, leaves in your hair. Honestly, you looked pretty disheveled, and…
-“Is that your way of saying you think I’m hot? Like… godly or whatever?”
-Considering the way the Tengu’s face turns a vibrant red, you’re either very right, or very wrong
-It’d be funnier if you were right though, so you press on
-“I mean, not that I’m not into it, but I’m feeling kinda iffy about the power dynamic here- prisoner and cop is a cute trope and all, but not all that smart in real life, I mean I get it if it’s a kink or whatever, I know handcuffs are attractive, but as of right now it’s immoral-”
-“Shut up. Please.” Sara mumbled, covering her red face with her hand. Her hair has more volume than usual, tiny sparks of static dancing between the strands
-“… I mean after I get out of prison I’d totally be down to go on a date, and if you feed me well enough I might even let you handcuff me.” You add.
-The silence in the room is heavy
-“Get out.”
-“Yes ma’am. Hm. No. Yes Mommy? Yes Master-“
-You’re cut off by an electrically charged arrow striking the wall beside your head.
-You’re released from prison three days later, now with a whole gaggle of new friends from criminals
-(You ignored the fact that some of them made really important sounding speeches swearing their fealty to you. Also the small shrine they were building in your honor. If you didn’t acknowledge it, it didn’t exist)
-You were surprised that as soon as you left, you were met with a glaring Kujou Sara, who takes your hand in her own
-“Am I being arrested again?”
-“… I’m going to take you on a date. And then I’m going to handcuff you.”
-“Yes Mommy!”
-“I Will Shoot You Again.”
Yae Miko
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-You had to admit, stumbling upon a small shrine that seemed to be dedicated to your doppelgänger was creepy
-But you had also just been Isekaied to video game land, so you were pretty adaptable at the moment.
-Or high on adrenaline.
-You pick up one of the Sunsiettas from the shrine, biting down and relaxing, until-
-“Your excellency?!” A voice squeaks, and looking up you see a very frazzled shrine maiden staring at you.
-“Uh. No?” You say, swallowing the Sunsietta.
-The shrine maiden starts sobbing. “Your excellency!”
-“Oh- no- I’m- uh- I’m like you? You know? I’m uh… a messiah? Priest? Prophet? Whatever gets you to stop crying?” You awkwardly pat her head.
-“You- you’re the Creators chosen one?” She blubbers.
-“Uh. Yeah. Totally. Stop crying.”
-“CHOSEN ONE!” And she’s crying again
-After a lot of crying, you’re led to the Grand Narukami shrine, where you’re introduced to the head shrine maiden as the chosen one
-“… Are you sure she’s not just the creator?”
-“You flatter me. I’m just gods favoritist and most specialist little princess.”
-The Kitsune likes this. Perhaps too much, but we’ll let her have her fun
-And thus, the war to get you to admit that you’re the Creator begins, hidden under the guise of her introducing you to chosen one duties
-She takes you on a pilgrimage all across Inazuma first, going to the most dangerous places possible just to put you in danger and save you at the last second, disappointed that you never use godly powers to save (read: reveal) yourself
-She meditates with you, and paints obscure markings on your face when you fall asleep, which you have to pass off as messages from the creator
-She takes you to meet the Shogun, but after leaving you alone for five minutes, returns to you teaching her poker and robbing her blind. You cited divine luck and she pretended she didn’t notice the cards stuffed inside your sleeve
-It ends pretty anticlimactically, actually
-She’s introducing you to the local foxes, when you trip over a rock and face plant into the floor
-And get a nose bleed
-Miko can’t help but doubling over in laughter at the sight of your pout as golden blood drips down your face
-“And how are you explaining this one, Oh revered Chosen One?”
-“Genetic condition.”
-The laughter doubles
266 notes · View notes
yanfeisty · 1 year
— Voicelines about Creator!Reader (Inazuma) ♡ !
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⊹ [ characters ] — Ayaka, Ayato, Ei, Gorou, Heizou, Itto, Kazuha, Kokomi, Sara, Sayu, Shinobu, Thoma, Yae Miko & Yoimiya. ◞
⊹ [ synopsis ] — let's see what they think about you. ◞
⊹ [ cw ] — religious themes. ◞
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⠀‣ Ayaka
About The Creator: Divine Presence
"It's always a pleasure to have Our God blessing the festivities we prepared with their presence, the sun and moon appear to shine brighter when they're here, and the people happier. It surely makes me happy to see them enjoying the festival..."
About The Creator: Consort
"As an Acolyte and a member of the Kamisato clan, it is a great honor to be Their Grace's consort... But if I may tell my more personal feelings, I feel at ease with Y/n, like I can be myself, I don't feel like people want to know more about us beyond our positions, but when we're together we don't have any titles separating us. Have you seen the beautiful scenery of the sun at dawn dazzling on Inazuma? Their smile are alike."
⠀‣ Ayato
About The Creator: Divine Ceremonies
"It is the duty of the Yashiro Commission to held festivities in Their Grace's name, such as welcoming parties, the day of their descent, and birthday of course, while trying to fit their taste. With all due respect, I have to say their opinions are quite interesting... You see, playing tcg wouldn't be the first idea I'd have for an official ceremony."
About The Creator: Consort
"Hm... So you wish to know more about our union? I suppose I can share with you a few things. We sadly don't have much time for each other as we're quite busy with our own matters, therefore I try to express my feelings in letters and presents. They did tell me it was useless to spoil them with such 'overexpensive' gifts, but... the sight of their lovely face trying to suppress a smile won't ever stop to amuse me... Besides, no price comes close to my love for Y/n."
⠀‣ Raiden Shogun
About The Creator: Remaining Soul
"Their body may have perished, but their creations never have once forgot about them. Now, they have been reincarnated into this fragile body, but they are slowly regaining their power as it has remained into the memory of the land. This is eternity at its purest form."
⠀‣ Ei
About The Creator: Consort
"Ah, my exceptional lover. In many ways they have changed my daily routine, I tried things I would never have done before, that I considered futile for my quest of pursuing eternity. But they made me realized even the smallest actions, no matter if they last for long or not, can bring an eternal feeling to one, for exemple the pleasure of eating a dessert is temporary, but the memory of its delicious taste will always be unchanging and bring happiness to the one remembering it. I accepted their proposal as a promise that by my side they shall remain joyful forevermore."
⠀‣ Gorou
About The Creator: Prayers
"I have heard few of my soldiers praying that none of their comrades or themselves would die before any serious battles or missions, I'm not really a religious person but I can't blame them, if this help them to have courage then why not?"
About The Creator: Consort
"They have brought a lot of help to Watatsumi Island, and that was even before we get together! What I love about them is that they're always so caring with whoever, they're so kind-hearted... They have lots of others qualities too, they're beautiful, funny, cunning, and the list goes on. They also must have some sort of magic in their hands, always finding my best spot to rub... H-hm, that st-stay between us, of cou-rse, I don't want them to tease me about it..."
⠀‣ Heizou
About The Creator: An interesting Case
"Quite the intriguing person, aren't they? I'm not really into godly affairs but I have to admit that them waking up with not only no memories of their past life but new ones from another world is quite...hm, intriguing."
About The Creator: Consort
"They truly have no shame for playing and stealing the heart of a member of the Tenryou Commission, they used my own tricks to make me fall over heels for them and now I don't think I can recover. Sadly their title make it impossible for me to arrest them and make them face justice, but that doesn't mean I can't teach them a lesson with my own ways..."
⠀‣ Itto
About The Creator: Ultimate Battle
"I didn't think much of them before they challenged me to a duel of tcg! Of course, I accepted it, I'm not the one to run away from a challenge and people from everywhere knows them, winning against them means that everyone will know the name of Arataki 'The Ultimate TCG Champion' Itto, ha! The one who defeated The Creator with no fear, people would never dare to fight me again, as the simple mention of my name strikes fear into my opponents, hehe... Huh? Did I actually beat them? Well... not yet, but it's only a matter of time before glory fall upon me!"
About The Creator: Consort
"The wha-? Oh yeah, sorry, I'm not used to call them that, I mostly use 'My ultimate bro', 'My one and oni', 'My onikaboo-boo', 'Cutie-sweetie-you-wish-you-had-them-ie-but-you-can't-because-this-lovely-is-the-lover-of-this-oni'. But yeah, they're fantastic, they help me to get out of jail, though sometimes they say I deserve it and leave me there... But besides that, they're an excellent cuddle buddy, always knowing how to brush my hair and horns not too delicately but not too rou-... Hey! What are you laughing at? Oh... So you think that's funny that the fierce leader of the Arataki gang have a cuddle buddy? Pff... I don't care what you think and I'm sure you're just jealous."
⠀‣ Kazuha
About The Creator: Independence
"Everywhere I go their name is on everyone's lips, I have heard they were kind and thoughtful, but what I recall best is their free spirit and wish to explore all of Teyvat, including the people but the responsibilities they have to shoulder prevent them from realizing their ambitions... Like a bird in a cage."
About The Creator: Consort
"To be truthful with you, I was hesitant of this offer, I love them with all my heart more than anything else, but what does being a consort means? I wanted to continue my life with the loving carefree spirit I fell in love with not The Creator, I was concerned that we would be tied by others' expectations and wouldn't be able to live our life freely. But... they know me best and reassured me that none of this would happen. I'll be forever grateful that our paths met, they know how to comfort me."
⠀‣ Kokomi
About The Creator
"It is difficult to know whom can you put your trust in, and if so how much amount. The Creator have proven we can trust them to help Watatsumi Island, and as its Divine Priestess I'm deeply thankful to what they have done for us. But I started to fully trust them when I discussed with them, their help didn't have any other intention than just being an act of kindness... I'm slightly concerned that others will abuse of their sympathy, but I'll be there in case that happens."
⠀‣ Sara
About The Creator
"The Raiden Shogun and myself are both Acolytes of The Creator, and since The Shogun worships them I shall give them my undying loyalty and forever assist them. Even if... their casual personality and peculiar behavior during official ceremonies is quite questionable for a God..."
⠀‣ Sayu
About The Creator
"I heard about them but only saw them once, I saw their hand going towards my head so I quickly avoided it, turned out they wanted to ruffle my hair, unlike head pats I don't think it will stop me from growing so I let them, but that made me feel even more sleepy."
⠀‣ Shinobu
About The Creator
"I have to thank them for saving us from difficult situations which even I couldn't do anything. The gang really love them especially the Boss, they're easy going and it's easy to forget they're the most superior being in all of Teyvat, they could have been one of us but of course their position doesn't allow them, but like the Boss said they're an official-but-not-really-member-of-The-Arataki-gang."
⠀‣ Thoma
About The Creator: Fun Activities
"They're very different from The Shogun, they don't really seek for an ideal like the Archons, they just simply want to enjoy life in Teyvat, haha... They've surprised me with asking if they could play the hotpot game, and I can tell you it was very fun, though I really need to pay attention to what ingredients I put... The others would probably kill me if Y/n even just has a small brain freeze, hehe..."
About The Creator: Consort
"Yes, I've heard people saying 'how can they marry a simple housekeeper?' and I have to say I wonder the same, ahaha... They're so lovely and a kind-hearted soul, I still can't believe they proposed to me, it feels like a dream when I'm with them. And we're partners in crimes when it comes to feeding and petting every stray animals in Inazuma, if you saw how easily they attract animals, it took me days to explain to every pet owners why did their pet suddenly disappeared..."
⠀‣ Yae Miko
About The Creator: Divine inspiration
"Ah yes, they're a great inspiration and pretty much all of our books related to them sell like hotcakes, we're currently on the 3rd volume of 'Divine Expressions for Dummies', we also do novels that are loosely based on them, 'Next thing I knew... I was a Deity', 'Me and My 100 Spouses' and one of my favorites is 'The Fake God' it is quite the tragedy and not the happiest book, but the end where the main character has their revenge is... satisfying."
About The Creator: Consort
"My, my, curious, aren't you? I can't really blame you, an individual like Y/n is quite the partner, a boring moment doesn't last long with them, they're just so fun to tease and their hands are very soft a perfect recommendation for everyone with fur. Hm? Everyone keeps telling you about how good they pet them? Oh well, I guess I can't blame those people, but I'll have to discuss this with Y/n when I see them..."
⠀‣ Yoimiya
About The Creator: A Shared Enthusiasm
"Y/n! Have you seen them? They're always so busy... Sometimes they come to buy me fireworks whenever if they want to keep it as a souvenir of Inazuma or asking me if we can use them together. Fireworks don't need to wait for festivals to be used, and what is cool is that with Y/n no one dares to contradict them and tell us when and where we can't do fireworks, ahh... I hope I'll see them again soon."
About The Creator: Consort
"Unbelievable, right? If we have told me I would marry a God one day I would've laugh at them. When I met Y/n I didn't even know about their true identity, but lemme tell you, them creating Teyvat and all is the least interesting part about them, they're sweet and fun, they always tell stories about their other world and the kids and I love them so much. And they share my passion for fireworks! We're planning to do the biggest fireworks show that can be seen in all of Teyvat at the same time, even if they're lots of things we didn't consider but the thought is beautiful, isn't it? Aha... Also when I told pops about me and Y/n he couldn't stop smiling for the whole week! Though, I'm not sure if he understood the part that I told it was 'The Creator'."
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© ་ ׅ : pls don't translate or copy this | don't reblog with yand3r3/cult tags or if you’re a yand3r3 blog/reblog account.
@ ་ ׅ : @haileyo0ostuff
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misty-dreemurr · 9 months
Warnnings: death, implied murdere, blood, nondescript childbirth, religious themes, the creator and the reader are two different characters, mother is used to describe the creator but there are gender neutral, they/them pronouns used.
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THE imposter is dead, golden blood drips from blades of grass, soaking into the ground. Bright blue four-petal flowers with golden stems blooms from the pools of blood. Cradle to the bosom of the imposter's chest was a weeping child— an infant only a few weeks old.
That explained too much. Everything made sense now, Why the imposter— no the creator would cover their stomach when under attack. Why they kept to themselves and not engage, not fight.
The true creator was dead, and the real imposter sits on the throne.
The true creator was dead, but there child lives on.
This imposter AU where the creator was killed a few weeks after giving birth has been haunting me for days, below the cut is just more ideas.
Depending on where the creator was killed I have a few characters that would find the creator and raid the 'heir'
For Mondstadt, Diluc would raise the reader, keeping the truth of them a secret to all but Kaeya and Jean.
For Liyue, Zhongli would care the the reader. He of course takes care of the creator's body, burying them and leaving the grave unmarked. He believes that by raising the creator's child he is repenting.
Inazuma, Yae Miko would raise the reader, she would keep the child hidden as she secretly plans the downfall of the fake on the throne.
In Sumeru Alhaitham and Kaveh would take in the reader. Why? For no other reasons than I think it's funny.
For Fontain Neuvillette takes in the child. When he had found the body of the creator and their child it rained for months. ( since I don't know much about Fountain and the characters I didn't have much to add at the moment)
Snezhnaya the reader is found and raised by Columbina(and the other harbingers, but mostly Columbina) the reader is kept hidden from the outside. They plan to take down the imposter with the reader leading the battle when their older.
Every one plans to take down the imposter once the reader is older however some would rather have the reader their child live like a normal kid and not worshiped.
The truth about the reader is kept hidden from the public (with exceptions) no matter who is raising them.
Yae miko, Zhongli, and Columbina would tell the reader the truth about their 'mother' once there about the age of six-7 the rest would wait until the reader is 11-15 to tell them the truth
The reader's personality differs based on who raised them. With Diluc the reader is surprisingly cheerful, they often sneak out, and go on little adventures but always return home. (Although there were a few times when Jean and Kaeya had to bring them home )
The reader raised by Zhongli is quiet and reserved, they also have a kind and gentle disposition, and they are a soft-spoken individual.
The reader raised by Yae Miko is very studious, they are sarcastic and snarky. They are known for their silver-tough and quick wit. However they do like being alone often than not.
The reader raised by Alhaitham and Kaveh is creative. They are a bookworm with a penchant for creating things( mini clay sculpture, clothing, dances) this reader is always active and always willing to learn
The reader is raised by Neuvillette as too kind for their own good. This reader is a little naive, a little soft, and just a little bit ill-equipped for the life they got handed. They don't like loud noise, they don't like big crowds, but they do like magic and a good story. This reader for all of their faults has a strong sense of justice and wants every thing to be as fair as can be.
A reader raised by Columbina ( and the harbingers) is a dreamy doe-eyed child, they at first comes off as helpless, however, they are not. This reader is a playful flirt. Like the reader raised by yae miko this reader also has a sliver-tough. The are good at lowering people guards and getting information from them.
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I'm going to expand on this at a later date but for now this is all that I can think of. I tried to keep the reader gender neutral but if there is a few female prouned used please tell me so I can fix it
My ask box is opened
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avocad1s · 11 months
Picking Suitors
Anonymous Asked: Could I request more of the sagau au where creator picks suitors ranging from archons to fatui Harbingers and this time could you pleasw include Lisa, Yae Miko, La Signora and Candace (+ anyone else you wanna do). Thank you, I loved reading it very much!
Characters included: Lisa, Yae Miko, La Signora, Candace,
Note: Gotta give the ladies some luv! Sorry for the wait Anon but here it is 🙏
Here’s the original part in case you missed it: Here
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Mondstadt’s resident librarian Lisa cares for you so much. When she went to Sumeru’s Akademiya to expand her knowledge, it was to learn more about you. When she returned to Mondstadt to be a mere librarian when everyone knew she was capable of much more, it was for you. Her intelligence is unparalleled and she will always use it for the advancement of Mondstadt so once you arrive, everything will be perfect for you.
To many, it seems that she doesn’t take her job as a librarian seriously, always napping and looking bored when she is doing her job. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Lisa takes collecting overdue books very seriously, especially when the books are about her dear Creator, you. Most books about you are in the restricted section of the library but Lisa cannot get enough of them, she wants to know everything about you to gain your favor.
Gaining your favor is exactly what she did. Once you express to her that you hold affections for her, it felt as if everything she did is finally paying off. She will tease you for your confession, but don’t worry, she definitely feels the same. Her favorite thing to do is to enjoy her afternoon tea time with you, she already considered this part of her day extremely important (besides her naps of course) but when you’re there with her, she looks forward to it everyday. Sometimes she might even offer to take you to Good Hunter and have vegetable soup with it.
Despite Lisa’s carefree nature, she hates it when others interrupt her time with you. The two of you are constantly busy with many things, her with the Library and you with… well basically everything in Teyvat. When the two of you spend time together she’d rather stay somewhere private so no one would bother you. However that doesn’t stop people from trying to get your attention if the witch and onto them, she won’t do anything while you’re around besides pulling you away from the individual. However once you’re gone, they will learn in an electrifying way why they shouldn’t interrupt her time with you ever again.
The Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine and the Ei’s best friend, Yae Miko has been surrounded by everything related to you her entire life. She knows how much Ei loves and cares for you, and even though she doesn’t show it in the same way, she does too. She hides her devotion to you under the enigmatic aura around her, but it’s clear how strong her devotion is when people visit the shrine or the publishing house.
When it comes to the publishing house, Yae is known to be very kind and a bookworm, with her favorite books being about you. But when others write light novels about you her way of editing becomes much more strict. She will not let anything be published that sullies your name or anything that contradicts what she already knows about you. Inazuma had a reputation for having the best novels about you thanks to the Guuji.
As a kitsune and youkai, Yae is very mischievous, she uses her impressive skills of manipulation and reading people to gain favor with you. If you’re feeling down, she’d be the first by your side offering you a walk under the moonlight or the two of you can get something to eat together. (You get everything you want for free and that’s a plus for her) If you enjoy reading, Yae would love to read with you, or if you like to write she’ll be honored if you let her beta read it for you. Not only would this give her alone time with you, but the two of you would share a special connection that she totally didn’t plan. ;)
One of Yae’s favorite thing is to see others squirm due to her teasing, and that definitely includes you. She loves seeing you flustered and shy due to her words or touches. But you can make her flustered as well, you’re her God! Having your undivided attention makes her chest bloom with warmth and anytime you ask to let her she feel her face grow warm.
Anytime you leave Inazuma to visit the other nations that’s when Yae truly wished Ei’s version of Eternity was true. Everything staying the same forever doesn’t sound bad to the kitsune at all, especially with you by her side.
Oh Signora… she has done many evil deeds for the Fatui but before all that, she was just a simple maiden named Rosalyne. She loved singing, with her main muse being you, she always wished that one day she would be able to meet you and sing to you. 
Yet after the cataclysm she was consumed by hatred, not being able to control the flames that took over her body until she was found by the Fatui and given a Cryo delusion. That was the day she discarded her life in Mondstadt as a maiden and became The Fair Lady, but one thing she didn’t discard was you.
Signora wanted to hate you and blame you for the Cataclysm but she couldn’t. She had lost everything she ever cared about and the only thing she had now was you and the hope that maybe one day she can bask in your divine grace.
When she first met you, Signora presented herself as no more than a Snezhnayan diplomat, acting extremely professional as she escorts you to the Zapolyarny Palace. During the boat ride to Snezhnaya, the only thing that fills her mind were all the songs she had wrote for you all those centuries ago. She was sure the she had forgotten those.
Having your favor means everything to the Harbinger, not only will it help her get her duties done more quickly since no one would dare go against the one the Creator desires but it also brings her a sense of comfort that she hadn’t felt since her days as a maiden.
Signora will do anything to keep your eyes on her, even if that means killing others or having her subordinates blackmail or threaten the one trying to steal your attention away. Surely after you given her a taste of your love you wouldn’t just take it away from her, right?
During her final confrontation with the Traveler and the Shogun, all she could do is pray for you to save her life before her fate is sealed by the electro puppet. If you save her, her love and affection for you grows stronger. She had realized just how fast her life could be taken away, and Signora doesn’t want to leave you, not yet. She would even leave the Fatui just to stay by your side. Late in the night, when the two of you are laying under the moonlight together, she’ll sing you one of her songs. Knowing that her one and only God loves her just as much as she loves them.
The descendant of King Deshret, Candace will do anything to protect the Aaru Village. She is the guardian after all.
Candace is a warm and kindhearted person, despite the protests from others in the village, she will welcome outsiders with open arms. As long as they follow the rules of course! So when new of your arrival spread throughout Teyvat, and it was rumored you were visiting the village in the desert, many wanted the guardian to refuse you entry.
They all wanted to believe you were the reason they the rest of Sumeru wanted all of King Deshrets descendants to slowly die off until none of them existed any longer. The sages already sent scholars who were “out of their mind” to the village and you’ve turned a blind eye.
But Candace didn’t believe that.
“They are the Creator of Teyvat. Kind and merciful to all. They created King Deshret, so surely they hold us in their heart as well?”
And she couldn’t have been more right.
Once you had made it to the village, Candace made it her personal responsibility to cater to your needs and make you feel welcome. Even though many had their reservations about you being there, they eventually came around too. You were just as kind and sweet as they’ve been told.
Having you around meant more to Candace then she ever thought it would, she recalls how her friend Dehya told her to find happiness outside of work and she said the village in peace would be more than enough to make her happy. Now, she could think of other things that would make her happy.
And all of those things begin with you.
Showing you around the village, gifting you clothes and jewelry, just simply having you near her means more than she can express.
Candace doesn’t care what others think of her, when she wins your favor many outsiders come to visit the village just to see what is so special about her that the creator themselves wants to give her their affections. Even though the reasons they are there is less than desirable, Candace still treats them all kind and welcomes them with open arms reminding them to follow the rules of the desert.
Anytime you leave the Aaru Village, Candace would use her mora to buy trinkets from merchants who visit the desert. Most of these trinkets would be stored away in her wardrobe for a rare occasion that she decides to put her duties to the side and dress up while she relaxes in the shade. But some of the trinkets she buys she has you in mind. Thinking that this certain piece of jewelry would look wonderful on you.
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You know like how much you wanna touch those non-human characteristics they have or maybe they are similar to an animal
EX; Gorou, Yae, Sucrose, Tignari, Diona, Itto, Ganyu, Kokomi, etc
I can just imagine the reader iseki to genshin and then gathers up everyone in the building that the people made just for them. And then they ask to meet (character with the characteristics of an animal or even an oni) and when they do, they litterally smother that person with all their love. And yes. I'm obsessed with SAGAU
Zhongli 🐉
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1st: Twitter artist: GARDENSVEIL
2nd: ??? You can see in the picture
3rd: Twitter artist: crycry84488
You asked him to transform into his dragon form. At first he politely declined until he saw your sad pitiful face :(
He couldn't resist so he gave in quickly. As you touch his horns, his tail unconsciously wraps around you, bringing you closer. He apologized with a flustered look on his face. But you, of course. Smothered him with more love than he had ever received. It's overwhelming in a good way. He feels comforted and relaxed by your warmth.
You couldn't wait to see his full form
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1st: don't know, but the user is in the picture
2nd: Danbooru artist: hozumi_rino
3rd: Twitter artist: Lontongs_
4th: Danbooru artist: nihellie
Was too lazy to do the images separately for each person. Also I picked 10/10 random.
Yae miko 🦊
She is a bit flirty though and she does tease you but immediately quiets down when you let yourself be within the warmth of her 5 fluffy Tails and ears too. But now to the flirty side. When she flirts with her teasing, one time you accidentally grip her tail too hard, and she yelped. (Definitely not because of the pain 😳)
Yeah, after that day, she made sure to be careful with the flirting and teasing. But she would gladly lets you do it again someday.
He tried to seem calm but inside his mind goes wild, he sat down with both knees on the floor and his knuckles turn white of how hard he was gripping his pants.
After that incident, he always felt the urge to go to you and be smothered by your love as you ruffled his hair, touching the right spots on his ears and tail.
It was truly blissful, he could ascend to the celestials. You told him the chocker on his neck looks nice.
He wonders how you react if he wears a collar around his neck
She's annoyed at first but finds warmth in your petting. She comes for you for comfort when all the drunken people are being mean to her. She hides behind you as you ruffled her hair and glared at the drunk person as they felt a chill upon their spine
Congratulations, you are seen her new parent figure!
At first when you pat his head for his hard work being a forest watcher. He's surprised at least but is happy for such praise from your Grace. He's used to you playing with his ears and hugging his tail. Though he feels embarrassed of how good it feels when you touch them.
If you don't praise or either pat his head for his good work at least once every day, he thought he made you mad and tears fall from his eyes. But you assured him, that you just forgot.
Praise him now
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Twitter artist:_ahblue_
He would only see himself as a tool. You know that, so when he hesitated. You told him he would be your comfort buddy. So he agrees. He would never admit that he liked it when you take care of his wings and stroke it so softly. He uses his wings as a pillow or blanket when you felt sleepy or cold.
His karma debt goes away whenever you come around him.
He feels at peace
Alhaitham & Dottore
I know both of them aren't exactly hybrids of animals but they are similar,
Dottore has a bird-like mask, sometimes when you try to hug his bird mask pokes you in the shoulder. But you just pat his hair and play with it. Sometimes you braid it and he doesn't even bother un-doing it. He even comes to you to braid it again and he will pout frown if you don't. He usually does this when he's stressed from work or when one worker who made him in a bad mood.
With Alhaitham, (alpha) oh come on, have you seen his eyes go red? So it counts...He feels unfamiliar with this feeling, as you let him lay on your lap while he reads a book. Your thighs are an excellent block of hearing and maybe chest tooOf course, he prefers to be it in private. Only you can see him like this.
[Yeah, Alhaitham was a joke though.]
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
★ what you've noticed since your characters have become self-aware... ult edition!
a/n: thought of this coming back home on the bus from school 🤭 like it literally just hit me 🥲
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly <3
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Nilou winks at you when she ults, and then continues to crit to make you happy! Yae Miko, instead of doing her kitsune hand movement, blows you a kiss! Lisa does a small curtsey at the end of her ult animation! Zhongli looks at you when he ults and smiles gently! Xiao makes a little heart with his thumb and index fingers ♡ Albedo's geo structure makes a heart shape when he ults! Ayaka waves at you with the hand she's not using to hold her fan! Ayato also winks at you when he ults! Shenhe has a soft blush on her cheeks!
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kaeyats · 2 years
SAGAU,, water park
after the genshin characters (zhongli, xiao, childe, albedo, ei, yae miko, venti, diluc, kaeya, ayaka, ayato, kazuha, aether, paimon, lumine) found a way to leave teyvat and enter earth, you've been bringing them around to experience all the fun things in the modern world. and what's a better place to find some modern fun than in a water park?
reader's gender is not specified, as with most of my works. requests and imagines in my ask box are appreciated, but will take a while. :D
warnings: reader is implied to be rich because this is wish fulfillment and the fic was based on a water park with really expensive tickets so this is the only logical reasoning within the fic, a few suggestive themes because swimsuits (gender neutral) are generally just so, lots of stress and chaos, mentions of alcohol, extreme rides/slides, based on my experiences with water parks in the philippines. these aren't actual warnings and i'm just rambling, aren't i? ^^
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perhaps bringing all of them to a public place at the same time wasn't your best idea and considering how chaotic the trip has been so far, it might as well have been your worst. at the moment, you were quite literally looking and acting like a stressed out single parent, chasing around your ten- eleven children. if you counted ei fighting children to the tiny slides being "a child". never in your lifetime did you think you'd have to babysit the uptight and lawful electro archon (you've been her tour guide in-game, but that doesn't count), but here you were, explaining to her how the area with the extremely cheerful colors was indeed meant for kids under 9, not for gods around 2,000. you tried dragging ei into the wave pool, a place acceptable for adults (or at least adult-looking beings), but she didn't seem to want to interact with the deep waters, choosing instead to sit inside your rented cottage and brood after you dragged her away from all the crying children she threatened for cutting the line. the shallow waters of said "kiddy area" were much more appealing to ei, but she's not even allowed to be there anymore. >:((
both yae miko and kaeya had a lot to say about ei's humiliatingly childish actions, although you noticed kaeya being careful with his words, intelligent even in his teasing — ei was still a dangerous being after all. they teased the poor archon's face into a shade similar to diluc's hair and taking pity on ei, you decided to tell them off. the two eventually went away to do more entertaining things (their words), stepping away to lay down under an umbrella's shade with heavily tinted shades and drinking glasses full of soju. you always suspected that those two would get along quite well and seeing their relaxed figures gossiping about everything and anything on sun loungers, it seemed you were right. unfortunately for you though, they found pleasure in targeting you with their teasing, praising your body in swimwear, often cornering you with flirtatious remarks and inappropriate offers.
moving on, you found yourself your own drinking buddy as well. though you and kazuha chose to drink grape juice instead of anything alcoholic, knowing his.. extremely low tolerance. for a few moments, you found peace with kazuha (and the still-brooding archon sitting in the corner of your cottage, now drowning silently in guilt). you two chatted a lot about your world, you told him about every thought that came to mind and he listened to you with an attentiveness that warmed your heart. you always knew kazuha was a wonderful listener and even when you enjoyed the man's tales of traveling, it was nice to have someone who'd give you time and space to talk as well. the free-spirited wanderer tried some slides and rides with the others a while ago, but he found that conversing with you excited his beating heart more.
but of course, peace never had a chance of lasting with your current companions. after a few minutes of complaining about how venti never finished his food and would always leave random chunks in the open, you were approached by a grinning childe. albedo, xiao, aether, and diluc following closely behind him. a strange combination the more you pondered on about it, but that thought flew out your head the moment ajax opened his mouth, "[name]! me and the others are gonna try out the biggest water slide in the place. is that alright with you?"
"sure, if you can handle it.. wait, why are you even asking me about this? aren't you all literal adults...?"
a blush appeared on the harbinger's face, a common sight when he was around you, "ah, yes- just making sure."
"mm. okay, fair. kazu, i'm coming with them, just to make sure they don't murder any staff on the way." you looked over to the man you were previously sitting with, unaware of the jealous looks being thrown at him by the others behind you. he only seemed to shrug, signaling to you that he was rather fine where he was (and would rather not participate in further chaos). knowing who you were with, you empathized with kazuha's decision to stay behind. if only you had the freedom to run away from your "acolytes", but you doubt they'd ever let you get away from them.
while climbing the stairs towards the massive slide, you realized who exactly childe was bringing with him. you were confused to say the least. the traveler and everyone else was an expected group of folk, but all five of them? you never considered them to be close despite the few weeks they've been in your world. and knowing diluc's deep hatred for the fatui, you were surprised him and the ginger even agreed to doing something together. you weren't complaining though, quite curious about their dynamic. you just wondered how and why they even agreed to this. you had no time to ask however as the screams of the poor tourists going down the slide immediately grappled your attention.
had you asked them, you'd have found out that it was originally childe's idea, aether had agreed to go along with it as he does with most things, and the two originally intended to invite zhongli. he was too occupied with an oddly feminine magazine, thinking it was a record of wisdom from your world. so he instead asked the adeptus next to him to go in his stead, encouraging his somewhat son to pursue fun and bonding time with other people. xiao reluctantly agreed, the promise of excitement (god, listening to zhongli talk about the magazine's advice column was boring) and almond tofu afterwards influencing his decision making. realizing that the slide required four people, childe and aether frantically searched for a fourth, the deafening screams of the people who were currently on the slide spurring on the bloodthirsty harbinger even more.
soon enough, they found diluc who seemed to be in deep conversation with a certain chief alchemist. it took a lot for them to convince the winery owner into joining, but after realizing that going on the ride was probably going to impress you, their mighty and benevolent creator, the one who took them in their beautifully decorated home despite the constant hassle they brought, diluc relented and agreed, if only to showcase his bravery and strength.
now here they were, climbing into the giant floatie they were gonna ride down the slide. childe acted with excitement in his every step, he was quite familiar with the hydro element and he's had his fair share of gliding down waterfalls, slides gave about a similar feeling so he wasn't nervous at all — in fact, he was thrilled, almost psychotically so. unlike childe, diluc appeared quite stoic, quite emotionless about the whole ordeal. however, to anyone who paid attention to the tight grip he had on their floatie's handles and the sweat subtly streaming down his face, they would see that his expression of stone couldn't be further from what he was truly feeling. unfortunately for diluc, a cetain snezhnayan noticed, and he was intent on picking on the red-head later. aether felt quite a bit anxious. no kidding, he's faced many dangerous opponents in the past, but water slide physics had never been one of them. he was excited nonetheless, ready to feel the familiar rush of adrenaline flow through his veins. and as for the adeptus, he was rather.. unsure about what he was feeling. he couldn't remember the last time he felt fear, he was probably one of the strongest beings from teyvat, but here, the usage of his powers were prohibited and one couldn't exactly combat a slide. someway, somehow, his heart rate was faster than usual as he felt an unfamiliar emotion bubbling up in his stomach.
"wait, 'bedo, aren't you going to join them?"
"oh no, they only needed four people. i just tagged along to make a few observations." he explained to you, the waterproof camera you bought him a while ago held securely in his hands.
"for research purposes?" you questioned the brilliant alchemist with a mischievous glint in your eye.
"you can say that, but mostly for entertainment."
you smirked at his response. lately, albedo had appeared more human around you and the others. at first, he was so caught up in researching and trying to understand every single thing in your world, he had forgotten to truly take anything in. but recently you found that he finally let himself just enjoy the moment, letting loose in every new scenario he was introduced to.
albedo was chuckling with you when it was finally childe, diluc, xiao, and aether's turn to sway around the circular looking slide. you never pegged diluc to be a screamer, but out of all four of them, his deep baritone voice was the one heard throughout the resort. his body was rigid and visibly in a state of panic as they continued to move in rapid speeds, you were worried he was going to jump off the floatie mid-slide or something, but to your relief, diluc held on throughout the whole ride. you never thought childe would scream as well, but he did scream a bunch (like a pussy) before he started laughing in excitement (and at diluc's facial expressions, ones that albedo were lucky enough to capture). aether was fine for the most part, his vocal reactions mostly ones out of enjoyment. xiao was even more so rigid than diluc, seemingly frozen in place, silently panicking. he looked like he was holding on for his dear life and for a moment, it awakened your protective instincts.
as you descended down the building with albedo to congratulate your boys for being so god damn brave, you were greeted with the sight of the cavalry captain teasing his brother's unexpected reactions and yae along with ei curiously inquiring aether about the ride, considering taking a turn. zhongli didn't look so well, he looked rightfully concerned for his loyal warrior. despite childe's attempts at hyping him up, the former geo archon refused and left to tend to xiao instead, leaving a spot for the cavalry captain to take.
you discovered a lot of things that day. apparently kaeya, unlike his brother, only grunted when faced with extreme fear. yae remained more composed than ei, even finding the breath to make fun of her during the extreme ride. it came as a shock when you heard the electro archon shriek and hiss like a cat while they were sliding down. albedo's reactions were quite emotionless, only ever making a noise around the part where they fall down. diluc tried again a second time and safe to say, his reactions were quite better than the first time, his screams decreasing significantly in volume. you even had a try yourself and you finally understood why your companions reacted the way they did.
ei, yae, kaeya, and albedo made a good quartet, you thought. it eventually came time that they had to close the rides and after all of the screaming and taking turns on different slides, the four had stayed together as a group. curiously joining their conversation, you found that they made a wholesome dynamic — often conversing about the mundane things in life then it escalating to some philosophical thing, all the while sophisticatedly uplifting one another. yae promoted her, uhh, interesting light novels to albedo at some point and you have never seen him look so flabbergasted yet morbidly curious as when yae explained the premises of some of her favorite books. kaeya just laughed at the interaction between the two, a bit tipsy already. he had learned to embrace the insanity that was guuji yae's interest in novelaw a while back when they were talking.
you had wandered shortly after joining their bickering, exploring the little shops around the water park resort. you bought a trinket for every character you had brought with you, somehow always finding something that reminded you of someone. for venti, it was a pair of socks that had blue green stripes wrapped around them. for aether and paimon, you bought three wooden keychains (one for you to match) that had interesting markings. for diluc, you bought more sunscreen because he always looked so sunburnt despite the many times you rubbed sunscreen all over his body. you chuckled to yourself, you were shopping like a cheap grandma on christmas.
you ran into paimon, lumine, ayato, ayaka, and venti shortly afterwards. only then did you realize that you hadn't seen them much the whole day. apparently, they had been enjoying their own little spa-and-shop day with your credit card (god bless its soul). as much as they wanted to spend time with you the whole day, they'd rather abuse the resort side of the water park than add on the list of children you were tasked to babysit.
"i thought after shopping, you'd finally get rid of those blinding speedos, oh dear bard."
"that's what i kept telling him!" chipped in the ever so chatty paimon.
safe to say you got a whole excerpt about how wearing bright yellow speedos to a water park was nothing to be ashamed of. in fact, in venti's own logic, you should be praising his charmingly good looks and drowning him in attention for wearing such seductive and scandalous clothing. ayato was very, uhm, to put it, disturbed by the whole conversation. you caught lumine shooting him a look of pity more than once throughout the bard's ramblings. you did your best to reassure the kamisato siblings not to worry as it was all just harmless banter with the bard. talking came as one tedious task with the anemo archon constantly whining and sputtering out utter bull next to you. you were this close to shoving a bunch of swimwear into his mouth to shut him up.
but alas, the time came that you had to head home and venti's demise had once again slipped away from your hands. you refused to sit near him, instead forcing him to take the car with the annoyed diluc and the entertained childe. if it were any other night, venti probably would've gotten along with the sly ginger, but the harbinger was instead shot down with the brooding bard's remarks about how stupid he looked. your poor personal driver (amongst many other paid drivers) had to tolerate the frustrated banter tossed around by the three as well as a certain paimon joining in only to stoke the fires of their anger. poor aether did his best to ignore them and just stare out of the car window, wishing he had took the car with you and his sister instead.
you sat down in between lumine and ayato, deciding their company was the most pleasant and well, least stressful to deal with. you laughed along the two, updating them on all the escapades that had occurred a while back — a thoroughly flustered xiao glaring at you three from behind you, zhongli next to him excitedly chatting with ayaka about another magazine (meant for teenage girls) he had found inside one of the stores in the water park.
"so that's what me and lumine heard."
"trust me, i was shocked too. albedo looked like he was having a eureka moment."
"somehow i don't think i can view the winery owner in the same lens after this."
overall, you would rate this day 8/10. fun, really fun. you almost died at the sight of your favorite characters in swimsuits, but it would've been a worthy death. the bonding and the rides were all really fun as well. it would've been 10/10 had venti not been flexing his speedos (and ass) to his fellow archons the whole time.
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Sayu's plushie mission
Character(s): Sayu and most of the Inazuma characters (Genshin Impact)
Summary: Sayu is on a mission to give everyone their plushie! Just so that she could keep that soft comfortable blanket that the mysterious lady is willing to give if she completes the mission. Too bad she won't be able to nap with it anytime soon...
Warnings/tags: Fem!reader (but doesn't appear here), sagau as in cult au/god au, no romance just mainly fluff
Klee and the little plushies Qiqi's plushie delivery Sayu's plushie mission (here!) Nahida's dream and plushies
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Sayu had a mission, a mission to deliver all the plushies to their owners, to keep a precious, soft, comfortable blanket. A lady who was making plushies under a tree had told her that she could keep the soft blanket as long as she could give everyone these little dolls and Sayu for the sake of the blanket accepted it in a heartbeat. (Something that she might very well regret later.)
In a bag, she stored all the plushies in it, looking for the people who looked somewhat like the dolls she have.
Running first to the Kamisato estate she found her first victim, a man she wasn't really that fond of due to his constant nagging her to teach him how to become a ninja or even just a trick or two when all the small girl wanted was sleep. Thoma was outside cleaning the garden when she walked up handing him a plushie.
"Oh, hello Sayu. How has your da-- ah huh? That's a quiet, cute doll you have there??"
Thoma was surprised when she suddenly walked up to him holding a doll that looked just like him. The doll was detailed and carefully made. Not only that, it was just adorable! Thoma asked Sayu if she was the one who made it. If not, who? He wanted to learn how to make this lovely thing but was disappointed to find out that Sayu would not tell him who.
The lady told Sayu not to tell anyone who gave these presents, telling the ninja that she would like to remain anonymous. 
Ayaka soon arrived after looking for Thoma when Sayu also shoved a doll toward her. It was cute, really in Ayaka's eyes, something she had never once received, and she told Sayu that she would treasure it. Sayu asked where the head of the Kamisato clan was, but unfortunately, it seems that Ayato was out today, so Sayu instead left it on the table for Ayaka’s brother to find leaving to find more people.
Next one... tho why does Sayu feel like she has bad luck?
Sayu was very annoyed when she had to meet the Arataki gang. The leader was an idiot who always made fun of her height. But what can she do when she had to give a plushie to him and Kuki Shinobu.
"Hoho! Hello Sayu, are you here to meet the amazing one and only Arataki Itto today? Hehe, what brings you here to meet the amazing o-!"
Itto was elastic when he saw the plushie on her hand. He tried acting all cool but stopped when she just shoved the doll in his face. He was to the point of tears as he took the plushie of her, telling others that no he wasn't totally not crying, he totally was not, and that the person who sent should be honored that he had personally accepted the present not without the multiple thank yous in between and sniffles.
Itto was just about to hug the small girl before she poofed away to Shinobu handing her a doll, too. (Receiving a small thank you from Shinobu. Sayu was also asked if she could tell them who made these dolls, Itto being at the side just eavesdropping, wanting to know who gave these, but also thank ofcourse but Sayu just shook her head poofing away.)
Kazuha looked surprised when Sayu suddenly pulled his sleeve, and then handing him a doll. Looking at the doll, he found it very familiar and asked her who she got it from. Sayu shook her head again at his question, and Kazuha quickly understand that this person didn't wish to state who they were and instead told Sayu to pass along a message that he was grateful for the doll. He had seen many in Liyue have one, even Beidou and Ninguang, that he may have become a little envious of them, even tho it wasn't his personality to be so. He noticed how attached others were to their dolls whether they noticed it or not.
It had an odd, comfortable feeling around it…
It gave comfort.
Placing the doll on her waist, the two of them separated ways one of them feeling a little more light than a few moments before.
Next was Yoimiya, who Sayu found at the firework shop, working on a firework commission till she noticed the small girl and grinned, welcoming her in. Yoimiya was taken aback a little when she asked Sayu what she needed, only for her to shake her head, handing Yoimiya a small plushie that looked just like her.
Yoimiya can't help but gasp at how cute the doll was thanking the small girl and then asking if she was the one who made it. She soon found out that it was another person who made it but because of how reluctant Sayu looked to tell her who the person was Yoimiya just told her to invite the person who made it next time when she could.
She will give them a special firework just for them. "Tell them to come whenever they feel comfortable. I will make a special firework just for them!"
It was a far trip to visit the Divine Priestess Sangonomiya Kokomi and Gorou, Sayu had to travel a bit, but she finally reached Watatsumi Island and quickly found the general.
Gorou was surprised when he saw Sayu not expecting to see the small ninja who followed the Kamisato head to be here looking for him. A favor or something he thought only to see a plushie that looked just like him.
Why was this so cute....
Gorou was flustered when he saw his plushie stutter as he wondered if this really was for him. Sayu was amazed at how red the boy got and how fast his tail started wagging as he looked at the plushie in his hand. The boy quickly asked her who made this, but Sayu did not say, making the boy look down in disappointment. Sayu watched his tail lower down and his ears touching his head. She felt like she kicked a puppy....
"Ohh.... that is too bad..."
Sayu quickly escaped.
She found Kokomi at the shrine talking to one of the shrine maidens, stopping when she took notice of the short girl. After the greeting was exchanged, Sayu handed Kokomi a plushie that looked like her. Kokomi was surprised but thanked the girl, telling her she would treasure it. It wasn't something that Sayu knew about, but Kokomi is definitely gonna write in her diary about this exchange.
Sayu was surprised when she found Heizou here at Watasumi Island. When asked, the boy told her that he was looking for someone in particular. "Well, I just so happen to be looking for someone."
The knowing look that he gave Sayu made her quickly go into defense mode when she realized he was looking for you. He tried to get a few clues on who you were, but Sayu refused to say much, not like she knew much about you, but she became rather protective whether she noticed it or not. Or maybe it was because of the blanket?
She didn't want to give Heizou his plushie not at all but it seems that Heizou already knew that there was one that looked like him and Sayu reluctantly parted with the doll mentally noting that she would keep an eye out for this sneaky guy.
Going back to Narukami Island, Sayu headed to the Grand Narukami Shrine, not before meeting Kujou Sara, who was out training. The tengu was surprised when Sayu showed up without much of a greeting she just placed a doll on the lady's hand.
Suspicious, Sara quickly demanded Sayu, who made them, which she grew even more suspicious when the small ninja didn't want to answer. Yet that flew out the window the moment she saw a Raiden Shogun doll that Sayu had in her bad.
Quickly Sara flusteredly asked if she could have it, willing to even pay for the doll but when Sayu told her that she can't Sara instead asked again who made them but this time with a different motive unable to handle this pushiness Sayu told the lady the place Sayu found you at and of Sara went in search for you with a look of determination in her face.
Sayu soon reached the shrine greeting Yae Miko who was there eating Dango while reading a light novel but what Sayu didn't expect is to see the Raiden Shogun right beside Miko looking at another light novel with an odd fascination towards it.
"Ah, I have heard that there was a small ninja going around giving out small plushies. I suppose you are here to also give us those dolls, too?" Yae Miko asked the young girl with a sly smile on her face when the small girl nodded.
She already knew.
"Plushies?" Ei asked, confused, placing her book down. Miko was quick to explain what they were, taking the two dolls that Sayu offered to them she showed them to Ei. "Arnt they cute. This doll looks just like you, no?"
"It does?"
Taking the plushie that looks just like her. Ei still looked confused about how this thing looked similar to her. It is too… small and too round. Yet there was something....
Something that made Ei freeze as she stared at the doll.
Sayu looked at the Raiden Shogun in concern while Yae Miko looked interested. "Hmmm, is something the matter?"
"These dolls… where did you get them?" Ei asked, looking at Sayu while holding her doll in her hand. Sayu looked down in fear, wondering if she had done something wrong. Did she? "I got them from a lady who was making them. The dolls were cute that I was watching her make, then I doze off, and when I woke up, she was still there."
"Oh?" Yae Miko looked at Sayu, placing her hand in front of her mouth with a look of interest motioning the small girl to continue."She wrapped me in a blanket while I was asleep... it is very comfy and she told me I could have it if I deliver all these dolls." Sayu glanced at the dolls the ladies were holding.
"Do you know who she is?" Yae Miko asked, but Sayu hesitantly shook her head. She didn't even know the lady who was kind to her, except that her aura was warm and comforting. It was easy to trust the lady somehow... Sayu doesn't remember the reason, but she was sure the lady had good intentions.
“Oh, do you perhaps know this person? Why don't you introduce her to me? I would love to know who made these lovely dolls.” Yae Miko asked with a sly smile on her face, looking like a greedy businesswoman, not that she would ever admit to it.
But before Sayu could say anything anymore, Ei was first to speak.
“I know who she is… my sister told me many things about her...” Ei told Miko, glancing at her and then at Sayu. A slimmer of envy and jealousy was in her eyes. “She doesn't show herself to just anyone."
"Yet many wish to meet her even after so long. It was a regret to many gods who passed."
Yae Miko tried to get more information about this mysterious lady, but Ei chose to ignore her, taking a sip of her tea. Sayu thought that this was the perfect time to leave, Miko let the small girl go still looking at Ei, trying to get the electro archon to tell her more.
"Come on. You can tell your best friend~."
Sayu finally felt free after leaving the shrine. She finally gave everyone their plushies, and now she got to keep the blanket for herself! Well… she didn't expect to see the head of the Kamisato clan smiling right in front of her… she messed up.
She didn't know what she did to mess up, but she deffinetly did.
Ayato looked at Sayu, who was looking anywhere but him. Her hand was on her knees sitting down as she was asked who had given her all those plushies. It wasn't necessary that they were dangerous. Ayato had double-checked his doll and Thoma and Ayaka's to see that they were just dolls really made out of felt and cotton and found nothing.
Yet something was odd... not when the Electro archon reacted to them like that...
He could not help but feel like he was missing something here as he glanced at his doll and then back at Sayu, who was looking down at the floor. "Why is it you won't tell me then?" Ayato asked. "Do you not know the name of the lady who gave you those dolls?"
Sayu nodded she had given every information she had about the lady who gave her the dolls. Her appearance wasn't something anybody recalled to mind when Sayu explained. "So how did you meet her?" He asked. "I meet her in the forest. She asked me if I could send the dolls to others and that she would pay to do so. She gave me my own plushie and said if I completed it I will get to keep a travel blanket that she made..."
“Hmm.. she must be an interesting lady. The reaction of Raiden Shogun is proof of that…” Kamisato looked at his plushie, the small smile on its face. Ayato thought he grew out of toys, but the more he looked at it the more he started to have soft spot for this little thing.
“Sayu, search for that lady again and all the information about her,” Ayato told the small girl who looked up at him. Placing his chin on his hands supported by the table, he smiled at her.
“After all it would be rude not to say thank you for these lovely dolls no?”
There goes her nap....
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But I still hope you enjoyed reading this, reblog if you did and have a lovely day!
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chococolte · 2 years
I've seen your “calling them a good boy”work and I love it. If it's okay with you, can I request for a “calling them a good girl” with Arlecchino, Raiden Shogun, Yae Miko, and Yelan? Thanks! ^^
word count. 1.2k
୨୧ — ꒰ cw. yandere, unhealthy relationships, possessive & obsessive behaviors, religious themes, sagau + cult au shit. g/n reader. i do not condone yanderes irl.
୨୧ — ꒰ a/n. finally some love for my girls, i luv u nonnie
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"You're such a good girl, aren't you?"
Yelan gulps, feeling the sting of the sweat on her back. Your gaze is heavy, and you stare at her as though you already know every secret she has told and has yet to say.
She feels almost like she's dirtying you, with the way her stomach flutters at your words. You say it with such ease, as if your mere words aren't making her feel this way. Yelan is sure you must know of how you're affecting her, sure you must be able to hear how loud her blood pumps through her veins. Such a profound reaction, but who of your worshippers would blame her? To be praised by you is like nothing else.
You pull at her hair lightly, tugging her short strands. She begs for you under her breath, in a way that she's never done for anyone before. You tug harder, and she winces in pain— but Yelan has always enjoyed the way pain lights her nerves on fire, and she'll always enjoy whatever you give her.
You laugh at her pitiful expression, cheeks flushed and so unbecoming. She never would've allowed anyone to see her like this— she would have hit them for even imagining her in such a state. But she thinks it's rather telling that you're the only one whom she can bear to see her like this, weak and vulnerable. You've known her for far longer than she has ever known you.
Yelan could never bring herself to tell you, but she desires to know you as much as you know her. She has never wished for anything so strongly before, to the point of heartache. She hates herself for the little voice in the back of her head that asks for more, more than you've already given. It wishes to hoard you, to keep your touch and love to itself.
"Be mine, Yelan."
She wants to tell you she already is. She always has been. But you did not ask for her opinion, for her voice— so she nods, desperately, begging for you to take her.
yae miko
Yae purrs as your hands run along the base of her ears. Your movements are soft, methodical, and seem to know every which way to get her preening at your touch.
Even if you hadn't, the fact that it was you meant more than anything else. You could hurt her and she'd thank you. Unlike one of her temperance, perhaps, but you were her God. What subject would she be if she ran with her tail between her legs at your ire? She had learned her lesson once before. Yae would do anything to stay by your side.
"Does it feel good?" You ask, and her mind buzzes with the sound of your voice. Your voice is so beautiful, she thinks, and she wants nothing more than to tell you. But to speak before you ask would be the greatest offense— so Yae says nothing, and only dips her head towards your feet, hoping you find this answer satisfactory.
You scratch at her scalp, and she mews. Yae can't find it in herself to be embarrassed by her display. It's you, after all. Her God. To be embarrassed in front of the one who made her, the one who knows her more than herself, would be foolish. She would've laughed at the mere thought, but your eyes on her close her throat and tighten.
"My good girl," you coo. Yae shivers.
Her God. If only you weren't any one else's.
raiden shogun
Ei crawls towards you on all-fours.
If anyone else had asked her to do this, she would've raised her blade and killed them where they stood. But it was you, and how could she ever deny you of anything?
She feels almost pitiful in front of you. You were everything, ethereally ephemeral and eternally stationary, one of which she could not stand to be and the other which she failed to reach. Ei had tried so hard to replicate your image, and yet she could not even achieve a fraction of what you so easily are.
When she reaches the foot of your throne, you beckon her closer. Ei feels her heart threaten to burst from her chest, rising from her throat. She swallows thickly, disciplining herself inwardly for wanting more from you. Ei wants your touch, your warmth; she wants the sweat off your back and the blood within your veins. She wants you to want her, to love her even the tiniest bit as much as she loves you. But to demand anything from you is sacrilege. To think this way, to imagine herself as the one you chose above all others, is the highest sin.
"You're so beautiful." You whisper, moving her hair out of her face. She shudders as your skin comes into contact with hers, even if only for this brief moment. "Won't you be mine, Your Excellency?"
Ei's breath catches in her throat. Your laughter rings out, almost like a lulling lullaby.
You cup her face in your hands, a smile playing at your beautiful features. "Be my good girl, and stay with me for tonight. You can do that, right?"
She hides the red blush blossoming on her cheeks in your hands.
Arlecchino finds it very easy to swallow her pride in front of you.
It isn't so much swallowing as it is relocating. She is proud to have your eyes on her, proud to know you have called her instead of any other. Arlecchino would stop whatever she is doing, no matter how important or if even if the Tsarista had been the one to order her, if you called for her presence. It is the greatest sin to ignore you, and the greatest pleasure to stand high in front of your eyes.
Arlecchino bows her head, kneeling at your feet. She feels your eyes go up her entire being, and her heart swells. She had done her best to prepare herself for you, preening and picking herself clean. She washed herself of any blood, making sure none of the scent clung to her. She sprayed herself with your favorite fragrance. All of it, to make herself more appealable.
You hum contently, and tap your lap. She moves towards you with a hunger barely abided, with all the fervor and feverish worship any one worthy of your presence should commend. Arlecchino would happily betray anyone if she stood to gain something from it, but to betray you was unthinkable in her mind. If it was just you and her against everyone else... that sounds far more agreeable than having to burn with envy whenever you give another a modicum of attention.
Arlecchino lays her head delicately on your soft legs, only loosely hidden by your intricate robes. She holds herself back from taking more than what you've deigned to give her. The material rubs against her face, but if she closes her eyes and imagines hard enough, she can almost believe it as your own warmth.
"You're such a good girl, to come to me as soon as I call for you," you say. Arlecchino smiles and looks up at you with half-lidded eyes, which then close blissfully as you move your hands to her hair. "Don't go anywhere. Stay right here with me."
"I will always stay by you," she mumbles under her breath, your praise repeating in her mind like a broken record.
Your good girl. Only yours.
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krowlovesinazuma · 2 months
Alright, first request of mine on this blog:
Working from the prologue, how would Yae Miko, Ei, and Kirara react when they first see you?
(Non-related to the request, but I bet I'm gonna be the only one here that's not an Anon haha)
Oh nice, my first request! I'll do these separately, and in headcanons! Also, perhaps, but we'll see if this blog becomes popular or not hehe :3
Read this prologue for context!
Scenario: Meeting reader after he appears in Teyvat
Characters: Yae Miko, Ei, Kirara
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Once she catches sight of someone without clothes from Teyvat out of nowhere, she's the first to make a logical connection to the divine, and take you somewhere safe. She won't ask many questions, not until she can ensure that the two of you are nice and private.
While in the outside she might look composed and serious, inside she's definitely nervous. She hasn't been in the presence of someone of such divine nature apart from Ei in so long, and she needs to ensure both your safety and well-being.
Once she sees you being receptive to her commands though, and calm once you're in the safety of her closed off shrine however, she relaxes, and begins asking questions, to ensure her assumptions of course. She can't get too carried away yet, even if you do know her name, and recognized her at first sight...
You've never seen Miko with such a serious glint in her eye apart from the archon quest, and seeing it up close is, frankly, a little terrifying. You don't know how it happened, or why you're here at all, so you can't help but worry.
That's when she catches sight of your golden blood, and you can see her eyes starting to sparkle with excitement, her shoulders relaxing from their tense posture, and her tail starting to sway more freely...
"... I'm sorry, oh divine one... Hm, no titles? Very well. I couldn't be sure of what I saw, not when I've seen my fair share of trickery and deceit through the centuries... I promise, you have my full trust now. Now, let's put that stuffy atmosphere behind us."
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Let's be honest, Ei hasn't seen much of the present Teyvat, and as such has lost a grip on the culture, especially foreign culture. So when she sees your clothing, she imagines that you're just a traveler. Perhaps she should make a proper first appearance...
As soon as she approaches however, you exclaim her name with happiness, which she immediately causes her to do a second take. How did you know about her name, and not her title? Her eyes shrink, and her mind becomes easily confused.
That's when you show the golden drops of blood, and Ei's mind explodes. All this time, she believed that she would never get a chance to see you in a physical form, and you can see her eyes shaking with so many emotions...
She takes you away to the Plane of Euthymia, for your own safety she says, but as there's the tiniest shaking in her voice, you can't help but suspect it's actually to help her calm down and have some private time with you.
You have to be a little patient with her. There's so much going on in her mind from all those years she's been alive and has only been able to confide in Miko, and she knows you've learnt about it through the others. You wait for her to calm down, and sometimes, even tell her to take deep breaths before continuing.
Once she's calm though, she'll get right to business, thinking about a way to keep you safe, and cared for, while ensuring that the rest of Inazuma is aware of your descent. After all, what better way to revitalize her region than showing her the truth in their beliefs?
"You... Are alright with these arrangements, correct? Very well, then it's settled. Once again, welcome to Inazuma, the land that has never once forgotten you... I'm glad you show such enthusiasm, and frankly, I think I am just as excited."
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Kirara probably caught sight of you as she was stretching herself before another delivery. She's quite busy, so it's easier for her to focus on others once off the clock. Once she sees you though, she can't help but be a little cautious, yet curious.
In all of the regions she's visited for deliveries, she's never seen clothing like yours... Soon enough, she's slowly creeping up on you, eager to see who exactly you were! Her steps are quite silent, so it isn't exactly hard to do so.
Much like Ei, she starts talking to you as if you were just a foreigner, but just like Miko, she starts asking a lot of questions! Hers are more casual than the kitsune's however, with an excited pep to her voice.
When you show her the golden drops of blood, at first she's confused, and doesn't make the immediate connection to the rumors of the creator, thanks to them being only present in Inazuma, and her not spending much time there thanks to work.
Once she does however, she lets out the loudest gasp you've heard ever, and her eyes sparkle intensely! Her questions immediately double in speed and amount, and you have to calm her down, which can be a little complicated once she gets into another tangent.
Once she stops, she realizes that since you're from another realm, you must not have a home in Inazuma! So she decides to take you back to her home for the time being, so you may feel free to leave anytime!
"Ah, I wasn't really expecting any guests anytime soon, but you can have the spare room! Now, I won't be here much, but I promise I'll try to take less orders for now!... Unless you want me to take a vacation for you?"
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victoria1676 · 2 years
Brain rot/Imagine: Imposter SAGAU BROKEN GOD/CREATOR! READER!
So I know people are not Minecraft fans or never watch Minecraft YouTubers unless some used to watch but not anymore and is it bad like this certain artist who made a Dream SMP au mostly onto Tommy except this is veryyyyyy angsty.
Like heres the videos that I will be talking about for a new(?) Au for sagau
So basically this au called "Ebrunean Tommy Au" which is like a before Dream broke out of prison and what if after he broke out of prison and found Tommy to the point he kept killing Tommy all over again and reviving him many times to kill Tommy.
Because of this Tommy slowly became like a shell of who he was and now has white hair, can't feel pain, can't talk or even make any movements but he can walk and sit down only the way he does them look very robotic. Plus he never speaks and follows Tubbo around.
If you can more info on this au please check out Blublu_by the creator of this au.
Warnings of this post: ANGST, Mention of torture, mention of being killed, and mentions of reader trauma along with them being broken. Also, not every chara is mentioned here since I am lazy to write them all sorry DX
Now imagine this au in the imposter Sagau o reader who finally has now become the shell of your former self after you got revived for the last time from getting executed. You can not talk, laugh or cry but only has a face of blankness that shows how tired you are and look very dead.
Venti tries so hard to redeem himself by playing music to the reader, yet it did not even make the reader budge who just looked at him, making the bard feel like he was judged but also it was a painful reminder that he and the other acolytes did this to you. All he wanted was to hear your laughter and see your smile but alas. It was futile not when Venti sometimes saw a ghost or a presence that is in front of his god yelling and crying at him with the words.
He can't hear those words from your mouth but he can feel that those are the words that you wanted to say to him but you can't when you are already broken. Diona was already crying that you can't even drink her finest drinks without someone pushing it gently for you. She was so sad that you could never enjoy her drinks normally with a smile like before thanks to the people who hurt you.
It hurts Venti to the point he wished to turn back time or redo his ways so that he and his nation won't suffer looking at what was once their beloved god but is now a shell of them. He envy his friend Dvalin who was the one who did not attack your with Bennett's friends (Razor and Fischl) and all he could do is watch them drag or be with you with close contact while he and the ones who attack you will never able to touch you when it all bring you to pain.
You screamed and screamed as Venti tried to calm you down as he was about to carry you it made your screaming worsen to the point it sounded like you were getting killed by him again. He felt the Traveler punch him as he could hear Jean getting Barbara while you continued screaming until you calm down slowly once you were in Traveler's arms.
It was then everyone realized whoever laid their hands on you by killing or hurting you. You would suddenly scream as it shows that this is a reminder to those who forsake you will forever hear the screams of their God when they tried to kill them.
So all Venti can do is sing his songs hoping you can enjoy them as he continues to get himself drunk from his sins.
There are times Diluc would wish he cut off his hands for getting them stained by your blood as he watched you just leaning against Rosaria who allowed it while Kaeya tried to make you smile by cracking some jokes but you could see his hands trembling like he wanted to touch you but cannot when he attacked you with his vision if Rosaria did not intercept him.
Both sworn brothers wished they realize things sooner than both of them could have been happy and acting alright with you but it was too late.
Jean tried to give you Dandelion flowers but you turned away and quickly go the Traveler who made you food much to the Acting Grand Master's sadness. Albedo can only seethe in anger when he saw Subject two or rather Rubedo guiding you by holding your hand while the alchemist watches 'his brother' hold your hands.
Chongyun. Xiangling, Hu-tao, and Xingqiu toke you around Liyue as you carried Qiqi in your arms. Yelan guided you to Yanfei and Madame ping but you also held the fluffy coat Yelan stole from a certain harbinger.
Whenever you enter Liyue Zhongli could not help by try to get you gifts like Ningguang but unfortunately, you would not accept those gifts as the Geovisaps smaller or bigger ones would crush them or rip them apart. Xiao had to carry you away from them (Zhongli, Ningguang and others who hurt you in Liyue). Ganyu could not show her face to you when she was the one who shot your leg as Shenhe held your hand like you guys are a family or lovers.
Childe was lucky that Foul Legacy realized who you are or else he could have been one of the people you would be screaming when made contact with you. Normally Childe would be over the moon that he can hold you and hug you but it hurts him to see his God not smiling or talking as he did his best to spoil them or be patient with them.
Kazuha would sometimes play music with his Leaf whistle as you lean on his back while Beidou talks to Traveler if there is any progress of you coming back to your senses. Both Captain of the Alcor and the Inazuma Wanderer were sad when they saw the downcast Traveler telling them that there is no progress toward you going back to normal.
Raiden Shogun-Ei watch her familiar and friend Yae Miko who was letting you read her books or sleep on Kitsune's lap which made Ei look down at the ground in shame along with avoiding looking at your neck that had an angry red line where she was the one who cut off your head.
Ayato comforted his sister Ayaka who could not help but cry as Thoma was the only one you allow to hold you and feed you. When you visited the estate the Kamisato family tried to make you feel welcome but you ignored them for Thoma who quickly prepare food and went to your side to guide you. Sara was tempted to shoot Itto who was legit carrying you like a rag doll but she would not let go of the arrow without hurting you again as the Tengu saw Kuki Shinobu scolded Itto very hard while you looked at the scene in confusion.
Heizou did not mind the stares of the people of Watasumi island since he is used to them although there are times he could not hold back his smirk as he watch Gorou's ears and tail go down when you turned him away and ignored a sad Kokomi who had a gift for you.
Dainsleif shook his head before muttering "fools" at the dejected and sad acolytes who had made you broken. They went from being excited about killing an imposter only to realize the mistake once their blood finally became gold after it kept flashing from red to finally gold. The former ex-captain of Kheanriah cannot help but scowl at the sheer 180 change of what these people had done to you.
If they weren't so blind then Dainsleif could have heard your voice or seen your smile again but now it was gone thanks to those acolytes of yours. All he can do is do his duty as a guard to watch and be by your side whenever Traveler tends to lost sight of you due to you wandering to different places.
Abyss twin made sure to tell all Abyss mages to keep an eye on you as well as they are ordered to hurt anyone who has hurt you. They did not wish for you broken to be broken even more when you have not yet reached the 'The truth of this world' with their twin. How dare these people of the gods to hurt you! At least they know have more reason to not only Destroy Celestia but also destroy everyone in Teyvat who had hurt you.
You may have been broken, damaged and already been killed multiply times to the point you can't remember, think, speak or make any movements other then to walk, sit or follow.
Maybe one day you'll be back to normal.
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apple-death · 2 years
Where Am I?!!
A yandere genshin sagau so if your not interested you can skip
This is based off of my “Knowing Au” which in short means the reader has read fics before so knows what could go down in the genshin world and if they end up in a gruesome au. Which they did
Tw: Angst, more angst, crying, mentions of attempted murder, trauma, guilt, me ripping your heart out with even more angst. I cried on the inside while writing this.
It was cold in the grand church, one where the former “god” had taken residence in.
It was cold outside, where the warm sun used to bathe the brightly colored world.
It was cold, where warm blood would pump and circulate through the body of the broken god. 
It was cold where their heart should be. Where they should feel any kind of warmth. Not even out of love, but out of life. Out of living. It was cold.
But nothing could surpass the frozen silence and time when their rightful god, sat upon the impostor's throne gazed upon them. The unfaithful acolytes. Could it be considered gazing at them? Their eyes seem too...cold, empty, and gone.
“Your-your grace we didn’t mean-”
A swift hand from their grace silenced the bowing, sniveling bard. 
“How many did you kill?..How many did you senselessly murder?” 
Their gentle voice asked. Just light of a whisper, but heard by everyone in the room as they were attentive for their creators voice. Anything that wasn’t a shrill, glass shattering scream was what they all wanted.
“How. Many.”
They demanded this time when the acolytes hesitated at the question. The voice losing it’s once gentle touch, but no louder. 
Yae Miko, one who was at their side from the beginning, wordlessly handed a book to her creator. She knew that they were in a fragile state, and she didn’t have the heart in her to say the number.
“Thank you.” 
The creator quietly let out. Even in such a devastated state they were still kind and polite to their creations. To those that deserved it.
The flipping of pages echoed through the walls and as each second ticked by, the more the hearts of those in the building, dropped. The more they started to cry, and the more it turned into quiet weeping as page, after page, after page, after page was slowly turned. 
“We’re so sorry..”
“Please forgive us your grace.”
“We’ll take any punishment you see fit!”
The archons cried out in desperation. Anything for their god to look at them with love again.
But amidst their weeping and their pleas, they couldn’t see that their god was also crying. Crying over how many were slaughtered and what they lost.
“Why? Why did you kill so many just because they looked like me?! Some of these are even kids! Children!”
The broken sound of their god made them raise their heads from the floor to see their god weeping, which caused their hearts to shatter even further, if that was possible.
It was their fault that their god couldn’t look at them. It was their fault they could be near them. It was their fault they couldn’t stand them. Yet they asked for forgiveness anyways cause they couldn’t fathom doing anything else.
“They were impostors your grace!”
Venti blurted out.
“You being here confirms that they weren’t the real all creator!!”
Zhongli tried to reaason.
Their god shot up from their seat as everyone looked at them in surprise at the sudden increase of volume. 
While yes, they had screamed as they were tortured by their acolytes and when they were about to be executed. They had always tried to be quiet, to be gentle, to be nice, to be forgiving. But this scream, this shriek held all the anger that they had yet shown.
The full choir of cries and wails now filled the nation as not only the acolytes, but the followers as well heard their god’s rage, their sorrow, their grief as they were right. They had never taken that into consideration. 
The new idea of killing their god over and over even as they took on an early stage of life made them feel even worse. The sin of harming or even killing their own god was what they considered as the worst transgression they could commit, until their god said that. The act of killing their god repeatedly was so much worse.
“We’re sorry we’re sorry, we’re so sorry!!”
The room was filled with cries that were desperately trying to be suppressed. Sniffles and hiccups littered the room, but none were as attention grabbing as the ones coming from their god, who collapsed into the chair exhausted from finally letting their bleeding-heart speak.
“Your gra-...Y/n..”
Yae corrected as she rested a gentle hand on their shoulder. While formality was strict when it came to her god, she knew they hated that name for what it brought them. She also used their name because that was the only thing that could get their attention in their state. Their true name being said was such a rarity, Yae saw the light in their eyes come back when she said their name. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for her. Enough for both of them.
“-We can go back to the shrine, or even Snezhnaya if this is too much now.”
Yae waited for their tears to calm down for their answer, but her god asked her a question so meekly she didn’t hear it.
“Where am I?”
“Yo-Y/n?..What do you mean by that?”
She cradled their face in her hands as she stepped in front of them, blocking their view from the acolytes. She was concerned about why they would ask that. They’d sustained so many injuries it was possible that it could be a side effect or something that they missed.
“Where am I?”
They repeated a little louder. As fat, warm tears rolled down their cheeks and onto Yae’s hands that tried to wipe them away.
“-This isn’t the Teyvat that I fell in love with. These aren’t the people I fell in love with.”
They uncontrollably started crying as they curled in on themselves. Their voice growing until even the acolytes on the floor could here them,.
“My Teyvat would never do this. They would never slaughter kids and they would never hunt down someone for such a simple thing.”
Yae’s, and the recently appeared Tsaritsa’s heart broke as their god coninued on.
“This isn’t the Mondstadt I fell in, this isn’t the Izuma I fell in love with. There’s nothing here I loved before.”
“Surely you don’t mean-”
The Tsaritsa tried to cut in.
“I loved the people who would smile, I loved the people who would protect others and those who wished the best for others. Those who followed their ideals and dreams without influence, and those who were kind. But I’ve seen none of it here in this world. This world is cruel and unforgiving. It murders any that resembles me and has no qualms committing atrocities even against the innocent and young. It’s just a husk of what I love rotting from the inside desperately pretending it’s still alive.”
They choked out one more thing that even broke the ones who were in their god’s favor.
“This isn’t the world I loved.”
This was the first time making anything really angsty so I’m sorry if it wasn’t as sad as the Tw warnings said it would be. 
Reblog, but don’t repost or copy guys. :D
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foggylikemyvision · 2 years
You ever wanna pet miko's belly? I'm thinking about starting to write sagau stuff purely for self indulgence and petting Miko is up there on the list of things I wanna write
hi yes anon I'm glad we're discussing this I love Miko so much. I have a cat and I just want to absorb it so you can see how I feel about Miko.
I'm pretty sure there's actually a Miko simping post somewhere on my blog-
anyways here you go
You always did love Miko. She was tall, flirty, cunning. You loved her dearly even before the isekai. You loved her for her sense of humor, her taste in food, but most of all; You loved her because she was fluffy. In the late hours of the night near the blurry line between the early morning, your mind wanders to Miko. Thoughts about how fluffy she might be crosses your mind.
Her wavy hair so sleek and soft it looks like a cloud, her ears so fluffy and thick you thought of it to be almost catlike. You wanted to pet them. You really wanted to pet Miko.
So, when you awake a week or so later cuddled up in your grand bed, you had a realization.
'Holy shit.'
'Im gonna go fucking pet Miko.'
This epitome left you vibrating in excitement.
She wasn't shocked, to say the least.
You weren't exactly subtle with your longing looks toward her ears.
Miko was mostly surprised that you actually got the courage to ask!
Her ears are Soft.
so is her tail
she is very fluffy
she stops functioning once you start getting into it.
Literally she took out her earrings so her ears could lift
and they just got pinned back as soon as you started petting her
she's blissed out.
no thoughts head empty.
she actually drools a little
when you stop she just shoves her head back into your hand
tails poof out and you get to pet those too.
her eyes are glossy and half-lidded.
a little drool is poking out the sides of her mouth
she is a mess but a very pretty mess.
this is a Miko simping blog if you couldn't already tell
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sunny-fox · 2 years
So umm I just read your short umm durable about the braces and an idea popped in my mind what if in teyvat they have fanfic books of us being with them (just like our fanfics of being with them) since in most cases of sagau mentions that they are in love or perhaps infatuated with them how would creator! Reader would react 🍰
Reader’s pronouns: they/them
A surprise trip to the Grand Narukami Shrine revealed something you never knew.
When you reached said shrine, you headed towards the Sacred Sakura immediately. You hoped that you'd find Yae Miko there - you wanted to surprise her with a customized scarf you had bought from Ogura Textiles & Kimonos a few days ago.
You did find the pink-haired woman standing underneath the tree. She was facing the Sacred Sakura, with her back facing you. You grinned, hiding the package with the scarf behind your back.
"Miko!" You called out.
Miko whirled around at the sound of your voice, and for a brief moment, you swore you had caught a glimpse of a flustered expression on her face. That didn't last long - Miko's usual, mischievous smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as soon as she looked at you in the eyes.
"Ah, Your Grace," she said. "You should've informed me that you'd visit the Grand Narukami Shrine today."
"I wanted to surprise you - guess what I've got!"
You showed her the package, expecting a reaction from her. Delight, shock, anything. But Miko merely chewed on her lip and hid her hands behind her back.
"What's the matter, Miko? Do you not like the surprise?" You asked worriedly.
"No, it's not that - " she shook her head, then sighed. A pink blush dusted her cheeks as she tried to formulate a response.
“Just - wait a minute, will you, Your Grace?”
She turned to leave, but you managed to grab her sleeve and stopped her.
“Has it got anything to do with...that book?” You pointed at the light novel in her hand. Reaching out to take it and have a closer look at the cover.
The mischievous smile returned, and Miko swung it out of your reach just as the tips of your fingers brushed against the book. “Oh, I don’t think so,” she said, grinning. 
“Come on, please let me have a look!”
You tried to grab the book, but Miko managed to keep it out of your reach every time you did. Holding it above her head, passing it from one hand to the other, Miko was sure that you would never be able to snatch it - until something plucked it out of her hands.
“Hey - !!”
You hopped onto a branch of the sakura tree near you, patting it as it moved back to its original position. The book hung from a tangle of leaves, the branch passing it to you at your request. 
“Now, now, let’s see...”
You flipped through the pages until a paragraph caught your eye.
“Your Grace...” you said, feeling your cheeks burn as you looked at them.
They leaned closer and kissed your forehead, holding you close as they did so.
“Don’t ever do that again, okay? I can’t bear to lose you.”
You felt your cheeks burn as you read it. Quickly snapping the novel closed, you looked at the cover.
A Life Without You - Their Grace x Reader
You looked at Miko. Was that why she was so flustered when you arrived? Was that why she was reluctant to give you the light novel? The Guuji had turned away from you, but you knew she felt embarrassed, if not humiliated, that you had found her reading it. The tips of her fluffy pink ears were starting to turn cherry red.
You climbed down from the tree, walking towards Miko.
“Hey,” You said. “I’m sorry...”
“Don’t be, Your Grace,” she said shortly.
You reached out, hands stopping an inch or two from her. “May I?”
She managed a single nod.
You wrapped your arms around her, leaning against her back. 
“You don’t have to be embarrassed,” you consoled her. “Heck, I read these fanfictions all the time back in my world.” You smiled.
“Y - you do?” Miko sounded relieved.
“Yes, I did,” you replied.
“And -  you know what? I can’t bear to lose all of you too.”
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