#sadly for my case he *did* ruthlessly break my heart.
kandavers · 29 days
you have that one amazingly angsty drawing of radioapple. It’s the one where Luci says “you can break my heart, it’s only yours to break” or something like that and alastor admits that they are only in a relationship because he has ulterior motives. What are his motives?
btw it literally made me SOB. Love your art sm <3
Oh, to be completely honest I did not think that far! I just wanted to project HAHAHA
If I were to think of something on the spot, said "motive" would probably be: he wants to Take Over Hell, and what better way to do that than to strike the Ruler himself?
...something like that. Not very set on it, but yeah!
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calboniferous · 3 years
Chapter 5 – Vokara Che
As soon as the call ended, Master Vokara Che all but ran down to the hangars, stopping only to message Bant to meet her there. Jedi parted like water in her path, sensing her urgency and when she passed, she caught flashes of concern from them in turn. Situations that necessitated the Chief Healer’s immediate, personal attention were, more often than not, fatal. They all knew that and spared a thought for their injured fellow. The compassion projected in the force buoyed her step.
Vokara’s heart warmed at her brethren’s actions. If she had anything to say about it, no one would be lost from their ranks today.
You’ve already failed, then.
A little voice in her mind whispered, picking at memories of the master-padawan duo that had landed in her infirmary with aggravating frequency.
Jinn had once staggered in on a broken ankle, sixteen-year-old Obi-Wan tucked under his master’s arm and nearly hidden by the voluminous robe, the two of them soaked to the bone and laughing. That was the day they first shared minds and it had resulted in both master and padawan falling into a pool in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. She’d eyed Obi-Wan’s sympathetic limp and dragged the cheerful pair into a treatment room. Strapping Jinn’s ankle, Vokara had sighed, “For your padawan’s sake, I hope you stay in one piece next time.”
“If it helps me avoid your wrath, O great Knight Healer Che…”
He’d turned to his Padawan, wriggling his toes in the brace and waggling his eyebrows, “What do you say, Obi-Wan? Want to help keep me in Healer Che’s good graces?”
She buckled that down ruthlessly, stowing the loss away where it couldn’t distract her. Whether sleeping in the Halls of Healing or millions of lightyears away from Coruscant, all Jedi were hers to care for. Feeling their lights snuffed out never got easier, Vokara simply grew better at compartmentalising. There would be time for meditation later.  
She reached the hangar in record time to find Plo Koon waiting for her.
“Berth cresh-twelve,” he said, directing them to the ship, a faded red Jedi insignia painted on the ship’s nose, “The council has had a preliminary briefing. We’re cleared to go as soon as Padawan Eerin arrives.”
“Thank the Force”
Vokara had never been gladder that rescue missions for Jedi were approved internally by the High Council instead of via the Senate. It took at least a week for anything to be processed through that bureaucratic nightmare.
The ship’s hatch lowered with a whirr of machinery and Plo made for the cockpit to begin pre-flight checks while Vokara did an inventory of the ship’s supplies. Soon, the deck rumbled under her boots as the engine came online.
There was a clatter as Bant arrived in a flurry of robes, “What’s the situation?” the mon calamari was uncharacteristically steely.
“Your message said that Master Jinn was dead and Obi-Wan is injured and that was it.”
Plo spoke up from the pilot’s seat, interjecting calm “And with good reason. The details of what happened on Naboo have been classified until further notice. You needed to be briefed in person and we will do that once we’re in hyperspace.”
Bant deflated, sharp edges of her force presence vanishing. She was too empathetic to stay angry for long. Some might criticise it but Vokara believed it was an excellent trait for the calibre of healer Bant was becoming.
The ship’s hatch sealed with a hiss and with a steady hand on the controls, Plo guided the ship out of the hangar and through the tangled, glittering web of Coruscant’s skylanes.
When at last the starlines of hyperspace streaked across the viewport, Plo stood.
“I think we should have this discussion somewhere a little more comfortable,” he said, leading the trio to the ship’s small sitting room sparsely furnished with a few couches sunk into the walls. An alcove housed a stack of woven meditation mats that Vokara intended to make good use of. It might’ve appeared spartan to some, but it was practical. Versatile in that way Jedi architecture tended to be.
“Bant, did you tell anyone else about this mission,” Vokara said, the mon calamari cringing under her stare.
She arched a pointed eyebrow and Bant winced, flush darkening her pink skin.
“Technically, I told no one—,”
“Not helping your case, Padawan,”
“—he just overheard the message and you know how Garen is about Obi-Wan.”
Unfortunately, Vokara did know. She was painfully aware of how close-knit their friend group was. There was a scuffle in the hallway and the Knight in question appeared.
“I heard my name—where are we going again?”
“Naboo,” Master Koon said dryly, “Take a seat, Muln.”
Garen settled on the couch, shoulder-to-shoulder with Bant. Although he exuded nonchalance and vague curiosity, the set of his jaw and tapping fingers on his thigh betrayed his true feelings.
Vokara massaged her temple, trying to ease the growing ache in her lekku. “I don’t suppose Vos and Reeft are also stowed under the floor panels?”
Garen shook his head. “They’re off-planet.”
Small mercies, then. Vos’s…intensity was not exactly what she wanted to deal with right now. She took her breaks where she could.
“Well, in any case, your presence will be helpful,” she said and a grim silence descended over the room. Bant turned her shining silver gaze to Plo.
“Master Koon, what happened on Naboo?”
Her voice was soft and lingered in the air. The kel dor gathered his thoughts before replying, “As you know, Naboo was invaded by the Trade Federation and the Republic sent Jedi aid—Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi. They successfully escorted Queen Amidala to Coruscant but during that journey, they were attacked by an unknown combatant. A dark force-user.
Vokara knew that it had been a darksider who killed Master Jinn from Healer Renada’s brief account of the situation but she hadn’t known about the first encounter.
“The same combatant attacked again when the Queen and our Jedi returned to Naboo. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan engaged the darksider but Qui-Gon was killed. A search party found Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon an hour after they had split from the Queen.”
Garen swore under his breath and turned away, closing his eyes briefly. “And Obi-Wan?” he asked.
“Padawan Kenobi,” Vokara said, “has non-fatal physical injuries but a number of his symptoms suggest serious psychic injury. Shock, reactive when parted from Qui-Gon’s body, bleeding from the eyes, he—,”
“—has all the symptoms of a Split,” Bant breathed, realisation dawning in her eyes. The blood drained from Garen’s face and he turned wide-eyed to Vokara.
“Well done, Padawan Eerin,” Vokara praised sadly. Sharp as anything, that girl, and there wasn’t much left about the healing arts Vokara could teach her. She only wished Bant didn’t have to weigh her skills against the lives of her family.
“Theed medical staff aren’t equipped to diagnose or treat psychic wounds, especially not where the force is involved. Hence, why we’re needed.” She gestured to herself and Bant.
Garen dragged a hand over his face before giving up and resting his head in his hands.
“At least tell me Jinn got the bastard before he died,” he said, voice muffled.
“The darksider’s whereabouts are unknown,” Plo said, his steadfast approach interjected a welcome calm to the emotionally fraught atmosphere, “All they left behind was a robe and half a broken lightsabre,” Plo said and Garen frowned.
“Presumably the doing of Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan—the other lightsabre half is missing. Part of the reason we’re going is to act as guards in case the darksider returns.”
Plo rested a clawed hand on the human Knight’s hunched shoulder and, addressed the room. “Centre yourselves and get some sleep before we arrive. We’ll drop out of hyperspace to receive an update from Naboo in four hours.”
He retreated to the cockpit. Bant and Garen watched the him leave, making no move to leave. Something unspoken passed between them and, sensing that the young Jedi would appreciate privacy, Vokara rose to join the kel dor master.
With the bright blue kaleidoscope of hyperspace filling her vision, Vokara settled in to wait and hope.
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greenteafiend · 6 years
That drabble I promised:
Based on this post I wrote about how sad Keith looked in season 4 episode 1 when the team rips into him and he looks like he’s going to cry. (The prompt is basically what if he did cry lol)
For the sake of the drabble, assume Keith just arrived back after the mission where Regris dies. 
I dedicate this to @helloseaweedbrainwisegirl and @froldgapp this is your faults lol
Keith’s palms were sweaty, and his heart was beating so hard it felt like it might try to escape out of his chest; it hadn’t really stopped since his last mission. Being back in the castle felt unreal; there was still a note of hysteria pounding through his veins.
On top of that he was nervous. So nervous he felt sick to his stomach, because this was something he’d been subconsciously working up to for a while now. He’d hoped it’d be more gradual, that he’d be able to ease away so carefully they wouldn’t even notice his absence, but he’d ruined it. He didn’t even know why he was surprised; he ended up ruining most good things in his life.
Maybe he thought because he’d been trying so hard, because he’d been invested this time, that things would turn out okay… He should have known better.
Normally Keith would sequester himself in his room, wait until his hands stopped shaking and he stopped feeling overwhelmed to face the others. He’d wait until he was certain he could take Shiro’s disappointed looks and the others’ accusing stares.
But he’d fucked up big time today.
Regris was-
Regris had-
He couldn’t even complete the thought. If he let himself think about it he’d fall apart, so he thought about the other fuck up instead. The one he was about to get chewed out for.
While he was floating through space, unsure whether he was going to live or not, his team had needed him, and he wasn’t there. He’d let them down, and the guilt was eating him alive, leaving behind only that ever present note of hysteria. Or was that because he’d nearly died?
In any case, now he had to face the music.
He took a deep breath, curling his shaking hands into fists and steeling himself before approaching the door to the bridge. It swished open automatically to admit him.   
“Guys… I-” he choked off abruptly. Everyone was present and accounted for, standing together. They looked like they belonged together, standing there in their shiny white Paladin armour.
And they were all staring at him with varying degrees of anger, hostility, and - worst of all - disappointment.  
It felt like his dad waving good bye, saying ‘see you soon, son,’ but never coming back. It felt like every time he wasn’t a ‘good fit’ with a foster family. It felt like getting kicked out of the Garrison.
It hurt.  
He was trying so hard, but it felt like no matter what he did it seemed like he was making the wrong decision.   
“I heard what happened. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help,” he offered meekly.
“You keep saying you’re sorry but your actions say otherwise. Do you realize that your absence put the team in jeopardy?” snapped Allura. Keith clenched his fists so hard that his blunt nails dug into his palm.
“And not just the team, but the refugees as well!” chimed in Lance.
“Matter of fact, the whole quadrant was in danger,” added Pidge harshly.
Words stuck in his throat. He didn’t have any. He was utterly defenceless.
His breathing hitched on a familiar feeling burning its way through his body, settling in behind his eyes.
He blinked furiously and pressed his lips together, desperate to hold it back.
“Keith,” Shiro this time, “You need to start taking your role as Black Paladin more seriously. If I hadn’t been able to reconnect with Black when I did-”
Keith had to leave.
He didn’t even say anything, just turned on his heel and started making for the door. He needed to be alone immediately because he was about to lose it. Panic a fear were fighting to claw their way out of his body; the feeling was too strong to contain.
There were already tears rolling down his cheek now that he was turned away, a choked back sob ready in his throat.
But someone caught him by the wrist and pulled him back.
“Where are you going? We aren’t fini-” Shiro cut off abruptly when he stepped around Keith’s stiff body to look at his face.    
Keith sniffed miserably, staring at the ground, unable to meet Shiro’s eye, wiping at his face desperately with the arm Shiro wasn’t holding.
“Let me go,” he said, trying to tug himself out of Shiro’s grip roughly, but Shiro held fast.
“Keith, what’s the matter?” murmured Shiro urgently.
Keith yanked his arm again ruthlessly, and this time Shiro yielded and let him go, sending Keith stumbling backwards a few steps.
He looked up at everyone, and fuck that was a bad idea, because now they were staring at him in horror, like he was a pathetic wounded animal that needed to be put out of its misery.  
“S-sorry,” he stuttered, wiping jerkily at his eyes, willing everyone to just ignore that he was crying, “It’s better this way,” he said, voice cracking.
He wanted so badly to do what was right, to do his part to end this war and stop Zarkon, but it had become clear to him since they got Shiro back that being the Black Paladin wasn’t supposed to be part of that. The rest of the team deserved a better leader. The universe deserved a better leader, one that wasn’t afraid all the time, one that actually knew what to do, one that wasn’t torn up about where they belonged. One that didn’t cry like a child when he got stressed.
They needed Shiro, and they needed Keith out of the way.
“Shiro reconnected with the Black Lion so now he can be the l-leader I wasn’t able to b-be,” he stammered, voice hitching embarrassingly.  
“Keith, what are you talking about?” asked Lance, calm and gentle.  
“Is this why you’ve been pulling away from us?” asked Allura softly.
“P-part of it,” he choked out, and then his face crumpled completely. He turned around and slapped one of his own hands over his mouth to stifle the way his breaths stuttered wetly. He couldn’t hide the way his shoulders were trembling though.
“’Scuse me,” he said, barely above a whisper, intending to escape again, but before he could take even one step towards the door, arms wrapped around him from behind, pulling him against a firm chest.
Shiro again. Keith froze.
Lance appeared in front of him, tutting sympathetically. He took Keith’s wrist to pull his hand away from his face, reaching up to thumb away some of Keith’s tears, before wrapping his arms around Keith’s shoulders and leaning in to embrace him.
Hunk came in next to hug all three of them - Keith, Lance, and Shiro - from one side, resting his chin on top of Keith’s head, and then Pidge wriggled her way in-between Lance and Keith from the opposite side, hugging Keith around the waist tightly.
A small hand that must have belonged to Allura took one of his, and Coran pressed his palm onto one of Keith’s shoulders.
“It’s okay, Keith, we’ve got you,” murmured Shiro.
With those kind words Keith gave in and let himself break, pressing his face into Lance’s shoulder as he sobbed wetly, letting his team hold him up.  
“Aw, Keith, don’t cry! It'll make me cry!” said Hunk, voice already wobbly.
“We didn’t mean to make you sad,” said Pidge against his chest, equally wobbly.
“You’ve been spreading yourself too thin Number 4,” remarked Coran sadly.
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(Sorry for any typos I did my best lol)
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superstrangerthings · 7 years
Not So Innocent Now
Word count: 1,460
Warning: smut, teasing, rough sex
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Summary/Request: Thank you @study-me-misha for my first request!
The reader is Sam and Dean’s younger sister and Cas has had feelings for her for a long time. She starts to tease him round the bunker which leads to him snapping.
Tags: @badwolfy08 @jensen-gal
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Cas watched as Y/N, the middle Winchester child, hugged her brothers after a particularly long and gruelling case. The look of triumph and her relaxed smile made Cas smile to himself. He always thought she looked so beautiful in these moments of complete satisfaction, being held in the arms of her family. A wave of sorrow also crashed through Cas as he wished for this love from his own family, but sadly he was an outcast from them. Abruptly, Cas was broken from his thoughts as Y/N ran over and embraced him tightly.
“Thank you Cas, for all your help. We couldn’t have done it without you.” She smiled up at him sweetly, taking in his features that were spattered with dirt and blood. The angel was thinking which was obvious from the crease in his forehead. His eyes were fluttering from Y/N’s eyes, to examine her face for injuries, to rest on her lips. She almost couldn’t tell why, first of all thinking that he was looking at the cut that was still bleeding but then she realised that the look in his eyes was one that she recognised; he wanted to kiss her. She knew this feeling all too well because it was almost a constant feeling for her.
“Come on you two, I want to hit the road as soon as possible.” Dean called over to them, already heading out to the Impala.
Sam threw them a strange look, as if he knew how they felt about each other without them even knowing themselves. Cas knew that he shouldn’t feel this way for Y/N because she was Sam and Dean’s sister, but he couldn’t help himself. Not only was he in love with the way she laughed or the way she opinionated herself but he felt a lust for her that he had never felt before – little did he know that she felt the same way.
They all quickly packed up their things and got back into the Impala again for a short enough ride of 2 hours. Y/N was thinking about that look in Cas’ eyes and decided that she would mess with him, make him break first and tell her how he feels. She lay down in the backseat so that her shoeless feet were resting on Cas’ legs. Sam and Dean were in the front so they couldn’t see anything that was happening.
She faked going to sleep, when her heart was really going insane because she was worried and excited for her plan. After a few minutes she started to rub her feet gently along Cas’ thighs and he immediately tensed up, feeling her toes glancing along the inside of his thighs. Cas was battling with two things; whether he should tell her to stop or whether he should continue to bite his lips and try to control his boner. Finally, he opted for the second one, just as Y/N moved her right foot up to his crotch. He was struggling now to contain himself and her innocent face wasn't helping. If the Winchester brothers looked back now they would see their little sister fast asleep and Cas squirming in his seat, biting his lip ferociously. He decided he couldn't fight it and his hips started involuntarily thrusting up to meet the friction. Then, all of a sudden, the friction was gone and Y/N was curled up on her side of the seat, biting back a smirk while Cas tried not to play with his aching boner.
It had been a few days since the incident in the car with Y/N and Cas was just about regaining his dignity. That was, until Y/N appeared in the library wearing the tightest pair of shorts she could find. She smirked as Cas shifted in his seat when she entered the room. The boys and him were doing research for a new case in Alabama that had popped up, but his eyes immediately left the laptop screen when Y/N appeared.
“Hey, could I borrow Cas a second? I need him to help me move something a sec.” She asked politely.
“Sure sis, we’re almost ready to head out anyway so we can spare him for a while.” Dean answered while he continued to stare at the screen. She was quite thankful that neither Sam nor Dean looked up because they may have questioned her outfit choice.
Cas rose from his seat obediently and followed Y/N out of the library and into a storage room, trying not to stare at her ass for too long. There were plenty of boxes lying about but Cas’ eyes weren’t looking for what he had to lift – his eyes were glued to Y/N’s ass as she bent down slowly in front of him to pick up the first box. He glimpsed the outskirts of her pink panties before she stood up again and turned to him. He quickly raised his eyes, attempting to fight off a boner.
“Can you grab that box over there and bring it to my room please?” She asked innocently, batting her eyelashes.
He cleared his throat and nodded his head, rushing to follow her down the corridor.
It had been 5 days since the boys had left for their case in Alabama and Cas was truly struggling to hold himself back. Every time he sat down to do some research, Y/N would arrive in to ‘help’, but she was always dressed in the least amount of clothes possible, and Cas suspected today would be no different.
He sat down in his usual spot and begun looking up the lore he needed to find. Y/N’s phone had rung a few minutes previous, indicating that she was most likely on the phone with her brothers. Cas waited patiently for her to arrive, silently preparing himself for whatever revealing clothes she would be wearing today.
Ten minutes later, when Cas was almost completely absorbed in the lore, Y/N arrived into the library. Cas almost blew his load right there as Y/N sauntered in wearing one of his shirts – and very little else. He could see her blue lace bra through the half-buttoned shirt, but he wasn’t entirely convinced that she was wearing panties…
“Cas, what are we researching today?” Cas didn’t reply as he was completely speechless so she walked round the table to look over his shoulder at the laptop. Her mouth was right beside his ear and suddenly she whispered, “Am I turning you on enough yet baby?”
And with a flutter of wings, Cas had moved them to Y/N’s room and forced her up against the door face first. His crotch was pressed tightly against her ass as he growled in her ear, “You think that you can just tease me like that and get away with it?” He ripped the shirt from her body, buttons flying everywhere and indeed revealing that she had no panties on.
“Please Cas; I need you to fuck me right now.” She whined, hearing the whoosh of all his clothes disappearing, his throbbing dick now pressed against her folds.
“I think I should leave you like this and let you beg me for days, leave you how I’ve been.” Cas grunted as he slid his dick around her entrance.
“Please Cas! I want you so bad! I need you!” she shouted.
“Not so innocent now princess.” But before she could answer he was thrusting into her ruthlessly and forcing her up against the door. Obscene moans fell from Y/N’s mouth as Cas continued to grunt, picking up the speed even further. Neither of them could contain themselves much longer and Y/N screamed as she came, forcing Cas’ orgasm upon him. Hot spurts of cum coated the inside of her walls and she felt like she had never been so satisfied in her life.
They cleaned up and got into bed, Cas pulling Y/N’s back to her front as they fell asleep and whispered tired but meaningful I love you’s.
The shout woke Y/N and Cas up with a start. They immediately saw Dean and Sam standing at the doorway, on Dean’s face was anger but Sam was more surprised than anything.
“We leave for a couple of days and suddenly an angel is fucking our sister!” Dean shouted. He couldn’t get any more words out due to his rage so he slammed the door and stormed off.
“Oh goodness, he’s going to take a while to get used to this.” Cas said anxiously, suddenly worried that Y/N didn’t see this as a long term thing.
“Well I love you Cas, so he’s going to have to get used to it.” Y/N said sweetly and kissed his lips tenderly.
“I love you too Y/N.”
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