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St. Sacrement catholic boarding school in Louhans, Burgundy region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1916
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ghostowlattic · 9 months
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padrebaldo · 2 months
Le sacrement de l'ordre pour la mission apostolique
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plumedepoete · 1 year
Femme, tu es - Jean-Marie Audrain
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Femme, tu es porte lumière Du shabbat jusques aux vigiles En notre temps comme naguère Tu nourris la flamme fébrile.
  Femme, tu es comme l'encensoir
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Tu parfumes nos essentiels Embaumant matins comme soirs Tant notre terre que le ciel.
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  Femme, tu es le sacrement Faisant de l'amour une louange En ton sein dès l'enfantement Tes ailes valant celles des anges.
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azdi404 · 1 year
dying sequence
This is becoming the end My love for you is dying All the things I touch dissolve and your face is fading slowly How many times I’ve told you to come and save this thinning = One more night isn’t saving it Two more kisses aren’t enough Three more words aren’t stopping the hemorrhagic in my heart, baby love there’s just too much pretending going on, for it to work like it is supposed to. = We’ve deceived the silver lining enough. We don’t shine in those moments like we used to Do you have something else in mind? = Call it by name where are all those mighty men that dreamt about you? Where are all your dreams going now? trading what you have for what you want, = while I have everything you need as a sacrament expires. this is becoming the end, in this strange dying sequence. =
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realpokemon · 1 year
came up in conversation that i was a preteen living in sinnoh during the sinnoh crisis and my little cousin immediately asked me why i didn't do anything to stop it
yeah bitch where were you. i didn't see you in the distortion realm
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male2mutt · 3 months
im extremely good at spamliking niche kink blogs. its one of my specialities
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so-very-small · 14 hours
new NSFW M/m unaware story is up on my patreon :3! it’s the first part of a multi-chapter smut story. the free version will be up on GW next week !
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anendoandfriendo · 20 days
We're so tired.
Identities don't need to be about kink but why do the cultural christians try to suck the fun out of everything?
Seriously, "this post is about an identity, not kink" is probably going to start getting people instablocks. Especially when the microlabels in question are, you know, based off of/are literally the fucking Omegaverse, a well-known fanfiction AU kink thing.
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obessivedork · 4 months
Buddy what in fuck are two Russian dudes doing in Boston 200 years after shit popped off in the Fallout timeline??? People haven't even properly rebuilt society yet apparently, there's no way they have inter continent travel!
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trashsketch · 8 months
are u proship or do you just have any general boundaries you hold? (i will not judge at all i know its hard to believe on anon this is just for clarity of mind)
Hi anon im guessing you’re fairly new here welcome
im too old for labels, ive been on ffnet during the era where everyone was still using lemons. just take it as i am someone who remembers that i can just close the tab or app and go touch grass and forget about ever seeing something that disturbed me online
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welcome-home-official · 2 months
Why are people calling age gaps between established ADULTS aged past 30 problematic now.
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padrebaldo · 2 months
Le sacrement du mariage
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arowrath · 9 months
seeing my mutuals in the comments/kudos section of frerard fics. likely place for them to be
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plumedepoete · 1 year
Toi - Arnaud Mattei
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Vers toi j'avancerai sans connaître demain                          Quête des nuits rubis, des aubes sentinelles.                      Vers toi je marcherai ô mirage lointain                     Vivre les secondes des années éternelles.                                                             Pour toi je braverai la colère des Dieux,                               Sur la mer déchainée, au froid des temps morsures.                                  Pour toi je partirai cueillir les jours heureux,                         Sur les chemins de joie aux brillances parures.                                                                  A toi je donnerai ma parole serment,                        Sous la lune nacrée des matins allégresse.                         A toi je passerai l'anneau d’or sacrement,    Présent de nos futurs, éternité tendresse.                                                               Avec toi je saurai les extases bonheur,                                Fragrance vanille des instants de lumière.                           Avec toi j'oserai les audaces pudeur                        Clair-obscur des désirs, tentation frontière.                                                             Près de toi j’aimerai en gentil troubadour,                Aux gestes romances cantilènes pétales.                            Près de toi je serai ce doux bouquet d'amour                                  Devant toi prosterné, mille couleurs royales !                                                                     Contre toi j'entendrai la balade des mots,                            Rimes inachevées aux parfums de l'aurore.                        Contre toi j'écrirai le doux chant des grelots                         Notes de musique, symphonie de l'encore !               Sans toi je subirai la bourrasque des vents,                         A l'horizon voilée des passés plénitudes                              Sans toi, je connaîtrai les chagrins, les tourments                          Des délices perdus aux déserts solitudes. Read the full article
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godspouse · 4 months
if the pro wrestler gets so hard from working he walks differently by the end of a match i feel like IM not the weird one for pointing it out
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