le3sa · 5 years
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📸 - - - - - #instax #poloroid #vintage #yvr #music #musicproducer #singer #songwriter #歌手 #pjevač #sanger #mangaawit #söngvari #歌手 #가수 #خواننده #певец #cantante #vancouver #portrait https://www.instagram.com/p/B1hbqZlhdIE/?igshid=1drawutus0hzo
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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Tigers mynd af brosandi unga konu
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hatari-translations · 3 years
Matthias has done a recording on RUV called
Það sem skiptir máli
Orð dagsins er: Fylking. Umsjón hefur Matthías Tryggvi Haraldsson, handritshöfundur, söngvari og leikskáld Borgarleikhússins.
It’s about 5 minutes. I was wondering if you could translate it?
This is a brief meditation on the show’s “Word of the Day”, fylking (“faction”), where Matthías muses on political parties. Translation below.
English translation
My name is Matthías Tryggvi Haraldsson and I’m a script writer, singer, and the City Theater’s playwright. The word of the day is “faction” or “factions”.
The other day I sat and watched a movie on Netflix in my home when an old acquaintance called me, a boy I remember from junior college. He was older than me, a bit ahead. The social life and all that, that was our faction then. I looked up to him in many ways; he was always joking around with the others, the leader of the faction. But then he graduated, and later I did, and we went our separate ways.
But then he calls me, a little nervous, judging from his voice, like he’s making a big decision, a big and stressful decision. Like leaping from a cliff. Leaping, except he needs the help of some old acquaintances to fly.
He had registered for a political party, he told me. He was running for office. And I don’t know about you, but in the hearts of some people, such as me, there’s an eternal teenager who feels silly about associating oneself with a political party, taking a public stance, showing up somewhere with a sign, splitting into factions. Political parties are just an especially silly concept, a recipe for trenches and polarization and party lines and trickery and everything that’s wrong with the world today. You feel certain about all of this, until the guy you used to look up to in junior college calls you. He’s going to take a shot at the trenches.
And so, to help this guy, I’d have to sign up for the party in question to be able to vote in that party’s primary. And I thought about it. The little teenager within me cringed. There’s also an opportunist within me that said no, it’s bad for your image - like I’m an actor in America, that’d be bad for the image. And finally a little humourist that also lives within me won out, which suddenly thought it’d be really funny to do this. If it’s cringey to sign up for one party, why not just sign up for all of them? I’m a member of the Independence Party; Sigrún, the youth movement of the Progressive Party; Young Social-Democrats; Young Left-Greens; the People’s Party; the Center Party; the Reform Party; the Pirate Party; and I think some others too. And of course I signed up for newsletters from all of these parties, so my e-mail inbox is suffering. I go around and I say stuff like, “Yes, we in the minority have been talking about this for along time,” or, “Yes, that’s what we in the party have always said,” or, “We Pirates think so, too.” “Coffee? Yes, please, we in the Progressive Party love coffee.” I say this at every opportunity.
If I get an e-mail where we the members of the party are asked what matters to us, I say respect, and honesty, and love, and human rights, and liberty, and justice, and democracy, and perhaps the climate, and also the new constitution, but mainly honesty and respect and hope and democracy. And when I was writing this essay I smirked a bit, but it’s not really a joke, if you think about it. If these really are the factions that handle politics for the rest of us, of course everyone should sign up for a party and have an opinion on it, one or many or all of them. I don’t know if you’re even allowed to be in all of them, but then they’ll just have to kick me out, and you.
And political parties are one thing, but why aren’t we all members of all kinds of organizations? The Environmental Protection Association, Search and Rescue, the National Center of Addiction Medicine, the Mental Health Alliance, the Travel Association, the Wound Management Association, the Endometriosis Association, the Car-Free Lifestyle Association, the Sociopath Association, I don’t know. It’s all factors and variables and factions that can affect society. Signing up for the Efling union and the Confederation of Icelandic Enterprise and agreeing and disagreeing with everything that everyone says, all the time.
Next time one party criticizes another I’m going to agree but also take it very personally, as a representative of both sides of the debate - belong to the faction but also criticize it. Connect with those I agree with and disagree with just a bit more. It’s at least hopefully better than belonging to neither faction and not caring about either of them.
Faction: a group that follows certain opinions or political views.
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felipebiana · 6 years
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• concertando • #arido #cantautor #songwriter #sänger #söngvari #songoftheday
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vahuragarofficial · 7 years
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Meie uus maaling Islandil - Reykjavik City! Our new painting in country Iceland! We had great opportunity to choose for our new painting someone awesome artist from Iceland who inspires us. So we made research about Iceland artists and found a lovely singer "Glowie" We like her style & music. Thank you Glowie for inspiration! All the best wishes from us 😊 Keep sharing your music 😊@itsglowie #Málverk #Veggmynd #Ísland #Reykjavík #Málari #Söngvari #Tíska #dansari #Innanhúss #innanhússhönnun #Arkitektúr #Íslandstíll #Ljósmyndun #Myndlíkan #Líkan #Sjónvarp #iceland #reykjavik #bluelagoon #icelandart #interiordesign #redcarpet #eurovision #musicawards #fashiontv #fashionmodel @instagrafite #instagrafite #streetart @rm_dancestudio @icelandtravel @icelanddesigncentre @icelandic_streetart @fashion.iceland #icelandstreetart #icelandgraffiti (at Iceland Reykjavik)
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jimbargas · 5 years
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This is Söngvari, the female Cardinal.
Photo by Jim Bargas
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ask-smutty-lucifer · 5 years
Odin leads you trough the hallway. There's a door at the end of the hallway and Odin opens it, going through it with you. "Welcome to Valhalla." He says and goes past the golden tree in front of the golden palace. Odin leads you through another hallway until you finally reach the door to Ivar's Valhalla. He unlocks the door. "You have to go there alone. I don't want them to fangirl again." He chuckles. "He'll be somewhere in the crowd."
I freeze up and panic internally, having a vague thought about running away before Odin pushes me in. Some eyes turn to me and I immediately meet the bright Ice blue of my crippled love. “Ivar.” I whisper as he crawls towards me
“Söngvari.” He whispers back, that slightly insane smile beaming widely at me. “I never expected to see you here.” His rough Norse accent purrs and I blush.
“Made a deal with Odin.” I tell him and Ivar hums, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. 
“My beautiful husband. But if course back then you where my wife.” He says and I nod
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sykurvatn · 7 years
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Björk er uppáhalds söngvari minn!
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simmix1 · 4 years
Af öðrum ólöstuðum er Robert Plant líklega besti söngvari rokksögunnar. https://t.co/yvqUczanz3
— Sigmundur Halldorsson (@simmix1) September 9, 2020
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Gagnaeyðing® 25 ára!
Gagnaeyðing® fagnar um þessar mundir 25 ára afmæli fyrirtækisins og af þvi tilefni munu Dr. Ross Federgreen og Rúnar Már Sverrisson, framkvæmdastjóri Gagnaeyðingar®, kynna nýja vefþjónustu, CSR Readiness®. Þjónustan gefur fyrirtækjum og stofnunum kost á að meta hversu tilbúin þau eru fyrir nýja persónuverndarlöggjöf Evrópusambandsins sem tekur gildi á næsta ári.
CSR Readiness® er einstök þjónusta sem löguð hefur verið að íslenskum aðstæðum og lagaumhverfi, en jafnframt hinum nýju lögum ESB sem gert er ráð fyrir að taki gildi hér á landi í maí 2018. Notendur svara spurningalista og í samræmi við þau svör sem gefin eru fá þeir leiðbeiningar og aðgang að fylgiskjölum sem nýtast til að breyta og bæta verkferla og mæta þeim ströngu kröfum sem gerðar eru með nýju löggjöfinni. Hér má sjá nánari upplýsingar um CSR Readiness®.
Hófið fer fram, þriðjudaginn 10. janúar, í veislusal Happs á Höfðatorgi, Katrínartúni 2. Af þessu tilefni er Dr. Ross Federgreen staddur á landinu og mun hann flytja erindi um hina nýju löggjöf Evrópusambandsins um persónuvernd. Dr. Federgreen hefur starfað við upplýsingaöryggi í 35 ár. Fyrirtæki hans CSR Professional Services, Inc. þjónar fjölda alþjóðlegra fyrirtækja á sviði upplýsingastjórnunar og varðveislu persónuupplýsinga, m.a. Fortune 50, fjármálastofnunum og ríkisstofnunum.
Rúnar Már Sverrisson er stofnandi og framkvæmdastjóri Gagnaeyðingar®. Hann mun flytja erindi um CSR Readiness®.
Sigríður Olgeirsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri hjá Íslandsbanka segir frá afstöðu bankans til upplýsingaöryggis og persónuverndar.
Að auki mun Einar Clausen söngvari flytja nokkur vel valin lög.
Það væri frábært að sjá þig á þriðjudaginn í góðum félagsskap í fallegu umhverfi.
Gagnaeyðing® var stofnuð í desember 1991. Fyrir þann tíma var algengast að trúnaðargögn væru brennd eða urðuð. Gagnaeyðing® býður í dag eyðingu í vottaðri aðstöðu á Bæjarflöt 4, Reykjavík með fullkomnum tölvustýrðum vélum og starfsfólki sem hefur fengið sérstaka þjálfun til að taka á móti og eyða trúnaðargögnum.
Bestu kveðjur, starfsfólk Gagnaeyðingar®
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le3sa · 5 years
I did this one republic “kids” cover awhile ago, you can listen to the full song on my Spotify! (Link in bio) 🎶😊 - - - - - - - - - - #onerepublic #kids #cover #covervideo #tropicalhouse #chilloutmusic #indieelectronic #alternative #yvr #vancouver #jericobeach #canada #music #歌手 #mangaawit #chanteur #歌手 #Sänger #piosenkarz #söngvari #가수 #sångare https://www.instagram.com/p/BtyytUwhRlx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wgzn4ib43w2a
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islenskafyriralla · 9 years
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( music related vocabulary 1 / 2 ) ft. Of Monsters and Men
söngvari (m) - singer
söngkona (f) - female singer
bassaleikari (m) - bass player
gítarleikari (m) - guitar player
trommuleikari (m) - drummer
píanóleikari (m) - piano player
trompet leikari (m) - trumpet player
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le3sa · 5 years
I’ve got a few new songs I’m working on right now, that will be coming out soon. 😊 but in the mean time, this song “I’ll never give up” is on Spotify and iTunes. 🎶🎵 - - - - - - - - - - - #alternative #electronic #ableton #indie #electronicmusic #singer #songwriter #yvr #vancouver #parkade #jeep #dramascene #musicvideo #歌手 #pjevač #zpěvák #mangaawit #chanteur #Sänger #söngvari #歌手 #가수 #piosenkarz #cantor #ਗਾਇਕ #певец #cantante #sångare #casĩ #synthpop https://www.instagram.com/p/BteH_uSBZ85/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10oiz1gjljogy
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ask-smutty-lucifer · 5 years
“Okay! Let’s get started!” The tattoo artist says with glee, excited about the designs. He gets his ink ready to go. “Just try to relax, okay?” He says with a smile.
“It’s not my first tattoo.” I tell him with a chuckle as I lay on my belly, wanting to get used to some pain there before his hand would be touching around my wound. I point to my lower back, pushing my pants down just a small bit to show him my Söngvari tattoo
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ask-smutty-lucifer · 5 years
“Really? What did you have?” I ask, looking over my shoulder curiously. “Thank you, Lucifer.” I breathe softly as I see the wings tattoo. I wrap my arms around your waist, hugging you close.
“I’ll show you.” I say as I turn around and you watch as a tattoo appears on my left hip. A small bird with wings outstretched and a line of music notes coming out of it's beak. The word ‘Söngvari’ was written along the arch of one wing in extravagant cursive.
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ask-smutty-lucifer · 5 years
Michael playfully smacks your ass. “Then prove it. Bring me the ball.” He says, releasing his hold on you and the leash. He grins at you brightly.
I chase after the ball, trying to find it from where it might have landed. Eventually I start yawning and smile as I find it. I curl up on the forest floor, figuring a small nap wouldn’t hurt.
I wake in ancient Kattegat. At first I think I’m dreaming and then I see Söngvari and her children.
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