ninelanguages · 1 day
Kanji for "study", "learning", "science"
学 = gaku / mana•bu
大学生 - Daigakusei - a university (college) student - だいがくせい
学 - Manabu - to study in depth - まなぶ
学生 - Gakusei - a student - がくせい
留学生 - Ryuugakusei - a student studying abroad - りゅうがくせい
数学 - Suugaku - mathematics / math - すうがく
学校 - Gakkou - (a) school - がっこう
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nihongo-compendium · 1 year
Genki I: Grammar 1-2
- - - LESSON 1-2: Question Sentences - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Question marker か
Question word 何 (ひらがな: なん or なに)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Use か to indicate a question, similar to the way you’d use “?” in English. Unlike English, however, you do not need to reorder the words.
See how か turns this statement into a yes/no question:
留学生です。  /  りゅうがくせいです。  /  ryuugakusei desu.  =  (I am) an international student.
留学生ですか。  /  りゅうがくせいですか。  /  ryuugakusei desu ka.  =  (Are you) an international student?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To ask a question that doesn’t have a yes/no answer, use the question word 何. 
If 何 is being followed by です or a counter, it’s pronounced nan.
If 何 is being followed by a particle, it’s pronouned nani.
This pronunciation is also used in the combination nanijin, or person of what nationality. 
何人ですか。  /  なにじんですか。  /  nanijin desu ka.  = What nationality (are you)?
今何時ですか。  /  いまなんじですか。  /  ima nanji desu ka.  = What time is it now?
メアリーさんは何歳ですか。  /  めありいさんはなんさいですか。  /  mearii-san wa nansai desu ka.  = How old are you, Mary? 何年生ですか。  /  なんねんせいですか。  /  nannensei desu ka.  = What year are you in school?
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hoshiko2000 · 4 years
Me watching my American friends being forced to leave Japan because of coronavirus and wondering if I’m next:
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jamabroad · 5 years
DAY 1: Rehomed and Reholed [Tokyo Study Abroad]
*Forgive me for writing this around 2 weeks after I actually experienced my days abroad, it was just I barely had time to come to it and now that I’m freer I figured it was a good time to start this before my memory goes bad. so yay, here’s my first day!
I’ve never been awake to appreciate dawn very often, but this day was different. I had packed my bags the night before - one big and one small luggage filled with an array of clothes and toiletries - and headed to the airport in a fusion of melancholy, restlessness, and uncertainty. The tune of excitement and wonder was present but at a less pervasive scale. I was nervous to be placed outside of my comfort zone after months of living passively in my family home doing things that are familiar and safe. But alas, an opportunity to add flavor in my life was right in front of me, so I knew that it was about time for me to set out and mentally prepare myself for living abroad, alone, for four dreadfully-long months.
The airport was where I last felt of being in control. Immigration asked me questions such as what program I was applying and so-and-so, which was perhaps a break from his dominant inspection of tourist visas, I’d like to believe. Upon entrance, I stayed at a lounge and enjoyed a small serving of salad and ham as my early-morning breakfast. It was my last meal home for four months - the longest time I’ll be gone not just from my family but from my country as well. Reality loomed its prickly fingers upon me, 10 minutes turn to 5, then an announcement rang out from the overhead radio above.
“Guests bound for Narita, please go to gate number ...”
At that point I did not feel scared, nor did I feel overly excited, I just sat through the motions and sat down in the plane. I did not read the book that I brought along with me for the four hours in the plane. Eating the in-flight meal was more annoying than anything. I just thought and thought and thought. Normally this was more than enough time to be in my own head - but I felt that upon touchdown in the immense city of Tokyo made me wish to be in an eternal state of continued reflection. I wanted to remain in the lasting “what-ifs” that played out in my head instead of facing reality headstrong, but the plane doors had opened, passengers were queueing out of the door, and it was inevitable that I too must head out.
 Immigration was chaotic due to the influx of tourists heading inside to view the cherry blossoms. A small percentage of exchange students were brought to a corner of the room where we waited for further instructions. There we were tasked to bring out or CoE and our visa to show to immigration. I was already ready to make a conversation right there, just to sort of ease myself into moving in Japan, but I never really did. Plus it seemed like all of the students are Chinese so it was hard for me to communicate as a minority. I applied for an アルバイト at immigration and they also gave me my Zairyu card. Upon exiting the immigration I heard some shouting of my flight origin, and it was there I saw my luggage brought along by two female Japanese staff due to the lateness of my arrival at the baggage claiming booth. I thanked them and headed outside the gate to meet my Sophia University Supporter, みのり . 
She brought me and my smaller luggage to my dormitory, DK House Shinkoiwa. I asked her on the train ride to my dorm about random things, from boba hot spots to Sophia life. I asked for her Line as well but she just pictured my email address (F in the chat). Upon arrival, I was greeted by the American house manager Jason EBK. He spoke decent Japanese and showed me around, I did some contracts, and I met my first fellow residents from France and America. When I checked my room out I did not know the WiFi, so I plopped down on the sofa once where I sat with old residents to pass the time. Afterward, I saw one of the staff and asked her to introduce me to my room more formally. Mainly used her to get to know the Wifi lol. Once that was settled, I unpacked my luggage and fixed my bed. Afterward, I used my laptop and just chilled in my room until 9 pm. At this time, I went out to get konbini food, a katsu dish worth Y350, as well as Banana milk worth a meager Y98. I used the dorm kitchen to microwave the food and I wasn’t ready to socialize yet so I didn’t bother talking to much people except a group of Taiwanese students wherein I made myself look dumb with some odd one-sided conversation. I stayed in my room the whole time after that, and I wasn’t sure what to do the next day, so I slept with a crappy bean pillow and hastily set-up bed sheets. Not the best of days since I was mostly holed up in my room, but just as my favorite Youtuber would like to say: “Life goes on.”
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chompmon · 3 years
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masaridewichan-blog · 7 years
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Me vs PINTAR BAHASA JEPANG SUPER LENGKAP karya Primasari N. Dewi, S.S Buku ini cocok untuk belajar bahasa Jepang bagi pemula yang bersemangat. Isshoni benkyoushimashou...
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japanesewords · 7 years
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留学生|りゅうがくせい|Foreign Student
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azizaaihtum-blog · 7 years
"Hari ini kamu tidur jam berapa?" "Jam 3 hehe" "Pantes kamu tidur terus di kelas" "Hehehe" "Eh, mulut kamu ijo!" "Ijo?!" "Iya ijooo" "Lah? Kenapa ya?! Aku ke wc dulu deh bentar" .......... "Aku lupa" "Kenapa?" "Ini obat" "Obat?" "Iya, obat lambung. Aku bawa dari Indonesia" Ketika hari ini dari jam pelajaran pertama aku gak bisa banget nahan ngantuk, dan sebangku-ku (orang China) nanyain aku kenapa... Well, aku lupa sebelum ketiduran itu aku ngulum Pr*mag wkwkwk
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 334 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 未来に託し 彼女はーー みらいにたくし かのじょはーー mirai ni takushi kanojo wa-- "She entrusts to the future--"
2 No.334 置き土産 ナンバー334 おきみやげ No.334 okimiyage No.334 Parting Gift
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1 逃すな‼︎撃ち落とせ‼︎ にがすな‼︎うちおとせ‼︎ nigasuna!! uchiotose!! "Don't let him escape! Shoot him down!!"
2 愛しい脳無から奪った翼の”個性”! いとしいのうむからうばったつばさの”こせい”! itoshii noumu kara ubatta tsubasa no "kosei"! "The wings quirk taken from my beloved noumu!"
3 この翼に[…]パワーを[…]合わせ[…]撒ける[…] このつばさに[…]パワーを[…]あわせ[…]まける[…] kono tsubasa ni [...] PAWAA wo [...] awase [...] makeru [...] "These wings [...] power [...] meet/match [...] sprinkle [...]"
4 誰かに… だれかに… dareka ni... "Someone..."
5 誰かに「新秩序」を与えなくては‼︎ だれかに「ニューオーダー」をあたえなくては‼︎ dareka ni 「NYUU OODAA」 wo ataenakute wa!! "I have to give New Order to someone!!"
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1 俺が消えて無くなる‼︎ おれがきえてなくなる‼︎ ore ga kiete nakunaru!! "I'm going to disappear into nothing!!"
2 昔 日本から来た留学生に救われた むかし にほんからきたりゅうがくせいにすくわれた mukashi nihon kara kita ryuugakusei ni sukuwareta "A long time ago, I was saved by an exchange student from Japan."
3 私は触角ーー8本だ! わたしはしょっかくーー8ぽんだ! watashi wa shokkaku---8pon da! "I have 8 antennae!"
4 またーーー…‼︎ mata--...!! "Again--...!!"
5 結局どこまでもーーー けっきょくどこまでもーーー kekkyoku doko made mo--- "In the end it doesn't matter where--"
6 おまえが "You" (Note: I'd probably translate this contextually as: "You show up everywhere.") 
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1 ぐっ! gu! "Gh!"
2 くそぅ! kusou! "Damnit!"
3 くそ… kuso... "Shit..."
4 おまえら死体は必ず親族の元へ返してやる! おまえらしたいはかならずしんぞくのもとへかえしてやる! omaera shitai wa kanarazu shinzoku no moto he kaeshite yaru! "I'll be sure to return your corpses to your families!"
5-6 スター…スター SUTAA... SUTAA "Star... Star."
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1 超えてたよ こえてたよ koeteta yo "You surpassed him."
2 おまえはずっと omae wa zutto "You were always"
3 最高の さいこうの saikou no "the ultimate"
4 ヒーローだったよ! HIIROO datta yo! "hero!"
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1 テレビやってね〜〜なぁ〜〜 TEREBI yatte ne~ naa~ "Turn on the TV~ Hey~"
2 局員も避難してるからな きょくいんもひなんしてるからな kyokuin mo hinan shiteru kara na "The staff are also evacuating."
3 水と電気はまだ生きてる みずとでんきはまだいきてる mizu to denki wa mada ikiteru "The water and electricity are still live."
4 流通は死んでるが最低限の基盤は[…] りゅうつうはしんでるがさいていげんのきばんは[…] ryuutsuu wa shinderu ga saiteigen no kiban wa [...] "Distribution is dead but there's the basics [...]"
5 折角 刑務所を出られてよう せっかく けいむしょをでられてよう sekkaku keimusho wo derarete you "Let's take a break after getting out of jail."
6 都会で暴れるなんざ馬鹿のやることよ とかいであばれるなんざバカのやることよ tokai de abareru nanza BAKA no yaru koto yo "What a dumb thing to do, rampaging in the city."
7 強盗殺人犯 カシ・カツコ ごうとうさつじんはん カシ・カツコ goutou satsujinhan KASHI KASHIKO Robber and murderer: Kashiko Kashi
8 賢者は田舎でセカンドライフさ! けんじゃはいなかでセカンドライフさ! kenja wa inaka de SEKANDO RAIFU sa! "A wise man gets a second life in the country side!" (Note: This could be a reference to the Ame ni mo makezu poem.)
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1 ゔ u "Ugh"
2 あぁ…っ aa... "Aagh"
3 ヒーロー⁉︎じゃねぇよな⁉︎ HIIROO!? ja nee yo na!? "A hero!? Or not!?"
4 まだ… mada... "There's still..."
5 可能性はある‼︎ かのうせいはある‼︎ kanousei wa aru!! "A chance!!"
6 ”個性”に付与したのは恐らく ”こせい”にふよしたのはおそらく "kosei" ni fuyoshita no wa osoraku "What was conferred to the quirk probably"
7 ”個性”の同居を許さないルール‼︎ ”こせい”のどうきょをゆるさないルール‼︎ "kosei" no doukyo wo yurusanai RUURU!! "was a rule not allowing quirks to exist together"
8 ならば‼︎ naraba!! "In that case!!"
9 第三者の”個性”を奪い! だいさんしゃの”こせい”をうばい! daisansha no "kosei" wo ubai! "Steal the quirk of a third party!"
10 ”無個性”にした上で ”むこせい”にしたうえで "mukosei" ni shita ue de "And after making them quirkless..."
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1 「新秩序」を与えれば 「ニューオーダー」をあたえれば 「NYUU OODAA」wo ataereba "If I give away New Order"
2 保管可能 ほかんかのう hokan kanou "There's a chance I can store it" (Note: Literally this just says "chance to store".)
3 馬ァ鹿 バァカ baAka "Idiot"
4 「他の”個性”と反発する‼︎」 「ほかの”こせい”とはんぱつする‼︎」 「hoka no "kosei" to hanpatsu suru!!」 "'Repels other quirks!!'"
5 おまえがたぁくさん”個性”持ってたおかげで おまえがたぁくさん”こせい”もってたおかげで omae ga taakusan "kosei" motteta okage de "Thanks to all the many quirks you were holding"
6 「新秩序」も反発されまくって消える 「わたし」もはんぱつされまくってきえる 「watashi」 mo hanptasu saremakutte kieru "I, New Order, am also repelled and will disappear."
7 殺し切れなかったのは残念だけど… ころしきれなかったのはざんねんだけど… "It's too bad that I couldn't kill you [AFO/Shigaraki] but..."
8 よく覚えておきな名無しの権兵衛 よく覚えておきなジョン・ドウ "I will remember you well, John Doe." (Note: I think she’s thanking Katsuko the criminal for his sacrifice, calling him “John Doe” because she doesn’t know his real name.)
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1 人が人を助ける限り ひとがひとをたすけるかぎり hito ga hito wo tasukeru kagiri "So long as people help people"
2 英雄の意志を継いだ誰かが えいゆうのいしをついだだれかが eiyuu no ishi wo tsuida dareka ga "someone who inherits the will of heroes"
3 必ずおまえを かならずおまえを kanarazu omae wo "will be sure to"
4 打ち滅ぼす うちほろぼす uchihorobosu "destroy you"
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1 もういい… mou ii... "Enough..."
2 人間生き延びた方が勝ちだ にんげんいきのびたほうがかちだ ningen ikinobita hou ga kachi da "The human who survives is the victor."
3 失せろ死人め うせろしにんめ usero shinin-me "Disappear, you damn dead person!"
4-5 英雄の… 誰か えいゆうの… だれか… eiyuu no... dare ka... "Someone...a hero..."
6 緑谷 みどりや Midoriya... "Midoriya..."
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1 次の日 つぎのひ tsugi no hi "The next day"
2 […]か雄英に[…]てから[…]日後 […]かゆうえいに[…]てから[…]ひご [...]ka yuuei ni [...] te kara [...] hi go "[...] at UA [...] after [...] day after"
3 猶予ォ⁉︎ ゆうよォ⁉︎ yuuyoO!? "Delayed!?"
4 ああ aa "Yes"
5 本来なら死柄木は明日にも万全の身体となるハズだった ほんらいならしがらきはあしたにもばんぜんのからだとなるハズだった honrai nara Shigaraki wa ashita ni mo banzen no karada to naru HAZU datta "Originally, Shigaraki was certain to get his perfect body as soon as tomorrow."
6 少なくとも一週間死柄木は動けない すくなくともいっしゅうかんしがらきはうごけない sukunaku to mo isshuukan Shigaraki wa ugokenai "Shigaraki can't move for at least week."
7 スターアンドストライプが遺してくれた スターアンドストライプがのこしてくれた SUTAA ANDO SUTORAIPU ga nokoshite kureta "Star and Stripe left this [gift] behind for us."
8 最後の猶予だ さいごのゆうよだ saigo no yuuyo da "It's the final postponement."
9 この時間[…]有効に使[…] このじかん[…]ゆうこうにつか[…] kono jikan [...] yuukou ni tsuka [...] "WIth this time [...] use effectively [...]" (Note: Basically, it seems they're taking this one week as their last chance to prepare to fight Shigaraki (maybe they still expect Shigaraki to obtain his perfect body).) 
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1-2 死柄木とAFOを しがらきと オール・フォー・ワンを倒す Shigaraki to OORU FOO WAN wo taosu "We will defeat Shigarai and All For One" (Note: The sentence lacks pronouns, so I'm guessing about the context here.)
3 紡がれた希望少年たちは再び起つ つむがれたきぼうしょうねんたちはふたたびたつ tsumugareta kibou shounen-tachi wa futatabi tatsu Spun hope: the boys get up again
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hero-philia · 4 years
One out of Twenty
This is my present for @new-noveltea​, who was assigned to me as part of the BNHA Spring Time Event (@bnhaclaimedmysoul​) - Because she doesn’t ship herself with someone, I decided to go for a platonic story! I hope that you like it, Ash (^o^)
Summary: First days are hard, especially if you don't understand a word of what’s going on around you. But the enterity of class A is here to help you out! (English dialogue is written normally, Japanese dialogue in italic)
Words: 2856
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On this particular morning you found yourself following a man that you had only heard of before. Completely dressed in black he didn’t seem like the most heroic guy, but people throughout the country called him such. Admittedly, it hadn’t been too easy for you to follow the news reports on TV, which featured a pretty fast spoken Japanese - A language that wasn’t yours in the first place.
The steps echoed through the empty hallway, where normally dozens of students were gathering. But the bell had sent them into their classrooms a few minutes ago when you had been waiting in the teachers’ lounge to make a fool of yourself in front of everyone. 
You gulped in order to suppress the memory how you had forgotten half of your introduction speech and had switched to English instead, even if you had known that most of your audience wasn’t able to understand you that way. At least you had earned quite some chuckles as you had changed the language in the middle of saying that your Japanese basically sucked, but that you were capable of speaking English.
For now you didn’t have to talk to anyone since the man in black didn’t seem to be interested in a conversation with you. He had simply advised you to follow him after the glorious embarrassment that many high ranked heroes had witnessed. What a good start.
Wherever the two of you were headed, you could just assume that it was your classroom. A room filled with strangers was waiting for you, maybe expecting you to come. Who knew what they had been told in advance. You didn’t know anything for sure at that point.
Nevertheless you hoped that you would be able to sit down again soon as sleep-deprivation was getting the best of you. The adrenaline in your body kept you awake and functioning, but your eyes started to feel heavy. Probably it hadn’t been the best idea to send you to school two days after your arrival in a completely different country with a new time zone. Last night the jet lag had robbed you of many hours of sleep, leaving you running on three - not consecutive - hours of rest. 
On a Monday. At eight in the morning. Definitely not the ideal combination.
Your teacher didn’t leave a lot of space for thinking when he stopped next to a gigantic door. For a second you fought the huge to look up in shock until it opened with ease. Once it had swung open, you caught the first glimpse of your new classmates. 
With the backpack on your shoulders you straightened your back and put on a smile before stepping in. Nineteen pairs of eyes followed the movements of their teacher, though many scanned you as soon as they had noticed your figure. Except for a pretty grumpy looking blonde in the second row and a another boy, whose red and white hair got your attention, with absolutely no expression on his face, everyone seemed like they wanted to ask questions about your presence.
Without caring about the reaction your teacher walked to his desk only to sigh loudly. He went on with a monologue that you didn’t understand at all. The words he mumbled didn’t match any of the vocabulary you had learnt as preparation for your stay. Your thumbs started to twist around each other while you tried to translate at least one sentence.
To absolutely no avail you listened to the short speech, focused to not show your struggles openly. Finally a word came up that you had heard before - ryuugakusei. You celebrated the achievement with a growing smile, which wanted to disappeared when it hit you what that meant. Ryuugakusei happened to be translated as exchange student. It was your turn to speak again.
„Introduction, please,“ the man in the front announced in English with a look in your direction. 
For some reason a boy with curly green hair gasped aloud to hurriedly open his notebook and stare at you with curious eyes. His hand practically ready to write in the speed of light. As no one said something about it, you tried to refocus on the task.
The words of your Japanese introduction, that you had carefully constructed with the help of four online translators last night, deleted themselves for the second time today. Failing at the teachers’ lounge was one thing, but not being able to introduce yourself in front of your own class was something you didn’t want to risk.
So screw the rules!
You pulled out your phone from the pocket in your skirt - god bless whoever made that decision - and opened the notes with your sentences. Before anyone would even have the time to stop you, you began to read them out loud. Saying your name, your age, where you were from and many details more.
„I will stay for the entirety of your second year. Let’s do our best together!“ You concluded in the end. 
Of course you took a short bow while your classmate gave you a round of applause for whatever motivation. Probably to praise your bravery, because your grammar and pronunciation must have been off completely. Then your teacher allowed you to sit down at the empty seat behind the green-haired boy. 
The following lesson progressed pretty much as you had expected it to. Not that you understood what it was about, though you could finally switch off your brain for a few minutes and silently take a breath. 
Shortly after, the bell sent you back into attention mode. You watched how everyone got up, went to the wall to your left, grabbed a box with a number and aimed for the door. While you were pretty much busy with trying to figure out what was going on, someone placed their hand on your shoulder. A girl with dark hair in a ponytail stepped into your sight.
„My name is Yaoyorozu Momo and I’m one of two class presidents. Our next lesson is quirk training at the gym, so just follow me. Your costume is waiting there as well,“ she said in a soft voice. 
„Your English is really good,“ you blurted out in surprise. „Thanks for telling me! I’ll be in your care, then.“
On your way to the gym the hallways were filled with students that were also changing their rooms right now. Even though the floor had looked kind of pretty in its empty state, seeing it being crowded gave it the impression of actually being in a school. No matter how many people you passed, most of them still stared at you. 
„They are excited to see a foreigner here. In Japan we aren’t used to being around people from Europe or America, that makes you really special,“ Momo explained with a giggle.
Her explanation made sense, yet you wondered why they were more excited to be faced with a foreigner than your classmates with quirks that affected their appearance. You literally had a boy with tentacles and a person with a bird head in your class. Having such a quirk was seemingly more common than being a foreigner, you thought. 
This whole center of attention thing went on in the locker room where you got reunited with your hero costume. A while ago you had handed it to an official of the exchange program at your home school and never saw it again. Until now. 
„You look really cool! I’m Ashido Mina. Call me Mina,“ a girl with pink skin commented. Her English pronunciation wasn’t the greatest, but it was easy to understand her name. Finally someone that you could actually call by name. 
Thanks to her a huge round of introductions started with the girls. At the end you knew like three names for sure, half of them to a certain extent and the rest was forgotten. 
Unfortunately the lesson itself asked even more of your brain since every student was asked to demonstrate his or her quirk. From what you could tell, some of them had arranged complete shows to present their abilities. Only you were attending without a certain plan, but the teacher hadn’t chosen the water area of the USJ for nothing. 
The blonde boy set off various explosions while yelling like crazy, a red-head didn’t even flinch when his hardened skin collided with the fire, another boy with black hair escaped the water last minute before a second blonde electrified the whole artificial lake. Last but not least Mina improvised a dance with elements of her acid simply consuming the ice that the boy with the scar and the resting bitch face had created.
„Okay, you are next,“ Momo made sure to let you know. 
When you stepped out of the group of students, you swore that the boy, who had been called ‚Deku‘ by the angry fire guy multiple times, intently wanted to pull out his notebook that obviously wasn’t there because he was wearing his hero costume. 
You bowed a little in front of your classmates to get their attention, „Please watch me!“
These very few Japanese words were certainly enough to do so, which made you feel their glances while you were walking up to the water. Your movements made the skirt part of your dress jump a little, but you didn’t have to worry about showing too much skin thanks to the pair of black shorts underneath.
„Our little exchange student knows what a lake is, doesn’t she? Can’t wait to see her face when she finds out that the water is not carrying her,“ Bakugou joked with crossed arms. For him and all the others it looked like you were headed for a dive. 
Instead of stopping at the sandy area, you continued to walk even after your shoes had touched the water. Like walking on normal ground you went on as if nothing had changed, causing the first mumbles of your classmates. 
In the middle of the lake you stood still, not moving at all. Everything you did was to focus on the water and the energy inside of your body as you took deep, yet calm breaths through your nose. Even your eyes were closed. From their perspective it looked like you had no idea what to do now that you had made it there. But then you opened your eyes, unknown to them.
Out of nowhere a huge wave surrounded you while it pushed itself towards the coast into all directions with your position being the center. Your classmates only gasped at the growing wall of water that was making its way into their direction. They lost sight of you when you disappeared behind the water. 
Preparing themselves to go into defensive mode, they didn’t know what was going on or what your intentions were. Soon enough you broke through the surface from behind, again using the water like normal ground and simply touching the monstrous wave with your index finger. 
As it had never existed, the wave got smaller within seconds. In the blink of an eye the lake returned to its not harmful state. 
„SHE DIDN’T EVEN GET WET!“ Mina cheered at the realisation that you had bursted through water, stopped a gigantic tsunami and walked on water without the tiniest sign of a water stain on your clothes or hair. 
An absolutely strange battle broke out when half of your class gathered around you during a heated conversation with each other. At some point you were sure that you understood the word quirk, but that was as much as you were able to translate again. So you tried to not look too confused once your mind wanted to convince you that you had heard ‚lunch‘ somewhere in between. Too many voices to keep track of asked you things that you didn’t even understand.
„Everyone! Back in line! This behaviour is inappropriate for future heroes. Just imagine how our new classmate must feel in a situation like this!“ The main class president interrupted the chaos, at least that was what you remembered from Momo. 
„But we want to talk to her!“ A third blonde boy exclaimed directly next to you, shooting a wink of glitter at you.
„Right, we need to talk to her!“ This time it was Mina that spoke, or rather yelled.
„You just want to have her all for yourself!“ Somehow this statement from the electricity dude shut up everyone, except for the class president that suddenly sounded like he was defending himself from accusations. 
Even after a few minutes had passed nothing really changed. You were still standing in the middle of people that were arguing with each other, especially since the teacher had ended the lesson. And you hadn’t gotten closer to finding out what the whole issue was about until Momo finally decided to help you out.
„They are fighting because all of them want you to join them at lunch. Welcome to the chaos that is called class 2-A.“
So they did what every aspiring hero with pride would do to solve such a problem - A representative of each squad had to participate in a battle of rock, paper, scissors. 
Several disappointed grumbles and screams of victory later Mina pointed her hand towards the ceiling: „I WON! SHE WILL EAT WITH US! THE ONE AND ONLY BAKUSQUAD!“
Everyone went back to their own squads, which made you realise that your translator wouldn’t be around during lunch. She had offered to come along, but Mina and three boys had told her that they would be fine. In the meantime you questioned at least Mina’s English skills when you got changed again.
In her excitement the pink girl practically dragged you back to the classroom where you grabbed your lunch and were then pulled to a place outside the building. Early in the morning it had been too cold to go out without a jacket, but now the warm sun of spring warmed your skin. 
It didn’t need any words to express your awe once you got to see the meeting place of the BakuSquad: A gigantic tree that blossomed in a corner of the yard. 
Wherever you looked at the ground, it was covered in white to pinkish petals from the tree and this way it wasn’t a big surprise that you had some of them on your head only a few moments after your arrival. The boys were already waving at the two of you arriving, except for the explosion boy as you had named him for now.
You sat down on one of the wooden benches that were standing around the tree, allowing you to sit close to the others but not too close to feel cramped. The first thing you did was to explain your quirk without words because your Japanese wasn’t good enough. 
Four of them widened their eyes at the sight of the water from your bottle hovering in the air above the ground. There you parted them into to two floating bubbles with only the movements of a finger to show what you could do. One bubble froze to ice, the other began to boil from the increasing heat you were providing, yet again with nothing more than a gesture. 
„But I can’t undo it, if I change their form. Now I’ll have to wait for the water to cool to drink it and I’ll use the frozen part as ice cubes to fasten the process,“ you admitted. 
You were met with questioning eyes that were exchanging glimpses with each other like they were trying to communicate. Just like that your smile turned into a rather insecure smirk.
„Idiots, she said she can’t undo it,“ a different voice grumbled. „And you definitely need to learn more Japanese to not fall behind in the future!“
It caught you quite off-guard that the explosion boy out of all people was able to speak English on such a high level. His scolding left you speechless for a moment and it stayed like this long enough for the others to regain their voice.
„Ooooh, Bakubro, what would we do without you?“ The boy with black hair said dramatically with the back of his hand touching his forehead as he leaned back a little. Not to be forgotten should be his very broken English and heavy accent, which he maybe did on purpose.
„We really love youuuuuuuu,“ the red-head followed suit.
All four of them launched themselves at the grumpy blonde at the same time, making him fall over in the process as he cussed words that no one would voluntarily translate. His friends didn’t get demotivated from his reaction and continued to hug him until he was about to use his quirk out of mere revolution purposes.
But they all turned around to look at you when you bent over laughing at the sight of them. Soon enough they giggled along, except for the explosion boy of course. Though even he had to admit that he had to suppress a chuckle. 
Welcome to the chaos that is called class 2-A!
Posted: April 28th 2020 | Requests: Open | Match-ups: Closed
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themuslimmale · 4 years
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(📷: ryuugakusei - Flickr) Jalalabad, Afghanistan 💐
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jamabroad · 5 years
Day 63 - Study and Sweets
After class I was supposed to meet with Yuji. I hit the gym and then got some pizza from a food truck for a decent price and headed to Bldg 2 cafeteria, where he arrived when I already tempted myself to 2 slices of my pizza. After that, we just headed to the library and did some studying. I also printed my Conflicts paper as I was done with it already. Although for me it was mostly watching Slay the Spire and looking for where to bring my parents during their stay here. At around 3-4 PM Yuji left and I was still continuing to study. I got bored at 5 PM and at the thought that I finished studying, I headed to look for food at Nakano. I didn’t have any restaurant in mind but I wanted to finish my exploration there. I ate cheap katsudon outside Nakano Broadway but it was very salty, especially the miso soup. After that, I wandered some alleys a bit and then I entered Nakano broadway.
Inside, I went downstairs to eat Hokkaido melon ice cream which was pretty dense and yummy. Then I explored the four floors before the closing time. There I saw anime figures, camera shops, headphone shops, posters and stickers that I was so close on buying, and even a torii gate leading to a Mandarake. I also saw some interesting personalities inside, aka weebs with an eccentric fashion sense. After that, I looked at some vintage coca-cola shop, an arcade, and then eventually headed out as the place was closing at 8pm. Then I got two pieces of bread at a bakery that had something sweet and meaty.Then i went to a Lotteria where i got matcha milk tea, which I realized was too much sweets for me and I couldn’t finish it. My purpose for buying that was to study inside the cafe but my body was too uncomfortable doing so so I just went home and tried to study there instead, but I really didn’t. That will be tomorrow Joshua’s problem.
Aside from that, I also had orals so Mariana and I planned to meet up early in the morning to practice. June 4 will be one heck of a day.
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chompmon · 3 years
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masaridewichan-blog · 7 years
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Karena mudik bukanlah tentang mengukir rindu, juga mengais makanan yang siapa tahu bisa mengobati rindu di tanah rantau. Seterong, bro!!!
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getreadytogo · 6 years
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Sunday afternoon at "car free day" Akihabara! #latepost 📷 by @kumakosandan #秋葉原 #あきはばら #Akihabara #東京 #Tokyo #日本 #Japan #留学 #留学生 #ryuugakusei #studyingabroad #studyinTokyo #thankGod (at Akihabara)
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azizaaihtum-blog · 7 years
Istirahat makan siang kemarin…
“Makanan kamu kayaknya pedes” “Nggak kok, ini nggak pedes. Cuma….” “Cuma?” “Cuma gak enak” “Makanannya gak enak? Bukannya bikin sendiri?” “Justru karena bikin sendiri, aku kan sebenernya gak bisa masak” “Oh….”
Istirahat makan siang hari ini… “Mau cobain makanan aku? Ini nabe” “Oh makasih. Mau cobain yang aku juga gak?” “Oh bekel yang sekarang enak?” “HAHAHAHAHA! Dibilang enak juga ya nggak begitu… cuma lebih baik dari kemarin hehe”
Aku dan teman sebangku-ku.
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