#ruth langan
mycupofstars · 10 months
Top 5 books? 👀📚
Oh, this is not an easy one at all. Oh no. Oh no. Thank you but oh no.
Okay, the first one is my favorite book of all time but otherwise these are not in any particular order! And I'm sure I'm not mentioning a ton of really important ones. Also these are like. Emotional favorites and not necessarily the best books I have ever read.
The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson.
2. Piranesi, Susanne Clarke.
3. The Hobbit, Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien.
4. Kraken, China Mieville.
5. Wolf's Complete Book of Terror, edited by Leonard Wolf. (This is an obscure horror anthology that permanently altered my brain chemistry when I was ten)
6. HONORABLE MENTION AUTHORS: JG Ballard Denis Cooper Bjørn Rasmussen Ruth Rendell Anne Rice Stephen Graham Jones John Langan Madeleine L'Engle Margo Lanagan Carmen Maria Machado Nathan Ballingrud Peter Straub.
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weirdesplinder · 3 years
Lista di romance a tema Mail order brides
Nel vecchio west, vista la mancanza di donne alla frontiera e nei nuovi territori appena colonizzati, era usanza che gli uomini mettessero annunci sui giornali delle città dell’est per cercare moglie, e le donne, spinte dalle più varie ragioni (di solito, se una donna rispondeva ad un tale annuncio era perché aveva dei problemi a trovare marito in altro modo o non aveva altro modo di mantenersi) potevano rispondere all’annuncio via lettera. Ne conseguiva una corrispondenza che spesso si concludeva con l’uomo che pagava il viaggio alla donna che lo raggiungeva e i due, pur non essendosi mai visti, si sposavano.
Ed esiste una nicchia del genere romance che ha come tema proprio queste spose per corrispondenza. Io ho avuto un per un certo periodo la mania di questi romanzi, perciò ho deciso di creare una lista di alcuni titoli da proporvi nel caso possa interessare anche a voi questo sottogenere.
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The Brides of Praire Gold di Maggie Osborne
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Trama: Cody Snow non sa cosa l’abbia spinto ad accettare l’incarico di guidare una carovana di dodici spose per corrispondenza dal Missouri fino a Clampet Falls, Oregon, ma già prima di partire si è pentito di averlo fatto. Non solo dovrà sorbirsi le loro innumerevoli lamentele e proteggerle dai pericoli del viaggio, ma dovrà anche combattere contro l’attrazione che prova verso una di loro, Perrin Waverly, poiché lei è promessa ad un altro, e lui ha giurato a se stesso dopo la morte della moglie, che non si sarebbe mai più sposato.
La mia opinione: Il mio libro preferito di questa autrice. Si tratta di un libro corale, cosa che di solito non apprezzo, ma in questo caso è il metodo giusto per farci conoscere bene alcune delle spose che hanno disparati motivi per imbarcarsi in questo viaggio così duro e pericoloso: Perrin è vedova, non può mantenersi da sola e non vuole rimanere nel suo paesino dove la sua reputazione è a pezzi a causa di un suo errore di giudizio dovuto però alle sue circostanze. Le pesa andare a sposarsi lontano, non per il viaggio, ma per il fatto che gli uomini l’hanno sempre sfruttata o delusa e non crede che la cosa sarà diversa stavolta. Mem invece è una donna troppo indipendente, troppo alta e schietta per trovare marito nel suo paesino, e ha sempre sognato di vivere un’avventura, desidera ardentemente questo viaggio, e le spiace un poco che sua sorella, che dipende un po’ troppo da lei, abbia deciso di seguirla perché è rimasta vedova da poco. Hilda è una maestra troppo brutta per trovare marito in altro modo e abbastanza piena di coraggio tedesco per tirarsi indietro davanti a questa sfida. Sarah, vedova di un ufficiale, ha viaggiato al suo fianco per il mondo e sa cosa aspettarsi da questo viaggio, troppo avanti con gli anni, ormai trentenne se vuole marito deve andarselo a trovare e non ha certo remore a farlo. Augusta dopo gli sbagliati investimenti del padre e il suo suicidio non possiede più nulla al mondo se non l’orgoglio di quella che una volta era la famiglia più ricca della città e odia l’idea di questo viaggio, ma non ha altra scelta. Jane, figlia di un pastore si unisca alla carovana per non viaggiare sola verso il suo promesso sposo che conosce già bene e che l’aspetta. Alice è in fuga sotto falso nome da un marito troppo manesco. Thea, una dotata disegnatrice, timida e riservata, spera in un nuovo inizio. Cora, una povera serva illetterata non ha altre prospettive. Winnie è assuefatta all’oppio e i genitori sperano che allontanarla dal paese potrà aiutarla, mentre Ona nasconde un segreto ancora più oscuro.
Il viaggio viene descritto non con troppi tediosi particolari, ma con la giusta accuratezza. Le difficoltà grandi e piccole, i problemi su come e dove occuparsi dei propri bisogni, la polvere, la sporcizia, la stanchezza la malattia, eppure è tutto parte di uno sfondo pittoresco e verosimile a una storia romantica e avvincente. In particolare, oltre alla storia principale tra Perrin e Cody. Assistiamo al triangolo amoroso tra Webb, la guida indiana della carovana (che in realtà è solo per metà indiano ed è unico erede maschio di Lord Albany, Un ricco Duca inglese), Augusta bellissima, ma arrogante e razzista, e Mem, non bella, ma atletica, dolce coraggiosa e sopra ogni cosa amichevole, leale e curiosa. Webb all’inizio è attratto dall’incredibile bellezza di Augusta, ma quando lei lo respinge perché mezzo indiano, per fortuna si accorgerà di Mem…..Ora queste poche parole non vi rendono l’idea della loro storia che è davvero molto dolce ed è la parte del libro che ho amato di più, ma fidatevi se vi dico che vale veramente davvero la pena di leggere questo romanzo. Poiché oltre a tutto ciò che vi ho già detto contiene anche un mistero da risolvere……
The bridal veil di Alexis Harrington
Inedito in italiano
Trama: Emily Cannon non è la sposa a cui Luck Becker aveva scritto, ma la sorella di mediocre bellezza e troppo alta. Quando sua sorella è morta e Emily è rimasta sola al mondo, in un raro momento di impulsività ha deciso di prendere il suo posto come sposa per corrispondenza. Certo non è bella come lei, ma in fondo il futuro sposo non aveva mai visto la sua interlocutrice e poi se non possiede la bellezza, Emily ha molte altre capacità, e dopo una vita passata con genitori che le hanno sempre detto che non era bella o speciale, non è che non si aspetti molto. Eppure ci rimane comunque male quando Luck la vede e subito la rifiuta. Luck però non può fare lo schizzinoso, ha bisogno di una madre per sua figlia, e accetta di sposare Emily, che per di più dopo il viaggio non ha più un soldo. Ma mette subito in chiaro che lei sarà una governante non sua moglie sul serio. Emily china la testa, ci è abituata e accetta. Nel suo baule ha l’abito da sposa e il velo di sua sorella, ma non li indossa per la cerimonia, dopotutto non è un vero matrimonio, e ripone anche quel sogno di un matrimonio in bianco, in un cassetto.
La mia opinione:  Non amo particolarmente questa autrice, ma stavolta ha colto nel segno con una storia semplice ma toccante e non troppo melodrammatica come suo solito. Qui ogni personaggio non è nè completamente buono nè completamente cattivo, tranne Emily, e tutti hanno chiari motivi per essere ciò che sono. L’unica cosa che non mi è piaciuto è il rifiuto iniziale di Luck verso Emily.
The texan’s wager di Jodi Thomas
Inedito in italiano
Trama: Scacciata dal treno con altre due donne, nel tentativo di evitare di essere arrestata per omicidio Bailee Moore accetta di partecipare a una Lotteria delle mogli, l’ultima trovata dello sceriffo di Cedar Point per procurare delle spose ai suoi concittadini. Bailee non è certo felice di essere costretta a sposarsi, anche perchè il suo nuovo marito, Carter McKoy, è il tipo più silaenzioso che abbia mai conosciuto. Forse però quell’uomo forte e taciturno potrebbe rivelarsi la chiave per un futuro migliore se sarà disposta a mettere in gioco il suo cuore. 
La mia opinione: Molto ironico oltre che romantico, se si apprezza l’ironia in un romance questo è certamente carino e piacevole.
Moglie per procura (Eternity) di Jude Deveraux
https://amzn.to/2OzeZ7C  (c’è anche in ebook)
Trama:  Carrie Montgomery è un'incantevole e viziatissima ragazza del Maine. Insieme alle sue amiche si occupa di combinare matrimoni per corrispondenza: attività davvero insolita, ma capace di riservare imprevedibili sorprese. Joshua Greene è uno dei suoi clienti. Contadino di un piccolo villaggio del Colorado, Joshua è alla ricerca di una donna che si prenda cura dei suoi figli e della fattoria dove vivono. Carrie si innamora del suo sguardo in fotografia, e pur non possedendo i requisiti richiesti decide di sposarlo per procura e di partire alla volta di Eternity. L'ostilità di Joshua, però, mette a dura prova la sua testardaggine. E qualcosa d'inaspettato emerge dal passato dell'uomo… 
La mia opinione: anche questo è un libro molto ironico e divertente. Diverso dagli latri di questa utrice di solito molto più pesante.
Sposa di città (The Courtship Of Izzy McCree) di Ruth Langan
Trama: Isabella, Izzy, McCree non ha mai conosciuto l'affetto di una famiglia e per questo motivo si lascia tutto alle spalle per iniziare una nuova vita rispondendo all'appello della lettera di un uomo che cerca una moglie per sé e una madre per i suoi bambini.Ma Matt Prescott, troppo impegnato ad allevare i quattro figli e a mandare avanti la fattoria, ha dimenticato come si faccia a corteggiare una donna, specialmente se questa si ritrae spaventata ogni volta che lui la sfiora.Sarà Isabella che, a poco a poco, scoprirà il lato tenero e affettuoso di Matt cominciando a fidarsi di lui e delle sue carezze...
La mia opinione: libro estremamente semplice e molto simile a THe bridal veil, però comunque piacevole.
Want Ad Wedding  di Cheryl St. John
Inedito in italiano
Trama: Quando Daniel Gardner ha convinto i suoi concittadini ha mettere sul giornale un annuncio per delle spose per corrispondenza, non si aspettava certo di rivedere il suo primo amlore scendere dal treno tra di loro.   Leah è  incinta, vedova e bisognosa di marito e Daniel le offre  un matrimonio di convenienza per potersi prendere cura di lei. Leah è felicissima di accettare la proposta del suo caro amico d’infanzia.. Ma quando inizierà a innamorarsi di suo marito, i suoi piani per un nuovo inizio saranno rovinati ... o un vero matrimonio con Daniel è esattamente ciò di cui ha bisogno?
La mia opinione: semplice e carino. Niente di straordinario, ma se non altro il fatto che i due non siano sconosciuti, ma anzi si conoscano fin da bambini da un piglio diverso a tutta la storia.
Verso l’amore (Always and Forever) di Beverly Jenkins
https://amzn.to/3tHivM7 (c’è anche in ebook)
Trama: Volitiva e indipendente, l'ereditiera Grace Atwood non è tipo da piangersi addosso. Abbandonata dal promesso sposo neppure mezz'ora prima della cerimonia, decide di lasciare per qualche mese la banca che dirige a Chicago: condurrà una carovana di sole donne fino a Kansas City, dove sono attese da uomini sposati per corrispondenza. Ha bisogno però di una guida esperta, e l'affascinante e sfacciato Jackson Blake è l'uomo giusto, in ogni senso. Si dimostrerà infatti il solo a saperle tenere testa, e allo stesso tempo capace di portare alla luce la donna sensuale che si cela in lei. Ma Jackson, perseguitato dai demoni del proprio passato, sembra non poter offrire a Grace altro che una vita in fuga…
La mia opinione: anche questo è un libro fuori dalle solite trame, con protagonisti di colore e appartiene al filone dei libri mail order bride dove si racconta il viaggio, più che l’arrivo delle spose.
La sposa di Boston (The endearment) di Lavyrle Spencer
Trama: Un fratello di tredici anni ed un cumulo di menzogne è tutta la dote che Anna Reardon porta a Karl Lindstrom, l'uomo che ha ordinato una moglie per posta. Ridotta alla disperazione da una vita di stenti e di squallore, Anna lascia Boston diretta nel lontano Minnesota, dove l'attende il suo futuro marito. Anche  se la giovane non corrisponde affatto alla donna matura ed efficiente che Karl aveva richiesto, tra i due scocca la  scintilla di un amore tenero e appassionato. Il generoso Karl perdona  alla moglie i tanti inganni, ma c'è ancora un segreto che lei gli  nasconde e che il suo orgoglio d'uomo non può accettare...
La mia opinione: libro dalla trama semplicissima, e con personaggi altrettanto semplici perchè veramente molto giovani. Però scritto veramente bene e molto più lungo degli altri.
La nave delle spose di Deborah Hale
Trama: Nuova Scozia, 1818 - Una nave che trasporta quaranta giovani spose destinate ai coloni della Nuova Scozia arriva senza preavviso nel porto di Halifax. Anziché accoglierle con un caldo benvenuto, però, il governatore della colonia, Sir Robert Kerr, scambiandole per donne di malaffare proibisce loro di scendere a terra e cerca addirittura di rimandarle indietro. Ma Jocelyn Finch, avvenente vedova che accompagna le ragazze, non si dà per vinta e sfida il governatore a duello, lasciando a lui la scelta delle armi. L'uomo, restio a combattere contro una donna con la spada o la pistola, decide per una partita a scacchi… e viene clamorosamente sconfitto. Così Jocelyn ottiene il permesso di restare e di portare a termine la sua missione. E inevitabilmente, come Sir Robert temeva, finisce per creare scompiglio in città e nel cuore dell'affascinante governatore.
La mia opinione: non è il mio libro preferito della Hale, direi piacevole, ma non ho amato tantissimo i protagonisti, in particolar modo lei.
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Hey guys I finished the Mystical Highland series by Ruth Langan or Ruth Ryan Langan as she goes by now. I read this series when I was in high school. It is a Harlequin Romance book so it does have sappy romance themes in it but I actually thought the story line was fairly good for being a romance novel. It’s kind of one of those feel good books that you can read in about a day or so or on a plane trip.
It is about three sisters who live in the Mystical Kingdom and they are each swept away by highland lords and of course they end up falling in love. I actually emailed Ruth Langan and I asked if I could get her autograph and she told me to give her my address and she did. I received a letter and a book mark. I thinking about having it framed. Next I’m trying to write to JK Rowling. Wish me Luck!
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Domestic Fiction: a reading list
Neighbors by Danielle Steel
Meredith White was one of Hollywood’s most recognizable faces. But a personal tragedy cut her acting career short and alienated her from her family. For the last fifteen years, Meredith has been living alone in San Francisco with two trusted caretakers. Then, on a muggy late summer day, a massive earthquake strikes Northern California, plunging the Bay Area into chaos. Without a moment’s hesitation, Meredith invites her stunned and shaken neighbors into her mostly undamaged home as the recovery begins. These people did not even realize that movie star Meredith White was living on their street. Now, they are sharing her mansion, as well as their most closely kept secrets. Without the walls and privacy of their own homes, one by one, new relationships are forged. For every neighbor there is a story, from the doctor whose wife and children fear him, to the beautiful young woman dating a dishonorable man, to the aspiring writer caring for a famous blind musician. In the heart of the crisis, Meredith finds herself venturing back into the world. And thanks to the suspicions and the dogged detective work of a disaster relief volunteer, a former military officer named Charles, a shocking truth about her own world is exposed. Suddenly Meredith sees her isolation, her estranged family, and even her acting career in a whole new light. Filled with powerful human dramas, Neighbors is a penetrating look at how our world can be upended in a moment. In a novel of unforgettable characters and stunning twists, acts of love and courage become the most powerful forces of all.
The Kindest Lie by Nancy Johnson
A promise could betray you. It’s 2008, and the inauguration of President Barack Obama ushers in a new kind of hope. In Chicago, Ruth Tuttle, an Ivy-League educated Black engineer, is married to a kind and successful man. He’s eager to start a family, but Ruth is uncertain. She has never gotten over the baby she gave birth to—and was forced to leave behind—when she was a teenager. She had promised her family she’d never look back, but Ruth knows that to move forward, she must make peace with the past. Returning home, Ruth discovers the Indiana factory town of her youth is plagued by unemployment, racism, and despair. As she begins digging into the past, she unexpectedly befriends Midnight, a young white boy who is also adrift and looking for connection. Just as Ruth is about to uncover a burning secret her family desperately wants to keep hidden, a traumatic incident strains the town’s already searing racial tensions, sending Ruth and Midnight on a collision course that could upend both their lives. Powerful and revealing, The Kindest Lie captures the heartbreaking divide between Black and white communities and offers both an unflinching view of motherhood in contemporary America and the never-ending quest to achieve the American Dream.
A Lie Someone Told You about Yourself by Peter Ho Davies
A Lie Someone Told You About Yourself traces the complex consequences of one of the most personal yet public, intimate yet political experiences a family can have: to have a child, and conversely, the decision not to have a child. A first pregnancy is interrupted by test results at once catastrophic and uncertain. A second pregnancy ends in a fraught birth, a beloved child, the purgatory of further tests—and questions that reverberate down the years. When does sorrow turn to shame? When does love become labor? When does chance become choice? When does a diagnosis become destiny? And when does fact become fiction? This spare, graceful narrative chronicles the flux of parenthood, marriage, and the day-to-day practice of loving someone. As challenging as it is vulnerable, as furious as it is tender, as touching as it is darkly comic, Peter Ho Davies's new novel is an unprecedented depiction of fatherhood.
Good Neighbors by Sarah Langan
Welcome to Maple Street, a picture-perfect slice of suburban Long Island, its residents bound by their children, their work, and their illusion of safety in a rapidly changing world. Arlo Wilde, a gruff has-been rock star who’s got nothing to show for his fame but track marks, is always two steps behind the other dads. His wife, beautiful ex-pageant queen Gertie, feels socially ostracized and adrift. Spunky preteen Julie curses like a sailor and her kid brother Larry is called “Robot Boy” by the kids on the block. Their next-door neighbor and Maple Street’s Queen Bee, Rhea Schroeder—a lonely community college professor repressing her own dark past—welcomes Gertie and family into the fold. Then, during one spritzer-fueled summer evening, the new best friends share too much, too soon. As tensions mount, a sinkhole opens in a nearby park, and Rhea’s daughter Shelly falls inside. The search for Shelly brings a shocking accusation against the Wildes that spins out of control. Suddenly, it is one mom’s word against the other’s in a court of public opinion that can end only in blood.
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weirdletter · 4 years
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Revenant, Issue 5: Folk Horror. Edited by Ruth Heholt, guest editor: Dawn Keetley, March 2020. Info and free download: revenantjournal.com.
Revenant is a peer reviewed e-journal dedicated to the study of the supernatural, the uncanny and the weird in any form and in any period. Committed to the scholarly, academic and creative exploration of the supernatural in its multiple, variable and fantastic forms this inter-disciplinary journal encourages discussion about the supernatural or the weird in literature, history, folklore, philosophy, science, religion, sociology and all aspects of popular culture. All areas of discussion are welcome and we invite for example discussions of classic Victorian ghost stories, articles about Shakespeare’s ghosts, standing stones, architecture, film, television, games or new media. Revenant promotes new writing on the supernatural, the uncanny and the weird and we are looking to publish ghost stories, tales of the extraordinary, poems and nature writing. Encouraging a cross-theoretical approach the super-natural may also be explored in relation to gender, sexuality, spirituality, post-colonialism, Marxism or eco-criticism. Revenant emphasises that the ‘natural’ is part of the super-natural and continues a long tradition of both serious and imaginative investigation.
EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION – Dawn Keetley, Lehigh University
Creative Work CAMPUS VISIT – D.K. Picariello, Writer
Notes on Contributors
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thehouseofoctober · 5 years
Omegaling’s Halloween Reading List - 2019
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It’s that time of year again; of hazy days and long nights; red leaves and orange pumpkins and purple shadows; grinning skulls and witches’ hats and ghostly whispers in empty houses.  Horror movies and haunted houses are abound to deliver plenty of holiday scares, but sometimes the only thing you need to really get in the perfect Halloween mood is a book in your hands and your own imagination.
Two years ago I made a Halloween reading list that quickly became my most popular post on this blog.  Since the horror genre never sleeps, here is a whole slew of new books to explore.  Happy reading!
Meg by Steve Alten
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Here There be Monsters by Amelinda Bérubé 
The Haunting of Ashburn House by Darcy Coates
The Haunting of Rookward House by Darcy Coates
The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers
The Troop by Nick Cutter
*Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant
Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand
My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
In a House in the Dark of the Woods by Laird Hunt
Devil’s Day by Andrew Michael Hurley
Coyote Songs by Gabrino Inglesias
The Fisherman by John Langan
The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones
*The Witches of New York by Amy McKay
The Ritual by Adam Nevill
*Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff
Leviathan by Jared Sandman
The Terror by Dan Simmons
A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay
Harvest Home by Thomas Tryson
The Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer
*In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware
Books marked with a “*” are ones I have read
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ortoysangre · 6 years
ACERENZA,  Samanta María Celeste PRO
ALLENDE,  Walberto Enrique Todos Juntos por San Juan
AMADEO,  Eduardo Pablo PRO
ANSALONI,  Pablo Miguel PRO
ARCE,  Mario Horacio Unión  Cívica Radical
AUSTIN,  Brenda Lis Unión  Cívica Radical
ÁVILA,  Beatriz Luisa Partido por la Justicia Social
AYALA,  Aida Beatriz Máxima Unión  Cívica Radical
BAHILLO,  Juanjo Justicialista
BALDASSI,  Héctor Walter PRO
BANFI,  Karina Verónica Unión  Cívica Radical
BAZZE,  Miguel Ángel Unión  Cívica Radical
BENEDETTI,  Atilio Francisco Salvador Unión  Cívica Radical
BORSANI,  Luis Gustavo Unión  Cívica Radical
BRIZUELA DEL MORAL, Eduardo Segundo Fte. Cívico y Social de Catamarca
BRÜGGE,  Juan Fernando Córdoba  Federal
BUIL,  Sergio Omar PRO
BURGOS,  María Gabriela Unión  Cívica Radical
CÁCERES,  Eduardo Augusto PRO
CAMPAGNOLI,  Marcela Coalición  Cívica
CAMPOS,  Javier Coalición  Cívica
CANO,  José Manuel Unión  Cívica Radical
CANTARD,  Albor Angel Unión  Cívica Radical
CARAMBIA,  Antonio José PRO
CARRIÓ,  Elisa María Avelina Coalición  Cívica
CARRIZO,  Ana Carla Evolución  Radical
CARRIZO,  Soledad Unión  Cívica Radical
CASELLES,  Graciela María Partido Bloquista de San Juan
CASSINERIO,  Paulo Leonardo Córdoba  Federal
CRESTO,  Mayda Justicialista
Del CERRO, Gonzalo Pedro Antonio Unión  Cívica Radical
DERNA,  Verónica Frente de la Concordia Misionero
DI  STÉFANO, Daniel Frente de la Concordia Misionero
DINDART,  Julián Unión  Cívica Radical
ECHEGARAY,  Alejandro Carlos Augusto Unión  Cívica Radical
ENRIQUEZ,  Jorge Ricardo PRO
FERNANDEZ,  Carlos Alberto Unión  Cívica Radical
FLORES,  Danilo Adrián Justicialista
FLORES,  Héctor Toty Coalición  Cívica
FRANCO,  Jorge Daniel Frente de la Concordia Misionero
FRIZZA,  Gabriel Alberto PRO
GARCIA,  Alejandro PRO
GAYOL,  Yanina Celeste PRO
GINOCCHIO,  Silvana Micaela Elijo  Catamarca
GOICOECHEA,  Horacio Unión  Cívica Radical
GONZÁLEZ,  Álvaro Gustavo PRO
HERNÁNDEZ,  Martín Osvaldo Unión  Cívica Radical
HERRERA,  Luis Beder Justicialista
HERS  CABRAL, Anabella Ruth PRO
HUCZAK,  Stella Maris PRO
IGLESIAS,  Fernando Adolfo PRO
INCICCO,  Lucas Ciriaco PRO
INFANTE,  Hugo Orlando Frente  Cívico por Santiago
KOSINER,  Pablo Francisco Juan Justicialista
KRONEBERGER,  Daniel Ricardo Unión  Cívica Radical
LACOSTE,  Jorge Enrique Unión  Cívica Radical
LASPINA,  Luciano Andrés PRO
LEHMANN,  María Lucila Coalición  Cívica
LIPOVETZKY,  Daniel Andrés PRO
LLARYORA,  Martín Miguel Córdoba  Federal
LÓPEZ  KOENIG, Leandro Gastón PRO
LÓPEZ,  Juan Manuel Coalición  Cívica
LOSPENNATO,  Silvia Gabriela PRO
LOUSTEAU,  Martín Evolución  Radical
MACÍAS,  Oscar Alberto Justicialista
MARCUCCI,  Hugo María Unión  Cívica Radical
MARTÍNEZ  VILLADA, Leonor María Coalición  Cívica
MARTÍNEZ,  Silvia Alejandra Unión  Cívica Radical
MASSOT,  Nicolás María PRO
MATZEN,  Lorena Unión  Cívica Radical
MEDINA,  Martín Nicolás PRO
MENDOZA,  Josefina Unión  Cívica Radical
MENNA,  Gustavo Unión  Cívica Radical
MESTRE,  Diego Matías Unión  Cívica Radical
MOLINA,  Karina Alejandra PRO
MONFORT,  Marcelo Alejandro Unión  Cívica Radical
MONTENEGRO,  Guillermo Tristán PRO
MORALES,  Flavia Frente de la Concordia Misionero
MOSQUEDA,  Juan Justicialista
MUÑOZ,  Rosa Rosario Trabajo  y Dignidad
NAJUL,  Claudia Inés Unión  Cívica Radical
NANNI,  Miguel Unión  Cívica Radical
NEDER,  Estela Mary Frente  Cívico por Santiago
NEGRI,  Mario Raúl Unión  Cívica Radical
NUÑEZ,  José Carlos PRO
OCAÑA,  Maria Graciela PRO
OLIVARES,  Héctor Enrique Unión  Cívica Radical
OLIVETO  LAGO, Paula Mariana Coalición  Cívica
PASTORI,  Luis Mario Unión  Cívica Radical
PEÑALOZA  MARIANETTI, María Florencia Somos  San Juan
PERTILE,  Elda Justicialista
PETRI,  Luis Alfonso Unión  Cívica Radical
PRETTO,  Pedro Javier PRO
QUETGLAS,  Fabio José Unión  Cívica Radical
RAMÓN,  José Luis Protectora
REGIDOR  BELLEDONE, Estela Mercedes Unión  Cívica Radical
REYES,  Roxana Nahir Unión  Cívica Radical
RICCARDO,  José Luis Unión  Cívica Radical
RICCI,  Nadia Lorena Unión  Cívica Radical
RISTA,  Olga María Unión  Cívica Radical
ROMA,  Carlos Gastón PRO
SAADI,  Gustavo Arturo Elijo  Catamarca
SAHAD,  Julio Enrique PRO
SAPAG,  Alma Liliana Movimiento  Popular Neuquino
STEFANI,  Héctor Antonio PRO
SUAREZ  LASTRA, Facundo Unión  Cívica Radical
TERADA,  Alicia Coalición  Cívica
TONELLI,  Pablo Gabriel PRO
VERA  GONZALEZ, Orieta Cecilia Coalición  Cívica
VIGO,  Alejandra María Córdoba  Federal
VILLA,  Natalia Soledad PRO
VILLAVICENCIO,  María Teresita Evolución  Radical
WECHSLER,  Marcelo Germán PRO
WELLBACH,  Ricardo Frente de la Concordia Misionero
WISKY,  Sergio Javier PRO
WOLFF,  Waldo Ezequiel PRO
ZAMARBIDE,  Federico Raúl Unión  Cívica Radical
ZAMORA,  Claudia Frente  Cívico por Santiago
ZOTTOS,  Miguel Andrés Costas Justicialista
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sweetsavageflame · 3 years
Historical Romance Review: Highland Fire by Ruth Langan
Historical Romance Review: Highland Fire by Ruth Langan
Highland Fire, Ruth Langan, Harlequin, 1991, cover artist TBD Harlequin Historical #91 3 1/2 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Highland Sisters Highland Fire is the third of Ruth Langan’s MacAlpin clan Highland series originally published as Harlequin Historicals. The first novel was Highland Barbarian about sister Meredith finding love. Next was Highland Heather, the tale of middle sister…
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
Top Five Trends In Butterfly Painting To Watch | Butterfly Painting
You accept run out of chargeless articles. You can abutment our newsroom by abutting at our everyman rate!
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Unique Digital Art | Unique digital art styles from Mary .. | butterfly painting
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Image result for koutras art tutorial | Butterfly art painting .. | butterfly painting
Enjoy added accessories from Lincoln’s Most Trusted Advice Source. Subscribers can log in for absolute agenda access
The kaleidoscope of collywobbles at Noyes Art Arcade will abound as a dozen artists focus on Collywobbles in Transformation as a affair in their ignment for a Third Friday accident on July 17 from 6-9 p.m.
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Blue Butterfly Painting by Jan Teplan | Saatchi Art – butterfly painting | butterfly painting
Due to coronavirus precautions, the arcade will absolute appearance to 25 admirers at a time and will livestream the aperture on Facebook at 7 p.m. The appearance will additionally be on affectation at the arcade during approved hours Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., through July 31.
The appearance appearance a array of media and includes artists Ruth Langan (painting), Robert Borzekofski (pastels), Kevin Baker (painting and sculpture), Robert Muckel (photography), Peggy Alloway (painting), Julia Noyes (painting), Kye Halstad (mosaic and alloyed media), Tita Hynes (painting), Dana Clements (mixed media), Keri Kriston (painting), Joni Brown (painting) and Shailee Curin (painting and alloyed media).
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Designart ‘Oil painting of blue butterfly’ Cottage Canvas Wall Art – butterfly painting | butterfly painting
In accession to the butterfly art, Nebraska lepidopterist Neil Dankert will be on duke to allotment his new book and advice about butterflies. Dankert blogs at https://ift.tt/30AYF8m, and he can acknowledgment questions about built-in Nebraska butterflies.
View the growing kaleidoscope alfresco the gallery, again ysis out the new collywobbles inside. You can additionally yze the artists’ websites and chase the Noyes Art Arcade Facebook folio and Instagram to see their work.
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Butterfly paintings in watercolour | Ellen Hardwick – butterfly painting | butterfly painting
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Butterfly – Easy DIY Diamond Painting Kits – butterfly painting | butterfly painting
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Blue Morpho Butterfly Painting – butterfly painting | butterfly painting
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Fabric by the Yard Watercolor Butterfly Painting (Orange, Gold, Light Blue) – butterfly painting | butterfly painting
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Buy Beauty Of Butterfly 5 by Community Artists Group@ Rs .. | butterfly painting
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Butterfly Painting. Each Of Andrea Scacciotti’s Traces Is A Unique .. | butterfly painting
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Monarch On Daisies Painting by Art by Carol May – butterfly painting | butterfly painting
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Watercolor butterfly set hand drawn painting. Can be used for. | butterfly painting
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Monarch Butterfly Painting on Gallery Wrapped Canvas, 16×16 – butterfly painting | butterfly painting
from WordPress https://www.bleumultimedia.com/top-five-trends-in-butterfly-painting-to-watch-butterfly-painting/
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sofreshsosoulful · 7 years
Irish women at the controls-a short of list of some of the DJ’s
Following on from the excellent This Greedy Pig article by Emily Carson on Irish women in electronic music, it struck me from the discussion that followed that there seemed to be a sense here that women have only recently made inroads here in this regard. The reality couldn’t be further from the truth and in Ireland women have played an important part behind the decks over the years. The history may not have always been documented but it runs deep. Down here in Cork there was one stage where I can vividly remember around the turn of the millennium a few male hip-hop dj’s lamenting that they were not getting a chance, as there were so many women getting gigs! How times have changed! Overall I’m going to provide a brief list of women who I know personally who’ve made an impact here, mainly from the djing point of view though there are many more who produce music too and are involved in other realms. (Edit: i’m adding producers now too). It’s not a comprehensive list and it will be mainly focused on my field (soulful music with a few exceptions) and confined to those mainly who I know or have worked with. (Edit; the list is expanding now more additions coming). This means it’s pretty cork centric too, where there’s always been loads of female djs active. Anyway the list is just a tip of the iceberg, and if other women are looking for inspiration, there are some great examples here.
There’s a lot of debate surrounding lack of women on festival line-ups and house and techno are particularly male dominated, though again, two of the biggest Irish festival slots last year were held by women. Annie Mac is probably the best known DJ in the whole country and she’s arguably the biggest name in the UK too. She played a saturday night main stage set at Longitude last July and was the only DJ to do so. Meanwhile Jenny Greene proved to be a huge highlight at the Electric Picnic, where her 90s dance orchestral show first showed that it could be an arena filler. She’s sold out her forthcoming Live at the Marquee show in no time. But a recent twitter conversation started by Nialler9 highlighted that some festivals have only a few women, and that Annie and Jenny are more often than not the exception rather than the rule.
DJing is a male dominated activity, but look a bit deeper and there are examples aplenty of women making an impact here. Please add to this list and pardon me for forgetting so many more. I’ve left out many who are known primary in other fields (e.g. radio DJs such as  Nicki Hayes, Lilian Smith and Louise Mac Sharry, artists such as Maeve Murphy, Elaine Mai, Laoise etc)  I kept it to mainly DJ’s too rather than producers, of whom there are many many more. (Edit: i’ll be adding more producers but i’ll keep radio off it for now). It’s a male dominated activity but it’s good to shine a light on many of those who some of you might not know, aswell as the big names too. I’ll be adding to the list too when i get a chance. This list aims to highlight those making an impact and i’m not for one minute saying that women don’t face big obstacles breaking into a male dominated industry. But those who do are many and here’s a few who deserve your attention 
EDIT Loads more additions made and more to come!
Annie Mac
The Dubliner is Irelands (and arguably the UKs) best known DJ, and her radio show is massively popular and influential.
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Jenny Greene   Hugely popular 2FM DJ who’s RTE Concert orchestra gigs are selling out time after time these days, Jenny is a big draw throughout Ireland in clubs and now arenas.
ELLLL Brilliant Cork producer and DJ who’s Romance EP drew lots of favour last year, ELLLL has already appeared on Boiler Room and she spearheads the Gash Collective of female artists. Also one half of WRYMYRRH with Irene Buckley.
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Irene Buckley  Composer who is very busy writing for theatre , dance and film, providing improvised electronics in WRYMYRRH with ELLLL, and playing with the sublime Crevice too
   If it’s hard for women to breakthrough it’s fair to say it’s harder for black women to breakthrough in an industry dominated by white males. Dublin based Souletiquette co-founder has no such problems though just look at the numbers her soundcloud mixes are hitting.
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Susie K  Little is known about Susie outside Cork, but she was my DJ partner at the influential Jam Junior in the savoy for many years, playing to over 800 or 900 every time. She started doing these teenage gigs in Sir Henrys at only about 12 or 13 years of age and remains highly respected here.
Laura Lolz  Galway Bap to the future resident and another DJ and taste-maker highlighted in the article by This Greedy Pig. Laura has since been dead helpful in adding a few more to this list!
Claire Maloney    Very well known DJ and personality who used play a wide selection of funky grooves in the highly regarded Ju-Ju club and elsewhere and do some radio presenting on TodayFM.
Ms Ken D   Wexford native who set up Radio Friendly in Cork city and also ran club nights such as Soulsides here. Andrea was also a resident at Mor Disco in Cork.
DJ Dandelion  Dandelion has been DJing for well over 20 years now, spinning the soul & mod wax, running multiple nights, and remaining one of the coolest and most distinctive figures in the Capital.
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Hilary Rose (DJ Her)   Dj and actor who is now achieving great success with “The Young Offenders”
Aisling o’Riordain  DJ and promoter who spearheads the southern hospitality board and Quarter block party. I would have worked closely with Aisling in the Pav and subsequently elsewhere too.
Aoife Ni Canna Limerick native who has DJ’d all over the country over the years, a veteran who plays soulful r&b and house and who was responsible for the seminal “Folklore from the dancefloor” radio documentary on Irish club culture.
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Kelly Anne Byrne  TodayFM radio presenter and club DJ who presents one of the best shows on irish radio, and who is a regular on big festival bills such as the Electric Picnic
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Mo Kelly  Former model but also a well known DJ and an artist who has hosted many solo exhibitions.
Tara Stewart  Dublin based Radio DJ on RTE and an eager breaker of new music, Tara is also heavily involved in the excellent District Magazine
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Vicky Langan  Cork based artist who is highly respected in various fields including performance, sound and film, Vicky is woking on an audio visual project at the Irish Cultural Centre in Paris.
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Miss Motif  This Mitchelstown Dj singer songwriter and producer has been a regular on the irish dance scene for many years now.
Eleni Ellen is a cork born dj, singer and producer who has been making electronic music in New York for a good few years. Her younger sister Liz is a brilliant music talent too
Claire Beck  Another DJ who is also a well known radio presenter, Claire regularly spins at the likes of Lumo in Dublin.
Kate o’Shea DJ and booker for the always busy Crane Lane in cork city.
Jenny Glitt, Shirley Sparkle, Velma Velour, Jade Some of the DJ’s who helped Corks indie night Freakscene become one of the longest running club-nights in the country, this clubnight had a strong female presence in various venues.
Mandy Reid   Lisburn DJ who has played huge gigs here, a veteran of the Irish music scene.
Ciara Brady  Young Irish DJ who spins disco and house and has recently formed Citrus DJ’s with Colum o’Connell.
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Gina Johnson   Cork soul and hip-hop DJ who was a resident alongside myself in Sir Henrys in the 1990s. Gina was one of the biggest influences on moi and her taste in music was superb.
Kim Keating   Workshop cork resident who has recently appeared at the Lumo 1st birthday party, Kim has been spinning electronic grooves at various parties for many years now.  
Joni Singer/writer/musician and DJ, she has just released her new track today too! Joni is a member of Gash Collective and is about to start a fortnightly show on Dublin Digital Radio too!
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Ruth Kavanagh   Ruth is a resident at Mother in Dublin, who run weekly club nights plus appearances on the festival circuit.
Sweet Oblivion Better known as a a journalist and all round arts contributor these days, Aoife Barry is a really good DJ too.
Shiv Siobhan ni Bhrosnachain has been very active with the skirmish blog here, and she’s plays electro vibes on radio and in clubs.
Elaine Howley Altered Hours, Crevice, Morning Veils and Cosmosis on UCC radio. Amazing taste in tunes!
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Eve Dublin female collective of DJ’s that include Lauren, Jessica and Micu
Senita Appiakorang  Shookrah front-woman who also sings with Lakerama, Senita has been known to drop some soulful gems on the turntables too
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Rosalyn Steer  Cork musician who is in the excellent Morning Veils with Aisling o’Riordan and Elaine Howley (Altered Hours), Rosalyn won’t consider herself a DJ but she often steels the show at my vinyl love gigs.
Arlene Murray Mitchelstown promoter with Alliance Promotions, Arlene is an amazing DJ who will play anything from northern soul and garage rock to 60s pop and new wave!
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Spinderellas An all female DJ ensemble who play Bow Lane last Sunday of every month, Sarah-Jane Goff, Mimi Rogue, and often Christine Kelly. Sarah and Christine Kelly play Whitefriar Grill too and Sarah has played Womyn for 2 months, an event in the Soundhouse Wiley Fox which usually includes a female line up!
Aoife o’Neill
Kerry woman who is very busy behind the decks in cork, this month along she plays Cube, Cask, Pigalle and Sober Lane.
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Aisling Murphy
Cork native now residing and djing in Edinburgh, and spinning house music all night long.
Fifi de Faoite Another Cork DJ who is spinning abroad, this Clonakilty born DJ spins at venues such as the Roadhouse in London.
Lisa Lemur The sacred harp singer and promoter of some excellent events is also a capable DJ who will drop anything from crazy animal instructional songs to Arthur Russell on the decks!
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EimearJean McCormack, Sinead Murphy and Ciara McCormack  I’m gonna include these three, as they used play quite a bit in cork at the turn of the century, in various bars and clubs and on radio too! All are pursuing great careers in other artistic avenues now.
Sally Cinnamon Another very popular and influential dj who plays pretty much everything, and who has played everywhere from big festivals to clubs and bars
DJ Half Dutch Now in London but originally a Dub, and part of the influential Standard Crew spinning UK garage and grime, she had a show on Radio na Life too (via Colz)
Genie Bassbin resident alongside Ali, Genie then hooked up with Bodytonic and played some of their nights plus the Electric Picnic. She also hosted a radio na life show for 4/5 years (via Executive Steve and thanks to Jean for speaking to me too!)
Ali Drum n’bass partner at the legendary Bassbin with the aforementioned Genie, she also did that Radio na Life show before moving to London where she still played the odd gig in her pub, the Castle (via Steve, Ali and Jean!)
Kate brennan Harding  Now a producer at TodayFM, Kate is also a DJ who still spins at parties such as Mother Dublin
Laura Totten DJ Sage Music producer, singer,drummer, DJ and lover of everything, DJ Sage is hugely popular Stateside (via Genie)
Carla Brennan Soulful vibes were always the order of the day from Carla, who also had the misfortune of working with myself and Jim o’mahony in comet records Cork for awhile.
Jules Walsh DJ and booker at the Chambers in Cork.
Isabel Bartak Healy  Radio presenter at Redfm, Izzy now DJ’s at clubs too and played at last years Indiependence Festival
Natasha Scott
A regular at Reggae Fever, she has smashed it at Sim Simma a few times too (via Frankie Grimes)
Little Jay Toby Hatchett is a well known face at musical festivals, and his daughter was only 11 when she made her dj debut at Body and Soul festival (via Dr Dread)
Siobhan Kane Journalist and passionate music fan, Siobhan runs Young hearts run free and she DJ’s at some of their many unique events
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Justyna aka Juko Polish born Dublin based DJ playing mainly house and tech-house in Opium Rooms, Pygmalion, South William and on radio with Phever.ie
Natalia Beylis aka Sunken Hum Organiser of the Hunters Moon festival in Leitrim, she’s got amazing mixes on Bandcamp (via dj mascis)
Niamh Hegarty Niamh New Noise is talented across many disciplines and a brilliant supporter of new music.
Saoirse London based DJ from Dublin who has gone from pirates here to Rinse FM. She has already had an RA mix of the day, and has enjoyed frequent appearances for promoters such as Art of Dark, Toi Toi, Make Me, Half Baked & fabric.
Tiny Choons KT and Zonja, two tiny, best pals playing house, disco, funk soul and hip hop for the last couple of years and producing podcasts on Radiomade and ClearHaze.ie. KT also runs dance music blog Swooner Rather Than Hater'
Maedbh O’Connor One of the main people behind DIE in Limerick and a killer techno DJ (Via Justin of Cutting Heads Collective cork)
Kate Butler Still active on Dublin Digital radio, Kate did a show on PowerFM back in the day, and is a well known journalist too (via Ali)
Kate Ahern Another Cork DJ very active at one stage, Kate used play hip-hop and soul in various bars and clubs such as Hi-Fi
Gadget and the Cloud Lo-fi experimental hip-hop vibes from Cork, Kelly Doherty is busy making music and writing about music for the Thin Air while studying at UCC.
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Olivia Chau  Olivia has been very active in Limerick for over 10 years and is part of the D.I.E. crew, Djing and promoting and bringing her kitsch-y blend of music to the masses (Via mynameisjohn)
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Ali Day Lee Ali started collecting records while studying in Cork and set up Flipittv with Olivia Chau, and they soon became part of D.I.E., where Ali started organising and DJing at the parties (via mynameisJohn)
Maebh Murphy Still flying the flag with You’re only massive, Maebh has been active for many years bringing her DIY aesthetic to a new life in Berlin. She is now helping spearhead the first Girls Rock Dublin music camp soon, “taking a stand against sexism”.
Ais Dot Cork born disco enthusiast who got sick of lighting up the party in front of the decks and decided to spin some behind , she is now living in Vancouver
Aoife Conway Former Glitter and Trauma resident in the Pav with Eoghan Walsh, Aoife now helps run things at the Rising Sons bar on the coal quay
Elaine Mai Irish singer, producer and musician who has also written music for a play by Vickey Curtis, Elaine is well respected electronic artist who has a number of good releases at this stage
Tamara Hall Limerick DJ/Producer signed to Plasmapool, Tamara has just released a new single called “Bassline62”
Sinead Meaney
An audio visual artist, DJ and creative producer from Dublin, Sinead has been very busy over a really wide range of disciplines (via Laura Lolz)
Rosie Barrett  Roise used to run Assquake, and is a highly respected DJ who can cut up anything from Hip-hop to kuduro (via Laura lolz and Executive steve)
Staxx Lyrical Dublin Digital radio DJ bringing the underground hip-hop to your eardrums (via Laura Lolz)
DreamCycles Jenn Moore, an Irish women who tells This Greedy Pig that her experience at the Red Bull Music academy in Montreal gave her the confidence to pursue music further, Jenn is also on DDR
Cáit Cait is involved with Dip and spins on Raidio na Life. She features in This Greedy Pig article and has an impressive visual portfolio on her site too. She helped organise “Room for Rebellion” in aid of the Repealing the 8th in Wigmam (further info via This Greedy Pig)
Cailín Waterford native Cailin Power spins techno for the likes of District 8 and Subject (via This Greedy Pig)
Sarah Mooney Resident at PLT (Peace Love Techno) and instigator of a new collective called Groundwerk. (via Ciara Brady)
Maggie -Rose Brennock Another great DJ, who is part of the Empty Space collective in Dublin, who who run late night events combining visual arts, music and attendees to create a unique atmosphere. (via Ciara Brady)
Alex Donald Acclaimed party DJ who has played numerous venues and festivals here and abroad. Alex comes from a breakbeat background which has given her a nice platform to mix up everything from house and electro to hip-hop and pop
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Tiffany Depuis
Another DJ who spins in Cork, Tiffany pays Tip-top above the Bowery
Sinead ni Mhordha I don’t know much about Sinead but she is a DJ/radio presenter/TV presenter and more (via Tony Clayton Lea)
Americhord Maura O'boyle aka Americhord, released a number of stellar records on pioneering  D1 records label, her catalogue is outstanding. (info via Liz Rooney)
Jenn Gannon Lime and fancy DJ at a night which sounds amazing, “the most glorious of 80s pop perfection mixed with your faves from the early 90s & a slice of Italo Disco, all served beneath the palms with a cute cocktail umbrella” (thanks Aoife barry for the heads up)
Bitch Blackheart EimearAnn o’Sullivan is a really exciting young producer and musician from Cork, producing everything from hip-hop to electronica, watch this space!
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Sarah Beth Cork singer songwriter and occasional partner in crime with Bitch Blackheart, Sarah Beth is another of my favourite young artists here
Rebecca Meagher Cork DJ who span here regularly, Rebecca was also an accomplished singer and she appeared on Fish go Deeps “Let’s go Back” track on Chez Records
Sarah Lennox  Tech-house spinner who plays regularly in Dublin and who has spun in Ministry of Sound, Sankeys, Eden and EGG. Sarah also produces and has tracks signed to 69Street and a new EP on the Playground label
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Ciara Known to many by her twitter moniker of @Ciara_BK, Ciara is a published writer from the midlands who spearheads the Unoriginal Podcast with two afro-irish friends, an important platform for emerging acts such as NC Grey and Rocstrong
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Gretta Gunn Electro-pop singer and producer with releases on Alphabet Set and Norwegian skweee label Dodpop. (via Sixfoot Apprentice)
Niamh DeBarra Singer and producer with awesome cello / synth / loop pedal setup for live shows. (via Sixfoot Apprentice)
Bluebottle Farm producer who had a great EP of ambient / experimental / IDM stuff on Acroplane records. (via Sixfoot Apprentice)
Ilex Electronica producer formerly known as Fringe (and Minge for the more housey productions) (via Sixfoot Apprentice)
Laura Sheeran - How did I forget her first time out? Amazing CV of work some some total legends in various genres. Also one half of Nanu Nanu. (via Sixfoot Apprentice)
Kazabon DJ now based in London playing with the brilliant Hipsters Don't Dance night (via Sixfoot Apprentice)
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Zoe Clubs, Festivals and radio, Zoe has done it all over a long career. Zoe is also a dancer who brings a serious performance element to her shows!
Ciara Harrington Currently down in Australia, Ciara used run nights in Dublin including We are Electronic playing wavey Italo Type stuff (via Laura Lolz)
Kerrie Anderson Manchester based Cork woman grew up on deep house in Sir henrys, and has played some high profile shows in the UK with Prosumer, DJ QU, Young Male, DJ Richard, Tama Sumo, Fish Go Deep and Marcellus Pittman among others
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Elinor o’donovan Operating out of Edinburgh, Corks Elinor o’Donovan presents Lemonade on FreshAir.org.uk, provinding us with a mixture of new and old skool jams
DJ Beep Beep 
Beep Beep plays a mix of rock and rockabilly music held a residence of 11years on a Sunday night at Dublin's Dice Bar ... all round cool kitty . (via Dandelion Sergeant)
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Aoife Bauer
A regular Dublin DJ playing Soul Fusion in April (via Niall Comiskey
Polly m Love 
Another DJ who has been around for a long time and Polly promotes shows too (via Niall Comiskey)
Geraldine Fahey 
Geraldine is a regular DJ in Dublin and Kilkenny were she runs her own nights. (via Niall Comiskey)
Angie Sheehan 
Angie has her own night and is a regular at the Saturday Socials in Dublin. (via Niall Comiskey)
Executive Stevie has been very helpful in highlighting many of those who may not be so well known. He tells me about some more women at the controls; "Studio B didn't DJ, but herself and another woman Beatnik ran a night called Studio B that was pretty highly regarded back in the day. Jenni Junglist has been plugging away doing Jungle gigs in Dublin for a few years now. Nicky Halliday and Rosie Loopz are both still playing out, and K.Ska is one of the better Jungle DJ's in the country but she has taken a bit of a break from playing out what with having a young child. Debbie Happe, who used to hammer out the techno at Joe McGrath's nights in about the 2000 era. Liz Meade was a Power FM stalwart back around then too"
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weirdesplinder · 3 years
Romance con elementi fantasy: il romantasy anni ‘80
Negli anni ‘80 il fantasy conobbe un grande successo, soprattutto in America. Stiamo parlando dell’epoca dei film di Conan per intenderci e in quel periodo elementi fansy si introdussero anche nel genere romance dell’epoca, quello che oggi di solito chiamano ‘bodice rippers’, dove l’eroe è sempre molto alfa e indaffarato in una missione, molto chiuso ed enigamtico e terribilmente muscoloso e virile, e le protagoniste femminili sono invece quasi sempre bellissime, virginali e cadono come pere cotte ai piedi di lui. Più o meno.Il connubio di questi due generi creò un ibrido che oggi considereremmo piuttosto strano e kitsch, che io amo chiamare romantasy.
Il romantasy puro è solo anni ‘80, massimo primi anni ‘90 ed è di solito ambientato in terre mistiche e fatate, vallate nascoste o pianeti misteriosi e vergini, dove la magia permea ogni cosa, i fiori sbocciano tutto l’anno, la natura è rigogliosa, cavalcano gli unicorni e di solito vive da sola e isolata una soave fanciulla stupenda, inconsciamente sensualissima e vergine. A rompere l’idillio di quei luoghi arriva di solito il maschio alfa intento in qualche missione che spesso finirà per creare problemi a quel posto (tipo dare la caccia agli unicorni) e per far fremere per la prima volta la ragazza che non ha mai visto un uomo prima, ma quando lo vede va comunque subito in brodo di giuggiole. Il protagonista maschile rimane leggermente meno spaesato di lei dall’attrazione tra di loro, ma comunque interrompe la missione vitale pur di sondare le acque di lei. Diciamo così.
Vale la pena, vi chiederete voi, di dedicare un post a questo genere così di nicchia, praticamente estinto e parecchio di cattivo gusto a volte?
Secondo me sì, perchè è giusto sapere che questi libri esistono, gli unicorni negli anni passati andavano tanto di moda e comunque leggendoli oggi questi libri in fondo fanno sorridere e possono essere fonte di divertimento con le loro assurde trovate.
Perciò oggi ho deciso di elencarvi qualche titolo di questo genere:
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Iniziamo con la Serie Paradise di Johanna Hailey, il cui primo libro fu pubblicato anche in italiano, mentre i due seguiti no:
https://amzn.to/3nwIZ0F   Aurora sapeva di non appartanere al popolo elfico che l'aveva cresciuta, ma era felice di vivere tra le gentili creature della radura. E visse cosi finché non incontrò Frayne e capì che il suo destino era legato a lui. Frayne aveva ben poco tempo per ogni altra cosa che non fosse la ricerca dell'unicorno e della sua magia, ma davanti alla bellezza di Aurora riuscì a trovare il tempo per una pausa.
2. CRYSTAL PARADISE Inedito in Italia 
Trama: Aurora credeva di avere trovato la felicità nelle braccia del suo amato, ma la sua gioia è di breve di durata poichè il suo amante Frayne deve lasciarla per continuare la sua avventura. Stavolta deve trovare la perfetta rosa di cristallo. …
3. BELOVED PARADISE Inedito in Italia  
Trama: Perduta e sola in una terra incantata Aurora cerca la sua vera identità e proprio quando crede di aver perso ogni speranza vede appartire dalle nebbia Frayne….Stavolta la missione del guerriero non è trovare un unicorno o una rosa, ma aiutare la sua amata nella ricerca delle sue origini.
Proseguiamo con la trilogia Swan Maiden di Betina Lindsey, che invece mi risulta inedita in italiano ed è composta dai libri:
1. Swan bride
Moria è cresciuta nel reame di Myr, dove non esistono uomini, ma un giorno deve infine attraversare il cerchio di pietre che conduce al mondo dei mortali e andare incontro al suo destino...
2. Swan witch
A causa del suo voto di silenzio, Eithene non riesce ad avvertire del pericolo il cavaliere che in cerca della mitica dama del cigno che si suppone possa guarire ogni ferita, entra nel reame di Rath Morna, segnando per sempre il suo destino.
3.Swan Star
La dama del cigno Arrah è prigioniera del guerriero che le ha rubato il mantello magico ed il cuore.
Ritorniamo ai nostri cari unicorni con la Serie unicorn di Claire Delacroix, il cuo primo libro se non sbaglio era stato pubblicato anche in italiano, mentre i due seguiti no.  
1. La dama e l'unicorno (Unicorn bride)
For generazioni le leggende hanno parlato della fortezza di Montsalvat e dei suoi signori. Si dice che i padroni del castello possano trasformarsi in feroci bestie di giorno, e siano umani solo la notte...e ora Alienor de Perpignan è finita in sposa proprio al loro ultimo discendente.
2. Pearl Beyond Price (1995) 3. Unicorn Vengeance (1995)
Altra serie stavolta completamente disponibile in italiano è IL LAGO INCANTATO di Ruth Langan, volume unico che raccoglie i tre romanzi della serie Sorelle Drummond.
Trama: Scozia, 1559 - 1561. Quando Nola Drummond scompare dalla sua casa insieme alle tre giovani figlie, tra gli abitanti del villaggio prevale la convinzione che per sfuggire alla caccia alle streghe le donne si siano rifugiate in una leggendaria terra nelle Highlands che per lungo tempo è stata la dimora del loro clan: una terra incantata, dove chi possiede dei doni speciali è libero di usarli, lontano dagli sguardi ostili degli scettici. Sono storie fantastiche, antiche credenze popolari a cui Merrick MacAndrew, Grant MacCallum e il tenebroso laird del clan Ross si rifiutano ostinatamente di credere. Finché il destino non li pone di fronte alla necessità di accettare l'impossibile per ritrovare le sorelle Drummond. Perché soltanto Allegra, Kylia e Gwenellen possono restituire loro la felicità.
Concludiamo la carrellata di titoli romantasy con due romanzi autoconclusivi non facenti parte di serie, che però non sono mai stati pubblicati in italiano, almeno che io sappia. Se mi sbaglio fatemelo sapere:
- Summer of the Unicorn di Kay Hooper
Siri è una sacerdotessa guerriera guardiana di unicorni, Hunter è il cacciatore che è giunto sul suo pianeta per catturare un unicorno. Dovrebbero odiarsi, ma appena si vedono si desiderano e si distraggano talmente tanto che il cattivo della situazione ha vita facile nel rovinare i loro piani.
- Sea treasure di Johanna Hailey
Quando un capitano di mare viene salvato dalla morte da una sirena, crede di stare sognando. Ma quando si rende conto che lei è reale quanto lui e i due si innmamorano, i problemi non solo non si risolvono, ma si moltiplicano. Spinti verso le coste dei Caraibi i due amanti, provenienti da due mondi lontani, dovranno mettere in gioco la vita per salvare il loro amore.
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watchaholics · 6 years
Nora Roberts (J.D. Robb), Mary Blayney, Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Kay McComas: A 606-os lakosztály (antológia)
Nora Roberts (J.D. Robb), Mary Blayney, Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Kay McComas: A 606-os lakosztály (antológia)
Négy egyedülálló jó történet, amely valamely módon kapcsolódik a 606-os lakosztályhoz.
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ortoysangre · 6 years
COALICIÓN CÍVICA Oliveto Lago,  Paula Mariana Flores,  Héctor Toty Lehmann,  María Lucila Martínez Villada., Leonor Vera Gonzalez,  Orieta Cecilia López,  Juan Manuel Campagnoli,  Marcela Campos,  Javier Carrió,  Elisa María Terada,  Alicia
CÓRDOBA FEDERAL Llaryora,  Martín Miguel Vigo,  Alejandra María Brügge., Juan Cassinerio,  Paulo Leonardo
ELIJO CATAMARCA Ginocchio,  Silvana Micaela Saadi,  Gustavo Arturo
FRENTE DE LA CONCORDIA MISIONERO Di Stefano., Daniel Franco., Jorge Daniel Morales,  Flavia Wellbach,  Ricardo Derna,  Verónica
FTE. CÍVICO Y SOCIAL DE CATAMARCA Brizuela Del Moral,  Eduardo Segundo
JUSTICIALISTA Mosqueda,  Juan Kosiner,  Pablo Francisco Juan Bahillo,  Juanjo Cresto,  Mayda Zottos,  Miguel Andrés Costas
JUSTICIALISTA POR TUCUMÁN Medina,  Gladys Yedlin,  Pablo Raúl
PRO Garcia,  Alejandro Garretón., Facundo Gayol., Yanina Celeste Ocaña,  Maria Graciela Núñez., José Carlos González., Álvaro Gustavo Grande,  Martín Frizza,  Gabriel Alberto Fregonese,  Alicia Pretto., Pedro Javier Enriquez,  Jorge Ricardo Polledo,  Carmen Piccolomini,  María Carla Fernandez Langan,  Ezequiel Lipovetzky., Daniel López Koenig., Leandro Medina,  Martín Nicolás Lospennato., Silvia Massot., Nicolás Maquieyra., Martín Laspina,  Luciano Molina., Karina Hers Cabral., Anabella Ruth Huczak., Stella Hummel,  Astrid Iglesias,  Fernando Adolfo Incicco., Lucas Montenegro,  Guillermo Tristán Monaldi,  Osmar Wechsler., Marcelo Berisso,  Hernán Villalonga., Juan Carlos Villa,  Natalia Soledad Brambilla,  Sofía Urroz., Paula Marcela Buil., Sergio Omar Baldassi,  Héctor Acerenza., Samantha Aicega,  Juan Wolff., Waldo Ezequiel Wisky., Sergio Javier Amadeo.,  Eduardo Pablo Ansaloni,  Pablo Miguel Balbo., Elva Susana Torello., Pablo Cáceres,  Eduardo Scaglia,  Gisela Sahad,  Julio Enrique Roma., Carlos Gastón Schlereth,  David Pablo Carambia,  Antonio José Stefani,  Héctor Antonio
SALTA SOMOS TODOS Olmedo,  Alfredo Horacio
UNIÓN CÍVICA RADICAL Olivares,  Héctor Enrique Goicoechea., Horacio Negri,  Mario Raúl Dindart., Julián Quetglas,  Fabio José Echegaray., Alejandro Carlos Augusto Petri,  Luis Alfonso Fernandez,  Carlos Alberto Pastori,  Luis Mario Nanni., Miguel Najul,  Claudia Inés Mestre,  Diego Matías Menna,  Gustavo Mendoza,  Josefina Matzen,  Lorena Martínez., Silvia Alejandra Lacoste,  Jorge Enrique Hernández., Martín Monfort., Marcelo Alejandro Kroneberger,  Daniel Ricardo Marcucci., Hugo María Burgos,  María Gabriela Bazze,  Miguel Ángel Benedetti,  Atilio Francisco Salvador Borsani.,  Luis Gustavo Banfi., Karina Verónica Zamarbide,  Federico Raùl Arce,  Mario Horacio Austin., Brenda Ayala,  Aida Beatriz Máxima Roquel., Héctor Alberto Rista., Olga María Riccardo,  José Luis Reyes,  Roxana Nahir Del Cerro,  Gonzalo Pedro Antonio Regidor Belledone,  Estela Mercedes Cano,  José Manuel Cantard,  Niky Suarez Lastra,  Facundo Carrizo,  Soledad
UNIÓN PRO Schmidt Liermann, Cornelia Tonelli,  Pablo Gabriel
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sweetsavageflame · 3 years
Historical Romance Review: Highland Heather by Ruth Langan
Historical Romance Review: Highland Heather by Ruth Langan
Highland Heather, Ruth Langan, Harlequin, 1991, cover artist TBD Harlequin Historical #65 4 1/2 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4.5 out of 5. Highland Sisters, Part Two Ruth Langan’s Highland Heather is the sequel to her previous Scottish romance, Highland Barbarian. I liked this Harlequin Historical much more than its predecessor. Why? I enjoyed the conflict between the hero and the heroine and the…
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delightedreader · 6 years
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Review: Down the Rabbit Hole by J.D. Robb, Mary Blayne, Elaine Fox, Mary Kay McComas, and Ruth Ryan Langan http://bit.ly/2sQl1l7
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nbutgeek · 7 years
Law & Order: SVU - Complicated airs on Wednesday, October 25th at 9:00pm EST/8:00pm CST on NBC! Promotional video courtesy of NBC A ten year-old kidnapping case is reopened when a young woman is found wandering Central Park alone. Starring Mariska Hargitay (Lt. Olivia Benson), Ice T (Det. Odafin Tutuola), Kelli Giddish (Det. Amanda Rollins), Raúl Esparza (ADA Rafael Barba) and Peter Scanavino (Det. Sony Carisi). Guest starring Brooke Shields (Sheila Porter), Peter Hermann (Trevor Langan), Ili Ray (Emma Lawrence), Mike Faist (Glenn Lawrence), Jane Houdyshell (Judge Ruth Linden) and Isaiah Thomas (as himself). NOTHING BUT GEEK ► Visit our Website: http://ift.tt/2q7wzl4 ► Visit our Movies Database: http://ift.tt/2qIXFfy ► Subscribe to our RSS: http://ift.tt/2q7Eq25 GET CONNECTED ► Follow on FACEBOOK: http://ift.tt/2qJ2zZI ► Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/NothingButGeek ► Follow on INSTAGRAM: http://ift.tt/2q7S5q0 ► Follow on PINTEREST: http://ift.tt/2qIVrwy ► Follow on TUMBLR: http://ift.tt/2q7Hb3q
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