#kay hooper
weirdesplinder · 1 year
Lista di libri con viaggi nel tempo in lingua straniera, Video n. 7
Questo fine 2022 invece dei soliti post dedicati ai libri natalizi o ai riassuntoni di cosa si è letto durante l’anno ho deciso di regalarvi una serie di post e video dedicati ai LIBRI CON VIAGGI NEL TEMPO: 7 video dedicati a 7 gruppi di libri con viaggi nel tempo suddivisi per genere: 1genere fantascientifico-classico, 2narrativa generale, 3 romance, 4 fantascienza di difficile reperbilità, 5 romance di difficile reperibilità, 6 young adult, 7inediti in italiano..
Ormai siamo all'ultimo giorno del 2022 e quindi ecco l'ultimo video dedicato ai viaggi nel tempo e ultima lista di suggerimenti:
-Titolo: A stitch in time Autore: Kelley Armstrong (3 libri)
Link: https://amzn.to/3pENpTe
Trama:   Thorne Manor è sempre stata infestata … e ha sempre perseguitato  Bronwyn Dale. Da giovane, Bronwyn poteva passare attraverso un passaggio  del tempo nella casa della sua prozia, e andare a trovare William  Thorne, un ragazzo della sua età, nato due secoli prima. Dopo una  tragedia familiare, la casa fu chiusa e Bronwyn si era convinta che  William esistesse solo nella sua immaginazione.  Ora, vent'anni dopo, Bronwyn eredita Thorne Manor. E quando torna,  William la sta aspettando.  William Thorne non è più il ragazzo che ricorda. È un uomo difficile e  tempestoso, la sua stessa vita segnata dalla tragedia e da uno scandalo  che lo ha costretto a ritirarsi in un esilio autoimposto nelle sue amate  brughiere. Inoltre, non è molto contento di Bronwyn per averlo  abbandonato tanti anni fa.  Mentre la loro amicizia si riaccende e si trasforma in qualcosa di più,  Bronwyn deve anche occuparsi dei fantasmi nella versione attuale della  casa. E presto si rende conto che sono collegati a William e allo  scandalo segreto che lo ha riportato a Thorne Manor.Kelley Armstrong di  solito non scrive historical romance e si sente nello stile che usa in  questo libro che è a tutti gli effetti un historical romance con un  pizzico di paranormal e di giallo. Lo stile a volte stride se penso ai libri delle mie  scrittrici preferite in ambito romance, ma questa piccola imperfezione  non cancella il fatto che è un gran bel libro, molto adatto a questo  periodo natalizio. Una favola romantica con viaggi nel tempo,  sicuramente adatta a voi se avete amato La straniera o il film Kate  & Leopold.
- Somewhere in time, di Richard Matheson
Link: https://amzn.to/3gWzaub
Ospite  di un vecchio hotel, Richard Collier vede la fotografia di Elise  McKenna, un attrice che si era esibita lì nel 1896, e mentre inizia a  fare ricerche su di lei, se ne innamora, finchè un giorno viene  trasportato nel passato, esattamente nel 1896.
- The Wizard of Seattle di Kay Hooper
A magical story of timeless love and mesmerizing  fantasy. Set in modern-day Seattle and ancient Atlantis, Hooper spins a  tale of a young woman with a wild talent and the handsome wizard who  would risk everything to teach her a forbidden art–and taste a  forbidden love.
- Replay, di Ken Grimwood (questo ho scoperto è disponibile anche in italiano se vi interessa!)
Link: https://amzn.to/3GZLbtv
Jeff  Winston non sapeva di essere un replayer—almeno finchè non morì. Poi si  risvegliò più giovane di venticinque anni, visse un altra vita e poi  morì ancora…e visse ancora….e morì ancora….
- Flash forward, di Robert J. Sawyer
Link: https://amzn.to/3EWAC7Z
A  causa di un problema un esperimento scientifico fallisce in modo molto  grave e causa gravi ripercussioni. Infatti causa a tutte le coscenze  umane un salto in avanti di venti anni.
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walkingkdisaster · 2 years
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JOMPBPC- July 11 - nonbinary character
Slasher Girls and Monster Boys has one story where I honestly thought the character is a boy the entire time and then towards the end finally assigns the pronoun "she" i was so shocked i wrote a paragraph in the margins... I realized that one may not count... so I included the Kay Hooper novel
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
26 agosto … ricordiamo …
26 agosto … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2019: Isabel Toledo, nata Maria Isabel Izquierdo, è stata una stilista e imprenditrice cubana naturalizzata statunitense, stabilita a New York. Toledo è stata direttrice creativa di Anne Klein. (n. 1960) 2017: Tobe Hooper, William Tobe Hooper, è stato un regista, sceneggiatore, produttore cinematografico e attore statunitense, specializzato nel genere horror. (n. 1943) 2017: Nanni Svampa, vero…
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elumish · 8 months
I'm looking for book recs!
Things I'm looking for: urban fantasy, romance (especially romantic suspense, paranormal romance, and/or queer or polyamorous), political thrillers, mysteries (more Kay Hooper than John Grisham), easy fantasy
Things I'm not looking for: hard fantasy or sci fi, horror, lit fic, historical or Christian romance, YA, Colleen Hoover or Sarah J. Maas
Feel free to rec your own books, if they're out there somewhere! I appreciate any suggestions people have for me.
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princess-peregrine · 1 month
10 Most Read Authors
Thanks for tagging me @godzilla-reads
"what are your ten most most read authors? and how many books have you read by them? also tag someone who you would like to do this!
instructions: scroll to the bottom of your goodreads shelves and most read authors is listed underneath."
I don't use goodreads but here's what ibknow from my personal collection
1. Seanan McGuire (21 books) Seanan McGuire is an amazing writer and one of the hardest things to do is put down one of her books once you start, it's always a captivating adventure to read one of her books
2. Kay Hooper (16 books) I'm not done with her Bishop/Special Crimes Unit books but oh my gosh, she writes good. If i had to give a short and sweet summary of what she writes, it would come off as a trashy genre. But she writes possibly my favorite romances I have ever read. Once a Thief and Always a Thief are my favorite romace books of all time, and the reason I read them was because of a ML fanfic called Once a thief Always a Thief by, I believe, Saijispellhart, I think that's right, if you read that fic and liked it then you will love Kay Hooper
3. CJ Cherryh (12) this is possibly my favorite writer of science fiction full stop and i can't even get into it here because i would talk for ages, the message here is to read CJ Cherryh's books, for the love of Goddess read them
4. Jimmy Gownley (8 books) Amelia Rules is my favorite comic of all time with a close secomd being the planet Sakaar arc in the hulk comics
5. Diana Rowland (7 books) people just love her white trash zombie books, and foe good reason, but personally i loved her Mark/Blood of the Demon books a whole lot more
6. Victoria Laurie (7 books) i loved the first book in her ghost hunter mystery books, then 2 and 3 were a slog, and then the rest were good again, not sure what happened to the second and third book
7. Marrion Zimmer Bradley (7 books) ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew what the fuck is up with her ew ew ew ew ew ew this is what passed for feminist writing back then?! I've read incel rants with more respect for women than some of the stuff she writes!
Anyway she's an ok science fiction writer with a way of writing really engaging stories with a strong narrative voice, don't read her books, they really are not kind to women
8. Michelle Tea (5 books) go read mermaid in chelsea creek, go do it, right now, this is a demand, read mermaid in chelsea creek, cry about it and then come back to me and tell me what you thought about it, do it now
My favorite book from her is Valencia btw, an excellent memoir
9. Kim Harrison (4 books) don't ask me anything about her books, i could not tell you, i know what happened because i read them but the memories are jumbled up with details from the October Day novels
10. Stephen king (4 books) Stephen King is, ehhhh, i read him more for the status that he was a prolific writer and had a lot of popular books, the first one i read, which is still my favorite by the way, is The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Honorable mentions that i just recommend you go read because i love their books
Eileen Myles shouldn't need and introduction and if she does then you are living a worse life for it
Rob Reger who wrote the Emily The Strange books
Clive Barker who i have read quite a bit but excluded him for the same of smaller names (but you included stephen king) shut up
Wendy Holden, she didn't write many books but the ones she wrote were good
Dana Fredsti, her plague books are like brownies
Jeanien Frost, imagine if Kim Harrison was more memorable
Now i'll tag @scham-wcan @vivaciousarcanist @zerm2v0hg @far-side-skies @grimm-the-6th @overlordneon @transgressivepistoleer @mx-kit
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Here’s our line up guys. 👍
Here is the list right now, there is a lot so they’ll be seperated into 8 groups and then we will go through all of those 8 groups to get to the end.
group 1:
Rom vs Puss in boots 
Alex (stardew) vs Jim Kirk
Roulx Kaard vs Jin Zixuan
Caleb wittebane vs 2bdamned
David Kostyk vs Mirabel’s dad
Kanji tatsumi vs Papyrus
Bob vs weyoun
Donkey vs Duster
Gren vs Janus the silverdeath
Lloyd vs Hannibal lector
Todoroki vs Gajeel redfox
David (lilo) vs link (botw)
Sugawara vs Pixel-Mess
M!Robin vs Stanley pines
Ben Chang vs Quirrel
Saul Goodman vs Will graham
Group 2: 
Kiryu vs Hero
The medic vs Ron
Percy Jackson vs professor Layton 
Neelix vs Iggy frome
King Harrow vs Lucas (Runs factory five)
Yu Narakami vs Elliot (stardew)
Jakob vs Aoi kurashiki 
Sokka vs Moxie
Nightwing vs tatsu
Archer (emiya) vs Master splinter (2018)
Barius vs Forrest
Ryuuji vs Jay walker 
Sanji vs Garmadon
Quark vs Kaito
Fox mulder vs tenma tsukasa
Leon (Pokémon) vs Delbert Doppler
group 3:
Berdly vs Marten Reed
Kai (ninjago) vs James 
Usui vs Gobber
Charlie vs Steve Harrington
Alec lightwood vs kronk
Paper vs Dr octopus
Discord vs Dedue
Arven vs Harvey Dent
Hunter vs Christopher Pike
Narciso vs Kermit
Cletus Jones vs Gomez Addams
Tom vs The king
Klavier Gavin vs Greg Universe
Kamado Tanjiro vs Brock (unikitty)
Ashe vs Louis Moriarty
Sisko vs dale lee
Group 4: 
Trip vs Brady
Franky (one piece) vs Tom Wambsgans
Shinra vs Jaskier
Your father vs Banquo
Silver the hedgehog vs Troy Barnes
Archer vs Space Boyfriend
Donald Duck vs Mr clean
Ren vs Nandor the relentless
Cove Holden vs Magnus Burnside
Bail organa vs Hiccup
Riker vs Corpus
yoo joonghyuck vs Kazuki
Fan vs kunikida doppo
Lazlo cravensworth vs loid forger
Peter b Parker vs Ken
Ryunosuke Naruhodo vs venti
group 5:
Prince Fluff vs Sarek
Nagito vs Zagreus
Macbeth vs Lucas (mother 3)
Stede vs Anakin skywalker
Tack vs Felix Madrigal
Jason mendoza vs N (murder drones)
Ren (oxenfree) vs Soren
Saru vs Kaveh
Castiel vs Yarne
Ivor vs King furgus
Kuboyasu Aren vs James Wilson
Yeza Brenatto vs Kristoff
Makoto Naegi vs Stoick
Tomohisa Kaname vs hunk
Peeta vs Jadzia
Kim Gonja vs Henry clerval
Group 6: 
Ron delite vs wang pangzi
Sam (Sam and max) vs Emmett
Kazuha vs serizawa katsuya
Jayce talis vs Asmodeus (iruma-kun)
Kai satou vs Professor Saguaro
Steve cob vs Minato Namikaze 
Dean Winchester vs Chakotay
Eugene Fitzherbert vs Chat noir
Spitelout vs Spock
Matt hooper vs Childe 
Siegblut vs Worf 
Edric Blight vs Yanki
Control (from southern reach) vs Tuco Salamanca
Seteth vs Louis de pointe du lac
Maes hughes vs Kazuma Asogi
Dr Watson vs Thoma
Group 7: 
Tennisball vs Barry bluejeans 
Luigi vs Hatsuharu
Snotlout vs howl
Jay (ghosts) vs dj Octavio
Gregory house vs Elliot Spencer
The mad hatter vs Joe tazuna
Basil hallward vs Harvey (Stardew)
Ethan winters vs olruggio
Albedo vs pleakly 
The heavy vs Jake English
Bruce Wayne vs Shen wei 
Naven NukNuk vs Dante (mystreet)
Phillip vs bow
Anji Mito vs Fishlegs
Stanford vs Speedwagon
Bariel vs Jesse Pinkman
Group 8: 
Ralsei vs Goofy
Sam (stardew) vs Seymour (little shop of horrors)
Ethari vs Cecil
Fix it Felix vs Kaoru hakaze
Ignus scientia vs Lukas
Majima vs Hercules
Magolor vs Calcelmo
Fred vs Randy Hapukurk
Kurogiri vs The riddler
Declan lynch vs Philza
Jaune vs Sergeant Schultz
Reiji Sakamaki vs Q
Luo Binghe vs King of hearts
Thatcher Davis vs Jonathan buyers
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hellolittleogre · 3 months
Writing Patterns (tag game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I was tagged by @iwritesometimes Thank you this was so much fun!Ten fics is a good long way back, the oldest of these were posted in 2021.
It was little known, and hardly at all marked in the annals of Gondor, for all that it was etched with remarkable clarity in Aragorn’s memory, that for three short, yet terrifying, hours the hobbit Peregrin Took had held full sway of the seating chart for the King’s wedding (Lord of the rings, Gen)
2. Billy had been nursing his slug of whiskey in the saloon long enough that it had grown warm from his hands as he turned the glass round and round (The Magnificent Seven (2016), Billy/Goody)
3. ”But why do I have to come?” Johnny whines from the backseat like a five-year old, as if going to a Christmas party with free booze was some sort of unimaginable hardship just because it required a button down, but Amanda could ask herself the same question (unfinished Kobra Kai fic from Morgue files)
4. Barak’s quarters in the Rivan citadel were large and comfortable, they were close to Anheg’s as befitted the Earl of Trellheim and the king’s cousin (The Belgariad, NSFW, Silk/Barak)
5. “Do you have your hat, and your allergy pills? And hand sanitizer in those tiny little bottles?” (Glass Onion, NSFW, Benoit Blanc/Phillip Blanc)
6. “You are bringing Lan Wangji to Vulcan for Christmas?” Jiang Cheng said, pausing with his glass of juice halfway to his mouth. (The Untamed X Star Trek, Lan Zhan/Wei Ying NSFW)
7. After their midnight revelations Billy had optimistically imagined that as soon as Sam had closed the door behind him he and Goody fall on each other like those insufferable couples at airports, or possibly wolves at the zoo feeding time (The Magnificent Seven (2016) Billy/Goodnight).
8. Once the dust had settled and humanity had come to the conclusion that, by and large, it had survived there had been months of celebrations, galas and press tours (Pacific Rim, Herrman Gottleib/Newton Geiszler)
9. The first time it happens it's on the boat, in the confusion of the shark returning, the noise of the barrels thumbing against the hull and water rushing in and everyone running around (Jaws, Martin Brody/Matt Hooper).
10. Ward spends the fall holiday on New Penzance. (Moonrise Kingdom, Scoutmaster Ward/Sharp).
I dont really know if I can see a pattern, I would say that since I am pretty much a situational comedy writer I tend to start with the set up for the situation as soon as possible. In four the whole premise of the fic is in the first sentence so I guess I start with exposition and when I have the table set so to speak its easier to get off the ground.
I tag: @poemsingreenink @thesummoningdark @lazaefair @fontainebleau22
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scavengerssuccotash · 4 months
Besides clintasha do you have any other ships marvel and none marvel
No other ship besides Clintasha has quite enraptured me in the way they have which I wholeheartedly attribute to the amazing chemistry between Scarlett and Jeremy. As soon as Clint uttered Tasha I was hooked. And I’ve been stuck there ever since.
I’ve tried to flirt around with other ships in other fandoms namely Reylo
(Kylo Ren and Rey from the sequel trilogy but JJ Abram’s killed my mom and ran over my dog with The Rise of Skywalker and I haven’t been able to find the same level of enjoyment out of the franchise since, obligatory fuck you to JJ!)
and oddly enough Sherlolly
(Sherlock and Molly Hooper, another obligatory fuck you to Moffat, the lazy writing for the last season felt like the equivalent of getting shoved in a locker and called a nerd so my love for Sherllolly is now strictly regulated to A03).
But alas they haven’t had the same staying power as my beloved duo.
There’s something so enthralling about their relationship that I don’t think I will ever be able to accurately portray on page, but that hasn’t stopped me from writing 170,000 and counting in an effort to do so!
I find some other pairing particularly thought provoking even though I hardly read about them nor do I look for such content. I can understand the appeal but it just doesn’t get me excited as Clintasha does.
These pairings include: Stucky (very interesting dynamic and I totally get the appeal, I would’ve preferred that over canon Peggy/Rogers (I just find her character annoying and uninspired imo, tired almost. Let Steve move on, ya know?),
RomanRogers (I get it, she’s Russian, he’s a stand in for America. It’s the Cold War but make them fuck, but I just don’t personally find Chris Evans that attractive. I prefer men who are not conventionally attractive. He’s almost too pretty. For me personally)
and Kate Bishop and Yelena (I don’t know the ship name for this one so if anyone knows that would be cool. I think it has the potential to get me invested but I doubt Marvel will give it the needed depth for it to capture my attention in the same way as Clintasha. If perhaps it can be twisted in a way that it doesn’t quite mirror Clintasha then I could be on board but I doubt Marvel will go that route.
Oh and Yelena and Bucky (weird I know but it lets me have my cake ((Clintasha)) and eat it too ((a Winterwidow equivalent)). If I were to ever indulge in this particular ship Yelena would have to be significantly different and diverge from her MCU counterpart.))
So TLDR other ships that I find interesting enough to read/engage with: Reylo and Sherlolly
Ships that I find intellectually stimulating but otherwise would not specifically seek out but am okay if a minor pairing or otherwise mentioned: RomanRogers, Stucky, Yelena and Kay and Yelena and Bucky.
Again would like to reiterate for the class that these are all my personal opinions and are meant to be subjective. My personal thoughts and opinions are not an attack on you personally because to be frank: “I don’t even know you kid!”
Thanks for asking!
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noblehcart · 2 years
Send an emoji (or describe emoji) for a starter with your selected muse bc i wanna write but idk where or who exactly.
Canon Characters
👑The Romanovs (Nicholas II, Alix, Olga, Maria, Tatiana, Anastasia, Alexei) 
🔫Gleb Vaganov (Anastasia musical)
🌹Lucy Harris (Jekyll & Hyde)
🥀Christine Daae (Phantom of the Opera)
🎻Rookheeya Khan (Susan Kay’s Phantom)
📱Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
👗Wendy Darling (Peter Pan)
🩸Ireena Kolyana (Curse of Strahd)
🗡️ Inej Ghafa (Netflix’s Shadow & Bone / Six of Cro.ws)
🐺Matthias Helvar (Netflix’s Shadow & Bone / Six of Cro.ws)
⏱️Dr. Henry Morgan (ABC’s Forever)
🔬Molly Hooper (BBC’s Sherlock)
Original Characters
📖Liesel Ivanov 
🐎Nina Ivanov
🏍️Stefan Ivanov
🍺Ruslan Essen
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wiwsport · 9 days
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dankusner · 3 months
The Big D Bracket Challenge
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Pick your favorite Dallas icons and see who — or what — advances
I’m a hooper.
After playing in college, I officiated basketball for nearly 20 years.
Not surprisingly, March Madness is my favorite time of year.
This year, I decided to combine my love of basketball with my love of Dallas.
When your name is Dallas, you must like the city.
Along with a not-so-illustrious panel of friends and colleagues, I’ve selected 64 well-known icons in our city.
Now we’re inviting readers to decide who wins the tournament.
Which of these 64 is our city’s most beloved icon?
There are no rules. This is not serious. Just vote for your favorite things about Big D.
Like the NCAA Tournament, it should be fun to watch winners advance and underdogs surprise us.
The top seeds were no surprise, with Reunion Tower, J.R. Ewing, Big Tex and area code 214 striding confidently into the fray.
There was, however, no love for area codes 469 or 972.
As tournament director, I refused any mention of silly upstart area code 945.
Hopefully, a number of your favorites are in the field.
There were plenty of “bubble teams” that failed to make it to the Big D Dance.
Sparkman Hillcrest, for instance, is a Dallas icon, but the panel did not see fit to allow them in.
So, too, the Petroleum Club, Dallas Country Club and Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts are staying home.
Some restaurants with long histories did not make the cut, including Cafe Pacific, the Dairy-Ette and Circle Grill.
Both Beverly Drive and Strait Lane were not beloved enough for the group.
Kessler Park and Lakewood also are not in the field.
Cypress Waters, one of the most important new developments in Dallas (technically), was left out in the cold.
Old-line companies from EDS to Oncor and Beck Group failed to make the grade.
What was the committee looking for, other than more beverages and snacks while we debated these teams at a local watering hole?
We liked inventions that came from our fair city: laser tag, Mariano’s first frozen margarita machine, the Slurpee and Liquid Paper all made the bracket.
So, too, did we appreciate the unusual characters that Dallas is noted for: Mr. Peppermint, Barney and the Von Erichs of Iron Claw fame.
We mostly avoided living people or businesses still in operation.
And in some obvious places, we chose an icon-of-an-icon in place of an actual person (Mary Kay Ash’s pink Cadillacs, for example).
We also avoided North Texas landmarks outside of Dallas.
There are much-beloved Texas icons in Forth Worth, Arlington, Frisco and other cities, but we’re keeping this focused on Big D.
Perhaps the best first-round matchup pits two uniquely Dallas tastes: Fletcher’s Original Corny Dogs against the Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek’s tortilla soup.
And there could be another tasty matchup in the second round if both Snuffer’s cheese fries and Mariano’s frozen margarita machine advance.
The committee appreciated haberdashery with both Don Carter’s cowboy hat and Tom Landry’s fedora in the field. (If you love the Landry hat, see the high school football coach with the second most wins in state history, Randy Allen, who has his hats made by the same maker as Landry, on the sideline on Fridays coaching the state’s all-time winningest team in Highland Park. How did they not make the group?)
Here’s how the process will work. Today, The Dallas Morning News is publishing the Big D bracket in print and online. All voting will be done online at DallasNews.com/bracket. The deadline to make your picks is March 27. (One detail for those participating: The voting tool will show you each matchup head to head. Don’t be surprised when you see repeats. That’s the system advancing your picks through the bracket. You’ll pick the whole bracket — all 63 matchups — at once. It takes less than five minutes.) We will announce updates of icons that advance in sync with the NCAA tournament: the Sweet 16 on March 31, the Final Four on April 7 and the winner on April 8, the same day as the NCAA Tournament championship game.
There are no winners or prizes for the person whose picks match the popular winners. But there are plenty of chances to compare brackets with your friends and debate the merits of our city’s cultural and historical icons.
I’ve already picked my bracket.
My final four includes Big Tex defeating the frozen margarita machine in one semifinal, while J.R. Ewing edges past upstart Tom Landry’s fedora. In a battle of true Texas legends, Big Tex triumphs. But don’t let my picks influence you. I’m prepared to be the only one
in town with the right answers while the rest of you, who aren’t actually named for this city, get it wrong. Happy voting!
Dallas Cothrum is current president of Masterplan, a Milrose company. He is a contributing columnist for The Dallas Morning News.
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ulkaralakbarova · 4 months
Both dumped by their girlfriends, two best friends seek refuge in the local mall. Eventually, they decide to try and win back their significant others and take care of their respective nemeses. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Rene: Shannen Doherty T.S. Quint: Jeremy London Brodie: Jason Lee Brandi: Claire Forlani Shannon: Ben Affleck Gwen: Joey Lauren Adams Tricia: Renée Humphrey Silent Bob: Kevin Smith Jay: Jason Mewes Willam: Ethan Suplee Stan Lee: Stan Lee Ivannah: Priscilla Barnes Svenning: Michael Rooker La Fours: Sven-Ole Thorsen Security Guard: Carol Banker Arresting Cop #2: Steven Blackwell Pull Toy Kid: Kyle Boe TV Executive #1: David Brinkley Fan Boy: Walt Flanagan Guy Contestant #1: Ethan Flower Girl with Easter Bunny: Chelsea Frye TV Executive #2 – Bentley Garrison: Jeff Gadbois Guy Contestant #2: Ed Hapstak Cop #1: Terry Hempleman Game Show Host: Art James Steve Dave: Bryan Johnson Child at Kiosk #2: Mikey Kovar Fan at Comic Store: David Klein Roddy: Scott Mosier Saleslady at Lingerie Store: Crystal Muirhead-Manik Kid at Poster Kiosk: Tyson Nassauer Gill: Brian O’Halloran Passerby in Parking Lot: Aaron Preusse Child at Kiosk #1: Britt Swenson Teacher: Mary Woolever Team La Fours: Brad Fox Team La Fours: Gino Gori Team La Fours: Zach Perkins Team La Fours: Brad Giddings Team La Fours: Bryce Mack Team La Fours: Christopher O’Larkin Audience Member (uncredited): Earl R. Burt Shopper (uncredited): Tammara Melloy Screaming Girl in Audience (uncredited): Rachel Oliva Shoobie Shake Girl (uncredited): Jessica Sibinski Comic Book Fan (uncredited): Joel Thingvall Film Crew: Supervising Sound Editor: Richard LeGrand Jr. Producer: Sean Daniel Producer: James Jacks Thanks: John Hughes Supervising Music Editor: J.J. George Casting: Don Phillips Writer: Kevin Smith Stunts: Phil Chong Producer: Scott Mosier Stunts: Sven-Ole Thorsen Stunt Coordinator: Robert Apisa Director of Photography: David Klein Original Music Composer: Ira Newborn Editor: Paul Dixon Production Design: Dina Lipton Executive Producer: Caldecot Chubb ADR Mixer: Alan Holly Set Decoration: Diana Stoughton Line Producer: Laura Greenlee Stunts: Chuck Zito Production Supervisor: Beth DePatie Post Production Supervisor: Terra Abroms Foley Artist: Joan Rowe Stunts: Carl Ciarfalio Sound Effects Editor: Charles Maynes ADR Editor: Bob McNabb Makeup Artist: Toni G Main Title Designer: Mike Allred Executive In Charge Of Production: Donna Smith First Assistant Director: Fernando Altschul Stunts: Eric D. Howell Casting Assistant: Ethan Flower Script Supervisor: Carol Banker Second Assistant Director: Louis Shaw Milito Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Michael C. Casper Set Costumer: Roseanne Fiedler Costume Supervisor: Dana Kay Hart Foley Artist: Diane Marshall Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Daniel J. Leahy Location Manager: Ralph B. Meyer Sound Designer: Harry E. Snodgrass Key Makeup Artist: Brigette A. Myre Foley Mixer: James Bolt Sound Editor: William Hooper Sound Recordist: Charlie Ajar Jr. Sound Editor: William Jacobs Costume Design: Dana Allyson Music Supervisor: Kathy Nelson Color Timer: Dennis McNeill Title Designer: Dan Perri Orchestrator: Don Nemitz Stunts: Jake Crawford Prosthetic Makeup Artist: Crist Ballas Supervising ADR Editor: Norval D. Crutcher III Assistant Sound Editor: Samuel Webb Negative Cutter: Gary Burritt Assistant Sound Editor: Michelle Pleis Boom Operator: Anton Herbert Production Coordinator: Lisa Bradley Music Supervisor: Jeff Saltzman First Assistant Editor: Richard J. Rossi Location Manager: Bob Medcraft Art Direction: Sue Savage Cableman: Matthew Magrattan Second Second Assistant Director: Shari Nicotero Assistant Editor: Paul Kieran Hairstylist: Sherry Heart Sound Mixer: Jose Araujo Casting Associate: Dee Dee Wehle Assistant Editor: Elisa Cohen Hair Assistant: Kristin Mosier Movie Reviews: JPV852: Only the second time seeing this (last was probably in the early 2000s on DVD) and thought it was okay but guess like others, this has grown on me. Laughed throughout even when the dialogue wasn’t the greatest, but I have an appreciation...
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princess-peregrine · 3 months
I wish the Bishop books by Kay Hooper were far more popular than they are and had the kind of fans that made chibi art of them in long comics that you had to scroll past a million times and i don't care what the monkey paw result would be
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circusfans-italia · 5 months
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15° FESTIVAL DEL CIRCO DI BUDAPEST Dal 10 al 15 gennaio 2024, Budapest con la sua 15° edizione del Festival tornerà al centro dell'interesse mondiale per le arti circensi.
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L'arte del circo si è mantenuta viva per secoli, grazie a coloro che credevano che la performance umana non avesse limiti, e sono riusciti a mantenere questa concezione per generazioni. Venticinque anni fa un gruppo di professionisti guidati da István Kristóf creò il Festival Internazionale del Circo di Budapest. Grandi artisti da numerose parti del mondo giungeranno in Ungheria per una competizione di altissimo livello e di grande prestigio. Portacolori per il nostro paese saranno Selyna Bogino con il suo numero di antipodismo, Elisa Cussadie e i suoi splendidi pappagalli e Alex Giona con i suoi cavalli in libertà. All'interno del Festival verranno presentati quattro show differenti, show RED e GREEN, show WHITE (Circus Lyrical late night show) e RED-WHITE-GREEN (Show Hungarian supertalents) SHOW RED
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15° FESTIVAL DEL CIRCO DI BUDAPEST Visita le nostre sezioni ARCHIVIO  TOURNEE' Per rimanere sempre aggiornati sulle tappe dei circhi italiani Se questo articolo ti è piaciuto condividilo sui tuoi socials utilizzando i bottoni che trovi qui sotto Read the full article
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sehnis · 6 months
top songs november 2023
Howl at the Moon // NIDALA
Rendezvous // Jenevieve
Bloody Samaritan // Ayra Starr
Intifada On The Dance Floor // Bashar Murad
River Days // South Summit
Mere Khwabon Mein // Lata Mangeshkar
怨み節(東映映画「さそり」シリーズより) // Meiko Kaji
Mmmh // KAI
Karadaidu // 阿力普
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but I have it // Lana Del Rey
Бэнгер // FEDUK
อยากจะบอกใครซักคน // Micro
Effortless (Kor Ver.) // A.C.E
Liquid Smooth // Mitski
Hadi Bakalım // Sezen Aksu
7 Seconds (feat. Neneh Cherry) // Youssou N'Dour, Neneh Cherry
黄昏のBAY CITY // Junko Yagami
Aiga qarap // Sadraddin
Fuck Em Only We Know // BANKS
Нарспи // KOLEDOVA
Pamundësi // Elina Duni, Armend Xhaferi, Enes Bajramliqi
Ton Coeur (Radio Edit) // Parade of Planets
Night Away // TAEMIN
Алча // Тата Улан
Nedelja ujutru // Buč Kesidi
อย่าดีกว่า // Micro
Blue // TAEMIN
Not Over You // TAEMIN
Leave It All Behind // Bumpy
Man O To - Original Mix // Nu
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not // TAEMIN
Ah, Anne // Августа
Zkamenělý dítě // Lucie
เรา // Selina and Sirinya
больше чем // Grechka
Yebeqagnal // Girma Bèyènè
Бізде ше? // Serik Ibragimov
Angel (Kor Ver.) // A.C.E
Холодні очі // Улица Восток
Friday I'm In Love // The Cure
Smoke (Prod. Dynamicduo, Padi) // Dynamicduo, Lee Young Ji
Arahja // Kult
All The World Is Green // Tom Waits
Estrechez De Corazón // Los Prisioneros
I si demà no tornara // Obrint Pas
乌兰巴托的夜 - 丹正母子版 // 丹正母子
Hound Dog // Big Mama Thornton
#1 Crush (Nellee Hooper Mix) // Garbage, Nellee Hooper
Prašau // Šuo Leila
Lamento Boliviano // Los Enanitos Verdes
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jezibel-thumps · 9 months
Hunting Fear by Kay Hooper
72 pages read today
Finally some of the good stuff, if there's one thing Kay Hooper does well it's multiple characters at once. I don't think this was the strongest opening I've seen from this series, but there are moving parts in motion, sort of. This series from Kay is a supernatural police procedural, I know it sounds like schlock from that description but Kay Hooper is a good writer and makes this series work for the most part. The worst parts of this series are when the story stops to try and explain the psychic powers which really brings it down by putting it so in our face. Luckily that hasn't happened yet but I'm sure it will, especially with the way the sheriff is acting in this story. This really is what was missing from her Dragons book, that was awful, but now there's multiple characters and an actual conflict, and I can't wait to get through another book of hers.
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