#rube rose
nonbinary-morro · 1 year
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Was gonna draw more but I've got an exam tomorrow so here, the sillies <3
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outw4rd · 1 year
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vaelerys-targaryen · 1 year
Food for thought.
Ruby's message to Remnant in Volume 8 that she convinced herself changed nothing...
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Actually changed EVERYTHING
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I was going through chapters for something else, but I wanted to get a better look at Ruby’s reaction and I am just more sad now. She just entirely shrinks in on herself.
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astraskylark · 1 year
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imdcathsmeow · 1 year
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"Rubes" really went from fanon to canon huh
I still need to get used to it lolol
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strqyr · 1 year
the thing about "are you okay/alright?" as a question is that it's pretty straightforward to answer. it's a 'yes' or 'no' question; either you're okay, or you're not. but that's also its pitfall: saying 'yes' when you're actually okay is incredibly easy, it's one word and there's no reason to lie or avoid answering to someone who's clearly concerned about your well-being, so when the answer isn't 'yes' but it isn't a 'no' either... well...
absence of a 'no' isn't a 'yes', ya know?
that's really the thing with ruby; she never told her team she was fine. she either ignored the question, something else happened to catch everyone else's attention, or they straight up said "maybe we shouldn't worry about home right now, we got enough problems to—" when that's clearly weighing on ruby's mind.
it's like what weiss said: ruby felt like she couldn't talk about her problems to them. and it's not hard to see why, especially when the one time in the ever after she aired her frustrations and was met with "you don't really mean that" instead of understanding.
( and before anyone gets ahead of themselves: no, this isn't about blaming wbyj for all of ruby's problems; it's about understanding why things got to this point and why even good intentions may have unfortunate consequences )
this whole situation, how they should have gotten past the "are you okay?" question to address the obvious problem at hand, is perfectly laid out in the first episode with weiss.
blake and ruby ask her about what happened after they fell, if anyone else fell too, to which weiss' answer was that no, she doesn't know if anyone else fell, that they should focus on finding others first before going over everything, after a beat of silence. it's only when they find yang and this exchange happens that weiss breaks:
weiss: i sort of thought you'd be a little happier to see us. yang: i am... it's just... it must have gone pretty bad, huh?
it's the admission, saying the quiet part out loud, that does it. there's no hiding behind "hey let's focus on this another thing first" or anything like that. and that's exactly what ruby needed, someone else seeing her avoiding answering the question and telling her that she's clearly not okay and that this is the time to stop and talk about it, the rest can wait. but it never got to that point bc something else always came up, even after ruby snapped and it became so very obvious to everyone else that she wasn't okay.
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tasberry · 1 year
You know, watching all the volumes I missed out on in one go has been really interesting.
Initially, I thought Ruby being with Oscar was maybe just gonna be a one sided ship on Oscar's behalf?
I thought it was cute as heck, and I loved the idea of two kids, with such extraordinary pressures put upon them, just... being normal dorks with each other.
Maybe that's boring, but that was kinda why I liked it, you know?
They're both two characters that have so much to live up to, and their circumstances are the furthest thing from boring....aaaand yet the relationship they could have would just be the epitome of the "couple that gets nervous to even hold hands" trope.
On my way to get caught up, seeing everything up until last weeks devastating cliffhanger...I don't get people saying they can't see the Rosegarden implications?
It's not subtle about it at all. Hell, even people I know ship Ruby with someone else (or no one at all) have pointed out that there has been a spotlight on how important Oscar and Ruby are to each other.
Even if the characters don't totally get why that is themselves, the narrative and animation choices keep drawing back to it, you know?
Sure, you could point out Oscar and Ozma merging and the can of worms that that argument brings. That's fair.
That being said, however, I don't think they're going to end up being merged.
Even if they come close to it, I don't see it being permanent or that Oscar would lose himself or become a second wheel with Ozma taking the reigns.
With all the emphasis put on Oscar being his own person and Ozma genuinely not wanting the incarnation process to continue....why would the story pull a 180 and seemingly go against its own messaging? Being your own person and breaking toxic cycles seems to be an important theme here. Especially with what we've seen in V9 so far.
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scham-wcan · 7 months
Ruby’s Halloween Birthday Party
Cinder, dressed up as a vampire: I cannot believe you two
Winter, also dressed up as a vampire: Weiss, I am not happy about this
Weiss, dressed as Winter post gala; rings under her eyes and all: It wasn’t my idea!
Ruby, dressed up as Cinder who has also just got home from a gala with ruined hair, makeup, and clothes: *Mimicking a very tired Cinder* You know what your problems’ are? You’re no fun
Cinder: I’ll END YOU
Weiss: Do not harm the birthday girl or I do believe it is bad luck- I’M SORRY SHE MADE ME DO THE VOICE
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humbledoodles · 1 year
tw //// blood
Even the best of us can only take so many hits…
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sunshine-dragon · 1 year
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darkmoonartwolf · 9 months
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grimmgrinningghouls · 2 years
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thecapturedafrique · 1 year
Reminder: being upset or traumatized doesn’t give you license to take it out on the people around you.
The point of Ruby breaking down isn’t about her being right to lash out, it’s about her finally revealing just how fucked up she’s become so that everyone can take off the rose-colored glasses (ha!) to see that Ruby is Not Okay.
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cowcowwow · 1 year
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Doodles of a very Chaotic RWBY Au-ish idea I have fgdghdg :DD
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citruslover2001 · 1 year
I’m not emotionally okay after ep.7, everything is pain. I’ve been watching rwby for 7 years and this is probably the most emotionally distraught I’ve been watching the show.
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