#rsverse: adreis
klywrites · 11 months
so.... I just had a thought. I never questioned Adreis' name but today suddenly my brain asked "where did she get her name?" when was she named and who named her?
because in the prologue of TKA she doesn't have a name and I'm guessing it was because she was a few days old and was supposed to die that her parents didn't name her
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I don't know. The origins of her name are lost to time and forgotten memories. Maybe it's somewhere in the Book of Everlast. Maybe it was left unrecorded.
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lettersandinkstains · 5 years
Silas!! Congratulations on the milestone! 🎊 Your edits are awesome and so is your writing!
Thank you so much Kly, that means so much coming from youuu ♥!
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There are so many books that surround her, many still unread and many more that are worn down and faded. Some are missing pages, and in others, some words are illegible because of how much she writes in them. Even if she struggles with reading, this is something she always tries to do. The words contain worlds, vast knowledge, stories that need to be consumed. But it never feels like it’s enough.
She can’t quite place why, and if she says what her thoughts are out loud, she fears what’s deep down is true.
 “You need to go outside,” Trace has told her time and time again. “Socialize, meet people.” But Adreis never really does -- there’s always a dark that follows and she’s sure everyone else can see it too.
For her, this is much better, it’s much safer. But yet, when she’s at the market, when she’s out on her own, she wonders if there’s some sort of normalcy somewhere.
Adrei tries to accept her fate as is, even if she doesn’t want to. Yet, one night, when she’s strolling home, a voice calls out to her and she turns around.
This could be her chance, right?
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[celebrate?] - [RSVERSE - klywrites, please check it out!!]
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klywrites · 1 year
how much french did you need to research/study to create the fantasy french names in RS?
None because I live in Canada where we are taught Canadian French up until... 9th or 10th grade? (the cut off may have changed now since I was in high school)
I've forgotten 90% of my French because I've never had to actually use it... but the "French" in RS is bare minimum anyway. Like you mention, it's just a handful of names, which are simple to create once you've seen enough words
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klywrites · 2 years
suddenly thinking about alia's nickname for adreis being adrie 🥺
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klywrites · 2 years
wowow the parallel between when Alia says to Adreis “I am angry, but not with you” and Mira saying to Elly “I was never angry with you” hhhhhhhhhh
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klywrites · 2 years
Marta glanced over her shoulder. “I think the city should rename it to Swan Lake,” she suggested, eyes sparkling. She turned her attention to Lady Elara, who smiled back at her. “Wouldn’t that be perfect?”
“I think we’re tacky enough, hon,” said Kessaly with a raised eyebrow. “We don’t want people outside to think we’re trying too hard—any more than they, or we, already do.”
Yael laughed, a delicate snort. “Since when do you care what people think?”
“I don’t, I’m just tired of hearing it,” said Kessaly.
Marta sent a pout her way, and Lady Elara placed a hand on Marta's shoulder. “I think it is a clever suggestion, Marta,” she said gently, “but one that would do better as a concept rather than implemented.”
A mark of confusion sat on Marta's brow, but she seemed satisfied enough with the explanation. All three women looked on her with fond, smiling faces, and Adreis suddenly felt forgotten.
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klywrites · 2 years
Not sure what to put this under because it was a dream. A strange but also fun dream. Adreis was in it and so was @livvywrites's Talitha and Alinora.
I say it was strange because it's extremely rare that anyone's OCs (let alone my own) show up in my dreams. It's next to never. Pretty sure this is only the second time.
Anyway, it was fun though because it was like watching an action scene from a movie.
So this is what happened:
Tali was on a mission doing something dangerous or something she shouldn't have been doing, and Adreis had joined her but she just watched and kept lookout. They got found out and then they had to run.
So they were being chased through some dilapidated building and into some kind of underground city? except the city was built on abandoned buildings that were also close to falling apart. So it was dangerous but it seemed like the people managed with bridges and stuff.
At some point, Tali and Adreis got split up. Adreis managed to get away quite easily while Tali was still being chased and fell in the water a few times. Adreis found a teleport panel or something and tried to get Tali to safety but it was so chaotic.
Eventually they teleport back to home base (I don't know if it was their house or HQ or what) and Alinora went off on Tali 😂. I think Adreis was like the little sister of the group and Alinora was so angry over Tali's recklessness.
While Alinora was scolding Tali, Adreis feigned both innocence and guilt, and asked Alinora for her gadget (I don't know what it was but the impression I got was that it was something Alinora used all the time and Adreis liked to play with it). Then she went to the couch and lay down. Alinora immediately stopped yelling at Tali. She went over and got her gadget thing for Adreis, and then she also put her coat over her (so Adreis could nap I guess).
And that's when I woke up. I hope Tali was forgiven lol
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klywrites · 3 years
in which Tali and Adrie go looking for a McD's and somebody directs them to an Officer MacDonald instead
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Tali: "Excuse me, she would like a chicken nugget Happy Meal."
Officer MacDonald: "This is the constabulary house."
Adreis: "And with chocolate cow juice."
Talitha belongs to @livvywrites
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klywrites · 3 years
crossover AU where Adreis and Tali are orphaned sisters who get dumped onto a rich lady after their kidnapper gets tired of them. apparently Tali thinks this is a "bad lady" because word on the street is she's a witch or something
Talitha belongs to @livvywrites
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Man: Good evening madam, are you perchance in need of a pair of urchins to help with the cleaning? They are very lovely girls. Well...
Lady: Hm. Well...
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klywrites · 4 years
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I've forgotten how to draw but here is the dumb kid going on adventure to the local marketplace for some supplies
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klywrites · 3 years
these tags from @baozicravings​ on two different posts are keeping me alive
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klywrites · 4 years
me: well Adreis was doomed from the start, that’s just the kind of story this has always been so don’t be surprised if she goes dark
also me:
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klywrites · 4 years
hm wrote a bit ft. adreis and alessa,, in kind of a purple prosey style because i wanted to write some potpourri after a long day
so have this non-canon scene :)
It is morning, and Adreis watches the way the sun puts a halo in Alessa's hair, the way she wears the crown resplendent--cast in gold, the would-be queen.
"I know you're staring at me," Alessendra says. Her eyes remain fixed on the scroll her pen glides across.
Adreis blinks, batting at the smoke that rises from the fire in her chest, the fire that pricks her cheeks with embers now. "Do you want me to look away?"
The question lingers in the air, in the silence between them, when the whispered scratching of pen on parchment dies. There is no room left for breath--only heartbeats that carry songs unsung.
"No," says Alessa, locking sunlit eyes with Adreis. "You're the only person who sees me, and is still here."
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klywrites · 3 years
Adreis: hi I just want to plant flowers everywhere I go :)
also Adreis: *accidentally sets in motion the fall of the monarchy*
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klywrites · 3 years
I need someone to draw Adreis summoning the entire Fade to engulf Malcastelane, and caption it with
"I'm a healer, but—"
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klywrites · 4 years
I'm so annoyed because I want to draw Adreis like this
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except, you know, good
(she's holding her own heart in the palms of her hands)
if you listen to “Gloria” by The Dear Hunter (which inspired [this edit]) maybe you can figure out what happens 👀👀
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