babybubastis · 1 year
Playing With Fire 🔥
Chapter 22: It’s All Fun and Games…
Check it out here!
Pairings: Shuri x Bucky Barnes, Shuri x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x Shuri x Steve Rogers
Word Count: ~8.2k
Warnings: 18+ only!!; NSFW; alcohol consumption; smut; vaginal fingering; oral sex (F receiving)
Additional Tags: M/F/M; polyamory; for anyone wondering, Shuri is ~26, Bucky is ~37, Steve is ~39
Chapter Summary: Shuri doesn’t know when to quit, but *one* of the boys is happy to set her straight 😈
A/N: Idk if anyone is still interested in this silly little fic, but if you’re still with me THANK YOU! I’m so so sorry for the horribly long length of time between updates. Life is crazy (as per usual) and I’m also slowly but surely working on like 7 different WIPs 🥴 I hope this chapter at least somewhat makes up for the wait. Thank you SO MUCH for reading!! ❤️❤️❤️ If you enjoy, please like, reblog, kudos, comment, share, etc. I appreciate it more than you know!
(Sidenote: new moodboard because Tish in that black dress 😮‍💨😩🥵)
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Shuri arches a brow.
Something about the way he says it — low and sharp, jaw clenched in irritation, hand gripping his cue so tightly that it bows under his strength — it makes her squirm in her seat.
Steve is competitive. She’s always known that about him. But she’s never seen him like this. The vein on the right side of his neck bulges a little bit as he groans in frustration at his terrible shot, and all Shuri wants to do is trace it with her tongue and suck his skin into her mouth. He would look so good with one of her hickeys marking his pale neck.
“Well,” Sam says with a sigh, leaning his pool stick against the wall, “I’m going to get a drink.” He pats Steve on the back before walking around the pool table. “Good game, or whatever,” he mutters to Bucky and Shuri. Shuri chuckles, bumping his shoulder with hers as he passes by.
Once Sam is out of earshot, Steve makes his way toward her and Bucky, arms crossed over his chest.
“Playing dirty, huh?” he murmurs, tilting his head.
Shuri tuts. “Don’t be a sore loser, Stevie, we won fair and square.”
Steve actually growls a little bit. Shuri can’t help the slight widening of her eyes and the sudden dampness between her thighs.
Competitive, irritated Steve is hot.
Bucky hums in thought. “Think we should give him a rematch, angel? Maybe we could let him and Sam win the next one, just out of courtesy.”
Steve shakes his head, the ghost of a smirk pulling at his lips. “Fuck you.”
“Not with that attitude,” Shuri quips.
Bucky laughs, then plants his lips to her temple. “Careful, I think he’s gettin’ a little testy.”
Before Shuri can answer, Riri calls her name. Shuri glances over to find her and Kate backing up toward the elevator. “Hey, we’re headed back downstairs to play another round. You in?”
Shuri grins. “Sure, why not?” She uncrosses her legs, making to step down from the bar stool when Bucky and Steve both reach out to grab each of her hands. “Thank you, boys. Looks like I’ll need a rain check on that rematch.”
“So you’re just disappearing on us?” Bucky asks, pouted lips turning downward ever so slightly.
“Just for one game.” She gently squeezes his arm, then turns to grab her phone and her clutch from the table. “And then I think I’ll be ready to go home.”
Bucky and Steve exchange a glance, excitement dancing in their eyes.
“Promise?” Steve asks, previous irritation forgotten.
Shuri winks. “Promise.”
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babybubastis · 2 years
Playing With Fire 🔥
Chapter 21: Make me Suffer
Check it out here!
Pairings: Shuri x Bucky Barnes, Shuri x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x Shuri x Steve Rogers
Word Count: ~8.6k
Warnings: 18+!!, NSFW, explicit language, smut
Additional Tags: polyamory, Shuri teasing the hell out of her boys, maybe a teeny tiny sneak peek of Dom!Steve(?) 😏, Bucky and Steve simping for Shuri hard; EVERYONE IN THIS FIC IS A CONSENTING ADULT- Shuri is 26, Bucky is 37, Steve is around 39 or so (his and Bucky’s aging are a little less linear because of being frozen/unfrozen and Bucky being blipped)
Chapter Summary: The party is in full swing, but Shuri is just getting warmed up 😉
A/N: It’s been a while, I know 🤦🏽‍♀️😔 So much has been going on, I truly apologize. But enough with the excuses; thank you all SO MUCH for reading, for commenting, for sharing/reblogging, and for giving encouragement and being so supportive. It means the world to me, I can’t even tell you. From the bottom of my heart, I love and appreciate each and every one of you so much 💜 I still have quite a few chapters planned for this one, so stay tuned 😉 (I’m also fully in the throes of Shuri x Namor madness and am having way too much fun plotting something for them as well 😬). If you enjoyed this, please like, reblog, share, kudos, comment, the whole shebang. Hugs to you all! 💜💜💜
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“You’re making this incredibly difficult,” Shuri mutters, poking her bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout.
Steve cocks his head, two little lines forming between his brows. “Making what difficult?”
“Torturing you,” Shuri quips. She reaches out, grabs his hips to yank him against her.
Steve grunts. He shifts his weight, trying to get some relief from the sudden pressure of her warmth against his groin, but Shuri pulls him tighter.
He glances down, then back up, lets out a chuckle that sounds equal parts amused, aroused, and pained. “Oh, I think you’re doin’ just fine with that.”
“Hmm. We’ll see...”
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babybubastis · 2 years
Playing With Fire 🔥
Chapter 17: Helping Hands
Check it out here!
Pairings: Shuri x Bucky Barnes, Shuri x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x Shuri x Steve Rogers
Word Count: ~4.7k
Warnings: 18+!!, NSFW, smut, oral sex, threesome
Additional Tags: polyamory, fluff, the boys taking care of their Princess, Shuri teaching Steve a few things
Chapter Summary: Wash day isn’t over, and Bucky and Steve are all too happy to offer Shuri some more assistance.
A/N: This chapter is a bit shorter than usual, but I’m hoping the smuttiness makes up for it lol. Please let me know what you think! I greatly appreciate likes, reblogs, kudos, and comments ☺️ Thank you so much for reading, it means the world to me 💜
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Shuri shakes her head and drapes her arms around Steve’s neck. “You two are spoiling me too much. You’re creating a monster.”
“No such thing,” Steve murmurs. “I think we could stand to spoil you a little more, actually.”
Bucky follows his loves into the bathroom. “I agree,” he says, tossing his washcloth in the hamper near the door. “You could never be a monster, baby. You’re too sweet.” He leans over to kiss Shuri’s cheek, then Steve’s. “’Sides, you know I love it when you get all demanding.”
Shuri scoffs again, not doing a thing to hide her radiant smile. Bucky runs his fingers through his hair, fighting the urge to lean in again and kiss her lips. If he starts now, he might not be able to stop, and he promised his baby he would wash her hair. So that’s what he’s going to do.
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babybubastis · 3 years
Playing With Fire
Chapter 5, y’all! Check it out HERE. So grateful for everyone who is reading and enjoying this!
Pairings: Shuri x Bucky Barnes, Shuri x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers, Shuri x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Word Count: 6,095
Warnings: 18+!!, NSFW, smut
Additional Tags: threesome, polyamory
Chapter Summary: It takes Steve a minute to catch up, but he’s a quick learner ;)
A/N: Can’t say thank you enough for reading! Please like, reblog, comment, kudos, all that! It means a lot to me 💜
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Little teaser under the cut 😈
“Color?” Shuri asks. Her voice is quiet, all trace of humor gone as her large brown eyes pierce his.
Steve’s eyebrows knit together in confusion for a split second before realization dawns on him. He looks at Bucky, then back to Shuri, both of them wearing matching expressions of concern and affection. He listens for that little voice again, but it’s silent. He waits for a fresh flood of insecurity, but all he feels now is the knot of uncertainty in his stomach unraveling into nothing. He takes a step forward and clears his throat.
“Green,” he whispers.
Shuri narrows her eyes. “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”
He shakes his head.
“I need words, my love.”
Those two precious little words make his throat seize up. It takes him two tries before he finds his voice again, and it’s thick with emotion when he does. “No ma’am, I wouldn’t lie to you.” He shakes his head again, more deliberately this time as he pledges to her, making sure she understands him loud and clear.
Her entire face lights up, and Steve hears Bucky let out a relieved little puff of air from his perch on the bed.
Shuri closes the distance between her and Steve and slips both of her hands into the waistband of his unzipped jeans. She yanks him against her and grins when he lets out a soft grunt.
“Good boy.”
And just like that, his dick is fully hard again, trapped in his boxers and throbbing almost to the point of pain. He doesn’t mind the pain one bit.
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babybubastis · 3 years
Playing With Fire
Chapter 4 is up! Check it out HERE.
Pairings: Shuri x Bucky Barnes, Shuri x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers, Shuri x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Word Count: 5,540
Warnings: 18+!!, NSFW, smut, threesome, polyamory
Chapter Summary: Shuri gets some alone time, but she’s more than ready for the boys when they return.
A/N: Please like, reblog, comment, kudos, and all that good stuff if you enjoy 💕 Thank you!
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Here’s a little teaser, for anyone interested ☺️
“Bucky is being mean to me.” Shuri cuts her eyes at her husband in accusation, then looks back to Steve. “He got me all worked up in the kitchen, touching me.” She slides a hand up Steve’s chest and leans into him. “He whispered nasty things in my ear.” Her lips brush Steve’s ear and he shivers, eyelids fluttering. “And then he stopped and told me I have to eat first. It wasn’t nice.” She slowly sits up on her knees and straddles Steve’s hips, settling into his lap as her fingers slide into his hair and her lips brush along his jaw. “Are you going to be mean to me, too?” she whispers.
Steve shakes his head emphatically. His large hands slide up her thighs and underneath the short hem of the robe to grip her hips.
The abrupt contact of his cold hands against her bare skin causes her to jump.
Steve groans and his hips buck at the sudden movement. Shuri gasps and rolls her hips. Her lips make their way to Steve’s, but she doesn’t kiss him, just stares into his eyes and breathes his air.
Bucky stands behind the loveseat next to the couch, hands clenched into fists. The front of his pants is growing tight watching the show in front of him. If he had more blood flowing to his brain he might be a little embarrassed about how hard he is from watching Shuri grind into Steve’s lap, but who gives a shit.
Shuri gently tugs Steve’s bottom lip between her teeth.
“Show me,” she commands.
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babybubastis · 3 years
Playing With Fire Chapter 3 is officially up!Please check it out here, for anyone still interested!! (Also, feel free to read chapters 1 and 2 first, since it’s been ten years since I updated 🙃 So sorry about that.)
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*Side note: idk how many of you remember that snippet I posted a while back...yeah... I may have rewritten a good chunk of it and shifted it to a later chapter. Sorry 🤦🏽‍♀️ (it’ll be worth it though, bear with me lol).
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babybubastis · 5 years
Fic Updates!
I'm SO sorry I've been slacking!
Chapter 5 of Thwala will be up by Tuesday afternoon
Chapter 2 of Iron & Wine will be up today or tomorrow
Chapter 1 of my short EverShur fic should be up in the next few days as well
I want to do a Chapter 3 of Playing With Fire, if anyone wants a continuation?
Also working on a butt load of other WIPs lol. Stay tuned 🙃
Thank you all for always being so lovely and supportive 💕
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babybubastis · 5 years
Chapter 2 of my RoyalWinterShield fic, “Playing With Fire” is up on AO3! 😘
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babybubastis · 5 years
Fic Updates 🙃
Currently working on Chapter 4 of Iron & Wine (IronPrincess), and my goal is to have it posted by next Monday (Feb 25).
Chapter 7 of Thwala (Winterprincess) should be up by either the end of next week or the following Monday (March 4).
Chapter 3 of both Don’t Tempt Me (EverShur) and Playing With Fire (RoyalWinterShield) are coming, most likely within the next 2-3 weeks as well.
I also have a bunch of WIPs I’m trying to outline and organize so that I can start posting.
Sorry my updating schedule has slowed. Work has been crazy, and between that and the depression running me up and down, I haven’t been as quick with my writing. Thank you to everyone who reads, likes, gives kudos, and comments. ❤️ And as always, all my love to the Shuri’s Harem/Winterprincess fam 😘
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