#roy mustang headcanon
Headcanon that Roy had to teach Ed how to do taxes at one point and it went about as well as being in elementary school and asking your dad for help on your math homework. Like:
*three hours in*
roy: what does that say.
ed: i don’t know
roy: do you know how to read.
ed, sounding unsure: *sobbing* …YES???
ed, sobbing: I DON’T. KNOW.
al, sitting quietly in the back playing with the cat he smuggled in: 👁️👄👁️
alternatively trisha taught him how to do taxes before she died because she wanted him to be prepared
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dyingroses · 3 months
I think it would be hilarious if when Ed and Al joined team Mustang they just assumed Roy and Riza were married and like one day much to their confusion and sadness they find out they're not and the rest of Team Mustang has to be like we don't really get it either
Alphonse: Hey, what's Leiutenant Hawkeye's last name
Falman: What do you mean? It's Hawkeye. Riza Hawkeye.
Alphonse: What
Falman: H-A-W-K-E-Y-E, R-I-Z-A
Edward: Wait, I thought that was her nickname since she's the top sniper, "The Hawk's eye"
Fuery: Yeah, but her last name is also coincidently "Hawkeye."
Havoc: Honestly, that's probably where the name came from. The officials at the military academy aren't that creative.
Rebecca, with dramatic flare: Or maybe it was her destiny
Alphonse: So, is that why she kept her last name?
Havoc: What do you mean?
Edward: Why she didn't take the colonel bastard's last name?
Alphonse: Yeah, it could be confusing to have a Lieutenant Mustang and Colonel Mustang
Edward: Why do you think I call him Colonel Bastard, it's not just accurate but strategic
Rebecca: Oh . . . honey . . no
Edward: What?
Alphonse: What's wrong?
Edward: Why does everyone look sad all of a sudden?
Rebecca: *sniffles*
Havoc: *puts a comforting hand on Rebecca's shoulder*
Fuery: The Lieutenant and the colonel . . . well . . . They aren't actually married
Rebecca: *starts crying on Havoc's shoulder*
Alphonse: B-but they're together, aren't they?
Rebecca: *cries even louder*
Havoc: *rubs her back comfortingly*
Breda: No, they're not - I mean, well
Alphonse: Why aren't they together?!
Rebecca, sobbing: WWWWHHHYYYY?!
Hakuro: What the hell is going on in here?!
Rebecca: *furiously screams something inaudible at Hakuro*
Hakuro: *exits scaredly*
Later in Resembool they break the sad and shocking news to Winry who actually takes it a lot harder than they do because she ships them soooooo much
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soufflegirl · 1 year
my headcanon is that at some point Mustang's entire line of command thinks that the Colonel and Lieutenant Hawkeye must have something going on except Edward, who's always ready to deny everything because he's strongly convinced that 1) it's just unfounded gossip and everyone must be insane for thinking it's true, 2) lieutenant Hawkeye deserves way better than that bastard, 3) come on, the lieutenant would never date someone like him, and 4) Mustang doesn't deserve anything in general, let alone a woman like her
so when he finds out they're actually in a relationship he starts freaking out (and Alphonse is like ,, told you so), he goes through the 5 stages of grief and actively tries to convince Riza to dump Mustang everytime he sees her (until Alphonse drags him away)
(they gotta thank Edward if the rumors died down tho)
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lapseinart · 1 year
So in order to perform alchemy you need to know what the thing is made up right?
Wouldn’t it be funny if it was commonplace for alchemists to just… lick things?
Ok follow me on this one. Ed is trying to hide the fact that the Truth just automatically tells him the composition of things sometimes. Well, Al’s worrying about it, and Ed is like Don’t worry Al I have the perfect solution! I’ll tell them I can distinguish different types of rocks by licking them!
Al: Wh-What?
Ed: C’mon Al, it’s fool-proof! What are they gonna say? No? It doesn’t work like that?
Al: But it doesn’t!
Ed: We’ll just tell ‘em that’s what we learned in the country. Izumi says all state alchemists are city folk what are they gonna say?
Anyway Ed goes around sniffing and licking stuff, basically pretending to be a weird country bumpkin. And his alchemy always works out so he sparks a complete school of thought based on whether you can tell rock apart based on taste and smell.
This random guy tries it and is partially successful, which makes the scientific community go wild. Ed and Al just roll with it. Roy is having an aneurysm. The Elric brothers’ smug little faces tell him something’s up, but more and more people are trying the taste and smell way.
Edit: So apparently Truth did not give them weird knowledge BUT IF HE DID this would be funny
Actually, it’s funny anyway. Ed and Al really just lick stuff and that’s how they differentiate between types of rocks
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karolinswritings · 9 months
Can I request envy x gn reader who found him when he was is his little worm form and took him in? And then he reveals himself or something and him and reader just live together? I feel like that would be fun.
Okay I love this request, honestly I find his little worm form adorable. I am sorry for the veeery late reply, thank you so much for the request, I hope you like the headcanons. They turned out to be more like a story, I hope that's fine ^^
Fullmetal Alchemist Envy Headcanons: Envy x reader who took him in when he was in his little worm form
In these headcanons, Envy managed to escape from Mustang, Riza and Ed and he ended up alone on the streets of Amestris before he could return to Father, because of his lack of energy left.
I think when reader found him and took him in, he would be so tired and dizzy that he wouldn't really understand what is happening. All he can remember is a human reaching towards him and the warm touch of their palm.
After resting for a while he would regain consiousness and look around reader's house, observing their furniture and possesions, trying to understand where he is. Looking at their dining table he would see them and recognise them as the person who picked him up and carried him somewhere earlier. That's when it would all come together and he would realise that he is in a human house and has been taken in.
He would definitely know what condition he is in and that considering the absence of any philosopher's stones to help him regain his energy, he would stay quiet and observe their actions carefully.
When he notices reader holding a book and reading carefully through it, as if they are looking for something, and notices that it is a book about lizards and how they live, he would get the idea of pretending to be a lizard until he can find a way to regain his powers.
As time passes, he would quickly notice how careing reader is and how much they care about him. He would slowly start to trust them more and more, letting them feed him and even pet him. He would start feeling lonely whenever they are out and his eyes would sparkle with excitement anytime they come back to him.
At some point, probably after about a month passes and he notices that he doesn't entirely hate humans, specifically reader, now thinging of them as his human, he would decide to reveal himself. As to his plan of running away as soon as possible, looks like it will have to wait for a bit. This human just awoke his interest, he can't just leave.
One time, seeming out of the blue for reader, but completely planned by Envy, the little lizard would suddenly speak.
" Listen here, human. I am not a pet lizard, I am homunculus, so you should definitely stop wasting your time reading all those books, wondering how to take care of me properly. If you wanna know so bad, I might just tell you. If you ask nicely of course."
Seemingly not careing about reader's shocked expression and lack of ability to say a word from suprise, Envy would use all that's left in him to transform into his prefered form. He would have to take a seat on a nearby chair from exhaustion, but would look up at reader with a slight smirk, proud of how mesmerized they look from seeing his shape-shifting abilities.
"What? You didn't notice that whole time that I was homunculus? My oroboros tattoo was all out there for you to see and you just tought it's a spot? You're so oblivious..So, what do you think? I'm quite--"
For Envy's suprise, reader cuts him off and lifts up his chin for them to observe his features, still not really understanding what happened. They take a look at his eyes, nose, lips, making him feel more and more nervous. All of a sudden his cheeks get pink and he looks away, obviously embarresed.
"What? What's so interesting?...Stupid human.."
" You're quite handsome. So you are.. a homunculus? I think I have heard about them before, alchemists say that homunculi are artificial humans. But I definitely didn't imagine one to look so..nice."
After hearing reader's unexpected words, Envy would consider staying with them for a while, and then leaving, but the tought of ending their life doesn't seem to be of his liking, so he decides to put aside his departure until he feels satisfied enough with their presense. He won't think of it for a while.
As time goes by though, he would realise he doesn't really want to leave. At all. Everyone probably thinks he is dead anyways, so why not spend more time here? On top of all, he has his own human now.
He would get addicted to reader's care and would love feeling like a royalty, being served food, treated pretty much as a diety and being the center of reader's attention everytime he decides to tell them about all of his abilities and the pros of being homunculus.
I think he would think of various ways to get to a stone so that he can regain his abilities. Staying with reader and talking to them is quite interesting and new to him, but he would definitely miss being able to use his full abilities. If he manages to return them, the first thing he would do would be to show off to reader, taking in their compliments and watching them stand in awe as he shape-shifts into all kinds of things.
Sooner of later I think he would totaly forget about all the stuff he used to be interested in doing before. He is curious as to how living with his human would be like and in what new ways he would use his abilities.
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jaskiersbeloved · 1 year
Headcanon: Because Roy wears so many high collared clothing and his neck is almost always covered, when he shows at least a bit of skin there, Ed feels whatever the Victorian men felt at the sight of an exposed ankle and immediately goes in it. Which leads to Roy wearing high collared clothing more often. Which makes Ed even more turned on. Perpetuum Mobile.
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dairogo · 1 year
Riza: and this one time, Pride told me that his father would destroy me for not giving him more sweets before bedtime, and I didn't know if he meant Fuhrer Bradley or the thing in the sewers, so I just said, "Sure he will, buddy," and told his mother he bit me so that she'd go yell at him.
Roy, eating popcorn: tell me another one.
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coockie8 · 2 months
i dont know why but im like super obsessed with the idea of roy getting really insecure about getting old and thinking that cause hes like 14-15 years older than ed that ed will stop thinking hes attractive as their relationship goes on
Oh Goddess yissss lol I love that idea, especially 'cause given Ed's genealogy, I feel like he'd probably age weird and would always kinda look younger than he actually is haha
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ransprang · 8 months
Hello! Can I ask for an Edward Elric x FMAB uniform kink? Thanks so much!
Kinktober 2023
Edward Elric - Uniform Kink
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“Why did we decide to help the Colonel with cleaning up his storage again?’ Ed complained loudly, as he lifted a box of old memorabilia from the dusty attic floor.
“It’s the least we could do for our ex-fuhrer.” you admonished. “You don’t want him to throw his back out, fumbling with the boxes here, do you?”
Ed grumbled some more, but continued to clear away the space. 
You knelt to pick up the box labelled ‘To throw’. The lid was slightly open and you peered in to find the old Amestris uniform. You pulled out the shirt and exclaimed, “Mein Gott, was ist das?” 
Ed looked over at you and grimaced, “That’s just the old man’s stinky uniform. Throw it out,” he replied before going back to packing.
Devious thoughts went through your brain, and you secretly shoved it into your bag when he wasn’t looking.
Later that evening, when the two of you had returned home, Ed was lounging on the sofa and you were feeling bored. You got up to get ready for bed. 
As you stood in front of the bedroom mirror, you couldn't help but glance at the uniform you had swiped from the attic. It hung there innocently, the military insignia catching the dim light of the room. A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of your lips as she contemplated her next move.
With a mixture of curiosity and excitement, you decided to try the uniform on just for fun. After all, how often did one get the chance to dress up like a high-ranking military officer? You carefully slipped out of her own clothes and into the uniform, buttoning it up and adjusting it as best as you could. It was a bit baggy on you, but it felt surprisingly comfortable.
You admired herself in the mirror, striking a few poses and imagining what it must have been like to be part of the military. You couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence and power as you looked at your reflection.
Just as you were about to take off the uniform and put on your pajamas, the bedroom door swung open, and in walked Ed, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes widening in shock as he took in the sight of you in the uniform.
For a split second, something strange happened in Ed's mind. He thought he saw Roy Mustang, his old military officer, standing before him. His sleep-addled brain couldn't process it properly, and he blinked in disbelief. Then, reality crashed back in, and he realized that it was you dressed in the uniform.
Ed's expression quickly shifted from surprise to a mixture of confusion and mild disgust. "What the hell are you doing, Y/n?" he asked, his voice tinged with annoyance.
You, not one to back down, decided to take advantage of the situation. You approached Ed with a playful grin and a seductive tone in her voice. "Well, Ed," you purred, "I thought it might be fun to play dress-up tonight. Don't you find a woman in uniform... appealing?"
Ed's cheeks flushed bright red, and he stammered, "Y/n, this is ridiculous. Take that off right now!"
But you were undeterred. You stepped closer, running a finger along the collar of the uniform. "Come on, Ed," you whispered, "I've always had this fantasy of being with a man in uniform. Please, just this once?"
Ed's resistance wavered as he looked into your pleading eyes. He grumbled under his breath, "You're crazy, you know that?" But against his better judgment, he found himself reluctantly agreeing. "Fine, but just for a moment, okay?"
You practically squealed with delight as she helped Ed into the baggy uniform. It was a comical sight, given that Ed was significantly shorter than the original owner of the uniform. You both burst into laughter as they struggled to get it to fit him properly.
You grinned, feeling victorious. "I knew you'd come around, Colonel Ed." You playfully saluted him.
Stepping closer to you he holds your chin with one hand, "I still think you have been a naughty girl though Liebe. His eyes drop to your lips as he closes his eyes and leans in. You close the gap and your lips meet. His hand goes to your waist pulling you in closer. Your hands lie on his uniform garbed chest feeling the old cotton fabric and the muscles underneath them.
As your tongues fight for dominance one of his clothed hands venture down to your panties. Pulling them to the side he swipes your pussy with a finger, "Wow already wet? Didn't know you liked men in uniforms that badly love." He pushes you onto the bed, "My obedient girl is going to let me do whatever I want to her right." He says more so as a statement than as a question. You've never seen this dominant side of Ed. Your lips stay shut with only moans escaping and your legs pressing together to feel some relief from the aching.
"Tsk tsk", Edward now on top of you pulls your legs apart, "I'm the one in charge. Don't do things unless I tell you to. Got it?" You nod meekly making Ed laugh a bit. Just a few moments ago you were so sensual and seductive, now the uniform has turned you into such a shy little thing for him to ravage.
While maintaining eye contact with you, he brings up one of his hands and takes off his glove in a mostly smooth fashion. He inserts a finger into your eager hole and pumps it in and out. The other hand works its way under your shirt to massage your breasts. Seeing how easily he fit a finger in, he added 2 more stretching you out a bit and making you moan. He goes faster and faster.
As your moans fill the room he starts groaning as well. "Good girl. Taking my fingers so well. I didn't know you were so easy baby. Bit of a slut for a man who can do anything to you hmmm". He felt your pussy pulse from his dirty words.
The hand on your breast soon moved to his belt, unbuckling it and he quickly let his cock come out. Fully erect, it stood there waiting to enter you. Ed sees you practically salivating for it, "Not just yet. I want you to cum on my fingers. Can you do that for me?"
"Y-yes Colonel" you squeak out. The knot builds as Ed fingers you and the other hand plays with your clit. And soon enough you cum feeling a wave of pleasure. You pant and groan coming down from your high.
"Now now soldier, we aren't done yet tonight."
Your colonel,
admins sar & san
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lwh-writing · 2 years
I was just contemplating Fullmetal Alchemist (as one does), thinking about the absolute peak hilarity that is Ed, Al, and Havoc, the certified Country Boys(TM), teaming up to bully Mustang, the certified City Boy(TM), when I was struck with an epiphany.
Riza Hawkeye is the OG Country Girl.
Lived in the middle of nowhere with her father in a 1900ish setting. In THAT time period and THAT location, she and Hawkeye Sr. would've had to have at least a homestead type of deal. Something small that they could work on and live off of on their own, unless they hired farmhands (which I doubt).
So a two-person homestead. I would love to claim they cultivated dairy to go with Arakawa's background, but to make that livable, it would be too many cows for 2 people to realistically handle on their own. So either they did a smaller animal, like, say, sheep and goats, or they harvested corn, wheat, or tobacco. Midwesterner here, so let's say corn and wheat.
Anyway, Riza and her father living it rough on a homestead.
Money's a bit tight at times, but Hawkeye Sr. can take care of most of the repairs with his alchemy, so they always get by.
They've got chickens, two cows, and a lovely mare who pulls the cart whenever they need to go to town.
Three-year-old Riza being super excited about feeding the chickens for the very first time, giggling and squealing with joy as she throws feed everywhere.
Five-year-old Riza walking five miles into town to attend classes at the little one-room schoolhouse. There are a little more than thirty total students, only eight of which are anywhere near her age.
Seven-year-old Riza holding back tears when Hawkeye Sr. teaches her how to pluck and prep a fresh chicken. She can do it all on her own with a dry eye by the time she's eight.
Eleven-year-old Riza finding a goat one day on the farm, and after checking with the neighbors to see if they're missing one, decides she might as well keep it.
This is a mistake. The goat and Riza are mortal enemies. The thing will refuse to stop nipping at Riza whenever she goes out to milk it. But it keeps giving milk and sneaking away only to come back with baby goats, so she's left to suffer in silence.
Twelve-year-old Riza waking up at dawn in the summer to go detassel corn. Comes back around noon with scrapes all up and down her arms and eats enough to feed an army.
Thirteen-year-old Riza learning how to shoot and being known as the best shot for miles around before the year is up.
Fourteen-year-old Riza coming home from school only to find a sharp-looking, sweet-talking, soft-handed City Boy who her father claims is going to be his alchemist apprentice from now on.
Riza despairing about Roy-Fucking-Mustang and his complete and utter incompetence at everything that isn't alchemy. The boy can't cook, can't hunt, and wouldn't know the first thing about farm animal care if Bessie the Demon Goat bit him in the eye.
Eventually, Riza puts Mustang on cleaning and laundry duty, because that, at least, he can do. (Thank God for his three-dozen sisters and their insistence that Roy pulls his weight with chores.)
Riza's schoolhouse friends sighing over "that handsome Roy" and Riza blanches because she could never see herself falling for someone who thought milking the cows hurt them somehow. (It doesn't. Refusing to milk an animal is extremely harmful to the critter involved, and it's very likely that they could get an infection and seriously injure themselves and/or die. Don't let the radicalized vegans fool you)
Riza, to her chagrin, does develop a crush on Roy-Fucking-Mustang, who wouldn't know farm animal care if Bessie the Demon Goat bit him in the eye.
Roy, for his part, has long been crushing on Riza Hawkeye, the swol farmer's daughter who could pick him up with one hand a shoot a goose out of the sky with the other.
Neither admits it though because Roy has long since embarrassed himself past the point of no return, and Riza has complained too much to the folks in town that if she were to romance Roy now.... Well. Ain't either of the kids going to make the first move, so no move is made.
Fast forward a decade or so and Team Mustang is investigating something in the country.
Ed, Al, and Havoc are giving Mustang shit about approaching a horse wrongly and how there ain't no fancy cars out here.
Roy tries to refute it and shut them down, but Riza snorts and idly says something about him still not knowing jack about farming despite living on hers for two years.
Riza exposes Roy. Ed, Al, and Havoc rejoice. Roy despairs about his secrets being out, and Maes demands any and all pictures once he finds out.
And that's how Roy Mustang spent the rest of his days being bullied by four blond-haired Country Folk(TM).
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spechblend · 1 year
Finally, my Royai PMV is complete!
This is based on the idea that Roy probably carries a lot of guilt because of Ishval and Riza’s and Havoc’s injuries. I also love him.
All drawn in procreate, edited in iMovie
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soufflegirl · 1 year
the morning Riza meets Roy she had totally forgotten that her father's new apprentice was supposed to arrive that day, so she wakes up and goes to the kitchen sleepy and in her pjs only to find this cute 16-year-old boy sitting at the kitchen table with a book who smiles at her and is like, "Miss Hawkeye? Hi, I'm Roy, your fath-" and 13-year-old-Riza literally flees the room before he even finishes the sentence like:
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karolinswritings · 11 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Envy Headcanons
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My headcanons for Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist! Honestly they turned out to be more of a Envy x Reader type of headcanons. I hope you like them anyways, I also appologise for any mistakes, since english is not my first language.
once he starts taking interest in you he would most likely stalk you from time to time, then ask you about what you did that day to check if you are going to lie to him
feels at ease when you say the truth, really values honesty
enjoys late night walks/meetings
"Hmm..You know what? I have never tought talking to a human could be so entertaining. This definitely won't be the last time we see each other, human. Expect another visit very soon."
deep conversations after midnight
"So..the other day.."
Once he feels comfortable enough around you he will voice every tought that crosses his mind for you to hear
is aware that he craves physicial affection but would never admit it
looks away when holding your hand
pretty obvious, but gets jelous very easily
the type to deny romantic feelings at first
"I hate getting hurt, you know? I hate the feeling of pain..and being here with you..talking to you..thinking about you, a human..makes me go though..so much pain..but when I am not around you, it's worse..I want to be around you again..it's almost like..like I am.."
would deffinitely return the favor if you do something for him
very protective
loves it when you're honest with him
enjoys it when you trust him
would definitely be taken aback if you go out of your way to defend him
the type to always praise himself but be suprised when he recieves a compliment
"You really think that? Well, thank you"
definitely acts one way in front of people he doesn't trust and a completely different one with ones he does trust
ride or die type of guy
loves it when you treat him the same no matter what form he has shifted into
I hope you guys enjoyed my headcanons, pleaase tell me which Fullmetal Alchemist character you would like me to write headcanons for next? Or maybe I should do a part two for Envy?
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js589 · 2 years
So, we all know the comic where poor Fuery is subjected to some Royai dirty talk over comms, but the natural prequel to that has to be that, during the first mission where they did the comms and the codenames and all that (because I gotta believe this happened multiple times), for a moment when Riza starts talking to Roy, Fuery is wondering for like 4.6 seconds how the HELL a girlfriend of Roy's managed to call at just the right time—
And then he realizes that this is Lieutenant Hawkeye; it's just that she's genuinely flirting (maybe she's being a little over the top to make it sound less like her) and Colonel Mustang means every word he is saying back, and HOLY FUCK they really are low-key together. And later on, Havoc sees the look on his face and is like "ah so you get it now" and Fuery's all "yeah and I'm guessing we don't talk about it" and Havoc's like "nope; we do not" and Fuery makes his peace with it... until the phone sex starts. Poor dude.
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kyiza · 2 years
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Since it’s bi week
Based on this meme:
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dairogo · 2 years
Roy Mustang is an excellent judge of character. It’s how he got such a loyal team, picking the best from all the potential hires as he weeded out those who were just sucking up to him from those with real moral convictions. It’s also how he’s so good at being the irritating young Colonel - he knows whose buttons he can press without it coming around to bite him too badly, and he knows who needs a little buttering up to get them onside.
In Ed’s words, Mustang knows a bootlicker on sight because it takes one to know one.
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