#rosanne tan
sheilajsn · 10 months
Comanche Sunset de Rosanne F Bittner
¡Hola Rinconeros! Este es un libro que pedí por la portada tan cursi con un clon de Fabio incluido. Lo cierto es que me encantan los romances históricos y este se desarrolla en el Viejo Oeste, en Texas. Siempre me ha gustado Texas pues es un lugar Gigante y salvaje. También soy una apasionada de la historia de los pobladores precolombinos de América y los Comanches son de los pueblos que no se…
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bookishnerdlove · 7 months
PVCG- Capítulo 62
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“Debe haber una buena razón para establecer reglas. Establecer reglas ridículas a ciegas y con fuerza no es más que intimidar a los demás”. Dicho esto, Madame Elbas chasqueó la lengua mientras comenzaba a obligarse a cruzar la línea bajo la apariencia de un consejo y continuó. “Oh, ¿tal vez fue a propósito? No me di cuenta. ¿Lo apresuraste para establecer autoridad sobre mí haciéndome sentir incómodo deliberadamente?" “Usted es la que está siendo insistente, señora. Si preguntas a los empleados, rápidamente te dirán que tengo una alergia grave al polen y que he prohibido las flores". En realidad fue por el gato, pero era cierto que los empleados lo sabían así. “Los empleados tienden a ponerse del lado de sus empleadores". Reprendiéndome, Madame Elbas extendió el brazo como para mirar alrededor de la mansión. “Mira este lugar. Blois siempre fue hermosa, con flores y decoraciones frescas. Me enseñaron a cuidar este lugar así. ¿Pero qué pasa ahora? ¿Qué tan desolado y vacío es este lugar? Es como una prisión”. …Prisión. ¿Cómo podía una prisión ser tan magnífica y espléndida? Incluso sin flores, el salón principal de Blois resplandecía con bellas tallas en relieve y adornos de oro. "Además, tienes bastante buen aspecto, Rowaine, teniendo en cuenta que tienes una alergia grave al polen". Después de mirarme de arriba abajo, se tocó la cabeza antes de continuar con sus palabras. “No puedo creer que mi nuera me esté menospreciando así. Ni siquiera puedo levantar la cabeza porque me da vergüenza ver a los empleados por el trato condescendiente”. Luego, con su rostro miserable, dejó escapar un profundo suspiro y las criadas a su lado se apresuraron a consolarla. "Señora, no diga eso". "La señora no hizo nada malo, entonces, ¿qué quieres decir con eso?" ¿No me estaban mirando también con ojos resentidos? Apreté los puños con fuerza y ​​dejé escapar un rápido y cálido suspiro. "Así es como resulta".                                                                                         .   ∧,,,∧ ─────  ( ̳• ·̫ • ̳) ♡°───── Dimitri había estado observando desde el principio cómo Rowaine salía furiosa del salón y se enfrentaba con Cayetana. Estaba observando la escena sin decir nada, pero no podía quedarse quieto porque parecía que estaban empujando a Rowaine. 'Esto es ridículo.' Le temblaron los dientes ante la repugnante insistencia de Cayetana. Finalmente, se impacientó y salió de la esquina. "No interfieras". La voz severa de Rosanne le ató los tobillos. "Abuela." Mientras miraba a Rosanne sin ocultar su disgusto, ella chasqueó la lengua. “Aún no eres sabio. Si intervienes, sólo empeorará las cosas”. Luego, miró a Rowaine y Cayetana y entrecerró los ojos. Parecía como si estuviera juzgando algo. Mientras la miraba, Dimitri pensó que la mirada en los ojos de Rosanne, que ocasionalmente veía, era como si estuviera mirando a un sujeto de prueba. Al mirarla a los ojos, de alguna manera tuvo la sensación de que lo estaban evaluando pieza por pieza. La mirada que ponía nerviosa a la gente no era muy agradable. A juzgar por su comportamiento, Dimitri estaba convencido de que siempre lo evaluaban por debajo de su nivel. "¿No estás aquí para crear conflictos y construir tus terrenos de todos modos?" Al pronunciar esas frías palabras, le dio la espalda a Rosanne antes de avanzar hacia Rowaine. Quería ir a rescatarla de esa malvada Cayetana. Mientras tanto, Rosanne dejó escapar un suspiro de desaprobación por sus acciones y regañó a Rowaine y Cayetana más rápido de lo que Dimitri pudo alcanzarlos. “¡Qué tanto alboroto, todos ustedes!” Todos los ojos estaban puestos en Rosanne, no en Dimitri. Pateando el suelo con su bastón, empujó a Dimitri y les gritó a Rowaine y Cayetana. “¡Qué estás haciendo frente a la gente debajo de ti! La cultura parece haber sido arrojada a un chiquero. Aunque arruine a la familia, es una fuente de aceite”. Mientras Rosanne miraba a las dos mujeres frente a ella alternativamente con ojos como una bestia feroz y las presionaba, ambas bajaron los ojos frente a ella, pero nadie pudo abrir la boca. Sin dejar de mirar a Cayetana, regañó a Rowaine. “Definitivamente está mal que Madame Elbas rompa las reglas. Sin embargo, estoy muy decepcionado contigo, Rowaine, que hiciste tanto escándalo cuando podían comunicarse para entenderse, aunque no lo hizo a propósito porque conocía la situación". Rosanne chasqueó la lengua y murmuró como un suspiro. "Eres joven. Muy joven." Emociones extrañas que nadie notó pasaron por sus ojos mientras sacudía la cabeza y miraba a la joven. Para Rosanne, parecía tan suave como Dimitri. En el rostro de Rowaine, que estaba sin palabras, se podía leer claramente su enojo, resentimiento y arrepentimiento por no poder ocultarlo. 'Hay un sentimiento tan persistente en sus ojos. Desde luego, Dimitri consiguió una esposa como el'. Rowaine Larscel. Rosanne había oído rumores de que era una mujer malvada sin piedad ni compasión. Sin embargo, ella no era muy diferente del cachorro que crió en casa, ni siquiera tenía los dientes completamente crecidos, y mucho menos una mujer malvada y despiadada. 'Parece que es sólo una mujer tonta de la que la gente se aprovechó de la maldad'. La mayoría de las mujeres que eran famosas por ser villanas eran en realidad mujeres comunes y corrientes... Mujeres que habían sido incriminadas injustamente, utilizadas tontamente y se convirtieron en el sujeto de chismes. Desde el comienzo de la historia, el mundo ha estado masticando, estafando y arruinando a las mujeres débiles como víctimas del chisme, trascendiendo el tiempo y las fronteras. La existencia de las palabras 'bruja' y 'caza de brujas' era prueba de ello. Rosanne era muy consciente de la habilidad con la que las "verdaderas" personas malas usaban máscaras buenas. El mal perfecto requiere minuciosidad y tenacidad. Los humanos que lo tenían eran lo suficientemente inteligentes como para protegerse. …Como Cayetana, que estaba parada allí. Rosanne miró inexpresivamente a Cayetana, quien bajó la mirada. Parecía que no iba a sangrar incluso si la apuñalaban. Luego se tragó el suspiro y regañó a Rowaine aún más fuerte. “La señora Elbas es mayor que usted, Rowaine. Si la avergüenzas así, ¿cómo se sentiría ella con respecto a su posición? Sólo porque heredaste el título, no deberías tratar a los demás de esa manera. Discúlpate con la señora Elbas de inmediato”. Instó a Rowaine, quien se mordió el labio, con la mirada. 'No hagas una causa a favor de Cayetana, Rowaine'. Esperaba que la joven que tenía delante no fuera sacrificada a Cayetana. 'Incluso sin ti, Dimitri ya ha perdido mucho con Cayetana'. Una mirada de lástima pasó por los ojos de Rosanne mientras miraba a Rowaine y Dimitri. Sin embargo, no sabía que Rowaine, no Eunsoo, que estaba dentro de su cuerpo, estaba criando una fiera bestia en su corazón, agudizada por la maldad arraigada en profundas heridas.                                                                                         .   ∧,,,∧ ─────  ( ̳• ·̫ • ̳) ♡°───── Al regresar a su habitación, Cayetana sonrió satisfecha al recordar a Rowaine inclinando la cabeza frente a ella. “En lugar de abusar de los cambiaformas, parece que ella realmente se preocupa por ellos. Es gracioso”. Aunque Rowaine puso la excusa de ser alérgica, Cayetana no lo creyó. Fue porque su doncella le había dicho que ella y Dimitri se estaban tomando en serio lo del cambiaformas, el gato que se había caído en el porche. Sabía que los gatos cambiaformas no soportaban las flores de lirio... porque ya había experimentado con la madre biológica de Dimitri. Cayetana sonrió con picardía mientras recordaba el pasado antes de tomar un lirio de un jarrón sobre la mesa de su habitación. Hacía unas horas, la doncella, que había venido a anunciar la llegada de los lirios que había encargado con antelación, había traído algunos de los lirios más codiciados y los había puesto en un jarrón en su habitación. Cuando el lirio fue aplastado sin piedad en sus manos, el polen amarillo se esparció por el aire. "Hubiera sido más divertido si ese asqueroso gatito hubiera muerto, como esa señora en ese momento". Chasqueando la lengua, Cayetana arrojó casualmente las flores destrozadas y se sentó en el sofá. Luego abrió un libro, tarareando como para celebrar la victoria del día, pero tuvo que apartar los ojos del libro antes de poder pasar algunas páginas. Fue porque la criada había entrado corriendo a su habitación. "¡Señora! ¡Hay problemas! "¿Qué está sucediendo?" “¡No, la duquesa…!”                                                                                         .   ∧,,,∧ ─────  ( ̳• ·̫ • ̳) ♡°───── Gracias a la intervención de la abuela Rosanne, la pelea entre Madame Elbas y yo terminó y volví directamente al salón. El médico todavía estaba comprobando el estado de Sasha. Sabiendo mejor que nadie que Sasha estaba bien, le dije a Agwen que llevara a Sasha al anexo. "Entonces, me iré". Llamé al médico, que estaba a punto de irse. “¿Podríamos hablar un momento?” "¿Qué pasa?" "Siéntate primero". Desde que la abuela Rosanne intervino, no había podido decirle una sola palabra a la señora Elbas. Si las cosas siguieran así, no sabría cuándo podría volver a suceder. La ira, la preocupación y la ansiedad hervían en mi corazón. '...Tengo que proteger a mis gatos'. Decidido, le pregunté al médico. “¿Conoce alguna forma de provocar artificialmente una reacción alérgica?” “¿Una reacción alérgica artificial?” Dado que la doctora Tyra fue quien le demostró mi embarazo a la abuela Rosanne, supe que ella definitivamente estaba del lado de Dimitri. "Espero que la reacción parezca real y espero que muestre síntomas que parezcan bastante graves". Ella bajó la voz. “Tengo algunos, pero ¿para qué los va a usar la duquesa? Necesito saberlo para poder recomendarte el adecuado”. A juzgar por la expresión de su rostro, parecía pensar que yo estaba drogando en secreto la comida de Madame Elbas. "Si nos atrapan entonces, será el fin". No podría hacer algo tan peligroso. Entonces, le expliqué con calma. “Voy a tomarlo”. "¿La señora?" Sus ojos se abrieron cuando le preguntó. “Tiene que parecer doloroso sin importar quién lo vea. No importa si realmente duele”. "Pero…" A la vacilante Tyra, enfaticé con firmeza. "Tiene que ser eficaz y lo más rápido posible".   Anterior Novelas Menú Read the full article
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cyarskaren52 · 9 months
Erica went and got a spray tan, hanging out with black people and calling them her friends, just to be shown calling a black woman a monkey on tv. Don’t get me wrong, Spice didn’t have to say that about her son, but for Erica to say that makes her ignorant and disgusting and hateful
She has got to go. How come she still here but when rosanne Barr did the exact same thing she is fired from her tv show sitcom of the same name (renamed the Connors) and still hasn’t done anything except conservative talk shows and comedy shows?
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Disappearance Walcie Downing
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Image of Walcie Downing circa 1956 (The Doe Network)
Walcie Downing
Physical Description
Full Name: Walcie Rae Downing
Date of Birth: July 18, 1824
Race/Ethnicity: Native American
Sex Female
Height: 5′6″ (66 inches) (167.64 cm)
Weight: 130 lbs (58.96 kg)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Walcie Rae Alston
Walcie Rae Pearce
Walcie Rae Pierce
Distinguishing Characteristics
Moles on her back
Ears are pierced
Hair was shoulder-length and curly
Family Members
Four other children
Misc. Info
Her maiden name is Ashton
Her previous married name is sometimes spelled as either Pearce or Pierce
Was born in Arkansas
Had lived in Arizona, Texas, California and New Mexico
Her family said she was having a hard time at the time of her disappearance including a broken relationship
There was rumors she was having an affair with a police officer at the time
Case Information
Age at Disappearance: 32 (98 if still alive as of April 21, 2023)
Missing Since: December 14, 1956 (Missing for 66 years as of April 21, 2023)
Location Last Seen: Gallup, Mckinley County, New Mexico, USA
Location Last Seen on Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/35%C2%B031'41.1%22N+108%C2%B044'33.3%22W/@35.5280783,-108.7425843,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d35.5280783!4d-108.7425843
Case Classification: Missing
Dentals: Not Available
Fingerprints: Not Available
DNA: Available
Clothing & Personal Effects
White Blouse
Blue jeans
Engagement ring
Vehicle Description
Make: Ford
Year 1952 or 1954
Color: Cream and tan colored
Misc. Info
Possible Purchased in Casa Grande, AZ
It had never been recovered after her disappearance
Circumstances of Disappearance
Walcie Downing was last seen in Gallup, New
Unidentified Persona Exclusions (NamUs)
Misc. Info
Her children refused to believe that she would abandon them permanently willingly
When she left, she told one of her children to not look for her
A theory is that she was was murdered in the area of Grants, New Mexico or somewhere in the lava fields
Contact Information/Contact Agencies/Investigation Agencies
Gallup Police Department
Agency Case Number: 2016-49941
Agency Contact Personals
Lieutenant Rosanne Morrissette
Detective Steven Peshlakai
Agency Phone Number Listed: 505-863-9365
Agency Case Number: #MP33503
Agency Contact Personal: Regional Program Specialist Justin Endicott
Agency Phone Number: 817-223-1318
Agency Email Address: [email protected]
Sources/Further Information/Places of Interest
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Meditative Week of Poetry: Donald Platt
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The older I get the more layered with memory grow those places dearest to me.
Eleanor and I take my new red canoe to O’Hara’s Landing on Twin Lakes. Taylor, the college kid collecting launching fees, waves my twenty dollar bill away, points to thunderheads building over the lake like black cotton balls, laughs, and says, “Forget it. You’ll be back in half an hour.”
                               All late afternoon, Eleanor and I paddle into the past. First, we go to my parents’ old, crooked, damp, drafty summer house, long since sold. We stop paddling twenty feet from shore.
Eleanor remembers the house’s upstairs layout, which I had forgotten. She says Grandma and Grandpa’s bedroom was in front over the screened-in porch. It had the best view of lake and mountains. Uncle Michael’s room with his brass bedstead was in back. It looked out on pine trees. I still smell those pines in my sleep.
The Mahicans called one lake Washining, meaning “Laughing Water.” The other, Washinee or “Smiling Water.”
Thirty-two years ago, Dana, pregnant with Eleanor, and I paddled in a blue, not red, canoe around the island’s far shore. We pointed to a gnarled hemlock that curved out over the water like a long arm extended towards us. That tree’s still here.
                               Last summer, a weeping willow shaded the small spit of sand where Rosanne and I picnicked—cherries, brie, sourdough baguette, pinot grigio. Her voice was low wavelets lip-lapping that sandy, shaded shore. The tree still weeps.
This summer has been week after week of rain. The new red canoe glides so quickly over old boulders I remember from past years protruding above the water like worn-down molars.
We paddle through rain squalls, get wet, don’t care. Rainwater sloshes back and forth along the canoe’s bottom.
My parents and brother are dead. My marriage is over. I am filled with sorrow briefly.
Now I wring sorrow out like rainwater from my sodden T-shirt.
Then Eleanor and I see a great blue heron rise on its slow laboring wings up from some cattails.
In flight, the heron stretches out its long neck until it’s almost a horizontal line from beak to breast with one slight crook. When it had stood stock-still on its impossibly thin stilt legs, it bent that neck snakelike so its body assumed the shape of a capital S at the beginning of a sentence I am still learning to read from my childhood primer.
In the stern, I steer. We’re heading back to O’Hara’s Landing. Eleanor’s thin, strong, tanned, bare shoulders flex beneath her white sleeveless T-shirt, as she paddles into her future.
Our paddles leave small whirlpools that vanish in the water behind us. We will remain together—father, daughter, lake water.
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nofatclips · 2 years
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Mr. Robot, episode 408 Request Timeout
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kaeleeart · 3 years
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Ok so this Zukka Modern AU has been stewing in my brain for far too long and I needed to draw it so. Mechanical Engineering grad student Sokka- tea shop barista Zuko (he owns the shop with Iroh)- they’re plant dads and Sokka insists on taking a family portrait and Zuko actually goes through with it bc he can’t say no to Sokka- so now there are two family portraits of them and their plant children hanging in the hallway of their apartment. One day Hakoda comes to visit and stares at the wall like “wtf” (like he expected this kind of shit but) and Zuko just gives him a shrug like “idek”,, anyway hope you enjoy :)
[Two images of Zuko and Sokka from avatar the last air bender, in both Zuko is holding two small potted plants. A cactus names Rosanne and a grass plant names Cornelius. Sokka is holding a large potted plant named Steve in both images. Zuko wears a red coat with black pants and a black turtleneck. He has two gold chains, gold rings, gold earrings, and black nail polish. Sokka is wearing striped black pants, a teal blue shirt, and a tan coat with ocean waves on the bottom and sleeves. He’s wearing a few silver earrings. In the first image Sokka grins proudly with one hand on Zuko’s shoulder. Zuko frowns in exasperation. In the second, Sokka says something happily to Zuko and and Zuko attempts to hide a smile.]
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movie-magic · 3 years
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Hawkeye Directors Share Update On Marvel Show's Progress
Directing duo Bert & Bertie offer an update on the post-production process of Disney+'s upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe series Hawkeye.
Directing duo Bert & Bertie have offered an update on the post-production process of Disney+'s upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe series Hawkeye. Developed by Mad Men alum Jonathan Igla, the series will further explore the backstory of the Stan Lee and Don Heck-created archer. Jeremy Renner returns to the titular role and will lead a cast including Vera Farmiga, Fra Fee, and Tony Dalton. The show will mark the MCU debuts of Kate Bishop and Echo, with Hailee Steinfeld and Alaqua Cox portraying the heroes, respectively.
Exact plot details are still unknown regarding the latest MCU series, but it is set in a post-Avengers: Endgame landscape and will see Renner's Clint Barton begin training Steinfeld's Bishop to take over the Hawkeye mantle. The series will also explore Barton's time as the vigilante Ronin, briefly seen in the epic conclusion of the Infinity Saga. While fans are thoroughly excited for the debut of Bishop, Marvel Studios has shown its faith in the project early with a spinoff series centered on Cox's Echo already in development.
Directors Bert & Bertie took to Instagram over the weekend to share with fans the news that post-production on the Disney+ MCU series has officially wrapped. Posting a photo of some tasty-looking cookies, the duo shared their appreciation for editors Rosanne Tan and Tim Roche and the rest of Marvel's post-production team for helping them and the rest of the directors put together their cuts.
With filming having only just wrapped over a month ago on the series, it's rather impressive to learn that the assembly of director's cuts on the episodes has already been completed. While we still don't know how many episodes the series will have, the quicker post-production cycle seems to indicate it either began early in an effort to make its late 2021 premiere or the show was not in need of as much visual effects work as other MCU projects. That being said, it's more likely the former is true, given Marvel's careful planning of development, production, and releases for its projects.
Now that the cuts are assembled and the premiere of Loki is coming up, fans should be able to look forward to glimpses at Disney+'s Hawkeye coming over the next few months. Looking back at the Disney+ MCU release cycle, more images and trailers for Falcon and the Winter Soldier arrived as WandaVision got underway, making it all the more likely the studio will begin unveiling material for the Renner-fronted series soon. Not to mention, with four more movies and three new series on the way, Marvel fans have a lot to look forward to as the year goes on.
- Screen Rant
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typingtess · 5 years
NCIS: Los Angeles Season Ten Rewatch:   "No More Secrets"
The basics:  The team goes on an unsanctioned trip to Cuba where they run into so many familiar faces!
Written by:  Andrew Bartels & Erin Broadhurst  
Andrew Bartels wrote or co-wrote “Allegiance”, “Zero Days”, “The Grey Man”, “Humbug”, “Fighting Shadows”, “Driving Miss Diaz”, “Angels & Daemons”, “Where There’s Smoke…”, “Glasnost”, “Old Tricks” “Battle Scars”, “Fool Me Twice”, “Warrior of Peace”, “Reentry”, “The Prince”, “Smokescreen” and “The One That Got Away”(with Erin Broadhurst)
Erin Broadhurst wrote or co-wrote “Praesidium”, “Unspoken”, “Come Back”, “Sirens”, “Getaway”, “Forasteira”, “Venganza”, “Joyride” and “The One That Got Away” (with Andrew Bartles).
Directed by:  Yangzom Brauen directed last season’s “Venganza” and “Heist” this season.
Guest stars of note:  Peter Jacobson as Special Prosecutor John Rogers, Bar Paly as Anastasia “Anna” Kolcheck and David S. Lee as Pavel Volkoff are all back from "The One That Got Away".  Daniel J. Travanti as Nikita Aleksandr returns from "Warrior of Peace".  Elizabeth Bogush is back from "The Prince" as Joelle Taylor.  Oscar Nuñez as Lionel Fernandez and Gene Farber as Darius Reznikov.
Our heroes:   Have a much better unsanctioned trip in May 2019 than in May 2018.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Loses a father, gains a possible brother. Sam:  Carries Anna to safety. Kensi:   Guarding the restaurant's back door. Deeks:  Thinks Fernandez is making a terrible mistake wanting Kensi as his interrogator. Eric:  Finds the chlorine gas dispersal system. Nell:   Wants to be with both of her families. Hetty:  Started the Garrison rescue wheels in motion by telling Darius that Garrison was alive.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  A good son. Sam:  Preparing for Fernandez to disappoint. Kensi:  Picked out the car. Deeks:  Always wanted to go to Cuba and visit the underground scene. Eric:    Exclusively working out at the rock climbing gym. Nell:   Pretending to share an anniversary with Eric. Hetty:  Reading poetry in the park.
Who's down with OTP:  Really no Kensi and Deeks time.  Eric and Nell celebrate a faux anniversary.
Who's down with BrOTP:   This is a father and son episode.
Any pressing need for Harm and Mac:  No, but soon.
Who is running the team this week?  Rogers and Hetty.  Rogers was introduced as someone with a bad history with Hetty.  If Rogers returns, will we see that?
Mosley watch:  This unsanctioned mission brings up memories of the last unsanctioned mission.
Fashion review:   Weekend gear for all as Callen opens up in the episode in a blue plaid button down shirt.  Sam is in a black, long-sleeve tee.  Kensi and Deeks obviously had plans.  She's in a blue jump suit, sleeveless while he's wearing a pink plaid button down shirt and off white pants.  Eric is wearing long pants with a green button-down short sleeve shirt with pink flamingos.  Nell has on a black mock turtleneck with puffy sleeves and a black skirt.  Hetty is wearing a coat over a navy blue suit.
In Havana, Callen wears a linen button down pale blue shirt, grey khakis.  Sam is in a light green long-sleeve tee-shirt with tan khakis.  Kensi is wearing a black and white striped top with cap sleeves and white pants.  Deeks is in a coral polo with black pants.  In Ops, Eric is wearing a black short-sleeve button down shirt with light little dots and long pants.  Nell is wearing a denim button down blouse with a bright yellow floral skirt.
Going into the bunker, Sam is in military style grey jacket.  Kensi is in a medium grey-long sleeve v-neck tee.  Deeks has on a dark blue long-sleeve tee.
Visiting Garrison the first time in the hospital, Callen has on a dark blue button down shirt while Hetty wears her chocolate brown suit.  Callen takes his father to Hannah Larson's grave wearing a grey plaid button down shirt.  He finishes the episode in a dark blue suit at Garrison’s grave.
Music: Rosanne Cash's "The World Unseen" is playing at the cemetery at the end.
Any notable cut scene: Yes.  Kensi and Deeks arrive at the office in their Saturday finest.  Kensi is on the phone canceling brunch plans with Mindy and T.J.  Deeks is not a T.J. fan since he brags family members who know LA Rams players.  Kensi reminds him that T.J. can get them season tickets.  Deeks wants her to reschedule brunch as soon as possible.
Eric is coming downstairs from Ops (it wouldn’t be a season 10 deleted scene without Eric or Nell).  Kensi asks why did Callen call them into the office on a Saturday.  Joelle is standing at the top of the stairs.  She promises to explain everything.  Eric tells Kensi and Deeks “We’re officially through the looking glass.”
Quote: Sam:  "I'm handing you off to Lionel.  You keep them informed if anything happens up here."
Fernandez:  "You've shown me the light, Agent Hanna.  I won't let you down." Sam:  "I'm pretty sure you will."
Anything else:   In cold and snowy Siberia, Pavel Volkoff has Garrison dragged to the prison yard without a coat.  With his prisoner on his knees, Volkoff asks if Garrison was mistreated – if he was, Volkoff wants to reward Garrison's guards.  Volkoff's plan to imprison and torture Garrison has changed, much to Garrison's dismay.  He prefers the original plan.  Instead, Volkoff is taking Garrison "to a much warmer climate."
On the bench where she met Kensi in "Blye, K." part one, Hetty is reading Emily Dickinson to an arriving Callen.  Callen knows his poetry but does not know where Anna is.  With all the chess moves involved with getting Anna close to Kate/Katya and Volkoff, Callen wants to talk to the best chess player he knows – Hetty.  Callen asks why he was kept in the dark about Anna's moves.  Hetty tells of a promise he made to Garrison to keep Callen from trying to rescue him.  Annoyed, Callen says that wasn't her promise to make.  All Garrison wanted was Callen safe – that was her promise to keep.
Callen then explains everything that got Anna sent to Alton and close to Kate Miller/Katya including "forcing" Anna into the mission.  Making it clear she didn't force Anna into anything, Hetty tells Callen she did not initiate this mission – far more powerful people are interested in Volkoff.  The CIA is involved – she helped Anna escape.  She – being Joelle.
In Ops, Joelle is running the briefing.  The team is wearing weekend clothes – this is not a workday briefing.  The CIA is interested in Volkoff, not so much Garrison.  Garrison was a motivating force for Anna, however.  As this is a high risk operation, Joelle is running it alone.  The Agency loves plausible deniability.  If it goes badly, Joelle takes the fall.  "And Anna," Callen adds.  
At 6AM that morning, Anna sent a photo of some characters on a page.  "A pigpen cypher" Kensi notes.  The note puts Anna in Havana (that rhymes) as does digital data in the phone.  It was sent from a public computer in the Hotel Marabana.  A second photo of cypher reads "SOS".  The team is on their way to Havana – Deeks has the clothes for it according to Sam.  
Eric arrives. He found something else embedded in Anna's last photo.  It is a picture of Garrison in an SUV surrounded by guards.  The photo is time stamped four hours ago.  Callen is stunned to see his father is still alive.
In the bullpen, Eric tells the team their flight to Cuba is leaving at 8:15PM arriving in Havana the next morning.  This is a CIA Black Ops mission – not sanctioned.  Rogers knows nothing so when they get to Havana, they have 24-hours to do their thing or they will be missed Monday morning.  Sam wants everyone ready to when they hit the airport.  The last time they went on an unsanctioned mission they wound up with Rogers.  Callen wants them in and out of Havana before Rogers can shut them down.  Kensi, Deeks, Eric and Nell all leave to prepare.  Sam sighs, "Anything for family."  Callen leaves to be alone for a second.  He updates Alex's voicemail about finding Garrison.
In Havana, Callen and Sam are outside a the Hotel Marabana – Joelle is on her cell.  Sam checked he hotel ledger – Anna is not a guest.  Asked about security cameras, Sam couldn't check those – the hotel doesn't have them.  Joelle has a CIA man in Havana – Lionel Fernandez.  Nothing happens in Havana without Lionel knowing about it.  He's provided the CIA with intel on Volkoff's regular visits to Cuba.  
Sam asks about weapons – Fernandez can provide them.  After Joelle tells the men she’s meeting with Fernandez in a local restaurant, Callen announces he’s joining her.  Joelle objects – Fernandez doesn't know Callen.  That works for Callen since he doesn't know Fernandez.  Sam, Kensi and Deeks will keep an eye on the restaurant.  Well they will as soon as Kensi and Deeks arrive.  And they do in a classic 1950's car.  Sam thinks he's been on boats smaller than the vehicle.  It is Kensi's idea – a good way to blend in.  
In Los Angeles, Eric and Nell are in the coffee area.  He is reassuring Nell that the team is safe because of her awesome backstops.  They will be monitoring the team for the entire trip.  Nell talks about not monitoring the team for much longer.  What happens to the team if Eric takes up the tech company's offer and if Nell leaves to take care of her Mom – "What if?"  Eric tells her not to do "what ifs" but Nell “what ifs” something goes terribly wrong.  She wants to be there for both of her families.  They hug just in time for Rogers to arrive.
Dressed in gym gear, he works out in the office on the weekend.  "And you?" Rogers asks.  Eric talks about the rock climbing gym gift.  Rogers was talking about the two of them being in the office. Eric and Nell talk about celebrating the anniversary of their first mutual flirtation. They go to the coffee area "where it all began."  Rogers is off to workout but Eric and Nell know he's suspicious.
In Havana, Callen and Joelle chat about a Cuban place where they'd eat.  Joelle missed the place.  Callen doesn't understand why "Jo" is working the case.  She could have returned to her family – they were safe.  "No they weren't," Joelle answers, "not from me."  Joelle understands that her family deserves better than her CIA lifestyle.  
Outside, Sam, Kensi and Deeks see Fernandez walking down the street.  In a fedora, Fernandez is waving to the locals, making a pass at a young woman.  Deeks warns Callen, "incoming."  After calling her name across the restaurant – "JoJo" – as all good spies do, Fernandez gives Joelle a big hug.  He is fascinated by Callen's introduction of "G".  That would be a great character name for his spy novel to be based on his life.  
Shown a photo of Anna, Lionel does not recognize her.  He'll check with the bellboys at the hotel.  Explaining that the cell service, internet service and even restaurant service is slow – Fernandez orders three mojitos for the table, extra mint – he's sure Anna is fine.  Callen and Anna share a worried look.
Outside of the restaurant, two SUVs with soldiers pull up.  Sam warns Callen to get out now.  Callen and Joelle start running when the soldiers enter the restaurant.  Captured, Joelle turns to Fernandez asking what did he do?  He apologizes as the soldiers take Callen and Joelle into custody.  Waiting for them outside is Pavel Volkoff.  Seeing this, Deeks asks Sam what is their next move?  Without weapons, they don't have one.  Callen is put in one SUV, Joelle another.
Working with Eric and Nell, Kensi tells them the team lost Callen in traffic.  Nell did too.  The GPS in his comms dropped two blocks from the restaurant.  Eric can't help – there are no traffic cameras in Havana.  The team is going to check out the restaurant.  Eric and Nell wonder about telling Rogers.  Checking him struggle on the rock wall, they decided against speaking to him.
With the restaurant cleared out, Sam is questioning Fernandez.  Fernandez said it wasn't supposed to be this way – it isn't how the game is played.  Looking at Kensi, Fernandez prefers she interrogate him, not Sam.  "Trust me, you don't want that," Deeks warns.
After smashing Fernandez's mint mojito, Sam explains how Fernandez's career is going to end.  Fernandez will be walking down the street and see a pretty woman.  When he turns to look at the woman, Fernandez will never hear the shot, never feel the blade.  "One minute you're here, the next minute you're gone."  Fernandez is not worried about himself.  He's worried about his family – his mother, his brother, his nieces.  Volkoff threatened to kill Fernandez's family unless Fernandez worked for him.  Fernandez isn't afraid of the fast CIA kill. He's afraid of how Volkoff kills - slowly and painfully.  With both Sam and Fernandez wanting Volkoff gone, Sam thinks they can work together.
In a dark room, Callen walks to his father trying to treat him.  Callen was drugged when he was brought to an old bunker about an hour outside of Havana.  Garrison tries to get Callen to drink some water before asking if he is in Cuba alone.  Fearing the room is bugged, Callen does not want to talk but Garrison already swept the cell for listening devices.  Callen tells Garrison his team is in Cuba.  Garrison tells Callen he saw Anna when he got to Cuba – "it looked like she was working with them."  
Asking about Alex and Jake, Garrison is relieved they are not mixed up in this.  Garrison explained he's been in Russia – finally made it to the gulag.  Callen was worried Garrison was dead.  Garrison believes Volkoff "wants his money's worth" – a slow and miserable death for the older man.  Callen wants to know why Garrison is in Cuba. Saying he's never seen Volkoff act this way before, Garrison believes something has scared him, making Volkoff more dangerous than ever.
Volkoff arrives with a little history of the place.  It was a Russian school for spies – the KGB's finest were trained in Cuba.  "So not you," Callen notes.  Proving family ties do run deep, Garrison mentions "As a young KGB officer, Pavel could not even get field work.  Nobody trusted him to have their back."  Volkoff thinks trust is overrated.  He is powerful, wealthy and successful while his old KGB co-workers are dead or missing.
Moved into an observation room, Callen, Garrison and Volkoff watch a man tied to a chair with an old 1960's gas mask over his head.  One of Volkoff's stooges has bent the breathing tube – the man in the mask is suffocating.  The form of torture is called the Little Elephant according to Garrison – "it is a favorite of Pavel's."  While the man is suffocating, a second goon is punching him in the stomach.  
Volkoff orders the torture to stop.  When the gas mask is removed, Garrison reacts.  Volkoff explains this is why he brought Garrison to Cuba.  While Garrison denies knowing the man who was tortured, it is obvious he does.  Volkoff gives an order to his lackeys.  One pulls down the collar of the tortured man's shirt.  The Romani tattoo from the Comescu story arc is there.  Callen has questions but is removed from the room – Volkoff wants to speak to Garrison.
Outside of the bunker where Callen and Garrison are being held, heavily armed Sam, Kensi and Deeks are asking Fernandez about the site.  The location was abandoned for years but in the last six months, there was a lot of activity.  Cars and equipment going in and out of the building.  Volkoff started visiting regularly as well.  With a large number of soldiers patrolling outside the building's entrance, the team has to find another way in.
When Garrison returns to the room, Callen asks about the man with the tattoo.  Garrison claims the man stole from Volkoff and Volkoff wants what was stolen returned.  That's Garrison's assignment.  Callen asks about the man and his Romani tattoo.  Garrison lies.  Saying they promised no more secrets, Callen wants the truth.  
Volkoff returns, asking if Garrison considered his offer.  Calling Volkoff's word worthless, Garrison does not want to comply.  Volkoff speaks about an asset that has just returned to him – Katya Miranova, aka Kate Miller.  He was thrilled she returned to them until he realized "she brought an enemy into our camp."  Katya has been returned to Russia "to be dealt with" but Volkoff still has not decided what to do with Anna.  Then Callen showed up.
Turning bright lights in the dark room, Joelle and Anna are seen standing in front of a wall, hands tied with rope, duct tape over their mouths.  Saying the CIA Officer was a bonus, Volkoff will save Callen the pain of watching the women die if Garrison cooperates.  Thinking Volkoff will kill the women anyway, kill them all, Garrison tells Volkoff he lost.  The fear in Volkoff's eyes are the last look of a dying man.  Volkoff shoots Joelle and Anna as Callen screams "no!"
Eric and Nell found declassified schematics for the bunker. Sending them to Sam's phone, he sees two ventilation shafts 100 feet north and 100 feet south of the bunker.  Kensi and Deeks are going south, Sam is taking Fernandez north.  Fernandez is not happy.
Callen is getting the Little Elephant treatment.  Saying that Garrison has the gulag record for the longest time without air, Volkoff believes Callen may beat it.   As Volkoff has the gas mask removed, Garrison asks why Darius would even listen to him.  "You're the closet thing he has to a father," Volkoff answers.  Callen is surprised and Volkoff notices.
Volkoff tells Callen that Darius Reznikov is his current name but before that, he was a Comescu – "the family that killed your mother."  Garrison hunted the Comescus for years – killing many of them.  He killed a husband and wife only to learn their son was sleeping upstairs, "a boy, not even ten."  Volkoff pities Callen.  Garrison sent him away only to raise "your enemy's son."  It is Little Elephant time once again for a visibly unhappy Callen.  Garrison stops the torture – he will speak to Darius.
A winded Fernandez realizes he needs to get in shape has Sam is looking around for the ventilation shaft.  Sam finds the shaft just as Kensi and Deeks find theirs.  Looking at the schematics, Nell tells the team they will lose comms once they are in the bunker.  Sam passes his to Fernandez – he is to contact Eric and Nell if anything happens.  After Fernandez promises not to let Sam down, Sam is pretty sure Fernandez will.  Fernandez asks Eric and Nell if they can see him – they cannot.  He's glad – he needs to pee.
Up in Ops, Eric and Nell have a visitor – Rogers.  He was looking for Tiger Baum and now he is looking for answers.  
With Volkoff watching from the observation room, Garrison sits with his back to his captor.  Darius this Garrison is disappointed in him.  Garrison taught him to be killed rather than be captured.  Garrison is sorry he taught Darius that – alive is always better than dead.  After the KGB raided their home, Garrison thought Darius was dead.  He should have looked for Darius, he should have known better.  Darius thought Garrison was dead.  He was being trained to work for Volkoff when he found out Garrison was alive.
Using hand signals, Garrison is warns Darius they are being watched by Volkoff.  They are but Volkoff can't see the hand signals.  When asked what he took from Volkoff, Darius says "his life," explaining that he has evidence that Volkoff has lost control of the Cuba project.  If they learn about that in Russia, Volkoff will be hanged.  Darius said he was going to use the evidence to blackmail Volkoff into releasing Garrison.  "How's that been going so far?" Garrison asked, laughing.
While his captor is sharpening his knife, Callen is taunting the man about his name – Yakov is a comic in America, not a great name for a torturer.  Starting to cough, Callen talks about his punctured lung and some breathing issues.  
Moving, Volkoff sees Garrison's hand signals to Darius.  He wants Garrison removed from where they are keeping Darius.  Two men move in to take out Garrison.  As the older man stands, Darius kicks Garrison’s chair into one of the guards.  Garrison tries to take away that man's rifle while Darius struggles with the other.  Getting the guard's gun, Darius shoots the man fighting with his father before shooting the other guard.
Volkoff races into the room and grab the rifle.  As Volkoff is about to shoot Darius, Garrison shields Darius - taking a number of bullets to the chest.  Darius fires back, causing Volkoff to run.  Garrison tells Darius to not worry about him, "find Grisha."  
As he starts violently coughing, Callen stands while still tied to the chair and runs into one of his guards.  Yakov, the torture, crosses the room to stab Callen.  When Callen ducks, Yakov stabs the guard, who fires wildly into the air and Yakov.  
Sam finds Kensi and Deeks.  The bunker is a maze – they are not splitting up again.
Callen frees himself from the chair.  Grabbing the guard's rifle, he runs right into Darius.  Darius is looking for Volkoff, Callen for Garrison.  Telling Callen where Garrison is, Darius wishes him good luck as Darius goes to find Volkoff.
Callen runs down a hall.  At a corner, he is being shot at by two different Volkoff stooges.  Trying to figure out what to do, Callen hears both men drop.  Anna comes around one corner, Joelle the other.  Volkoff didn't kill them – "squibs and an electrical shock" to make Callen think they were dead.  Callen asks why would Volkoff do that?  Anna wants to ask him and then Joelle wants to shoot him.  Callen wants to find Garrison first.
Darius goes into the room where Callen killed his captors.  Volkoff is hiding near the door. When Darius is well into the room, Volkoff locks Darius in.  Darius tries to shoot his way out with no luck.
Sam, Kensi and Deeks are in a firefight with several of Volkoff's men when Sam sees Volkoff.  Leaving Kensi and Deeks to handle the help, Sam is going after Volkoff.  
Outside, Fernandez sees a number of the guards moving into the bunker.  He tells Eric and Nell that could be a good thing.  When a guard comes up behind him, Fernandez has a change of heart.
Nell updates Rogers.  Garrison and Anna are persona non grata in the US, the CIA will disavow the mission – there are no happy endings here "within the boundaries of federal or international law."  An "oh no" from Eric sounds ominous.  Looking at the schematics, Eric finds a chlorine gas dispersal system.  Nell wonders if it still would work after all these years.  "God I hope not," Eric answers.
It works.  Volkoff is turning the old switches that cause very modern countdown clock to start.  Five seconds into a five minute countdown, Sam starts shooting at Volkoff. Volkoff shoots back.   Sam sees the chlorine dispersal system.
Racing down a hall, Volkoff comes across Callen.  With Joelle and Anna, Callen goes after Volkoff, who locks himself into a room.  Kicking the door down, Callen is about to shoot Volkoff when Volkoff is shot.  A dying Garrison is in the corner with a gun.
Callen and Joelle get Garrison to his feet.  Deciding to make a deal, Volkoff tells Anna he could have killed her but she was more valuable to him alive.  "So am I," he tells Callen, Joelle and Anna.  He could be the CIA's greatest asset.  Joelle thinks that's why they are in Cuba.  It isn't why Callen is in Cuba.  He's about to shoot Volkoff when Garrison tells him Pavel is a dead man walking.  Volkoff warns them of the dangers heading their way.  
Sam arrives and tells everyone they need to move.  Pavel begs not to be left behind.  Callen kicks Volkoff when he’s down on the ground as Callen carries Garrison to safety.
The team is racing out of the bunker as the gas is released.  One of Volkoff's remaining men fires at the team – hitting Anna.  As Sam carries Anna, the entire team gets out of the bunker.  Unfortunately, there is a welcome party waiting for them.  "I think we're dead," Deeks says as half-a-dozen soldiers point their weapons at the team.
Fernandez arrives, announcing team Rescue Garrison is with him. He paid off the soldiers – the CIA doesn't even pay attention to the money he spends.  A helicopter arrives, compliments of Adm. Kilbride.  There is a carrier group in the Straits of Florida.  Sam wants to know who called Kilbride.  Hetty did but only after Rogers called her.  Rogers is beginning to understand the grey part of the NCIS OSP's work.
Sam is trying to move everyone toward the helicopter.  They only have a few minutes before the Cuban military realizes the US is there.  Anna won't go.  She can't go – she's still a wanted fugitive.  Callen tells her the CIA will sort that all out.  The CIA can't get her face out of news reports.  She's safer in Cuba – Anna knew this was a one-way assignment.  Callen thanks Anna and Joelle for all they did.  Anna asks Callen to tell Arkady – "the big oaf, I love him."
In a Los Angeles hospital, Garrison is dying.  Alex and Jake visited.  Hetty is there with Callen.  Callen is having a hard time handling this.  Hetty offers to sit with Garrison – let Callen get some rest.  
When Garrison wakes up, he thanks Hetty for setting his all in motion by telling Darius that Garrison was alive.  What Garrison can't understand is why Hetty didn't tell Callen about Darius.  Hetty talks about how much Callen admires Garrison.  Garrison regret not helping Darius more.  He believes Darius is dead.  Hetty does not – he's survived other near death experiences, "never underestimate a Comescu."  
In Cuba, Volkoff is dying on the ground from chlorine gas poisoning.  Darius, using the gas mask Volkoff tortured him with, walks out of the bunker.  
A day later, Garrison is trying to get out of bed when Callen walks in.  Garrison tells Callen he wants to see his daughter – not Alex, "my other daughter."  Garrison knows he does not have much time left.
Callen takes his father to Hannah Lawson's grave.  Weeping, Garrison thanks his son for bringing him home.  Not long after, Callen is leaving the Russian coin his father and Arkady used to get dissident out of the old Soviet Union on a tombstone – "Nikita Aleksandr Reznikov".
What head canon can be formed from here:   While not of a fan of the cheap and regular death on this program and most others, Garrison's death felt earned.  He saved his son from murdering Volkoff in cold blood, taught the other son how to survive.  
Callen may be crushed that Darius wound up with a life with Garrison but what sort of life was that?  Callen was sent away because Garrison was on a multi-city revenge killing tour.  The found little boy Darius was trained by Garrison to be killed rather than captured.  Somehow Hetty Lange's School of Mischief (tm:  Martin Deeks) seems like a normal childhood.  The gentle old man at the end was not that person after his wife was murdered hellbent on revenge.
This also does a decent job of setting up the season finale two-parter.  Volkoff is talking about what's coming and he is a part of the plot.  
Episode number:    This is part two of two, episode 22 of season ten and episode 238 overall.
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madelainesvixens · 5 years
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Day Two: Blossom cookies
Ship: Toni Topaz and Cheryl Blossom (Choni)
Requested by: @strangepersoncroissantpersona
19. ''My house, my rules. The Christmas music stays on.''
26. '' If I hear one more Mariah Carey song I will riot.''
On their first day of winter break, Cheryl woke up with a cookie craving. Not any cookies. White chocolate Christmas shaped ones with red glittery icing and crushed candy cane, aka Nana Rose's speciality. Alas, the old woman could barely differ a knife from a spoon, let alone bake cookies for her grandchild.
Toni bargained and suggested they could go get breakfast at some bakerie but, the redhead had something else in mind.
Less than ten minutes later, the two girls were in the kitchen, gathering the ingredients needed to bake cookies...at eight o'clock in the morning.
Cheryl read the Blossom's family cook book, a small smile curving on her lips. When she and Jason were kids, Rosanne used to bake these exact cookies with them. Naturally, Jason would eat all the dough and Cheryl the icing, making the cookie batch diminish significantly. Now, Cheryl was in charge of the baking and she was so nervous. What if she mess up her Nana's recipe?
''We need a large bowl,'' Cheryl announced. ''It's in the cabinet behind you. First shelf. Can you grab it for me, Babe?''
Toni nodded and opened the cupboard, pulling her eyebrows together when she saw no large bowl. ''Erm, are you certain it's there?''
''Yes, it should- Oh, I just remembered! Mother moved it on the third shelf. She didn't want Nana Rose baking on her own and risk setting Thornhill on fire.''
The petite Serpent looked up at the third shelf, knowing there was no way she could reach it.  
Instead of getting a chair, Cheryl decided it would be a better idea to lift Toni's petite self and have her grab it. It shouldn't be more difficult than cheerleading, right?
''I..2..3, get it, get it!''
Toni held onto the cabinet's edge, reaching the back of the shelve for the large bowl as Cheryl lifted her.
''Get the bowl! The bowl!''
''I can't see it, Babe-''
Cheryl tried to elevate her girlfriend higher but she started tilting on the right and it was not good. ''It's in the back.''
Toni elongated her arm, palping blindly for a bowl. ''Got it!''
She handed the bowl to Cheryl who set it on the counter, stealing a kiss in between actions. ''Thank you, my little elf.''
''Cheryl Blossom, did you just call me an elf?''
Cheryl innocently shook her head. ''No. It wasn't me.''  
Toni narrowed her eyes at the redhead and she grinned.
Although not for positive reasons, last year's Christmas would be forever inked in Cheryl's mind. For starter, her mother had thrown away Jason's stocking and filled Cheryl's with tinny, dollar store candy canes, saying they were too broke for real stocking stuffers. Refusing to cross this beautiful holiday off her calendar, Cheryl's holiday spirit too over rationality and decided to buy the prettiest - and most expensive - tree from Archie's dad and decorated it for Nana Rose. Even if she was old and could barely see, it was no reason to not put up a beautiful tree, right? Her Christmases were counted.
On Christmas morning, just when Cheryl thought she had saved Christmas, she caught her mother doing some pigsty stuff on the couch with 'Santa'.
It wasn't how she wanted last year's Christmas to go. Being the first Christmas without her twin brother, it was an emotionally difficult one but Penelope brushed his death like dust, adding to the list of reasons why she was such a terrible mother.
This year though, Cheryl intended to make up for last year's less than memorable Christmas. With Penelope officially out of her house and her bank account being full again, nothing would get in the way of her holiday spirit.
To get even more in the ambiance of their Christmas baking, Cheryl put her favorite playlist on and Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is You filled the kitchen, making Toni want to rip her ears out. She wasn't an anti-Christmas-music person, she just couldn't stand this song anymore. It's been overplayed on the radio and, truth be told, it wasn't that good...sorry not sorry.
''Ugh! Please, turn that off....I'm begging you,'' Toni demanded, cringing at the all-too-familiar melody.
The redhead shook her head, breaking a piece of white chocolate and snapping it in half with her teeth. ''My house, my rules. The Christmas music stays on.'' She started twirling and humming to the song and Toni couldn't help but stare in awe. She was so adorable in her red two piece silk nightwear and matching gown. But, what the petite Serpent loved the most was the smile on Cheryl's lips. It was a rare thing on her, Toni had noticed.
''Can you pick another song then? If I hear one more Mariah Carey song I will riot.''  
Rolling her eyes at her girlfriend's antics, Cheryl changed the music, picking one Toni approved. ''Is this one better?''
''Much better,'' Toni confirmed.
The recipe went without issues. The dough was just as delicious as Cheryl remembered - she was more of a frosting girl though - and she was very excited to bring some to Nana Rose's chamber later.
While Cheryl was flattening the dough with the rolling pan, Toni went looking for the cookie cutters. Unlike with the bowl, the pink haired girl reached for the cookie cutters without any trouble, setting them on the counter. Only did she know she would be attacked by the vanilla essence tumbling down the shelf a half second later, the dark tinted bottle shattering on the floor. She screamed as it fell and Cheryl whirled around.
They paused and cleaned up the mess, making sure no shards of glass remained on the floor, not fancying spending hours at the ER to get a piece of glass out of one's feet.
Once the cookies were in the oven, it was time to start the red, glittery frosting - and crush the candy canes.
Toni took responsibility of frosting duty, knowing Cheryl would eat all the frosting if she had the bowl in her possession and there would be none left for the cookies. She has a very sweet tooth, can you blame her?
The inevitable happened and Cheryl dipped a finger in the red frosting Toni had just finished, popping her index out of her mouth with a loud pop.  
''Your verdict, Bombshell?''
She hummed at the taste, a grin spreading on her full lips. ''Delicious. Why don't you have a taste for yourself, Babe?'' The redhead dipped another finger in the frosting and held it in Toni's direction. The latter should've been wary of Cheryl's mischievous smile because before she realized it, the icing was on her nose.
A grin spread on Cheryl's full lips and Toni gaped. ''Oh, you wanna play this game?''
Cheryl giggled and the tan skinned girl took some frosting on her finger and spread it on her girlfriend's face, right on the corner of her mouth.
Instead of fighting back and smearing more frosting on Toni's face, Cheryl raised her eyebrows expectantly. ''You're gonna have to clean this mess...''
''With pleasure.'' Toni leaned in and kissed the corner of Cheryl's mouth and licked the frosting.
A fait burning smell filled the kitchen and Cheryl squaled, pulling away. ''The cookies!''
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reversaloftheheart1 · 6 years
Dbh as doggos part 4
( i can't believe I'm still doing this)
Pr. Cristina warren - West Highland terrier
Michael brinkley -
Rosanne Cartland - dachshund
pequeno basset griffon vendéen
Michael webb - Hovawart
Jimmy - Puli
Isaac falone - Irish wolfhound
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Joss Douglas - Jagdterrier
Joseph Sheldon - Chow chow
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Nathan clark - Black & tan coonhound
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Tina - Shikoku
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(Why do they have two Michaels?)
There's going to be one/two more depending on who i can stick on the last
Pls let me know which is your favourite!
See you next time
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toloveawarlord · 6 years
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Ch. 2
Pairing: Edgar x Iris
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Rosanne did not disappoint. While her disapproval of my actions clearly present, she had called in the cavalry. Two other middle-aged women were gathered around me, deliberating on how to proceed. The first thing that they decided had to be addressed was my breasts. A lot of pain came with how tightly Edna was wrapping them. She had experience in helping royals into ballgowns and that required some strength. Corsets were hard to lace up. She blew a strand of hair out of face. “What do you think, Meredith? Will that be tight enough to use with the crystals.”
              Meredith worked as a fairy godmother of sorts. It was a hush hush kind of thing, but for the right price, she could give you crystals that could alter some features slightly. Kind of like draping a mirage over your own body. Completely changing a person’s face or body was impossible, but she promised that it would be enough. “We just have to give you a rougher edge to your jawline, and keep those lady parts nice and hidden, and overall make you give off a presence of manly.”
              Rosanne had been busy making me pants and shirts to wear for any casual occasion. The Red Army uniform that regular soldiers wore would be issued upon arrival. I needed something to wear tomorrow, and Rosanne knew Ian well enough that she could make an outfit that would be most like him. Something casual, a little baggy, but still put together, as I, disguised as Ian, would be begging for a chance to prove myself.
              “Here, dear,” Meredith patted an empty chair. “You’re going to have to sit down for this.” She had a large needle in her hand. It took a moment for me to realize. Ian has his right ear pierced at the top. Thankfully, I had never wanted to do that. Regretfully, that means my first piercing is going to be done by someone other than a professional. “Now, the crystal is easy to pop out so long as you take the back of the earring off. You’ll have to replace it every four days. Since it’s so small, you’ll get more of them from the crystals you’ve bought.”
              The tip of needle poked into the soft cartilage of my ear. I sucked in a breath. The stinging pain that shot through my body as she stabbed me, made me cry out in pain. “Oww. Owww! That hurts!” I complained, gripping the edge of the seat to keep from moving away.
              Meredith laughed lightly. “Iris, you’re going to be training with men much stronger than you. You’ll have to learn to take pain without screaming like a girl. While my crystals can change your appearance, they cannot change your voice. You’ll have to keep your octave a little lower.” Sticking in the earring, she wiped away the little trickle of blood.
              Going over to the mirror, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was me, but it was Ian. “This is crazy,” I said, touching my chin to see if it was still the same. It felt like my chin and jaw… Running my fingers over my breasts, they were still there but, in the mirror, I couldn’t tell. Magic is awesome.
              Rosanne brought me some black slacks and a tan baggy long sleeved shirt. “Iris, I wish you would reconsider, but I know your pride won’t let you,” Rosanne said, watching me slid the pants on and the sliding a belt through the loops to keep it on my bony hips.
              I smiled at her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for worrying about me, but this is what I was meant to do. Fighting was always my strong suit,” I replied. Ian wouldn’t survive the first week of army training.
              Meredith handed me my satchel and slid the bag of crystal pieces into it. “You need to hurry. The Red Army loves rules, and all recruits must be present by 9AM, right?” She pointed to the clock that read 8:30. We’d been at this all night, and at this rate, I might be late.
              Edna wrapped her arms around my neck. “This material is water resistant, so taking a bath should be alright. Just come see me on your off day and I’ll redo it for you,” she said, patting my back.
              Rosanne and Meredith both hugged me tightly as well, giving more wishes of good luck.
              Setting out to return to the Red Army Headquarters, I had to run through the Central Quarter to make it there on time. Catching my breath just outside of the main gates, a familiar voice came from beside me. It was the Queen of Hearts, Jonah. “You there. You should have already arrived to change into your uniform. What’s your name?”
              Damn. I didn’t even think about that. “Ian Adley,” I replied, getting an immediate frown out of him. With my showing up yesterday, Lancelot probably told him about me and Ian.
              “You finally decided to serve like your uncle before you?” He asked, not believing it. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, he turned on his heel. “This way. King Lancelot will decide whether or not you will be accepted into the Red Army.” He had an arrogant air about him, and he clearly did not like me.
              Moving down the familiar hallways, we passed two others of the chosen thirteen, Zero and Kyle. Zero stopped mid-sentence, staring at me. He stepped into my path, and asked, “Are you Ian Adley?” He squinted at me, like he could see through my disguise.
              “My sister insisted that I at least try,” I replied, keeping my voice even and low. Being Ian isn’t so hard. He’s just a pushover who doesn’t care about the military at all. At least this way I can make myself, well Iris, look good.
              Jonah cleared his throat, standing at the door of Lancelot’s office. “King Lancelot is very busy, soldier.”
              Slipping past Zero, I took a deep breath and entered his office. It’s kind of nerve racking to be back here. The last time he had rejected me so blatantly. Ian wouldn’t be impressive after he insulted the King of Hearts at the dinner. The silence was only broken when I said, “Iris told me what she tried to do, and then smacked me for running away.”
              Those clear blue eyes narrowed at me, and he folded his hands on the desk in front of him. “Yes, I do admire her resolve to take your place.” He stood, walking around the desk and up to me. “It’s because of her that I have made decision to allow you to join the Red Army as a regular soldier. Should you prove yourself to be worth of the title, in a year or two, the position of the Ten of Hearts will be taken into consideration.”
              That means I’m in, right? Schooling my features to keep from smiling at my small victory, I nodded my head. “I understand, King Lancelot.”
              Lancelot moved past me, toward the door. “Jonah will take you to the barracks where you will change and come to first exam. Should any of the officers want to take you under their command, then, and only then, will you be permitted into the Army.” He left with a flutter of his cape and left no room for argument.  
              “It’s unlikely due to your inexperience and the knowledge that you ran away from your duty,” Jonah said before leaving me in a plain barrack room. He’d walked down in front of me, not bothering so much as to look at me. He wouldn’t be on my side.
              The uniform lying on the bed took longer to put on than I imagined, but I appreciated the privacy at the moment. There were actually two beds, making this a shared living space. Difficult to be a girl with a male roommate, but I’ll make due. If everyone knows about Ian, then they’ll have found out that he’s quite strange and oddly girly. It wasn’t a bad quality, and in fact, worked in my favor.
              The clock struck nine just as I slid into the last spot at the very back of the rows of soldiers, all here to join the Red Army. Lancelot stood at the head, speaking about their duty and the training that we would all undergo as new recruits. The chosen thirteen were around him, surveying the men around me. My name being brought up caught my attention. Lancelot’s harsh gaze was back on me, and the group of men moved out from around me. “Ian, since you didn’t find it in your soul to fulfill your duty until just this morning, you will have to defeat our Ace of Hearts in a duel before you are permitted.”
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forestcollective · 3 years
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Enter a moonlit world where fragments of Arnold Schönberg’s #PierrotLunaire universe crash with digital creations, in a brazen encounter between dance, sound, poetry, video and design. Reimagined as a cascading digital experience, Pierrot takes vignettes from the seminal song cycle and transforms them into a unique multidisciplinary digital world, culminating in a new sonic reimagining by DJ @pixlpixiii For 🎟 link in our bio 📲 💀💀💀 Arnold Schönberg composer Albert Giraud original text Pixlpixi composer, DJ Daniel Szesiong Todd translation, writing @_toddoftoddhall_ Evan J Lawson director @evanjlawson Ashley Dougan choreographer, dancer @goforash Jane Noonan costume, room design @janetnoonan Underground Media, Chris Bennett video documentation, editing Jasmin Bardel design, visual art @jazzy_mc_jazz_pants Aleise Bright voice Kim Tan flutes @pliedpiper Helen Bower violin, viola @piecesofhelen Danaë Killian piano Rosanne Hunt cello Ryan Lynch clarinets @epiccsaxguy Tim Hannah assistant conductor @fromankiwi Old Skool Audio, Dave Wilkinson audio recording engineer Kate Baker photography @katejbaker Presented with @abbotsfordconvent #ForestCollective is supported by @creative_vic & @yarracityarts 💀💀💀 (at Abbotsford Convent) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVbcT9Bh6na/?utm_medium=tumblr
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manuelverdugo · 3 years
Avril Ramona Lavigne (Avril Lavigne)
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Avril Lavigne en Nueva York el 17 de mayo de 2013
Avril Ramona Lavigne; más conocida como Avril Lavigne, es una cantautora, diseñadora de moda y actriz canadiense. 
Nació el veintisiete de septiembre de mil novecientos ochenta y cuatro (1984), en Belleville, Ontario, Canadá. 
Poco después, se mudó a Napani, también en Ontario. Proviene de una familia cristiana de clase media y tiene dos hermanos. Uno mayor Mathew y su hermana menor Michelle. 
Sus padres; Jean-Claude Joseph Lavigne y Judith Rosanne Loshaw, son de origen franco canadiense. 
A los cinco años comenzó a cantar Cospem en la Iglesia. Con doce años aprendió a tocar la guitarra de forma independiente y se dedicaba a cantar en ferias locales. 
En el noventa y ocho (1998), con sólo trece años ganó un concurso de canto, obteniendo la oportunidad de compartir escenario con la cantante Shania Twain. 
Fue la primera vez que Avril tubo que cantar delante de un público de casi veinte mil personas. 
En noviembre del año dos mil, Avril firmó contrato con el manager Ken Kongrard, perteneciente a Artists and Repertoire (A&R), una empresa dedicada a descubrir nuevos talentos, asociada a Arista Records. 
El director de Arista, Antonio Reid, quedó tan impresionado con la presentación de Avril, que la contrató inmediatamente, con un acuerdo de un millón doscientos cincuenta mil (1.25) millones de dólares, por dos álbumes y un extra de novecientos mil dólares por adelantar la publicación. 
Incentivada por la firma, decidió dejar sus estudios para concentrarse plenamente en su carrera musical. 
Avril viajó a Los Ángeles en mayo del dos mil uno (2001), para componer con el equipo de producción musical The Matrix y con el cantautor Cliff Magness, lo que a posteriori (posteriormente) serían las canciones de su álbum debut. 
El álbum Let Go, salió a la venta el cuatro de junio del dos mil dos (2002)  logró la segunda posición en el Billboard 200. 
Por esto ganó un Guiness como la cantante femenina más joven en llevar un álbum debut a la lista de popularidad de Reino Unido. 
Fue certificada a finales de dos mil dos (2002) como cuadro cuádruple disco de Platino por la Recording Industry Association of America (CRIA). 
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Avril Lavigne (2019)
Sus sencillos Sk8er Boi y I'm with You, entraron dentro de los diez sencillos más vendidos de Estados Unidos. 
La canción Complicated, nominada al Grammy como canción del año, llegó al número uno en Australia y al número dos en Estados Unidos. 
Además, fue uno de los sencillos más exitosos en Canadá en el dos mil dos (2002) y obtuvo el lugar ochenta y tres en la lista Hot 100 singles of the decade de Billboard. 
Su segundo álbum Under My Skin salió a la venta Internacionalmente en mayo del dos mil cuatro (2004). 
Lavigne realizó una gira llamada Live and By Surprise Mall Tour, por centros comerciales de veintiséis ciudades de Estados Unidos y Canadá para promover el disco. 
Cada presentación era anunciada cuarenta y ocho horas antes y consistía de un set acústico corto de las canciones de su nuevo álbum. 
My Happy Ending se convirtió en el primer y único sencillo del álbum número uno de la lista Pop Songs de Estados Unidos. 
En dos mil seis (2006) contrajo matrimonio con Deryck Whibley, cantante y guitarrista del grupo Sum 41, después de más de dos años de relación. 
Fueron la catorceava (#14) pareja más rentable del dos mil ocho (2008), generando entre los dos, más de dieciocho millones de dólares, de los cuales quince fueron conseguidos por Lavigne. 
El matrimonio duró tres años y en septiembre del dos mil nueve (2009) se divorciaron, quedando como buenos amigos. 
The Best Damn Thing; su tercer álbum de estudio con su nueva discográfica RCA Records, salió a la venta el diecisiete de abril del dos mil siete (2007). 
Se caracteriza por tener un sonido más próximo al pop, con el cual llegó a un público diferente al que antes no había llegado. 
Su sencillo Girlfriend se ubicó rápidamente en el número uno de las principales listas musicales y fue un éxito mundial, siendo considerado como uno de los principales éxitos de la princesa del pop punk. 
Su videoclip, fue el vídeo más visto de Youtube en julio del dos mil ocho (2008). Rompiendo así el récord de ser el primer vídeo en superar las cien millones de visitas (reproducciones). 
Además; fue grabado con versiones (ocho idiomas diferentes) en alemán, español, francés, italiano, inglés, mandarín, japonés y portugués. 
Su siguiente álbum, Goodbye Lullaby, esta vez con Epic Record, soportó numerosos retrasos en su salida, provocado según Lavigne por su compañía discográfica, ya que el álbum llevaba terminado hacía más de un año para cuando salió el ocho de marzo del dos mil once (2011). 
Durante su grabación, Avril tuvo que lidiar con una faringitis estreptocócica. 
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Lavigne presentando en Los Ángeles (2019)
A pesar de las advertencias de su médico de no cantar durante un tiempo por posibles daños irreversibles en las cuerdas vocales, la skate girl, lo siguió haciendo para completar la grabación del disco. 
Vendió más de tres millones y medio de copias mundialmente y por primera vez compuso y produjo dos canciones totalmente sola, 4 Real y Goodbye. 
Aún así, se convirtió en el álbum menos exitoso de la cantante en Estados Unidos. 
Su quinto disco de estudio Avril Lavigne, salió al mercado el cinco de noviembre del dos mil trece (2013). Su single Here's to Never Growing Up, fue número uno en iTunes en más de veinte países y debutó en la posición treinta y cuatro de la Billboard Hot 100, con noventa y dos mil descargas digitales. 
En abril del dos mil quince (2015), anunció en la revista People que había sido diagnosticada con la enfermedad de Lyme. 
En una entrevista posterior, dijo que se estaba recuperando. 
Esta enfermedad, también la tienen artistas como Richard Gere, Alec Baldwin y la cantante mexicana Thalia. 
En octubre del año pasado, Twitter difundió la noticia de la supuesta muerte de la cantante, diciendo que Lavigne había fallecido en el dos mil tres (2003) y que la habían sustituido por una doble. 
Aunque el blog que escribió la noticia confirmó que era una mentira, las redes sociales obviaron ese dato y las teorías conspiratorias se extendieron como una pólvora. 
Todo quedó en un absurdo susto. 
Paralelamente a su carrera musical, también trabajó como actriz en series de televisión como Sabrina: cosas de brujas, como actriz de doblaje en películas como Vecinos Invasores. 
También tiene su propia línea de guitarras Fender Telecaster, su propia fragancia y su propia marca de ropa. 
Avril no puede comer ningún tipo de producto lácteo, ya que le perjudica en la voz y en la garganta. Su comida favorita es la pizza. Le encanta South Park y es una fan incondicional de Metallica. 
Recuperando su ritmo de trabajo tras su enfermedad, compuso canciones junto con Chad Robert Kroeger de Nickelback, con quien estuvo casada y Travis Clark de We the kings. 
Head Above Water es su sexto álbum de estudio, que sacó por vez primera mediante BMG el quince de febrero del dos mil diecinueve (2019). 
Participó en los Juegos Olímpicos Especiales Abu Dhabi con la canción Right Where I Supposed To Be junto a los cantantes Assala, Hussain Al Jassmi, Luis Fonsi y Tamer Hosny. 
Lavigne promocionó su sexto álbum con la gira musical Head Above Water Tour y el tour lo dio a conocer mediante sus redes sociales el veinticuatro de junio del diecinueve (2019). 
Parte del dinero obtenido en esta gira, la dio a su fundación The Avril Lavigne Foundation, que está dedicada a las personas que sufren la enfermedad de Lyme, entre otras graves. 
El veintiocho de junio del diecinueve (2019), sacó la pista I Fell in Love with the Devil (Me enamoré del diablo). Cuando promocionó su canción generó polémicas debido a la presencia de imágenes cristianas en las fotos donde se veía como era la filmación del vídeo musical. 
Cantó la canción junto con James Corden en The Late Late Show a través de CBS (canal de televisión estadounidense), el treinta de abril del dos mil diecinueve (2019). 
El veintiséis de octubre del diecinueve (2019), cantó en la tradicional fiesta de Halloween que organizó Halsey (Ashley Nicolette Frangipane), con la que cantó a dueto la canción Girlfriend (novia). 
Ya para abril del año pasado, Avril llevó a cabo un proyecto a causa de la pandemia del coronavirus, para obtener dinero y dárselo a Project HOPE, una organización que sirve para mantener al personal médico de todo el mundo con seguridad. 
El veinticuatro de abril del veinte (2020), mediante BMG Rights Management, Lavigne lanza su pista We Are Warriors. La canción está relacionada con la anterior pista Warrior del sexto álbum Head Above Water del dos mil diecinueve (2019). 
Dijo en el anuncio de la canción que el tema estaba dedicado a: 
Los trabajadores del hospital y supermercados, empleados, policías y bomberos, en general, a todos los que se han visto sacudidos en su mundo. 
Avril Lavigne.
En estos momentos, la canadiense está preparando su séptimo álbum de estudio y que podría llegar  a mediados de este año, pero para empezar ya presentó Flames en colaboración con Mod Sun. Esto confirmado en enero del dos mil veintiuno (2021). 
En mayo del año pasado, en entrevista para la revista American Songwriter hizo el comentario de que ya estaba preparando algo de material para su séptimo álbum, donde también por primera vez dijo que deseaba sacar algo de música este año. 
En diciembre del año pasado afirmó estar trabajando con John Feldmann, Machine Gun Kelly, Mod Sun y Travis Barker, creando música para su álbum más novedoso. 
Esperamos que no nos haga esperar mucho y que vuelva pronto a hacernos vibrar con su música. 
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3rJmWow
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tvsotherworlds · 4 years
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bullshit-1313-blog · 4 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: SOLD Rosanne over the knee tan boots size 11.
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