#rooster teeth
ehhgg-art · 1 day
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thank you red vs blue. you were the greatest show ever, of all time.
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0utpost-alpha · 2 days
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parentsday · 3 days
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rooster teeth you ate this one little thing i’ll give you that
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ibetittering · 2 days
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Every time I stay in an Airbnb I'm reminded of when me and my family were homeless for like six months
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helix-studios117 · 3 days
RvB 19: Watch it for free before it goes away!
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theosphobia · 3 days
finding it a little funny that infinite's untogglable armour weathering absolutely fucked the consistency between restoration 's machinima and animation segments
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abbeysquidd · 2 days
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Happy birthday, Alfredo🥳🥳🥳
Link to Alfredo's Twitch
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monarchisms · 3 days
quick reminder that with the rt site shutting down on the 15th, be sure to archive/screenshot any comments or posts you’re sentimental about. once the site is gone, a whole slew of things will be gone, too. the site is excluded on the wayback machine, so you don’t care or have the space for screenshots, an alternative like archive.is might be the way to go, if nothing else works 🫡
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onlyleigh · 1 day
Question If Camp Camp (Whoever takes the show I mean) hired you as a writer again you got to write like a few episodes max, what would you write about?
Oooh i hope that happens!
If that ever happens, the episodes i'll be writing will depend on the general season direction. Usually we would meet early on and discuss the theme of the season and pitch episodes according to that.
But, if i could just pitch whatever, i might want to write one where max has to get by on his own. Maybe he's lost somewhere? Maybe he locked himself accidentally in some room? Something like that. Could be interesting to see how he is when he has no one around to bump against.
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shutthehellupcaboose · 17 hours
You ever wonder why we’re here?
It’s one of life’s greatest mysterious isn’t it? I mean why are we here, are just some part of some big story that will make millions happy, or are we just a product of a bunch of friends making something that they loved and after 21 years it’s going to be a memory, like church, it’s just going to fade eventually like all things. But maybe the people who hear this story, will keep telling it for years to come. I don’t know man. But it keeps me up at night.
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aclairvoyant · 1 day
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What was it exactly that ruined RWBY after volume 3? Was it the death of the author or the creators simply lost touch with their work?
I think I talked about the changes and issues within the narrative before, so I'll just stick to the overall problems with the shift from V3 to V4.
Honestly? The author's passing might have an impact, but it shouldn't have this level of impact.
It's easy to attribute all the success to Monty and just pretend the show was doomed without him. Then why did V3 still come out extremely good? Clearly, there was still talent here - Dillon Goo carried V3 fights on his back, and the story continued - nothing instantly fell apart.
And yet the show did fall apart.
So, what happened?
Were they blindsided by Monty's passing? Were they too inexperienced? Did the hard shift in direction destroy the show's setting? How about the employee burnout?
In reality, I think it's a combination of all of those and more.
They were caught off-guard.
No matter how big Monty's actual role was, people at RT are still human beings.
Death of a friend can turn one's life upside down and fast - understandably, the company would struggle to continue after losing someone so integral to their identity back then.
The way Volume 4 is structured instantly shows that the rest of the staff got blindsided by having to continue the show - V4 is designed to spin its wheels, buying them time while they try to figure out what to do. It's averse to any characterization for the lead four or any change in status quo, and even the lore bits we DO get during V4 are very vague (because the showrunners have no idea what to do).
You can literally imagine them all running around behind the scenes frantically trying to see how they can pick up from where v3 left off and delaying, delaying, delaying.
The issue, however, is that at some point, that kind of stalling becomes their whole MO rather than a temporary thing.
The show effectively stalls any sort of payoff for anything from the first three volumes, shying away from addressing anything within its original identity.
After a while, it's not like they didn't have time to figure things out or turn things around yet - it's that they decided this stalling issue works fine as-is - even as far as V9.
The relationships never quite progress - Blake and Yang have been in limbo since V3, for example.
The characters never progress or regress - how many times did the show "hint" at Ruby's distress for years, promise Blake's growth, or have Yang on the verge of some big moment of self-reflection?
It's not even JUST that it shifted away from its original identity as a contemporary tech-fantasy show - while it absolutely DID do that, the issue is that the showrunners have no idea what shape the show's identity OR aesthetic should take OR how to do it.
The show just stalls because it works even if viewers start to dwindle, and they don't have to do anything that would "alienate" people (Like, let's say, addressing the elephant in the room that is Yang and Blake).
A staggering amount of effort is made to NOT progress things and to have characters go through all these locations without really changing at all.
Things happen but not really.
What did Ruby's journey from Patch to Mistral accomplish for her as a character? What did Blake's journey to Menagerie accomplish? How about Yang's journey to find her offscreen bandit mother? How about Weiss getting taken back by her father?
What did the conflict in Atlas accomplish? Were characters affected or changed in any way? Did Weiss finally have her story arc? Did Ruby face herself?
You could literally change up the end of V3 with them dropping into the future of Vacuo and you wouldn't miss a single story beat.
We don't know MORE about the world OR the characters, really - the dumb Brother Gods plotline revelations can be summed up in half an episode.
Mistral's fate, Vale's fate, Atlas falling? That can be done offscreen - it's not like the show hasn't already offscreened far more important things
Of course, the show DIDN'T just skip that padding so it still has to get the major story beats in as everyone moves through locations.
But those story beats happen in the weirdest way possible.
There is ego involved, yes.
Miles didn't have to add up the brother gods subplot he had dreamt up one day.
Miles didn't have to keep pushing Jaune into the front of the show at the cost of the actual leads.
It's no secret that the show would always work this way where one of the people involved would posit an idea of how they think something could be cool if it happened - Monty was pretty notable for wanting to have Raven fight Team JNPR in the Fall of Beacon for example, and he refused to elaborate.
Is it so surprising someone like Miles or Kerry would want to "add their own touch"? So what if those ideas clashed with literally everything in the setting before - be it narratively or aesthetically?
But there was something else that changed.
Before V4 the people involved would come up with something and then work it into the plot. While imperfect, there was a possibility of a somewhat healthy dynamic where, with, likely, actual pushback between those involved - Monty never did get his "Raven fights everyone" scene after all, no matter how cool it could have been.
After V3 that dynamic was gone, obviously.
The creative element of the show fell apart, but Miles and co seemed to keep going like nothing happened - and at some point rather than a bunch of people discussing possible paths for the show, it turned into a situation where Miles or someone else would propose an idea and then it would happen.
As the show grew in scope so did the necessity for actually making those desired elements fit into the story. It was no longer about "hey we can't really justify Raven randomly showing up and fighting team JNPR" - there were Kingdoms and multiple locations and dozens of characters involved now.
They just lost their friend who proposed the show in the first place, they struggled to make the show continue and they were clearly inexperienced running something as big as this.
Yet instead of growing, learning, or hiring people, they seem to have been content with just dumping what Miles wanted into the show without worrying about narrative structure, set-ups, payoffs, characterization, and so on.
The weird medieval aesthetic of various locations no longer fits the contemporary modern setting of the first three Volumes? So what.
The magicky ridiculous cheese of brother gods was the polar opposite of a more grounded setting before it? So what.
The decision to not show actual character progression and growth that could be Yang's recovery arc because "it was boring"? This would make any writer or college professor scream because that's now how you characterization, that's not how you do pay off or ANYTHING, but yet again -so what?
They were unwilling to learn and to accept critique.
Listening to staff commentary for the show (even before Monty's passing) there's one thought that would persist - "Wow, they sure sound content and prideful with not knowing their things and just going with the flow."
RT drank their own Kool-Aid - "Oh we are just a small indie group of friends - look how scuffed our production and decision-making is."
It was impossible not to notice back then - people would point that out all the time.
Yet instead of improving and changing and learning and, honestly, growing up, Miles or someone else would just throw some backhanded remark and continue.
A group of amateur film-makers can grow and develop, but RT were so proud of their status as being this industry underdog where it's just a group of friends(despite that not being the case for YEARS at that point), that they were unwilling to make necessary changes in their work culture, approach or, well, anything.
I keep coming back to Miles watching Land of Lustrous and going "Oh, I don't get it." and that's it - there's no self-betterment or willingness to "get it" showcased and that's emblematic of RT culture as a whole.
Whether there was talent in the company (there was), it wouldn't matter if people at the top would stomp their feet and refuse to learn or improve. Even V9 staff had quite a few talented animators involved - did not help.
They were too caught up in the "youtube machinima bro culture" RT's size had long since grown out of.
They were "a bunch of friends, just a bunch of indie amateur people creating content", and they were proud of it and of how scuffed everything was.
So what if at that scale of the company, the culture would end up creating genuine issues with power dynamics, harassment, over-work, inefficient production, employee burnout, resource wasting, and so on?
The working conditions drove away most of the talent they had left over the course of next few years.
(Un)Surprisingly being stuck in a frathouse mentality lasting decades is a really good motivator for actual talented people within the company to quit and work elsewhere. Who would have thought?
One logical path forward would be to hire actual industry professionals, right? They could have created a writer's room, hired management experts, a proper HR department, hired sensitivity readers, outsourced researching various topics, etc, right? Miles and Co could keep pretending to be auteurs while competent people would get paid to do what needs to be done and course-correct them.
Easy, right?
They were unwilling to hire professionals.
Reminder that it took RT till around Atlas arc to have anything resembling a writers' room, they still refused to hire actual sensitivity readers to ensure they don't end up writing something blatantly ableist or just outright all-around problematic.
In the cases where professionals were involved, the people in charge just ignored all suggestions (otherwise Volume 8 and 9 would have been stopped at brainstorming phase and changed - I refuse to believe no one took a look at it and said "this will crash harder than Genlock Season Two")
I have no doubts people at the core of RT wanted to honor their friend's legacy and make right by them, but...
If "everything was fine" and who they were was fine and no critique mattered then why change anything or listen to outside voices?
And thus they continued.
It's a mix of variety of issues, really. It's actually kind of fascinating RT managed to have so many things go wrong.
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bunslvt · 2 months
I know rooster teeth had a whole fucking host of problems and haven't watched their stuff in years but I still shed a tear for another day another internet group getting bought out by big media companies because "they're successful" and then being shut down because they don't make enough profit for wall street. let things stay small. not everything needs to be contract deals and billboards the beauty of the internet should be that there's thousands of little things for people to find the niche they like, not that anything that becomes popular is obviously the next big franchise and we need to throw millions of dollars at it. We live in an era where big companies are taking everything small from us. Heardle getting bought out by Spotify and then shut down bc they realized it cost more than it made. capitalism and the Internet are not built for each other.
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ibetittering · 1 day
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gay4h0pepunk · 2 months
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she literally just found about it, she found out about this from a fucking twitter post
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