vertigoartgore · 16 days
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1990's Captain America: War and Remembrance TPB cover by John Byrne.
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of-fear-and-love · 2 months
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Outfits from Far From Heaven (2002) Production Design by Mark Friedberg Art Direction by Peter Rogness Set Decoration by Ellen Christiansen Costume Design by Sandy Powell
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debdarkpetal · 2 years
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#Repost @/_letusclingtogether_ on Instagram:
Holland, 'We will rock you' After Party.
Via Sikke Van der Veen on Facebook.
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Bonded Pair (Pt.2) - OCxGhost Backstory.
|| [<- Part One] || [Part Three ->] ||
pairing: COD OC!Victoria "Whiskey" Callahan x Simon "Ghost" Riley words: 0.9K~ cw: canon Ghost backstory (torture, injuries), OC backstory (injury)
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Soap got airlifted out in the middle of the night, after having walked a few miles in pitch darkness until the exfil location.
And although Ghost didn't hear it, he knows Laswell reamed out Whiskey for sending Soap packing.
Without Soap around, however, it meant they could get better sleeping shifts working.
As she woke up at 0200 on Day 5, she turned on her PTT. “I'm up…” She announced while rubbing her eyes.
Ghost had had nothing but time to think while she slept. 
When she wasn't dealing with Soap, Whiskey seemed like a good soldier. Smart, observant, professional, her head was always cool, her words calm and collected.
She was a strange one. He got some type of feeling of deja vu as they worked. Like looking in a mirror.
He had even called out to Laswell and asked for a bit more info on her, when, normally, he never would for anyone else.
“Morning, Sleepin’ Beauty.” He greeted.
“It's not morning yet. And don't call me Sleeping Beauty, or else I'll call you Grim Reaper.” She replied. Her voice was a bit raspy now that she had just woken up.
“It's morning enough…” Ghost retorted. He moved his binoculars in the direction of her camp, noticing her moving about in the dark through the night vision settings.
“Any movement?”
“Neg. Been peaceful.”
“Okay… Well, let me know when you want to sleep.”
“Rog.” There was a pause. Then, Ghost spoke again. “You seem much more relaxed without Soap here.” 
“I'm not a talker.”
“I've noticed.”
“You aren't either.”
“No, I'm not.”
“Then, this will make this mission easier. We can just stay quiet for the next two and a half weeks.”
“That we can.”
Day 5: 1800
Other than what they had to, to do their jobs, they stayed true to their word. They didn't speak again… 
For a total of 12 hours.
But then there was some type of… itch in Simon. He wanted to talk. He wanted to hear her.
“So what are you eating?” Ghost found himself asking while his plastic fork stirred his MRE.
“It's a… Mexican-style MRE. Has beans and cheddar cheese or something.” Whiskey replied. “It's the only one I actually don't mind eating. The others are disgusting.”
Through his binoculars, he could see her. And she could see him, if she peeked through hers He wondered if she was looking at him too or still focused on the job.
“You don't eat them for the taste-”
“I know you don't. I'm just saying.”
“Sounds better than mine, though.”
“What’s yours?”
“Some type of pasta thing.”
“Not bad.”
Day 5: 2000
“So, you and Johnny's girl…”
“How long have you been friends?”
“Five years now.”
“Not bad.”
“That feels like a dig at my social skills.”
“It was. But I'm the same way. No offence.”
“None taken.”
“So, you didn't meet Johnny until now?”
“Nope. But heard plenty about him.”
“So what did he do?”
“Can't tell you.”
Day 6: 1300
“How long have you served?”
“9 years now. You?”
“15? How fucking old are you?”
“You joined at………. 16?”
“Interesting. Didn't know the UK let kids do that.”
“With parental permission.”
“I figured as much.”
“How old are you?”
“28, 29 this year.”
Day 8: 0200
“How was your sleep?”
“As in… bad?”
“Good to know.”
“Any changes?”
“None so far.”
“I don't like how quiet it is.”
“Neither do I.”
Day 11: 1200
“How'd you meet Laswell?”
“Being the only female Navy SEAL brings a lot of attention to me. You?”
“My Captain.”
“Right. Price?”
“You met him?”
“Worked with him last year.”
“What’d you think of him?”
“Eh… He was efficient. All in all have worked with less capable officers.”
“Don't trust him?”
“Don't distrust him. But that means nothing to me.”
“Same here.”
“He's your Captain, though.”
“And? People you know can hurt you the most.”
Day 14: 1630
“Where are you from?”
“North of England.”
“More specific?”
“Manchester. You?”
“Explains the accent.”
Day 15: 0930
“Why the Navy?”
“It was either that or the Marines… and didn't get accepted into the Marines.”
“Why not?”
“My father was one. Pulled strings.”
“Trying to protect you?”
“Probably. Either way, I've been swimming since I was a girl. Navy made sense too.”
“I see.”
“Why the Army?”
“It was either that or construction.”
“Ah… not a lot of prospects.”
Day 17: 0045
“Why the mask?”
“Same as you. Bad job, bad people. Don't want to bare it out.”
“Yeah, but a skull? A real one at that?”
“You know it's real?”
“Of course I do.”
“Memory of a past life.”
“I see. Well, it looks terrifying.”
“Thank you. ‘s what I was going for.”
Day 19: 0350
“What's the worse scar I've got? I don't know. Have ‘em all over.”
“Gotta have a particularly nasty one, c'mon.”
“On my ribs, then. Big ugly fucker.”
“That's what I'm talking about. I’ve got a bad scar across the face. But my legs are worse.”
“Your legs?”
“Took a napalm bath.”
“Fuckin’ hell. And I thought mine were bad.”
“Hung from a meat hook by the ribs.”
“Ouch. Are your organs okay?”
“They are now. Are your legs okay?”
“They are now.”
It was on Day 23, that stuff picked up the pace. The target was suddenly on the move and Ghost's voice rang out through the PTT to wake Whiskey up.
They contacted Watcher, packed up their nests and took off on foot to the helo to trail the HVT and intercept him.
Then, they split ways. Ghost reconvened with TF141 for the next part of the mission, and Whiskey took off to Algeria for her next assignment.
They parted ways with a look, the first of many to come, and a light fist bump.
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confesspinkfloyd · 1 year
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early 2000s rog is such a daddy, he aged sooo well
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School of Rock (2003) was photographed by Rogier Stoffers. Rog was born in Utrecht, Netherlands, and has 47 cinematography credits from 1989 in the Netherlands to 2023.
His other notable credits include Quills (his first film in English, 2000), John Q, Masked and Anonymous, Bad News Bears, The Secret Life of Bees, and Death at a Funeral.
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suntaiciblog · 1 month
Sunt într-o relație la distanță de 2000 de km eu locuiesc în Germania și el în România la început a mers totul bine a fost foarte frumos avem amintiri frumoase era atât de îndrăgostit a început să vină la mine în Germania des a fost totul perfect.. dar cu timpul s-a schimbat totul.. am fost despărțiți un An m-a făcut să sufăr m-a distrus tot anul am fost foarte obsedată de el îmi făceam conturi fake sa i scriu am venit acasă am fost la el am plâns eram foarte distrusă nu am vrut să accept.. după când am fost în țară din nou după 1 an de zile m-am împăcat cu el deși toți me-au spus ca nu e bine dacă ma lăsat odată o să mă mai lase la orice ocazie.. dar n-am ascultat. A fost bine o perioadă după s-a schimbat tot mai în rău.. nu mai îmi scrie cu zilele când îl sunam pe cameră găsea numai scuze mă simțeam un nimic în fața lui.. am încercat de multe ori să i spun ca mă deranjează comportamentul lui și mereu îmi spunea ca am chef de ceartă și mă înjura.. la un moment dat am încetat și eu să i scriu să văd dacă îi sunt așa neimportantă am așteptat 7 zile și nu a scris nimic i-am scris eu din nou ca nu e frumos și ca ar trebui să facem ceva trebuie să își schimbe comportamentul ca simt ca mă distrug enorm nu îmi e deloc bine la care el era online dar nu a scris nimic.. după o zi a scris ca nu mai merge nu mai e înțelegere și el nu mai poate la distanță (deși înțelegere nu mai era ca nu comunica deloc cu mine deși eu voiam…) mereu când îl sunam spunea ca nu avem ce vorbi ca mai bine scriem în mesaje de data asta când am observat de mult ca eu mai mai sunt nimic pentru el am spus ca o sa accept decizia lui și nu o sa îl mai deranjez și l-am blocat pe toate rețelele. E bine ce am făcut? Îl iubesc atât de mult 😔 cum trebuie să procedez ? Mă doare enorm ca l-am blocat dar mă distruge.. nu mai știu cum să gândesc 😔 îmi întoarce vorbele să par eu de vină deși eu mereu am încercat sa fie bine.. ce sfaturi îmi dai ? Dacă îl deblochez din nou știu ca nu o să se schimbe nimic dar îl iubesc și am nevoie de el.. aș vrea să îl țin un timp la blok sa văd se mai interesează de mine sau chiar gata relația nu mai vreau să mă rog din nou de el 😔
Cum să nu fie bine cum ai procedat? Chiar asta te-aș fi sfătuit să faci, să-i dai un mare block, pentru că doar își bate joc de tine. Iar pe lângă asta, chiar îți sugerez să apelezi și la terapie/un psiholog, pentru că nu e okay cum faci și cum gândești, l-ai pus pe omul ăsta pe un piedestal de parcă el e tot scopul existenței tale și e extrem de toxic pentru tine să ai o mentalitate de genul. Un partener nu trebuie să fie așa centrul existenței tale, să nu mai poți fără el și să te înjosești mai mult de un an de zile să-l ții lângă tine. E deja obsesie în cazul tău, nicidecum iubire, și ar fi mai bine să încerci să îți regăsești niște scopuri sănătoase în viața ta, să ieși cu oameni noi, să faci lucruri pentru tine, să te conectezi mai mult cu tine. Viața ta nu a început și nici nu o să se termine la bărbatul ăsta, a fost doar un pasager în viața ta și atât.
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suvarnarekha · 1 year
Bollywood songs from Late 90s and early-mid 2000s were something else, especially the Original ones. They had this vibe that really transported you to the song itself.
Listening to Chudi jo khanke is being in the hostel room
Listening to Bhool Bhulaiya track is finding yourself in that castle
Listening to Ashiqui mein Teri is being in China town at midnight
Listening to Dhoom again is seeing the warehouse in front of your eyes
why am I saying this? Lets just say that I went for the dimly lit club in Chakna chakna and didn’t realise that it has been an hour of me teleporting from aesthetic to aesthetic until I was already in the rainy streets from Laga Prem Rog😌
A taxi winds up on the mountain road of Kasaol. It’s been a long journey from Nizamuddin railway station; a peaceful drive to the hotel would be nice. But the cabbie is in the mood for songs of bitter love.  “Ab tere bin ji lenge hum. Zahar zindagi kaa pi lenge hum” Kumar Sanu's nasal voice playing on a scratchy tape recorder fills the car.
"I can learn to live without you. Life would be like drinking poison but what's the big deal if one heart breaks,"
Says this hit song from Aashiqui. It seems churlish to tell him to stop playing the music because-- it hits you suddenly-- that you don't really want peace. You want sookun, a feeling of love. And who better to grant that, other than Sanu da's heartfelt high notes.
An imaginary anecdote starts to weave relentlessly in your mind. As the driver switches songs to Bol Na Halke Halke. Your brain paces back to a gorgeous Preity Zinta, mistaking Abhishek Bachchan for a coolie, filling your heart with a flawless warmth.
The tape recorder booms again. This time, with the ever so magical voice of Mohit Chauhan in Tum se hi. Your consciousness reverts to the moments of Aditya and Geet, pouring out their hearts in rain.
The classic Falguni Pathak melody, Meri Chunar Udd Udd Jaye, makes your heart leap out of you in elation. The entire dance of Ayesha Takia with the lady in the painting evokes nostalgia which you can’t get over.
Dil Dooba blares next on the tape, Oh you cannot contain anymore! You break into crooked hip hop steps on the back seat, trying to imitate Akshay Kumar and Aishwariya Rai’s jhakaas dance moves from Khakee.
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sabrina-central · 2 years
You know what? I like you! *shows you my Sabrina Summer Job AU*
Every summer since she was 10, Sabrina and her dad would spend a lot of time during her vacation watching Nascar together (and other such car racing shows and events, that's just the one I'm familiar with through my American centric lense of pop culture).
Her dad liked the high speed racing, the action and adrenaline of it all, and while she could certainly see the appeal, it never drew her attention nearly as much as the pit crew.
Those six people working together diligently to make sure their racer's car has everything it needs to keep going, have only about 10 seconds to do so!
That's insane! It's impossible!! And damnit, she wants to learn how to do that so goddamn bad it hurts.
She studies everything she can on her own but whenever she hits a roadblock, she asks her dad if he knows the answer. He helps as much as he can but he admits she's already far more advanced in her understanding of it all than he's ever been.
Perhaps it would benefit her to talk to a professional and, with proper supervision and without letting her do anything too dangerous, she might be able to gain further knowledge through personal experience, using what she's learned in theory and applying it in practice.
And with that idea in mind, when she was 12 years old Roger took his daughter with him to his trusted car mechanic of 15 years, one of the best there was. Sure, he wasn't part of any pit crew, but he knew his stuff and like Sabrina he had started fairly young.
The little girl had a million questions to ask him and she did so in rapid fire succession, her words forming so fast he thought for a moment he would no longer be able to perceive them as they would break the speed of sound.
Although overwhelmed, he found her curiosity and enthusiasm endearing and decided to take her energy as a challenge and do his best to match it.
The trips to the mechanic became a monthly thing. Everytime he'd answer the five to ten questions he didn't get to last time she'd have about 20 more, just ready and waiting to be asked, and thus the cycle continued.
He never got tired or bored of answering her, clearly this was as much her lifeblood as it was his.
Which is why it was no surprise that when that summer rolled around, he had an offer to make Sabrina, making sure to run it by Roger first, of course.
"A summer job? She's barely 13!"
"Don't think of it as a summer job, Rog, it's not like I'll be having her fix up the cars or even talking to the clients! It'll mostly be more of what she's been doing already in between playing 2000 questions where the only topic is cars. It's more of an apprenticeship. If and when she's old enough to decide she wants to start working here, than we can discuss that."
"Still, I don't know. The only reason I was ok with doing this was because I was able to be here for it. If she's here all summer... what if something happens and I'm not here to protect her?"
"Roger, you know I would never let anything hurt her. I know she's not my kid but she's my student, and I consider myself responsible for her. She's very important to me, nothing bad will happen to her on my watch. You have my word."
"It's not you I don't trust, Hector." He answers, so much pain and fear unspoken. He doesn't need to say it, Hector's always known the things that weigh heavy on Roger's mind.
"You won't lose her. Not to this. If anything, I think having this in her life will only do her good, it can help her." Hector reassures him.
Roger knows he isn't saying this just to get an affirmative. Hector is many thing, but a liar isn't one of them. That man had never said something he didn't belive in, and he was often proven right. Not always, but enough for Roger to trust his judgment.
He takes a deep breath. "You do realize I'll be swinging by here every chance I get, right?"
"Oh no, I have to see more of you? What a nightmare!" He jokes with a dramatic hand over his forehead, pretending to faint before chuckling. "Come on, Rog, you know you're always welcome at my shop!" He says with a wink.
Roger smiles. He can trust Hector, and his daughter is stronger than his anxiety gave her credit for. It might not be a bumpless road, but those don't make for a very entertaining race anyhow. The important thing is she'll end up in one piece.
So, with the arrangement settled between the two, they both break the news to Sabrina, of course making it clear that if it's not something she wants she's not at all required to do it or anyth-
Hector and Roger both laugh fondly at Sabrina, running and jumping around the shop like she's on a sugar high after a finishing her entire Halloween haul.
"Actually, I've seen that happen and I think this is somehow worse." Roger says with biggest smile on his face.
"She's a good kid, and a real natural at this too. It's always a thrill to find out the thing you want to do is the thing you were meant to do." Hector replies, a matching grin as they watch her look around the room and take it all in, realizing that she'll get to spend her summer vacations here, learning to do what she's always dreamed of!
By the time shes 14, she starts actively helping out at the shop. She still doesn't talk to clients or fix cars, as per the agreement, but she helps take inventory, lets Hector know what tools need fixing and she even troubleshoots particularly difficult issues his clients have with him and helps him do his job without having to break said agreement.
Thank you, technicality!
And so, the summer before going back to school, she asks to be allowed to work on the cars.
"I'll start with one car a month. You can even give me one of the old cars that you got from the junkyard. that way you don't have to worry about me dealing with an angry customer after I messed up his car!"
"Yes, but I'd still be breaking the promise I made your dad - "
"You promised to keep me safe, right?"
"How do you know that part?"
"I know my dad, he's always worried about me. And though it's sweet, it seems a bit more excessive the older I get. Look, you can renegotiate the agreement, I can help if that's what it takes, but... I'm past the point where disassembling and assembling an engine is sufficient enough training for me. I wanna get a head start and gain some real experience! Especially since Im only here two months a year, anway. And since dad and I agree I shouldn't skip high school to go to a trade school and pursue a mechanic career at 16 - "
"And what's wrong with that?" Hector asks, jokingly defensive.
"Oh nothing, whatever works for every individual but, it's just not for me I'm afraid. Anyways, don't change the subject!" Sabrina replied, barely even getting distracted by the turn in the conversation before steering it right back on track.
"Well, can't blame a guy for trying to save himself from the wrath of his favorite person."
"My dad's your favorite person? Hmm, idk if I should be jealous or intrigued..."
"Suddenly the conversation about you wanting to repair cars is a lot more appealing, lets go back to that please!"
"Hmmm... okay fine. But this isn't over."
"Oh boy."
"Anyway, I can talk to my dad, give him the ol' puppy eyes, tear down his anxiety walls with some sound logic. Should take me a few days, maybe a week if he's feeling particularly stubbron, but just. Promise me you'll think about it? Please?"
"I..." He has about a million protests he can think of off the top of his head.
They all die in his throat at the sight of her dreaded puppy eyes.
"I swear, you Raincomprixes are gonna be the death of me one of these days." He mutters before letting out a deep exasperated sigh.
"Alright, I'll see what cars are safest for you to work on and I will consider allowing you to maybe repair one of them."
She squeals and jumps him, giving him the biggest hug. For a girl so petite, she gave surprisingly crushing hugs.
"Thank you thank you thank you! You're the best mentor ever! This is gonna be the best summer ever!"
Well, Hector didn't know about that, but one thing's for sure.
This summer was definitely gonna be an interesting one.
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debdarkpetal · 2 years
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#Repost @/_letusclingtogether_ on Instagram:
Questions to Roger Taylor.
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udo0stories · 2 months
The Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 is a gaming laptop for folks looking for a reasonably thin, light, and portable machine with enough horsepower to handle most modern games. Asus has released a number of variations over the past few years, but the 2024 model of the Zephyrus G14 brings some of the biggest (and smallest) updates to date. First unveiled during CES in January, the Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 (2024) is now available, with Best Buy selling a model with a 14-inch, 2880 x 1800 pixel 120 Hz OLED display, an AMD Ryzen 9 8945HS processor, and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 graphics. 16GB of RAM and 1TB of storage for $1600. A $2000 variant with 32GB of RAM and RTX 4070 graphics is also available, though it is not currently in stock. The new model of the ROG Zephyrus G14 differs from earlier iterations in a few ways: While the laptop now comes with an OLED screen as standard, earlier models had LCD screens. The new Ryzen 9 8945HS processor is nearly identical in terms of CPU and iGPU to the Ryzen 9 7940HS chip used in some older G14 laptops, despite the Ryzen AI neural processing unit being improved to offer up to 16 TOPS of AI performance (up from 10 TOPS in the previous generation). The LED lights on the laptop lid are now arranged into a single, diagonal seven-zone line. In earlier models with the so-called AniMe Matrix screen, half of the lid was illuminated by LEDs. The 2024 model had six speakers instead of four (two tweeters and four woofers). The ROG Zephyrus G14 (2024) features soldered LPDDR5x memory instead of user-upgradable memory. All things considered, the new model is likely to provide gaming performance that is very close to a 2023 model with a Ryzen 7040 series processor, so those who already own a Rog Zephyrus G14 from last year probably will not want to upgrade. However, the inclusion of two additional woofers and an OLED display ought to enhance the audio and visual aspects. Additionally, should you be concerned about it, the enhanced Ryzen AI NPU may make certain on-device AI features possible. If not, watch for discounts on models from the previous generation, which will probably go down in price over time while supplies last. Below is a summary of the new Asus ROG Zephyrus G14's main specifications:   ROG Zephyrus G14 Display 14 inchesROG Nebula OLED2880 x 1800 pixels120 Hz0.2ms100% DCI-P3G-SyncVESA DisplayHDR True Black 500Pantone Validated, Delta E < 1Dolby Vision Processor Up to AMD Ryzen 9 8945HS Series8 cores / 16 threadsRyzen AI Graphics Up to NVIDIA GeForce RTX 407065W TGP90W Max TGP (with Dynamic Boost) RAM Up to 32GBLPDDR5x (onboard) Storage Up to 1TB1 x M.2 2280PCIe 4.0 Keyboard 1-zone RGB backlit Audio 6 speakers (4 woofers, 2 tweeters) Ports 1 x USB41 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A1 x HDMI 2.11 x 3.5mm audio1 x microSD card reader Wireless WiFi 6EBT 5.3 Battery 73 Wh Sizes 312 x 220 x 16mm12.3 x 8.7 x 0.6 in. Bulk 1.5 kg3.33 pounds The newly released Asus Rog Zephyrus G16 (2024) is also currently on sale. A 16-inch OLED display with a resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels, 240 Hz, an Intel Core Ultra 9 185H processor, and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 graphics costs $2000. Furthermore, this laptop is available from Asus with graphics as high as RTX 4090. ROG Zephyrus G16 from Asus (2024) ROG Zephyrus G16 from Asus (2024) Asus ROG Zephyrus G16 (2024) Liliputing's primary sources of revenue are advertising and affiliate links (if you click the "Shop" button at the top of the page and buy something on Amazon, for example, we'll get a small commission). But there are several ways you can support the site directly, even if you're using an ad blocker and hate online shopping.
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stefanemmanuel211 · 2 months
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Inverted version of Ambigram:
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Mind Map:
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Final Chosen Topic: Ambigrams
This week's choices felt like a lot to pick from and overwhelming. However, I stumbled upon three choices at first calligrams, ambigrams and decorative logo typefaces. I ended up going with ambigrams because of the visual puzzle it presents when you look at it at first sight. It is a composition that reads one or more words from different angles of orientation. This can be left to right, front to back or upside down. The main purpose of an ambigram is to form a wordplay which intrigues the audience in the first place. The visual puzzle can also appear as an image which can be inverted etc. My ambigram was actually inspired by my laptop manufacturer's typeface. So Asus had a pre-installed typeface called ROG font. And when I was experimenting with different typefaces to suit my ambigram I found that this one worked quite well for my idea. So I tried a lot of combinations and ended up stumbling with NOON is GOOD. If you were to ask me if there is any significant meaning behind that, well not really it was just to match my topic to create a wordplay. So I also decided to add numerical values of the time 12:21 and the year 2002. My ambigram should manage to read the same thing either inverted or upside down. To make this look more appealing I added a gradient of metallic and cool colours and added a dated paper texture feel. I tried to go with an old cyberpunk gamer field in the early 2000's era with a lossless quality.
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ajitpp · 3 months
You Need a Good Laptop for Powerful Gaming
In the dynamic realm of gaming laptops, the ROG Strix SCAR 18 (2024) G834 from ASUS emerges as a true powerhouse. Equipped with cutting-edge hardware and innovative features, the SCAR 18 is poised to dominate the gaming landscape. It offers an unparalleled gaming experience for a gaming laptop under 1 lakh.
Crystal-Clear Visuals: The SCAR 18 boasts a 16-inch 2.5K 240Hz Nebula HDR display, featuring a Mini LED panel with over 2000 dimming zones. This translates to a lightning-fast and crystal-clear visual experience, providing gamers with a competitive edge. The high refresh rate ensures smooth gameplay, while the HDR capability adds depth and richness to colours.
Intel Core i9 Processor and RTX 4090 GPU: The SCAR 18 also comes with Intel Core i9 Processor 14900HX, delivering raw processing power to handle the most demanding games and applications. Paired with the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 laptop GPU boasting a max TGP of 175W, this laptop ensures seamless gaming performance, even in graphically intensive titles.
ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 (2024) GU605
The ROG Zephyrus G16 (2024) GU605 from ASUS also represents a harmonious blend of gaming prowess and creative capabilities. Powered by Windows 11 Pro and featuring top-tier components, this laptop is designed to cater to the needs of gamers and content creators alike.
Processing Powerhouse: The Zephyrus G16 also comes with an Intel Core Ultra 9 processor 185H, equipped with AI accelerators. This ensures a seamless experience, whether you're engaged in intense gaming sessions or pushing the boundaries of creativity with cutting-edge software. The 16-inch display provides an immersive canvas for both gaming and content creation.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 GPU: The Zephyrus G16 doesn't compromise on graphics, featuring the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU. This high-end GPU, combined with AI capabilities, allows the laptop to effortlessly handle the latest games and demanding creative software. The result is a smooth and visually stunning experience across various applications.
AI-Enhanced Performance: In the era of AI, the Zephyrus G16 embraces its potential. Whether you're immersed in a video call, editing videos, or exploring the next generation of games, AI is actively optimizing your experience behind the scenes.
Versatile Connectivity and Storage: The Zephyrus G16 is designed for versatility, offering a range of connectivity options and ample storage. This ensures that you can easily connect your peripherals and store your growing library of games and creative projects without compromise.
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govindhtech · 4 months
2024 ROG Strix Laptops  Power and Brilliance!
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ROG Strix Laptops Features
ASUS Republic of Gamers has unveiled the 2024 Strix laptop series, which includes the inaugural 18-inch ROG laptop equipped with the minuscule LED ROG Nebula HDR Display, the Strix SCAR 18. Each 2024 Strix laptops has the latest Intel Core i9 CPU 14900HX. The Strix SCAR 16 and SCAR 18 are equipped with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU, which has a maximum TGP of 175 W. The 2024 Strix laptops family has arrived to conquer the competition, along with a full suite of the newest intelligent cooling innovations, like as Tri-Fan technology and Conductonaut Extreme liquid metal on both the CPU and GPU.
Wonderful detail
The first ROG 18-inch panel with Mini LED technology is being released this year. The 2024 Strix SCAR 18, with its Nebula HDR Display that boasts over 2000 discrete dimming zones and 1100 nits of peak brightness, has brought HDR video and games to the large screen. This dimming zone density and the ROG Nebula HDR Engine reduce blooming and haloing, even in difficult circumstances, on an 18-inch panel, making the Strix SCAR 18’s HDR performance exceptionally vivid.
All of the 2024 Strix family’s displays are gorgeous, but the ROG Nebula HDR panels, which are only available with the Strix SCAR range, are really amazing. Each model’s 2.5K screen boasts a frame-rate of 240 Hz with a gray-to-gray (GTG) response period of less than 3 ms, giving gamers stunning visuals. These panels span the DCI-P3 color gamut 100% and have a tall 16:10 dimension for immersion.
Support for Dolby Vision guarantees that color material on screen will seem precisely as intended by the artist, while support for Dolby Atmos adds even more immersion with wide and lifelike soundstages. A gamer’s display will enhance the vividness and immersion of all their games and content, regardless of the Strix computer they select.
Furthermore, the Strix series’ chassis design has been updated for 2024, with the Strix G and SCAR models now featuring redesigned yet timeless ROG cyberpunk design features. These laptops’ outstanding build quality and bold ROG accents on the sides and back guarantee that they will never be confused in a crowd.
Premier performance
The performance-oriented The flagship 24-core, 32-thread Intel Core i9 processor 14900HX, which powers AAA games and demanding rendering tasks, is now proudly offered by the ROG Strix line. Additionally, the laptops support up to 4 TB of PCIe Gen4 x4 storage and 64 GB of DDR5 RAM. Every laptop in the Strix range has more than enough power to handle any work, whether gamers are streaming, multitasking, editing videos, or doing all of the above.
A strong GPU is a must for every gaming PC, and the 2024 Strix family has one that can handle any task. Thanks in part to its enormous 175 W total graphics power with Dynamic Boost, the Strix SCAR 16 and SCAR 18 both offer up to an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU, making them ready for the most intensive gaming experiences straight out of the box.
The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 Laptop GPU is the highest specification available for the Strix G16 and Strix G18. Strix laptops are the ideal partners for both gamers and producers, offering amazing rendering performance in the newest games and AI tools like DLSS Super Resolution and Frame Generation available straight out of the box.
More sophisticated than cool
In order to sustain optimal gaming performance, ROG Strix laptops are at the forefront of cooling technologies. This incorporates Tri-Fan technology, which makes use of a third auxiliary fan to improve airflow to surface-mounted motherboard components and assist in directing excess heat from the GPU towards the heatsinks in the 2024 Strix SCAR and Strix G machines.
While the thermal interface between the CPU and the heatsinks on all ROG Strix laptops is liquid metal, the entire 2024 Strix lineup uses ultra-high performance Conductonaut Extreme liquid metal, which significantly lowers temperatures when compared to conventional thermal pastes. This maintains the Strix machines operating at peak performance for many years to come, in addition to enabling them to boost higher and for longer periods of time.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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daboom-ru · 4 months
ASUS представила ноутбуки ROG Strix Scar G16/G18 и Strix G16/G18 На выставке CES 2024 бренд ASUS Republic of Gamers (ROG) представил новые модели игровых ноутбуков линейки Strix, включая Strix Scar 18, St... #Asus #PC #ROGStrixScar #ПК https://daboom.ru/asus-predstavila-noutbuki-rog-strix-scar-g16-g18-i-strix-g16-g18/?feed_id=23520&_unique_id=659d7f351a1fe
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lifestylelaguna · 11 months
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Father's Day has arrived, and today, and Dad takes center stage as the family’s shining star. Whether your dad is a tech enthusiast, a fashion connoisseur, a sports lover, or simply enjoys spending quality time with the family, SM Supermalls has got you covered. Let's take a closer look at some of the special treats you can gift your dad on his special day.
For Techy dads:
If you have a techy dad, head over to the Cyberzone. From smartphones and laptops to gaming consoles and smart home devices, you'll find it all. Whether your dad is a photography enthusiast, a music lover, or a tech-savvy individual, you're sure to find his perfect gift at a great price.
GoPro HERO 9 Black + Case
From Camera House
Keep your head in the game with the low-latency performance of the ROG Strix Go 2.4 Wireless Headset from ASUS!
Save P18,000 on MSI Pulse GL66 Gaming Laptop from Villman
For Sporty dads:
If your dad enjoys an active lifestyle, SM Supermalls has plenty of deals on sports and fitness equipment. From gym gear and outdoor essentials to sports apparel and footwear, you'll find everything you need to support your dad's fitness goals. 
Nassau Power Impact 2000 Badminton Racquet
Nike Basketball Shoes form Columbia Sportswear
For fun-loving and Foodie dads:
Treat  your dad to a memorable dining experience today. Enjoy an array of mouthwatering cuisine, delicious desserts, and refreshing drinks at thousands of restaurants.
Greyhound, Chicken Satay, Aura
Abe, Tuna Panga sa Bawang, Megamall
Nono’s signature selections
Shake Shack at SM City North Edsa
Make this Father's Day an AweSM Dad's Day Cinema Date. Treat your dad to the ultimate cinema experience by watching The Little Mermaid, Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, and Transformers: Rise of the Beasts as all three movies explore different aspects of fatherhood. Feel the thrill with IMAX digital surround sound system that makes every scene sound exciting. Comfortable seats are waiting for you and your thrill-seeking dad. Best paired with Snack Time’s all-time favorite Popcorn and drinks, your movie experience will surely be fun and exciting. 
Reclining Seats at Directors Club
Comfortable seats at SM Cinema IMAX
Little Mermaid
Get dressed, grab Dad and head onto SM Supermalls to make this Father’s Day his most memorable one yet!
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