monstersarentreal · 9 months
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Monster(s) #6: Cyborg-Gators from Robo-Gators (2018)
This fun send-up of sci-fi jungle movies wouldn't have worked if the narrative played completely straight. The key to this film's success was a ridiculous plot with great acting, direction, camerawork, and special effects! Just look at these cyborg gators!
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Whenever I see human!Grumbots I hope in my heart out there, somewhere, in that universe, there's a human!NPG and RoboG that are kind of like the criminal adult siblings that sometimes come around and teach their younger brothers tax evasion
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7-ferrets-in-a-coat · 2 months
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I cant sleep bcs im sick rn, so have a robodoggo i made to pair up with my friends oc , its name is Gizm0 bcs i am very creative
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
Had a dream where I was living in some somewhat fantasy setting, kind of like Fablehaven where in the modern world there's magical creatures n witches n shit. I don't remember much of the beginning of that dream, but I think I was at my home when I learned that some evil witch queen is coming and she's going to kill one girl I knew, that I think was a princess but I don't remember if they were related or like, from different kingdoms or whatever. The queen wants her dead so bad she'd kill anyone that tries to protect her. So, of course, I decided to protect the princess, who was during the entire dream completely unaware of what's happening, I'm not sure if she was even conscious, like, she was in some catatonic state. I took the princess to my place, thinking that the queen definitely won't know she's with some random human guy. So the next thing I know the queen invades my home. She was moving around in like this vehicle that looked like a locomotive but with spider legs so it could move anywhere, and the front of it looked like her face, but it was all looking very futuristic or like some mech. And she was followed by an army of either people in futuristic armor or straight up robots. Weirdly enough she didn't kill anyone at my home, though she did drive her spider train through my home's wall. I managed to escape with the princess using some secret tunnels underground. Eventually after running away for super long and events that I unfortunately don't remember, I ended up in some castle ruins with the princess. The queen found me there, but the weird thing was that she wasn't really threatening. I mean she looked scary, her royal gown and crown also had this metallic elements like robot armor or smth, she looked really cool actually, but in a very scary way. But she was kind, and kind of desperate. When she found us in the ruins, she came there alone in her train, and left the vehicle behind her as she approached us. I have this very clear image of me curled up around the princess, protecting her with my body, in some corner, and the queen reaching her hand to me and begging to give her the princess. When I didn't, she summoned some guy to fight me, n it felt very much like I was inside a video game. I had to simultaneously fight the guy off and keep the princess safe from the queen, but at this point I was wondering what even is the deal with them. I've heard the queen was a relentless killer, but she seemed more like a desperate mother whose child was stolen. I never found out what the truth was, though. After I killed the guy she summoned the queen came to me like she wanted to hug me, but I was still too scared of her and didn't let her. I didn't see the princess again, I don't know what happened with her. The queen seemed like she wants to take me with her for whatever reason, but again, I was too afraid and confused and lost. And I woke up so idk what was her deal, but she seemed like such an interesting character. I may adopt her as a new OC and develop her story so that it makes sense
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nascentwaves · 6 months
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"You can't put anything past Sass Bot v9000. Don't even try!"
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aarcade · 1 year
ooooaoh fuck yeah
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thats th good shit
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brown-sugar-89 · 6 months
Some doodles of the robogals, featuring @heinzlike's Pretzel :"]
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Idk! They're just randomly appeared in my head, and I wanted to draw them a couple of times. So I did!!! <3
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wyndryga · 30 days
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happy tdov from your fave robogal and angelboy (@vaingod)
t4t love is stronger than any hate
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froggyplanet4269 · 4 months
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Orbán eddig a „romkocsmák félhomályában merengő bölcsészeket” emlegette, most már a „szélfútta akadémikusokról” beszél, hogy ne azok „és egyebek” mondják meg, mi a helyes, hanem a nép által megválasztott politikusok.
Eddig is jól jártunk azzal, s rengeteget profitált az ország abból, hogy a „szélfútta akadémikusok és egyebek” helyett mindenben, gazdaságban, oktatásban, egészségügyben, tudományban, kultúrában stb. „a nép által megválasztott politikusok” mondták meg, mi a helyes, így aztán pompásan élünk, robog a gazdaság, prosperál a hazai egészségügy és a világ élén ott a magyar oktatás. Nem is sorolom tovább!
De mégis, én ennél a lábszagú, populista szövegnél egy pillanatra megállnék. Ha nem „széllelbélelt” akadémikusokat akart mondani Magyarország nemzeti sámánja, vagyis nem üresfejű, komolytalan, léha, mitugrász alakokként kívánta szóba hozni a szakmájukat agytevékenységükkel abszolváló embereket, akkor a „szélfútta” jelző valami olyasfélét jelent, hogy ezek az innen-onnan szalajtottak épp olyanok, mint az utcai szemét, amit összevissza fúj a szél, dobál innen oda, onnan emide, egészen addig, amíg nem jönnek az utcaseprők meg a nagy kukásautó, s el nem szállítják az egész koszrakást valamelyik szeméttelepre.
Kétségtelenül szép és hízelgő metafora, amely sokat elárul nem csupán az összehasonlításban szereplő elemekről, hanem annak használójáról is.
Kérdezhetném Magyarország nemzeti táltosától, hogy nem akar-e inkább egy kényelmes díványon elnyúlva erről beszélni, valamiféle „szélfútta” szakember rendelésén, ám inkább csak jelzem, hogy valamiért az őrültek szeretik a szelet emlegetni, de azt nagyon! Az ember pszichéjét tán legjobban ismerő Shakespeare-nél például az őrület felé tartó Lear király üvölti vadul, hogy „Fújj, szél, szakadj meg, fújj, dühöngj! Vihar, / Felhő, omoljatok le, míg a tornyot / S a szélvitorlát elsüllyesztitek!”, vagyis saját csalódása és tragédiája okán a világ apokaliptikus pusztulását reméli. Vagy ott van a saját kegyetlensége, gonoszsága és álnoksága által őrületbe zuhant Macbeth, aki szintén egyfajta apokaliptikus vég után vágyódva így ordít: „…s óhajtom, / Hogy a világ ízzé-porrá szakadjon. / Szélvész, dühöngj!”
De miután Magyarország nemzeti táltosa keresztény ember, ezért felhívom a figyelmét az Efezusiaknak írott levélre, ahol Pál apostol a szelet a megtévesztő tanítással és az álnoksággal hozza összefüggésbe: „megtévesztő emberi tanítás és a tévedésbe ejtő álnokság minden szele ide-oda hány és tovasodor.” (4,14)
S ha itt tartunk, jó, ha tudatosítja magában a kereszténységére oly buzgón hivatkozó nemzeti táltos, hogy a szélnek nem ő maga, hanem az Isten parancsol (Zsolt 135,7). Így aztán ne csodálkozzék, ha a szél nem a „szélfútta akadémikusokat” söpri majd el az útjából, hanem valaki mást, s vele együtt más szemeteket.
(Gábor György - FB)
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citrusitonit · 7 months
me watching people use their reblog privilege
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Mite robog my nice funny funny taks 2 see u suffer
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robogart · 1 year
is it robog art or robo (like robot) gart?
how does ur theme look exactly like twitter but its tumblr. it's so confusing i love it
Hello! : - D
It's the second one! Robo (like robot) and gart! It's just a silly name from my cat (named bogart) and fusing it with "robo"! It's not super important to me though on how people pronounce/perceive it!
And I found that theme from someone else I follow! There is a link on the blog page to the theme (It's labeled Theme with the little grouping on the bottom right part of the page underneath the tags!) I really love it too! 🥰💖
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wordchanter · 1 month
3 Random Dungeon Names
The hive of Uhomer the Bold
The teeming shrine of Feru the Shattered
The flourishing maze of Robog the Swirling Thief
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virtualgirladv · 10 months
The year is 2069
You are an egirl, a literal robogal
You look up the requirements for the ffxxxiv mod you just installed
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bird-lube-now · 4 months
18, 19, 21, 47/48 ;3 and this or that 1, 2, 4, and 23 💚😇
18: You can do only ONE thing to your partner sex-wise for an entire month. What is your pick? going down on them going down on them going down on them going down on them going down on them going down on them going down on them g
19: Would you be able to go full month just pleasing your partner daily, without getting anything back? an entire month of just sucking off/eating out a partner whateeeverrrr would i dooooooo~
21: What video of you would you love to take sometimes? Why haven’t you yet? i'm a huge fan of cumshot vids, i'd love to try for a good one but a) body image 😔 and b) it's REALLY hard to focus on cinematography at That Particular Moment lmao
47/48: Favourite way of being degraded/praised? hhghghghfgfh uhhhh... "good girl" definitely does something for me >>
1: Ropes or Cuffs? Down with the cops, Ropes forever!
2: Furries or Robots? BEEP BOOP I'M A ROBOGAL... okay but i lovelovelove furries so much and i count myself among them and it's hard to choose but liek. i think the robogals need more representation so gimme that Computer Cock!!!!
4: Take Erotic photos of someone or Let someone take erotic photos of you? waaaaaah i mean... Body Image Stuff means i still feel a bit Weird seeing myself in pretty much any pictures tbh... also i really like the idea of taking pictures of someone else, getting to capture how attractive they are in my eyes, getting to show them how beautiful they are~
23: Latex or Leather? Leatherrrrrrr. i like the aesthetic of latex and i get the appeal but i can only think about how badly it would like. catch on my hair and how hard it would be to get on and off lmao. i guess some of that is the point but still
thankssssss 💚
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tumblitech · 1 year
Egyébként tényleg a gecis AI fog minket kinyírni, csak nem robotokkal meg atomháborúval, hanem szép lassan kivérezteti a társadalmat, ami tátott szájjal robog a mesterséges faszerdőbe.
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