thefatedthoughtofyou · 3 months
A Sweatervest and Squeaky Shoes
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Gator Tillman x Kirby Rivers (OC)
[ Kirby's Bio ] [ Part One ] [ Part Two ]
♤ Summary: Kirby sneaks into the hospital to see Gator after everything that happens at the ranch.
♤ Warnings: canon x oc paring, nonbinary/trans oc, oc uses he/they pronouns, mentions of Gators torture, blind Gator
♤ A/N: once again for you my dearest! @jozstankovich 💚 Reblogs and comments are cherished and loved! 💖🍒💖
Kirby's shoes squeak against the shiny hospital floor, he winces, runs his hands down his front for the millionth time since he left home. They feel ridiculous, a fucking sweatervest over the one, semi nice, t-shirt they have. He huffs, takes a deep breath, and ducks into the elevator.
It hadn't been hard to find out Gator's floor and room number. All the FBI agents milling about weren't exactly quiet. The issue would be getting into the room.
Kirby's fingers drum against his pant leg, his only nice pants as well. Black jeans, a little baggy, but they looked nice with the outfit. He tugs at the neckline of his shirt, uncomfortable, always are when they're wearing so many fucking clothes.
The doors slide open and Kirby pops his head out first. Checking both ways like he's crossing the street. Nobody there. Not a nurse or doctor in sight. He steps out, aims for casual as he walks down the hall, following the signs to the room number he'd overheard.
The nurses station is empty as well. The first person he sees is the gaurd on the door when he peeks around the corner. Kirby drops their head against the wall.
"Fuck." He breathes, his eyes move down the hall and land on the still empty nurses station. He runs back to it, hears footsteps behind him and ducks behind the desk.
He watches the guard walk around the corner and down the hall they'd come from.
"I'm headin down now." The man says into the radio on his shoulder. The radio crackles, Kirby doesn't understand what's said, but hears the man's response.
"Oh who cares if the door isn't guarded for ten fuckin minutes. Where's he gonna go? He's can't fuckin see. He ain't goin anywhere. I'm comin down." He's annoyed, Kirby hears the elevator doors open, and then close. They shoot back to their feet and run, their shoes squeaking the whole way. He rounds the corner too fast and nearly falls, runs into the wall and rights himself before jogging the last few steps to the door.
"Ten minutes." Kirby whispers to himself, rests his hand on the doorknob, just now realizing it might be locked. His heart pounding in his chest, he rests his head against the door, digs his teeth into his lip, and presses down.
The handle moves. Kirby nearly yells in celebration but hunches his shoulders and holds it in, pushes the door open the smallest possible amount, and quietly ducks inside. He turns once he's in, rests his back against the door, tries to catch his breath.
But his eyes adjust to the dark quickly, and he sees the curain pulled around the bed. His stomach twists, his heart kicking back up again. Their hands are sweating, they wipe them on their pants and take a few small, squeaky, steps forward.
"Who's there?" Gator's voice. He sounds scared, Kirby hears rustling as he moves on the hospital bed.
"It's me." Kirby says, his voice small to his own ears, and he realizes that might not be enough.
"K-Kirby?" His voice falters and shakes and it pulls Kirby forward. They move fast, ducking under the curtain, nearly getting tangled when they stand back up. His hands find the foot of Gator's bed and he pulls himself up, swats at the curtain until it falls away from his shoulders and then he turns.
Gator's eyes are covered, bright white bandages wrapped around his head. His hair is no longer neat and slicked back, strands falling into his face where they've come loose. There's dirt, and blood, Kirby's sure, staining the skin of his face and hands.
Kirby hears the whimper that leaves him, his hands clutching his stomach as he takes a few steps around the bed. Gator's head turns with the sounds of his shoes. And seriously what the fuck was on his shoes that was making them do that?
"Yeah." Kirby finally says,
"It's me." Their voice soft. Gator listens to the last few steps, and then hangs his head.
"How'd you get in here?" He asks, his fingers, dirty and bloodstained around the nails, pick at the sheets. Kirby swallows, hard, wipes at the tears falling over his cheeks.
"I uh," he clears his throat, tries again,
"I snuck past the guard. He went downstairs. Someone else is comin up I guess. Ten minutes." He repeats the time again, glances at the door, has no idea how long it's been. Gator nods, slowly.
"You'll be in trouble if they catch you in here." He's frowning, Kirby can see his eyebrows drawing down, pressing into the bandages.
"I've been in trouble before." Kirby says, teeth worrying into his lip, their hand twitches toward Gator, fingers jumping and dancing near his leg.
"Not this kinda trouble." Gator says, turns his head away, stubborn as always. Kirby huffs, grabs the chair by the bed and drags it loudly across the floor, scoots it close to Gator's bed and throws himself into it.
"I don't care! Gator. I just-" he sniffles, wipes at his face again.
"I saw the ranch on the news. They said people were dead." Kirby bites at the last word, takes a deep shaking breath he knows Gator can hear. Gator drops his head back onto the pillow behind him.
"I'm not dead." He sighs, fingers twitching on the bed sheets, and Kirby can't take it, he reaches out and grabs Gator's hand, presses his palm flat over the back of it, curls his fingers under and holds on. The rough material of the cast presses deep into his skin, he doesn't care, barely feels it. Just feels the skin underneath.
"I can see that. And I knew that. They said- they said you gave him up. Roy. On the news. They said a lot of other stuff. But I didn't really hear it." He cleared his throat again, another sniffle.
"Are you cryin?" Gator asks, his hand pressing up into Kirby's.
"No." Kirby denys immediately, watches the corner of Gator's mouth twitch.
"Shut up." He says, squeezes Gator's hand.
"I'm okay." Gator whispers it, turns his hand under Kirby's and slides his fingers between theirs, the best he can.
"Are you? What happened? Did your dad do this to you?" Kirby sniffles again, drags his free hand under his nose and keeps his eyes on Gator's face. He shakes his head slowly, his messy hair bunching up against the pillow.
"Not him. Same guy who did this." He wiggles his arm genlty, his hand clenching Kirby's as he moves it.
"Wh- I don't- why?" Kirby stammers, hates when he does that. Scrunches his face up at the bad memories of stammering through school, and rubs at his eye, pushing his knuckle deep for a distraction.
"Cuz I fucked up. I couldn't let it go." His lip wobbles, Kirby watches him pull it between his teeth and slam his head back into the pillow, once, hard.
"Hey! Don't. Just- don't do that." Kirby's on his feet now, his hand on Gator's head, moving some of his hair away from his face.
"I'm so fuckin stupid. I just couldn't let it go. And he fucking left me there. He just left me." His voice is strained now, Kirby can see his throat clenching. They bite their own lip, watching Gator's face, can he cry like that? Is there even anything behind the bandages to cry.
Kirby swallows around the fire in their throat and leans down, tucks their head against Gator's neck. He feels Gator's arms move around him slowly. His cast hard against their back, his other hand on their shoulder, gentle, moving slow, so he doesn't dislodge the IV in his hand.
"You're not stupid. You're just- so fucking stubborn Gate." Kirby sniffles again, rubs his tears and his nose on Gator's shoulder and pulls back. Gator's hand moves down his arm as they pull away, not wanting to stop touching him. Kirby doesn't ask who left him. Doesn't need to.
Kirby sees the small smile fade as Gator sits there. They move their fingers over his forhead, then along the bottom of the bandages. Kirby cups his face, smiles when Gator leans into the touch.
"Thanks for comin to see me." He mumbles, his casted hand moving to cover Kirby's, genlty, pulling it away from his face. He rests their tangled hands on the bed again as Kirby sits back down.
"Wild dogs couldn't have kept me away." Kirby sniffles again, but his chest feels lighter, with Gator in front of him, awake. Alive.
"What about a room full of spiders?" Gator asks, his finger pressing into Kirby's palm, just feeling him, touching him.
"Oh fuck that. You would'a been on your own sir." Kirby tells him, matter of fact. The laugh that bursts out of Gator makes Kirby smile so big his cheeks burn, tears falling again as Gator snorts and rubs at his nose carefully, shaking his head gently.
"Gee thanks." He says, voice flat.
"Hey. I got past the wild dogs man. Okay? I tried. I did my best." Kirby teases, bites his lip. Pulls Gator's hand to his mouth and kisses across his knuckles. His stomach fluttering when Gator presses his fingers into his lips, moves them up to his cheek, his thumb moving over Kirby's lips in their place.
"Seriously." Gator says, his head leaning forward.
"Yeah. Anytime. Told you I'd be there for you." Kirby shrugs, knows Gator can't see it. It doesn't matter.
"Are you- will you be able to see? When those come off?" Kirby asks, they pull Gator's hand back down, resting on the bed again. Gator's fingers twitch in his hold, he sniffs loudly, his other hand moving to fiddle with the bottom of the bandages resting on his cheek.
"They don't know yet. Not for sure. Said my left eye looked promising. Whatever that means." He shrugs, leans his head back again, sighing deep in his chest.
"I think it's what they say when they mean it's better than nothing." Kirby shrugs too, their eyes glued to Gator's face, their fingers twitch against the bedding. Curiosity burning under the surface.
"What did he do? Exactly. To your eyes?" Kirby blurts,  cringes when Gator turns his head toward him slowly.
"Sorry. Don't- you don't have to- answer that. Sorry." Kirby frowns down into their lap, shaking their head at themselves.
"He heated a knife in a fire and cut my eyes out. Or... he tried too. Guess he missed the left one." Gator's voice is emotionless.
"Jesus christ. What- fuck." Kirby says, oh so eloquently. Gator snorts, nods.
"Yeah. That sums it up pretty well." He says, noding again, his mouth a tight line.
"I shouldn't have asked." Kirby says, voice quiet.
"You wouldn't be you if you didn't." He says, quiet, Kirby's head whips up, there's a small tilt to Gator's mouth, like he wants to smile. Hell, that is a smile for him.
"Yeah?" Kirby asks, smiling, feeling giddy. Gator's not mad. Not mad that he can't control his fucking mouth. Gator nods, gives Kirby's hand a squeeze.
"Wish I could see you." He sighs, head falling back again.
"Oh yeah? How come? I haven't changed much in three days." They tease, teeth digging into their lip. Their cheeks feeling warm at the thought, that Gator wants to see them.
"Just tryin to image the looks people gave you when you walked in." Gator muses, his head turning, toward Kirby, even though he can't see them.
"What do mean?" Kirby frowns.
"Your clothes aren't usually hospital appropriate, is all." He shrugs again. Kirby makes an offended noise in his throat.
"I have nice clothes ya know? I'm actually dressed quiet well, currently. Thank you very much." Kirby scoffs, yanks his hand away from Gator's and crosses his arms over his chest. He watches Gator smile, can tell he's doubtful, even without the normal look in his eyes.
"Oh yeah? What'er you wearing?" He asks, voice teasing already. Kirby looks down at himself, at the sweatervest he immediately regretted, and grimaced.
"Umm ya know what? That's not- that's neither here nor there. I'm here. With you. That's really all that matters." Kirby rambles, pats at Gator's hand. He chuckles, grabs for Kirby's hand and misses.
"Are you wearing something embarrassing?" Gator asks, smile on his face.
"You have to tell me if you are. I'm wounded. It's only fair." His hand reaches toward Kirby. They scoff again, tucking their legs up under them on the chair.
"How's that fair? I didn't wound you!" He swats at Gator's hand gently as he laughs.
"C'mon. Tell me what you're wearing." Gator pushes, his voice all curled at the edges and sweet. Kirby sighs.
"Ughh. At least buy me dinner first." Kirby mutters, scrambling around in the chair til his knees are tucked up under his chin, Gator's eyebrow twitches up, clearly amused.
"I'm wearing a sweatervest okay? Do not laugh! It's from one of my foster moms and it's very cozy. Okay? So just, hush it." Kirby points at Gator, accusingly. Gator can't see it, but he raisies his hands in surrender anyway.
"What color is it?" Gator asks, biting his lip.
"It's like a blue grey color. With black and white argyle down the front?" Kirby looks down at himself, smoothes his hands down his chest again, his feet falling to the floor.
"What's- which ones argyle?" Gator asks, frowning.
"The diamonds." Kirby tells him. He nods, seems to think for a second.
"Is it soft?" He's worrying his lip between his teeth again.
"Yeah. Here." Kirby stands, walks the two steps to the bed and takes Gator's hand, moves it to rest on his stomach. Gator's brows twitch again, suprised at the softness against his skin.
"I got a black t-shirt on under it." Kirby mumbles, ignores the way Gator pressing his fingers into his stomach makes him feel hot. More hot than all the fucking clothes he's wearing.
"And just some black jeans. No holes or nothin in 'em." Kirby scratches at the back of their neck, watches Gator pull the materal of the vest between his fingers, then watches him smooth it back down. His hand presses to Kirby's stomach again and he ducks away with an awkward giggle, rubbing at the spot Gator's hand had touched.
"Sorry. Ticklish." Kirby explains, grabs at the chair and scoots it a bit closer, til his legs hit it and he falls into it.
"Figures." Gator sighs.
"What?" Kirby frowns.
"The one time I can't see you, you're actually wearing clothes." Gator shakes his head.
"I wear... clothes." Kirby drawls, knows it's only a half truth, really, at best. Gator snorts a laugh.
"Sure ya do. Pretty sure this the first time you've ever worn an actual shirt around me." Gator says, the eyeroll is implied.
"You got a problem with my clothes man?" Kirby asks, tucks one knee up under his chin, smiles when Gator moves his head toward him again.
"No. I'm just sayin, ya know, just my luck that I can't see ya when there's nothin to look at." Gator's fingers move nervously against the sheets, tapping out random little rhythms.
"I mean not that I was... lookin. I'm just- just sayin." He sighs deeply, turns his head away as his cheeks and neck turn red. Kirby bites their lip.
"I saw you looking Gator." Kirby says, through a smile, presses his lips to his knee when Gator turns back to him.
"What? When? I thought I was bein subtle." Gator scratches at his cheek, his fingers brushing the edge of the bandages again.
"You weren't. At all. Like, not even a little." Kirby shakes their head at him.
"I saw you looking like, the second time you came to me for weed dude. It's why I invited you inside." Kirby tells him, chin resting on his knee now, he sees Gator's eyebrows jump up his forehead.
"What did you- did you think somethin was gonna happen?" Gator asks, sounding scandalized. Kirby laughs, shakes his head.
"No. But I figured inviting you in might make you relax. Get your hands out of your pockets and your shoulders down from around your ears. You were so tense man." Kirby chuckles at the memory.
"I didn't know if it was because you were buying weed. Or because of me." They sigh.
"Saw you lookin and figured maybe it was cuz of me. Or maybe it was both. Either way, inside was away from prying eyes." Kirby shrugs, reaches out and takes Gator's hand again.
"I didn't mind you looking. Just- wasn't sure what you were thinkin when you were." They squeeze Gator's hand, he squeezes back.
"I wasn't sure at first. I mean I wasn't- that's not something- that's allowed. In my house." Gator shakes his head. Kirby nods.
"I know. That's why I never did anything. Or said anything. I figured- if you wanted to do something about it, I'd just let you." Kirby turns Gator's hand in his, his fingers walking over the cast, moving to his arm and up his shoulder.
"Let you go at your own pace. Find your own way." Kirby scratches at Gator's shoulder and then drags his hand back down his arm, Gator sighs, leans into the touch.
"I'm just glad I figured it out." Gator mumbles, rubs at his nose.
"Glad I was brave enough to do somethin about it. That night. After the lake." Gator smiles, his body relaxing into his bed more.
"Me too." Kirby smiles, watches Gator for a moment.
"I should go. Let you get some rest. Are they- are they taking you away?" He'd been afraid to ask, his voice shaking a little, his heart picking up again.
"Yeah. Don't know how long. But my step mom. Or- my old step mom. Nadine. Or- she's goes by Dorthy now. Dot. She's- she said she'd visit. Bring me cookies. Anything else I need too." Gator shrugs, tries to play it off. Kirby sees his chest flutter, watches his lip wobble.
"I'll come visit too. Everyday if you want? I'll visit so much you'll get sick'a me." Kirby perks up, scoots forward in his chair, perched on the edge like a bird. Gator frowns, his hand going still in Kirby's.
"You'd come visit?" He sounds uncertain, like he thinks it might be a trick.
"Course I would. Snuck in here to see ya didn't I?" Kirby assures him, watches Gator's lip tremble again before he drags his teeth over it, he nods, swallows hard.
"Okay. Th-thanks." Gator stammers, Kirby opens their mouth to answer but the door clicking open cuts him off. Gator squeezes his hand, hard, Kirby's eyes are locked on where the door would be if there was no curtain.
"Shit." He breathes, barely makes a sound.
"Don't you worry. I won't be a minute." A woman's voice says, high and thick with that accent Kirby's come to enjoy so much. He moves his eyes to Gator when he loosens his grip. The door clicks shut again. Footsteps, coming toward them. The curtain pulls to the left and brings them face to face with a small mousy woman. Her eyes widen when they land on Kirby.
"Oh. Hey there." She says, easy, her suprise fading fast. She glances at the door, then back to Kirby.
"You sneak in during the shift change?" She asks, voice lowered. Kirby swallows, nods, too frightened to speak. She nods back, gives him an adorable smile.
"That was my plan too if they wouldn't let me in." She scrunches her face, her eyes land on Kirby and Gator's hands, their fingers still laced together, Kirby pulls their hand free quickly, shoves both hands into his lap.
"You a friend'a Gator's?" She asks, sweetly, as she moves around the other side of the bed.
"This is Kirby Na- sorry. Dorthy." Gator grimaces at his mistake. The woman doesn't seem to notice, just smiles at him, and then at Kirby, her hand moving to Gator's head, fingers dragging smoothly through his hair.
"It's a pleasure to meet ya Kirby. I'm Dorthy. Gator's... Gator's friend too." She hesitates, her eyes dropping to Gator's face and then back to Kirby.
"I saw you on the news ma'am." Kirby says, manners from a foster home long gone kicking in. She smiles at him again, and it's soft, and warm, and feels safe.
"Oh yeah? I'm sure I looked a mess." She shakes her head, laughs a little.
"You looked fine. Looked nice. Just- looked like a mom." Kirby shrugs, and she had. She'd looked a little rough around the edges, but ultimately, she'd looked like a mom, trying to get back to her kid.
"Well that's sweet of ya to say." She waves him off, looks back to Gator, her hand still in his hair.
"There gonna be takin him in about ten minutes. I just wanted to say goodbye. Til I see ya again." She leans down, kisses Gator's forhead. He smiles, nods, his teeth embedded in his lip so hard Kirby's worried it'll bleed. He's trying not to cry. Can't speak because of it.
"If you give me five minutes I'll distract 'em so you can sneak out. If ya want?" She's looking at Kirby again. He stares, doesn't mean to, but she's... odd. In a good way. Like she understands things, sees things the way Kirby does sometimes.
"Okay. I mean yeah that'd be- thanks." Kirby nods. She nods back, kisses Gator's head one more time, walks around the bed to Kirby.
"It's very nice to meet you Kirby." There's a weight to her words that Kirby feels deep in his chest. She doesn't know him, doesn't know them at all, but she means it. Kirby reaches out, takes her hand, shakes.
"You too ma'am. Really." He stands, she smiles, tugs him into a quick hug, just a tight squeeze, and then she's gone. The door shutting slowly behind her. When Kirby turns back, Gator is reaching for him, casted hand outstretched. Kirby grabs it immediately, crowds close to him on the bed.
"You gotta go." Gator whispers, pulling Kirby's hand to his chest.
"I know. I don't wanna." Kirby breathes, his head dropped to Gator's shoulder.
"Will you do me a favor? Before you go?" Gator asks, his voice shaking, Kirby can feel him trembling.
"Of course. What is it?" They ask, leaning up so they can see him. Gator's head is turned towards him, if he could see, he wouldn't be looking quite at him, just off to the side.
"Will you kiss me?" He licks his lips.
"I mean like really kiss me. So I know what it's like? So I get to have that? With you. Before I go." His head droops, his shoulders shake, Kirby thinks he might be crying, best he can. They take a deep breathe, and reach out, cupping Gator's face and tilting it up again.
"I'll kiss you anytime you want." Kirby whispers, breathes it like a promise against Gator's lips and then kisses him. Slow and deep. Gator clings to him, both hands fisted in the back of his shirt, pulling them closer. He whines into Kirby's mouth and groans when he pulls away.
"Any time you want." He breathes again, teeth dragging over Gator's bottom lip as he pulls back. Gator chases his lips, leans forward and groans again when Kirby presses their hand to his chest, stopping him.
"I'm gonna miss you." Gator breathes, and it sounds broken, his voice wrecked.
"Naw, you won't. I'm gonna be there every day 'memeber?" He moves his hand up, from Gator's chest to his hair, moves his fingers into it, scratches them against Gator's scalp and smiles when he hums, presses into the touch.
"You'll be sick'a me in no time." Kirby leans down, presses another quick kiss to his lips. He sees Gator open his mouth, to argue, he's sure. When they hear a crash in the hall, voices yelling, moving away from the door.
"That's my cue. I'll see you soon Gate. Real soon." Kirby squeezes his shoulder and moves away, keeping his eyes on Gator til he's at the door. Gator's hand raises in a wave, his fingers wiggling over his cast as the other hand presses to his lips. Kirby smiles, tears falling down his cheeks, and ducks out the door.
He steps into chaos, Dorothy is down the hall a bit, laying on the floor, hand to her head. The gaurd on Gator's door and three nurses surround her. She meets his eyes through the guards legs and winks. He nods to her, still smiling, and bolts down the hall, his shoes screeching against the tiles as he runs and runs, ducking into the elevator and out of sight.
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graceygraicigracy · 10 months
missing him (percival pickens kissing gay kevin and like it never being brought up again and making a deal with satan and being an immortal gay wizard capitalist???)
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simplydm · 1 month
Someone says the word river and impulse sees red
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contac · 2 years
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endlesshunger · 2 years
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greencproductions · 1 month
What a day yesterday in Stanford
Such a nice event at Rivergate Guest Farm. More stalls manned with people from Napier than from Stanford BTW. Starring: Yvonne de Wit (design jewellery) from Napier.
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hotelbooking · 6 months
HANAN studio at Rivergate *Near D1 * FREE GYM Hi - We have a brand-new apartment in Tower B at the luxurious Rivergate Residence (opening date September 2017)Located very close to the center of Ho Chi Minh City. You can walk to District 1 over the bridge just outside the apartments in 5min.** The space:+ 28m2 with kitchen (including cooking utensils for meal preparations)+ 1 Queen Size bed with fresh linen including bath towels and face washer.+ Wardrobe to hang your clothes included hangers.+ A seperate bathroom and Shower room including hair dryer.+ A small balcony for washing clothes and drying, including iron.+ Smart TV with full HD channels, inc Fox Movies and many more.+ Free high-speed wifi connection - circa 20-25mbps Download speed and unlimited data.+ Shampoo, and shower gel are provided.+ FREE extra mattress, extra blanket and pillow (in case you need for 3 guests): Please leave a note for this when (URL HIDDEN)+ We have a small fridge which, for your convenience, we provide...
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sunshinegearbox · 1 year
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The Rivergate Model Tour WaterSet New Home Community Apollo Beach Florida
The Rivergate Model Tour WaterSet New Home Community Apollo Beach Florida
Delightful livability and superb craftsmanship combine in the remarkable Rivergate luxury home plan. Fulfill your interior design ambition with this open floor plan’s sunlit expanse of unforgettable celebration potential. The gourmet kitchen offers a sensational culinary arts studio with a deluxe corner pantry, a full-function island, and extended countertops. Unique decorative styles and…
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sassymccoy · 6 months
heyyyy checking in from nashville where we have had ✨yet another✨ deadly tornado. i am without power (if you google "rivergate power station" and look for the traffic cam footage you can see ✨why✨) but otherwise alright and really glad i bought that external backup battery for my phone a few months back
word for now is that it may take multiple days before power comes back on so i will not be active outside of quick check-ins
be safe y'all 💖
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beenjen · 6 months
Did y’all make it through the storms last night ok?
Hey gorgeous, we did. Looks like Sumner and Montgomery counties were hit pretty hard and Rivergate down the way. You ok? Any damage?
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Family Dinner and a First Kiss
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Gator Tillman x Kirby Rivers (oc)
{ Kirbys Bio }
♤ Summary: Kirby comes to family dinner and brings Gator a gift.
♤ Warnings: canon x oc pairing, trans/nonbinary oc, Kirby uses he/they pronouns, blind Gator, first kiss, getting together. This is a one shot for them, not connected to my other RiverGator story I've got going!
♤ A/N: suprise! I know i need to finish my actual long story with them but this popped into my head and demanded to be written. Tagging a few people this time woohoo! @jozstankovich and @thecreelhouse (im so happy you love them it literally makes me so smiley that someone outside my bubble loves my little guy!!!) And @sidekick-hero cuz its a Gator fic! Hahaha! No pressure reading if oc things aren't you're cup of tea!!!
"I brought brownies!" Kirby calls as he walks into the house without knocking. He kicks his shoes off and hears Gator snort all the way in the living room.
"Kid friendly brownies!" Kirby corrects himself, still sing songing, he hears Dot and Wayne laugh in the kitchen as he elbows the door shut and makes his way to them.
"Are there other kinds of brownies?" Scotty asks from her seat on the counter, where she's helping her mother stir something.
"Yes. And I'll tell you about them when you're older." Kirby points at her, looking at her over his glasses, then glances at Dot.
"If I get permission from your mom and dad." Kirby smiles brightly, Dot mirrors him and laughs, Wayne takes the brownies and sets them off to the side. Kirby nods, thanks him, and then turns, looking for Gator.
He's sat on the couch, not facing the tv that's playing some movie or show they've never seen. His sunglasses dark and heavy on his face. His hands resting on his stomach as he listens to the tv.
Kirby smiles to himself and skips over to the couch, Gator's head tilting in his direction when he hears him. He smiles when Kirby throws himself onto the couch next him.
"What's cookin good lookin?" They sing, patting Gator's shoulder. His brows crease, he makes a show of sniffing the air.
"Smells like... meatloaf?" His head tilts the other way.
"And maybe some type of potato?" His frown deepens. Kirby looks over their shoulder to Scotty for confirmation. She holds up ten fingers and then two thumbs up. Kirby smiles at her, gives her a wink and then slaps Gator's knee.
"Two for two. That nose is on fire tonight." He moves his hand back into his own lap, eyes on Gator as he smiles as his knees.
"Just smells good." Gator shrugs.
"Can you tell what kind of potatoes?" Kirby asks, leaning back into the couch and bumping their shoulders together. Kirby looks into the kitchen, Dot mouths "mashed" at him and smiles. Kirby nods, bites his lip and turns back to watch Gator sniff the air again.
"Uhh... maybe... m- mashed?" His face is scrunched up, his tone unsure.
"With garlic maybe?" He adds, tilting his head, "looking" at Kirby, instead of into the kitchen.
"Correct on the mashed. Unsure on the garlic. Scotty what do you say? You guys usin garlic in there?" Kirby calls, pressing his shoulder to Gator's.
"Yes! For the breads!" She calls back happily.
"Breads?" Kirby and Gator say, in synch. Wayne chuckles.
"Someone, couldn't decide if they wanted a loaf or pull apart rolls. So we're making both." Wayne explains, giving Scotty a pointed look. She blushes a little and looks into the bowl she's stirring.
"That sounds perfect to me. I love bread." Kirby says, sighing dreamily at just the thought. Gator bumps him with his knee.
"I'm suprised you're not fatter, all the bread you eat." Gator teases, bumping the back of his hand to Kirby's stomach and pulling it away just as fast.
"BREAD MAKES YOU FAT?!" Kirby shouts, the reaction Gator wanted, making him, and Scotty laugh at his dramatics. They'd watched that movie almost every night when Gator had gotten out of the hospital prison.
They settle into each other on the couch for a bit, listening and watching the movie. Kirby telling Gator what's happening every now and then when he makes a questioning face.
"You didn't just come down here did you?" Kirby asks, looking at Gator, he frowns a little, angling toward Kirby.
"No. I've been down here since breakfast. Why?" He looks curious, maybe a little on edge.
"I just... I have something for you. Thought maybe giving it to you in private would be better. I know how you are with feelings." Kirby teased, bumping their skinny thigh into Gator's.
"Oh yeah? And how am I with feelings?" Gator asks, his voice grumpy, but Kirby sees the corner of his mouth twitch.
"Bad." Kirby says, easy. It makes a laugh burst out of Gator. He shakes his head, moves to sit up, his hands on his knees.
"That's... fair. We can go to my room." He says, standing. Kirby stands as well, steps out of Gator's path.
"Lead the way." They hold their hand out and do a little bow, though Gator can't see it. He steps easily around the couch and the end table and walks toward the stairs, his feet staying close to the floor, feeling for anything he may trip over.
Kirby shuffles along behind him, taking the stairs carefully, he still manages to catch his toes on a step about half way up and tumble forward a bit, clearing his throat as he rights himself.
"Talk about the blind leading the blind." Gator mumbles ahead of him as he reaches the top of the stairs. Kirby scoffs, offended noise sharp in his throat, but hears Scotty and Dot giggling behind him and snorts as he dashes nimbly up the rest of the stairs.
Gator gets settled on his bed as Kirby closes the door behind them. They turn and watch their friend for a moment, the way he wiggles in place to get comfortable, tucking his legs and socked feet under neath him, cross legged. His hand reaches up to adjust the dark sunglasses on his face, frowning as he does it. Kirby feels warmth rush through his chest, down his arms to his hands, making his palms sweat.
He shuffles over to the bed and sits down, next to Gator but not too close.
"So what'd you get me?" Gator asks, aiming for light, nonchalant, and missing. He looks nervous.
"Oh! Um. Just... it's not... anything crazy. Um.. hang on." Kirby stands, digs around in his cargo shorts.
"I've got it here... somewhere." He mutters to himself, it makes Gator smile, listening to them rummage through their pockets.
"Ah ha! Got the little sucker." Kirby exclaims, plops back down on the bed.
"Here ya go." He reaches out with it, tucks the small gift into Gator's palm. He watches Gator moves it between his fingers, then between both hands.
"What is it?" He asks softly, his fingers moving gently over the soft fabric. Kirby wiggles a little closer.
"It's a sleep mask." He says, simple enough. And then his mouth gets going.
"I know you said the sunglasses bother you. Cuz they're so heavy. And I saw this and thought it might help." They shrug.
"Oh and it's got a little pocket. For a little gel ice pack thingy, right here." He reaches forward, guides Gator's fingers to where the small gel pack is tucked between the layers of fabric.
"It's hypoallergenic too, so it shouldn't irritate your skin or anything. And I thought the ice would be good for headaches, or just like... the phantom pains you get. And it's good for itching too! Ice. So that's... another good thing." Kirby bites his lip, wipes their palms on their shorts. His mouth feeling a bit dry. He watches Gator frown, his fingers moving over the band on the mask.
"And that's adjustable! So you can make it as tight or loose as you want it. Which I figured loose would be good. I know you don't like stuff tight on your face." Kirby takes a deep breath, feels like his whole body is flushed.
"And ya know, it's not flashy or anything so you could wear it out. Some people might think it's a bit weird, someone wearing a sleep mask. But mosta the folks around here know ya can't see, so I don't think they'd give ya any trouble." Kirby grimaces, whishes his fucking mouth would just, stop. He bites his lip, watches Gator hold his gift, watches him bring the cloth to his lips to feel it better. Watches him lower his hands back to the bed. Kirby worries at his lip as Gator "looks" at him.
"You... for me?" His voice sounds strained.
"Um... yeah? I just... I thought it might help?" Kirby curls his arms around himself.
"All that stuff... you said. You thought about all that? Just cuz I said I didn't like my glasses?" His brows are creased, his head tilted down now, "looking" into his lap. Kirby nods, remembers his own glasses and tosses them onto Gator's nightstand, not really needing them for this.
"I mean. At the store my thoughts were really just, oh, that might be better for him that the hard plastic of the sunglasses. But um... my mouth currently, seems to be thinking more in depth. I guess I just was trying to- oh!" Kirby flinches involuntarily when Gator's lips hit his face.
"Shit. Sorry." Gator mutters. Kirby rubs at his eye with his knuckle.
"I missed didn't I?" Gator asks with a grimace. Kirby barks a laugh, their hand slapping over their mouth.
"I mean...yeah. But ironically you hit me in the eye so like... kinda... poetic coincidence I think." He shurgs, watches Gator shake his head and blush. His fingers pushing up under the arm of his glasses, rubbing at the skin there.
"You wanna try it out?" Kirby reaches forward, taps the mask in Gator's hand.
"I won't look if you don't want me too." Kirby says, softly, already beginning to close his eyes.
"No it's... it's okay. You can- you can look." He sniffs, wipes at his nose and slowly pulls the sunglasses from his face.
The thing is, Kirby has seen his scars before. He'd helped Dot change the bandages a few times when they'd visited him. Dot demanding the changes so she could make sure he was healing okay. Wanted to see for herself.
They're not as bad as Gator probably thinks they are. He's still got both sets of eyelids, they're dark, his skin permanently singed it would seem. And each eye has a scared line, almost directly down the middle. He can't open them. Kirby is pretty sure the skin has all healed together.
He wants to touch. Always curious. But he doesn't. Hasn't asked. Yet. He will. One day. He knows he will. Knows himself enough to know he won't be able to stop himself from asking, but not today.
He watches Gator slip the mask over his face. Watches him frown a little as he adjusts it and gets it settled right. It's a simple grey and black stipe pattern, thin horizontal lines striking across his face.
"Look okay?" Gator asks, his fingers gently touching the edge resting against his cheek.
"Yeah. Looks-" Kirby clears his throat, rubs at his neck.
"Looks good. Does it feel okay?" Kirby asks. Gator nods, slow, and then holds his finger up. He reaches up, pulls the small gel pack out of the top slit, and sets it on the bed next to him.
"That's better." He nods, to himself mostly.
"Good. That's good." Kirby nods, his palms sweating again.
"You just gonna ignore me trying to kiss you?" Gator asks, ducking his head, his finger worring at a seam on his comforter.
"Wha- oh. No I wasn't... ignoring it." Kirby says, biting his lip so the nervous laughter he feels in his chest doesn't crawl up out of his throat.
"No?" Gator asks, his head still hanging.
"No. Just... have you ever tried to kiss someone with glasses? They get all smudgey, and your nose bumps into them, it's... I mean it's a mess." Kirby sighs, still trying to keep his nerves at bay.
"Oh. So you just wanted to get me out of my glasses? That it?" Gator asks, his head rising a little, Kirby can see the smile starting in the corner of his mouth.
"Yeah. Yeah exactly. Just... wanted you outta those." Kirby nods, wiggles a little further onto the bed so he doesn't fucking fall off the edge.
"Even though I missed?" Gator asks, voice hushed, brows furrowed. Kirby knows that look, knows that tone of voice. Gator's beating himself up about it.
"Dude you're literally blind. You were bound to miss." Kirby teases, but reaches forward, pressing his hand to Gator's jaw as he smiles at the soft jab.
"I used to be good at that kinda stuff." Gator sighs.
"Aww." Kirby coos, moves their thumb over Gator's cheek.
"I bet that's not true." He teases again, scrunching his face up.
"Okay. Fuck off." Gator huffs, reaching for Kirby and shoving at him.
"Hey." Kirby breathes, soft, quiet. Gator stops shoving, swallows hard.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"I wasn't ever good at it either. But-" he takes a deep breath.
"But what?" Gator asks, his fingers curling into the fabric of Kirby's shorts.
"I feel like... I'm good with you. Or... we're good... together? Some- something like that." Kirby shrugs, grimaces a little, knows he's not wording it the best. But Gator huffs a laugh, nods a little, and Kirby knows he gets it.
"Wanna try again?" Kirby asks, licking his lips. Gator nods again, his lips parting gently.
"Here." Kirby takes Gator's hand, moves Gator's fingertips across his lips, pressing kisses to each one as he guides Gator's hand to his face. His thumb lingers on Kirby's bottom lip, moves over the soft skin there as he leans closer.
"I won't miss this time." Gator breathes between them.
"I won't care if you do." Kirby whispers back, both of them laughing into their first kiss as Gator presses forward, moving his thumb away at the very last moment. His hand moving to Kirby's neck, pulling him closer.
Kirby moans into the kiss when Gator's tongue moves along his lips. Gator pulls back at the sound. Kirby opens his eyes in time to see the surprised look on Gator's face, his eyebrows high on his forhead, peaking out above the mask.
"What? I've been waiting a long time for this. Don't judge me Gator Tillman." He scolds, reaches up with both hands, grabs at Gator's shirt and pulls him back in. Gator laughs into his mouth and wraps his arms around them. He pulls them close to his chest and then rolls them, Kirby squawking at the sudden movement. Gator curls around him, tucks himself agaisnt Kirby, shoves his face into his neck and presses kisses into his skin, making Kirby squirm in his arms.
"Thank you." Gator breathes into his shoulder, settling on top of Kirby, a comforting heavy weight on their chest.
"For what?" Kirby asks, moving his fingers through Gator's loose hair, so happy he doesn't gel it down much anymore. Only asking because his thank you felt heavy.
"For caring so much. And over thinking so much. And talking sooo much." Gator teases, nosing at his cheek, fingers tickling over their ribs. Kirby laughs, breathy and jagged as he tries to get away from Gator's fingers.
Gator stills, settles on top of Kirby, his fingers moving carefully over Kirby's face, they move over his cheek and Gator presses a kiss there. They move over his nose, and Gator kisses him there as well. His other cheek, another kiss. His fingertips move over Kirby's lips again, just as gentle as before.
"I mean it. Thank you. For caring about me." Gator sighs, Kirby smiles up at him, knows he can't see it. But he can feel it. His fingers dip and hit Kirby's teeth and then he's smiling too, smiling down at Kirby and their whole body feels warm again.
"Thank you for the same." Kirby sighs, moving his hand to Gator's face, tracing his fingers over Gator's smile, it makes him smile more, wider, bright like it used to be, before everything got ripped apart.
Kirby snorts then, because they're just laying there, smiling at each other. It makes Gator laugh, and then he's kissing them again, soft and slow.
They end up tangled together, their legs and hands all twisted and entwined. Gator's head on his chest, Kirby's fingers in his hair, warm, and happy, as they wait to be called down to dinner, meatloaf and potatoes, and so so much bread.
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graceygraicigracy · 10 months
i like cant wait till people start discovering riverdale as the artistic feat and masterpeice that it is and build entire courses and classes aorund it and it becomes super popular again and gets a shitty revival cant wait
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crys-makes-art · 10 months
Another bit of lore and maps related to Uluthana, my original setting! For the next week I am planning to either make a profile for one of prominent characters or a small page about Scalebreaker ballista bolts!
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max-fax · 1 year
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The Rivergate Centre (The Mall) and the Granny Stane
#halfcentnew #ilfordhp5 #120film #blackandwhitephotography
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malhare-archive · 2 years
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Rivergate mall, formerly. It's been replaced with tacky benches. I'll show you them later.
It's so depressing when beautiful things like this are replaced by what are essentially just soulless placeholders :^(
That's the saddest thing about the ongoing death of the American mall, malls used to look unique and have fun things in them!
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