#retina care center
sanjeevannetralaya · 11 months
Uveitis Symptoms Causes & Treatment
Uveitis, also known as middle layer inflammation, is a condition in which the eye develops. The iris, the ciliary body, and the choroid make up this structure. They control light penetration, produce aqueous hormone (fluid filling up front parts), and supply blood and oxygen to the retina.
Uveitis may be caused by infection, an autoimmune disorder, or idiopathic (of unknown origin). Uveitis can cause eye pain, blurred vision and sensitivity to light. Uveitis can be treated with steroid eye drops/injections, oral medications, or surgery in the most severe cases.
If you suspect you might have uveitis, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Untreated, it can lead to vision loss and glaucoma.
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What are the symptoms of Uveitis?
There are many symptoms associated with uveitis. They can vary depending on the cause. Nevertheless, there are some common symptoms and signs associated with this eye condition:
Eye pain
Eyes are red
Blurred vision
Photophobia - Sensitivity towards light
Floaters are small spots or specks that appear to float in your field of vision.
Vision loss or decreased vision
Tearing or watering down the eyes
Eye irritation or discomfort
Uveitis can present in various stages. Some people may not have symptoms at all, and some inflammation may only be diagnosed during routine eye exams. Consult an eye doctor if you have any of these symptoms, or have concerns about your eyes health.
What is the treatment for Uveitis?
The treatment of uveitis depends on the severity, location and cause. The goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation, alleviate symptoms, prevent complications, and preserve vision. The following are common treatments for uveitis:
Uveitis must be treated immediately to prevent complications and maintain vision. It is recommended that you have regular follow-up visits with your eye doctor to monitor the condition, adjust treatment, and report any changes.
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Regular visits to your doctor are important. Advance Ayurvedic Eye Care by Sanjeevan Netralaya is extremely effective for Uveitis and all other retinal problems. Each patient's health and history is considered and a customized treatment is created for them. This ensures that there are no side effects and pain-free treatment.
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nitinasg · 8 months
ASG Eye Hospital Amritsar
ASG Eye Hospital Amritsar
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asgeyecareindia · 8 months
Best Eye Specialist in Patna | ASG Eye Hospital
Meet the best eye specialist in Patna at ASG Eye Hospital. Our experienced doctors provide comprehensive eye care services for all your vision needs.
Consult Our Specialists Today!
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tatumeyecare · 9 months
Best Eye Doctor in Phoenix, Arizona: Your Guide to Top-notch Eye Care
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Welcome to the sunny and vibrant city of Phoenix, Arizona, where eye care is of paramount importance. Your vision is precious, and finding the best eye doctor is crucial to maintaining it. In this article, we will walk you through the journey of selecting the best eye doctor in Phoenix, Arizona, providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision. From understanding the importance of regular eye check-ups to addressing common eye concerns, we've got you covered.
Best Eye Doctor in Phoenix, Arizona
When it comes to your vision, you deserve nothing but the best. The best eye doctor in Phoenix, Arizona is a highly skilled professional who can diagnose and treat a wide range of eye conditions. Here are some key factors to consider when searching for the perfect eye care specialist:
Credentials Matter
The first step in your search for the best eye doctor is to check their credentials. Ensure that the doctor is board-certified and has the necessary licenses and certifications. This guarantees that they have received the proper training and have met the highest standards of eye care.
Experience Counts
Experience is a crucial factor in choosing an eye doctor. Look for a specialist who has a wealth of experience in treating various eye conditions. Seasoned eye doctors are often better equipped to handle complex cases and provide effective solutions.
Patient Reviews and Recommendations
One of the most reliable ways to gauge the quality of an eye doctor is by reading patient reviews and seeking recommendations from friends and family. Positive reviews and personal referrals can provide valuable insights into the doctor's skills and bedside manner.
Range of Services
The best eye doctor in Phoenix, Arizona should offer a comprehensive range of services, from routine eye exams to advanced treatments and surgeries. Having a wide spectrum of services available ensures that all your eye care needs are met under one roof.
State-of-the-Art Technology
In the ever-advancing field of eye care, technology plays a pivotal role. Ensure that your chosen eye doctor utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge techniques to provide the best possible care.
Location and Accessibility
Consider the location and accessibility of the eye clinic. Opt for a convenient location that allows you to access care without undue hassle. Additionally, check for flexible appointment schedules to accommodate your busy life.
Insurance Compatibility
Before making a decision, verify whether the eye doctor accepts your insurance. This will help you avoid unexpected expenses and ensure that your eye care is covered.
Personal Comfort
Lastly, trust your instincts. Visit the clinic, meet the doctor, and assess your level of comfort. A warm and welcoming atmosphere, along with a compassionate and attentive staff, can make your eye care experience truly exceptional.
Can I book an eye appointment online?
Absolutely! Many best eye doctors in Phoenix, Arizona offer online appointment booking for your convenience. Visit their websites to schedule your appointment with ease.
How often should I have my eyes checked?
For most individuals, an annual eye exam is sufficient. However, if you have pre-existing eye conditions or are at a higher risk of eye diseases, your doctor may recommend more frequent check-ups.
What should I expect during an eye exam?
During an eye exam, your doctor will evaluate your vision, check for refractive errors, assess eye muscle coordination, and examine the health of your eyes. It's a painless process that helps identify any issues early on.
Are there any lifestyle changes to improve eye health?
Yes, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can benefit your eye health. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, protecting your eyes from UV rays, and avoiding excessive screen time can all contribute to better vision.
Can eye doctors treat eye allergies?
Yes, eye doctors can diagnose and treat eye allergies. They may recommend eye drops, antihistamines, or other treatments to alleviate your symptoms and provide relief.
What should I do in case of an eye emergency?
In case of an eye emergency, such as an injury or sudden vision loss, seek immediate medical attention. Call your eye doctor or visit the nearest emergency room for prompt care.
Your vision is irreplaceable, and choosing the best eye doctor in Phoenix, Arizona is a decision that should not be taken lightly. By considering their credentials, experience, patient reviews, services, technology, location, insurance compatibility, and your personal comfort, you can make an informed choice for your eye care needs.
Remember that regular eye check-ups are essential for maintaining good eye health. Book your appointment with the best eye doctor in Phoenix, Arizona, and ensure that your vision remains crystal clear for years to come.
Tatum Eyecare is North Phoenix’s premier family eye care center. We’ve spared no expense to create the most pleasant, comfortable patient experience… including the finest furnishings, the best selection of prescription eyeglass frames, the most cutting-edge technology, and the most outstanding team of industry professionals. Come see why the choice for family eye care in the Valley has never been clearer.
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theretinacentre · 2 years
Difference in between Hydrophilic Vs. Hydrophobic lens
Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic lenses are two opposite lens used for similar purpose. Both have their own benefits and downsides and this article will comprehensively talk about A-Z of these lenses. Hydrophobic lenses repel water or aqueous fluid and don’t let these fluids accumulate in or around it. On the contrary Hydrophilic lenses remain drenched with fluids. They are exactly what their name suggests them to be.
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alakhnayanmandir · 2 years
Best Eye Specialists in Udaipur for LASIK Surgery
LASIK surgery is a type of refractive surgery that is used to correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It is a safe and effective procedure that has helped millions of people worldwide see clearly without the need for glasses or contact lenses. If you are considering LASIK surgery, then Udaipur is the place to go. The city is home to some of the best eye specialists in the country who can help you achieve clear vision without glasses or contacts. 
The first step in choosing an eye specialist for LASIK surgery is to research your options and find a specialist who has experience performing the procedure and who has a good track record with patients. Once you have narrowed down your options, you can then schedule consultations with each specialist to learn more about their experience, approach to care, and fees before making a final decision on who will perform your surgery. During your consultation, be sure to ask each specialist about their experience performing LASIK surgery and how many procedures they have performed overall. You should also ask about their success rates with patients and whether they have ever had any complications with the procedure. It is important that you feel comfortable with your chosen specialist and that you believe they have the experience and skills necessary to provide you with excellent care before proceeding with scheduling your surgery date. Once you have chosen an eye specialist, they will conduct a thorough examination of your eyes to determine if you are a good candidate for LASIK surgery before scheduling your procedure date. LASIK surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis, which means that you will be able to go home on the same day as your procedure... After your surgery, you will need to take it easy for a few days while your eyes heal... Most people who have LASIK surgery achieve 20/20 vision or better after their procedure; however, some may require glasses or contacts for fine print or night driving... If you are considering LASIK surgery, then Udaipur is the place to go... The city is home to some of the best eye specialists in the country who can help you achieve clear vision without glasses or contacts...Be sure to do your research and choose a specialist who has experience performing the procedure and who has a good track record with patients... Once you have chosen an eye specialist, they will conduct a thorough examination of your eyes before scheduling your procedure date... After your surgery, you will need to take it easy for a few days while your eyes heal but most people who have LASIK surgery achieve 20/20 vision or better after their procedure. Schedule a consultation with one of these top-rated specialists today! 
Are you considering LASIK surgery? If so, then Alakh Nayan Mandir Udaipur is the place to go! The city is home to some of the best eye specialists in India who can help you achieve clear vision without glasses or contact lenses. Be sure to do your research before choosing an eye specialist and schedule a consultation today!
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Let's Talk About Chemistry
You are getting some new ink from your girlfriend, but don't like the interaction between her current client when you arrive, so you fire things up a bit. What's life without a little fun?
A/N: Just a little fluff piece, nothing super crazy. It just kind of popped into my head and I ran with it. No triggers. AU.
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The sun seemed to burn your retinas before you could get your sunglasses on as you walked out of your midtown apartment complex on a spring morning. The streets were crowded with eager tourists and natives alike, a cacophony of horns, squealing brakes, and the random taxi driver yelling at someone to ‘move faster’ slowly fading away as you slipped your headphones into your ears. Pushing the sunglasses onto your face, you begin the mile-long walk to your girlfriends ‘office’. 
This is a new aspect of your budding relationship, introducing each other to your working environment. You had met her one night out with your friends at a trendy new club, and you hadn’t been able to peel your eyes off the heavily tattoed, red-headed woman that was seated at the end of the bar. She seemed to be there alone that night, and anyone who had approached her was expediently dismissed.
Your friends had watched you stare over at her all night long, and finally pushed and teased you enough, feeding you with enough liquid courage to go and talk to her. She had barely even looked your way, but you were finally able to get her attention, opening up a conversation that didn’t stop until the early morning hours. Once the bartender had announced the last call, you both exchanged information, smiles plastered on both of your faces as you went your separate ways. The conversation that you both carried on in the club had continued over the phone, via text, and over various shared meals as you both got to know each other. 
As you got to know Natasha better, you found out she was a Russian defector, she and her family had come to the States to escape the Soviet political machine. She had a rough go, getting mixed up with the wrong crowd as a teenager before straightening herself out, and getting herself into a respectable studio where she could share her artistic flair with New York City, and all those who traveled through it. You both had been discussing a new floral tattoo for you, one that would wind down from your shoulder to your thigh, crossing over your ribs as it works its way south.
Your heart skipped a beat as you approached the tattoo studio, your stomach fluttering with a mix of nervousness and excitement. It was your first time coming to the studio, and you couldn't help but feel like the world was spinning around you. Natasha had never seen you in less than shorts and a tank top, citing that she wanted to ‘take her time’ with you. All her previous relationships had started hot and fizzled out just as fast, and she didn’t want that with you. 
The building anticipation was almost unbearable as you pushed open the door and stepped inside, your breath hitched slightly at the sight. In the center of the studio was Natasha, your girlfriend, tattooing another jaw-droppingly gorgeous woman. You stood in the little lobby area of the tattoo studio, watching the interaction between the two. They were lost in their own little world, bodies almost touching as they worked together in perfect harmony. You were easily mesmerized by the way your girlfriend’s muscles flexed as she was shading the tattoo on her client’s thigh. It was a sight that you could easily become mesmerized by, but the flirtatious nature of the client was beginning to grate on your nerves.
At this point, you were thankful for all of the mirrors around the studio, as you watched the woman, whose back was facing you, bat her eyelashes and throw her hair over her shoulder, obviously trying to get Natasha's attention. Natasha, however, didn't seem to notice or care. Or perhaps she was too polite to confront the situation head-on. Either way, you couldn't help but feel a wave of jealousy wash over you. Taking a step forward, you had decided that enough was enough.
"I'm here for Natasha," you said, voice steady and firm. "You can finish up with her later." your words were directed at the woman, your eyes shooting to the scowl on her client’s face, but Natasha looked up at you in surprise, a flicker of amusement crossing her features before she quickly masked it. For a moment, Nat sat while you stood there, locked in an intense gaze, before looking back at your girlfriend. When Natasha broke away, she leaned forward to press a soft kiss to your lips. Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of her warm lips on yours as you moved to deepen the kiss.
“I’ll, uhh… I’ll call to schedule another appointment, Nat. See you later.” The client rose from the chair, clearly uncomfortable with the sight before her. You broke away from Tasha with a smirk on your face as her gaze drifted to the woman standing beside you.
“Sure thing, but please…call me Natasha. Not Nat.” She responded, reaching over to grab a fresh paper towel, dampening it to clean her thigh before wrapping it with plastic wrap. “You know the drill. Keep it clean, no scented lotion. Sunscreen when you go out.” She said as the brunette turned on her heels and stalked out of the studio. She turned to face you with a smirk on her face. “Jealous, much?” She stalked towards you, the same shit-eating grin on her face.
“Honey, please. She was desperate. I was annoyed.” You huff, looking down at the suddenly interesting checkerboard floor.
“You know, I do have a lot of female clients,” she tilted your chin up, directing your attention back to her. “Maybe I should keep you around for all of them. Seeing you like this, is kinda hot, babe.” 
“Don’t push your luck,” you lean in, running your hands up her chest as you peck her lips. “Now, can we start on my tattoo?” You ask, jumping up and down while she cleaned up her workstation. She laughed as you wiggled around like a giddy schoolgirl.
“You act like that now, but you won’t be that excited when I’m tattooing your ribs later.” She smirked, watching as you quit bouncing around. You narrow your eyes, almost daring her.
“I’d like you to tattoo something else later.”
“Excuse me?” She smirked.
“You heard me.” You snarked back.
“Mhmm…right…” she responded, grabbing your hips firmly, and pushing you backward to the padded bench. “We’re going to start the outline, I want to get everything outlined today.” She directed, sitting herself down while she got her ink and towels ready. 
“Okay.” You unzip the zip-up hoodie, before removing it. It was followed by your tank top. You had decided at home that a black bikini top would be the best option to wear today, as it covered the necessities but gave her the most room to work. Shimmying out of the sweatpants you had worn, left you standing there in some very, very short shorts and a bikini top. You were slightly nervous since Natasha had yet to see you this bare before.
“I am gonna free-hand this, so don’t mind me as I draw on you with a marker, okay?” She asked, her head down as she finished her preparations. As she lifted her face, her eyes went wide at how much of you was now revealed to her. “Holy hell, Y/N…” she growled, her eyes wandering all over the newly exposed skin. You felt yourself shrinking under her gaze as she stood and stepped closer, marker hanging from her mouth. Removing the marker from between her lips, she leaned down to your ear. “Don’t hide from me, babe.”
You nod your head, gasping as you feel the cold tip of the marker trace down your skin, her skilled fingers tracing guidelines that started at the base of your neck, over to your shoulder, before twisting the opposite direction, going down the middle of your back to the opposite side of your body. She traced down your side, twisting the pattern down to your hip, curling and fading away as she worked it down your thigh and ending it at your knee.  
“Lay down, make yourself comfy Y/N.” She patted the bench behind you as she peered up at you through her lashes. The view alone made your stomach flutter, and you had to push the sinful thoughts out of your head. She smirked, kissing you right below your belly button before she stood, causing your breath to catch in your throat. 
“Natty, be nice,” you sent her a warning glare, knowing you were in a place where no shenanigans could really begin to take place.
“Don’t worry, babe,” she looked down at you with a smoldering gaze. ”I’ll see you later," she murmured, her voice low and sultry. "All of you.” She stepped towards you, your bodies flush with one another, a blush overtaking your features. 
“I’m gonna hold you to that, Nat.”
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divinegrey · 2 years
What about the valorant ladies of your choice with a reader who is bad at communicating their very gay feelings so reader just keeps leaving little gifts around for them whenever they can
omg i loved this prompt so much!!!
words: 2000 warnings: fluff!!!
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You know how much Fade misses her homeland, just from the few scant conversations you’ve had with her since she arrived on base. The conversations are always short— you find yourself in the predicament of being extremely gay and also attracted to Fade, which never ends well. 
So, you resign yourself to leaving gifts. 
The first one is a bracelet, made from silver and dark metal with an evil eye in the center. Small, but enough for Fade’s curiosity to be piqued and for her to start seeking out who left it for her. 
The second gift is a candle holder made by a Turkish craftsman out of black and blue shards of glass, a special request you made. When Fade was away on a mission, you put it in her room with a fresh candle inside of it, and when she got home, she saw the candle lit and the glass refracting off the walls in shades of blue and black. 
Okay, she needed to figure out who was behind these gifts. 
You got caught on the third go— in an attempt to smuggle some Turkish Delights into her room, you got pounced on. Literally. 
“Hah, gotcha!” 
You were pressed against the wall, a box of goodies in your hand and your face burning from embarrassment at being caught so easily. She was on the training docket, why is she in here?
“So you’re the one who’s been leaving the gifts for me?” Fade squeezed your face in her hands. “Now I can properly say thank you.” 
You couldn’t even get a word out before Fade kissed you. Short and sweet, but enough to make you drop the box of sweets onto the ground out of shock. 
Needless to say, Fade teases you relentlessly about it for weeks after. 
For all the alarm systems and cameras she had, Killjoy could not figure out who was leaving her gifts. They’d show up in her room and her lab. Nobody can get past Killjoy’s security systems. 
No one except you, that is. You know Killjoy like the back of your hand, and so you know how to sneak past her little bots in order to leave behind gifts. 
They were funny gifts at first— tiny hats for her bots, a custom made beer stein (that KJ uses exclusively for her gamer drinks), and other small things that became a part of Killjoy’s lab decor. 
But as time went on, the gifts became more thoughtful. A set of high quality tools for soldering. A brand new beanie to replace the one Killjoy accidentally burned a hole through with a blow torch. Blue light glasses with her exact prescription so she wouldn’t burn her retinas off staying up late. 
By that point, Killjoy had enough of it and decided to camp out in her lab one evening to find her mysterious gift-giver. 
Lo and behold, she couldn’t contain her shock when she saw you creeping into her lab, dismantling her security alarms with a passcode she didn’t even know that you knew. 
Before you could place whatever gift you’d gotten her this time, Killjoy turned on all the lights and grinned at you from where she’d been hiding in the corner. You’d been caught, and you knew there was no way to explain yourself out of this one. 
“It was you!” Killjoy shook her head. “Of course it was, how did I not figure this out sooner!” 
She jumped off her perch and walked over to you, wrapping her arms around you in the tightest hug you’d gotten in years. You sputtered out some weak response of being too nervous to give them to her directly, and Killjoy just grinned before kissing you. 
Reyna is hard to give gifts to. If they’re not exactly right, chances are she’ll throw it away without thinking twice about it. 
Which is why you have to be very careful in what you choose to give to the Empress. It’s akin to offering a god something and hoping your head doesn’t get chopped off. 
Your first gift is something decorative that you hope reminds her of home— Talavera pottery in sweeping shades of black and pinks, placed on her desk. The following day, you overheard Reyna asking Cypher who gave it to her. To your relief, Cypher said nothing about it and pretended he didn’t know (a lie that everyone saw through clear as day). 
Your second gift was a hand stitched blanket you requisitioned from an artisan (and paid top dollar for). You left it on Reyna’s bed when she was out of her room one night with a sticky note that said for when nights get cold.
Reyna sought out anyone who might have any information; Omen, Brimstone, she even asked Chamber if he knew, and Reyna hates Chamber’s guts. Alas, no one had any clue. 
And so more gifts arrived in her room. Authentic chocolate from Mexico that was gone in a single night after. Coffee beans that Reyna swore nobody knew were her favorite. When Day of the Dead rolled around, there were small figurines around her room for the occasion. 
Reyna had exhausted every link she could think of, except for one person. You. 
And that’s how you ended up cornered in her room one night, fear buzzing in your veins like excitement when Reyna gestured to all of the decorations you had bought for her. 
“You’re responsible for all of this?” Reyna asked. You nodded, unable to say even a word. Reyna tilted her head to the side. “Nervous?” You nodded again. Reyna grinned, and this was the grin of a predator. “Good. I’m going to devour you, cariño.” 
She did. She very much did. You left her room hours later with marks on your neck and an iron-hot claim on your skin left by the Empress. 
You love giving gifts to Sage, even if you get too nervous to speak around her. 
They’re little things to remind her of home, usually. Jade dragons, lucky cats with waving hands. They end up scattered around Sage’s room and the infirmary, blessings of good luck that Sage takes to heart, even if she doesn’t know that it’s you giving them to her. 
Her curiosity eventually gets the better of her when the gifts start becoming more thoughtful; she walks into her room one night to find a package of her favorite brand of tea leaves, notoriously difficult to find. Another night, there’s a custom made fan detailing an old Chinese folktale Sage told around the campfire on the beach once. 
She starts seeking out who might be giving these gifts to her, and her search brings her to asking Omen. The ghost doesn’t say much, but simply turns his head in the direction of the kitchen, where you’re standing and cooking with Raze. 
You, of course, it would be you. 
Sage pulled you aside into the infirmary, a smile on her face as she asked, “All these gifts. You wouldn’t happen to know who left them, would you?”
Knowing you’d been caught, you pulled a small bag from your jacket and showed your latest item— a necklace made of leather string leading to a jade pendant of a Chinese dragon. You held it up in front of her, face flushed from blushing. Sage merely took the necklace and to your surprise, looped it around your neck before using the thick cord to pull you in for a kiss. 
You’ll be the first to admit that you squeaked, embarrassingly enough. Sage laughed, and the sound was enough to wipe away your anxious thoughts and for you to kiss her again, hand cupping her face and a smile on your cheeks. 
You knew Skye well enough to predict her schedule. When she left in the mornings to work out in the gym, you left behind custom carved sculptures of animals in her room. You didn’t make them— your handiwork is shit— but they were made with her in mind. 
Skye loved them. The first one she got, she carried everywhere with her and showed it to people. When she showed it to you, you had to use your best poker face and pretend like it wasn’t you who gave it to her. 
More sculptures followed, and so did talismans and other things. You even got her a carving knife after overhearing her wishing she had a better knife to cut wood with. 
That gift left her extremely giddy. Skye practically glued herself to that knife, either having it twirling around in her hand or in the holster attached to her belt. It became her pride and joy, and you’ll admit, you might’ve gotten caught gazing at her a little too adoringly a few times. 
It led to Skye meeting you on the beach late one night, the stars and moon overhead. You asked her what the meeting was about, and all she did was turn to you, a small wooden sculpture in her hand with a pile of wood shavings by her feet. 
“This is for you, love. Figured I should pay ya back after all the stuff you got me,” Skye said, causing your face to go red at the sound of her voice and the goddamn nickname. The wooden carving was rather simple— a mockup of your favorite animal, but it touched your heart that Skye knew what your favorite was. 
You hardly had time to say thank you before Skye was pulling you onto her lap, pressing a big ol’ kiss to your cheek and nuzzling your neck. You were a giggling, lovesick mess, and it became so clear that Skye felt the same. 
Viper didn’t care for trinkets or things that served no purpose. That much is glaringly obvious. 
You had to take care of what you bought for her. Minimal gifts that could be used, like a pack of her favorite pens for whenever she lost the others. These things Viper could use and you could stay under the radar. 
But eventually, you got a little more bold. You asked Cypher what her favorite drink was (wine or bourbon, depending on the mood) and you didn’t hesitate to purchase her favorite bottle of red wine. 
Knowing how she worked herself to the bone on weekends, you left the wine bottle in a chilled bucket with a sticky note that said please go home and rest, your work can wait. 
The following day, when you snuck into her lab again, you noticed the wine bottle was uncorked, still in the cooler, and another sticky note had been placed on top. It read: Only if you join me for a glass. 
You had to work up the courage to respond, but eventually, you left another note agreeing to it. It was set— you’d meet her on the roof of the administration building the following night, and you were to bring another bottle of the wine. 
You put on some nice clothes and walked up there, a fresh bottle just pulled from the fridge to give it optimal time to warm up to the perfect temperature. Holding it in your hands, you ascended the stairs to the roof and walked out, your nerves stuck in a tight ball in your chest. 
Viper, of course, was already there, sitting in one of two seats with a table between, two glasses and a decanter at the ready. 
Her eyes slid over to yours, and you saw the smirk. “I should’ve guessed it would’ve been you.” 
“That obvious?” You replied, and Viper shook her head. 
“No, but only you would be bold enough to tell me to leave my own lab,” Viper replied. “Pour us some wine, would you?” 
It was the start of a wonderful night of conversation, and by the end of it, you’d worked past your nerves and held her hand across the table. It was the best thing you did— Viper kissed your knuckles and promised she would pay for the wine next time. 
~~~~~ A/N: cypher being the best wingman by saying absolutely nothing <3
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Such Effort III
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi x f!Reader
W/c: 1.4k
Warnings: Hospital talk (not medical per say), Kakashi waking up from a morphine drip (he's still a tad loopy), quick thought of him doing something he shouldn't, mentions of him snooping, mentions of a mission, mentions of death, swearing
Summary Post 🔮🔮 Masterlist
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Previous Part
Forty-eight days and forty-nine nights. Six weeks and four days. 
Opening his eyes to the bright, white light surrounding him, Kakashi groaned, mind racing. He needed to find you, he'd been gone for so long. 
Trying the heave up, out of the strangely crinkly bed that Kakashi recognized to not be his own, his body felt like it had been mauled by a lion. Every nerve in his body, down to the tips of his toes, lit up with a searing agony. Kakashi stuttered, seeing only blurs moving around him before he felt two soft hands on his exposed shoulders, gently pushing him back down.
"No," he murmured weakly, lurching forward. "No, I ha-ve- to go."
"What's your rush?"
Oh, he was dead. Kakashi was in Heaven, speaking to an angel. He supposed he shouldn't rush then, but he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Kakashi wondered if Paradise had a section to view those you missed, still on Earth.
"There we go," the sweet, melodic voice hummed as Kakashi relaxed. He closed his eyes, the room still far too bright to take in. Would he just have to get used to that, up here? "I was worried you wouldn't come back to me, I suppose my worries were well-founded."
"I don't- not... you," Kakashi argued, vocal chords chaffing each other. "I need to- to... her... Y/n."
"That's funny, I don't remember giving you my name."
Ignoring the sting, Kakashi's eyes flew open. A blur stood in front of him, dressed in a light blue blur, holding a boxy, brown blur. He tried blinking, and the image of you began to come through. 
Again, Kakashi tried to sit up, this time more methodically. You put your hand back on his bare shoulder, a small bite of cold in your skin. Kakashi just smiled, pushing against your hand with his shoulder, enjoying the way he could actively feel your hand warming. You pushed a bit more firmly, chuckling, "Lie down. You got quite the scrambling."
"My girl," he hummed, taking your hand in his as he laid down. 
Kakashi kept blinking, now able to make out the fuzzy crescent of your smile on your beautiful face. Even blurry, you were breathtaking. He pulled at your hand, putting it on the center of his chest and making you stand right beside him. 
Dragging your hand up the dip of his chest, up his neck, and to his lips, Kakashi pressed a kiss to the each of your fingertips. Between each kiss, Kakashi mumbled, "My angel."
"You're not dead, Kakashi," you laughed gently.
"Don't call me that."
"Why not?"
"Too formal," he whispered, breath fanning across your palm. Resting your hand to cup his cheek, Kakashi added, "Lovers never use each other's names."
"Lovers?" You repeated, a mixture of shock and amusement in your tone.
But Kakashi didn't care, pressing your hand to his face and letting the smell of the perfume on your wrist rejuvenate him. He confirmed, "It sounds even better when you say it, darling."
Your dulcet laughter was all Kakashi needed to see clearly. The veil of fog was lifted from his retinas, only to be blessed by the sight of you. Oh, you were so perfect. You looked so professional too, with your clipboard and pulled back hair. So different from the girl in the shabby cloak on a ribboned bike, yet the exact same.
"You're still a bit hopped up, off that morphine drip, Kakashi-"
"Hey," he whined.
With a roll of your perfect eyes, you corrected yourself, "You're delirious, sweetheart."
"Mm. Better, but I want something more lover-like next time."
"Stars above, anyway," you sighed, pulling your hand away so meanly to flip a page on your clipboard. "You'll be okay for discharge in a couple hours, and I'll be coming to your apartment tonight to drop off a prescription that I need to go make n-"
"Don't go," Kakashi gasped, grabbing your hand back. With such a force, though unintentional, he pulled you over his lap. Bent at the hip over his thighs, your ass was on full, glorious display. "Yeah, stay like this."
In his absentminded state, Kakashi's left hand hovered above your perfectly round ass. He faltered, unsure if he should smack you around, or if he should grip your flesh. Both had been dreams for far too long, and this opportunity far too unpassable.
Crawling off of him and back to your feet, Kakashi frowned deeply, letting his hand drop to his chest. Both hands empty, he needed to feel you in them as soon as possible.
"You get a pass, only because you're injured and high right now," you snapped, straightening out your skirt and blouse. 
A jolt of fear traveled through Kakashi's body, resembling what he had felt so many weeks ago, when you had mentioned someone he hadn't even remembered fucking. Being with that other woman, who's name again eluded him, was a monumental mistake - and Kakashi worried he had made yet another mistake of the same brand.
"No, no, darl-, please, no, I'm sorry," he babbled, trying to catch one of your hands again. You took a step back, eying him in a way that made his heart hurt. "Please, just stay with me. Please?"
After a terribly long beat of silence, you sighed and sat on the bottom corner of Kakashi's hospital bed, sitting right near the edge. Kakashi tried to sit up again, but a very real, physical pain made him wince and swear under his breath.
"I'm only staying, if you stay lying down," you chided, getting up to push him down again.
Kakashi sighed, still propped on his elbow, "I'll lie down, if you sit beside me. Properly."
"Fine," you said, sitting right beside his torso. 
"Thank you," he exhaled, letting himself drop back into the bed. It stung, but not as badly as the sting of trying to sit up. You smiled at Kakashi, making the pain dwindle to a dull ache. Trying to hear your voice, Kakashi prompted you, "Tell me about yourself."
"That wasn't the deal."
"Darling, I'm injured and high, can't you indulge me a little?"
You snickered at his comment, which made Kakashi feel a wave of pride wash over him. Damn right, he made you laugh. He was always making you laugh, and nothing made him feel better.
"I didn't expect you to be so..." The words died on your tongue, but Kakashi didn't mind, his thoughts racing to fill in your blank. You went on, "Alright, hm, I'm an apprentice medic."
Kakashi shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Something juicier, something I don't already know."
"Ah, so you did look in my file." Kakashi just shrugged, and you sighed, tapping your foot. He couldn't read your emotion, but he wasn't getting anything negative. You continued, perking up a little, "Okay, here's something that's not in my file."
"I've got a mouse."
Kakashi laughed brashly, so hard that it agitated his injury. You furrowed your brow as he chuckled, "That's not in your file... a mouse? Really? "
"Well, he hasn't got a house of his own, you see," you giggled back, playing with your sheer pantyhose. 
Smiling, Kakashi reached his hand out to your netted knee to feel the coarse texture. As he did, he looked up at you, attention very much focused on your angelically beautiful face. Angelic, yeah, that was the perfect word to use to describe you.
"What's his name?"
"I call him Gerald, but he doesn't respond to it."
Kakashi couldn't help but laugh again, "Gerald? A mouse named Gerald?"
"He's getting rather old, but he's a good mouse," you explained. Kakashi continued to snicker, making you chortle, "What is so funny?"
"Why'd you call him Gerald?"
"I don't know why," you responded lightly, bouncing your shoulders with a shrug. Your eyes roamed Kakashi's face, and he felt like you were coating him with Nectar. "It's a good name, for a good mouse."
Letting his laughter die down in his chest, Kakashi let his face settle into a smile. He looked at the angel sitting beside him, squeezing your knee as he grinned. No one was luckier than Kakashi, getting to have all of your attention on him, and him alone. 
"You're so pretty, Y/n," he sighed.
"What happened to our pet names, lover?" You teased, standing up. Kakashi's hand dropped down your leg as his smile downturned to a sour frown. You chuckled, picking up his hand as it dangled off the edge of his bed, "I have to go make your prescription, I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Okay," Kakashi agreed hesitantly as you replaced his hand to the bed. "I'll be counting."
With that, his angel left the room, and Kakashi truly did start counting the seconds until she returned.
Next Part
*lmk how y'all feel i plead
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
So, the discussion about Twilight Princess got me thinking, and I can't help but feel like that game was very much trapped in a "We can't do another Wind Waker, that was too cute, we need something dark and gritty and mature and grown up, like the other seventh gen consoles!"-kind of mindset. And how much that mindset limited what the game could have been.
I mean, just look at it: Low contrast browns and greys and greens everywhere? Check. Agressive Bloom levels that will sear your retinas right off? Check. Large but Empty open areas? Check. Story and Characterdesigns that REALLY try to be more "grown up" and "mature" and "gritty"? They are everywhere. Spectacular bossfights against huge enemies that look awesome but often end up rather straightforward? Yep.
I don't wan't to dunk on TP too hard, it still has lots of good elements in it, heck, I actually enjoy most of those bossfights, BECAUSE they look and feel spectacular! Some of the armor and weapondesign in this game is really good (whenever you can actually see the armor and the sea of blurry, low saturation colors, that is.).
Midna is the best.
But it feels so much like a game out of place, that was made as a knee-jerk reaction instead of truly considering what would and what wouldn't work on the Wii.
yeah. all of this. I think that tp definitely suffers from the devs attempts to make an overtly grown-up and gritty game, not necessarily because gritty, dark, atmospheric games are BAD, but because the zelda franchise is not a franchise targeted solely at adults. these games are very often coming-of-age stories centered around children and young adults. they are bright and colorful and very narrative-driven because they're meant to be enjoyed by anyone who is old enough to pick up the controller. children who can't enjoy the more difficult dungeon and fighting mechanics will still be captivated by the story and characters. some of my favorite zelda-related conversations i've ever had were with my three-year-old student who LOVED the vibrant characters and story of botw. (revali was his favorite.) twilight princess, in its quest to read as more gritty and adult, lost both its visual appeal AND its narrative appeal. what story it did have relied on nostalgia and plot from oot, alienating younger fans who hadn't yet had the chance to play that game. in order to compensate for its lack of narrative direction it padded itself with filler which showed off its willingness to go darker and scarier in terms of subject matter (look! we're going to kill this child if you don't rescue him!) so much so that the pacing and cohesiveness of the game noticeably suffered. so many elements of tp feel as though they were just thrown in because they looked cool and dark and freaky (the hero's shade, the bokoblin bridge fights, the aforementioned child-stealing segment, hell even the fucking wolf form didn't have any real narrative weight or significance!!!) with no thought to how they might actually impact the pacing and theming of the story. what results is a game with great dungeon design and boss fights but... not much else to speak of. we're left with a poorly-told, barely-comprehensible story that seems almost as if it was an afterthought, held together by some good dungeons. and it's fine if you like the dungeons and don't CARE about the story that much, but insisting that the game has a well-written narrative is just. wrong.
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sanjeevannetralaya · 5 months
Optimizing Optic Health: Advancements in Atrophy Treatment
In the intricate field of eye health, where atrophy of ocular tissues presents a profound challenge, the quest for effective treatments has been met with innovative advancements at Sanjeevan Netralaya. The center's Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care regimen has emerged as a pivotal development in optic atrophy treatment, offering patients not just management strategies but a hope for reversal and improvement of their condition.
Sanjeevan Netralaya's approach diverges from the conventional medical trajectory, instead offering a system deeply anchored in the holistic precepts of Ayurveda. This ancient practice, which views the body as an interconnected whole, informs the center's methodology in treating atrophy within the eye. By addressing the systemic imbalances that may contribute to ocular health issues, Sanjeevan Netralaya's treatment strategies aim to optimize optic health from the inside out.
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The keystone of Sanjeevan Netralaya's protocol is its custom-tailored treatment plans. Recognizing that ocular atrophy does not present uniformly across all patients, the center designs its therapies to align with the individual's unique body constitution, lifestyle, and dietary habits. This level of customization ensures that treatments are not only effective but also resonate with the patient's overall well-being, thus optimizing the potential for recovery and health restoration.
Embracing a holistic perspective means that treatment at Sanjeevan Netralaya extends beyond just medications and surgical options. It involves a comprehensive lifestyle and wellness regimen that incorporates Ayurvedic nutrition, therapeutic exercises, and mindfulness practices. This integrative treatment philosophy is aimed at nurturing the body's natural healing processes, which can be particularly beneficial for patients suffering from atrophy-related vision loss.
Safety and efficacy stand as the twin pillars of Sanjeevan Netralaya's treatment philosophy. In an area where many conventional treatments come with a risk of side effects, the center’s reliance on natural, plant-based preparations offers a safe alternative. These Ayurvedic treatments are formulated to deliver therapeutic effects without the adverse side effects often associated with synthetic drugs.
The success of Sanjeevan Netralaya's Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care is not anecdotal but is rather reflected in the experiences of a multitude of patients who have undergone treatment. The center's commitment to research and patient care has culminated in a track record of effective treatment outcomes, contributing to its reputation as a leader in the field of ocular health.
In conclusion, Sanjeevan Netralaya stands at the forefront of optic health optimization, spearheading advancements in the treatment of ocular atrophy through its Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care. By fusing age-old wisdom with contemporary treatment modalities, Sanjeevan Netralaya offers a unique, safe, and personalized path to vision health for those affected by ocular atrophy, marking a new chapter in the annals of ophthalmic care.
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nitinasg · 8 months
ASG Eye Hospital Srinagar
ASG Eye Hospital srinagar
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mamichigo · 1 year
Some days blurred, time falling away between his fingers. He hung somewhere at the edge of reality, half awake as the exhaustion settled deep into his bones.
On those days, Cyno lingered in Alhaitham's vision: a streak of moonlight that refused to leave. Alhaitham could never quite see his face, but the red of Cyno's eyes shone and danced, sunspots burned into his retina. It chased him to his dreams, specks of light soft on his fingertips. He felt as if he had been chasing after it for a lifetime already.
That night, Alhaitham blinked himself awake while the rest of the city slept. A spot of silver lingered on the windowsill above the bed, and he reached for it on instinct. Rather than the cold air, his hand found skin: warm and firm, but wielding under his grip. Cyno watched him with a bemused tilt of the lip, hair swaying in the gentle breeze.
There he was, moon dust and sunset. Alhaitham traced the leg in his grasp, from calf to the inside of the knee. Just to assure himself this, too, wasn't a summer dream.
"Cyno," he whispered in amazement.
"Did I wake you?" Cyno said just as quietly, his words a secretive murmur. "It wasn't my intention to do so, you can go back to bed."
Fingers unsteady, Alhaitham tightened his grip. A brief, unreasonable thought that, like this, Cyno couldn't leave. Even light could be captured, with the right tools. Alhaitham breathed out shakily.
"Alhaitham?" Cyno called.
"Why are you here?"
Cyno looked to the side; debating if he should be sincere, most likely. In this position, the moon delicately painted his skin—cold light on sun-kissed skin. Alhaitham could feel his own thoughts scattering away, only Cyno remaining at the center of it all in stark contrast.
"I wanted to check on you," Cyno admitted. "I know you can take care of yourself, and your job is rarely as... exciting as mine. Your safety isn't an actual concern. And yet I— I can't sleep until I make sure you're alright."
His smile, small and full of exasperated affection, struck Alhaitham across the chest. It left him breathless. 
Cyno shrugged one shoulder. "Foolish, isn't it?" 
Surely any other time Alhaitham would have the words to prove he felt the same. This desperate urge to keep Cyno in his arms, whole and safe, consumed his every thought like a ravenous beast. Yet, nothing left his lips. He could only watch, eyes half-lidded. Cyno, as beautiful as a dream, expression soft for Alhaitham alone.
He did the next best thing instead: he reached out, he touched, he grasped. Held on to a small frame as Cyno tumbled into the bed, into his arms. 
"Stay," he begged under his breath. "Just— Stay."
Cyno shuffled forward, made himself comfortable against Alhaitham's chest. It wasn't enough, it never was. Cyno didn't know Alhaitham left his chest cavity hollow to nestle him inside, to give him a home.
"You should rest," Cyno said, lips pressed against the hollow of his throat. Alhaitham shivered under the feather-light touch.
His eyes, however, stayed stubbornly open. He watched the light dance in Cyno's hair, touched him strand by strand to capture it.
"Go to sleep, Alhaitham," he insisted. "I'll be here in the morning."
After another minute of contrary denial, Alhaitham couldn't help but obey. His eyelids closed shut of their own accord. His consciousness slipped away from him, to where it always resided: with silver and ruby—moon dust and sunset.
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saelrum · 6 months
["Rare races and their situation"
Report of Admiral Michael Stein
Limited edition, for official use only]
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The fate of those who carry in themselves a part of creatures from other planes is usually fraught with many difficulties. Even Sources that born with half of the blood of heavenly deities or powerful spellcasters of antiquity in them are forced to pay a high price for the possession of their powers. Moreover, many Sources undergo physiological changes that require constant training to control. This leaves its mark on how society treats such involuntary prisoners of the blood lineage.
But if awakening of a Source is, to a certain extent, considered a studied phenomenon that is subject to control and can be used for the good, such thing as half-breeds carrying a particle of creatures from other planes becomes a significant problem, which sometimes affects entire races living both in Arvil and beyond.
One of the most striking examples of such a half-breed race is the people who call themselves Setanta.
Setanta are humanoids with striking distinctive features, such as hooves instead of legs, horns of various forms and sizes, altered retinas, and claws on their hands. There are cases when representatives of this race had different skin pigmentation - blue, red or even purple.
Setanta who possess more power and are closest to their ancestors from the Lower Planes may even have wings.
Otherwise, they are physiologically no different from humans and can even have children with them, which, however, in most cases will belong to a half-race. At the moment, the setant's great predisposition to magical disciplines has been experimentally proven. Also, the percentage of awakening Sources among them is higher than among all other races of Arvil.
According to an ancient legend, this race owes its appearance to a curse placed on the old city of Kahilin on the south-eastern coast of the Pearl Sea. According to this myth, the city's residents themselves summoned devil's spawns with their fall into sin, after which they began to breed and bring into the world their disgusting offsprings. Kahilin became the main center of piracy and slave trading and was able to accumulate unthinkable wealth. The appetites of their demonic rulers grew, and, as a result, they went to war on the free lands. Then, the Kingdom of Verdan managed to defeat legions of hellish creatures, as well as their minions. The city itself was taken under control of the forces of the specially established Order of Lightbringers.
Despite all poetry and adherence to the literary tradition, this version of events can hardly be called objective.
As a result of careful research by Hegemony scientists, a theory was developed that the main reason for the appearance of setanta was not some abstract sin, but a rift to the Lower Planes that appeared during a cataclysm, allowing demons a passage to our world, but, obviously, in extremely limited quantities.
A certain number of inhabitants of the Lower Planes turned out to be physiologically compatible with people, and, as a result, over the centuries of the existence of this portal, a new, unique half-race was formed, geographically concentrated mainly in one area of Arvil - on the coast of the Pearl Sea.
The nature of relationship between humans, setanta and the creatures of the Lower Planes is unclear, but it can be assumed that some kind of mutually beneficial alliance took place. It is also reliably known that the war during which the city was captured was not started by a threat to the free people, but by a strive for control over the slave trading markets and trade routes. After the end of the war, Kahilin lost all its former influence. The rift to other planes was obviously sealed, and representatives of the Setanta half-race were striped of their rights, effectively turning into slaves in their native lands. Moreover, the Order began selling them en masse to the colonies, which brought it enormous profits.
After the Order of Lightbringers joined the Coalition, there was little to no change. Setanta are still sold into slavery, and even under the Liberty Charter they cannot achieve citizenship beyond third level.
In the colonies, the situation for them is even worse: the entire half-race is a legal property - either private or state - and mostly setanta work there in mansions, taverns or brothels as servants.
Winning this entire dissatisfied mass of the population to our side could be a significant advantage in the ongoing war. It is necessary to create some preconditions for organized resistance against the Coalition's regime. To make it clear to the setanta, that among those who follow the path of the Doctrine there is no place for racism and foolish superstitions. Bring them the idea that their future is with us. Having achieved this, we will have an ally more useful than any neutral state that kneeled before us out of fear.
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theretinacentre · 2 years
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i-bring-crack · 11 months
Me pointing a gun at me: Put the WIP down!
Me looking at the blue button: They need to know the angst that is about go down.
"But you dont event have time to make that fic!"
"Even better!"
(Ps: More extras on the fic, snippets 1, snippets 1 & 2, and that one ramble in the tags.)
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There where many people who read the same story as him. A story that fascinated him over the years as it ended and started again and again. That is until he no longer felt interested in it and moved on despite clinging to it for 10 years.
Maybe it was more.
Jin-Chul couldn't remember it. He only felt glimpses of his childhood come back when he glanced at the papers of a young man in front of him, his record as an E rank declaring him to be in the worst position ever.
Hunter Sung Jin Woo
The weakest E rank hunter.
It's just a coincidence.
Fiction isn't reality, this world he knows would have cried out to say the same thing. And yet he can't help but reach down in his attic to grab the old book that he used to have for most of his small life. No one else except him to read about it, even when he could remember that there was a time when everyone knew of it. His mind began to break as he read the pages of the book again, letter after letter telling him the exact same thing that had been true about this world a long time ago.
That 10 years ago he had just witnessed the start of a new Era filled with magic, hunters, monsters. The world's strongests were 5, South Korea had nine S ranks.
That at this very moment Sung Jinwoo was the weakest man in the world, but after the double dungeon...
He changed.
And the next day he is going to meet that man whenever he likes it or not.
But... this doesn't add up, how did he know all of this events? How did he know everything almost.. what? 15, maybe 20 years before everything happened? How did he never think to go back to that book? Reach every information about it?
So many lives lost, he closes the book at hand, the fingers trembling as they touch the dark cover. He swallowed a hard pill inside his throat. Thousands of hunters died for 10 years. Eunsuk was an S rank he could have saved. Half of the United States was a place he could have saved. Every new dungeon has appeared on the outskirts for the past 10 years…
All of them could have been saved. And he had forgotten each and every one of their deaths.
But this isn't the end. No, for this book it was just the beginning. He opens the cover again, a shadow lingering in the pages as dawn appears. There are more than twelve volumes for him to go through in these thin sheets of papers that he always used to take care of with the utmost effort. He can't keep lingering on the past. He mustn't. The worst is yet to come, humanity is hardly prepared if he doesn't do soemthing.
Upon finishing the final chapters, the final volume, shedding his sleep with every new page and cup of coffee for three days straight, burning the memories back in his retinas and possibly winning some sort of record over finishing so many words in a few days, he realizes something.
The world doesn't need him.
The world doesn't need anyone except the protagonist.
And yet even the world itself crumbled in his actions.
He doesn't plan to keep up with the story anymore, he closes the book and begins to call numbers that had long since been forgotten in his memory. Friends at school, online, at work, in the military. None of them answer, he dials back to the orphan center.
It was as he expected… this world is not his. No one remembers the popular books, manhwas, the game or when it was televised. He doesn't know when he did the jump— 10 years is the best answer— but there he is. The only one in this world who sees the past, present and future unfold in different ways.
When he rereads the last book again, the crack of morning appears. The phone rang out from the desk table like an alarm that drags his mind back to a new reality. He knew who and what they were calling him for already. The same day appears almost 20 times in each volume. The same day being referenced with new knowledge every day. And when he was young, he would always crawl back to the first few pages of the novel. Thrill, despair, hope, reading the protagonist's struggles as the boy grew up into… well, himself. Those moments were the only times he had ever felt so connected through another person.
A person who wasn't real until now.
"Chief Woo Jin-Chul, the E rank hunter Sung Jin-Woo just woke up."
"I'll be there in five."
On the other side of the country a new gate appeared. Its smell is pungent as the fragrances of strong liquors lined up in front of an empty forest. The hunter raises a handkerchief with one hand and a sword of fragile steel in the other. Despite every kind of warning diverting the attention from all other hunters as well as the numerous calls that kept on ringing in its pockets, the S rank went in. Armed in a way that only a suicidal person would think to enter a gate.
It will only take five hours at most.
Rank A hunters need at least two hours to clear a C rank gate. S rankers would of course vary their cases. I doubt Thomas or Zhigang need less than 10 minutes. The Hunter scratched away the two of them and instead focused on others who were still a level above anyone in South Korea, currently. Lennart Niermann, Yuri Orloff, Goto Ryuji…
The gate cracked again, another wave of mana crashing through the air with more overwhelming scents. It's time to go.
The moment the S rank crossed the gate, a whole new world appeared. First came the blood red lightning to entrap any visitors, then came a swirl of freezing air that struck the hunter's body as expected.
But there was nothing to care about it anymore, the ice waves were a signature of success. The frigid snow at its feet a confirmation that the right world has been found.
Them too. Ice elves found on the creeps of each tree, smiling wickedly as they found a lucky prey in their parameter.
"Sadly, I can't communicate with any of you just yet." The hunter broke away the arrow like it was sand. "But I don't need to right now." The balde moved towards the closest elf. Frozen in time, the wind moved around the hunter. Another second passed. There were only a pair of footprints in the snow now.
Only one member of the tribe is needed anyways.
Frost Monarch, I will find you.
The new monster went around, hunting every other magic beast —denizents of chaos— slicing down by pure defense instead of action. If no one came to hunt the S rank down, they will be spared. In two days, no other being will seek for a fight, even when it was their purpose since the first day.
Frost Monarch…
New blades and weapons, new clothes and ornaments where wrapped around the hunter.
… I will kill you.
Ready for vengance of her own death in the past timeline.
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