#repair athens
buildwise · 1 month
Ensuring a Sturdy Roof: Essential Steps for Roof Repair
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Roof repair is essential for maintaining a safe and functional home in Athens, GA. Whether dealing with minor leaks or major damage, addressing roofing issues can prevent more significant problems. Here are some expert tips to guide you through the process of roof repair Athens GA.
Conduct Regular Inspections
Regular roof inspections are crucial to identifying potential issues early on. Check for missing or damaged shingles, signs of water damage such as stains or mold growth, and any areas where the roof may be sagging. Addressing these issues can prevent them from worsening and save you from costly repairs later.
Repair Damaged Shingles
If you notice damaged or missing shingles during your inspection, it's important to repair them promptly. Replace any missing shingles and secure loose ones to prevent water from seeping into your home. Ignoring damaged shingles can lead to water leaks and structural damage over time.
Seal Leaks Immediately
Untreated leaks have the potential to escalate into significant issues rapidly. If you discover a leak, it's crucial to seal it as soon as possible. Use roofing cement or sealant to patch the area and prevent water from entering your home. Addressing leaks can help preserve the integrity of your roof and prevent water damage to your interior.
Clean Gutters Regularly
Clogged gutters can lead to water backup, damaging your roof and siding. Make sure to clean your gutters regularly, especially after storms or during the fall when leaves and debris are prevalent. Proper gutter maintenance can help prevent water from pooling on your roof and causing leaks.
Trim Overhanging Branches
Overhanging branches risk your roof, particularly during storms or strong winds. Trim any branches near or touching your roof to avert potential damage. This simple step can help protect your roof from falling debris and reduce the risk of damage during inclement weather.
Hire Professional Help
While DIY repairs can be tempting, it's often best to leave roof repairs to the professionals, especially for more complex issues. A professional roofer in Athens, GA, has the expertise and equipment to safely and effectively repair your roof, ensuring long-lasting results. They can also identify any underlying issues that may not be visible to the untrained eye.
Following these expert tips and staying proactive about roof maintenance, you can ensure a sturdy roof over your head in Athens, GA. Remember to conduct regular inspections, address issues promptly, and enlist professional help to keep your roof in top condition for years.
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Mastering the Art of Expert Water Damage Cleanup: A Comprehensive Guide
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Water damage can strike unexpectedly, turning a comfortable home or business space into a chaotic mess. Whether it's due to a burst pipe, flooding, or a leaky roof, the aftermath of water damage can be overwhelming. To restore your property to its former glory and prevent further issues like mold growth, it's crucial to engage in expert water damage cleanup. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the importance of professional water damage restoration and the steps involved in achieving a thorough cleanup.
The Importance of Expert Water Damage Cleanup:
Rapid Response:
The key to minimizing the extent of water damage is a swift response. Professional water damage cleanup services understand the urgency and have the expertise to respond quickly. Their prompt action can prevent further damage to your property and belongings. Choose Water Damage Repair Athens GA.
Assessment and Planning:
Expert cleanup teams start with a detailed assessment of the extent of the water damage. This includes identifying affected areas, assessing the category of water damage (clean water, grey water, or black water), and understanding the potential risks. Based on this assessment, they develop a comprehensive cleanup plan tailored to your specific situation.
State-of-the-Art Equipment:
Professional water damage cleanup services are equipped with advanced tools and machinery designed to extract water efficiently and thoroughly. This includes powerful pumps, dehumidifiers, and specialized drying equipment that can remove moisture from even hard-to-reach areas.
Mold Prevention:
One of the most significant risks associated with water damage is the growth of mold. Mold can start developing within 24 to 48 hours after water exposure. Expert cleanup teams prioritize thorough drying to prevent mold growth, reducing the risk of health issues and further property damage.
Structural Restoration:
Water damage can compromise the structural integrity of a building. Expert cleanup services not only remove water and moisture but also focus on restoring and repairing the affected structures. This ensures that your property is not only dry but also safe and structurally sound.
Steps Involved in Expert Water Damage Cleanup:
Emergency Contact:
The first step is to contact a professional water damage cleanup service as soon as you discover the issue. A quick response is crucial to preventing additional damage.
Assessment and Inspection:
A thorough assessment is conducted to understand the extent of the damage, determine the type of water involved, and identify potential safety hazards.
Water Extraction:
Using specialized equipment, water is extracted from the affected areas, including carpets, furniture, and walls. The goal is to remove as much water as possible to facilitate the drying process.
Drying and Dehumidification:
High-powered fans and dehumidifiers are employed to speed up the drying process. This step is crucial in preventing mold growth and ensuring a complete restoration.
Cleaning and Sanitizing:
After thorough drying, the cleanup team cleans and sanitizes the affected areas, including surfaces and belongings. This helps eliminate any remaining contaminants and ensures a safe and healthy environment.
Restoration and Repairs:
The final step involves restoring the property to its pre-damaged condition. This may include repairing structural damage, replacing damaged materials, and addressing any cosmetic issues.
Expert water damage cleanup is a specialized and essential service that goes beyond simply removing water. It involves a meticulous process of assessment, extraction, drying, and restoration to ensure that your property is not only dry but also safe and free from potential health hazards. When faced with water damage, entrusting the cleanup to professionals is a wise decision that can save you time, money, and stress in the long run. Service Pro Restoration 2000 Prince Ave Athens GA, 30606 706-703-4494 http://restorationathens.com/
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elitevents12 · 4 months
Air Duct Cleaning Ooltewah, TN
Breathe cleaner air with professional air duct cleaning in Ooltewah, TN. Our experienced team uses advanced techniques to remove dust, allergens, and contaminants from your HVAC system. Improve air quality and enjoy a healthier home or office environment. Contact us at (423) 641-3142 today for reliable and affordable air duct cleaning services in Ooltewah, TN.
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projewelers · 10 months
Effective Ways to Keep Your Engagement Ring Safe While Traveling
Your engagement rings in Athens, TN are one of the most important investments in your life. They not only showcase the love and commitment towards your marriage but also resonate perfectly with your style.
This is why keeping your rings safe while on vacation is so important. While some couples prefer to wear a separate ring to travel, if you decide to take your diamond ring you need to be careful about the risks.
Your diamond could get dull with sun exposure, ocean air, body lotions, and sunscreen, or you may even leave it behind on the counter or misplace it. Here are some tips to keep in mind to properly care for your ring on vacation.
Get your piece insured
Jewelry insurance is very important and can safeguard your ring in case it gets misplaced, lost, or stolen. Make sure you head to a professional and get your piece insured, certified, and appraised before you leave for your trip.
Inspect your ring
Before you head on vacation, take your ring to a local jewelry repair in Athens, TN, and get it serviced, cleaned, repaired, and maintained. Your jeweler will check for any loose stones, ill-fitting settings, or scratches on your band.
They will tighten the setting and stone so that it doesn’t fall out and get lost. Your jeweler will even polish your metal band so that it’s less likely to get scratched.
Wear your ring strategically
If you do bring your diamond rings in Knoxville, TN with you know when to wear them and when to remove them. For certain activities like trekking, climbing or even heading to the beach, always keep your ring safely locked in the hotel room safe.
Also, remove your ring while applying sunscreen, perfume, or body lotion and wait until it dries to put your ring back on. The sand, chlorine, and even ocean air can damage metals like gold and platinum and may even cause softer gemstones to get ruined.
In Summary
Wearing your ring while swimming is never a good idea. The cold water can cause your fingers to shrink, and your ring might slip off and be lost in the depths forever. You might also lose your ring in the pool while doing certain activities.
As soon as you get back from vacation, take your ring for professional cleaning so that it stays new and shiny for years to come.
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callremedyplumbing · 2 years
Plumbing Services in Athens GA
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Are you looking for plumbing services in Athens, GA? If yes, then visit at Remedy Plumbing. Our plumbing contractors provide courteous, friendly, affordable, and effective residential & commercial plumbing services. Visit us now!
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Website : https://athensalfoundationrepair.com
Address : 1003 US Hwy 72 E, Athens, AL 35611
Phone : +1 256-680-9879
Athens, AL is in need for a foundation repair business, and Athens Foundation Repair is the business it requires. We can help you with foundation problems such as foundation settlement, foundation cracks, foundation sinking, drywall cracks, cracked brick, foundation heaving, bowing walls, etcetera. Moreover, we can provide GeoLock wall anchor system, foundation wall repair, helical pier installation, steel push pier installation, house leveling, and others. In our business, we also offer free estimates for homeowners and business owners, and a lifetime transferable warranty. In addition, we are a member of the Chamber of Commerce and The Better Business Bureau. Contact Athens Foundation Repair for more.
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seperis · 2 years
game of god, snippet from chapter 26
Someone sounded like they were having a bad day on Twitter showed up in my mentions and was wishing for another chapter. I can’t do that, but I can do this, so: snippet from Chapter 26.
When you’re ready, you will turn to look upon it waiting for you on the shore, believing you powerless before it, and you will pick up your sword
Castiel assists Chess, Kurt, and Lois with the transfer of the patients to the third floor, where the largest of the rooms that Nate helped repair has been prepared for their care.  Ichabod's resources are limited, but everything that could be done was done, and fortunately, they'd been able to scavenge a great deal from the remains of the town's former hospital, including equipment that until this week had been in storage.
Despite the powerful sedatives that were used to induce sleep, all three are restless, only marginally aware of their caretakers, just enough to fight them, their full attention on whatever it is that haunts their minds. 
After the patients' new restraints are secured, Dolores and Sree check the patients a final time while Valli introduces him to Sasha, a young African-American woman from among the refugees who was in her junior year in college for a nursing degree when Kansas was zoned.  Just as importantly, she's familiar with what they're doing; her mother was a registered nurse who specialized in this type of long-term care and she volunteered at her mother's hospital throughout her teens and did an internship there after her sophomore year due to her exemplary academic performance.
"She's been with Lewis at the YMCA," Valli says as he takes Sasha's confidently extended hand, relieved when she shakes firmly with a smile that only flickers with nothing more ominous than surprise (and also doesn’t jerk away, very encouraging).  "If you want to tell her how great Ichabod is--you know, during regular times--do that; we're trying to keep her."  Seeing Dolores beckon, Valli excuses herself. Sasha laughs, smoothing down her immaculate scrubs, dark hair expertly pinned under a surgical cap like the rest of the medical staff.  "It's nice to finally meet you, Castiel," she says, and he can hear the light edge of a very familiar Southern drawl barely flattened by linguistic exile in the Midwest.  "I've heard a lot about you." "It was only one Hellhound," he says, and her mouth twitches  "You're originally from Georgia?" 
Her smile widens. "How'd you guess?  My accent?" He nods.  "Most people in the Midwest can't tell the difference. Been to Georgia recently?" "I lived there for almost two years," he answers, matching her drawl from memory, and she laughs in delight. "South of Atlanta." "Athens," she says, checking on the medical staff as they finish final preparations.  "Kansas State offered me a better scholarship than UG, so here I am."
He nods; it might have also saved her life.  Atlanta had been a surprise (at least, to those not gifted with clairvoyance); Croatoan was identified in sixteen hospitals almost simultaneously and by then, it was already too late.  Using Alicia's experience as a timeline, there's a very good chance that her hospital was test run for Croat infection and probably identified the inherent weakness of infecting people (infants) who wouldn't leave the hospital for at least twenty four hours (or forty-eight if they had excellent insurance).  It also probably told them exactly how long it would take for local and Federal response to the situation and exactly how it would be handled; that would be very useful information indeed.
"I have to admit," she says lightly, "staying and finishing my nursing degree here--unofficially--is tempting." Reading for tone, Castiel suspects her current town of residence is not to her taste.  "Ichabod is very pleasant," he agrees, remembering his responsibilities.  "But if you are at all fond of killing monsters as well as medicine, Chitaqua would also be an excellent choice.  We will be recruiting for a new class once Amanda is done with this one--" "Are you trying to steal the girl I'm trying to steal?" Dolores demands with a scowl that doesn't reach her eyes, and Sasha starts to giggle.  "At least wait until I finish her education, how about that?" "I suppose that's fair," he admits. "Are you ready?"
"Just about. Sasha, do me a favor and double check us; I want your approval before we start." "Got it," she says with a nod to Castiel, and with Valli in attendance, verifies the IVs as well as the patients.  Dolores, he sees, has a stapled stack of papers, the front page a checklist.
"Dummy's guide to long term care," Dolores explains. "She couldn't write up an entire manual, but she got us pointed in the right direction; she'll be in charge here. I gave her a crash-course on the drugs we're using, but her internship was a godsend; the hospital actually did two of these, and her mentor not only worked both, but let her scrub in and lectured before and after. She has all her notes at her place, plus books; I already promised to send a battalion to take her to get them when this is over."
"I'll take her myself if possible," Castiel offers. "I'll consider this a request to Chitaqua; I don't think Dean will object.  Will there be any problems with the town?  If she's their only medical professional--"
"She's not," Dolores interrupts, and something in her voice reminds him of the tone in Sasha's.  "Practicing there, anyway." "Okay, we're a-go," Sasha says.
"Cas, check the restraints one more time," Dolores says.  "Sasha, I want you and Valli to observe administration; I'll be doing it when I can, but I want both of you available in a pinch. Come over here so you can see what we're working with." Castiel verifies the restraints; their struggles are already more determined.  As Dolores goes to Beretta, needle in hand, Castiel looks into the drugged, frightened eyes.  Instinctively, he reaches for one clenched fist, wrapping it in his own hand, trying to warm the cold fingers, offer comfort. Their awareness is so fragmented, he's not sure they know anything but whatever horror chases them through their minds. Even if they could understand, he can't even promise this will be better.
Abruptly, her glazed eyes clear and the chilly fingers move; loosening his grip, he feels her fingers fumble briefly before he realizes what she wants and gently, carefully, laces them between his own, squeezing. 
"Do you understand me?" he whispers.
She licks dry, chapped lips, and he sees a barely there nod.  For this moment, she can think, and he realizes he has no idea what to tell her, how to ease her terror.
"I am Castiel," he tells her.  "You are being manipulated by a geas--a kind of compulsion." He searches her face. "Does it chase you still?" Her eyes widen, and she nods again, her grip tightening brutally around his fingers, grinding bone against bone; he doesn't care.
"We are trying to make it stop." How is it, that when he finally understands the value of comfort, he can't give it?  If he were an angel, he could-- *Please. Give me something for them; whatever will give them peace, I'll take it.  Whatever will help them, I will say it.** 
"You are going to go to sleep now," he starts helplessly, then stops.  "The next time you see it, you will run." 
"Whoa," he hears Sasha say, and turning his head, he sees Bushmaster and Beard have stopped struggling, looking at him with the same frightened but aware eyes.
"When you see it, you will run," he repeats.  "You won't stop or look back, not once.  Do you understand me?" They stares at him unblinkingly.
"Before you will be a cliff that overlooks an ocean so vast you cannot see its banks," he continues, forming the outline of rough cliffs, a crescent of white-gold sand lapped by gentle waves.  "Within the ocean is a storm; don't be afraid, for it will protect you." He meets each of their eyes, the image of glass-clear water darkening to deep, churning blue, sky swirling in charcoal and silver shot with lightning.  "When you reach the banks, you will go into the water; there you will be safe. It cannot follow you; it has no power there. You can rest."
Through his mind runs a river painted robin's egg blue, shallow and peaceful and a monstrous lie; what it offers is not and will never be peace.  "When you are rested, look upon the shores; you will see what chases you waiting there.  It cannot reach you there.” He can see the shore, the shimmering golden-brown perfection marred by an oily darkness, formless and haunting.  It chases you; it never, ever stops. "And if you choose, you can fight it.”
It stares at them all from the shores in its thousands of forms, relentless and mindless and cruel, chasing its victims in the inescapable confines of their very minds; you can run and hide and beg and plead, and it will still find you; sometimes, sometimes you can almost forget, and then it chases you again . It will never, ever stop.
What I fear I neither flee before nor beg for mercy; I kill.
"You can fight it," he repeats into a curious silence.  "And you can win." Their attention is a weight all its own, massive, hanging over the entire room; he can no longer feel his fingers in Beretta's tight grip.
"You will not face it unarmed, not this time," he continues.  "Reach beneath the water; there, you will find a sword, and you will know it as you know yourself, for it is yours.  When you’re ready, you will turn to look upon it waiting for you on the shore, believing you powerless before it, and you will pick up your sword."
For a moment, nothing happens, then first Bushmaster, then Beretta and Beard all nod, eyes wide and fixed.
"When you step on the shore, the battle will begin," he whispers. "You will not run from it, not this time;  you will face it, and you will fight it, and you will *win**." He squeezes Beretta's hand and holds the eyes of the other two.  "Now close your eyes.  You must rest before battle."
"Now, hurry," he hears Dolores say as if from a great distance, vaguely aware of them moving around him, but it's only when Dolores touches his shoulder that it occurs to him he should not be in their way.  Standing up, he's startled by his own stagger, the world swaying before his eyes; almost immediately, Dolores is beside him, leading him to another chair. Shaking himself, he straightens and sees Dolores crouching before him, head cocked curiously.
"Are they--" "They're going down now, quiet as lambs," she assures him, cocking her head.  "So…angel of the Lord?" "Once upon a time, long ago and far away," he answers; the momentary tiredness is gone, replaced with a bright energy he can't remember feeling since--ever, come to think. "Why?" "'I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains, from whence cometh my help'," she quotes from the Jubilee Bible (not his favorite, but some lovely use of language). "I don't understand--" He breaks off. "My Father isn't here." "His son is," she answers, taking his hands with a warm smile.  "Thank you, Castiel of Chitaqua, for your help this day."
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"Crisis on Centaurus" review
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Novel from 1986, by Brad Ferguson. This one has a very "80's American action movie" feel. From the terrorist attack on a country incidentally called "New America", to the incursion into the Pentagon (I mean, the "Centaurus Defense Center"), up to the obligatory car chase (only that they're flying cars). There are also plenty of references to American brands, that supposedly would have survived into the 23rd century. Though the constant mention of money seems a bit weird (I thought money was a thing from the past in Star Trek? Might be wrong, though). Also, the terrorists are racists that want to see their country free of alien influences (and it's made abundantly clear that for them, "alien influences" include also any non-white human). It's a fast-paced novel, and keeps the reader's attention at all times, though I don't think there's much more to it than that.
The cover would suggest that Joanna McCoy plays a big role in the story. In reality, she appears very, very little, the same as her father. The other characters, however, get a fair amount of exposure, including Uhura (who gets the con for a large part of the story), Scotty (who's given an even more Scottish engineer partner), Chekov (with his own mini-romance subplot) and Sulu. As it's usual with many of these novels, Kirk seemed to me a bit off. At times, he's more Bruce Willis than Kirk here. And I have difficulty imagining him as a land-owner who's been investing in the Centaurian countryside all these years (if the movies had shown anything at this point, it's that Kirk's heart was never on land). Anyway, I don't know why getting Kirk right is so hard, while Spock and McCoy are usually fine; it might be due to the subtleties of Kirk's character. Another noteworthy thing, is that this novel often presents the thoughts of the characters, to a greater degree than other books.
Spoilers under the cut:
The first chapter already sets things into motion at a breakneck pace. A suspicious guy is waiting in the New Athens spaceport (a city of New America, in the planet Centaurus). When two policemen recognize him as a certain Holtzman, he gets arrested, and in a panic, he activates a minuscule piece of antimatter inside the box... A microsecond later, New Athens doesn't exist anymore, being replaced by a giant, smoldering crater.
Meanwhile, the Enterprise is having problems of its own. The computers have been completely fucked up, and nobody knows why: there's no air circulation, no temperature regulation, no artificial gravity, nothing... The scene of everybody floating around, while Sulu's scalding shower water floats through the corridors as a giant ball, is actually pretty funny. Scotty and his new partner, MacPherson, manage to reestablish some sense of order, but the ship is seriously crippled. Repairs will have to wait, though, since Starfleet orders the Enterprise to assist in the Centaurus crisis. There's been at least a million deaths in the explosion; possibly among them several relatives of the crew, including McCoy's daughter: Joanna. However, the tachyon cloud released by the antimatter explosion has made all subspace communications impossible, so Centaurus is isolated. For his part, Spock investigates the computer malfunction, and finds out a mysterious hole that has pierced several computer banks at exactly the same point; however, he can't make heads or tails of it.
Upon approaching Centaurus, they discover that other relief ships in orbit have been reduced to debris. And a transmission through conventional radio (the only radio that can penetrate the tachyon cloud) warns the Enterprise not to approach. Sure enough, the ship is attacked by a nuclear missile from Centaurus. It seems the Defense Center has gone crazy after the explosion, and now launches missiles at any approaching ship, friend or foe. Fortunately, the Defense computers consider the Enterprise anihillated after the first strike, so they don't continue the attack. Kirk leaves in a shuttle with Sulu, to meet with the new government at the temporary capital of McIverton. While Spock leaves with Chekov in another shuttle, to investigate the Defense Center and deactivate the missile system.
There's a brief interlude, that presents some suspicious guys (led by this Barclay dude) hiding at a safe house. It's obvious they're related to the terrorist attack, and Barclay instructs some of his goons to meet with a certain person, and force him to cooperate.
In McIverton, Kirk meets with the new president, the Minister of Defense, and the Minister of Internal Security (Nathaniel Burke). The president explains that the terrorist attack was done by a racist political group, led by the scientist Holtzman, to get more power for his group.
At the Defense Center, Spock is unable to reprogram the computer to differentiate between friendly and hostile ships. So he's like "well, let's blow up this bazillion missiles in the sun and problem solved!" (and yeah, this is totally in-character for Spock; the guy is that crazy sometimes). Thus, Spock expands the defense area of the computer to include Alpha Centauri, the computer interprets the sun as a hostile element, and launches all the remaining missiles at it. Poof! After solving this problem, Spock takes the shuttle to the northern area of New Athens, where there have been some survivors. A makeshift hospital has been established in a park, and there they find Joanna working as a nurse, safe and sound. There's a moving reunion between her and McCoy, who stays behind to help the injured. While Spock's shuttle makes trips to the Enterprise to bring medical supplies.
At McIverton, Kirk is visited at his hotel by the lawyer Samuel Cogley (from the episode Court Martial). Cogley explains that he was approached by Barclay to defend them at a Federation trial, and not on Centaurus (which has a death penalty for terrorism). And Kirk, despite not having the slightest sympathy for the criminals, considers that the matter belongs in a Federation court and vows to fulfill his duty. However, that same morning, Sulu appears drugged in bed, and the hotel surrounded by Burke's men. The Minister isn't going to let the terrorists off the hook, since he lost his family in the explosion. Kirk, Sulu and Cogley make a frantic escape in a flying car (well, not so frantic for Sulu, who's still sleeping like a log). They retrieve Barclay and his men, and take refuge in Kirk's cabin in Garrovick Valley (a beautiful, secluded forest area that Kirk bought a long time ago).
In the final part, Kirk and his companions barricade themselves inside the cabin, surrounded by Burke's troops. Until the Enterprise, having received a faint distress signal from the cabin, comes to the rescue... by entering the godamn atmosphere!! (didn't I say earlier that Spock's totally nuts?). Cogley decides to just bring the terrorists to the Federation, but not represent them, when it's made obvious that they were also involved in Holtzman's attack. The rest of the antimatter bombs, that the terrorists kept as leverage, are also identified and deactivated. While New Athens is slowly reconstructed, by the joint effort of the locals and new relief ships from all over the Federation.
As for the strange holes in the Enterprise computer banks... Spock ends up concluding that they were caused by a minuscule black hole, which existed just for a fraction of second, and the Enterprise traversed at warp speed. Does it mean that, at any time, at any place, a mini-black hole could appear out of nowhere and just pierce you like that!? That's the stuff of nightmares, really...
Spirk Meter: 5/10*. Kirk wants to show Spock his "special, secret place" (no! not THAT!, I mean his valley at Centaurus). Kirk considers that Spock would appreciate its aesthetic beauty, and invites him to stay there with him as long as he wants. Spock is also a bit hurt because Kirk didn't tell him about the valley earlier. Actually, the rating could be a bit higher, considering that the cabin is said to have just a twin bed, and a massage bed for two. Apart from this, Kirk notices things about Spock that nobody else seems to see (like Spock swallowing nervously sometimes). The two of them interact very little in the novel, though, since they take separate paths.
Some Spones too. When Spock meets Joanna, he finds her strikingly similar to McCoy and... magnificient. He thinks of her as a "softer McCoy, pretty without glamour", which says a little about how he sees the doctor himself. Also, when McCoy is in emotional turmoil upon learning that Joanna is alive, after so many days of uncertainty, Spock says to himself: "I know that feeling well, Doctor. Draw strength from me, if you need it." (only that McCoy has no telepathy so... how is he going to hear that!?).
And then there's the McKirk. A flashback chapter presents a young Ensign Kirk recovering from a wound at a starbase hospital. There he first meets this kind Dr. McCoy, who helps him through the painful months of recovery. After Kirk is healed, McCoy invites him to stay with him at Centaurus, where his daughter lives with some relatives. And McCoy brings Jim to these beautiful woods and wilderness areas, just the two of them and Joanna, and well... you know. It's even more evident, because McCoy is relieved upon seeing that Joanna approves of Jim (seems like the little girl was troublesome with most of her daddy's dates). Too bad for poor McCoy, that Kirk ends up inviting a pretty nurse (and then Spock) to his cabin, and not him...
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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mariacallous · 9 months
NOVI SAD, Serbia (JTA) — In the heart of downtown in Serbia’s second-largest city, nestled between brick buildings on a leafy street, sits a large synagogue.
With its 130-foot-high central dome and faded yellow brick facade, along with its Jewish school and offices on either side, the synagogue’s three-building complex has become a must-see tourist attraction, with multilingual panels in its courtyard explaining the area’s Jewish history.
The synagogue was built to accommodate up to 950 worshippers in the first decade of the 20th century. But like the city and Serbia more broadly, the building has clearly seen better days. On two recent days, a family was camped outside the entrance, begging passersby for money.
Before World War II, Novi Sad had roughly 60,000 inhabitants, 4,300 of whom were Jews — about 7% of the total population. Most were affluent merchants, lawyers, doctors and professors. Their wealth was reflected in the city’s opulent synagogue, constructed between 1906 and 1909 by Hungarian Jewish architect Lipot Baumhorn, whose work incorporated elements of the Art Nouveau movement.
Today, however, the prominent building serves a dwindling community that, like others decimated by the Holocaust and further eroded by the Balkan wars of the 1990s, fears for its future as residents disperse abroad. Only about 640 Jews remain in Novi Sad; others have sought a future in Israel or countries that offer more economic opportunity.
“We use our own shul only for Yom Kippur,” said Novi Sad native Ladislav Trajer, the deputy president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia.
“We get six to 10 people for Shabbat — maybe 15 — but fewer than half are male so we can’t make a minyan,” said Trajer, referencing  a Jewish prayer quorum of 10 men. He spent eight years in Israel and also served in the Israel Defense Forces. “Even in Belgrade, which is much larger, the rabbi doesn’t always get a minyan. And nobody here keeps kosher. You can’t get kosher meat.”
Novi Sad was a thriving center of Jewish life in prewar Yugoslavia and the city — now a metropolis of 370,000 sometimes called the “Serbian Athens” — was named a European Culture Capital of 2022 for its arts, food, architecture and other cultural scenes.
But most local Jews see few prospects for themselves in a country beset by economic turmoil. Between 1990 and 2000 — following Yugoslavia’s collapse; the ethnic wars in Croatia, Bosnia and later Kosovo; and the imposition of crippling sanctions by the United States, the European Union and the United Nations — Serbia’s GDP tumbled from $24 billion to $8.7 billion. By 1993, nearly 40% of Serbia’s people were living on less than $2 a day, and at present, the average Serb earns approximately $430 to $540 a month.
Despite those difficulties, Serbia agreed in 2017 to pay just over $1 million annually over the ensuing 25 years to its remaining Jews as compensation for property nationalized by the postwar communist regime. Half of that money goes directly to Jewish community organizations, 20% to Holocaust survivors and the remaining 30% to projects that aim to preserve Jewish traditions.
Since 2012, the Novi Sad community has also earned income by renting out its huge synagogue to the municipality for classical music concerts. In return, the city maintains the complex as a historic monument, and it is now repairing the synagogue’s roof and fixing leaky water pipes.
“These buildings were close to collapse,” said Trajer. He added that the city’s neglected Jewish cemetery can look like a forest. “So we are cutting the trees and struggling to put up fences.”
Although antisemitic incidents are not too common, Serbia, like most other countries in Eastern Europe, also contends with a strong nationalist streak. Trajer, who monitors antisemitism closely, said around 1,500 Serbs belong to extremist groups, of which perhaps 120 are active. Serbian Action, a small group of neo-Nazis, occasionally holds rallies and spray-paints antisemitic, anti-immigrant and anti-gay graffiti on public buildings.
“In high school, my history professor joked that Hitler couldn’t get into an art academy, and that’s why he decided to kill the Jews,” said Teodora Paljic, a 20-year-old Jewish university student. “I don’t talk about these things with people I don’t feel safe around.”
She said that “Life in Serbia is very difficult” because “all the prices have gone up, but salaries haven’t increased since 2019.”
Novi Sad is the capital of Vojvodina, an autonomous province that covers much of northern Serbia, and at the local Jewish community’s zenith, 86 synagogues flourished in the province. Today, only 11 remain standing, and most have fallen into disuse.
Mirko Štark, president of the Jewish Community of Novi Sad, said Jews first settled in the city in the 17th century, shortly after its founding in 1694 under the Hapsburg monarchy.
“When the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where most Ashkenazim lived, introduced new laws that restricted Jews from living in cities, many people ran to the border area, where these laws were not so strictly enforced,” Štark said. Later, when the Serbs captured Vojvodina, those restrictions were rescinded, and the Jewish community blossomed.
Following World War I and the establishment of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes — later Yugoslavia — Novi Sad’s Jews enjoyed a cultural and economic renaissance that saw the formation of a Jewish community center, athletic clubs, choirs and several Jewish newspapers.
That renaissance ended abruptly in 1941, when the Hungarian army, in collaboration with Nazi Germany, occupied Novi Sad, making life for Jews intolerable. Over a three-day period in January 1942 now known as the Novi Sad Massacre, the Hungarians rounded up more than 1,400 Jews, seized their property, shot them in their backs and threw them into the freezing Danube River.
After Hungary’s capitulation to Germany, armed guards herded the city’s remaining 1,800 Jews into the synagogue and kept them there for two days in deplorable conditions without food or water. On April 27, 1944, the Nazis marched their weakened Jewish captives to the train station, then forced them on a train to Auschwitz that took two months to arrive due to Allied bombing.
Only 300 of Novi Sad’s Jews survived the Holocaust, and rebuilt the community virtually from scratch in the ensuing postwar chaos.
“There were no religious people anymore, and no rabbi,” said Štark. “Many went to Israel in the first aliyah. The small number of Jews remaining tried to keep the community alive, opening a kitchen to provide food for people who couldn’t buy for themselves. My grandmother survived Auschwitz. She worked in that kitchen.”
According to Trajer, from 1948 to 2022, no Shabbat services were held. These days, Trajer conducts all religious services because he’s the only one who knows the Hebrew prayers fluently.
With 640 members, Novi Sad has the nation’s second-largest Jewish population after Belgrade. The capital is home to more than half of the country’s 3,000 Jews, out of a total population of 7.1 million. Smaller Jewish communities can also be found in Subotica, Niš and other cities. Only the synagogues in Belgrade and Subotica — the latter located a few miles from the Hungarian border — still function.
Most members of the Novi Sad community, including Štark, have married non-Jews.
“My wife is not Jewish. Neither was my mother. Only my father was Jewish,” he said. “After World War II, the choices for finding husbands and wives within the community was limited. For this reason, we accept non-Jewish spouses as members. This is the only way to survive.”
Štark, 70, is a retired professor of media production who worked for years at Novi Sad’s main TV station. He’s also the longtime president of the synagogue’s choir, HaShira, which sings in Hebrew, Ladino and Yiddish and recently won an award for its performances in neighboring Montenegro. Only three of the choir’s 35 members are Jews.
“When I began my mandate as president a year and a half ago, we woke up many activities in the Jewish community that had existed only on a small scale before,” he said.
Besides the choir, these include the Zmaya dance troupe as well as a Jewish culture club that meets every Tuesday at 6 p.m. to discuss books and Israeli movies. There’s also a “baby club” for small children and another club for teens, whose activities are led by two adults. Hanukkah and Passover are celebrated by families together, and on Tu B’Shvat, the community plants trees.
The community is also investing in its members, and Paljic is emblematic of that hope.
Paljic, interviewed at the trendy Café Petrus, a 15-minute walk from Novi Sad’s Jewish cemetery, is the daughter of Jewish parents who met at a Purim party in Belgrade.
“My grandparents were killed in Jasenovac [a notoriously brutal concentration camp], but my best friend’s grandmother survived Auschwitz,” she said. “The problem is, people don’t talk about Judaism because they’re scared. There is still antisemitism. Last year, somebody drew a swastika at the entrance to the Jewish cemetery in Belgrade. We were all shocked.”
This summer, Paljic worked as a counselor at Hungary’s Camp Szarvas, which brings together young Jews from throughout Central and Eastern Europe. The camp welcomed 20 children from Novi Sad this year; the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee paid their tuition.
While she would like to be close to her family, Paljic said she must be practical.
“I want to go somewhere outside Serbia when I finish college,” she said. “I don’t see my career here. I love art history and photography, but there’s no money in that in Serbia.”
Despite the challenges, Štark isn’t ready to say kaddish for Novi Sad’s Jews just yet.
“We will keep the Jewish spirit alive here. We are working hard, starting with the children,” he said. “If we don’t, everything will die in five or 10 years. So it depends on us.”
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
Sentence prompt!
"Ah... a fellow sister of Sappho, hm?"
Ejsbjsns I immediately went "Omg that sounds so dorky to say....Kassandra :)"
Kassandra trashes your wedding ♥️
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"Ah..." You stilled, breath caught in your throat as the mithios paused, eyes trailing down your body before focusing back on your face. "A fellow sister of Sappho, hm?"
You'd been relieved when you weren't going to be the wife of your island's infamous merchant's son. He was rich, kind, and had the looks to make any girl's heart swoon...well, any accept yours.
You knew why, though you lied to yourself and friends that you simply had no time for men–but when every maiden on your small island was preparing to wow him and marry into luxury, you simply followed along. You didn't think much would come out of it, but it had.
To your utter horror, he'd gained interest in you.
Here came in Kassandra. The mithios that just happened to be sailing by and in need of coin. You begged her to help you, and with enough drachmae she was more than helpful.
In a dramatic display, she stole you away in the middle of your wedding, all with you kicking and screaming as if this wasn't exactly what you wanted. Now, leaning on the side of her ship, still dressed in your long wedding gown you shakily exhaled, heart pounding in your chest.
"I do not know what you mean." Kassandra hummed.
"Fair. Not everyone is ready to admit it." You frowned, somehow annoyed she wouldn't just drop it.
"Admit what? I paid you for safe travel to Athens, not to be interrogated the entire way–"
"That there was nothing wrong with that man. Well...other than that he was a man." You paused, swallowing down the lump in your throat.
"I already said he was a cruel man–"
"And I'm not a fool. I asked around. Even if he put up a facade...it would have cracked through when I threw you over my shoulder and ruined his wedding. But I saw no rage in him. Only sadness. Devastation. Worry... He cherished you."
You didn't know what to say. Those sharp eyes read right through you. You tried to double down on the lie. You tried to insist you weren't like that...but under her gaze, the lies wouldn't come. Only the truth came tumbling out, in a near incoherent vomit of painful confessions, and before you knew it, you were crying.
Kassandra didn't have to be told, she wrapped her arms around you in a soothing hug, murmuring to let it all out. You did, telling her about how scared you'd been to realize you were different. How much you wanted to experience love. How badly you'd hoped to one day simply be.
She understood, bringing you down to her chambers in the ship and sharing her own stories with you. You felt relieved to relate to some of her memories, fascinated by a few and downright embarrassed by others.
But finally, after multiple cups of wine had been drunken and laughter filled the room, she looked at you through half lidded eyes, looking once you over before smiling.
"I forgot to say y/n....but when I first saw you in that dress, I thought you were the most beautiful person I'd ever seen."
It was cheesy, dumb and clearly not her best pickup line–but it did the job. In a mess of frantic limbs and heated kisses, your expensive dress was off, crumpled on the floor as Kassandra took you to bed....
....and as the both of you tragically realized the next morning, stained beyond repair with Kassandra's extravagant red wine.
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kebriones · 4 months
Will they ever repair the school of arts in Athens? I read it was one of the first universities to be built in Greece, but now it looks like an abandoned building which is a shame how little the government values art 😔
WELL. Sorry anon you touched a sensitive subject and you're getting a rant.
Last year they fixed up our neoclassical building at the entrance, made it very ugly imo, and it has remained unused, closed and empty since then. They spent 1.6 MILLION euros to fix that thing. Do you know why? Because every journalist who wanted to write about the school's condition would come to the entrance, take a picture of the gray-ish, graffiti-covered neoclassical building, and use it in their article about how they've let THE school of fine arts be ugly and abandoned and so on. They fixed that only for show, which is a slap in the face to everyone who studies and works in the actual building.
We have incredibly little funding from the government. The building that houses the school is an ex-factory and as such requires very specialized types of repairs and upkeep. The old house on the left of the school as well as some storage buildings no visitor ever sees at the back are classified as "preservable" and therefore, like the now-renovated neoclassical ex-bank at the front, require very large amounts of money and time and studies to get fixed. I don't see that happening any time soon. Especially the house with the double staircase and all that, would have to be essentially rebuilt from scratch.
The actual building where the studios and everything is housed has so many practical problems. Some places like the underground cinema, the main auditorium and the exhibition hall are in fairly decent condition. The studios, not so much. We don't have money to fix clogged sinks, move or replace broken machinery, everything is always unimaginably filthy because they don't have enough cleaners, there are doors and windows that can't close, which results in pigeons and cats and dogs getting inside and shitting everywhere, the ceilings especially in the upper floor are falling apart from water pooling on the rooftop, making entire spots unusable because of the mold and constant dripping and the danger of stuff falling off the ceiling and injuring someone, everything floods the moment it rains, some of the bathrooms lack light and we don't even have soap or toilet paper most of the time. We don't have enough space for everyone to work in either, in the majority of the studios. But there is no funding. The school can't even afford to give simple cheap paper to the students, last year we were out of clay at the ceramics class for months. Every now and then they bring people to come paint over the graffiti at the entrance, as if that's the main problem of the school.
Also, it was actually one of the first universities to be made in Athens, but up until the 80s it was housed in the building of the polytechnic university on Patision street. It got moved to the ex-textile factory to have more space and a more modern environment, which I think was the right move. If it was functional and not so dirty and falling apart to the point of being actually dangerous, the factory itself is an incredible, gorgeous building, with the graffiti and the posters and everything. I just wish I didn't have to step around poop every time i had to go to class, or that I could actually use the sinks normally to wash my paintbrushes and my hands. Or idk have some cheap supplies available for free. I think they will come make actual improvements when someone dies or something. Two years ago after the floods that destroyed expensive equipment and stuff, their solution was to bring us sand bags to pile up on the entrances of the building to keep the water out whenever it rains.
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msweebyness · 6 months
MiracOlympus- The Busiest Deity
Hey, ya'll, it's ya girl Weeby. Olympus is a pretty bustling place, stuff always needs moved around! Here's the log from a random day for our girl, HermAlix, to give you an idea of her schedule! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
6:30 AM-7:00 AM: Up to Olympus to deliver morning report from Zoe to Adrien and Marinette.
7:00 AM-8:00 AM: Deliver daily global forecasts from Adrien to Aurore, Mireille and the other winds.
8:00 AM-8:30 AM: Retrieve daily Olympus menu from Sabrina to be posted.
8:30 AM-9:30 AM: Deliver invitations from Marinette to Ondine and Marc to meet-up for tea this afternoon.
9:30 AM-10:00 AM: Send correspondence from Nino to the Muses about the upcoming theater festival.
10:30 AM-11:00 AM: Pick up Kim's repaired trident from Ivan, zip over to Mediterranean Coast where the meathead is overseeing a dolphin migration to give it to him.
11:00 AM-11:30 AM: Zip down to the Underworld to give correspondence from Alya to Nath about a mortal sentenced to eternal punishment.
11:30 AM-12:00 PM: Take letter from Marc to Mylene about his chosen arrangements for the first blooms of Spring.
12:00 PM-12:30 PM: Back to Olympus with a fresh stack of commission/repair orders for Ivan.
12:30 PM-1:00 PM: Give Rose her daily delivery of letters from mortals with love problems.
1:00 PM-3:00 PM: Pick up and deliver Luka's daily correspondences, transcriptions of events of note he saw in his prophetic visions, delivered to deities they concern.
3:00 PM-3:30 PM: ***BREAK***
3:30 PM-4:00 PM: Deliver progress reports for temple in Athens to Max.
4:00 PM-5:00 PM: Deliver Eri's daily potion and spell orders to various deities.
5:00 PM-5:30 PM: Take plans for a new constellation from Reshma to Zoe for approval.
5:30 PM-6:00 PM: Deliver evening report from Chloe to Adrien and Marinette.
6:00 PM-6:30 PM: Fly back home (finally)!
As you can see, our girl never gets a break! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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ghostlytales · 1 year
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The Booth House, Bowman, Georgia
The Booth House is a grand 1858 antebellum home located just shy of 30 minutes outside of Athens in the rural town of Bowman, Georgia. The handsome home boasts 5,000 square feet and features a double-decker porch shaded by idyllic pecan trees. But, despite its haint blue porch ceiling, a lost soul found its way into the column-clad home and continues to haunt those who've stayed there ever since. A handyman who came to do repairs claimed an old man walked the Booth House halls and whispered in his ear. Even more disconcerting? Weekend guests experienced a rude awakening — literally. They reported that they couldn't rise out of bed because an invisible force field wouldn't allow them to move.
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elitevents12 · 4 months
Tips For Cleaning Your Air Conditioning Vents
Ensuring clean air conditioning vents is crucial for maintaining indoor air quality and system efficiency. Start by turning off the unit. Remove vent covers and vacuum inside ducts using a soft brush attachment. For deeper cleaning, consider professional duct cleaning services. Regular maintenance keeps your home healthy and comfortable. Visit Elite Vents and read tips for cleaning your air conditioning vents for more air conditioning tips.
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Sure, some people might think it's 'out of character' or 'not realistic' for the himbos to band together and rush to A Taste of Athens to ask him to come back to Richmond without Ted's knowledge. I mean, who does that sort of thing? Concocts a harebrained scheme to get two characters back together, inevitably leading to a big confession?
Isn't it obvious? Rom-com characters. We're in full rom-communism mode now folks!
We've had Roy tell Keeley he doesn't want to be 'just friends'.
We've had the himbos convince Nate to come back to his old stomping ground (which will obviously lead to Ted & Nate repairing their relationship).
All that's left now is the matter of the truth bomb. We've been led to think Ted's the only one with something to say this time. But I'll bet my bottom dollar that Rebecca's gonna have something to say about it. And whatever it is, I have a feeling it'll be something that would make Nora Ephron proud.
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callremedyplumbing · 2 years
Sewer Line Repair Services in Athens, GA
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Are you looking for sewer line repair services in Athens, GA? We provide expert sewer pipe repair and drain cleaning services at affordable prices. If you have any query, then you can log on to our website.
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