#relentless the fic
don’t mind me, just gonna go read restless again 🫠🫠
Oh Relentless? Yes, that one is one of my favourites and I too reread it more than I will admit 💕
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beansprean · 4 months
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Lil comic from chapter 1 of Alethophobia by @jay-auris! Character designs by the incredible @pejntboks!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Distant shot from behind a white van parked on a patch of gravel and dirt with its rear doors wide open, pine trees in the distance against a darkening sky. Human Nandor is rummaging around in the equipment in the back of the van, muttering angrily to himself. He is wearing a green flannel with rolled sleeves over a white tee shirt tucked into cut off blue jean shorts, white knee socks, and hiking boots. The side of Guillermo's face appears in closeup in the foreground, looking at him. 1b. Shot from inside the van as Guillermo comes up behind Nandor, both now facing the viewer. Nandor has his graying hair down and hanging messily in his face as he scowls, sweat beading on his forehead. He wears a silver medallion around his neck, orange tasbih prayer beads around his right wrist, has two orbital piercings with silver hoops and a silver conch stud in his left ear, and silver vertical studs on his right eyebrow. He continues glaring at the equipment and shuffling it around with his left hand as he thrusts a camera bag out behind him with his right, snapping, "Leave Laszlo to pack everything like an overgrown child. Here, pull out the extra batteries so I can put them in the actual fucking battery cases we own." Guillermo looks down at the bag in surprise as it is thrust towards him, hands coming up automatically to take it. He is wearing a black tee shirt with a gray symbol on the chest under a sleeveless unzipped dark blue hoodie with red trim, black leggings, red sneakers, a black fidget ring on his right middle finger, and a silver cross around his neck, tucked into the shirt. 1c. Close up of Guillermo as takes the bag and removes the batteries, aiming a concerned look at Nandor as he does so. He asks, "Are you okay?" 1d. Waist up of Nandor from Guillermo's POV as he straightens up and wrestles his hair back into a messy bun with quick, angry motions. Still glaring down at the equipment, he snarls, "I dislike long car rides; I dislike being out of the city;" 1e. Reverse shot, close up of the back of Nandor's head with its painful looking bun in the foreground as he continues, "I dislike laszlo's laissez-faire attitude towards the security of our expensive equipment..." In the background, Guillermo frowns as he observes Nandor's hair.
2a. Repeat. Guillermo interrupts Nandor's venting by pointing toward his hair and asking, "Can I fix that?" Nandor's head in the foreground turns toward him, asking, "Huh?" 2b. Wide shot facing the rear of the van as Guillermo says, "Your hair, just- c'mere." Guillermo takes Nandor by the shoulders, turns him around, and pushes him down to sit on the bumper with a small, unassuming smile. Nandor looks shocked and not a little flustered, shoulders tense under Guillermo's hands. 2c. Close up on Nandor as Guillermo pulls the rubber band from his hair and lets it loose around his shoulders, covering his eyes. Guillermo combs his fingers through the strands and Nandor stills, expression hidden but cheeks going red. 2d. Close up of Nandor's face from the nose down in profile as Guillermo's hands gather his hair behind his shoulders. 2e. Close up of the back of Nandor's head from Guillermo's POV as he pulls all of Nandor's hair together neatly at his crown.
3a. Close up on Nandor's side, elbow to hip, as Guillermo's right hand leaves his head to tap two fingers on Nandor's jeans pocket. Nandor pulls his elbow away in surprise. 3b. Repeat. Nandor's other hand obliges, pulling a second rubber band from his pocket and offering it to Guillermo, who hooks it onto his finger. 3c. Waist up of Guillermo as he steps back with a hesitant grin, hands clasped together at his sternum. He says, "There. Better?" 3d. Close up of Nandor's right hand as it lifts his phone and unlocks it with a thumb. His phone case is a Lisa-Frank-esque close up of a white horse with purple, blue, and pink spots on a backdrop of a blue sky with clouds and a rainbow.
4a. Bust of Nandor as he raises his phone up to take a look at himself in the camera, expression now softened from his earlier frustration. His hair is now twisted up into a neat, round bun at the crown of his head, one stubborn strand loose at his temple. He raises his eyebrows, liking what he sees, and says "Huh. That's very good. How did you do that?" 4b. Zoom out to knees up, Nandor still perched on the bumper of the van. Guillermo stuffs his hands in the pockets of his hoodie and leans back against one of the van doors, flushed and grinning as he aims his gaze elsewhere. With a humble shrug, he replies, "Sister taught me. She said that if I wanted to impress a girl one day, I should learn how to do basic styles." Nandor lowers his phone and drapes that arm over his raised knee, left hand palming the other to balance himself as he turns his torso towards Guillermo with a grin. He says, "Well, color this girl impressed." /end ID
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cordeliavenable · 10 months
i am FASCINATED by the fact that these are nandor’s only interactions with derek. i highly doubt they’ll address this on the show, but i think it could fuck nandor up if he realizes he was cucked by a guy who he sentenced to death (and who guillermo subsequently rescued and invited to nandor’s wedding). i NEED someone to examine these dynamics in a fic!!!!
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gerandor · 9 months
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Do you remember that night on the doorstep before you left to pursue your happiness away from me, I told you, “Can you please, please turn me into a vampire before you leave? So that after all these years, you and I both can be happy.”
I think you thought I had wanted vampirism at the cost of losing you forever. Maybe that’s why you told me, “Vampirism is a curse. And I care for you too much to burden you with that.”
You were right. Vampirism is a curse. But only if it comes to you when you’re the most lonely. Only if it takes the one you love the most away from you because you were so scared to lose him forever that you lost him anyway.
But I was right, too. If you’d turned me, you and I both, right now, could’ve been happy. And your eyes instead of looking at the distance between us, would’ve lifted to see the love in mine and your hands wouldn’t have hovered over my heart like you could’ve never had me.
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cottoncandysprite · 6 months
The way Nandor and Guillermo’s arcs and conflicting views on immortality intertwine perfectly and can't wrap up satisfyingly without them admitting how much they want to stay together will always drive me insane actually. Like. Nandor can't stand being immortal but wants to guide Guillermo in becoming immortal anyway because he cares about him. Guillermo wants to be immortal because he wants to be with Nandor and the others forever but hasn't realized thats the reason even if he knows he loves them. Nandor believes immortality will only be worthwile if he has someone to spend it with and Guillermo wants to be exactly that but NEITHER OF THEM HAVE PUT THAT TOGETHER YET. GOD I WANNA SHAKE THEM LIKE BUGS IN A JAR.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 114
Part 1 Part 113
It’s fully dark by the time they trundle into the trailer park. The sceneries nostalgic, almost. Steve at his side, his feet aching from too long upright, not another soul in sight. There’s no ash floating in the air, and no vines squirming on the ground, and the sky’s not an ominous red.
Will he ever be able to walk down this familiar stretch of street without thinking of that time?
He almost hopes not. Without the Upside-Down, when he and Steve ever come together like this?
Maybe it’s stupid, but he wants to hold onto those memories just as much as this one. They’re what got him here, holding Steve Harrington’s hand, floating past cloud nine and straight into the stratosphere.
His glasses are chock full of roses.
It’s a tragedy that he has to drop Steve’s hand to open and unlock the door, but he makes do.
Wayne’s on his recliner when they stumble through the door, holding a beer in one hand and the TV remote in the other. He glances away from the screen, double takes, then stares back, eyeing them both up and down with an eyebrow raised.
He takes a long, loud sip from his beer, then asks, “you boys have a fun night?”
Eddie glances at Steve, and it’s only then that he notices how disheveled they both must look. Steve’s lips are still swollen, and his hair’s fucked beyond repair. Steve’s eying Eddie in kind, making those same damning connections.
He looks worried around the edges, though, so Eddie does what he’s always done best: put on a show.
He turns to Wayne, hands planted on his hips and says, “Wayne, I’ve got something to tell you.” He reaches out, linking his hand with Steve’s once more. “I’m gay.”
Wayne snorts, coughing on his beer. It must burn because his eyes water as he gasps out, “you play too much, boy.” He wipes the overflow from his chin, glaring up at Eddie. “You finally figure your shit out?”
Eddie beams, squeezing Steve’s hand. “Stevie here figured it out for me.”
Wayne looks between them for a few seconds more before shrugging disinterestedly, says a flippant, “he’s my favorite son for a reason,” and then just turns back to the TV to continue flicking through channels.
And that’s it. That was all she wrote, and all that. The world just, keeps turning.
“Should we tell anyone?” Steve asks that night, curled up into his side the way he always is. “Besides Will?”
He pulls Steve closer, the fondness in his chest expanding to the point of pain. Will, who is a part of their fucked up little trio. Of course, they’ll tell him.
It might even help him come to terms with some things that were hard won, brutal battles for Eddie when he was Will’s age. Give the kid a little hope, and all that. Hope that there are partners better out there than Mike Wheeler, the turd.
Eddie hums, skimming his fingers up and down Steve’s arm. “Well, Wayne figured it out the minute he looked at us, that’s one down.” He holds up one finger before bringing it back to Steve’s arm and tapping it against it. “You told Carol, so that adds in her and Barb.” Fingers two and three, tap, tap.
“Oh, definitely Jeff.” Eddie raises a fourth finger, taps it once before unlocking his thumb so he can clutch Steve’s hand. He pulls it up to his own chest, pressing it to the beating of his heart. “He wants me to tell him about the Upside-Down.”
Steve’s quiet, and it’s too dark to read his face no matter how hard Eddie strains his eyes.
“Do you think I should?”
Steve sighs, digging his pointy chin into Eddie’s shoulder. “I don’t know, man.”
“Man,” Eddie cuts in, mockingly. “Your tongue was in my mouth like, ten minutes ago.”
Eddie’s body shakes with Steve’s quiet laughter. “Fine, whatever,” he huffs. “It’s not up to me, Loverboy.”
The nicknames got that same mocking edge Eddie himself had used. It still makes his heartbeat stutter in his chest.
“But I’m not sure this is a situation where not knowing would help them?” he continues, voice lilting up at the end like it’s a question. “I mean, it didn’t help us.”
Eddie sighs, letting himself melt into the springy mattress. Look at all of them. They’d left Carol in the dark, and she’d crawled her way into the inner circle by her hell-beast talons.
Stumbling around in the dark never helped anyone.
“I’ll think about it,” Eddie says, already knowing that its too late. The worm’s wriggled its way into his brain and made a home there.
But there’s an order to these things, and Will comes first, always. They clamber into Eddie’s van in the morning, ready to enjoy whatever somehow overcooked and overcooked concoction Mama Byers has made for breakfast.
Jonathan opens the door before they’re even out of the van. He leans against the door jam, crossing his arms and glaring hatefully out at them, still in his raggedy pajama pants.
“Johnny Boy!” Eddie calls, beaming as he bounds up to him, shoving past him to come into the house, uninvited. “You’re looking mighty cheerful this morning.”
“Sorry, I don’t have a cheerful face on for the early-morning uninvited guests,” he grumbles, stepping out of the way and letting Steve through with much less ire.
Eddie can’t blame him. Steve’s in his stupid yellow sweater looking soft and warm in the November air. Eddie can’t compete with that, doesn’t even want to.
“Is Will up?” Steve asks, in a far more appropriate volume for the early morning.  
Jonathan gestures toward the back of the house before stumbling over to the couch and sinking into it.
Mama Byers isn’t anywhere in sight, and the house is quiet enough that their voices may carry. Eddie’s not worried. These people are his family, and more importantly, they’re Will’s.
If the wall’s have got ears, he couldn’t pick anyone better to be listening. He’d bare any bit of himself here, if Will needs him to.
Eddie grabs Steve’s wrist and pulls him along toward Will’s bedroom. It’s time to get this show on the road.
Part 115
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
Vampire guillermo this
Human nandor that
What if they did some freaky friday type shit and have nandor and guillermo switch bodies? Now that would be funny
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taxonomicons · 1 year
More What We Do In The Shadows episodes that I wish existed [ Part 2 ]
Breaking Bat
Colin Robinson desperately wants the ability to turn into a bat and creates a drug that will allow him to transform. After it’s success he finds himself commanding an army of energy vampire junkies. Laszlo goes undercover as an energy vampire to rescue him.
Turn of the Century
The vampires prepare to celebrate the new century without knowing it passed years ago. While Guillermo attempts to find 2000s decorations the vampires start turning humans left and right in celebration, conveniently skipping over their familiar.
No Bark All Bite
The gang visit the Staten Island Aquarium to rescue a fish they befriended on the immigration boat. What they fail to tell Guillermo is that their goldfish is a 500 pound hammerhead shark.
Colin, Robin, and Sons
Colin quits his job and tries to run his own family business. In doing so he must pretend to be every member of his fake family with wigs and costumes. Guillermo takes on the role of stage manager.
A gang of motorcycle vampires who call themselves the “HemoGoblins” attempt to recruit Nadja. She refuses until she realizes she knows their leader Esme from her village (and her first kiss).
Beating a Dead Horse
Sean invites the boys to bet on horse racing unaware of Nandor’s equestrian sensitivity. Nandor falls in love with a new steed, Peanut Butter Patricia, to fill the hole in his heart left by his dead battle horse.
Live, Laugh, Shove
When Nandor is jokingly pushed off a roof he launches a Sherlock style investigation with Guillermo as Watson. Laszlo is jealous that Nandor gets to be lead detective and launches his own investigation.
King of Hearts
The coveted Glass Coffin Disco is equivalent to vampire prom. When Nandor and Guillermo are nominated for Coffin Kings both try to convince the attendees they are not together. Nadja and Laszlo swap outfits. Repeatedly.
The Jelly Belly Factory
It’s Guillermo’s turn to pick an outing and he chooses the Jelly Bean Factory to try and get back at the vampires. The plan backfires when it’s revealed that jelly beans are the one human food a vampire can safely consume.
Alpha Alpha Alpha
Before Laszlo was in the gentlemen’s society he was a member of the first fraternity, Alpha Alpha Alpha. Nandor wants to join which gives Laszlo the ultimate power move, hazing.
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helyiios · 2 years
i love writing human-again nandor lost in nyc bcs guillermo's in staten island shitting himself like 'what if he gets fucking mugged' and marwa's like baby he was a fearsome war criminal he'll be fine the djinns like i hope he gets mugged and then it cuts to nandor getting mugged
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flash-bastardd · 6 months
"I'm sorry, whose funeral?"
"What...? Guillermo...died?"
"Probably a couple decades ago now."
"Old age I think is what he called it."
Nandor still decides to go into super slumber, too bad it's the biggest mistake of his life.
{Or where vampires greatly overestimate the life expectancy of humans}
I have written pain
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venndaai · 7 months
I wrote some horrible shadowgast angst. this is the fastest I have written anything in like two years. thank you Echoes of the Solstice for your terrible terrible angst fodder!
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beansprean · 3 months
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A commission from andieandiiandee(@TikTok) based on chapter 14 of “Hounds of Love” by @andiforyou!! ❤️
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Waist up of human Nandor dressed in a chainmail shirt with chest plating, a silver sword dangling from his left ear, a brown leather belt, and a brown leather baldric over his shoulder attached to a real sword at his hip. His hair is half up, twin braids from his temples forming a bun at the crown of his head and held in place by a leather clasp threaded with a stick. He is leaning against a doorframe, arms crossed, and staring offscreen with hooded eyes and a small smile, a pink heart floating by his face. 2. What Nandor is looking at. Waist up of Jeremy and Guillermo from the back as they chat idly, the vague idea of a coat rack in front of them. Jeremy is wearing long white robes. Guillermo, half turned toward Jeremy with a smile as they chat, is making motions to shrug off his puffy winter coat. 3. Extreme closeup of Nandor's eyes as they fly open in shock, cheeks flushing red. 4. Close up of Guillermo in profile, from the bridge of his nose to just below his chest, as he shrugs his coat off to reveal his bare shoulder and arm in a plain black tank top, a golden chain around his neck disappearing into the shirt. His right hand, wearing a leather glove, pulls out a piece of black fabric with a dotted white design. 5. Hips up of Guillermo from Nandor's POV on a glowing pink background, surrounded by golden sparkles, as he drops the coat completely and throws a poncho over his shoulders to complete his outfit. He is paused in motion, eyes downcast, pink mouth pursed, arms raised chest-high as the poncho flutters into place around his shoulders. It is black and translucent, decorated with a silver beadwork pattern of spiderwebs. The end of the poncho hits right at his waist line, edges scalloped like bat wings with silver pearls adorning each peak. Four short makeshift spider legs are sewn to the bottom of his tank top, two on each side. In the background are pink-tinted close ups in Nandorvision: the flex of Guillermo's bicep, the stretch of his fingers beneath the glove, and the roll of his back and stomach beneath the tight tank top as his arms stretch overhead. 6. A pink-tinted Nandorvision fantasy: full body of Nandor and Guillermo in their current outfits as Nandor grabs Guillermo at the waist and dips him, knee pressing forward between his legs and head dipped to mouth at his neck. Guillermo's arms are looped around Nandor's shoulders and he is smiling blissfully, hearts floating around his head, cheeks flushed as he tilts his head to allow Nandor access to his throat. His left leg hitches around Nandor's hip as Nandor's right hand creeps beneath the hem of his tank top. 7. Shoulders up of the real Nandor, staring slackjawed at the visions before him, cheeks flushed red and eyes wide, irises gone pink to reflect where his mind is at. 8. Small corner panel of Nandor, chest up and casting a shadow on a sparkly pink background as he comes back down to earth. He blushes, flustered, and closes his eyes with resignation, thinking to himself: "I'm going to be beating suitors away with a stick..." /end ID
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salt-blog · 11 months
Nandor is a Hungarian name (a short form of "Ferdinand") but he's from southern Iran. My headcanon is that he adopted this name while passing through Europe, and that his birth name was either Namdar or Naudar.
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gerandor · 9 months
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It took Guillermo fifteen years to ask. Fifteen years mean nothing to a vampire; especially to someone as ancient and as disconnected from humanity as Nandor. But Nandor has come to understand that human lives are measured in tea spoons. They talk about hours and minutes and seconds. Nandor has no grasp on how long is a second. He used to think humans went on to live for at least two centuries. He thought Guillermo, the badass vampire slayer that he was, would live for three. But humans, no matter how fancy their ancestry, have no grasp on centuries.
Still, Nandor would rather the question never came, late for human standards as it was. As a rule, Nandor doesn’t talk about it. He doesn’t think about it. Sometimes, he wakes up from a recurring nightmare with the taste of ash and his own blood in his mouth and he remembers. Sometimes, he is just reading Shahnameh for the thousandth time and enjoying the retelling of his own heroic adventures under a false name when he remembers. Other times, his face is half-buried into a human’s neck, drinking viscus drug blood from a ruptured vein when he remembers.
Sometimes, he wishes there was a ceremony to forget. He came up with one for Guillermo to help him with the trauma of his turning, complete with the robes and the banners and the oaths and the name. If only someone would do the same for him. The Ceremony of Vampiric Turning Obliviation; there, he’d even help them with the name, which is arguably the hardest part of any made-up ritual. Nandor would wear white to the ceremony and he would stand still and breathless and dead like Time itself had stopped moving forward for him as someone, preferably Guillermo, tied the knot around his neck with gentle hands that held the power of turning the strongest vampire into ash and looked at him with the kindest eyes that Nandor hadn’t seen from anyone else after his mommy and said in his softest voice,“you will be okay.”
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cottoncandysprite · 5 months
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Redrew an old Aletho sketch while rereading it :) I am once again spreading my Go Read Alethophobia by @jay-auris Right Fucking Now agenda
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megaawkwardhuman · 6 months
happy hounds of love day to those who celebrate
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