#rein: hcs
In contrasy to Garroth, Zane LOVES horses. This is basically canon anyway. Zane is such a horse girl.
(This is canon in mystreet but I think it's also the case in mcd)
Every time I mentally picture Zane, it is on the back of a horse.
I imagine he particularly has a black Arab, just because they’re a very distinctive breed of horse and because the one Arab horse I’ve ever encountered has been a fucking nutter.
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ibdah · 8 months
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Holoro!!! Look at them!!!! Headcanons coming at you soon!!!!
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nonbinaryphantom · 1 year
am probably like the only person who has this hc but like i love the idea that half ghosts dont have obsessions (in the traditional sense) like ghosts dont have that choice its like something theyre compelled to do regardless of rational but also because without an obsession there’s nothing anchoring them down to the physical realm.
but half ghosts are already anchored via human body so no need for an obsession. something about the humanity of half ghosts giving them a choice, like thats why they aren’t as focused on a theme like say the lunch lady or the box ghost or ember. like they have the agency to be whatever the hell they want do whatever they want.
plus the theme of choice with vlad and danny as foils bc theyre similar but vlad chose to be an absolute dipshit while danny ultimately chose to save others its just more satisfying than when both are effectively forced to act out the hero villain role
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harbingersglory · 2 months
do you have any beidou and miko sub headcanons? 👀 i like to think they're both brats, but i think that's just my own biases speaking haha
YES!!! heavy on the brat miko she's a brat even when domming she makes it work dont ask how. i can see snarky sub beidou too ough..
miko is peak brat. she's literally made for it. she will bully you about wanting her to sub but if you pull her hair she's melting like putty. she definitely likes it rough if she's subbing and that goes for you too. expect plenty of bites and scratches.
generally a menace in bed lbr. will absolutely test your patience trying to turn the tables on you just so you can put her in her place. she's a lot quicker and more squirmy then you'd maybe expect her to be, she can and absolutely will try to flip you over. tie her up though and she'll behave..physically, at least. she's still going to be a snarky little shit trying to rile you up until you rail her into the mattress so hard she feels it the next morning. so you better shut her up, huh?
shove your fingers in her mouth, gag her, etc. shes not complaining which. keep her on her toes and switch it up even.
she has excellent control over her tail and ears to not give away her emotions but she kinda loses it if she gets really into it. rile her up enough and maybe she'll let you pull on her tail (please do)
but she also reads as someone who would want a night where you two just go at it trying to dom the other. it really gets her worked up and you might end up bleeding a bit because she gets a little too excited. might get a scar or two in the process. her teeth hurt and she knows how to use them (all the better if you are into it)
beidou, on the other hand..where miko is a little mean (affectionately) beidou feels more snarky then outright. yknow. mean. she feels more like she leans toward being a dom to me but shes absolutely down to sub!! shes just a little surprised at first
especially if your smaller then her though shes LOVES it. shes built like a damn tank she thinks its a little funny (and really hot) and she makes sure you know it. shes crude and snarky but she actually enjoys subbing from time to time that she doesnt really mind it all that much. its nice to let you take the reins sometimes
especially anything involving eating you out/sucking you off this woman is RELENTLESS. acting like she's starved. theres something thrilling about having the tables turned from how she usually does it though. grab her hair and use her and shes putty. especially if you tie her hands up so she cant grab your thighs. she'll whine and pout about it but you both know if she really wanted to she'd snap the bonds like tissue paper.
she definitely feels like someone who prefers subbing by still pleasuring you though, yknow? rather then the other way around. she prioritizes your pleasure even when she subs and it shows!!
feel like her snarkiness really shows if you start ordering her around though. she'll pull out the captain card lightheartedly and purposely be obtuse if she thinks itll rile you up without killing the mood. she'll say no with a cocky smile and then do it anyway, etc. less of a menace then miko but definitely still up to a bit of mischief.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Every time I go to hyrule castle I remember that video about the royal guard weapons and how they were shiekah tech created to mimic the master sword (and failed - they're powerful but brittle and no more effective against the calamity than anything else). And I just remember the little detail of the wings on the hilt. On the master sword, they face up when the blade points down. On the royal guard weapons, they face up when the blade points up.
And to me, that little detail is very indicative of what they thought about the hero and the cycle.
The wings face up when fi is at rest. Waiting. Sealing. Not lifted.
For them, their swords face up when they brandish them, when they raise them against their enemies, when they wave them around and cheer.
That's what they think the hero does. That's what they think they can replicate and take for themselves.
That's not what a hero does at all.
Sure, he spends a lot of time doing that, but it's a fraction of the whole. The hero does not do it for glory or pay or fame. He is kind. He helps everyone who asks. He gets things for little kids and listens to their stories and helps people find their pets and goes out of his way to leave the stranger a little happier them when they met. He spends hours crawling through mazes and enemies to find something he can use later.
He does not raise his sword in anger. The job is not done once the villain of the day is skewered on his sword. It needs to be sealed, the darkness pushed back until the next generations can take up the call. It's passing on the torch to yourself. The master sword must seal evil during those intervening centuries.
The heroes soul is one, by breath of the wild, long forged in faith and love and determination and the flames of war and loss. The curse of demise makes it so that only one strong enough to stand against it can push it back. The heroes soul is one that is pure. It's a long reset game, and everyone knows the way it plays out.
And under rhoam, hyrule believes it knows all there is to know about the hero and the cycle. It thinks that it can shove the pieces where it wants them, that with the aid of the ancient technology it can force the warnings of history to bend to it's desire. It thinks enough violence will solve the problem entirely. It makes the master sword mimics with the blades facing up.
And it gets it wrong.
The hero reduced to a silent weapon, a shadow of the royal family, the princess helpless and unable to act, unable to access her own power.
It tries to force the issue with manpower and restrictions and piling societal pressure on the children, and hyrule falls.
Immediately, zelda is able to unlock and channel the full extent of her power, she can make a plan and not have it dismissed, she sends link to safety and travels hyrule setting the parts of a constantly moving puzzle into place, she meets ancient spirits and talks with the master sword and seals ganon on her own for the century it takes for link to return.
When he does, rhoam does not order link to save the princess. He does not pile titles and restrictions and pressures on him. He asks him to save his daughter. The hero finally gets to act at his own pace, and he chooses kindness. He chooses to go out of his way to talk to people outside his station, to listen to kids stories and leave strangers a little happier than when they met. He gathers allies loyal out of trust and not forced respect for things he hasn't done yet.
By choosing kindness and not violence (though there is an incredible amount of both), link becomes able to defeat the calamity and save zelda and the kingdom. Zelda is able to guide him and trust him to come. By working together as respected equals, they save the world.
And afterwards, the master sword is returned to her pedestal, triumphant, blade down and wings raised high.
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dutybcrne · 1 month
Honestly, I love imagining that Kae behind the bar would make cocktails a la TipsyBartender as a bit, but then get genuinely invested in what limits he could push his own ( and especially Venti's ) alcohol tolerance and what flavors he could end up mixing up. That menu, however, is off-limits for everyone except himself, Venti, Albedo, and Dainsleif.
#//Or sb like an adeptus or Archon; for instance. But Kae'd be going on instinct/vibes alone to clock 'em#//Or any other being he figures is like them who could have a supernatural/extreme alcohol tolerance#//And then test them with a Creation once he's sure & they ask for one. I smile; thinking of what FACES Xiao would make jdfbgfg#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#hc; kaeya#//Kae being given full reins of the bar like AIGHT; LET'S MAKE A DRINK WITH THE MOST UNHINGED OF ALCOHOL MIXES & UNHOLY OF FLAVORS#//It's like when you made 'magic potions' as a kid; except now he can make his ideal BOOZE. And NO ONE CAN STOP HIM#//Except if Luc suddenly senses a Disturbance in the Force & HIGHTAILS IT TO ANGEL SHARE (Charles in near tears sent for him to stop Kae)#//Near every concoction; Kae ends up spitting the drinks tf out half the time bc sometimes it BURNS and sometimes it tastes GOD AWFUL#//To which he would IMMEDIATELY challenge Venti to a drink off and see who chickens tf out first kdjbgf#//Dude rolls up after coming back from Sumeru w some shit like the Purple Dragon drink or smth#//Charles can only look on in horror as Kae ASSASINATES his own tastebuds & that of any unfortunate victim he ropes into trying it jdfbfg#//He got Luc to try smth he made ONCE; and the man ended up passed out IMMEDIATELY#//Due to the alcohol or how utterly ABHORRENT the taste was; Kae still does not know#//He looks back on it and LAUGHS; bc of Luc's reaction every time he brings it up; but in the moment DEFFO panicked; thinking he killed him#//Mans can be & IS a spectacular bartender; second to none (read: Diluc). But BOY OH BOY; can he be unhinged with it when he gets the Urge
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ow-old-men · 1 year
Concept; Rein’s hairstyle changes rapidly along the scale from ‘multiple intricate braids intertwining artfully’ to ‘a toddler went haywire with the butterfly clips’, not based on how much time and energy he had that morning, but on which teammate got fed up with having to look at him constantly getting hair in his face first
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limielle · 7 months
to clarify bc even tho i tag him as such, tsubaki is not officially the wol in my head ...
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ttyls · 8 months
happy fridayyy i got a pumpky cream cold brew 🧡
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thiefscant · 9 months
at first i struggled a little bit to justify someone as mistrustful and committed to self-preservation as anais letting astarion anywhere near her blood but tbh. i know why she does it.
because while she might not know anything about him or his history yet, she knows what starvation looks like in a man's eyes. she knows what it feels like in a body. so despite how the narrator characterizes the moment as finally seeing him for the "predator" he is, anais just sees a man who's hungry in a way that's all too familiar. and she runs through about 20 different scenarios in her head before deciding it's ultimately in her own best interest to help him.
but she has some hard boundaries about it. he can only drink from her wrist/arm and, at least at first, she insists on making a cut herself rather than letting him actually bite her. she is not comfortable with him doing it while she sleeps. when he suggests that he could do it without disturbing her rest, she refuses and says she'll come to him after everyone else has turned in for the night. she doesn't care if the others figure out what's going on, but she's not going to tell them.
these rules do become...flexible, over time, if they're on a friendship or romance path, because some trust starts to build between them despite her misgivings. like after she's grown a bit fond of him and feels like she's gotten the measure of him, she'll let him bite her wrist instead of cutting it herself, if he wants. but she really only relaxes the rule against biting her neck if they end up in bed together.
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kitsunequeen1987 · 1 year
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Hio and Kitsune discussing Hio's ex. (Someone who ISN'T a vocaloid)
She's... very concerned. Poor Hio.
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
@fullcfphobias​ asked: 💭 + Joy and the coven's future..
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Ah, here’s the first topic that breaks her stride. That makes the witch pause, ever-present assured smile dipping down. She hums, right hand drifting to rub the opposite upper arm and shoulder as she considered how to word it. If she even can word such a thing, truthfully.
“Just keep doing what we’ve been doing, I suppose. Just.. be us, save the world, and carry on. See how long the routine can stick while trying to live out lives as well.” Not that Joy would bring up the fact she’s purposefully making less and less of her own life about anything that wasn’t Coven-related. That, with how she was going, if the ship sunk then she’d assuredly go down with it. How even her solo adventures seem to fail so spectacularly that it’s a miracle she’s capable at all. 
“Hope and Faith are dependable, of course, and there hasn’t been anything we haven’t managed to get through somehow.” The last word oozing with the untold complications that somehow came with. “There’s no reason to really assume that’s going to change.” She knows that’s not true. She wasn’t here in the beginning. Things change. They’ll change. It gets worse when you least expect it. Something comes and throws you for a wild ride and you never know if you’ll actually make it out the other end. It’s just dumb luck. It’s going to change someday and there’s nothing she can do to st“So we’ll just go until we can’t anymore, one way or another. It’s not as if we don’t get breaks, after all, so we can pace ourselves fine unless it’s a fairly rigorous season.” 
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Ah yes, there she is. Regained that moxie for the camera. Smile just right, perked into that picture-perfect thing it often was.
“We’re the Coven, after all. Saving the world is what we do, so the future’s going to be just fine.”
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romiyaro · 2 years
Current hq fixation atm? *gives mic to you*
*smooches u* current hq fixation is meian shuugo T^T
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whateveriwant · 1 month
NSFW Size Difference HCs with Simon Pt 2
F!Reader, Part 1
Before you, Simon never had a partner that was able to take him more than halfway. So the first time you took his cock all the way down, he knew right then and there he was going to marry you
This man is thick everywhere, which is fun when it comes to stretching your pussy open, but not so fun when it means you can’t fully wrap your legs around his waist :(
Lube is a must-have when you’re having sex, but cum is a decent alternative when you’re in a pinch (good thing he’s always making sure to pump you full of it 😊)
Thinking about trying anal? Go right ahead! So long as you’re okay with not sitting right for the next week
You thought the reason he has such a big car is because he needs the leg room. While that’s partially true, it’s also because he likes to fuck you in the backseat without bumping his head on the ceiling
Speaking of which, you’ve had to rein him in when it comes to getting adventurous on where you have sex. You can only break so many dining room tables before he realizes maybe it’s better to stick to the bed
He got you one of those clone-a-cock dildos because he knows none of your toys can satisfy you like he does. In return for such a nice gift, you make sure to send him videos of you using it when he’s off on deployment
You never understood his obsession with raising your hips up everytime he took you on your back – that is, until you looked down and saw for yourself how your stomach bulged from where his cock was hitting you from the inside 😳
Beast of a man that he is, he doesn’t let himself get too rough with you in bed. He’s not trying to break you, poor little thing :(
That being said, if you give him permission, he’s not above pinning both your wrists to the mattress with one hand as he fucks you within an inch of your life
One of his favorite things to do after pulling out of you is spread your lips apart and watch how your little hole gapes for him
It’s okay, baby. He knows how puffy and swollen your pussy gets after having two loads fucked into it. But you can take another one, can’t you? That’s a good girl…
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melpcmene · 6 months
Never trust Vash behind the wheel. Never. Not even any kind of vehicle, no motorcycle. The only vehicle you could trust Vash is when they're riding Toma! Which isn't even a vehicle and simply a bird-like mount!
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bananawafers · 2 months
SMTH WITH USHIJIMA preferably nsfw
Ushijima Headcanons (18+)
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Minors do not interact ⚠️ This material is for 18+ readers only. Thank you
Now without further ado
• Getting to the physical stage with Ushijima can be difficult at times. He tries his best to balance volleyball with his romantic life, but often times he has a lot on his mind and you have to take initiative. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, of course he does, he’s just not overly needy.
• If you want to get him worked up, mess with him. Wear his oversized clothes. Dress up for him. Make him jealous. Use his competitiveness to your advantage, that man is possessive.
• He’s dominant and firm, but he’s also loving. Majority of the time he’s very vanilla, his large hands handle you with care and he’s determined to leave you satisfied no matter what. He does tiny things like forehead kisses or brushing your hair from your face. <3 I hc that he has such an intimidating exterior, but really he’s a sweet guy. He’s never one to joke during sex, he values the intimacy of it. If you make it to that stage with him, he really truly has romantic feelings for you.
• As expected, he’s not particularly vocal during the deed. He doesn’t like to talk—he would rather show you how he feels physically. You may get an occasional groan from him, but otherwise it’s a lot of ragged breathing and low humming.
• Power bottom. He likes letting you take the reins. You’re so small against him, and he’s so strong that it takes little effort for him to get you off. He loves holding you down against his lap and watching you squirm, or even watching you ride his thigh. He holds eye contact so well it embarrasses you, and it sends you over the edge every time. He knows it.
• Big. So big. Did I mention that he’s big.
• He honestly takes some getting used to. You’re nervous the first time, and he can tell, but he’s done this before and he knows how to be gentle. He properly prepares you and makes sure you’re relaxed enough when the time comes.
• In the case that he is rough with you, it tends to be after a tough loss. You understand, and you encourage him to use you to feel better. He’s always very tentative afterwards, making sure to hold you gently, massage you, or help you clean up.
• When it comes to oral, he prefers to receive. Something about seeing you look up innocently at him while struggling with his size sets him off, he may have a size kink.
• He sees masturbation as a natural need, so he does it fairly often. On rare occasion, if he’s at an away tournament, he may even call you for help. Asking what you’re doing, or what you’re wearing.
• He’s very traditional, so he mainly prefers to keep it in the bedroom. He isn’t a fan of quickies, but very rarely you can manage to provoke him in the car or a semi-public place.
• He has a LOT of stamina. If he’s in the mood, he’s in the mood, and you’ll be sore for the next few days. ;)
This is my first general nsfw hc post, I try not to be overly explicit, I hope that’s alright! Thanks for reading. :)
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