pigeonwit · 11 months
idk if you're still doing these, but I got Superheroes/Superpowers ‎AU & 1920s ‎AU from the generator
(there is literally no way for me to write a 20s superhero au without landing on spider-man noir in some ways, but i did my best.)
Jack can’t explain why he is the way he is. He can’t explain why the grease and grime of New York City clings to him like a second skin, draping him in shadow until he’s unnoticeable, just another speck on the sidewalk. He can’t explain why his shots don’t miss, why the pistols bend to his will and the metal follows his movements, as if tangled in the nerves within his skin. He can’t explain why his trolley rides never cost a cent, why every carriage he hops always takes him to the destination he wants, why no jail cell can hold him for longer than a day or why most folks will listen to him without question if he murmurs something in their ear low enough.
He can’t explain why he can’t leave New York. He can’t explain why his feet can never cross the threshold of a train carriage, why his body seems to heave and drag the further he walks along the tracks.
All he knows is that this city wants to keep him, and keep him she will.
So he walks. That’s all Jack does now, walk the streets. The city takes him where she wants him to go. Sometimes it’s Medda’s, where he’ll paint one of her memories into reality, and her speakeasy will shine a bit brighter for it. Sometimes it’s a workhouse, where he’ll sneak blankets and food underneath the resident’s beds and pummel anyone who tries to stop him (the guards don’t question it anymore, not after what he did to their boss – and he’s made sure the workers know how to reach him if they try anything).
On one occasion, it’s the Refuge. He hadn’t wanted to go; he kept trying to turn around, but every road led him back to the iron gates. So he grits his teeth and walks right in, passes through all the guards and searchlights like a ghost. The kids are terrified when they see him – they’d scream if they had the energy left for it. He raises a finger to his lips and leaves them be.
According to the police, no one saw who killed Irvin Snyder. According to the inmates, they’d all been asleep when it happened.
It gets a bit harder when the journalists keep showing up; the Plumber girl and her smartmouth sidekick. They’re good kids, he knows it, but they’re a pain in his neck half the time. There’s a quiet knowledge inside Jacob’s eyes, candles flickering where Jack doesn’t notice them, full of secrets that Jack’s desperate to know; and Plumber’s hair, her smile, it’s sunlight, raw and unfiltered. They burn through Jack’s shadows, light up all the places he tries to hide. He’s surprised they’ve stuck around, if he’s being honest – the city’s had no trouble hiding him from anyone before. But they keep finding him, keep figuring him out in ways he doesn’t want them to, and it’s getting difficult to manage.
“Sir! Sir, if we could just-!”
“I’m busy!” Jack snaps – his skin prickles on a phantom bullet, and he whirls around in a flurry of wool and leather, firing through the skull of one of Wiesel’s goons.
“Katherine, I think maybe we listen to the vigilante on this one-?!”
“Hang on-!” Plumber shoves a corpse out of her way – it flops gracelessly onto a sawhorse, the neck jutting at an unnatural angle – and drags Jacobs with her.
“Katherine – Katherine, may we please not walk into the middle of a shoot-out, Katherine-!” Jacobs’ voice steadily rises as the bullets fly closer to them both – Jack makes a strangled noise behind his teeth and shoves a table onto its side, blocking them both from the fire.
“Mister The Cowboy!” Plumber smiles brightly at him, either oblivious to the gunfire splintering the wood closest to her head or simply not caring. “Katherine Plumber, thrilled to officially meet you - we were hoping to hear what you had to say on Joseph Pulitzer’s latest editorial on your-”
Jack shoves a fistful of bullets into his chamber and fires into the fray, following his bullets with his eyes as he wills them to land in the chests of two hulking thugs.
“'-self-serving ego-boosting desecration of our beloved Big Apple’,” Plumber continues – there’s blood on her collar, and Jack’s not quite sure if she hasn’t noticed, or just doesn’t care. “Quote-unquote.”
“You follow me to a shoot-out to ask me that?!”
“Well, David here,” Plumber gestures to her partner, who’s blushing something fierce, as if the only issue he has with this situation is how very embarrassing it is for him, “noted that in all the activity you’ve been involved in-” it’s polite of her to leave out the word ‘criminal’, Jack supposes, “-a civilian has never once been injured. It seems you have a rather protective approach to strangers – does the Tribune’s declaration of you being a quote, ‘guardian of the city’, unquote, hold any weight?”
“It does not.” Jack grits out through a clenched jaw. “And if you wanna know what I think about Joe-” two more rounds, one after the other, ending in two sickening squelches, “-he’s a rattlesnake. His precious Big Apple’s rotten to the core.”
“Is that on the record?” Jacobs pipes up. “Can we use that?”
Plumber claps her hands excitedly.
“Oh, yes-!”
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blurglesmurfklaine · 7 months
Well, I GOTTA hear about Reprise Fic 👀
Okay so a while ago I made a post that was something along the lines of “Les and Kath are only in WWH (reprise) to keep it from getting too gay bc if they weren’t there Davey and Jack wouldn’t started making out” and basically I took that idea and ran with it and I haven’t gotten very far, but it lives RENT FREE in my mind
Jack spins on him. “There is no way I am putting them kids back in danger!”
“Tell me how quitting does Crutchie any good.”
Jack opens his mouth to respond but the only thing that comes out is a high strangled mess of sound. It’s all that comes out because when he thinks about it, he doesn’t really have an answer.
“Here’s how it goes,” Davey starts, and just like that he’s off like a rocket, mouth prattling off at a million miles an hour as it desperately tries to keep up with his brain. “Once we win—and make no mistake, we will be winning.”
Yeah so farthest thing from original but I have Thoughts and this scene gives me life
Thanks for the ask!!
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live-in-consort · 2 years
"#and let’s be honest monique probably isn’t performing anything other than aragon/cleves because of the curse" what curse is that? :0
my silly way of saying that ever since 2020 aragon/cleves alternates have historically performed the least second/third covers show out of all of the entire alternate/swings. Cassy Lee never did non-first covers, Paisley Billings only ever did Parr, etc. I know Grave Melville has done Boleyn and Parr but I’m thinking that’s an exception especially because…
This current West End cast includes four swings/alternates that have hit swingo, which might mean that for a while they’ll avoid debuts and let them go on first. Rachel and Esme of course, then Harriet, and Danielle as well.
I’m hoping I’m wrong of course! Assuming Monique has had a beautiful teal (or even pink, who knows tbh) alternate costume made, it’d be a shame if it was never used.
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zarya-zaryanitsa · 2 years
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Regina Cordium by Dante Gabriel Rosetti
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creatediana · 2 years
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A half-assed whiteboard imitation of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Regina Cordium (1860), his marriage portrait of wife Elizabeth Siddal, done in a few minutes with Expo marker on 11/14/2022
I was bored so I came into a tutoring center where my sister was working to pass the time. Not there to practice calculus, I was just planning on looking at famous artworks to imitate and draw myself in for my upcoming figure drawing final. I simply told the students there “I won’t bother you. I’m just here to look at pictures of pretty ladies on the computer.” Half a second later everybody laughed at that.
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regina-cordium · 22 days
Yearly reminder that if your mom sucks, I’m your mom now
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noctvrnalias · 1 year
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flowerytale · 9 months
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Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828–1882), Regina Cordium (detail)
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itshatsig · 5 months
🌈💖✨Send (BUT NO PRESSURE AT ALL) this to the twelve nicest people you know or seem to have a good heart and if you get one back you must be pretty awesome 😎💜💚💙
@thatoneandlonelyemo2005 @shutup-andletme-go @ethereal-bumble-bee @the-realest-spot-conlon @princehyunjin @sluttylittlenewsboy @the-woild-is-y-erster @chaosfairy18 @piedoesnotequalpi @racetracks-fvckin-chair @regina-cordium @residentoverachiever
You’re all so sweet!! <3
(No presh)
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frailgal · 1 year
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Immersa nell’arte ♥️
Cuci, cuci di John Everett Millais Regina cordium di Dante Gabriel Rossetti Il burrone di Henry Joseph Harpignies Il molo di Trouville di Eugène Louis Boudin Primavera di Claude Monet La finestra sul fiume di Henri-Eugène Le Sidaner
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classicalcanvas · 1 year
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Title: Regina Cordium: Alice Wilding
Artist: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Date: 1866
Style: Romanticism
Genre: Portrait
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newsiesminibang24 · 4 months
Author Check-In #2
Attention Participating Authors:
Please check the email you signed up with for the second Check-In Form. Included in the form is summary submissions!
@loving-jack-kelly @blurglesmurfklaine @ainti-pretty @carpe-diem-since-1899 @dcbutinamrev @chair-in-a-ditch @FrogmanFae @to-be-a-dreamer @piedoesnotequalpi @regina-cordium @somanywords @shippingcannons @dont-you-know-that-wes-a-family @agentsnickers @we-are-inevitable @reccord-raccoon @all-hail-the-witcher @lupinblacktheone @your-friendly-neighborhood-mj @jack-kellys
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How well would your OCs do against a cockroach tag game
🚧Fear Factor Edition⚠️
Tagged by @gummybugg
Rules: rate your OCs by how well they'd do against a cockroach. Bonus: write an entire scene out of it if you want!
i am now realising that i haven't shared these oc's with tumblr yet so this is exciting. Thank you @multifandomgoth who i share custody of these guys with, for helping me hash these out.
Max Blackheart- has a weird fascination with bugs, will pick it up with her bare hands much to the disgust of everyone else. Sometimes likes to dangle it in front of peoples faces for the laughs but will put it outside like a normal person eventually
Ryder Blackheart- back up option to get rid of it if Max isn't there bc my guy is so tired and does not care about this stupid bug
Tyler Quill- attacks it with bug spray. likes to act as if he isn't scared but if it moves he will scream. usually the one to suggest burning the house down and moving
Nixon- climbs on the table and spams the groupchat until someone rescues her
Axel and Phoenix- put a cup over it but need someone else to do the rest. Have been known to forget about the trapped bug and get very upset when they realise it's dead. :(
Siren Blackheart- tries to vacuum it up, very low success rate. usually ends up calling max for help
Midnight Quill- records Siren and Tyler's fails. Otherwise does very little to help.
don't feel pressured to participate espec cause idk if half of yall have ocs, anyway, tagging @jtl-fics @regina-cordium @patchworkgargoylele @multifandomgoth @ihatecoconut @planeoftheeclectic
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six-costume-refs · 2 years
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Hey @regina-cordium! Answering this here.
So you’re right that they are Aragon boots, but they aren’t Taylor Pearlstein’s boots nor are they Broadway style. She’s actually in an old pair of Adrianna Hick’s from the first Chicago/North American regional tour.
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Left: the photo Taylor Pearlstein posted of the boots she wore during her fitting.
Top center: Adrianna’s first pair. These had four rows of studs, crystals on the heel, and a spaced out crystal pattern like is currently used in the UK/NCL/AUNZ productions.
Bottom center: Adrianna’s second pair. These only had three rows of studs, no crystals on the heel, a scattered/ombré pattern for the crystals on the main boot, and chains on the back of the heel. This is the pair of boots that Tay is wearing in her fitting photo.
Top right and bottom right: These are photos of the Broadway-style Aragon boots. All of the Broadway boots have a suede body with a lattice cutout on them and studs at each intersection. Then they all have embellished straps and heels (with the exception of Cleves which only has embellished heels).
When doing these sorts of final fittings, it’s pretty standard for actors to wear shoes similar to the shoes they’ll ultimately wear in the show. It helps the costume team more accurately judge what the costume will look like onstage so they can make any needed adjustments. In this case we know that the alternate’s La Duca boots weren’t done at the time of their final fittings. So Six most likely just went through the stock of old or unused boots to find a pair of boots for each of the alts since their boots weren’t done yet. That means they would have worn whatever fit them best and is closest to the length/height of boot they’d actually wear in the show. For Tay, that happened to be Adrianna’s. It’s just a logistics thing.
So….yes, these are Aragon boots! But they’re not Tay’s, and in my opinion nothing can be read into it as far as covers go.
left: @/taypearlstein
top center and bottom right: @/missadriannahicks
bottom center: @/cstcostumeshop
top right: @/laducashoes
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lostmypersonality · 1 year
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Zia for @regina-cordium because she's badass whomst im love
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msommers · 2 years
what kind of art would someone make about you?
tagged by: @denerims xoxoxo ty tagging: @aceofwonders @snapdragonling @carminasolis @solasan​ @cityandking @regina-cordium​ @gendameron​
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you fall in love easily and hard, and you are the image that pops into someone’s brain when they think of a love interest. you are a romantic and find yourself falling in love a hundred times a day because your imagination is wild and certainly knows how to get the best of you. you are soft and delicate and need to be handled with care, because a heartbreak would break you into a million pieces. you don’t want much else except to be loved and to love. you want to live out your wildest dreams, and the person that loves you can't help but let their imagination run wild with you.
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you choose your words carefully and your words will be heard. you’re smart as hell. you know it and so does everyone else and you carry yourself with a sort of confidence. you’re a bit of an artist yourself, even if unintentional. you can find beauty in mundanity but you also know when to be a realist. people fall in love with you because you are a confident mystery and they're dying to find out more. you fear that this attraction that people have to you is based purely in curiosity and nothing else.
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you are wild and there’s no way for your essence to be captured in a frozen format. you are a character and the only way to describe you is to capture you in motion. you are electric. people are naturally drawn to you because you exude confidence. everything you do, you seem to know what your next step is. you are the muse to many, even if you don't know it, but deep down you do. people tend to fall in love with the idea of which i'm sure can be exhausting.
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