#red jungle salon
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First Date
Yandere! Colonel Miles Quaritch x Female Mutant Reader
Based in the story line of love thy enemy.
One shot
You couldn't go to sleep well last night. You were so excited and nervous. This was the day your new and first boyfriend, the Head of Security has the evening off.
And he asked you on a date immediately after confessing his love for you. You blushed at the memory. Your crush not only "liked" you back but loved you!
You stuttered like a fool with your face turning red from embarrassment as you mumbled your acceptance and meekly nodded. The Colonel found your response amusing and he chuckled. He kissed your forehead then left for his job at the head office before giving you a cheeky wink.
Meanwhile, the Colonel walked with more confidence in his step. He finally got his girl. He refused to let anyone show it, he was nervous like a young bloke when he snuck you to the balcony where the air pilots flew their vehicles.
The scenery was like a Disney Movie. Then Quaritch cleared his throat and you blinked to look at him. He caressed your lovely sculpted cheekbone and said how he loves you.
He almost laughed out loud when you acted stupid but he didn't want to be mean so he kept his mouth shut.
The whole day dragged on and on. Then finally it was time. The Colonel texted you to meet him down the stairs in the hallway. When he heard your heels, he looked up and his jaw slightly dropped.
The crappy lab coat and nurse outfit was gone. You wore a nice button up dress and a tight skirt that made your ass look more noticable. He wondered how soft your cheeks were if he groped them. But, it's too soon. He doesn't want to scare you.
He took your hand and kissed it when you stood next to him.
While walking to the Marine cafeteria, he held your hand and you ignored the stares of the other staff. You chatted how Grace and Jake got these cool plants that made the quality of medicine better. You can send them home and to your beloved sickly father...
The Colonel was quiet when you mentioned him but he changed the subject by complimenting your makeup.
"I miss the nail salons." You pouted. Quaritch smirked and held out the chair for you to sit.
Quaritch talked about his rounds with the AMP suits and other predators he almost got attacked to help some scientists go to the jungle and get some resources.
The date went well till desert came. The Colonel ordered Gelato. You were minding your own business and eating your sweet treat till you noticed Quaritch looking at you with a naughty expression. You felt your face hot and then you shook your head.
"Don't get any ideas." You firmly stated.
"No ideas here." He grinned mockingly then took out a bite.
You rolled your eyes. "I mean I would never." You awkwardly gestures your index finger to his groin area.
The Colonel said nothing but stared. He looked like he was close to losing his shit.
Then narrowed your eyes. You stood up then dropped the gelato on the plate and began to walk away.
The Colonel grabbed your hand and spun you around. He titled your chin to look up. "Sorry about that. You are so cute when you get flustered."
He wrapped his strong arm around your shoulder then walked you to your room. Before you bid him good night. He kissed you square on the lips.
You blinked and then the Colonel winked. "We'll work on that." Then he walked away.
You closed your door and giggled and then you checked your phone to see missed video calls from your dad
"Honey, where have you been?" He looked concern when he picked up his phone.
"I met a man."
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violettduchess · 1 year
hii i saw you’re opening requests for tis the season for love! may i request leon with prompt two? thank you so much :3
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A/N: Here you are @leonscape !
A fic for the Tis the Season for Love CCC hosted by @voltage-vixen and @xxsycamore
Leon x Reader
Word Count: 651
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The salon is bathed in the warm, flickering orange and golds of firelight, highlighting the dark wood and deep reds of the velvet furniture. You are curled up on the end of the couch, one hand holding a small volume of recently translated Tanzanite poetry. The other is running a continuous path through the lustrous jungle of Leon’s rich, chocolate brown hair. He’s laying, long limbs stretched out on the sofa, golden eyes on the fire, listening to you read out loud. He’s not really paying much attention to the words. He just enjoys the sound of your voice, the rise and fall of it, your inflection and intonation, as you earnestly read poems describing feelings of love and loss and loneliness. You’ve reached the final poem and read the last line:
“The indifferent have only one soul, but when you love, you have two.” 
If sighs could have colors, yours would be the softest, most romantic shades of pink and lavender. What a beautiful collection, you think dreamily as you lay the now finished volume down on the end table, lost for a moment in that ephemeral place that a writer leads you to with their words, a place that dissipates like stardust as reality slowly seeps back in.
“The emotions the author manages to convey, the allusions and imagery, the way they describe the depths of grief and the heights of love….” you trail off, your mind still filled with words and phrases and images as you reach for the cup of hot chocolate next to the closed book. “What did you think?”, you ask, glancing down at the head in your lap. No response. The fingers that are still combing his hair stop and then playfully tweak one of the locks that’s sticking straight up. 
“Oi!” he exclaims as he rolls onto his back, head still pillowed on your thigh, his gaze traveling from the firelight to your face. 
“Were you listening at all?” 
His lips curl into a sheepish grin. “Something about love….and two souls?”
The roll of your eyes has him laughing softly, a sound as warm and fulfilling as the cup of hot chocolate you lift to your lips. Yves never disappoints you think as you take a sip of the velvety sweet drink. 
Suddenly the head that was on your lap lifts as Leon pushes himself up, eyes shining now with interest.
“You still have some left?” His own empty mug sits in solitude next to the volume of poetry, empathizing with all the heartbreak within its pages
“Had.” You tip your cup to show him you’ve drained it to the very last drop. 
He tilts his head, at first dismayed by this turn off events, but instead of succumbing to the sadness of there being no more, he is struck by some divine inspiration. 
“I know a way I can still have some.” And then he is leaning towards you, his large hands cupping your face. And his mouth is on yours, parting your lips, a deep, soul-scorching kiss that would normally be kiss number five or six in line and not number one. But he wants a taste of that hot chocolate and will do whatever it takes to get it.
He kisses you breathless. He chases every single bit of chocolatey essence that clings to your lips, your tongue. By the time he is done, you’re left dizzy, your heart spinning wildly in your chest and your mind as melted as the chocolate in your drink.
“We must tell Yves,” he murmurs, “how much we enjoyed the hot chocolate.” You’re both sliding down the couch, his body covering yours in a way that sends a promising heat cartwheeling through you.
“Oh we will,” you answer, wrapping your arms around his neck, admiring the gold of his eyes, the flame in them miniatures of the roaring fireplace. “In the morning.”
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @leotoru @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @neoqueen-sailorvirgo @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart
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Hello I made a summary of the OHSHC manga chapter-by-chapter
Volume One:
Starting Today, You Are a Host
(December) The hosts set up Kanako Kazaguzaki's relationship at a Christmas party
(New Year's) Attack of the Lady Manager
(Extra!) The hosts spill tea on Honey's stuffed bunny
Volume Two:
(April) Beware the Physical Exam
The Twins Fight
The Grade School Host is the Naughty Type
Jungle Pool SOS
Volume Three:
(Summer) The host club goes to Nekozawa's private beach
The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club part two
A Challenge from Lobelia Girls' Academy
(End of October) The twins try to convince Haruhi that she was cursed by the clock tower witch
(Early winter) A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family
Volume Four:
A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family part two
(Valentine's Day) Honey's Three Bitter Days
Alice in Wonderland special on crack
(Mid-spring) Covering the Famous Host Club
Volume Five:
Haruhi places 3rd in a test rather than 1st
(Summer break) The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa
Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date
Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date part two
(Autumn) Big Brother is a Prince
Volume Six:
(October??) The club recieves threatening letters trying to get them to leave a school competition for the use of the central salon
The host club and football team prepare and compete
The host club wins the competition
(November) Haruhi meets everyone's families at the festival
The host club performs their part of the festival
The host club tries to recreate the vice principal's favorite unknown soup
Volume Seven:
(Spring... break?) Kyoya's Reluctant Day Out
Chika's Down With Honey Declaration
Chika's Down With Honey Declaration part two
Lobelia Girls' Academy Strikes Back
Volume Eight:
(August? September?) The test-of-courage tournament
And So Kyoya Met Him
Mori Has an Apprentice Candidate
Mori Has an Apprentice Candidate part two
Tamaki's Unwitting Depression
(Extra!) Kyoya's morning routine
Volume Nine:
The Door the Twins Opened
(April) Tamaki gets really attached to a royal exchange student, Princess Michelle of some tiny kingdom, because she looks like his mother which is very normal and not at all weird
The host club finds out that Princess Michelle is a fuckin liar and also has a lot of baggage
Tamaki gets really sick and agonizes over wanting to kiss Haruhi on the cheek
(Extra!) The host club replaces Haruhi's entire bathroom
Volume Ten:
An occult club member, Reiko, tries to "curse" Honey as a form of flirting
(Summer vacation) Mei, Misuzu's daughter, starts living with the Fujiokas
Mei tries to court the host club
The club tries to fix Mei's relationship with her father during a festival
The hosts + Mei go to the twins' house
(September) The host and football clubs suggest a sports festival and divide the school into two teams - the white team led by Kyoya and the red team technically led by Tamaki
Volume Eleven:
Team preparations
The sports festival starts with the red team losing very badly lol
The red team catches up and Kyoya breaks the tie by only one point
Mori gets harassed by a tanuki and Hikaru realizes his feelings for Haruhi
Hikaru and Kaoru have their first for-real fight, while Kyoya goes on the 2nd year class trip to France without Tamaki
Volume Twelve:
Kyoya starts looking for Tamaki's mother, Hikaru starts sleeping at Mori's house, and Kaoru realizes he doesn't love Haruhi as much as he loves Hikaru
Kaoru gives Hikaru his blessing and Hikaru dyes his hair to be different than his brother
Kyoya finds a lead, Tamaki decides he wants to work in the Suoh Group, and Haruhi finds out Tamaki didn't go to France
The most awkward interaction I've ever seen in my life between Tamaki and Haruhi at her house
Kyoya literally passes out in the street and gets found by Tamaki's mother
Volume Thirteen:
(Winter) Tamaki starts training with the Suoh Group and Haruhi realizes she "loves" Tamaki (please their relationship is ridiculously toxic in the manga and I hate it T - T bisco jumped through hoops to get them together after the foundation was set and it does not work well they both deserve so much better)
Haruhi skips school and gets found by Tamaki and his lawyer
Haruhi decides to become "Active Haruhi" and participates when the host club decides to track down Ouran's treasure from a map
The 1st years go on their class trip at a ski resort
Hikaru bullies the class president on the second day of the skiing trip and confesses to Haruhi
Volume Fourteen:
(New Year's) The Hitachiins hold a giant New Year's party
The host club + Mei go on an outing to a temple
Haruhi gets kidnapped for ransom
Kanoya, who gets called "Dream Haruhi", latches onto Tamaki hard
The host club cooks up a plan to Kanoya out of her shell and asserting her own opinions
Volume Fifteen:
The host club hosts the Ouran orienteering tournament
Ouran orienteering tournament part two
Tamaki finally accepts his feelings for Haruhi and throws a party for himself to celebrate
(January or February) The host club visits botanical gardens
(Late February) Mori challenges Honey to a duel
(Extra!) Reiko asks Honey out
Volume Sixteen:
Honey and Mori duel, Mori wins, and they graduate
Tamaki and Haruhi freak out separately about an accidental almost-kiss, Kaoru and Kyoya have a private conversation about Tamaki's shady lawyer, and Tamaki gets moved to the main Suoh mansion
Tamaki is actively and purposely isolated, and Kyoya researches Anne-Sophie's disease
Tamaki quits the host club, the hosts throw a shitfit, and the club gets officially shut down by Tamaki's father
(Extra!) Haruhi's parents' meet-cute
Volume Seventeen:
Haruhi skips school again and the lawyer harasses her, Haruhi regresses into her pre-host club self + outfit
The hosts have a meeting on the state of Tamaki's family and finally put together what's going on (the master plot if you will) just a little too late
Tamaki's father fires Tamaki's grandmother, which emotionally destroys Tamaki, so Kyoya runs to Yuzuru's office and nearly murders him
Tamaki comforts his grandmother and refuses to see his mother in Japan despite the fact that she is only staying for a few days
The host club kidnaps Tamaki and pulls a bunch of shenanigans so he can see his mother before the plane takes off
Volume Eighteen:
Haruhi and Tamaki confess to each other, the host club restarts, and Haruhi asks Tamaki on a date
Tamaki and Haruhi go on a date to the zoo
Haruhi decides to study in Boston, (late July) the host club celebrates a masquerade going-away party, and Tamaki reveals he's going to Boston as a college student
(Extra!) (November) Kyoya is made to make sure his brother's betrothed doesn't literally run away in Spain
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lpmurphy · 11 days
Spring in Tchakova Park
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Read on A03
Master List
Chapter Playlist
Summary: Green was the color of the grass where he used to walk in Tchakova Park.
In which John meets a stranger in the park, Violet learns of the care and keeping of Spartans, and Cortana offers dating advice. (Completed 5/7/24)
Chapter Two: The Jungle
Violet Harris was not a morning person. If she had it her way, it would be a federal crime to have to wake up before sunrise; a mandated article in which all would have to follow. She would be able to snuggle down into her bed until long after the sun rose without disturbance. But alas, she was not a lawmaker, and the world began before daybreak whether she was ready for it or not.
She awoke that morning like any other; with Sadie hovering over her, breathing her hot breath into her face and kissing her nose, her paws finding every sensitive point of her body as she crawled atop her. Violet lifted a hand to block the dog, squinting at the chrono perched on her bedside table, the red numbers glowing back a dismal 5:55am. She sighed, giving Sadie a scratch behind the ears.
“I have five more minutes, you know,” she said, the dog tilting her head at the woman’s words.
She chuckled, rubbing her eyes before throwing off her covers. Sadie jumped down, prancing over to the bedroom door, pacing with an expectant whine. Violet rose, fumbling around in the still too-dark room for the leggings and sweater she had set out the night before. She had always found it quite comical how her dog was a morning ‘person’, while she tragically was not. She had taken Sadie on a run at six in the morning once and the pup had never let it go, waking Violet up with a frenzy of wet kisses and whines every morning since, despite her best efforts to bargain with her for a later wake up time.
Sadie continued to pace, turning herself in a circle before leaning into a deep stretch, baring her teeth in a wide, squeaking yawn. Violet pulled her sweater over her head, yanking up the half zipper before crossing the room and opening the bedroom door. The dog slipped through the crack in the door before Violet could fully open it, racing across the darkened apartment towards the front door and jumping up to snatch her lead from the hook beside it. She carried it back to Violet, dropping it at her feet and sitting in front of her, tail beating loudly against the floor. Violet chuckled, shaking her head at the dog as she combed her fingers through the knots in her hair left there by her pillow.
“Be patient. We’ll go in a second,” she scolded the dog playfully, her words muffled by the elastic she had tucked between her teeth, gathering her hair into a ponytail.
She let out an annoyed huff at the wispy fringe of her bangs drooped into her eyes- the impulsive request she had made at the salon a few weeks prior in hopes to refresh her look before starting at her new position becoming a quick regret she had come to kick herself over. She groaned as she adjusted them in her reflection in the window of her apartment, desperately attempting to smooth her sleep fussed hair before giving up, her eyes focusing beyond her reflection.
Tchakova Park lay below her, the misty morning fog that had settled over the park laying heavy over the empty walking paths that twisted through it, dappled with the rain that had rolled in during the night. She groaned again, watching the pond ripple with rainfall, the waters dark and murky. She could already picture Sadie’s muddy paw prints decorating her clean floors when they returned. A sense of contentment came over her as she watched the pond, finding the two mottled geese sliding across the surface side by side. The corner of her mouth tugged up into a half grin. At least someone was enjoying the rain.
She scooped up Sadie’s lead, “C’mon, Sades.”
The street lamps were still on when they arrived at the park, casting a glow on the wet pavement. Violet had let Sadie off her lead when they arrived, finding that they were the only patrons at the early hour. Sadie ran beside her, keeping her pace as Violet jogged. As much as she despised the early hour, she enjoyed this part of her day; the feeling of her feet pounding against the concrete, her bangs plastered to her forehead with a mixture of sweat and rain, the delicious ache in her muscles, her body warm and heavy. She kept her eyes forward, focusing on the array of blooms around her that glimmered with rain.
She had only been back on Reach for a few months, but had been firmly reminded why springtime on the planet would remain to be her favorite time of the year. Hands down. Without a doubt. No exceptions. It was far more mild than what she had been accustomed to at her previous station; the base on the red dirt planet knew nothing but blistering temperatures throughout the entire year. It had lacked the same color that seemed to burst from the city; that she found in the blooms and foliage that climbed over every surface of the park. Her new coworkers would proudly announce that she would get all four seasons on Reach, forgetting quickly all the times she had mentioned growing up within the city. But, she wasn’t sure she was ready to let springtime slip away quite yet.
Her music blared into her ears as she ran, keeping a pace to match the tempo of the loud, buoyant club playlist she had selected that morning. Sadie wandered ahead, caught on the scent of whatever critters lived in the shrubs that flanked the paths around the pond, coming to a complete stop as she sniffed persistently, her nose pressed to the pavement. Violet slowed her pace as she approached the sodden dog, her breathing heavy. She bent over, hand pressed to her knees, allowing herself a moment to catch her breath before she finished her run and returned to the apartment, removing an earbud. From the pond, a goose honked, Sadie’s ears shooting up before she erupted into a series of barks, racing towards the pond to say hello to the animals that wanted so little to do with her.
Violet watched Sadie run, hoping that the extra expenditure of energy would keep the pup satiated enough to refrain from destroying another pair of her shoes while she was at work. Her eyes caught on the bench beside the pond, the shadow of a figure cloaked in fog seated upon it. A bubble of excitement swelled in her belly, Violet straightening up to get a better look at the figure on the bench, a hopeful feeling washing through her. She hadn’t seen John in the park since their brief interaction weeks prior. She had seen him on occasion prior to nearly hitting him with Sadie’s ball; always alone. She had hoped to run into him again, but he had seemingly disappeared. She had liked talking to him, despite embarrassing herself with her dumb bird fact that she couldn’t keep from popping out of her mouth. She had a tendency to speak too quickly when she was nervous, which usually led to her embarrassing herself. She had found him handsome and shy; something she didn’t expect from the positively massive man.
She jogged towards the pond, calling Sadie back to her. The dog let out a final bark, the geese flapping their wings with annoyed honks at the meddlesome dog. Sadie bounded up to her, plopping beside her. Violet leaned down, hooking her lead to her harness. The figure rose, turning towards her, her stomach fluttering as it neared. From the fog, an old woman emerged, a disapproving scowl on her wrinkled face.
“Your dog needs to be on a leash,” the woman called to her, Violet’s heart sinking, “Park rules.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Violet replied, offering an apologetic smile, “Sorry.”
The old woman harrumphed, passing Violet by. Sadie cocked her head at Violet, who shrugged in return before straightening up. She glanced at the geese once more, signaling Sadie with a low whistle before resuming their run, hoping that a different figure would appear on that bench during the dog’s afternoon walk.
“Doctor Harris to Lab 3. Doctor Harris to Lab 3.”
Violet perked up at the sound of her name over the PA system. She still hadn’t grown quite accustomed to hearing her name spoken that way. Sure, she had been a doctor of botany for a few years now, but still struggled with the formality of it. ‘Please ,’ she would joke, ‘Doctor Harris is my father.’ It didn’t seem to have the effect she had hoped for since starting as the head of the department. Always Doctor Harris, never Violet.
She gathered her pad, stepping out into the sterile white hallway that separated her office from the labs. A biologist passed, nodding politely in acknowledgement towards her, “Doctor.”
She hated being the new girl at work. She especially hated being the new boss. The previous head of the department retired earlier in the year; a stiff, no-nonsense woman with a particular need for order that was expected of a UNSC official. Violet had been promoted from an off planet division to head up the department nearly two months ago. She had been thrilled by the opportunity to lead her own group of researchers, but the interactions with the scientists she had been placed in charge of were far too stiff, too polite and too formal in the weeks she had been there. She missed her previous station; the ease of working alongside the botanists and biologists she knew well and with the villagers nearby.
She approached the door to the lab, placing a palm against the access scanner, the automated female voice greeting her by name. She perched her datapad on her hip, tugging at the heavily starched lab coat she was required to wear. The uniform had been an adjustment as well- her old station was much more relaxed. She wore field clothes most days.
“Whatcha got for me, Lorelei?” she called to the fellow botanist hunched over a microscope.
The redheaded woman looked up from the slide, letting out an exasperated sigh. Violet discarded her pad on the tabletop beside her, offering the woman the same grimace she wore, “Uh oh. What’s wrong?”
“I’m not sure, actually,” Lorelei let out a heavy sigh, rubbing her eyes, “I’m finding an issue with one of the samples the field team brought back from Karpos Mountains.”
“Which sample?” Violet implored, gesturing for Lorelei to move so she could peer through the microscope.
“The rock dwelling algae found in the cave systems. It seems that the structure was damaged either during extraction or during transport. The sample won’t take the staining and it’s making it impossible to examine the cell structure.” she explained.
Violet lowered herself over the microscope, adjusting the focus slightly. She groaned when the sample came into focus, the patchy purple staining and crumpled cell structures confirming Lorelei's concerns.
“Damn it,” she groaned, straightening up. Her heart sank, “Was that the only sample taken? Or was a larger sample taken?”
“That’s it.”
She sighed heavily, muttering a few curses under her breath. The sample had been a point of excitement from the team, brought back from an unexplored cave system to be researched and tested. She had hoped that the discovery would have been a triumph for the team, especially for the rookie field team who had been sent out to explore the system. Instead, it proved to be a headache that would result in extra paperwork and required training for the team on proper collection methods. She rubbed her face, peering through the lens once more at the far from perfect sample.
“Do what you can with it,” she said, “I’m picking up on some bacteria from the areas that did take the stain. Do your best to document your findings. I’m curious about that little patch of bacteria. Try to identify it and track its growth over the next few days. Send what you are able to find over to me.”
“Yes, Doctor Harris.”
She rolled her eyes, hoping the woman couldn’t see it from where she leaned over the microscope, “Violet, please.”
“Yes, Doctor… Violet.”
It was a step in the right direction, at least. Violet straightened up, collecting her pad and sliding the microscope back to Lorelei. The familiar beep of the PA system sounded again, Violet’s shoulders tensing as she hoped there were no other issues with the other specimens collected by the field team.
“Brokkr teams to your stations for dismounting. Brokkr teams to your stations for dismounting.”
“And so,” Lorelei murmured lowly, “The Gods return to Olympus.”
Violet made a face, “What do you mean by that?”
Lorelei looked up from the microscope, giving the other woman a befuddled look, “Spartans are returning to base? You’ve been here for two months, haven’t you heard the calls before?”
“I have,” she stated, watching Lorelei return to the microscope after scribbling something down on her pad, “I guess I just didn’t give it much of a thought.”
“The brass likes to make a big deal about them returning. Something about keeping up morale, I guess.”
“How long have they been off world?”
“Five weeks,” she gave a shrug, as if proud she carried the crumb of information, “My boyfriend works in the Spartan Research Division.”
Violet gave a nod, unsure of how to respond. “You must be very proud,” she settled with.
She had minimal experience with Spartans, having yet to encounter the teams based out of FLEETCOM. It didn’t surprise her, there was no real reason for a botanist to encounter a genetically enhanced super soldier on a regular basis. She had seen them occasionally at her previous base when teams would pass through on mission, but most of her experience with Spartans existed solely in the few glimpses she caught of footage on them in battle during vidscreen news broadcasts or during her previous teammates hours spent playing Spartan Attack in the meager rec room. She assumed Lorelei's assessment of them wasn’t too far off; gods among men.
“It must be exciting, don’t you think?” Lorelei pondered, “All of that action?”
“More exciting than rock dwelling plants? I could hardly be- leaf it,” she joked with a smile.
Lorelei stared blankly back at her, Violet’s smile sinking as a tense silence grew between the two.
“Okay… well,” she sighed, “I’m going to go examine a few propagations from the greenhouses. Shouldn’t be too long. Give me a shout if you have any other issue, and send those notes over when you have them.”
“Yes, Doctor.”
“Violet,” she grumbled under her breath, stepping out of the laboratory and into the hall.
The greenhouses had to be her favorite part of her new position. The polycarbonate structures sat on the far side of the base, arranged in a neat row of five unassuming buildings. Each one had been carefully crafted by teams to sustain plant life from across the galaxy, each managed by a team of horticulturists with painstaking care. Working within them had been the dream of every doctoral student she had attended school with.
She entered her favorite; Greenhouse #5. Thick rain slapped against the panes overhead as she stepped into the heavy, sticky warmth of the greenhouse. She shrugged off her lab coat and hung it on the series of hooks by the entrance, unneeding of the additional layer in the now humid climate. Greenhouse #5 was affectionately nicknamed ‘The Jungle’ by the botanists in the department, the building filled with a variety of tropical plants; some flowering, some fruit bearing. A few manufactured ponds sat throughout, shaded by twisting trees and scattered with lilies, lotus, and hyacinths. She had adored the manufactured ecosystem since she had toured it on her first day, finding any reason to spend the rest of that day in there until her hair frizzed up and uniform was stained with earth. She had returned home that evening with soil under her fingernails, a full heart, and a pile of dry cleaning.
She meandered down the stone paths, running her hands along the smooth flat leaves of a banana tree as she passed. A group of low ranking horticulturists nodded to her from where they struggled repotting a rather volatile plant. The basketball sized purple blooms writhed on skinny, hairy stems, snapping at the team. Violet recognized the plant as a carnivorous specimen brought back from deep in the jungles of an alien moon, its venom proving to be a rather proficient pain management agent they were working to process for hospital use.
“You’ll have more luck if you feed her first,” she called, taking a trimming from a species of fern that had been collected by a field team earlier in the week. She tucked it into a glass vial, securing the lid tightly before tucking it into her bag, “She’s a lot more docile when she’s full. There’s a tank of stag beetles in the workroom. Two or three should do the trick.”
A baby-faced man nodded, ducking to avoid a swinging bloom, “Thank you, Doctor.”
Violet nodded in acknowledgement, continuing down the path to where the propagations were kept on shelves in the back of the Jungle. Several clippings, ranging from four inches to four feet, suspended in glass vases and vials of various sizes. Root systems floated in the water below the surface, curling and twisting as they grew and developed. She reviewed the propagations, making notes of their growth and measurements on her pad before tucking it into her bag.
With a contented hum, she departed the greenhouse, taking her time on the journey back to the door from the back of the Jungle. She raised a hand in a silent wave to the horticulturists, now hand feeding the plant live beetles with a pair of forceps. She sighed as the rain continued to slap against the roof, already dreading the cold walk back to the main building. She glanced up at the chrono, stifling a yawn with the back of her hand; her observations had taken her less time than expected. Maybe she would stop by the mess for a cup of coffee; if they could call the shitty, overly burned sludge they managed to put in a paper cup coffee, that is.
Violet pressed her back to the wall of the lift, leaning against it as she scanned over Lorelai’s findings. She flipped through the documentation and annotated images she had received, sipping from the offensively bitter coffee she had grabbed from the mess. She wrinkled her nose. Even with a generous amount of cream and sugar, she couldn’t disguise the taste.
She balanced her pad against her forearm, zooming in on the handwritten annotation Lorelei had made beside the colony of bacteria she had seen on the slide, squinting at the younger woman’s messy script. She would have to ask her to decipher it when she got back to the labs. The lift slowed, the ding of the door indicating a stop. Violet shifted over to the side to accommodate the newcomer, bracing herself for the lurch of the lift continuing its descent to her level. The lift remained stalled, the familiar swoosh of shutting doors absent. Violet glanced up, wondering if the new passenger was holding the door for someone else. She caught a glimpse of the close shaved hair and scruffy cheeks before looking back down at her pad, realization crashing through her. She looked back up, finding that he was staring back at her with the same look of shock.
John from the park stood in the doorway of the lift, a soft smile spreading across his face as he watched her. She returned his smile and lowered her pad.
“Hi,” she said breathlessly.
He stepped into the lift, pressing the button for a different level before settling beside her, the two still silently considering the other.
“Hi,” he murmured back.
Her eyes dropped to the tight black suit he wore, searching for any designation to clue her in to his rank or role. But, her eyes only found a familiar eagle insignia emblazoned on the suit. Underneath the insignia was another patch: 117.
Recognition raced through her again, eyes widening as the puzzle pieces fell into place.
Holy. Shit.
He was the John.
The birdwatcher in the park was the Master Chief. She nearly hit him with a ball. She told him a weird fact about birds.
She hoped her face didn’t betray her, expressing the levels of panic she went through in a matter of mere seconds. John continued to watch her silently, that smirk she had thought of for two weeks still splitting his face.
“Makes sense why I haven’t seen you back at the park now,” she said, gesturing to his suit.
“You were looking for me?”
She felt her cheeks grow hot, hoping that she hadn’t turned completely red. “Sadie was,” she said quickly, “I think you changed her life with that one throw. I’ve gotten nothing but dissatisfied looks from her since then. Like ‘really, Mom? That’s the best you’ve got?’ It’s pitiful, really.”
He chuckled; the low rumble she had heard at the park weeks ago, “I’m sure you do a fine job.”
Violet smiled, pulling her eyes from his. They stood in silence for a moment, the mechanical whirr of the lift filling the space. She rocked onto her heels, stealing another quick glance at the much taller man. He must have sensed her looking, looking down to meet her stare. She dropped her eyes, the two sharing a soft, uncomfortable chuckle before falling into silence once more. Her belly fluttered and warmth crawling up her neck once more.
“Your friends came back,” she said.
“The geese,” she clarified, smiling up at him, “They came back. I figured you’d like to know; in case you go back.”
Jesus, Violet, she thought, enough with the birds.
He gave a nod, the door dinging as they arrived at his floor. She felt a tinge of disappointment as the doors slid open. John stepped off the lift at his floor wordlessly, Violet returning her eyes to her datapad. He lingered in the doorway for a moment, his head slightly cocked as if he were straining to hear someone’s whisper. Violet watched from under her lashes as he turned back to the open doors.
“Hey, are you-?”
“I walk Sadie around 5:30 every evening. I’ll be at the park tonight, if that’s what you wanted to ask.”
The smirk returned, John nodding. He turned again, starting down the hallway.
“Hey John?” she called.
He turned again, that same smirk lifting his lips, “Yeah?”
“I’m glad you’re back,” she smiled, the lift doors sliding closed.
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cetaceanhandiwork · 1 year
Irene “Vigilant Greengrocer” Povey
They say...
“How does the Vigilant Greengrocer stock real vegetables at such prices? What was she haggling over with that devil? And did she really fistfight a tiger?”
Ask Irene Povey what she does for a living, and she'll tell you she runs a produce shop down in Spite, where you can purchase herbs, fruits, and vegetables for jade. Yes, it's the real stuff, not fungal imitations. Investigate further, and you'll find that she sells it for well under what you normally pay to import perishables from the Surface... and yet, somehow, she's not been shut down by the Special Constables for skirting the Bazaar's import duties. She claims this is because her wares aren't subject to the usual tariff, but as she's not clarified why, the running theory is that she has friends in high places keeping her out of trouble.
Unlike many in London who clamor and scrabble to be seen as "notable", Irene seems to deliberately avoid the spotlight, making waves in polite society only occasionally and then slinking back out of Slowcake's the next month. But that's enough for talk to get around regardless. The gossips of the Palace, if asked, might tell you of her predilection for “friendly” debates in Court when she's feeling sociable, or of her archaeological work in the Forgotten Quarter, or of her weird-romance serials, or - with no little disdain - of her habit of mixing with rubberies, devils, tomb-colonists, and other unsavory sorts. A few will even tell you about that time she was at a ball and wore a daring enough dress to reveal the unsettling tattoo of jungle undergrowth on her left upper arm, or the infamous guest lecture she gave at Benthic University that somehow led to a minor outbreak of choreomania. No, while she may be accepted among the great and the good (she's got her share of quiet supporters, particularly among the clergy) there's no denying that her reputation in polite society is more "bizarre" than "respectable".
But she is also known in impolite society - among the devils and dastards of the Soul Trade - as a significant but baffling figure: one of the few red-blooded humans who seems to be buying souls without any intention of reselling them. What's more, nobody seems to know what she does with them. Her preference for dealing in bulk implies to some that she's smuggling them across the Unterzee to pay for her produce, but the Widow's agents and the Cheery Man's enforcers have never heard of her encroaching on their territory, and dockers - when they're willing to testify about a beloved veteran of the Wolfstack Strike at all - will tell you that she spends much more time in the Forgotten Quarter on archaeological digs than at Zee. Others have suggested that she's working with the C.V.R., but that would hardly explain her ongoing interest in acquiring "souls of exceptional quality", nor her frequent appearances at the Discerning Deviless's salon.  She's fielded numerous offers, frequent flattery, and the occasional threat from devils attempting to get in on her racket, but her reply is always the same: "I'll only speak plainly about my business to a Devil who'll speak plainly about theirs." So far, apparently, none have met that bar, at least not to her satisfaction.
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littlebithad12 · 7 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: "THE WOMEN". B/W. DVD. NOT RATED. 1939.
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maharajaexpress · 2 months
Palace on Wheels: A Week of Royal Splendour
You’ve always dreamed of feeling like royalty, well, dreams do come true when you book the Palace on Wheels for a week of pure opulence and grandeur. Let your inner prince or princess out as you ride in style from palace to palace, soaking in stunning architecture, savouring gourmet cuisine, and immersing yourself in the rich culture of royal India. This is your invitation to live like a maharaja in a moving five-star hotel surrounded by luxury coaches and world-class service. For Seven days, you’ll travel back in time to the days of kings and queens as India’s dramatic landscapes and vibrant history unfold all around you. Experience the journey of a lifetime in true regal fashion aboard the Palace on Wheels.
All Aboard the Palace on Wheels: Embarking on a Luxury Rail Journey
The Royal Welcome
As you step onto the Palace on Wheels, attendants in traditional Rajasthani attire greet you with a smile, bindi, and garland. The royal treatment has begun.
Luxury Accommodations Fit for Royalty
Once aboard, you’ll find 14 salons, each reflecting the ambiance of a different princely state. Lavish furnishings, artworks, and artifacts transport you back to the glory days of India’s maharajas. Your private cabin comes equipped with modern amenities like temperature control, attached bathrooms, and soft linens.
A Moving Feast
On this luxury train, dining is an event in itself. Savor gourmet Indian fare and continental cuisine in the opulent dining cars as you roll through scenic landscapes. Each meal is a culinary adventure and new cultural experience.
A vibrant Journey into the Past
By day, embark on excursions to historic forts and palaces, experiencing the splendour and intrigue of royal India firsthand. As darkness falls, attend an evening performance showcasing traditional music and dance. Pass the night stargazing from the open-air observation lounge before retiring to your cabin.
On the Palace on Wheels, even the act of travel becomes a pleasure. Let the rhythm of the rails rock you to sleep as you dream of maharajas and adventures. A new experience awaits each morning on this voyage into the golden age of India’s aristocracy.
The Palace on Wheels Route: Exploring India’s Top Sights
Delhi: Your Royal Journey Begins
Your week-long luxury train adventure starts in Delhi, India’s capital city brimming with history. Visit the Red Fort, a magnificent 17th-century fort complex, and Chandni Chowk, one of the oldest and busiest markets in Old Delhi. No trip is complete without seeing the India Gate war memorial and Qutub Minar, a 73-meter-high tower built in 1193.
Jaipur: The Pink City
Nicknamed “The Pink City” for its rose-coloured architecture, Jaipur is home to opulent palaces and vibrant culture. Tour the Amber Fort, a splendid Rajput Fortress, and City Palace, an architectural masterpiece of courtyards and gardens. Take a stroll through Hawa Mahal, the Palace of Winds, and shop for local handicrafts and colourful textiles.
Ranthambore: Spot the Royal Bengal Tiger
In Ranthambore National Park, your chances of spotting the majestic Royal Bengal tiger in its natural habitat are high. This wildlife sanctuary is also home to leopards, hyenas and over 300 species of birds. Wake up early for an open-air jungle safari and you just might catch a glimpse of the elusive tiger emerging from the brush.
Udaipur: The City of Lakes
With its glittering lakes, lavish palaces and verdant hills, Udaipur fully deserves its title as “the most romantic spot on the continent of India. “Cruise across Lake Pichola and visit the City Palace, a complex of 11 palaces overlooking the lake. End your evening watching the sunset over the lake while enjoying a delicious Indian meal. Your royal adventure comes to an end in Udaipur but the memories will last forever.
A Taste of Royal Hospitality: Dining and Accommodations
Indulge Your Palate
On board the Palace on Wheels, you’ll dine like royalty. Chefs prepare gourmet Indian and continental cuisine made from the freshest local ingredients. Start your day with a full breakfast buffet, then enjoy a leisurely four-course lunch and dinner. All meals are included in your fare and served in the train’s lavish dining cars.
Toast the journey with a glass of wine or cocktail from the well-stocked bar car. Or for a special treat, book a private wine tasting and learn about Indian varietals from an expert sommelier.
With the restaurants and a lounge car on board, you’ll never go hungry. But if you’re still craving more, you can arrange for a traditional Rajasthani feast at an opulent palace along your route. The indulgence knows no bounds on this luxurious week-long rail journey.
Sleep like a Maharaja
After a day of sightseeing at magnificent forts and palaces, retreat to your own private chamber on Wheels. The Palace on Wheels features 14 salons, each with 4 cabins that sleep two guests. The wood-panelled cabins are lavishly appointed with modern amenities like temperature control, televisions and en-suite bathrooms.
Decorated in vibrant colours, the cabins make you feel as though you’ve stepped into an Indian Palace. Handcrafted silk fabrics, plush bedding, and gold filigree accents surround you in opulence. Fall asleep to the gentle rocking of the train, then wake as your attendant delivers coffee and the morning newspaper to your cabin.
A journey on the Palace on Wheels is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to experience the pomp and grandeur of India’s majestic past. From the gourmet cuisine and vintage cocktails to the luxurious cabins, this moving palace spares no expense. For one blissful week, you’ll travel back in time and live like royalty.
Immersing in Culture: Unique Activities and Excursions
Visit the Taj Mahal
No trip to India is complete without seeing the Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. As a Palace on Wheels guest, you’ll enjoy exclusive access to the Taj Mahal before it opens to the general public.
Explore the Pink City
The Palace on Wheels makes a stop in Jaipur, Rajasthan’s capital, known as the “Pink City” for its rose-coloured architecture. You can choose between visiting the Amber Fort, a sprawling Rajput-style fort, or the City Palace, which still serves as the royal family’s home. For a taste of local culture, check out the bustling markets or catch a Bollywood film at the iconic Raj Mandir Cinema.
Safari at Ranthambore National Park
If you’re lucky, you may spot tigers in the wild at Ranthambore National Park, one of India’s largest national parks and a top safari destination. In addition to tigers, the park is home to leopards, hyenas, sloth bears and over 300 species of birds. The safaris offer an intimate glimpse into the natural habitat of Ranthambore’s wildlife.
Palace on Wheels provides opportunities for cultural immersion at every stop. From Witnessing ancient forts and palaces to shopping in local markets and dining on authentic Indian cuisine, this luxury train journey gives you an insider’s look at India’s vibrant culture and majestic history. Each activity lets you experience India’s diverse heritage in an unforgettable way.
So, what are you waiting for? Book your Palace on Wheels journey today and get ready for the most unforgettable week of your life. With attentive service, delicious food, fascinating sights, and luxurious accommodations, this train trip delivers a one-of-a-kind experience. You’ll step off at the end feeling refreshed, enlightened, and longing to do it all over again. The memories you’ll make exploring India’s heritage with Palace on Wheels will stay with you forever. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to travel like royalty through this beautiful country. Reserve your place on this moving palace and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime.
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arg-machine · 10 months
Comics at machine HQ
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It’s been a while since the last Comics post was published. This week, therefore, arg decided to publish another installment featuring some of the comic books and graphic novels he has read since that post.
Of course, a lot happened between these posts: both machine HQ and The Apocalypse Project found second homes over at Mastodon, arg finally crossed the 100 posts mark at Instagram and even published some new music!
One thing remained unchanged, though: he read a lot: not just fiction, but a bunch of graphic novels and comics as well. In this post, he’ll list some of these…
Comics and graphic novels read recently Well, here are the comics/graphic novels arg has read and enjoyed in the last few months. All titles are arranged alphabetically, and related titles – or titles from same/similar genres – are listed in the Also recommended sections. Keep in mind that many – not all, though – of these titles are suitable for mature readers only.
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“Far from the auction halls of the elite, The Collector seeks out rare and mysterious artifacts across the world. He is as at home in the salons of Paris as he is in the jungles of Borneo. Set against the backdrop of late 19th-century colonialism, this collection of short stories and swashbuckling adventures is full of surprises and twists, as Toppi is well known for!” Terrific art and exciting stories, books like The Collector truly demonstrate the beauty and power of this medium.
Also recommended: Judegement Day & Other Stories, Navigator, Everyday Hero Machine Boy, MFK, Gurvan - A Dream of Earth, Joyama and Rocketeer - The Great Race.
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“BLAB! – the Harvey Award-winning anthology of cutting-edge comics, art, and culture – has returned to its comics roots with a stellar lineup of contributors. Noah Van Sciver depicts the tragic demise of Crime Does Not Pay editor Robert Wood. Sasha Velour portrays the making of film director F.W. Murnau's Nosferatu. Children's book illustrator Giselle Potter examines Peter Rabbit author Beatrix Potter's passion as a naturalist. Illustrated articles include the history of the gorilla and a report on UFOs. All this and much more in Comics and Stories That Will Make You BLAB!” A superb collection!
Also recommended: Gnartoons, Be Your Own Backing Band, Alison, Eight Limbs, Sports is Hell, Art Brut, Public Domain and Unretouchable.
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“From creatures of the night to even more terrifying creatures of the day, HAUNTHOLOGY is an anxiety-inducing collection of 28 short stories and vignettes from the mind of Jeremy Haun, the writer and artist behind many acclaimed nightmarish mindscapes. Whether exploring a claustrophobic old house full of nefarious entities or the heavy thoughts one has during the pending end of the world, this very personal project was written and drawn entirely during the COVID lockdowns.” Highly recommended!
Also recommended: Essential Judge Dredd - Dredd Vs. Death, House, Death of the Horror Anthology, Carmilla - The First Vampire, The Keeper and Hell Phone.
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“Who are you, really? Are you the things you do, or are you the person inside your mind? In Europe on a business trip, Jonathan Webb can’t sleep. Instead, he finds himself wandering the night in a strange foreign city with his new friend, the mysterious and violent Rainer, as his guide. Rainer shows Jonathan the hidden world of the night, a world without rules or limits. But when the fun turns dangerous, Jonathan may find himself trapped in the dark – the question is, what will he do to get home? Night Fever – the gripping new original graphic novel from best-selling creators Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips – is a pulse-pounding Jekyll-and-Hyde noir thriller about a man facing the darkness inside himself.”
Also recommended: Zaroff's Revenge, Cover, The Red Monkey Double Happiness Book and The Killer: Affairs of The State.
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“This heartbreaking manga, by an award-winning cartoonist, examines the history of Okinawa and its military occupation. An essential manga classic presented in English for the first time. Okinawa brings together two collections of intertwined stories by the island's pre-eminent mangaka, Susumu Higa, which reflect on this difficult history and pull together traditional Okinawan spirituality and the senselessness of the War.”
Also recommended: Battle Action, The Witches of World War II and Dead Romans.
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machine HQ’s Retro Pick! “First the headaches, then the nightmares of mass murderers who must die – by his hand, the hand that wields the energy of a living sun, the hand of Nexus!
Possessing limitless power, Nexus is the greatest avenger in history, but his power and purpose come from an alien race with their own agenda. Is Nexus a hero or pawn? Deliverer or destroyer? God or devil?” What is for certain is that Nexus, created by Mike Baron and Steve Rude,is a science-fiction superhero masterpiece!
And that, good reader, brings us to the end of this short list! Visit The Apocalypse Project [on Mastodon, on twitter and on tumblr], and stay tuned to machine HQ blog…
Header image features artwork from Vann Nath - Painting the Khmer Rouge and from John Carpenter's Asylum.
The busy boys! Over at Mastodon, arg and Marvin were pleasantly surprised to find the boys from Copiers of Hindustan already there! And from what arg has been able to gather, they’ve been putting the pedal to the metal with their posts!
So, if y’all wish to enlighten yourselves about how plagiarism has reached alarming, pandemic proportions in a certain entertainment industry [wink, wink!] and have an eye-opening experience in general then… go ahead and visit the boys! They’ll be delighted by your presence, or so they tell arg and Melvin.
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edisonblog · 1 year
Louis Vuitton: Sophisticated Urban Luxury at the Musee d'Orsay
image: Louis Vuitton - autumn-winter 2023/24 - Womenswear - France - Paris - FNW
How to survive in style in the urban jungle was the predominant image of Nicolas Ghesquière's latest collection for Louis Vuitton, presented on Monday (March 6) in Paris.
The show was performed in the grandeur of a series of gilded salons inside the Musée d'Orsay, with the pre-show soundtrack being the noise generated by intense rush hour traffic and maddening crowds. Which made double sense, as the site was a train station for 40 years before becoming a museum of quintessentially French art in 1986.
Nicolas Ghesquière's cast also looked committed, parading swiftly to an unknown destination as they made their way through the salons of Fine Arts. In case he hadn't noticed, the catwalk was the all-black version of a reclaimed Paris cobblestone street.
Huge mechanical speakers and sound baffles rotated throughout the show – all in black. Once again, artist Philippe Parreno and production designer James Chinlund were responsible for the set design. While the bizarre soundtrack – from police sirens to an out-of-tune orchestra that suggested Stockhausen on the Seine – was based on sound illusions devised by Nicolas Becker.
The backdrop also came in handy after the show, when dozens of V-VIP Vuitton customers began posing for photos under the tech structures, dressed in their best LV looks. Ironically, trying to look as much like influencers as possible who get the same clothes for free.
The collection marked a major change for Nicolas Ghesquière. Starting with its dark palette, strongly contrasting with the gold and silver used by dozens of influencers, who had a lot of fun taking selfies before the show and 'posting' them on Instagram. They had plenty of time. Even after a loud voice over the public address system implored people to take their seats, as the show was about to start, it took more than 10 minutes before a model appeared.
Then there was a radical change in the general mood. Gone are the technological and active sportswear trials of so many Nicolas Ghesquière shows for Louis Vuitton. Many natural fibers and fabrics were used, although Nicolas cut the clothes to suggest momentum and dynamism.
The Franco-Belgian designer impressed with a trio of premium wool bouclé dresses, with a defined waist and padding, custom-made to sit just below the bust. She wrapped gigantic pleated necklaces around her neck; he tucked the tuxedo shirt plackets outside the waistcoats and straightened a pinstripe suit so that it fell in a perfect square around his knees. In short, this was a pioneering and innovative tailoring masterclass.
And dynamic tailoring too: from matinee idol suits with baggy trousers and double-breasted jackets to memorable matelassé leather suits in battleship grey.
Alongside the clothes, there was a wide variety of bags – from a mini bag from the Haussmann mansion to a quilted bag that looked great with everything from polished leather to red, white and blue. Therefore, this accessory sounded like a celebration of France, in a show whose program note began with the question: “What is French style?”
Before he replied: “An ineffable magnetism that still intrigues the world; this too is paradoxical: sophistication with an air of amateurism. French fascination is a trompe l'oeil. The French touch never seems to fail to delight.”
The event also marked the womenswear debut of newly appointed CEO Pietro Beccari, who joins LV from Dior. At the entrance, the million-dollar question on everyone's lips was whether one of Beccari's first decisions would be to replace Ghesquière. The designer has been there for nine and a half years – a long reign.
Well, the collection turned out to be Ghesquière's best for Vuitton in a good five years. So, it seems to me that for one more season the stylist doesn't need to worry about that.
source: bit.ly/3T0tq19
#edisonmariotti @edisonblog
Louis Vuitton: luxo urbano sofisticado no Musée d'Orsay
imagem: Louis Vuitton - outono-inverno 2023/24 - Womenswear - França - Paris - FNW
Como sobreviver com estilo na selva urbana foi a imagem predominante da última coleção de Nicolas Ghesquière para a Louis Vuitton, apresentada na segunda-feira (6 de março) em Paris.
O desfile foi apresentado na grandeza de uma série de salões dourados dentro do Musée d'Orsay, com a banda sonora pré-show como sendo o ruído gerado pelo tráfego intenso da rush hour e multidões enlouquecidas. O que fazia duplo sentido, já que o local foi uma estação de comboios durante 40 anos antes de se tornar um museu de arte essencialmente francesa em 1986.
O elenco de Nicolas Ghesquière também parecia empenhado, desfilando rapidamente para um destino desconhecido enquanto circulava pelos salões das Belas Artes. Caso não tenha percebido, a passerelle era a versão totalmente preta de uma rua de paralelepípedos recuperada de Paris.
Enormes alto-falantes mecânicos e defletores de som rodaram ao longo do show – todos em preto. Mais uma vez, o artista Philippe Parreno e o designer de produção James Chinlund foram responsáveis pela cenografia. Enquanto que a banda sonora bizarra – desde sirenes de polícia a uma orquestra desafinada que sugeria Stockhausen no Sena – era baseada em ilusões sonoras concebidas por Nicolas Becker.
O cenário também se mostrou útil após o desfile, quando dezenas de clientes V-VIP da Vuitton começaram a posar para fotos sob as estruturas tecnológicas, vestidos com os seus melhores looks LV. Ironicamente, tentando parecer-se o máximo possível com os influencers que recebem as mesmas roupas de graça.
A coleção marcou uma grande mudança por parte de Nicolas Ghesquière. A começar pela sua paleta escura, contrastando fortemente com o ouro e a prata usados ​​por dezenas de influencers, que se divertiram muito a tirar selfies antes do desfile e a 'postar' no Instagram. Tinham muito tempo. Mesmo depois de uma voz alta no sistema de som implorar às pessoas para que tomassem os seus lugares, quando o show estava prestes a começar, demorou mais de 10 minutos antes que uma modelo aparecesse.
Então houve uma mudança radical no clima geral. Foram-se as experimentações de roupas desportivas tecnológicas e ativas de tantos desfiles de Nicolas Ghesquière para a Louis Vuitton. Entraram muitas fibras e tecidos naturais, ainda que Nicolas tenha cortado as roupas para sugerir o impulso e dinamismo.
O estilista franco-belga impressionou com um trio de vestidos premium de lã bouclé, com cintura marcada e acolchoados, feitos sob medida para ficar um pouco abaixo do busto. Enrolou colares plissados ​​gigantescos à volta do pescoço; colocou as carcelas das camisas de smoking por fora dos coletes e endireitou um fato de riscas de giz para que caísse como um quadrado perfeito em torno dos joelhos. Em suma, esta foi uma masterclass de alfaiataria pioneira e inovadora.
E alfaiataria dinâmica também: de fatos de ídolos matinés com calças largas e blusões trespassados a memoráveis ​​fatos de couro matelassé na cor cinza battleship.
Juntamente com as roupas, havia uma grande variedade de bolsas – desde uma mini bolsa da mansão Haussmann até uma bolsa acolchoada que ficava linda com tudo, de couro polido a vermelho, branco e azul. Por isso, este acessório soou como uma celebração a França, num espetáculo cuja nota de programa começava com a pergunta: “O que é o estilo francês?”
Antes de este responder: “Um magnetismo inefável que ainda intriga o mundo; isso também é paradoxal: sofisticação com ares de amadorismo. O fascínio francês é um trompe l'oeil. O toque francês nunca parece deixar de encantar”.
O evento também marcou a estreia em moda feminina do recém-nomeado CEO Pietro Beccari, que veio da Dior para a LV. Na entrada, a pergunta de um milhão de dólares na boca de todos era se uma das primeiras decisões de Beccari seria substituir Ghesquière. O designer está lá há nove anos e meio – um longo reinado.
Bem, a coleção acabou por ser a melhor de Ghesquière para a Vuitton nos bons cinco anos. Então, parece-me que por mais uma temporada o estilista não precisa de se preocupar com isso.
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winniecouturebg · 2 years
Desert Wedding Planning 101
You must have heard about beach weddings against the backdrop of the setting sun and turquoise blue water. Jungle-themed wedding amidst the plush thickets is also in trend nowadays. But do you have any idea about the desert wedding theme?
Desert weddings seem unique and off-beat and are meant for those couples who want to do things differently!
The red rock formations, sand dunes, palm trees and picturesque oasis form just the ideal setup for desert weddings. It brings in the typical Arabian Nights vibe as you exchange vows in the golden hours of the day while the sun is all ready to set on the horizon. The romantic lighting and bonfire settings make things mushy and memorable.
If you wish to know more about desert wedding preparations, scroll down!
How to ace your desert wedding look?
A desert wedding is not about fancy dress codes. You can visit the best San Francisco bridal boutiques to search for the best wedding dress in San Francisco and wear the same for your desert wedding. You can wear anything that suits your style and budget. If you wish to keep it casual, go for a knee-length bridal gown in San Francisco. For that regal vibe, you can opt for traditional, Disney-inspired bridal gowns in San Francisco.
Loose silhouettes and lightweight fabrics will keep you comfortable throughout the ceremony. You can also experiment with hats, boho sleeves, Sedona hues and so on.
How to decorate the wedding venue in a desert setting?
The most important thing that you need to remember while decorating the desert wedding venue is to set up bug spray stations to prevent bug attacks. Now coming to the aesthetic part, you can incorporate a palm spring theme to match up with your bridal gowns in San Francisco. You can also choose themes like Spanish Villa, mid-century, and boho as per your taste and wedding attire.
Which is the best time of the year to opt for a desert wedding?
Summer is definitely not the ideal choice if you are planning a desert wedding theme. So, if you want to enjoy your desert wedding to the fullest, it is better to plan D-day somewhere between October and April. The chilly winds and warm sunshine will set the right mood for perfect wedding celebrations. Also, the clear sky at night will add to the after-party vibes and transfer you to another world.
In a nutshell
If you are unsure as to which bridal salon SF can help you with the perfect desert-themed wedding gowns, Winnie Couture is the name you need to remember. They have perfect bridal attire for every theme and setting. Their aim is to make you look like the most beautiful lady on earth on your wedding day. Their mesmerizing collections, as well as plush ambiance, makes Winnie Couture the best bridal salon in San Francisco.
Book an appointment with Winnie Couture now to get that stunning bridal dress for your desert wedding!
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Chase, Nevada
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Small town off route 375 in Nevada, right by Groome Road, which leads directly to the East Gate of Nellis Test & Training Range - Area 51
Situated between Rachel & Crystal Springs - closer to Crystal Springs
Ex-trading post turned ranch land
Population is less than 1500 people
Other than ranching, Chase’s biggest economical pull is alien tourism, due to proximity to Area 51
Most residents either live in single-floor, suburb-type houses or trailers & double-wides. There are only a couple of apartment blocks in the town, just off the main street that runs through the centre of the town
The Steer - The oldest bar in Chase, caters almost exclusively to the ranchers & older locals, located toward the back of the town, away from the highway
The Burning Lizard - A dive bar/club with a biker vibe due to being close to the truck stop & highway. Has live music on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.
Ripley’s - An alien-themed bar and grill that pulls in the tourists, situated between the gas station and the trailer park, on the strip right next to the highway
Allie’s Truckstop - An all-night diner on the strip, attached to the gas station and local garage. Has a childrens play area out back with a spaceship-shaped jungle gym
Chase Gas and Gulp - Gas station that doubles up as a tourist information place & gift shop
Chase Autorepair - Garage attached to the gas station and truckstop
Chase Sundown Motel - On the strip by the truckstop, a little on the cheap side but not a total roach trap
Red Sands Trailer Park - A locals-only trailer park at the end of the main strip - where Brodie lives
Chace Grocery & Supply - not anything close to a Walmart but carries a decent range of food & other items - includes a meat counter, a bakery, a dairy counter & homewares department - meat and dairy are locally produced
Dave’s Hardware - Just a regular hardware store
Joy’s Curl Up and Dye - Hair salon
Chase post office - The original trading post building and one of two of the oldest structures in town
Chase Meridian Bank
Groome Road drive-in movie theatre/picnic area/rest stop
Sheriff’s Office and Chase townhall
Chase Clinic - There is no hospital in the area though. Any major medical emergencies have to be taken to Caliente - 1hr drive away
A veterinarians office - deals mostly in livestock and wildlife, but has a clinic for pets
St Matthews Church - A small, wooden chapel that is the second of the two oldest structures in the town.
An Army recruitment office
Chase public library - Small and a little outdated, but has free wifi
Chase Rec Centre - Recreation centre with sports facilities and an indoor swimming pool
Jed’s - A gun and ammunition store next to the Sheriff’s office
Emmett Brown Elementary School - named after the town founders wife
Chase High School
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neonbitemarks · 2 years
Chase, Nevada
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Small town off route 375 in Nevada, right by Groome Road, which leads directly to the East Gate of Nellis Test & Training Range - Area 51
Situated between Rachel & Crystal Springs - closer to Crystal Springs
Ex-trading post turned ranch land
Population is less than 1500 people
Other than ranching, Chase’s biggest economical pull is alien tourism, due to proximity to Area 51
Most residents either live in single-floor, suburb-type houses or trailers & double-wides. There are only a couple of apartment blocks in the town, just off the main street that runs through the centre of the town
The Steer - The oldest bar in Chase, caters almost exclusively to the ranchers & older locals, located toward the back of the town, away from the highway
The Burning Lizard - A dive bar/club with a biker vibe due to being close to the truck stop & highway. Has live music on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.
Ripley’s - An alien-themed bar and grill that pulls in the tourists, situated between the gas station and the trailer park, on the strip right next to the highway
Allie’s Truckstop - An all-night diner on the strip, attached to the gas station and local garage. Has a childrens play area out back with a spaceship-shaped jungle gym
Chase Gas and Gulp - Gas station that doubles up as a tourist information place & gift shop
Chase Autorepair - Garage attached to the gas station and truckstop
Chase Sundown Motel - On the strip by the truckstop, a little on the cheap side but not a total roach trap
Red Sands Trailer Park - A locals-only trailer park at the end of the main strip - where Brodie lives
Chace Grocery & Supply - not anything close to a Walmart but carries a decent range of food & other items - includes a meat counter, a bakery, a dairy counter & homewares department - meat and dairy are locally produced
Dave’s Hardware - Just a regular hardware store
Joy’s Curl Up and Dye - Hair salon
Chase post office - The original trading post building and one of two of the oldest structures in town
Chase Meridian Bank
Groome Road drive-in movie theatre/picnic area/rest stop
Sheriff’s Office and Chase townhall
Chase Clinic - There is no hospital in the area though. Any major medical emergencies have to be taken to Caliente - 1hr drive away
A veterinarians office - deals mostly in livestock and wildlife, but has a clinic for pets
St Matthews Church - A small, wooden chapel that is the second of the two oldest structures in the town.
An Army recruitment office
Chase public library - Small and a little outdated, but has free wifi
Chase Rec Centre - Recreation centre with sports facilities and an indoor swimming pool
Jed’s - A gun and ammunition store next to the Sheriff’s office
Margaret Stoneman Elementary School - named after the town founders wife
Chase High School
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lilpuppiepaws · 3 years
˚✧₊⁎AgeRe Journal Prompts 4!!⁎⁺˳✧༚
- “movie star!” draw a picture of yourself as a movie star!! write about the kind of movie you were in and the character you played!!
-“i see…” for every color of the rainbow, draw something you see! (ex: if you see a fire truck, then draw it in red! next, find something orange to draw!)
-“best baby meal!” draw a circle! this will be your plate!! cut out some pictures of food from a magazine and glue them on the plate!! (or just draw your own food!!)
-“favorite little movies!” draw a tv with your favorite movie playing! then make a list of all your other favorite movies to watch when small!
-“:(“ not feeling great? write about what’s making you upset! (it’s okay if it’s something “small” like your shoes being untied!!) or list all the things that would make you feel better!!
-“care bear stare!!” draw yourself as a care bear!! what color would you be? what will your tummy symbol look like? what would be your name?
-“weather baby!” you’re the weather person!! draw the forecast for today!! (can be the real forecast, or completely made up!! maybe cotton candy clouds and chocolate milk rain! xD)
-“my favorite animal!” draw your favorite animal and give a few fun facts about them!!
-“hair salon!” draw a person and glue strips of paper to make their hair! (be sure to let it dry before closing your journal!!)
-“nail salon!” trace your hand on the paper, and “paint” your nails!! (color them any color you want! add glitter, stickers, etc!!)
-“safari!” draw you and your stuffie exploring a jungle! what animals do you both see?
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disfunctionaltm · 3 years
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( devery jacobs, cis female, she/her ⋇ untouched notebooks, burnt matchsticks, half-used bottles of perfume ) ⋯ well if it ain’t 『 MAYA CUROTTE  』from 『 DOWNTOWN 』! they’re a beloved member of crystal grove, been here for about 『 SEVEN 』years now. that『 29 』year old works here as an 『 STYLIST AT JUNGLE RED SALON 』when they’re not busy 『 PUTTING TOGETHER PUZZLES 』. and it’s clear from their 『 MINT & CRANBERRY 』 scent they’re an『 OMEGA 』. they’re known to be 『  ACTIVE  』, but『   EASILY DISCOURAGED 』as well, but you didn’t hear that from me. why don’t you go on over and introduce yourself ?
maya grew up as the only omega in her household. a beta mom, an alpha father and five siblings all alphas. they had masked her scent with pills and whatever else they could get their hands on so they could raise her like a beta. keep her home during her heats because unfortunately the pills didn’t stop them. she had grown to be ashamed of being an omega.
at twenty years old, maya had left home and traveled around for a bit, trying to find a place to settle down. at twenty-two is when she found herself in crystal grove and it had been the perfect place.
she still has some of the pills in her possession. thinks about taking them from time to time. but most of the people here know her and know she’s an omega. and since being here, she hasn’t felt ashamed of it. she’s currently a stylist at the jungle red salon and she’s been there for about three years now.
she’s been in contact with one of her siblings and they at least know where she’s at and that she’s okay.
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littlebithad12 · 24 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: "THE WOMEN". B/W. DVD. NOT RATED. 1939.
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wrightsburghusa · 3 years
Wright's Parish Fun Fair
Wright's Parish Fun Fair
Yes, It is summer and that time of year again. All the Fun of the Fair!
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In the picturesque surroundings of the Wrightsburgh State Park couples gather to walk and enjoy the scenery together on the Romantic Couple’s Tour. 
For those more adventurous thrill seekers, there are a selection of rides, including a Ferris Wheel with wonderful views, Bumper Cars, or in proper ‘Southern Tradition’ (at least according to Daryl), Gator petting zoo.
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If you can’t make the fair itself, you can tune in to Crazy Johnny Voodoo who will be spinning his tunes Live from the show, providing varied background tracks in his own style. 
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Of course food has been laid on with La Grilla, offering popcorn,  candy floss, and pretty much any kind of grilled fair food. I had a very tasty chill-dog and a beef and veg kabob. Evana Williams, also of Jungle Red Beauty Salon, had this to say "Yesterday was fabulous, biggest fair we'd had in ages, since I was a little girl."
There has been much speculation over what has made this year’s events so successful, and I’m pretty sure it is all down to the hard work the Wright family put in behind the scenes for all the community.
~Carol Brandenburg
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