#reallifetangent writes
reallifetangent · 1 month
Has anyone thought how did Cat King feel or react when he got the bracelet back in his hands?
Like, was he amazed that Edwin got away with it somehow? Was he shocked that he just left without a goodbye? Concerned that even if he counted all the cats, only could've worked if Edwin told him personally? Then realize that Edwin was claimed back to hell. He said that when they met at the Lighthouse, that in case Hell claims him back, he could use all the good he had done to apply for consideration.
And that realization being confirmed by one of his subjects, maybe even saw the creepy af spider doll taking Edwin away.
How Cat King would've reacted to this event. Was he heartbroken that Edwin went to hell and not even a kiss? And who knows when he'll be back, it took him 70 years (his cats are tired to hear Edwin ranting about it more than once) to escape the first time. How did he ended up deciding that whenever Edwin comes back, he would be waiting for him. Because ofc he knows if Edwin escaped once, what's stopping him from escaping again. It's Edwin, not a simple useless ghost he wouldn't even check if they have a nice ass (:p).
Edit: also knowing that Edwin now has no reason to see him again because the bracelet won't come back when he steps in the land of the living again. So, CK sending cats to tell him when Edwin is back? Or something?
If anyone knows any fic that has this view or explores this idea, let me know. Otherwise, I'mma try to be working on it
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reallifetangent · 5 days
A thing I actually wanna see in Dead Boy Detectives S2 is Simon being a ghost with unfinished business on Earth. The agency takes his case, because who else could help?
Charles might be uneasy. He knows the sacrifice was an accident, and even if Edwin let him know he forgave Simon, doesn't change the fact that he was Ed's bully and Charles is done with bullies.
Crystal probably would be trying to calm the waters between Charles and Simon, or talking with Edwin about all of this situation because Niko isn't around. Trying a "What Niko Would Do" situation.
Same for Edwin. He keeps professional all the case. It's still a personal one because duh, the same guy who sent him to hell but it wasn't really his fault. His ex classmate. Simon was in love with him. At some point, his professional ways don't get enough results so he tries asking, observing, doing what Niko would do.
At the end, before Simon goes to the afterlife (maybe his unfinished business was making things clearer between him and Edwin), some kind of Heart to Heart talk between them both. Simon knows Edwin can't correspond to his feelings, or maybe after all this situation, he falls out of love and learns that being attracted to the same gender isn't wrong. Things have changed. He was stuck in a loop of self punishment. His brain was still on their death day. He realizes that they won't mean to be. Or that Edwin was just a crush he had in high school. He finally let go of what he felt for Edwin.
The Night Nurse? She's impressed about this whole situation, how come this guy was forgiven in hell, apparently moved on but then back on Earth. Then tried to see if her books or her knowledge had registered anyone with that condition before, trying to stay distant. Because this is too personal. Maybe she was the one trying to do What Kaji Would Do, since Niko reminded her a lot of him.
This could be like the most emotional case. Between facing feelings of the past, growing up from where they froze, realization of people's changes, having to try things they haven't before, and letting go of people.
I would try writing about it (again). Maybe I will, but won't be as good as an actual episode with actual plotlines and actual and complete knowledge of these characters. Because I don't like mischaracterizing in order to put some above others.
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reallifetangent · 5 days
Waxwitch fandom, TAKE ME
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I literally met him two times, second time I forgot to give him nectar and went up two times to get to see him (both failed) and even beat the Boss of Stage Two of the Surface but what's the point if I can't see this spirit???
Can't wait to see his 3D model, also yes I should do some WaxWitch as well.
This game really has me on a chokehold-
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reallifetangent · 9 days
Yk what could be interesting/fun for a Dead Boy Detectives S2/fic?
A living friend who can't see nor hear the boys. That's it. Friend believes Crystal and Niko that they have ghost friends, the newbie helps in cases and is a real friend (like a Monty without evil witch mom with ulterior motives), but they can't see who they are talking to.
Like the scene where Crystal is making the interrogatory to Niko before the Sprites Explosion, except Niko and Crystal having to translate everything Charles and Edwin say or they have to wear their human disguises for Friend to see them.
Would be really funny them helping in living cases and sometimes feeling left out because they can't see the ghosts, but either way Niko and Crystal make sure that they feel included and both Edwin and Charles make the effort every time for Friend to feel like a part of the group.
Idk, sounds interesting in my head
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reallifetangent · 28 days
Realization 1.0 (Cat King x Edwin)
I really tried writing something, this is one of the two attempts. English is not my main language, and I also have to translate Ir(me) → Spanish → English → Making Sense in English. I didn't actually finish this one, so, have this draft. Sorry if it disappoints.
Based on the idea of How did Cat King react when he got back the bracelet. Technically is a One Sided Catwin, happens in the events of the series.
"Hm?" A surprise sound between a purr and a question got stuck in his lips, seeing how in his characteristical flames, a cat shaped bracelet appeared in front of his bed. Just waking from the heartbreak of the last night, tired after scan the forest and each tree, Cat King (or Thomas for friends or Fandom) looked at the metallic enchanted piece. Didn't have to get closer, but yet he did. He could recognized that ghostly faded smell, and he was shocked and out of his mind when finally picked it up. Tried to think it was just an illusion, a bad taste joke about it.
"How did he do that?" He was both amazed and hurt. How come a ghost, a simple yet fascinating ghost boy hexed his handcuff, his attachment to this town, to his kingdom. Maybe he counted all the cats. "No. The spell only works if I undo it. That's the charm of this charm." Edwin was resourceful, but he couldn't find anything at Tragic Mick's. His cats around town and his own knowledge knew that no trinket from that haunted store could help them. Otherwise, Edwin, his aggressive pal and that psychic girl would've left the country as soon as they got out of his Majesty's Deck.
His small game of cat and mouse was gone, and he didn't even say goodbye. That was hurting. A well mannered gentleman like Edwin could never leave without a word, even if they didn't like it, his manners and old fashioned ways were stronger than his pride sometimes. That was attractive. He liked that correct and straight up part of him (not the straight part. Edwin has none.) The way Edwin fancily rejected and asked to take it off the first time, the panics and educated rejects at his touch. Maybe last night he was a bit rough telling him that they were only there because of that bracelet, nothing else. But Gods from heaven and hell, that was so ho-
"Heaven and hell." His sliced eyes opened wider, seeing every little part of the handcuff, the hits and tries of forcing the lock. The faded particles of a burnt wall. Thomas knew he was powerful, but not above any of the Primordial Gods, The Endless, Lilith. Even with his 9 lives, he wasn't above Death. And thought that those Dead Boy Detectives couldn't get struggling with her. Sneaky, one step ahead, 30 years running from her. Thomas liked that. Defying. But back to his thoughts, he finally felt that sting.
Edwin Payne had been claimed back to hell. Some cats told there was a creepy woman looking for them, about to "Get them back where they belong". Edwin's cleverness wasn't enough to escape her? Well, now was late to help him.
"Sir, we are... Troubled to inform you-" a grey old cat approached their king.
"I know, I know. That little dead boy has been departed to another jurisdiction. I... Got the message." He sighed, spinning in his fingers the metal piece.
"Worse, my Lord. The crazy nurse woman was there, yes. But something worse." Even the cat got goosebumps, their back hairs bristly. "She wasn't even aware. A demonic... thing... took him and dragged him to hell."
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reallifetangent · 7 days
A take I wanna have (please don't yell at me or attack me. Corrections might be okay, it's late for me and English is not my main language):
Edwin's love interests. Less to best for him.
Cat King on the less. I know. I love his character, he's very charismatic. I love the teasing and seeing how far he can push Edwin's limits and face his own feelings. I do live for that in some ships. Their dynamic is interesting but let's be real. Even if CK is an Entity and has 9 lives (currently only 6), Edwin is a ghost. Forever 16, forever existing. At some point the relationship would look and or feel weird. And tbh is the one that changed the less thanks to his interactions with Edwin. Edwin grew a lot (and learned a lot about himself) but Cat King? He still play games and yeah, he cares for Ed, but he's been like that since always. And to be loved is to be changed. Maybe the dying for Edwin when he tried to protect him from Ester and ended up dead counts for something, but he's too much in his idealistic bubble where at some point Edwin would fall for his charms. Maybe if he approached in a more friendly way and not trapping him in town, (a less Wattpad Cliche Way), maybe something could've come out better. And look, I love their teasing. I want CatWin being something before Edwin and Charles becoming an actual couple. I still want Cat King and Edwin playing with each other, who's smarter, who's sharper, who's one step ahead of the other, silly little games between them. I want Edwin appreciating Cat King's death for him. I want Cat King obsessed in a respectful way for Ed, appreciate him, praise him. And Ed just, panicking because too gay to function but at the same time, it's not who he wants to hear that from. Yet sometimes falls for that but he knows it's wrong for him.
Simon. We know he was his bully. He had feelings for Ed, and back when they both were alive, being like them was a sin. He only wanted to scare Edwin. Nothing else. If Edwin was able to forgive Simon in hell, understanding it wasn't his fault they both died (technically it is but nobody told them entities and ghosts are real so that wasn't on him), and even wanting to get him out of there, there were a reason. Also, both were sixteen. Still a lot to develop and think and experiment. It took Edwin 100 years to finally open up and be comfortable about himself. Maybe Ghost Simon could learn at the same time with Edwin as his teacher, since both were the same period. Could be interesting Simon revoked from death back to the living because he has unfinished businesses somehow and Edwin taking his case just to make things more clearer and give us a better chance to know why Edwin forgave him. Because just the "Oh, you were in love with me and you didn't know the sacrifice would actually work" doesn't sound enough reasons for someone like Edwin to break out an ex bully from literal hell. There is an explanation. There must be.
Monty. Just. Take away Edwin having feelings for Charles, and Monty being Ester's Familiar Crow. Otherwise, it could've worked. Not right away, but with patience, they could've been in a cute relationship. Monty caught feelings for real, and Edwin is too slow to understand, but at some point they'll both learn and well, lovers. I see Edwin on the aromantic spectrum, so, Monty would have to work his way and Edwin open up to get to like Monty. Or just accept they can be a platonic relationship and that can be good too. Also same issue as Crystal or any Living Entity. Age permanency. Could be a nice Teenage Love Story for Edwin and Monty, but not in case Monty is affected by human ageing.
And best by far, Charles. 30 years of being the married couple on acid. Both timeless, forever young, together by choice, each other's personal afterlife. They died when they had so much to live for. Now they can't be more alive thanks to each other. Even if they end up as platonic stuff and never end up being partners, there wouldn't be any complaining. Edwin loves Charles in a romantic way, and just knowing that Charles won't go away because of that is a total relief, and they have the eternity to find out of Charles does have romantic feelings as well. And reading a post about Charles being a People Pleaser and always saying or doing what others wanted so they like him and been trying to be on Edwin's good side to not push him away for 30 years, so, knowing that his best mate loves him must be a good reason to stop doubting Edwin.
Charles and Crystal are okay. I mean, I like their relationship just because they needed someone. Crystal admitted she could try if he were alive, but between her brainwash, the demon possession, everything happening, it's more like a distraction than an actual feeling. Maybe better writing and they could be her teenage love. After that, she'll grow up. He won't. (I know I said best partners for Edwin but I wanted to clarify my take on Crystal and Charles).
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reallifetangent · 26 days
Just saw someone on TikTok saying the "You could live a thousand lives and never deserve that boy" saying that Cat King, Monty and Charles don't deserve Edwin and I've never seen so much bullshit in my life (as far as I can remember)
How come you throw down 3 character arcs and ignoring at least Charles' temper and context to put above on a pillar one character who has bad things as well.
Post was in Spanish, I'm translating what it said with the colors.
Sorry for the random rambling/texts, I had to get it out of my system and sorry if I had wrong stuff
Obviously spoilers about the whole series
Cat King: he started wrong and pressured Edwin on things he didn't know
There's an analysis post here that explains why the punishment made sense. Edwin was warned of not messing around with the cats. Cat King of course had moments where he made Edwin obvious and clearly uncomfortable, and either stopped there or stepped back. Even between all his flirty aura and wanting to play and be loved by this Twink Ghost, he still respected Edwin and was pretty much consensual (the bracelet not because again, it's just the punishment because of what Edwin did to the cats), like proposing counting cats instead of pleasing him physically as soon as he realized Edwin wasn't in that lane.
By the end of the season, he's the one that changes the less respecting from where they started (I think). He's still a flirty, charming, iconic, still respecting and asking for the hug, this time only calling him from the distance because he knows the context, they're mourning Niko, he can't be that flirty or attention seeker, he knows how much she meant for Ed. The flowers scene where it's both flowers for him but also for her (the flower's meanings about rebirth, purity, innocence. I think it's how Niko was for this world, but also huge kudos to this Reddit when I was looking for the flower scene)
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Monty: tricked Edwin so the witch could have her revenge.
Monty is a Crow Familiar. He ofc owes loyalty to his witch. He was turned into a human with the condition of helping his master. And he catches feelings. He's been a human since what? Less than a week? He gets hooked by Edwin. He loves Edwin. When they kiss and Edwin says he doesn't love him back, he's hurt. And he's Esther's familiar. What did she do once she didn't get what she wanted? Plan on revenge. He's still hurt, he thinks Edwin didn't care about his feelings. He even said they shouldn't be friends anymore.
Damn, he even went along deeper even thinking that they wouldn't get the case since they were Ace Detectives, until he heard that the fungus ate ghosts/spectrals so this wasn't an easy revenge. He tried to lead them/him away from it. Then Cat King interrupted and well, shit went down. More hurt feelings, more disgraces. He gets back to Esther who dislikes that her dear crow familiar was on the side of Edwin and caught feelings. He didn't want to feel like that, he didn't ask to be hurt, didn't want to be human and have feelings. Ofc he couldn't be with Edwin as long as Esther is his witch, she still has control over him. And yet he tried to go against her orders. He even helped Charles getting away on last ep.
Charles: said cruel words, wishing he never died and throwing in his face that Ed would never be able to keep the group together because he can't and he lacks Char's charisma.
Charles was fresh from living on a loop that caught him because his reaction to trauma was too strong. He had to live(?) and watch over and over again a family suffering for the exact same thing that reminded him his living life. Even worse, he had to experience on bucle him trying to stop it just to be interrupted and made him watch it until the father was done, looking at the corpses and then the gunshot. Tell me about feeling helpless and useless when you are stuck on a loop where your attempt of trying to help it's not working and you are seeing it over and over again. Ofc he was more than upset for not being able to help, to stop Crystal from getting hurt, from Edwin lying to him because Ed was troubled in his mind, and Night Nurse reminding him the physical violence he lived, how he died.
Charles and Edwin died at 16. Sixteen. How many things they could've experienced but never happened? They'll never get to grow up. He died and he never had a chance to stand up against his dad and protect his mom. He lost the chance to keep the bullies away from others. He lost all the sensations, he lost most of his senses. Not being able to enjoy things because he can't feel them. He misses spaghetti, he said he might miss kissing (he and Crystal kissed, he said he didn't feel anything but well, as long as she does, he's okay with it). He misses being able to have people his age to hang around. And everything was taken away from him.
Ofc he tries to be positive about it, he tries to be useful to make up for not helping when he was alive. He didn't want to be like Brad and Hunter, but he wanted to be that cool guy loved by everyone and was an actual good person. You can't hold on a smile for too long without it turning into a fake one after having all of that. All those years he shoved away the familiar violence, until he had to live it again, two times, and see that he couldn't stop it. He's hurt by everyone (Edwin lying to him, the whole Crystal's case still unsolved, etc), and he reached the limit. Are you telling me he would just smile again and pretend it was nothing? He'd been doing that for so long, and now he was unable to hide it again.
And last but not least, Edwin.
Edwin Payne, sassy Edwardian Era Teenager who has an ego so big you can see it from space, plays hard to get on the cases, thinks he's better/smarter than anyone (one thing is being it, other is claiming it), thinking everyone is on his same level or page (the whole Does that look blue to you? We have the same left! Implying that what he says and knows are too obvious that forgets not everyone thinks like him. I relate to that soooo bad) Shoved away more than once Crystal, has more salt than the Dead Sea, calls out more than once Charles for trying to keep Crystal around, when Jenny was calling Crystal out for running or whatever he was shocked that Crystal wasn't paying attention to him like how dares she ignore me. And don't get me started with invalidating everyone's feelings when they said they were hurt or living a nightmare... We got it. Hell was a literal hell. But you're dealing right now with a girl who's around 16-18 and you're trying to solve her case, not a competition about "Who suffered the most".
Ofc at the end of the season he's finally fond of Crystal, he was finally accepting her as part of the team even without her powers, he's now able to express better his feelings, better at setting and saying things and stop assuming everyone is on his same level, he starts caring about people like Monty (even after breaking his crow heart, he apologizes and tries to explain that he was new to that as well and things could've been with them staying as friends until Cat King made his entrance and the reveal, Cat King with the whole Cat Mouse Game he was able to again, start accepting he has feelings and being the way they are is not bad, able to set boundaries, even allow himself to play silly things like actually counting the cats.
Edwin had to go through a lot of things to be able to actually be open and grow as a character. I feel everyone likes Edwin at the end of the season or praise his Salty Sassy Edwardian Teenager phase, and it's not bad, but please do not throw down other characters to get him higher. Or at least, don't throw them down like that. Do not treat him like it's flawless, just because you like his flaws.
I mean, I feel like I'm not writing nothing we haven't seen, like stating the obvious. Maybe a rewatch to see better the character arcs?
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reallifetangent · 28 days
Realization 2.0 (Cat King x Edwin Payne)
I really tried writing something, this is one of the two attempts. English is not my main language, and I also have to translate Ir(me) → Spanish → English → Making Sense in English. I didn't actually finish this one, so, have this draft. Sorry if it disappoints.
Based on the idea of How did Cat King react when he got back the bracelet. Technically is a One Sided Catwin, happens in the events of the series.
A loud noise surrounded in flames showed in front of his bed. Cat King (or Thomas) had been resting, after a whole night of chasing that stiff ghost, revealing the plan of that witch. Also deleting from his mind the rejection he suffered. It hurt more than anything he had ever experienced. Edwin put him in his place, he'd give him that. The thing between them was just the bracelet. Other than that, Edwin had no reasons to be around him.
Back to the noise, he looked from his upside down near the border of the bed at the piece. Wanted to believe his eyes were lying. Wanted to think it was just a joke. It was impossible. Got up and turned to take a better look, still at distance, and the closest cat got the message, leaving via one of the windows of that old warehouse. Thomas got up, fixed his fluffy coat and picked up the metallic piece with a cat shape. "You clever ghost", tried to lie to himself. Wanted to believe it was another part of their game. Edwin would come in, proud and stiffed, claiming that he found another way to get rid of the attachment. Thomas hurt Edwin's pride and autonomy when he paid back the little spell the ghost boy put on one of his cats. Last night, Edwin hurt Thomas back, reminding him he was nothing, and no matter what, he would never change his mind about him. Now he could give the knockout and show himself, maybe to prove once again he was one step ahead, or that he would always find a way, like any other of his cases. And that was what Thomas found so attractive and magnetic about him. Those egocentric moments where Payne found and put himself above everyone because of course he would be right. He was always right.
He saw and sensed the marks or forcing the bracelet, all failed, the lock never gave up. Some tracks of useless spells that didn't help him either. No gadget or trinket from Magic Mick would be at his level. He really tried everything to get away from it, didn't he? Thomas wanted to believe, again, that it was just an attack against losing his autonomy and escaping the... Night Nurse? and Death from coming after him and his violent pal. Not Edwin wanting to get rid of Cat King. Maybe in another circumstances, maybe without the binding spell, he could've gotten closer and with better results, like that crow, Monty. But he liked playing chase. He was a cat, after all. "I'm such a believer", he mocked himself, trying to think that he could've gotten the ghost if he wasn't as playful and that detective weren't fun to test against his old ways. He liked scratching to get his attention. He liked seeing his reaction at his scenarios, the panics Edwin had which left his spectral shape speechless, taking the truth out of his lips. The confusion when he revealed Monty's little secret, as he never lied and would never lie to him. For being a trickster, he was an open book for Edwin, even if he was new at facing his emotions. He liked making Edwin facing his emotions. "And now could be a nice chance to do that. The whole A detective does whatever to finish a case", he screamed in the room, still in the mind scenario. He wanted to see Payne's witty face. The "I'm not playing your games even though I liked this little game between us." Deep down, they both enjoyed it, too many times he makes pride of comebacks against that psychic friend of theirs, or praising himself in silence when he was right about a case. Would he even try to deny he went to their lighthouse meeting just to see if he had at least a 'tic' of advantage on the Counting Cats Game?
Because he didn't count all the cats, that was for sure. He had to hear the results himself, and let him free. But no signs of him.
"Sir, there are no tracks of that ghost twink in Port Townsend." He turned at the army of cats in front of him. Good, they took the liberty to check everywhere.
"His little friends are out of town as well. Without any goodbye." Huffed in a laugh. "I'm hurt."
"No, my Lord. Only him." The cats stepped back, as Thomas turned facing the wall. "The cricket bat ghost and the bratty teen were talking about going to hell to take him back." His slit eyes were scrounging the neon crown sign. Impossible. How come they got caught? How come Edwin was now away for God knows how long?
At least him away in London meant he could travel to see him again. Hell was more difficult. Even if Edwin made it out, it's fucking hell. He was gone. Unreachable. Not even wasting his 7 remaining lives could guarantee he would get to see the ghost in hell to bring see him back.
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reallifetangent · 1 year
Due to Hogwarts Legacy endings that Sebastian fell into Dark Arts but he didn't make it to history, he didn't affect the Wizarding World in ways Gellert and Albus did.
Dates fit. Ominis was born around 1875-1876, Albus in 1881, when Albus was 18 Ominis was 24.
Please let me know if you might be interested or something please i don't like being alone with my headcanons.
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reallifetangent · 1 year
A small headcanon/fanfic of an idea.
Might be Gaullow/Sebinis, but can be taken as them just being friends too.
I don't think this needs warnings. I just leave things in the air but no big details.
Small detail: Mikka Callyps is MC.
Puppet lines
Whenever they had to take collective showers with the rest of the students, Sebastian and Ominis awaited patiently for the rest of their housemates to leave the bathroom. Sebastian didn't have that trouble in showering with the rest, but Ominis... Having to leave aside his wand and being more vulnerable in a bathroom full of naked and prankster guys was not his best scenario. And Sebastian knew it too.
Both used to talk to while showering, like they didn't see each other during the day. But somehow, after fifth year, Ominis ended his cleaning way before his friend did. No particular reason, Sebastian tended to spend more time checking himself out and sing any tune his head came up with.
One night, while Ominis was starting to dress up, towel covering his waist, Sebastian came out of his shower to get his forgotten towel, when he saw it. Marks all over Ominis' arms, legs and a cross over his chest. Like the strings of a puppet. He used to notice small details on his friend, but he became more reserved of his body after 5th year, where Mikka casted Imperio over him in order to prevent Ominis giving away Sebastian and his lately more frequent interactions with Dark Arts. Sebastian noticed small rings on Ominis' fingers and small lines over the location of the bones of his hands while Palm Reading at Divinations, but nothing else seemed to be out of place.
Now he was staring at the almost naked body of someone that important to him, carrying the consequences of an attempt to stop him. He was looking at the marks left by Imperio, as a reminder of how far he got that someone had to cast that unforgivable curse over his most precious person, besides his sister. Guilt was a really kind word for all the things he felt, and how, apparently, his friend couldn't tell the visible white lines all over his body.
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reallifetangent · 4 months
This might be a confusing/weird take, but I feel like LifeWeaver/Niran Pruksamanee falls in the aromantic spectrum. Don't get me wrong, it's part of the Projecting onto my favs and a thought I wanted to explore.
Niran loves everything. Loves the planet, loves healing, loves how imperfections make beautiful things, loves his friends, his workmates, the sentient entities. But that's just his normal love. No romantic feelings. Sure, he's still pansexual, he can have one night stands or more casual partners, he can flirt with anything that can answer back (and of course really respectful for ages or relationship statuses), but if you ask him if he ever felt romantic love, he would have to take a long pause and realize that he never did. He'd been with people who made him feel safe or for fun, and he remembers them with love, but it's the same love he had for people like his parents (even if they don't talk anymore) or ex classmates. Loving comes so easy to him that he doesn't know how a different kind of love (aside from caring for every entity) feels like.
Just imagine dating him and there's no literal difference between you and a close friend of his, only intimacy on certain points, but he still takes friends on "romantic type" dates, a huge level of caring, personal knowledge, trust... Probably a Queerplatonic relationship at most but rarely romantic feelings involved.
He belongs in the aro spectrum (because I don't deny he could fall in love) but he doesn't know how the romantic feelings feel, and never stopped to think about it because that's his normality. It's some kind of "Loving so much that you end up loving nothing"
This is all a personal Headcanon/take. People ship characters with others or add/modify their bodies (piercings, tattoos, scars, gender expressions) to accommodate their ideas, I wanna have mine which actually don't affect anyone's, I'm a Canon OCD and I like having ideas that don't affect or oppose the canon.
Please don't attack me if you don't agree.
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reallifetangent · 1 year
Hey, it's me, with another Ominis and Sebastian mini fic/headcanon.
This time i got a bit more violent and decided to plasm my perception of the MC (here named Mikka Callyps) and the Sebastian Storyline through Ominis.
Warnings? Mentions of death of characters and spoilers of Sebastian's Storyline.
Ominis had a rough relationship with Mikka. Alright, they still were close even after the years at Hogwarts came to an end, but Sebastian's absence was making Ominis' heart getting smaller. His head losing track of spaces, his body feeling unwelcomed without his friend around. And even if Mikka was there to help him with the pain or whatever, he would never forgive them.
Ominis didn't need functional eyes to see how unfair was everything. And how normal it was for others. Mikka asked Sebastian to learn the Cruciatus Curse and casted it on him. Sebastian taught them how to cast Imperio, and nonetheless they casted it over Ominis in order to protect Sebastian. He also heard the hordes and groups of ashwinders or bandits slowly disappearing, not because they willingly left the towns around Hogwarts, but someone with great powers make them, even using recourses as violent attacks ending heavily injured or even dead, some using the Killing Curse. Sebastian knew how to cast Avada Kedavra. No one in their senses could teach it at Hogwarts, unless you were that insane.
Mikka, in Ominis'perception, were in love at first sight with Sebastian. And their actions proved that they would even kill for him. They supported the twisted ideas of Sebastian to get a cure for his sister just for the sake of Sebastian liking them back. Mikka got in so much troubles just to side with Sebastian, push him further in the madness and Dark Arts 'till the No Return point. And Sebastian liked having that kind of ally after Ominis didn't agree with it.
And he wouldn't have a problem with it if it wasn't of his best friend rotting in a reformatory or Azkaban, expelled of his life, while Mikka was walking like nothing mattered. Hypocrisy at its finest.
War Hero? History won't remember their name.
He was aware of someone he knew they did worse things and in bigger amount than his friend, who might secretly hid his will to kill his own uncle. He was having around a killer, someone who didn't need the Killing Curse to get rid of people dangerous for commoners. Mikka was walking free, with way more blood on their hands than all the students together. And his best friend was paying for a small mistake in comparison. Maybe he was biased to Sebastian? Probably.
The butterfly effect of Mikka getting into their lives made him lose his best friend, maybe forever. The domino effect of Mikka being so people pleaser that even himself fell for their charms and opened the chamber and way to Sebastian's insanity. He would never forgive the person he knew they were pushing so far their luck. It didn't matter they saved Hogwarts from Ranrok and something about a magic source so powerful... He would never perceive them as a saint, as someone who saved us all, someone who didn't do anything bad. Dare to lie to his face. Mikka was no saint. No matter what the world tried to show him.
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reallifetangent · 1 year
Hello, Tumblr, it's me, the one who mixed Gaullow x Grindeldore, now letting you know I've been mixing for a while The Owl House with the Wizarding World universe, started ofc with Grindeldore but now I'm having so much mental fun with Gaullow (and more specifically Ominis) on the Boiling Islands universe!
I know my writing skills are as good as Ominis' eyesight, but well, i can still work in Headcanons or drawings or small writings of specific situations.
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These are some of my takes i started to write on my insta, but i leave it here so you can see where's my mind when talking about the crossover.
I know I'm weird doing this kind of posts knowing I'm not that good at writing but i like making concepts and people reading/listening to it and actually giving me opinions or ideas.
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