#razor x Bennett
bbtenoji · 11 months
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I'm glad you're okay
(old rannett art oct. 2021)
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wolpattinger · 11 months
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holding hands 🥹
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ikusz · 11 months
when the art unblocks 🐺🔥
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snekjoy · 10 months
I genuinely can't believe that the rannett windblume thing happened, like???
They get trapped in a cage together, which is just. Such a romcom trope and then while they're there Bennett gives Razor all his food because he's worried for him ANS THEN THEY WRITE A LOVE POEM TOGETHER
Like it's not even me going "Oh this is a love poem bc I say so" THE POINT IS THEY WERE WRITING LOVE POEMS, TRAVELLER SAID IT WAS FULL OF ROMANCE, AND
"You and the Mare Jivari
So close and yet so far
One at the edge of the world
The other in the center of my heart
Wolfhook and dandelion
My Windblume offering to you."
That's so fucking romantic and Bennett needed another windblume to use than dandelion so what does he do? Think of another flower himself, like his ascension mats or something? NO HE ASKS RAZOR AND PUTS RAZOR'S WINDBLUME INTO THE POEM!
People's choice of windblume is a personal thing!! Most Mondstadters have their own idea of what the windblume is so Bennett including Razor's choice (which is entirely unconventional in that it's not a flower and is only in Wolvendom) makes the poem so personalised to Razor!! He could even have said Windwheel asters or something bc those are his ascension flowers but NO! He made the poem about Razor's Windblume choice!! (And his ascension mats)
Let me ask you: if someone is giving someone else a windblume and they choose a Wolfhook, would you assume that the person receiving or giving the Wolfhook is the one character we know to live in Wolvendom, aka the only place Wolfhooks grow? Yeah you would assume that wouldn't you, so why is Bennett writing about giving someone a Wolfhook as windblume in a romantic context if it's not about Razor???
And then the most damning piece of evidence: RAZOR SAID THE POEM MADE HIM FEEL WARM AND TINGLY!! GAYASS
And don't think I didn't notice that the first few lines of the poem are about the contrast between the emotional and physical difference between the person the poem is about and Bennett. Razor lives in Wolvendom, putting him physically distant from Bennett, but they're "friends" anyway!! They hang out!! They write love poems about each other!! Bennett speaks to Razor in a way softer voice than anyone else!! They're close!!
Also, while Bennett was writing this poem he was "so close and yet so far" from Razor because they were IN THE SAME CAGE BUT DIFFERENT COMPARTMENTS. That makes them close, but unable to actually be next to each other!!
Also, after this, Venti says the poem is good and invites Bennett back to go to a bar and celebrate. Bennett declines, not because he doesn't like drinking or because he has some vague other thing to do but because he wants to go explore with Razor specifically. They then disappear and appear next in the cutscene, where Bennett is teaching Razor all about adventuring and says "WE need to bring more food next time, or you'll go hungry!" HE MEANS THEY'RE GONNA CONTINUE TO HANG OUT AND THAT THE NEXT TIME WILL BE WITH RAZOR AND HE WANTS TO ACCOMMODATE FOR RAZOR'S QUIRKS LIKE HOW HE CAN EAT LOADS AND STILL BE HUNGRY!! HE'S MAKING CHANGES TO HIS OWN LIFE TO BETTER FIT RAZOR!!
And Razor also makes changes for Bennett!! He doesn't like loud stuff or people who talk too much (which makes me think he's autistic but we move that's a different post) and the reason he was at the Thousand Winds Temple in the first place was because Wolvendom was too loud! This establishes he struggles with loud noises, or the fact that the hunters in Wolvendom talk too much.
Also, in the cutscene for that Windblume, they're headed into the city. We know the city is filled with people, especially during a festival, probably way more people than Wolvendom, but he still goes because Bennett is there. He's following Bennett into somewhere that makes him uncomfortable, which means he trusts him already!!
Also, in his voiceline about Bennett, he says he talks a lot. He acknowledges that Bennett talks a lot but he doesn't have an issue with it! He says "eat with him, never full" which could either mean Bennett keeps stopping to talk or that Razor doesn't want to stop hanging out, so he's never full because he doesn't want to be done with the meal. It could also mean that he's never "full" or sick of Bennett's talking which is just adorable.
Also, in the susbedo event, Paimon asks Bennett where Razor is, meaning whenever she sees Bennett she expects to see Razor. You realise this means they probably hang out so often people see them as a pair? Inseparable?
IN CONCLUSION they're so in love they're basically canon, they have so many signs and hints and stuff that suggests they're way closer to each other than anyone else. Basically whenever we see one of them, they're with the other or the other one is close behind. They're so in love u guys
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suke-iii · 1 year
at this point it’s like they’re not even trying to make razor and bennett out as these guys that just kind of chill time to time, they’re literally making them each other’s worlds because when we talked to Bennett in the dragonspine event paimon really just said “okay but where’s razor huh” she can’t even separate them in her mind and like when razors event happened they just needed Bennett to show up and bring him a flower it could’ve been anything but it was a plant and who gives plants that look like flowers to each other huh? couples. people in love. people like razor and bennett.
they started off slow with it like okay they’ll have some voice lines about each other and some references to them maybe being friends in birthday art and stuff, and then they were just like “let’s make Bennett basically write a love poem for razor and proceed to have them spend the rest of windblume, the festival of love, together” and then they just kept it going.
look at them now. it’s like they can’t stand not being within a mile radius from each other because literally like most of the time we see them they’re just together. razor event? throw in bennett. genshin animal video? throw in dog razor and weasel? bennett together. web event? throw in razor and bennett holding hands. razors birthday art? throw in a gift from bennett. lantern rite promotional video? throw in razor and bennett. windblume? throw in razor and bennett. bilibili official art? throw in razor and bennett. probably more examples that I just can’t remember.
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theorbitart · 9 months
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Razor x Bennett (art made by me✨)
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Here’s the fic for October 3rd ^^
Razor x Bennett
I hope you all enjoy<3
Day 3 - Cuddles
It rarely snowed in Mondstadt, unless someone wanted to include the Cryo Regisvine and Dragonspine as tourist attractions. Nonetheless, there are days when the wind can be nippy and the ground grumpy and brittle. Some Mondstadters say it means Barbatos is warning them that the crops must be rotated. After all, planting grapes for wine over and over will ruin the land. Alas, on the days that are this abrasive, the boars are easier to catch. Everything is less nomadic in the cold.
“Brr…it sure is a bit chilly…huh, Razor?”
The wolf boy nods, “yes. Today is cold. Cold give more meat.”
“Why is that?”
“People cold stay inside. Animals cold huddle together.”
“So…more boars will be huddled in groups rather than scattered around in a field?”
“Hehe, nice! Where do we look first?”
“I lead, you follow.”
Razor continues down the trail as his friend follows.
“Bennett,” Razor says, “you seem cold.”
Bennett smiles dismissively, “well, it’s a bit windy and stuff, but don’t you worry.”
“No, teacher says we can catch a…cold.”
“Oh, yeah, I guess if you get too cold, yeah you can get sick.”
“I have an idea to help.”
“Oh? Whatcha got in mind?”
Razor takes Bennett’s hand and leads him to the ring where Boreas resides. Instead of going into the arena, the wolf boy leads the adventurer to the large fallen tree trunk off to the side of it.
“Here,” says Razor, “lupical rests.”
“Wow…it’s very spacious!”
“The tree blocks the wind- cold wind- and rain. It helps keep warm.”
“Hehe, that’s cool.”
Razor sits down on the ground, patting the spot next to him for Bennett to join him. Bennett sits beside Razor and the wolf boy nuzzles into Bennett’s chest, trying to use the friction and body heat to keep his friend warm.
Bennett giggles, putting his hands on Razor’s shoulder, “hey- hehe- Razor! That tickles!”
“Snuggle gives warmth, no tickles, Bennett.”
Bennett falls back, laying down on the ground as Razor continues to snuggle his head into the adventurer’s chest.
Razor wasn’t wrong though…to a point. It did help keep Bennett warm, but the feeling of Razor’s coarse hair on his clavicle had the dexterity of a claw with the flexibility of a feather.
Razor stops for a moment, “lupical does this to stay warm. Is it working?”
Bennett nods, “well…yes…I do feel less cold, actually…”
“Is it time to continue the hunt?”
“Well- I mean…I am quite comfortable, uh- aren’t you?”
Razor tilts his head, “mm…yes.”
“So…can we just y’know stay until it warms up, then?”
“Hm? Does that mean you are still catching a cold?”
“No, it’s just I wouldn’t mind staying here for a bit longer- hahahaha!”
Razor starts snuggling Bennett again, “lupical is stronger than the cold!”
Even if it meant the hunt would wait, Razor wanted to make sure his friend was safe and healthy. After all, lupical is family.
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kyzellar · 11 months
🍭 💕Planning on being a little more active on here so I'm looking for mutuals / blogs to follow 💖
I constantly switch hyperfications but atm it's:
TMNT (tcest)
Genshin Impact
I am proship but everyone is welcome as long as you are friendly <3
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kappatoes · 2 years
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linachuu · 2 years
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they stand like they are cool sportsmen
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adventure boy bennett and his feral wolfy boyfriend who doesn’t mind his chronic bad luck
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foureyedronin · 1 year
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woof woof spark spark
(the poem is from book:  The Language of Flowers: An Alphabet of Floral Emblems (London; New York: T. Nelson and Sons, 1857. I couldn’t find the author. Maybe someone knows?)
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thatidiots-art · 1 year
Happy birthday Bennett!! <33
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◇ please follow me, thatidiots_art, on twt/insta for more :D
◇ my carrd: (in readmore)
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snekjoy · 1 year
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Rannett <3 <3 <3
They're just. So cute guys
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by-ag-mn · 11 months
I didn’t delve into the lore of the game much (or for the most part I don’t remember, because I rarely go in), and even more so I rarely read the lore of characters, but I can say one thing:
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Mika is the son of Bennett and Razor (voice reminded Razor, and Bennett’s appearance)
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cakeheavenly999 · 3 months
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
bennett x razor wc: 1372 tags: fluff/kissing not beta read!
i really like the bennett x razor ship! but i also ship barbra x bennett and fischle x bennett because he is very silly and cute hehe. i only ship razor with bennett though... theyre so cute together!!
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bennett looked out of the cabin window with a despaired sigh. yesterday evening he had made plans with barbra. offering to collect red wolfhook berries for her tomorrow so she wouldnt have to venture out during her busy duties in the church. unfortunately the weather the next day had turned sour. as he traveled into the wolvendom to pick the berries, bennet was completely unaware of the storm clouds rolling in. and as he wandered deeper and deeper into the forest, the thunder and rain began. the feral boy had been doing some scavenging of his own before the storm arrived. and it werent for razor, bennett would most likely be face down in a mud puddle trying to make it back to mondstat.
he had been forced to sit and wait it out in an abandoned cabin razor had brought him to. “it was supposed to be nice today…” he grumbled with his arms crossed as he began to pout. “miss. barbra probably thinks i stood her up…” he mumbled as the rain pelted violently against the glass of the lonely, little cabin. “hungry?” razor asked bennett from behind and the adventurer turned to face him. the intense scent of grass and soil made bennett lean in closer out of comfort and he smiled at the feral boy. “ah, yeah. i can try to make-” razor shook his head and raised his gloved hands. “razor do it.” he offered hurriedly. bennett laughed nervously and turned back to the window. “ahhh, yeah. right. if i tried to cook i would probably burn the cabin down!” he scratched at the back of his head with a weak grin. “it would be my luck…” he trailed off and razor gently patted him on the back.
bennett relaxed against the gentle touch and razor assured him he could give cooking a shot. bennett trusted razor to not kill them both with food poisoning. and then his mind began to wander towards how bad he felt for leaving barbra hanging in the city, waiting for him to show up. how bad things always happened to him. the pelting of the rain was almost hypnotizing, pulling the boy deeper into the gloomy mentality. he was lulled into a numbness from the scent of toasting bread and frying eggs. “did i do something to upset the archons?” he whispered to himself with furrowed brows. bennett felt frustrated, and razor was starting to notice the depressing aura around his friend.
the adventurer flinched, feeling the sudden touch. when he smells the calming scent of the forest, bennett relaxes again. razor wrapped his arms around bennett, squeezing the other boys body tightly with a soft huff. his chest flush against the other boys back. “stop.” he growled and rested his chin in the crook of bennetts neck. “eat with razor.” he instructed as a fire lit within the adventurers chest. the close contact was comforting. razor had become much more fond of touch and skinship the more bennett came to see him and bring him into the town. to think that the feral boy would be comfortable enough to give bennett a hug all without verbal prompt made the adventurer feel… bashful. “a-alright, alright. ill come and eat with you.” he broke away from razor, his ears bright red and burning. he approached the small stove with razor. the wolf boy seemed to puff with pride as he motioned to the food in the metal pan.
bennet was amazed at how the egg turned out perfectly crispy and fried, a little singed around the edges to give it a crunch. the way the toast was a golden brown instead of a jet black. and how the ham wasnt dry and hard, it was soft with a pale pink flavor, making it safe enough to eat. “woaah… im glad my bad luck didnt rub off on you.” he whispered as he pointed to the pan with a smile. “maybe my luck will start to turn around and i can still make time to see miss. barbra!” he was starting to feel motivated again as razor began to frown. but before he could speak bennett hurriedly grabbed the toast from the pan, only to fumble it and drop it egg-side down.
the two stood in silence with only the rain filling in the gaps. “ah, well… at least you still have yours!” bennett remained optimistic, stepping away from the small stove to look around the cabin for something to clean up the mess. “bennett.” razor called the other boy's name, wondering why bennett didn’t just eat it anyway. razor eats food off the ground all the time. is it not something that ‘people’ do? the adventurer continued to search until he felt a gloved hand yanked at the back of his top. “bennett.” razor sounded a little more stern now.
the feral boy held out the breakfast styled lunch. his head tilted and he waited for bennett to lean in. “if razor holds it. bennett can eat it.” the wolf boy had caught on to the logic that by feeding bennett, there was no risk of the toast falling face down. “eh?! razor it’s fine-” the toast was thrusted towards bennett’s lips. “bennett eat too.” he grunted with a scowl forming. the adventurer could feel his heart starting to swell that even someone as feral as razor was willing to share food with him.
the adventurer took a small bite, chewing carefully as his cheeks began to burn. the way razor’s bright red eyes studied him patiently… the way his lips accidentally brushed the wolf boy's fingers… bennett pulled back, almost choking on the food as he raised a hand to cover his face and raised the other to be outstretched. “i had some…” he mumbled as razor grunted in response, and took a bite from the toast next. from the same spot that bennett ate from. the adventurer stared in shock with a gentle shake of his head. “razor- wait! you can’t bite from that spot!” bennett wailed and yet he made no effort to stop razor from eating. the feral boy seemed confused by his friend's distress. “why?” was all he uttered.
bennett hesitated with his hands tightening into fists with a small shake of his head. “it’s… it’s the same as kissing. and we can’t do that.” he explained as his face started to turn red. “kiss?” razor sounded confused by the usage of the word and held the toast back out to bennett. “sharing is kissing?” he sounded lost and the adventurer shook his head. bennett didn’t feel uncomfortable with the situation.
he should feel uncomfortable. right? he should feel embarrassed and horrified that he shared indirect kisses with someone he considered a friend. but he didn’t. bennett felt bashful.
“n-no… kissing is… when you touch your mouth with someone else's. you do it with someone you really, really like.” bennett explained. not realizing how poor his explanation was for someone as simple as razor. “someone you like a lot…” he mumbled and shifted on his knees. his heart was pounding as he lifted his head to meet the feral boy’s gaze.
the two sat in silence, facing one another as razor moved closer on his hands and knees. “bennett.” the name slipped past the feral boy's lips in a whisper. “kiss?” razor asked quietly, using a politeness bennett had never seen before. razor was asking him for a kiss. the adventurer was silent as he stared in shock. big grass, green eyes staring into razor’s sharp, berry red. “y… yeah. that’s fine with me.” bennetts heart was thudding against his ribs as the two of them closed the gap slowly but surely. their knees now touched, and their noses were only millimeters apart.
as their lips slowly meshed together bennett savored the salty taste of the ham. his hands laced tightly with razors, and he finally began to relax as the pair remained connected. completely unaware that the rain had slowed to a stop, and the sun had begun to peek through the graying clouds. casting them in a soft golden light through the wet window of the cozy little cabin, deep in the forest of wolvendom.
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