#rare buzzships
thethirteenthcrow · 3 years
hiii! what’s a fic that lives in your mind rent free? what ship haven’t you written for yet but you’d like to? top 5 tropes?
em!! okay let’s see
what fic lives in your mind rent free? 
darling it’s a faded notion | varnes | 28k | complete
The sun is too bright and Ryan’s whole body is alight with something that is eating him all the way up from the inside out, but he keeps his eyes open and he makes himself look, and he tells himself that once he finds Shane, he’ll think about it. Once he finds Shane, they’ll make a plan. Once he finds Shane, and only then, he’ll let himself have the thought he’s been swallowing down like bile since he came to: that they didn’t fall.
They were pushed.
OR: Ryan and Shane get cursed by a ghost, and now they can't be not-touching. It's ... not great.
chicken | bloodyloveletters | 6k | complete
The principle of the game of Chicken is that while either player prefers not to yield to each other, the outcome where neither player yields is the worst possible outcome for both players.
When Shane finds a new thing to tease Ryan over, he thinks it will be harmless. But it ends up changing their friendship forever.
we’ll make a brand new start of it (in old new york) | misantlery | 9k | complete
“Just to be clear,” Andrew says. “You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend at a party to spite your high school bully and your high school girlfriend and possibly the entire state of Ohio?”
Steven giggles. “Spite’s such a harsh word. Shock and impress, maybe.”
“For a man of faith you’re being awfully morally flexible about this,” Andrew says.
believer | cellard00rs | part of the bonded series, which is 233k
Some demons and otherworldly creatures love climbing up the power ladder. Shane is not one of these. He likes where he is (thank you very much) and has no interest in moving up. All he wants is to give his friend Ryan a nice birthday gift. So, naturally, everything goes to hell.
teacher’s pet | chapscher | 24k | complete
“You aren’t describing a teacher’s pet! You’re describing… I don't know the name for it. Someone who tries to seduce their teacher so they can get a better grade.” “Isn’t that a teacher’s pet?” “No!” _ Ryan is tired of losing every episode of Puppet History and asks Shane to tutor him. Shane obliges and tries to keep the tutoring session on track even as they distract each other.
we were wrecks before we crashed into each other | uneventfullhouses | 24k | complete
Cleo’s smile is soft. “Shane told me his memory. What’s yours?”
“Less about memories,” Ryan says truthfully. “More about the future. Where we’ll be and such.”
Arching a brow, she drops her arms, so she clasps her hands in front of her hips. “Where do you think you’ll be?”
Ryan laughs. “Dunno.” He isn’t brave enough to say that he does know that Shane will be there, somewhere, wedged between the regular, the obtuse, the breathtaking, the wild. The generic and the extraordinary. The weird and the wonderful.
or; this week on Weird and/or Wonderful World, Shane and Ryan visit a record shop.
ok so these are just a FEW of them but they’re the first ones that came to my mind - i know u asked me for like one but there’s too much TALENT in this fandom to only mention one. here is a link of most of my favorite works in the fandom (and i’ve been slacking with adding some so please if you read it and your work isn’t here don’t be offended i’ve barely been adding fics to the list).
what’s a ship that you haven’t written for that you want to write for?
oooh boy!! let’s see - i’ve at least four standrew wips that i really want to write! and a few shyan-with-standrew-as-background-ship that i’m stoked for. then i really love stamandrew but i haven’t had any ideas for it, as well as for steshyan because hello they started a company, how gay of them. i’m also stoked to write any shyanara or sharyelle or any variation of it because i am very intrigued and excited but i unfortunately haven’t had any ideas for this either :// - if you ever want to cowrite and have a fun idea PLEASE hit me the fuck up.
top 5 tropes
enemies to lovers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fairytale au’s !! please !!!! i love them we-can’t-stay-5-feet-apart-without-touching and suddenly we’re gay (please we have only two in this fandom and i owe phyllis and varnes the world for writing these gems) Fake/Pretend relationship and oh how i wish we weren’t pretending literally Any Supernatural Au in this fandom my god they’re so good
hi this is a long-ass answer whoops !! thank u for sending this Q dear em <33
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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Octoberfest2020 | A buzfeed creation challenge
Come join us in celebrating rare buzzships, from October 1st to 31st, 2020!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship, with a fall/halloween/spooky theme. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the #buzzfeedoctoberfest, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
   Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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thethirteenthcrow · 3 years
A question for shyan discord. If i, a rareships shipper, join in on this writing challenge, am i allowed? because all of the writings for the prompts i saw on ao3 are mostly shyan. Also like do we have to share our writings in public space or is it okay to be like 800 words on discord chat? Also is it okay to write a more platonic story with that prompt?
Thank you!
the prompts are mostly written to be shyan bc that’s the main focus of the server but do not forget about this rule of thumb in the challenge
it will always be your work. create something of your own. something you love. something you’ll be proud of. your work.
i hope to inspire with the prompts, challenge u to write something u normally wouldn’t, or just, to write.
and yea!!! if you prefer to keep your story to the discord alone, that’s super cool too !! (do tag me bc i, a himbo, will miss it and i WANT to shower every creator with love)
and yes!! if you want to write platonic ships, rareships or use the prompt for completely different people, that’s fine too because it’s your work.
hope this answered your question !!✨
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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AU August | A buzfeed creation challenge
Come join us in celebrating rare buzzships & AUs, from August 1 to 30, 2020!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship, with a AU theme. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the #buzzfeedAUaugust, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
   Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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Sweet & Saucy Summer | A buzfeed creation challenge
Come join us in celebrating rare buzzships & summer, from June 1 to 30, 2020!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship, with a summer theme. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the #sweetsaucybfsummer, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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Sweet & Saucy Summer starts tomorrow!
Come join us in celebrating rare buzzships & summer, from June 1 to 30, 2020!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship, with a summer theme. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the #sweetsaucybfsummer, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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Octoberfest2020 Starts Tomorrow! | A buzfeed creation challenge
Come join us in celebrating rare buzzships, from October 1st to 31st, 2020!
Create  something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship, with  a fall/halloween/spooky theme. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the  #buzzfeedoctoberfest, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post  to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your  fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
  Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
what if i can’t join?
please,  please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and  also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their  creations!
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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Two Days Left to join AU August!!
Come join us in celebrating rare buzzships & AUs, from August 1 to 30, 2020!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship, with a AU theme. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the #buzzfeedAUaugust, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
   Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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Sweet & Saucy Summer starts TODAY!
Come join us in celebrating rare buzzships & summer, from June 1 to 30, 2020!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship, with a summer theme. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the #sweetsaucybfsummer, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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AU August Starts Tomorrow!
Come join us in celebrating rare buzzships & AUs, from August 1 to 30, 2020!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship, with a AU theme. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the #buzzfeedAUaugust, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
   Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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Last Day to join AU August!!
Come join us in celebrating rare buzzships & AUs, from August 1 to 30, 2020!
Create  something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship, with  a AU theme. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the #buzzfeedAUaugust, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post  to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
  Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
what if i can’t join?
please,  please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and   also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their   creations!
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rarebuzzships · 5 years
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Celebrate the holidays with a buzfeed creation challenge!
Come join us in celebrating the holidays and rare buzzships, from December 1 to 31, 2019!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it and use the #rarebuzzfeedholidays, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt List under the cut for inspiration!
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rare ship love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
rarebuzzships’ holiday event official prompt list:
New Years
Ice skating
Holidays in the sun
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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Last Day To Join Octoberfest2020! | A buzfeed creation challenge
Come join us in celebrating rare buzzships, from October 1st to 31st, 2020!
Create  something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship, with  a fall/halloween/spooky theme. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the  #buzzfeedoctoberfest, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post  to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your  fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
  Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
what if i can’t join?
please,  please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and  also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their  creations!
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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2020 | A Year of Rare Buzzships Events
hello lovely people! i’ve been brainstorming a bit about the future of events on this blog. i do want regular events to keep the rareships interest alive, but we’re all very busy so i want to space them out a bit to have time to prepare and make your rewards between each. i figured i would announce the schedule already so you can start thinking of future fills!
February: Femslash February
April: Polyamory Extravaganza
June: Summer Event
August: AU August
October: Fall/Halloween/Spooky Event
December: Holidays Event
i’ll have more details for each of them in their respective announcement posts, but for now, hit me up if you got any questions!
keep creating and spreading the rare buzzships love <3 i can’t wait to see what y’all come up with!
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rarebuzzships · 4 years
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Come join us in celebrating rare buzzships & summer, from June 1 to 30, 2020!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship, with a summer theme. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the #sweetsaucybfsummer, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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rarebuzzships · 5 years
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@rarebuzzships holiday event starts today!
Come join us in celebrating the holidays and rare buzzships, from December 1 to 31, 2019!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any rare buzfeed ship. Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it and use the #rarebuzzfeedholidays, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
check out the rules and the prompt list here
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