#raph appreciation cuz he deserves it
vazaez · 2 years
The one and only 🏃✨
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temunitu · 2 years
oh boy, rewatching Rise with 1-2 episodes a day is giving me a new perspective on the whole show (I'm talking mostly about character development, plot, pacing, etc.)
disclaimer: this is NOT meant to discourage anyone from watching the show, nor is it meant to attack anyone who enjoys the points i criticize. these are merely my opinions and i respect anyone who thinks differently from me. 
read more because i'm incapable of keeping my thoughts short:
first off, when i first started watching Rise, i was completely smitten by the show. the first few episodes that aired before the rest of the show started playing on tv, i watched religiously. it was my favorite tmnt iteration for a LONG time and i still hold it near and dear to my heart. 
but it was not perfect. nothing is, really. 
Donnie - i’ve reblogged and mentioned how i didn’t appreciate how the writers handled Donnie’s development in Rise. Again, if you’re a Donnie fan, i can still see why - he’s a fun character. To me it just got old watching him run in circles.
Mikey - i had so many thoughts on my boy so i put it in a separate post - TL;DR Mikey didn’t have much development himself, the episodes he supposedly does were problems that got introduced and solved in the same episode, and Mikey acts as more of a hype-man/therapist and feels more like a background character than a main character. I might be biased cuz he’s my favorite, idc. he deserves more spotlight.
Draxum - season 1, he’s great. It’s season 2 that fell short with me. Not all the post-redemption episodes bugged me, he still feels largely in-character in mystery meat and the finale. I think it was hidden city’s most wanted that really… seemed off to me. Maybe it was the fact he was a teddy bear, idk, but him using Mikey as leverage against Splinter irked me. Draxum and Lou/Splinter had hardly any interaction in goyles, goyles, goyles so their “rivalry” felt really forced. i could see Splinter hating Big Mama since their relationship (was implied to have) lasted WAY longer. Draxum kidnapped and experimented on Lou in the same day and they'd barely met. idk, it felt rushed.
Season Two - i don’t blame the writers for this, i blame nickelodeon for cutting the series short so we didn’t get to experience the series in its rightful glory. but even leading up to the finale, it feels like there’s so many gaps missing in how characters and their dynamics change.
unbalanced focus - related to some of the previous points, but there really does seem to be a lot more episodes revolving around Donnie and Leo more than Raph and Mikey. i get why Leo and Don are fan favorites since they get so much more screen time than the other two, but Raph and Mikey had so much potential that just got shrugged off. Especially Mikey (don't @ me, he deserves better)
yes, the show got cut short. It’s still easily one of my favorites (especially season 1) but there were so many episodes that felt like there was a gap (like characters developed off-screen). I know the writers were pressed for time but season 2 just didn’t quite hit the same. Some of the episodes are still amazing/my favorites, but there’s a couple that really bugged me.
but my biggest complaint is still directed at nickelodeon/viacom for pulling the plug before giving the show a chance. most of these points would probably have been addressed or fixed if we'd gotten the full season 2 the writers had planned for.
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Repairin' the Baron
Okokok- this episode??? SO GREAT??? the Mikey content??? the Raph content??? THE OVERALL FAMILY CONTENT??? yeah, so anywaysssss-
-Say what you will about Draxum, but he honestly treats his workers with respect. He took good care of Hugin and Muninn, and he took the time to interact with characters that would’ve been seen as mere henchmen by others... 
-APRIL!!!! I’M SO HAPPY TO SEE HER AGAIN!!!! Also Raph is being 100% precious and helping her out
-”Normally, it’s just a lot of clip-clopping, but lately, iT SOUNDS LIKE A DINOSAUR ON A TRAMPOLINE”
-it’s actually a dinosaur on a trampoline
-”And to make sure that neighbour is not scared, a disguise.” *puts on thug mask* I seriously wanna know what would’ve happened if it was a normal person
-”I told you Carol, I do not want to meet your daughter”
-”Dinosaur-trampoline always cheers you up, so I thought I’d try it on Baron Draxum!” 
-”I do feel my confusion being replaced by joy”
-He was trying to make Draxum happy by bouncing around, and Draxum jUST LET HIM IN, AND PAID ATTENTION????
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-also, this pure orange boi saw their enemy living on the streets, homeless, and the first thing he did was try and help him
-Dr. Positive
-”But, he’s also the one who created us, and that makes him family!” I’M NOT CRYING, YOU ARE
-ok, it’s already been mentioned, the perfection of this scene, but let’s go over it again quickly: 
1. Splinter, Donnie, and Leo were very excited to meet April’s parents. 
2. Splinter made sure they were in matching outfits, and made food (without Mikey’s help) bc they wanted to make a good impression.
3. Them coming in just to see Raph holding up Mikey in a dino suit probably gave them whiplash, and it didn’t help that Draxum was there as well
-Leo and Donnie casually betting on stuff
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-my sister and I at family dinners
-”No, no, he’s right. If I still had my powers, I could create tHE MOST LOATHSOME CREAMED CORN MONSTER EVER SEEN”
-”and do not get me started on Carol” I want an episode abt Draxum and Carol, this seems very interesting
-”Which part of the human is it made from?” “What? No, it’s made by humans, not from them” *throws in away in disgust*
-”He created us Raph! Without him, we wouldn’t even be here”
-I’m not sure what makes that line hit so hard? Maybe it’s Raph’s reaction to it, or maybe it’s how intensely Mikey says it?? we all know that they were just turtles before, but none of them have really said it that openly themselves... idk, it’s probably a weird feeling for them
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-Let’s just appreciate how much better they’ve gotten at fighting for a second
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-I really want more on April and Draxum!!
tl;dr THE EPISODE WAS SO GREAT????? I DIDN’T THINK I’D LIKE THE SHEEP-MAN ANY MORE THAN I ALREADY DO, BUT I’D DIE FOR HIM???? Also Mikey is pure, and deserves the world, but what else is new? also Draxum is giving him attention as a father-figure, and it’s really nice to see
Sidebar: Mikey looks absolutely terrified in this shot, and the person to snap him out of it was Raph
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I’ve already mentioned before that it seems like Mikey relies a lot on Raph for stability (more than Leo and Donnie), and idk, maybe we’ll see more of it in the future... or once again, I’m just looking into Mikey’s reactions waaaaay too much XD
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boneswriteswords · 7 years
Dating Raphael Would Include (SFW):
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- This poor guy has no idea what to do with tbh (other than not so secretly obsess over you)
- Tries so hard to do romance but he is a clumsy and nervous boi with more than a few issues with himself and his place in a relationship. The thought counts and he appreciates all the thanks you give him.  
- He has an existential crisis like twice a month, particularly around holidays, birthdays, and relationship milestones. You have prepared a kit to help deal with them.  
- R E L E N T L E S S about making you blush. He wants your face cheeks pink all the time (ass cheeks came later but he has other ways to make those ones pink *wink wink*)
- If there is no room for you to sit, he will make room. He will let you have his chair. He will clean off the table or counter for you. He will catapult any of his brothers off the couch to make room for you to sit.  
- On the same note, he also motions to his lap and you immediately know to sit there cuz he wants you stupidly close.
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- If you are asleep and he is awake, he will poke your feet until you wake up to give him attention.
- His voice drops like three octaves when he talks to you. Cuz he is a big mush when it comes to you. He whispers things to you a lot too. He has this urge to just be soft when it comes to you.
- S c e n t kink. Holy shit does he like to stick his nose in the areas where your scent is the strongest. His favorite thing to do is curl up in his warm basking spot with his nose in your neck. Even more so when he smells like you and you like him. (Give him a little thing of your body spray as a gift and waaaattttcccchhhhh)
- Knits you a large red sweater with a giant R on the front.
- Your rage is cute to him. You know, as long as it's not at him. You are passionate about a lot of things so sometimes, just to be a giant shit, he'll slip something into the conversation that will get you raging. ( "Babe, I don't know. I don't see why you don't like John Winchester. He seems like an ok guy." "HE WAS A SHITTY DAD AND THOSE BOYS DESERVED NORMAL LIVES OK FUCK JOHN WINCHESTER!!!!")  
- Butt grabbing. 'nough said.
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- Dropped the L bomb first. Didn't even realize it. Got very worried when your eyes got watery and handed you a tissue very awkwardly.  
- Everyone calls you when Raph is in a mood. Like they don't even bother trying to talk to him anymore and just go right to "Im calling your girlfriend just gimme a sec before you break any more stuff."
- Fully expects you to participate in family things without actually inviting you. Will come to your place with a look of 'da fuck are you doing here?' if you don't show up on time to the event you didn't know was happening.
- Iron grip + late sleeper = Raph. If you are an early riser, it isn't happening. He isn't getting up and he isn't letting you go, get over it.  
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- Will use you as a weight when he bench presses. Don't ask, its part of the routine now, just go with it. (Lowkey he is just showing off and wants to touch the booty)
- Because he is so big, you often have to stand in front of him so people know you are in the room too. Its funny when he pushes you behind him because its like you disappeared into thin air. poof! gone. Where'd she go?
- He gets into the nest/bed first because if you do, he flings you off with the force of his body landing on the bed.  
- This conversation:
Raph: Y/N is feeling down. What do I do?
Donnie: Well have you tried just randomly telling her ‘you’re beautiful?’
Raph:  Hmm.. good idea. Thanks Donnie.
Raph, waking up next to Y/N the next morning: Morning babe, I’m beautiful.
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