#rambling commences
loveis-mine · 21 days
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i really wanted you to be the hero of this story, you know?
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the references i was working with btw. the speech bubble said smth but whatever
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ivy-and-ivory · 8 months
I keep picturing this scenario where Batman has never told the Justice League his secret identity or anything about his kids. And then one day, for whatever reason, the Red Hood crosses paths with the JL, and it becomes clear that he knows all their identities. Cue mass panic: they all gather in the watchtower to figure out what to do about this huge security breach. Everyone is freaking out, shouting, wondering how the hell the Red Goddamn Hood of heads in duffel bag fame knows that mild mannered journalist for the Daily Planet Clark Kent is actually Superman.
Batman is being suspiciously silent.
Eventually someone turns to Batman and is like what the hell, you’re more paranoid about secret identities than all of us put together, why aren’t you freaking out? And Batman tries to deflect the question somehow, like I don’t believe Hood intends to use this knowledge against us, which just gets alarm bells ringing for everyone in the room because did Batman?? Just say he doesn’t think someone might use sensitive information against him??? BATMAN???!!!
So everyone’s freaking out even harder now, but then someone, maybe Clark, starts connecting some dots about Batman’s strange behavior and asks, “…Batman. Did you…already know? That the Red Hood knows our identities?”
And Batman rumbles and grumbles but it becomes clear that yeah, actually, he’s known this for a while.
So now everyone’s not just stressed about the identity breach, they’re also pissed because what the hell, Batman??? This known criminal knows our deepest, most guarded secrets, and you didn’t think that maybe we should know that????? That maybe that was important information for us to have????? How did you even find this out?!? Why didn’t you do anything bc about it?? How did- … How… Batman? …How did the Red Hood? Learn. Our identities?
And then finally someone, maybe Barry, is like, “Uhhhhhhhaha Batman? You didn’t. You didn’t tell Hood our identities, right? You didn’t…Batman?”
Batman doesn’t respond.
The table goes dead silent.
Because like. How is Bruce supposed to explain to this table of people that don’t know who he or Hood are that yes, he told Hood their identities literally years ago, without explaining that Hood was Robin. How is he going to explain to a Hal that’s trying to strangle him with his constructs and a Diana that’s staring at him like she’s never seen him before and a Clark that’s giving him the biggest kicked-puppy eyes you’ve ever seen that yeah Hood knows but it’s alright! He’s not going to do anything about it they don’t need to stress. That’s his son that’s his baby boy
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gaylactic-fire · 1 year
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ttaibhse · 28 days
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my goal was 4k in 30 min really really didnt think i was going to make it 🥹🥹🥹
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psychopompoi · 2 months
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Thinking about them.... Ex scientist Mechanic living in the wastelands for blackmailing the government x scrapped android soldier that she rebuilt from her car.....
Aka. Dr caligaris cyberpunk grandchild x android cesare the somnambulist
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queenofbaws · 7 months
gonna be real with you guys, i've been doing a lot of thinking lately and i just...........
we should've had the option to make sam totally snap in-game. just absolutely, totally snap.
i think it would've made all that stiff smiling in her police interview 1000000x better/worse, and god help me, the parallels to josh would've been delectable.
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dootznbootz · 4 months
Water Wife™ questions >:D 4, 5, 14 and 25!
HELL YEAH!! Thank you, Niko!!! The Water Wife™!!!
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? She's already a book and already technically a musical but I SO badly want just the whole Epic Cycle like an anime or simply animated, possibly like Castlevania or Blood of Zeus or something. Not as a children's cartoon. Those are fun but...I want real shit! >:D With the fight scenes! That's more with the Iliad but still!!!!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? Quite a few, and some I've mentioned before but yeah! The Chain by Ingrid Michaelson as it talks about waiting for your love to come back, (it's a song that can mean anything but it works). And I like imagining it's her unweaving the shroud and getting more frustrated that she has to do this in the first place and with the big round of the chorus at the end, I like imagining it's her, stopping for a bit as tears well up. The Round quiets down, and she wipes her face before continuing to unravel the shroud.
It's a cover song of Davy Jones lullaby thing, and it talks about waiting 10 years for your lover to return and talking about how "You're kind of insane...That's hot." basically 😂 (It does get loud though!)
For MY OWN STUFF??? This is more in her youth but "Just Around the Riverbend" from Pocahontas (Yeah, I know it's a messed up and inaccurate movie but the songs, especially this one, are great), as the vibes and "I'm going to go fuck around in the rapids." is definitely what I'm going for with her. She's sneakier about stuff though.
And "When He Sees Me" from Waitress, when she first meets Odysseus. As she does not trust him and doesn't think he "really means it" and she's kind of making excuses until she can't and it's a confrontation between.
There are not many songs about sneaky women other than ones about having an affair which is so NOT Penelope :'D There's most that are about sneaky couples but never about one person that's still saying "that makes you cool af" you know??
14.) Fashion aesthetic!!! The nice thing about being a naiad is that if her clothes get dirty, a quick flick of her wrist means she can clean herself up really quick. And because of this, she does like looking nice and prefers clothing and jewelry that she can move freely in and won't "drag her down" while swimming. With Jewelry, that's probably smaller but intricate earrings, broaches, necklaces, rings, headpieces, etc. (she has a habit of breaking bracelets, idk why she just does.) And ofc, will often have items to honor Athena :D
I'd like to think it'd be partially why she is so into weaving (as from what I've researched Noble Spartan women didn't do that, the slaves did. Granted that was in later periods but I'm going with what we've got and even though I'm going with the idea of everybody just doing what they're good at, no gender roles are really considered.) While sewing wasn't something done in Ancient Greece, I do love the thought of Penelope basically folding the fabric in ways that cause a lil pocket for her to sneak shit. >:D Lapis Lazuli is her favorite stone to wear.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Okay, so! Since I first into the Epic Cycle stuff with Epic, I had basically gone with what everyone else kind of thought of her as. Quiet, sad, sneaky...sad, 🙃 as... most depictions of her are basically her being a wife and mother, her crying while unweaving the shroud, Odysseus thinking of her which yes!!! All true!!! But then I read the Odyssey and holy shit, she's so fucking cool and I wish more people talked in depth about her own silliness and personality outside of those things!!!
The "Sneeze of Death", her staring down that one suitor who was all like "What??!?! Kill your son?!!? NOOOOOO" and just refusing to take his bullshit, How she grabs Odysseus by the scruff because "Uh, I love you and we'll get to smooching but what did you say about a prophecy???", not only because she WILL get the answers she needs from you no matter what but also because she KNOWS her husband will tell her. How she absolutely KNEW the beggar was her husband, (Ima write an analysis on that soon...along with Odysseus' "rules"....and how "You can have Penelope be a fighter in your fics... but don't you DARE make her fight the suitors without Odysseus there." essay thing...I have a lot :'D ) There's so many other little moments that shine through as remember, girly is STRESSED TF OUT!!! She's just been found out with her unraveling, she's trying to keep her son, herself, and her palace/authority safe. She is going through so much!!! She's so incredibly cautious!!! She's so silly!!! ioh;isdjk I really love exploring her and her character so much!!!
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I love her so much 🥺 She could rob everything I own and I'd be fine with that
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cloudravine · 8 days
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fleetstreetpies · 8 months
I’m back on my Sweeney Todd shit guys get ready for me to learn to make meat pies (but not like Mrs. Lovett because I don’t wanna go to jail)
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driedupeyeballs · 2 months
JWCC is is the only piece of fiction to nail that autistic joy squeak when Darius does the “D📈I📉NOSAURS???”
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le-agent-egg · 18 hours
Happy pride
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oh-gh0st · 8 months
i am fr committing to this idea
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bottomvalerius · 17 days
when it rains it pours man, just found out one of my uncles died
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writingonleaves · 2 months
finally set free from the 2023-2024 devils season. thank god.
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lost-kestrel · 2 months
Booping on mobile love and peace on planet earth I can participate this year
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sumerananubis · 6 months
It had been a long day and a long couple of hundred years before that, and Nahida knows how much still there is to be done. Sumeru needs people like Cyno who have the nation's best interests at heart more than ever as powers settle.
Eventually, she runs out of administrative topics to exhaust, duties which can only be delegated to the most dependable official that serves her.
"I was asked somewhat recently to pose for a portrait," she starts conversationally. "For a card game, to my understanding. The one that has gained popoularity as of late. They were even so kind as to present me with multiple copies of the finished product, all adorned by a golden border."
Her face is just a shade shy from bashful, unmistakably child-like in her vibrancy.
"I'm still learning the rules and how to strategize effectively, however a deck needs only one of each character card. I'd be happy to give you this card as thanks. I have yours too, so I thought it might be fun to play together."
He was always happy to help Lord Kusanali, it was part of his job after all. But when the tasks end, he expects that to be the end of his time in her presence as well. After all, she was the Archon of the nation and he was the General Mahamatra, they both had tasks to be completed, surely.
But then she mentioned the portrait, the card game and offered the very card she had posed for. Cyno's demeanour changed from serious Mahamatra to something just a slight bit more like an eager puppy. Genius Invocation TCG.
"It is only the best card game in Teyvat," he started, his eyes sparkling a just a little more. "I would be happy to teach you how to play, and some fun tricks that a lot of players don't consider."
And from Nahida's demeanour, perhaps he could allow himself to slip more into excitement over his favourite pastime instead of shoving all of it behind a mask.
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