#rachel/alexis rose
hullomoon · 6 months
hullomoon's 2023 works: part one
it’s the end of the year, which means it’s time for a work round-up! i had a pretty busy year so i didn't post as much, but i also know i did more longer works. so it probably balances out in the end. if you haven’t yet, check out my 2019 roundup, 2020 roundup, 2021 roundup, and 2022 roundup! all works are ordered in chronological posting order.
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
[podfic] don't blow those pipes | Schitt's Creek | David/Patrick | 03:25
Patrick picks up another new instrument. David is not thrilled.
[podfic] your love is a secret i'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep | Heartstopper | Nick & Nellie, Nick/Charlie | 0:10:06
“You know, you’re technically the first person I’ve come out to. Or first… creature.” Nellie licked his face. Or, five times Nick could only talk to Nellie about his feelings for and about Charlie, and one time he found the courage to talk to a human.
[Podfic] Haus Bylaws that Need Added to the Wall: No Hanging Chads | Check, Please! | Gen | multivoice | 0:10:37
If a Chad approaches Lardo, allow her to set up fucking ruining him before pouncing. [sub a) In all cases of Chad, Shitty is wingman because Bitty punched that one Chad.] (sub b) He deserved it.) {sub c) He totally did.}
[Podfic] winter's upon us, so won't you stay? | A League of Their Own (TV) | Jo/Maybelle | multivoice | 0:23:15
“I was just so worried about you when you left,” Maybelle says, eyes wide and full of softness. “I wish I coulda been there to take care of you, honey. You deserved that. You shouldn’t have had to leave alone.” No one has wanted to take care of Jo in so long. or: jo goes to maybelle's for the holidays, and finally figures out what she wants.
snowed in with you | Schitt's Creek | Rachel/Alexis | 4,079
Rachel just wanted to get away and destress. Then she learned that someone else was already at the cabin. And then they got snowed in.
99 Podfics | Podfic Fandom | multivoice | 0:16:01
Voiceteam Mystery Box 2022 presents their project for the "It's a Trap!" challenge. The challenge was: "Create an audio fanwork with contributions from at least 90% of this round's Voiceteam Mystery Box players. If at least 90% of players contribute, every Voiceteam player gets 90 points outside of their point cap. If less than 90% of players contribute, nobody gets any points. Either way, this challenge is completely meaningless pointswise." We didn't quite get to 90%, but we did make some beautiful chaos!
you came in like a wave when i was feeling alright | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 840
Eddie likes to watch the rugby team practice
[Podfic] Sherlock Sands and the Mystery of the Pie Thief | Schitt's Creek | Alexis/Twyla | multivoice | 06:19
When Twyla Sands' pumpkin pie disappears from the table, she goes on a quest to discover the thief.
[podfic] a boy, a tender age | Stranger Things | Joyce & Steve | 01:08:53
Joyce Byers loves her boys. So when she's walking down the hospital hall in the late afternoon and she looks into a room, empty save for a lone boy on the bed, she thinks, well what's one more? my 101st podfic
[podfic] Haunted Doll Watch: Magic Earring Ken Doll Edition | Supernatural & My Brother, My Brother and Me | multivoice | 0:11:10
The listing: Haunted Ken Doll Seeks Gay Owner (Lesbian or bi okay too)
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diioonysus · 11 months
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flowers + art
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cheesed-14 · 2 months
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This was so fun to do!!! I usually draw the same 3 characters so this really helped me get out of my comfort zone. Also Rose has such a cute design, I really should draw her more sjdndfhh
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scrarefest · 1 year
SC Rare Fest is returning!
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Looking for stories about the Rose family and their friendships with all our favorite Schitt’s Creek characters? Interested in exploring the relationships between our favorite townies? Want to explore how Ronnie got to Schitt’s Creek, what Patrick and Derek talked about during rehearsals, or who bought a tarot card reading from Twyla? What about all the potential throuples and moreples in this universe, or the rare ships that could’ve happened with a canon divergence? Or some post-canon happily-ever-afters, both romantic and platonic? SC Rare Fest is for you!
We are super excited to share that SC Rare Fest is returning for another round of fun!
Quick Details
Works featuring rare ships of all sorts are welcome
Works featuring gen stories of all sorts are welcome
Works based on rare/gen stories of all sorts are welcome, including podfic, art, filk, and everything else!
There WILL be catch-all prompts!
We ask that your work not be centered around the David/Patrick relationship. While it can be in the work as a background element—of course David or Patrick may talk to a friend or family member about their relationship!—we ask that your work be centered around their relationships with others. For example, what do Patrick and Stevie enjoy doing that David hates? What does a shopping spree between David and Alexis look like? Do Johnny and Patrick ever watch another baseball game together? If you have any questions about the intentions of this fest as it pertains to David/Patrick, we are happy to share more of our thoughts!
Important Dates
Prompting is open January 30-February 13
Works are due April 9
Posting will take place from April 10-14
Creators are revealed April 17
Our ask box is open if you have any questions. Help us spread the word!
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gold-as-hera · 2 years
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stereopticons · 2 years
wedding (x3)
the @schittscreekdrabbleblog word of the week is wedding, and this is technically not within the rules because they are loosely connected, but I did it anyway!
Rachel runs her finger along the scalloped edge of the invitation. It’s a simple thing and only a sample; picking an invitation style was one of the last things they did before Patrick called off the engagement. She held onto it after he left in some misguided hope that he’d find his way back to her. She knows now that he was never hers. It hurts in a way none of the other breakups did, a deep aching in her chest that she’s not sure will ever fully heal. 
She sighs heavily as she tosses the invitation in the trash.
Stevie is happy for David, of course she is. Patrick is good for him, and getting married to someone who adores him is all David has ever wanted. But somewhere deep inside is a stubborn, persistent ache. She probes at it like a sore tooth for days until it comes to her. 
What if it’d been her?
She knows she and David are better as best friends than they were together. But it doesn’t mean she doesn’t wonder about what could have been. 
She’s happy for David, and for Patrick. But there’s a part of her that will always wonder.
Alexis blames her tears on the fact that she can’t remember how many glasses of champagne she’s had, not the way David and Patrick look so happy wrapped up in each other in the golden glow of the reception. If she’s honest, if someone asked, she would have said she’d be married before David. But here he is, incandescently happy while she’s still picking the shattered pieces of her heart off the cafe floor. 
What if she never finds someone?
A glass of water slides across the counter. Alexis looks up to see Twyla’s sweet smile. 
Maybe she already has.
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scraregenrecs · 1 year
Rare & Gen Rec Round-Up - January & February 2023
Hello friends and welcome! We hope 2023 has been treating you all well. It’s certainly been treating AO3 well. There have been so many great fics and we’re excited to share our favorites with you. So, make sure you grab a snack, your favorite blanket, and show these fics some love. 
at every table i’ll save you a seat by @nerdframed, Stevie/Ruth, rated T, 2,082 words
SUMMARY: Stevie didn't think Ruth knowing how she takes her coffee would mean so much, as well as other realizations.
Rec [written by hullomoon]: The unspoken way a partner learns little details about you is something that makes me 🤧 Woven throughout their travels, this is a perfect Stevie/Ruth fic.
Auld Acquaintance by @treepyful, Stevie/Ruth, rated T, 2840 words
SUMMARY: Ruth gets separated from her friends on NYE, but the night manages to go up from there.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: Okay, I might be biased, since this was written for me, but I love that this fic puts Stevie and Ruth into situations and tropes that we don't usually see for them. It's a breath of fresh air for these two, and the momentum towards the end is so fun!
a decision not taken by @alysiswriting, Patrick/Rachel, rated G, 775 words
SUMMARY: If Patrick had made a very different decision, and put the happiness of others before his own.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: Thank goodness for the "alternate universe" tag on this one! This ficlet is gut-wrenching, but also so wonderfully done at the same time.
Gentleness by @alysiswriting, Stevie/Twyla, rated E, 1,037 words
SUMMARY: Stevie wants Twyla. In every tender, gentle way her girlfriend gives her. Something Stevie had never expected, and now something she would not be without.
Rec [written by hullomoon]: Soft and sensual, if you love one partner gently worshipping the other this fic is for you.
She said I got her if I want (she’s so soft like silk chiffon) by Fuckingkity, Stevie/Alexis, rated M, 1,350 words
SUMMARY: After David and Patrick’s wedding, Stevie and Alexis spend the night together. Wink wink nudge nudge
Rec [written by hullomoon]: I am so here for the headcanon that Stevie and Alexis hook up at David and Patrick’s wedding. Stevie’s confession is well-done here and makes her first kiss with Alexis so satisfying.
where you go (forever and ever) by @anniemurphys, Alexis/Twyla, rated T, 2489 words
SUMMARY: On a January weekend, as a storm rolls in, Alexis Rose rolls into Schitt’s Creek too, much to Twyla’s surprise.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: I love the childhood friends trope, and we don't have enough of it in this corner of the Schitt's Creek fandom! This is such a fun take on Alexis and Twyla, haunting and moody and full of a quiet, hopeful optimism all at the same time.
you spoke to me so sweetly by @hippolotamus, Alexis/Twyla, rated E, 2653 words
SUMMARY: Alexis hums her appreciation, letting her eyes fall closed while Twyla repeats the circuitous route, and breathing in the blend of lavender and lemon oil her wife insisted upon for “calm and good luck”. The temporary serenity only lasts for three or four passes until a light knock at the door interrupts. She doesn’t try to hide her instant pout when the gentle pressure disappears and she’s forced to open her eyes again.
Dr. Rist breezes inside, far too perky in Alexis’s opinion. Perhaps it’s a good sign. Despite her nerves, Alexis plasters her PR smile on, and clasps Twyla’s hand – the only tell she’ll allow to indicate she’s worried while they wait to find out what kind of life changing the appointment will be.
“Well,” Dr. Rist says. “Alexis. Twyla. Sorry to keep you waiting. Let’s begin, shall we?”
Rec [written by doingthemost]: Mind the tags on this one, as there's some medical angst a fair amount of hurt/comfort, but if you want to feel warm and taken care of just like Alexis and Twyla take care of each other in this beautiful lil' fic, look no further. 
Happy reading, friends!
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elevatefemslash · 2 years
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The time is here, and the gateway is now open!! Sign up for this year's Elevate! exchange today!
What’s Elevate!?
At its heart, Elevate! is a Schitt’s Creek exchange that centers on Alexis, Moira, Jocelyn, Twyla, Stevie, Ronnie, Gwen, Ruth, Tennessee, Heather, Rachel, Shannon, and any other non-male character from the show.
You can participate in two ways:
Sign up for the exchange! You let us know what you want to receive and what you want to write, and we match you with a new friend. And now's the time to sign up for this year's Elevate! exchange!
Submit a solo work! Add a work to the collection—fic, art, podfic, or anything else—before the due date, and it’ll get posted as part of the releases.
Important Dates:
Sign Ups Open: August 1-14
Matches Delivered: By August 16
Works Due: October 9
Works Posted: October 10-14
Works Revealed: October 17
If I’m going to submit a solo work, do I have to sign up by August 14? No!
If I want to partner with a writer to create art, podfic, or something else, how do I get that set up? Email us at [email protected] and we’ll get you connected!
If I want to partner with an artist, podficcer, or someone else to have work included with my fic, how do I get that set up? Find us at [email protected] and we’ll take care of you!
Are there any restrictions on who can sign up? We only ask that fest participants (exchange and solo) be 18+. 
I have more questions! We have answers! Find us at [email protected] or here at our ask box!
Sign up for this year's Elevate! exchange today!
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The Crazy Bitch Around Here || Multi-Female
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jesuisici33 · 1 year
hi, always wanted to read Public Relations but wanted to wait until it's finished? Well now go ahead and read until you're heart's content! All 12 chapters (and epilogue) are now up for your reading enjoyment!
and for those who have been reading it as a wip, go read Chapter Twelve here. and Chapter Thirteen here !
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gunnerfc · 4 months
-> all 18+, minors dni!
-> splitting these up from my main masterlist since I don't fully write for everyone here!
-> i'm only doing a player up to three times!
Teresa Abelleira - coming soon
Mackenzie Arnold
Ona Batlle
Ona Batlle [bottom!ona]
Jen Beattie
Aggie Beever-Jones
Stina Blackstenius
Aitana Bonmatí
Aitana Bonmatí [top!Aitana]
Millie Bright
Mariona Caldentey
Ellie Carpenter
Kerstin Casparij
Steph Catley
Niamh Charles
Grace Clinton
Grace Clinton [bottom!grace] - coming soon
Laia Codina
Cata Coll
Kyra Cooney-Cross
Kyra Cooney-Cross [bottom!kyra]
Ana-Maria Crnogorčević
Rachel Daly
Elisa De Almeida
Sara Doorsoun - coming soon
Mary Earps
Ingrid Engen
Beth England
Magda Eriksson
Jana Fernández - coming soon
Jessie Fleming
Caitlin Foord
Emily Fox
Laura Freigang
Naomi Girma - coming soon
Katrina Gorry
Caroline Graham Hansen - coming soon
Alex Greenwood - coming soon
Patri Guijarro
Pernille Harder - coming soon
Tobin Heath
Lauren Hemp
Jenni Hermoso
Michelle Heyman - coming soon
Clare Hunt - coming soon
Sofia Huerta - coming soon
Amanda Ilestedt
Lauren James
Sakina Karchaoui - coming soon
Alanna Kennedy
Sam Kerr
Cloé Lacasse
Rose Lavelle - coming soon
Mapi León
Kim Little
Alexis Loera
Frida Maanum
Frida Maanum [top!frida] - coming soon
Katie McCabe
Kristie Mewis
Teagan Micah
Vivianne Miedema
Alex Morgan
Alex Morgan [top!alex] - coming soon
Esme Morgan
Zećira Mušović
Lena Oberdorf
Leila Ouahabi
Lelia Ouahabi [bottom!lelia] - coming soon
Salma Paralluelo
Irene Paredes
Victoria Pelova
Maria Pérez - coming soon
Claudia Pina
Claudia Pina [bottom!claudia] - coming soon
Clare Polkinghorne - coming soon
Christen Press
Christen Press [top!christen] - coming soon
Alexia Putellas
Alexia Putellas [bottom!Alexia]
Gio Querioz - coming soon
Hayley Raso
Feli Rauch
Misa Rodríguez
Fridolina Rolfö
Jill Roord
Alessia Russo
Alessia Russo [top!Alessia]
Alessia Russo [bottom!Alessia]
Ashley Sanchez
Ashley Sanchez [bottom!ashley] - coming soon
Amaiur Sarriegi - coming soon
Sophia Smith
Sophia Smith [top!sophia] - coming soon
Sam Staab - coming soon
Georgia Stanway
Ana Tejada - coming soon
Maya Le Tissier
Martha Thomas
Marta Torrejón - coming soon
Keira Walsh
Lia Wälti
Laura Wienroither - coming soon
Leah Williamson
Leah Williamson [switch!Leah]
Lynn Wilms - coming soon
Lotte Wubben-Moy
Daniëlle van de Donk
Bruna Vilamala - coming soon
Cortnee Vine
Tameka Yallop - coming soon
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hullomoon · 1 year
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snowed in with you
a gift for @turningtimeinthetardis
Rachel just wanted to get away and destress. Then she learned that someone else was already at the cabin.
And then they got snowed in.
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boobsperv01 · 1 year
my fav pornstars (in no particular order)
alexis fawx
shyla stylez
kendra lust
jasmine jae
rachel starr
maserati xxx
priya rai
holly halston
danielle derek
bridgette b
richelle ryan
canela skin
romi rain
sienna west
jayden james
brandy talore
riley reid
jewels jade
jada stevens
karma rx
bella bellz
diamond jackson
moriah mills
ryan conner
ava addams
lisa ann
eliza ibarra
august taylor
kianna dior
alura jenson
nikki benz
amy anderssen
mia malkova
eva notty
sensual jane
daphne rosen
rose monroe
alia janine
abella danger
gianna dior
blondie fesser
sara retali
victoria june
violet myers
sybil stallone
summer brielle
katie kox
alanah rae
lela star
melissa moore
alyssa lynn
autumn falls
valerie kay
diamond kitty
jynx maze
summer sinn
giselle marie
remy lacroix
reena sky
daniela hansson
ava devine
carmella bing
ava koxxx
amber alena
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allamericansbitch · 9 days
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Hi everyone! Here’s the newest addition to my Creator Shoutout Series (may 12 - may 24)! I want to appreciate editors and their creations that i love from the past 2 weeks. To track this series or look at previous shoutouts, please check out the tag on my blog *creatorshoutouts.
olivia rodrigo: guts (spilled) gifset by @swearphil
sabrina carpenter on snl gifset by @ayo-edebiri
orla gartland: little chaos graphic by @andtosaturn
succession gifset by @tolerateit
paramore: self-titled gifset by @7more
parks and recreation: ben and leslie gifset by @trueloveistreacherous
fallout: ella purnell behind the scenes gifset by @sersi
dirty dancing gifset by @andtosaturn
sabrina carpenter: emails i can send fan art by @gwcnstcy
gracie abrams: mess it up x risk gifset by @gracieabrarns
parks and recreation: ben wyatt gifset by @noah-price
scream 1996: stu macher gifset by @madalainepetsch
chappell roan gifset by @chappelroan
friends: monica and rachel gifset by @maddiebuckley
fallout gifset by @raiderlucy
spirited away + colors gifset by @simonghostrileys
sabrina carpenter: espresso on snl gifset by @tay-swifts
yellowjackets gifset by @bellamysgriffin
scream: sam carpenter gifset by @arcadiabay
chappell roan gifset by @chappelroans
schitt's creek: alexis rose gifset by @swearphil
scream 1996 gifset by @gracesledomas
gilmore girls gifset by @james-beaufort
yellowjackets: shauna and callie gifset by @taiturner
friends: rachel and chandler gifset by @blackthornluce
sabrina carpenter: espresso fan art by @bevsi
halsey: if i can't have love i want power gifset by @tolerateit
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scrarefest · 1 year
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Want more stories about the Rose family’s found family? Interested in exploring the relationships between our favorite townies? Want to explore Patrick and Ray’s relationship as roomies, how Ronnie joined the Jazzagals, or what happens to Alexis in New York? What about all the potential throuples, moreples in this universe, or the rare ships that could’ve happened with a canon divergence? Or some post-canon happily-ever-afters, both romantic and platonic? 
We are the fest for you!
How Prompting Works
Between today, January 30, and February 13, you can leave prompts on AO3! Any ideas for rare or gen works can be left here for creators’ inspiration.
We will have catch-all prompts, for those who want to keep their ideas secret (instead of posting and claiming their own prompt) or for fanartists, vidders, podficcers, etc. who wants to create work for this fest that’s based off of an existing work. They will be posted after prompting closes so they are at the top.
Prompts featuring any non David/Patrick romantic relationship, whether they are canon or not-canon, or any non-romantic relationship, whether they are canon or non-canon, are welcome!
We ask that your work not be centered around the David/Patrick relationship. While it can be in the work as a background element—of course David or Patrick may talk to a friend or family member about their relationship!—we ask that your work be centered around their relationships with others. For example, what do Patrick and Stevie enjoy doing that David hates? What does a shopping spree between David and Alexis look like? Do Johnny and Patrick ever watch another baseball game together? If you have any questions about the intentions of this fest as it pertains to David/Patrick, we are happy to share more of our thoughts!
To give everyone a fair chance at claims, we will be removing claims made earlier than February 13. We will announce on Tumblr when claiming is officially open!
Important Dates
Prompting is open January 30-February 13
Works are due April 9
Posting will take place from April 10-14
Creators are revealed April 17
Our ask box is open if you have any questions. Help us spread the word, and start prompting today!
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scfrozenover · 5 months
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It's the last day of reveals! We hope you've enjoyed all the wonderful holiday fics so far, and here are a few more tasty treats!
Creator reveals will begin one week from today (12/30)!
Merry Christmas, David Rose
[David/Patrick, E, 14,031 words]
He doesn’t have any intention of staying in Schitt’s Creek, he knows it’s a stepping stone on his path to, hopefully, something better for him.
And he can’t imagine working here for too long: a shopping mall named Pa-Ray-dise, for a ridiculous man that insists on using his face as a marketing strategy –despite Alexis’ best efforts.
He exhales and looks at the people closing their stores and getting ready to go home. In front of him, on the lower floor, he observes how Alexis’ brother closes the store he works in and starts rolling a scarf around his neck as he walks towards the exit. The thought that he’s beautiful surprises Patrick, who’s never thought about a man on those terms before. But he is. Jet black hair, perfectly coiffed, long lean legs, a strong upper body wrapped in an expensive looking coat…
David. His name is David, his brain supplies.
Patrick watches him leave, feeling unsettled by the sudden impulse to follow the man, and a strange sensation unexpectedly lodged on his gut.
A Cold Winter's Night
[David/Patrick, T, 5,148 words]
They fell asleep not long after sliding between the covers, Patrick spooning David, as they often did, already dreaming of the white Christmas he hoped they’d wake up to, and the prospect of sharing more Brewer holiday traditions with his husband in the morning.
What he didn’t expect was to wake up in the wee hours of the morning with chattering teeth and David clinging to him like a koala bear, not to mention a distinct chill in the air that was most definitely not right.
Johnny on the Spot
[David/Patrick, G, 3,727 words]
Patrick and David visit the Brewers for Christmas for the first time since Patrick has moved to Schitt's Creek.
we'll take a cup of kindness yet
[David & Rachel, G, 1,945 words]
He hasn’t actually seen Rachel since that fateful day at the motel. She didn’t come to the wedding, though she was invited. He knows that she and Patrick have been talking more and more, trying to work their way across the crevasse of time and history to becoming what they always should have been, which is best friends. David’s interactions with her have been minimal, though, and he definitely wasn’t expecting to see her here—he doesn’t do well with surprises, especially when that surprise is his husband’s ex-fiancée looking at mediocre cheese.
David runs into Rachel while on an errand for Marcy and it's definitely not weird at all.
[podfic] Friends and Family Night
[Stevie/Twyla, G, 17:01]
“I want to meet Twyla,” David said as he plopped into a seat next to Stevie’s desk. She raised her eyebrows at him in what she hoped was a very clear ‘no.’
Aka, the Score adjacent fic where David wants to meet Stevie's girlfriend Twyla.
CREATORS: If your works were released today, please don’t forget to update your posting date!
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