There was only ONE GOOD SUBREDDIT in ALL OF REDDIT and it was r/RomanceBooks, so I’m here to talk about historical romance, contemporary romance, dark romance, fantasy and science fiction romance, monster fuckers, and alien smut. No judgment, no beating around the bush (unless you like that kind of thing 👉👈), and no holds barred.
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Wife is handling the shutdown of Reddit (in general) and r/RomanceBooks (specifically) in the hottest of all possible ways.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Me on R/Romancebooks like “does anyone have any recs with this vibe? 🥺”
The vibe:
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ptolemaeaea · 2 months
i wish there were more contemporary romances like his secret illuminations
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magicratfingers · 5 months
Idk if you saw, but r/romancebook loves your regency wolf comic https://old.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/194jxqh/found_this_and_immediately_wanted_a_romance_novel/
Thank you!
Woah gonna have to check out all the recos in there 👀👀👀
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lupinedreaming · 3 months
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Found this post on the r/romancebooks subreddit. I love the wording of the first few sentences of this post 😂 But also … I get it
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animeomegas · 4 months
Have u ever read any fantasy books with a top reader/female character x sub male character? It’s so hard trying to find a romance book with those elements that’s not just harsh bdsm ong
Hmm, it's a tricky genre for sure, I totally understand what you mean.
I've read... two traditionally published books that were role reversal style, and only one was fantasy, but I didn't finish it because I honestly didn't find it that engaging.
I would recommend looking for recommendations on Reddit. Both r/RomanceBooks and r/RoleReversal should have at least a few recommendations.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help :(
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btssavedmylifeblr · 10 months
Hey Bee!!! Just came across a discussion on reddit about "dick" vs "cock" and I remember you had a discussion like that a while ago here! Some users are saying cock feels like something a white-coded guy is more likely to say, whereas a black guy would tend to say dick more often??? (I KNOW I'm not capturing the nuances of the discussion so I'll link it at the bottom.)
I'm neither and don't live in a white- or black- majority country, so I have no stake in this discussion, but I'm curious to know your thoughts!
Ooh, this is a really interesting discussion thread! Thanks for sending it!
So when this came up on my blog last time, the original person who sent the comment in said something along the lines of “authors shouldn’t use cock at all because it makes people of color uncomfortable”. But when I asked my fanfic author group chat about it, which included several black authors, they disagreed and said they like using both cock and dick in their writing and reading. But obviously that’s only like three people’s perspective and doesn’t speak for all POC.
In my own personal experience as a white American millennial, “dick” was the term that everyone used in middle/high school, was frequently used as an insult ala “dickhead”, and was used in various 90s teen sex comedies such as American Pie. So “dick” to me personally feels a bit silly and immature.
“Cock” on the other hand is a term I almost never heard or saw anyone use at all until I started reading adult romance fiction and watching porn. So “cock” to me personally lights up the “ooh sexy” part of my brain much more than “dick” does. But of course, the vast majority of adult romance fiction in the US is written by white women for white women and features white male love interests, so I could see how that could feel white-coded.
My two main takeaways from this discussion both on reddit and last time on my blog are:
1. Everyone has different reactions to how smut is written, some of which is based on their cultural background and some of which is just personal preference.
2. We need to promote and encourage a diversity of authors in both fandom and published romance so that all readers are more likely to find authors that they personally vibe with best.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
@ infidelity anon: YES I AGREE WITH YOU. I don't blame people for getting weird about infidelity but they absolutely do.
My truest guilty pleasure fic is the kind where A and C are in a kind of unhappy relationship and then A cheats with B and A/B is endgame. This is suuuuper rare to find, especially since I like a fairly sympathetic portrayal of all 3 people.
The kind of fic where A and C are in an abusive relationship and B saves A from it with A/B endgame is pretty popular and feels like an intensification of the above rather than something totally different.
(I hung around /r/romancebooks for a while and occasionally saw some people who liked a plot where A/B are in an established relationship, A cheats with C, and A/B stay together and are endgame, which feels like something very different but I thought it was interesting that "infidelity kink" or whatever can have two radically different interpretations.)
As a TMI aside, yes I think the reason that I like that kind of fic is because I've cheated before. It was physical for, like, 8 hours before I broke up with my boyfriend at the time, but there was some emotional buildup. Honestly looking back my real mistake was not getting out of a relationship that was making me unhappy sooner. I was young and stupid and YES the comment section is welcome to eviscerate me. I feel bad about it! But I don't feel like I'm marked with Cheater Cooties until the end of time.
+ on the infidelity ask, sorry IMO the idea that Only Bad People Cheat is harmful and contributed to my own infidelity. "Does this path end in cheating? Of course not that's a thing Bad People Do, I would never." (spoiler: I would, for you know like 8 hours) god damn I hope these asks are on anon
It's not about being Bad. It's about impulse control.
Look, this topic comes up every five minutes with the minority of people who like cheating fic going “Why is this very common hate a very common hate???” And invariably, people who want more cheating fic start going on about how fandom can forgive murderers.
But cheaters aren’t similar to murderers, and it’s only people who like cheating fic who make that comparison.
Cheaters are similar to people who yell at waiters.
Could they change? Sure. Do I expect them to change? Fuck no.
That’s why lots of people will read cheating that the text makes anomalous, like when a character is trapped by an abuser. That is absolutely not just a more intense version of a character refusing to leave a troubled relationship with an okay partner—not to a lot of readers. The trope must contain a clear reason why the cheating will never happen again for large swaths of Romance audience.
This isn’t “weird”. It’s highly predictable.
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takiki16 · 9 months
Umm… so what’s the subby murder bot book that 80 people are trying to read?
I'm tearing my own hair out in frustration, I tell you. I don't know if any of my holds are any good bc I can't READ THEM YET!!!
If anyone is looking for romance novels to read, I've found r/RomanceBooks and their Book Request tag to be very helpful as far as mainstream cishet recs. I scroll through the book requests until I see someone asking for a book that sounds like something I'd enjoy, and then check the comments. If I see a book linked that sounds interesting, I check out the free preview and then place a hold at the library if it's available (or request an inter-library loan if not). Their romance bot unfortunately provides links to goodreads rather than storygraph or similar, so if you are trying to avoid Amazon affiliates be advised.
The book that started me on this trend was found on this thread, and it was For My Lady's Heart by Laura Kinsale. Basic premise is a medieval knight that has essentially taken a vow of celibacy has to escort a princess caught up in intrigue to her castle. The author actually has a good grasp on medieval worldbuilding and writes in Middle English when the characters speak English rather than French, which REALLY tickles my heart. The book doesn't end as well as I'd hoped - a little too convenient, doesn't double down enough on subby murderbot-ness - but the journey and the writing is enjoyable enough that I would recommend it as a fun read.
I also recommend pretty much any of T. Kingfisher's romances, if you don't mind a little bit of...tumblr house flavor, I suppose? The author IS on tumblr and is very much a product of fandom, which might not scratch your itch if you are deliberately looking for contrasting tone, but I DEVOURED Paladin's Grace and the Clocktaur Verse (they are in the same universe but stand alone), since she also does some good horror stuff and has great worldbuilding.
I browsed around a little more and put a hold on The Highwayman by Kerrigan Byrne, Hot Blooded by Heather Guerre (although her werewolf romance VERY much turned me off, just couldn't stand the MMC), and His Secondhand Wife by Cheryl St. John, but have NO clue if any of them will actually deliver the very specific content I'm looking for in a romance novel. Unsatisfactory state of affairs ;_____;
If you want fanfic to tide you over, I put this list and this list together for femdom stuff!
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foxymoxynoona · 11 days
does your dentist even know BTS?? but hey, i have literally recced Amended a few times on r/RomanceBooks and some people on there (who weren’t armys, mind you) showed interest so
wait your mom knows you write BTS fics??? or does she just know you write in general?
Haha she does not, apparently she's just started writing and was really eager to talk to other writers which is sweet. Some of my stories I could not even BTS and she would probably just read them like normal.
My mom knows I write some fanfic! I've been writing fanfic since I was 8 hahas so it would have been hard to keep it a secret. I've told her premises of some of my stuff but haven't let her read anything in many, many years. I let her read one of my stories a long time ago that had a lot of sex and alcohol in it and I don't think she and I have ever quite recovered so she doesn't press LOL
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 months
girl you're like the entire r/romancebooks combined but with actual good recs?? i love it here <333333333333333333
Ohhhh you're too sweet! I enjoy that sub a lot (and have gotten good recs there!) but I do think they swing towards a certain type of book that is not *MY* favorite (KU contemporaries and super sweet romcoms OR badly done dark romance--I'm not a dark romance hater, but a lot of dark romance authors I've read... have really bad prose). So I'm happy to dig a little more for books that are more off the beaten path when need be!
Anyway, glad you love it, I'm very flattered :)
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cinnamonone · 9 months
I'm on r/romancebooks and someone tried to argue that the Bible is the "greatest love story ever told".
So far we have the following tags for The Bible
Dark romance,
abusive relationship,
torture kink,
rich mc,
poor mc,
race play,
cult leader mc,
historical romance,
royal mcs,
daddy kink,
aaaaand bury your gays.
What did we miss?
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lisa-lostinlit · 2 years
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💬 What are some of your favorite romance tropes? 🤎📖 I’ve been loving grumpy x sunshine books lately, and this series sounds like it will be right up my alley! I can’t wait to start it. Have you read these yet? Are they on your TBR? Thank you to @read_bloom for gifting me these copies! . . . s u m m a r y : Rowan I'm in the business of creating fairy tales. Theme parks. Production companies. Five-star hotels. Everything could be all mine if I renovated Dreamland. My initial idea of hiring Zahra was good in theory, but then I kissed her. Things spiraled out of control once I texted her using an alias. By the time I realized where I went wrong, it was too late. People like me don't get happy endings. Not when we're destined to ruin them. Zahra After submitting a drunk proposal criticizing Dreamland's most expensive ride, I should have been fired. Instead, Rowan Kane offered me a dream job. The catch? I had to work for the most difficult boss I'd ever met. Rowan was rude and completely off-limits, but my heart didn't care. At least not until I discovered his secret. It was time to teach the billionaire that money couldn't fix everything. Especially not us. . . . h a s h t a g s : #thefineprint #termsandconditions #dreamlandbillionaires #laurenasher #romancebooks #contemporaryromance #romancereader #romancereadersofinstagram #readersofinstagram #booksofinstagram #readercommunity #bookcommunity #igreads #goodreads #bookishflatlay #flatlaystyle #flatlayphotography #flatlayoftheday #toberead #mustread https://www.instagram.com/p/CiaKHw-OA59/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carnavoyeur · 5 months
I love going on r/romancebooks and experiencing the most brain dead takes imaginable. "I don't want so much realism in romance. I want fantasy. I am 100% on board with a 20 year-old business owner attracting a MMC who looks fitter than any real life fire fighter." Okay but has this commenter ever considered not everyone is fantasizing about men who are shredded af?? Good for you for only being into men who are muscular and conventionally handsome and billionaire CEO omegaverse shifters, but some of us want to read about fat men. "I want ranchers who are conventionally handsome and tall rather than the sun-baked ponchy ranchers that belong to the real world." Skill issue. Coward. You don't deserve either of them.
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