alphie-in-the-sky · 1 year
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these were so funny to scroll by immediately after eachother
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manyminded · 1 year
watching r/mademesmile comp videos (I don’t have Reddit) and I LOVE the ones where older moms appear. Like, you go queen!!!
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over-sleep · 1 month
お母さんジェットコースターは世界一 (*^_^*) ステキ Probably the best roller coaster ride in the (motherly) world. I could not stop smiling.
(r/MadeMeSmile u/Sufficient-Bug-9112)
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luonnon-varainen · 2 months
Collie being just a little nerd
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Original: r/MadeMeSmile, laurifroggy, Reddit
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Thoughts on this alligator? Comments are full of people anthropomorphising the gator.
Link for everyone - not a fan! This one gets a NOT CUTE and DANGEROUS rating.
In this video, a person lures an alligator up onto a pontoon with a piece of meat. After giving the gator the meat, they pet it on its head, and the gator makes this face before sliding back into the water:
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I get that this can look like a "smile," but when reptiles clench their eyes shut and open their mouths like this, it's better understood as a grimace. It means something big is touching them in a way they don't like and they feel threatened, so they're closing their eyes because eye contact in the animal world is often perceived as hostile. They're trying to look non-threatening so the encounter can end, and the open mouth is something crocodilians do when they feel uncomfortable.
This video is just all-around full of terrible ideas, and not just because you should never interact with a crocodilian that doesn't have its mouth taped. Luring a wild crocodilian close with meat is a terrible idea, and crocodilians can absolutely start to expect food from people. It's a recipe for getting someone hurt.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
Add on to the jealousy discussion.
Learn the difference between jealousy and resentment. Someone who's jealous can be resentful, but not everyone who's resentful is jealous.
Jealous is when someone has something you want, or would like to attain. Resentment doesn't mean that you also want it, but could just mean that you don't think they deserve it, or maybe that you think someone else deserved it more.
If you see a competition and think that Person A deserves to win, but Person B wins, you might be resentful of the winner.
You can also be jealous but still happy for someone. Yeah maybe you busted your ass baking that cake, and your rival won. You wanted to win, but whatever, good for them still, they still delivered something that was good enough to win. (Always reminds me of the dog drawing competition 1st vs 2nd place: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/qywcen/winner_of_doggo_drawing_contest_won_on_likes/)
You can't really do that when resentful, because you think they didn't deserve the positive thing they got at all.
Not sure how accurate this is. But I also feel like resentment is more universal, it doesn't matter who you are, you can feel resentful of something or someone. If that's reasonable or not is another question. But jealousy is more "personal" about your own situation and life.
Tbh, it's also important to understand the more nuanced emotions when writing. Is a character resentful at something? Jealous? Maybe they're neither, and it's a third option.
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bathroomcube · 11 months
do NOT post your weight loss pics to r/mademesmile!!!! that shit does NOT make me smile i want to see you get FATTER 😈
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cow-goes-moozart · 1 year
Ikevamp - Which subreddits would the guys frequent?
Dazai - r/weird, r/Surrealmemes, r/Sh*tposting, r/Hmmm
Sebas - r/Historymemes, r/memes
Napoleon - r/Itemshop, r/Oldpeoplefacebook
I really feel like he would have a laughing fit from the second one
Vincent - r/wholesomememes, r/Awww, r/Mademesmile, r/Blessedimages
Leonardo - r/Mildlyvandalised, r/DiWHY
Vlad - r/Natureisf**kinglit, r/Oddlyfascinating
Theo - r/DelusionalArtists, r/Designp*rn
Faust - r/Cursedcomments, r/Foundsatan
Shakespeare - r/Bossfight
Charles - r/Chaoticgood, r/Accidentalcomedy, r/Crackheadcraigslist, r/Madlads
Charles would spend time on Reddit the most out of everyone. Showing smth he found interesting to Faust like "Docteur, you have to see this!" and Faust is having none of it
Isaac - r/Mathmemes
Jean - r/eyebleach
Napoleon suggested it to him, but didn't explain fully so Jean thinks it's a website and can't find other subreddits (it's for the best tho)
Arthur - r/pornhubcomments, r/Tinder, r/Madlads
Mozart - none lol
Comte - still trying to figure out how reddit works
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agro-carnist · 11 months
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R/mademesmile more like r/mademegroan
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alphie-in-the-sky · 1 year
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georgiapeach30513 · 6 months
Imagine Lloyd is on a mission and gets a video of his babygirl and au pair reader 🥺
Now!! Imagine that Lyla Bee actually said, “Dada!” And pushes her hand on her nanny’s mouth and she’s just kissing on her little chubby hand. Lloyd is a puddle.
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kaijuno · 2 years
Sometimes I just go through r/mademesmile or r/humansbeingbros and let out a good cry over how wholesome people are and it’s so cathartic
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over-sleep · 18 days
ほっこり  (*^。^*) ステキ! This moment ?
(Reddit: r/MadeMeSmile u/confused12345678901)
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dreamdropsystem · 2 months
This made me think of you guys xD
that video was cute tysm
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Is this reptile video cute? I know you're primarily a snake blog, but I don't know who else to ask.
I saw this post on reddit of an albino alligator (I think, even tho the posts says it's a crocodile - please correct me if I'm wrong):
It's getting brushed by a toothbrush and opens its mouth + when the toothbrush gets near/on its head, it closes its eyes.
I thought opening the mouth is a sign of tension or aggression. Also, is it closing its eyes because the toothbrush is getting close to them, or is there a different reason?
(Thank you so much for running this blog, btw! Please excuse any wrong/wierd english.)
I've reviewed this video a couple times, here's a link to that!
The tl;dr is you're absolutely right; this is the body language of a stressed animal (and yes, that's an alligator, not a crocodile).
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