#quatre vingt treize
Hugo sexy election: round 3!
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Rip la pieuvre, they couldn't handle your voluptuous power
Voting ends next Sunday night!
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yyyyyyyylg · 2 months
I had once wrote a review on Victor Hugo's Quatre-Vingt-Trieze and reading back, I found it to be quite fun. My review, I mean--and ofc the book.
so um...here's the link? if ur curious or sth you can click on it i guess
it's my first time doing this link sharing thing im awkward help how do i get this right askgmbiuarocigu
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guys i promise i am not an expert in french at all i jjst know how to count to 100..
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
my favourite thing that's almost a universal constant is people from other parts of a country having a shared, passionate and mostly irrational hatred of a specific part
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ekman · 2 months
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Moi, la guerre, je l’ai faite, figurez-vous. Oui, on ne dirait pas en me voyant. Cet air de s’en foutre que j’affiche toujours du coin de mon œil bleu, les gens se disent en le découvrant que je dois être un fieffé malin, peut-être même un salaud, un abuseur, allez savoir.
Moi, je les emmerde tous. J’ai pas survécu à la mitraille, à la boue, aux Boches et aux rats pour subir leur sale gueule et baisser les yeux. Je les emmerde, je vous dis. Et dans des proportions que vous ne soupçonnez pas. Pas l’un d’eux ne trouvera grâce à mes yeux. Ni le bourgeois replet parti prier son Juif repenti à l’église le dimanche, ni le tchékiste resté à encenser son grand Staline dans une réunion de quartier. Les deux me font chier – et savez-vous pourquoi j’entretiens à leur endroit une haine parfaitement égalitaire ? Mais parce qu’ils sont jumeaux, sortis du même ventre flasque de la Révolution, de la même fente puante, matrice qui dégueule son trop plein d’humanité féroce, foetus aux dents acérées, dévoreurs de mamelle ! Boivent autant de sang que de lait, ces monstres absurdes. Des vraies dégueulasseries biologiques conçues pour anéantir le monde beau et sauvage qui ne les a pas vu venir.
Ces affreux-là, j’en ai croisé sur le front. Jamais en première ligne, trop couards pour ça. Toujours en retrait, juste ce qu’il faut. Se chiant dessus à la première déflagration, même lointaine, même ténue. Terrorisés à l’idée d’une baïonnette boche s’enfonçant dans leur sale bide tout gonflé de haricots mal cuits et de gaz diaboliques. Le rouge et le calotin unis dans la même pétoche minable, incapables de transcender leur peur de mammifère absurde, condamnés à baisser la tête, à lever les bras, à écarter leurs miches poisseuses de merde honteuse. Ah ils puaient ces deux-là, faut me croire. Dans les abris, on les laissait pas rentrer ces ordures. “Allez les gars, soyez pas salauds, allez. Faites une place... Je boirais bien la moitié d’un quart de soupe... Allez…” Des cafards, des magouilleurs, arrangeurs, tricoteurs. Des enculés de frais. “Va chier avec ton quart, sale rat !”, que je leur gueulais. “Quand il fallait monter l’échelle tout à l’heure, t’étais où, hein, mon salaud ?” Généralement, ils baissaient la tête ou mieux, ils se barraient. Partaient pleurnicher dans l’abri d’à-côté. Mendigoter un quignon ou une tige à de bonnes âmes qui ne les avaient pas vu s’affaler au signal de l’assaut. Les mêmes tous les deux ! Le rouge et le calotin. Tout pareillement conjoints dans la terreur, taillés pour survivre à tout, coûte que coûte, dussent-ils se faire cracher à la gueule pour l’éternité des temps, se faire maudir par les agonisants, ceux dont la tripe s’étalait tout autour et qui mettaient pourtant tant de temps à crever ! J’aurais jamais assez de toute ma vie pour les maudire, ces fils de salaud, ces petits rongeurs sans honneur, sans grandeur, sans rien !
Et allez ! Que croyez-vous ? Qu’on n’avait pas peur nous autres ? Qu’on ne pleurait pas en claquant des dents au milieu des éclairs qui hurlaient la mort ? Que l’on se prenait pour des Croisés ou pour des Jean-sans-Peur ? Tu parles ! Dans toute cette apocalypse, nous n’étions plus rien ! Et c’est bien à cause de cela qu’on se redressait et qu’on y allait. Parce que je vais vous dire, moi, l’idée de crever recroquevillé comme un cafard, ça m’a toujours été insupportable. Si je dois y passer, ce sera debout, nom de Dieu. À ma gauche, j’avais Lepault Gaston, un garçon gentil comme tout qui voulait entrer dans la banque. À ma droite, j’avais Lefeuvre Martial, fils de paysan, au travail depuis ses treize ans, père de quatre marmots à pas vingt-cinq. Un peu plus loin, il y avait notre lieutenant, un marquis avec un nom à rallonge incroyable, qu’on appelait Duguesclin pour faire court. Eh bien vous le croirez ou pas, mais on est sortis de la tranchée tous les quatre comme un seul homme et moins de deux minutes plus tard, j’étais le seul en vie, coincé dans un trou peu profond, avec un éclat boche calé dans la cuisse. Les autres étaient partis en poussière, pulvérisés par un obus fabriqué avec soin par de rondelettes bouffeuses de saucisse, quelque part du côté de Cologne.
Alors ne venez pas me faire chier avec mon regard inquisiteur. Il fera toujours moins mal que le shrapnel, tas de cons. Si je vous attrape du coin de l’œil... si je vous ajuste, pour tout dire, soyez heureux que ce ne soit pas entre deux rangées de barbelés avec, calé dans la molletière, le beau couteau de chasse que mon oncle Albert gardait depuis Sedan.
J.-M. M.
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pilferingapples · 10 months
Since you've read most of Victor Hugo's books, how would you rank them from best to worst, and why? I really want to know your thoughts. Always love to hear it <3
!!! THANK YOU THIS IS SO SWEET and also so hard but here we go!
Les Miserables yes it's my favorite but I also do think it's the best! The most ambitious of his works story-structure and character/theme density and frankly? He absolutely lands it. I have been arguing with and about this book for over a decade now and I expect I will be doing so for the rest of my life, because it's worth it. I probably don't have to argue hard for it in top spot on the Les Miserables Webbed Site, though, so moving on:
Ninety Three /Quatre-vingt treize Not my second favorite but honestly probably just as good as LM but in a different way? Much more compact and focused, and feels every bit of the influence of more recent political events in France at the time, but just as ambitious in terms of the arguments and themes it's trying to cover. The ending is something you can have eighty feelings about in an afternoon but it is always unforgettable. Deserves to be so much better known. Toilers of the Sea /Les Travailleurs de la mer  My actual second favorite Hugo novel! A big Romanticist nature-focused love letter to the Channel Islands and to the sea! A mix of delightfully unreliable Nature Facts and Hugo's own observations about the place, that Nature-focus is always convincing either way with Hugo's descriptions. It's so very different from most of Hugo's later novels, but also *so* good, if you're willing to just sit back and enjoy the view . Gilliatt is a Forever Fave. Please more people read Toilers, it's a delight. And it has an Octopus Fight! The Man Who Laughs /L'homme qui rit Victor Hugo's Revenge on English History! I could feel my knowledge of actual English History Facts peeling away as I read this. Incredibly described scenes, iconic central characters, Ursus is one of the best-written characters of all time (though I have learned that some people have apparently never met a guy like this?? he is such a Type though!) . There's a wolf and the wolf is named Homo. After Les Mis, some old Hugo fans were lamenting about how far he'd strayed since the days of Notre Dame , and I think The Man Who Laughs feels a lot like a return to that old , over-the-top Goth style of Hugo's,but stronger, in keeping with the way his writing had grown over time-- until the end, when everything kind of feels like it wraps up too abruptly. Which makes sense! Hugo was finishing it up while his wife Adéle was in her final illness, and it makes sense that it would show--but I think it does show, and keeps the novel from being quite all it could be. Notre Dame de Paris I know it's either Hugo's most famous or second-most famous novel, but I really do think it's not as solid as the others! Which isn't a roast on him, it's a good thing for an author to get better over time--but it still leaves this novel feeling kinda messy. I can see Hugo trying to do his signature move of pulling together multiple separate plot/themes into a triumphant grand finale, but he hasn't quite got the knack yet. Plus there's still a lot of elements here that feel like Hugo relying on tropes a bit (and horrible tropes at that, too) instead of entirely speaking with his own voice quite yet. (also ohman. the Issues. but I'm trying to keep this post from being nine million screens long) All of the above range from "absolute masterpiece" to "not an entire masterpiece but still iconic", and then there's Hugo's Early Stuff, so: Bug Jargal - honestly it's not fair of me to even include this, it was a novel he wrote as a very young person, on a time-dare. If I'd written a Nano novel in high school it would have been SO bad. And this is bad! It's SO bad!! But you can still definitely tell it's Hugo by the way he makes sure to tell us, AFTER the story is over, that EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE BOOK DIED, EVERYONE, EVEN THE PETS. Stunning. Peak Romanticism XD (again though. THE ISSUES. whooof.)
Han d'Islande: Í have not even read this one. HUGO was down on this one later in life. I Dare Not XD (I probably will someday). But it has a polar bear and drinking seawater from skulls and inspired some very questionable behavior from the fans (attempting to drink seawater from skulls!) so I gotta acknowledge it!
Honorable Mention: the novelas
Not quite in the same group as the novels, but I think both Last Day of a Condemned Man and Claude Geaux are excellent, super-focused stories about the injustice of the prison system and the issue of capital punishment. Obviously they can't have the range of his novels, but that's not the point--they are much more direct statements on a single issue and they're really intense and effective in that!
This was fun! thank you for asking! And I'd love to hear your own thoughts on this , if you ever feel like writing them up:D
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multilingual-wannabe · 7 months
english - francais - espanol - patwa - deutsch 1 - 20
zero - zéro - cero - zéwo - null
one - un - uno - yonn - eins
two - deux - dos - dé - zwei
three - trois - tres - twa - drei
four - quatre - cuatro - kat - vier
five - cinq - cinco - sènk - fünf
six - six - séis - sis - sechs
seven - sept - siete - sèt - sieben
eight - huit - ocho - (y)wit - acht
nine - neuf - nueve - nèf - neun
ten - dix - diez - dis - zehn
eleven - onze - once - wonz - elf
twelve - douze - doce - douz - zwölf
thirteen - treize - trece - twèz - dreizehn
fourteen - quatorze - catorce - katòz - vierzehn
fifteen - quizne - quince - kènz - fünfzehn
sixteen - seize - dieciséis - sèz - sechzehn
seventeen - dixsept - diecisiete - disèt - siebzehn
eighteen - dixhuit - dieciocho - dizwit - achtzehn
nineteen - dixneuf - diecinueve - diznèf - neunzehn
twenty - vingt - viente - vèn - zwanzig
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thinking about how many of my ships are Jesus/Judas (Jesus Christ Superstar) coded:
Gauvain/Cimourdain (Quatre-vingt-treize)
Alexander Hamilton/Aaron Burr
hannigram (Matthew Brown's perspective)
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earthly-apples · 6 months
93 (Quatre vingt treize, QVT) liveblogging or whatever it’s called
I hate Victor Hugo for all the damage he has done to my brain SO MANY SPOILERS (including Les Mis) BECAUSE HAHA I WENT IN KNOWING MY HEART IS GOING TO BE SHREDDED INTO PIECES The first part covers the first 1/3 of the book
The loose cannon! It’s a beautifully written part, I love how the theme of the book is being introduced. How does a creature battle the inorganic? How do men fight the unknown? Not just the peculiar individuals but also our irrational urges and the tides of time. The foreshadowing is also there: the gunner is rewarded for his heroics, and executed for his faults. We shall see how this theme is presented again and rediscussed in the latter parts of the book.
I really love the loose cannon concept so much, can you tell? It’s something so deeply grounded in human nature, an universal struggle that traverses time. In this theater called life, we may become simultaneously the cannon, the gunner, and the judge. What are the limits of the organic and the inorganic? What are the limits within our actions? A balance is needed, but difficult is it to reach.
The confrontation between Lantenac and Halmalo is a good demonstration of the norms of the late 18C! It is so important to remember that the whole idea of a Republic, the abolishment of monarchy, was radical in the late 18C. Halmalo also builds up the village massacre that is about to happen a few chapters later.
THE BEGGAR GUY. He too, is a loose cannon. As soon as he saves Lantenac, Hugo explains that this man cares little of the politics of the world, which while is similar to Michelle, is even more akin to Mabeuf. Both the Beggar and Mabeuf focuses on the natural world, and display a negligence towards the infighting of men. Both are then mercilessly affected by the politics they have chosen to withdraw from. It is clear that Hugo believes that politics is an inevitable matter as long as one belongs to the human race. The Beggar, who is even more isolated from the earthly desires than Mabeuf, cannot escape the fate that by saving Lantenac he has doomed hundreds of people. His choice of saving Lantenac was the loosening of the cannon, and upon his arrival of the village he becomes the gunner confronting the wrecked ship. (Also the parallel between the Beggar and Lantenac: both believe they are doing the Right thing that leaves corpses in their wake.)
The similarities Cimourdain and Enjolras shares. Both are priests of the Revolution, “Enjolras was a charming young man capable of being terrible” and “he must be either infamous or sublime”. LM displays how Hugo sees the revolution and human progress: it is sublime. 93 shows how the idea that ‘restriction must exist within revolution’ is reinforced is his mind after the Paris Commune. Enjolras claims himself a doomed man after the execution of Le Cabuc (boy is that scene erotic), and Cimourdain would doom himself as he condemns Gauvain. 
I have mental damage from the introduction of Gauvain’s relationship to Cimourdain. The chapter title, ‘a corner not dipped into the Styx’, is yet another foreshadowing of what is to become of Gauvain. Victor is so good at this, giving subtle hints that will beat the living shit out of reader’s heart as we march towards the end. Are u ok V Hughes? Who has hurt you so deeply?
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thisweekingundamwing · 4 months
This Week in Gundam Wing 26 October 2023 - 13 January 2024
Here’s the roundup for October 26th, 2023 - January 13th, 2024!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make this next week!
~Mod Hel
(Look, we’re just going to ignore the fact that I keep reminding myself to do this and then forgetting about it 10 minutes later.)
The Pageant (a LAM sidefic) https://archiveofourown.org/works/52557262
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Family Fluff, Kid Fic, Post-Canon, Christmas Fluff, Post-Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Author Is Not Religious, Christmas, Not Beta Read
Christmas was always a big deal—even in the colonies—perhaps all the more so following the Eve Wars. This year’s holiday was especially important for their little family, however: Sousuke was going to be an angel.
A Not So Tropical Vacation https://archiveofourown.org/works/51336205
M/M, Chang Wufei/Heero Yuy
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Alcohol, Broken Bones, Major Character Injury, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Heero being sweeter than Wufei deserves, Post-Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
When an injury prevents Heero and Wufei from going on their long-awaited vacation, Heero tries to bring the vacation to Wufei.
Vendredi https://archiveofourown.org/works/51237895
Gen, Duo Maxwell & Heero Yuy
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Sally Po, Zechs Merquise, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Supernatural Elements, Possibly Pre-Slash, Angst, no happy ending, Ambiguous/Open Ending, mentions of other characters from the series, only tagged those who appear 'on screen', little OOC-ness, Horror-ish, multiple uses of the 'F' word
Duo's friends are vanishing, and no one else notices or even remembers. Only Heero believes him and together they try to discover what is happening.
@zaganthi @tzigane
How L2 Learned to Cope with Werewolves https://archiveofourown.org/works/52676311
F/M, M/M, Multi, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada, Chang Wufei/Long Meilan, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada/Long Meilan
Chang Wufei, Treize Khushrenada, Long Meilan, Lady Une, Chilias Catalonia, Vingt Khushrenada
Explicit, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Failed Arranged Marriages, Biological Weapons, Psychological Warfare, Werewolves in Space, Cameos
It was remarkable how many people assumed that being from L5 made him deaf. Possibly it was the security badge that gave them that impression, or maybe they just thought that allowing Treize to nail him meant he was on their side.
Overall, it was pretty stupid. No one paid attention to him lingering with a cup of coffee, they just went about their day and spoke where they normally would. He wondered if being able to fade into the background might be some form of magical camouflage. He supposed that was a realistic option, and there was no reason for them to expect otherwise. Not really. They didn't know him. So he was free to wander and listen and just exist for a while before he went up to the secured swipe card room to try to get a little rest and personal time.
Pleased to Meet You, Hope You Guess My Name https://archiveofourown.org/works/52675717
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Explicit, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Meet-Cute, Assassination Attempt(s), The combination meet-cute and assassination attempt, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
A third shot rang out, and then footsteps, and he wasn't trying to get away, no, not at all. He was coming closer.
Hell yes. It was a shame the guy was working for L1 or whoever had hired him because he would've been amazing back home. "Hey, hey! Don't fucking shoot! I wanna talk!"
That felt like a purely audible pause, followed by a nasal voice that was more a statement than a question. "About what." Like they had the time to have a discussion here. Somebody would have heard the shots by now.
Arts/Crafts/Photo Manips:
WuFei/Duo, fanart
WuFei/Duo, fanart
Duo/WuFei, fanart
Iconic intros, comic
Relena Darlian-Peacecraft, fanart
Heero/Duo, fanart
Duo Maxwell, fanart
Duo/Heero, fanart
Treize Khushrenada, fanart
WuFei/Heero, kissing, comic
Mashiro Andy
Relena Darlian-Peacecraft, fanart
Trowa/Heero, fanart
Quatre/Heero, comic
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Clowns, frame stitching
Christmas tree decor
Fandom Discourse:
LAMs Lost and Found - find great info/world building here
@prettyboysdontlookatexplosions WuFei being ‘normal’.
Obviously late for this one, but know that LAM does this pretty much every year if they get people who want them. ^_^
episode naming things
how age affects how you view GW
Trieze & Zechs
A GW Archive should people need it.
GW Prompt Meme event
Rules: https://gwpromptmeme.dreamwidth.org/408.html
Main Page: https://gwpromptmeme.dreamwidth.org/
Howare, Quatre, & WuFei
Heero & Trowa
Cathy & Trowa
WuFei & Heero
Heero, Trowa, & WuFei
WuFei & Duo
WuFei & Duo
Dorothy, Relena, & Sally
Quatre, Heero, WuFei, Trowa, & Duo
Circus Owner & Trowa
Heero, Duo, Trowa, & WuFei
Relena, Heero, & Duo
WuFei, Trowa, & Quatre
Heero, Duo, & Quatre
Duo & WuFei
Zechs, Duo, & Trowa
Heero & Duo
OZ Soldiers, Duo, & Trowa
Duo & Trowa
Duo, WuFei, & Trowa
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompts for Friday, January 19th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/739456744765505536/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-january
In need of prompts!
There’s nothing for it posted yet... but sign-ups are open. >_> Though the events calendar says they’ll be open next month... so I dunno. I just know I’m signed up already. *flails*
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/730188053636841472/updated-events-calendar
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
GW Holiday Gift Exchange 2023
Gift Roundup is here: https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/739404313112297472/alright-wingers-here-is-the-gw-holiday-gift
GW Valentine’s Event 2024 goes live the 18th! Be on the lookout for it!
GW Gift Exchange
There is another exchange being done now... I *think* it’s on dreamwidth, but I can’t find the convo with the person running it to save my life, but it’s on the events calendar with all the info I had...
Jan 15th - 21st is Nominations
Jan 16th - 28th is Sign-ups
Posting and whatnot will be in April.
Not sure if something will be posted anywhere on tumblr or not, but hoping I can get y’all the info for where and how when it goes.
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pompadourpink · 1 year
Les chiffres
The numbers from zero to twenty are written as individual digits (-ze comes from the Latin decem; e.g. 14 is quattuordecim in Latin: 4-10)
The numbers from twenty-one to sixty-nine are written as a combination of the number twenty and a unit digit (e.g. quarante-sept - 47, trente-trois - 33)
The numbers from seventy to ninety-nine are written as a combination of the number seventy and a unit digit (e.g. quatre-vingt-dix-neuf - 99)
The system becomes funky over 70 as a consequence of the invasion of the Celtic people who used a vicesimal system (based on 20: 10, 20, 20-10, 2x20, 2x20+10, etc.) followed by the invasion of the Romans who used a decimal system. During the 17th century, the newly founded French Academy was asked to set rules and decided on a cohabitation of both numeral systems.
20 and 100 are pluralised when they end the number (deux-cents VS cent-deux)
Numbers and figures are all masculine (e.g. Tu as eu un zéro - You got an F)
Since 1990, dashes are expected between each digit
Ordinal numbers are typically built by adding the suffix -ième to the cardinal number and removing the final -e when there's one (Cinquième, Douzième), the exception being First: Premier, Première
De 0 à 9:
Zéro, from the Arabic word sifr - zero (Sifr turned into Chiffre, m - Figure)
Un, from the Old French word un/the Latin word ünus - one
Deux, from the Latin word duo - two
Trois, from the Latin word tres - three
Quatre, from the Latin word quattuor - four
Cinq, from the Latin word quinque - five
Six, from the Old French word sis/the Latin word sex - six
Sept, from the Latin word septem - seven
Huit, from the Old French word uit/the Latin word octo - eight
Neuf, from the Old French word novef/the Latin word novem - nine
De 10 à 19:
Dix, from the Latin word decem - ten
Onze, from the Latin word undecim - eleven
Douze, from the Latin word duodecim - twelve
Treize, from the Latin word tredecim - thirteen
Quatorze, from the Latin word quattuordecim - fourteen
Quinze, from the Latin word quindecim - fifteen
Seize, from the Latin word sedecim - sixteen
Dix-sept - seventeen
Dix-huit - eighteen
Dix-neuf - nineteen
Les dizaines:
Vingt, from the Latin viginti - twenty
Trente, from the Latin word triginta - thirty
Quarante, from the Latin word quadraginta - fourty
Cinquante, from the Latin word quinquaginta - fifty
Soixante, from the Latin word sexaginta - sixty
Soixante-dix - Sixty ten (Belgium/Switzerland: septante)
(e.g. Soixante-treize - 73)
Quatre-vingts - Four twenty (-s is an exception)(Belgium/Switzerland: huitante)
Quatre-vingt-dix - Four twenty ten (Belgium/Switzerland: nonante)
N.B. 21, 31, 41, 51, 61 have an -et- in between (e.g. quarante-et-un - 41). The same thing happens for the number 1001 (e.g. Mille-et-une nuits).
Les gros chiffres:
Cent, from the Latin word centum - hundred
Mille, from the Latin word millia - thousand
(e.g. Mille-neuf-cent-trente-huit - 1938)
Million, from the Italian word milione (mille + one) - million
(e.g. Huit-millions-quatre-cent-trente-six-mille-neuf-cent-vingt-deux - 8436922)
Milliard, from the Old French word miliard, derived from million - billion
N.B. If there's only one hundred or thousand, there is no need to specify (e.g. cent-trois, not un-cent-trois - 103)
Resources - spelling out numbers
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Movie: Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain - Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001
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Hugo sexyperson election round four
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The bishi boys are encroaching
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icariebzh · 3 months
"Font leur pipi contre les murs Quelquefois même sur leurs chaussures Pisser debout ça les rassure Les z'hommes Z'ont leur p'tit jet horizontal Leur p'tit siphon leurs deux baballes Peuvent jouer à la bataille navale Les z'hommes
Z'ont leur p'tit sceptre dans leur culotte Leur p'tit périscope sous la flotte Z'ont le bâton ou la carotte Les z'hommes Et au nom de ce bout d'bidoche Qui leur pendouille sous la brioche Ils font des guerres ils font des mioches Les z'hommes
Ils se racontent leurs conquêtes Leurs péripéties de braguette Dans des gros rires à la buvette Les z'hommes Ils se racontent leurs guéguerres Leurs nostalgies de militaires Une lalarme à la paupière Les z'hommes
Virilité en bandoulière Orgueil roulé en bandes molletières Agressivité en oeillères Les z'hommes Ils te traiteront de pédé De gonzesse et de dégonflé À moins qu'tu n'sortes dehors si t'es Un homme
Z'aiment les femmes comme des fous C'est si pervers mais c'est si doux Enfin quoi c'est pas comme nous Les z'hommes Z'aiment les femmes à la folie Passives muettes et jolies De préférence dans le lit Des z'hommes
Au baby-room ou au boudoir À la tortore ou au trottoir Z'aiment les femmes sans espoir Les z'hommes Prostituées ou Pénélopes Apprivoisées ou antilopes Toutes les femmes sont des salopes Pour les z'hommes
C'est en quatre-vingt-treize je crois Qu'ils ont tué la femme du roi Et la Déclaration des Droits De l'Homme C'est depuis deux mille ans je pense Qu'ils décapitent en silence Les femmes d'ailleurs et de France Les z'hommes
Z'ont abattu les Tibétaines Z'ont fricassé les Africaines Z'ont indigné les Indiennes Les z'hommes Z'ont mis le voile aux Algériennes La chasteté aux châtelaines Et le tablier à Mémène Les z'hommes
Excusez-moi mais elle me gratte Ma pauvre peau de phallocrate Dans la région de la prostate Des z'hommes Excusez-moi mais je me tire Sans un regret sans un soupir De votre mafia votre empire Des z'hommes
À chacun sa révolution Aurais-je seul'ment des compagnons Qui partagent l'indignation D'un homme À chacun sa révolution Aurais-je seulement trois compagnons Qui partagent l'indignation D'un homme"
Henri Tachan
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romainmeynier · 2 months
À seize ans, j’empruntais chaque samedi le RER E jusqu’à Magenta, puis la ligne 5 jusqu’à Breguet-Sabin, où je tentais en skateboard de sauter par dessus quelques volées de marches, ce que nous évitions de faire dans notre banlieue pavillonnaire, à cause du bruit des roues sur le bitume qui gênait les voisins. Plus jeune, vers mes dix ans, ma mère m’apprit à déchiffrer la signalétique du métro parisien pour que, plus âgé, je puisse m’y guider seul. J’ai embrassé une fille sur un quai aux abords de Notre-Dame, puis une autre sur le quai d’en face, bien des années plus tard ; des deux se dégageait la même odeur corporelle légèrement âcre et traînante que je gardai ensuite dans le nez plusieurs heures. Paris ne me manque pas lorsque j’en suis loin, mais je n’ai jamais envie d’en partir. Le matin, dans la ligne 2 en direction de Porte-Dauphine, s’il y a de la place, on peut s’asseoir dans le sens de la marche pour ne pas se sentir nauséeux, ou dans le sens inverse pour admirer le soleil se lever entre Jaurès et Barbès-Rochechouart. Quand j’étais en colonie de vacances, je disais aux autres enfants : Je viens du quatre-vingt-treize, du neuf-trois, pour les effrayer, ce qui généralement n’avait aucun effet sur eux. Plus tard, pour séduire une fille, j’avais simplement dit : de Paris, sans résultat, avant d’apprendre qu’elle venait de Marseille. La nuit, fenêtre ouverte, j’entends des coups de feu qui ne sont que des pétards qui explosent ou des objets qui tombent. Le 13 novembre 2015, je sortai du restaurant cinq minutes avant l’attaque, non loin, puis j’ai regardé à l’abri le nombre des victimes augmenter sur un écran d’ordinateur ; je suis ressorti vers cinq heures du matin dans une ville morte ; le 15 novembre, j’ai reçu un SMS qui disait : Le père de B. est mort au Bataclan ; le lundi 16 novembre, dans le métro, une fille pleurait à chaudes larmes, sans discontinuer, je me souviens avoir pensé, sans trop y croire, mais pour me rassurer, qu’elle avait peut-être été licenciée, ou trompée ; je me souviens aussi d’une femme qui lisait, l’air de rien, ou se forçait à lire. Je n’ai pas pu lire dans les transports pendant environ un mois. Je suis habitué à trois librairies, dans mon arrondissement ; par loyauté, quand je me rends dans l’une, j’entre aussi dans les deux autres, si bien que mon budget librairie est bien trop important ; l’intérieur de mon appartement est saturé de livres. J’ai passé une dizaine de nuits dans différents hôtels avec une fille que je n’aimais pas et qui m’a demandé en fiançailles. Quand je regarde les traces de calcaire déposées sur les verres nettoyés à l’eau courante, je pense que ces mêmes traces doivent être présentes à l’intérieur de mon corps, sur mes organes, aussi je décide d’acheter des packs d’Evian, puis me ravise en repensant aux cinq étages de mon immeuble et à l’écologie. Dans la rue, je songe parfois au milieu de la foule que la vie de chaque passant est contenue dans leurs têtes, qu’ils avancent en superposant les images de la ville à celles de leurs existences, de leurs histoires, que Paris les contient toutes et que je n’en suis qu’un fragment.
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sayitalianolearns · 1 year
Again another multilingual vocabulary! This time all about numbers. Seen that Korean has two different counting ways (Sino-Korean and Korean -this latter works only to 99), I won't probably add Russian this time either (sorry Russian, but I can still easily count to 10 and I might add that in the comments). Let's start!
NUMBERS - (i) NUMERI - (les) NOMBRES - (los) NUMEROS - 민수기
0 - zero - zero - zéro - cero - 공 / 영 1 - one - uno - un - uno - 일 / 하나 2 - two - due - deux - dos - 이 / 둘 3 - three - tre - trois - tres - 삼 / 셋 4 - four - quattro - quatre - cuatro - 사 / 넷 5 - five - cinque - cinq - cinco - 오 / 다섯 6 - six - sei - six - seis - 육 / 여섯 7 - seven - sette - sept - siete - 칠 / 일곱 8 - eight - otto - huit - ocho - 팔 / 여덟 9 - nine - nove - neuf - nueve - 구 / 아홉 10 - ten - dieci - dix - diez - 십 / 열
11 - eleven - undici - onze - once - 십일 / 열하나 12 - twelve - dodici - douze - doce - 십이 / 열둘 13 - thirteen - tredici - treize - trece - 십삼 / 열셋 14 - fourteen - quattordici - quatorze - catorce - 십사 / 열넷 15 - fifteen - quindici - quinze - quince - 십오 / 열다섯 16 - sixteen - sedici - seize - dieciséis - 십육 / 열여섯 17 - seventeen - diciassette - dix-sept - diecisiete - 십칠 / 열일곱 18 - eighteen - diciotto - dix-huit - dieciocho - 십팔 / 열여덟 19 - nineteen - diciannove - dix-neuf - diecinueve - 십구 / 열아홉
20 - twenty - venti - vingt - veinte - 이십 / 스물 21 - twenty one - ventuno - vingt-et-un - veinteuno - 이십일 / 스물하나 22 - twenty two - ventidue - vingt-deux - veintedós - 이십이 / 스물둘
30 - thirty - trenta - trente - treinta - 삼십 / 서른 40 - forty - quaranta - quarante - cuarenta - 사십 / 마흔 50 - fifty - cinquanta - cinquante - cincuenta - 오십 / 쉰 60 - sixty - sessanta - soixante - sesenta - 육십 / 예순 70 - seventy - settanta - soixante-dix - setenta - 칠십 / 일흔 80 - eighty - ottanta - quatre-vingt - ochenta - 팔십 / 여든 90 - ninenty - novanta - quatre-vingt-dix - noventa - 구십 / 아흔
100 - hundred - cento - cent - cien - 백 1000 - thousand - mille - mille - mil - 천 10'000 - ten thousand - diecimila - dix-mille - diez mil - 만
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lumeha · 7 months
New favourite thing : coming to an artist stall and pulling out my coin pouch, which I, in fact, bought from the same artist, at the same con, a year ago
(and also become the proud owner of a Quatre-vingt-treize zine and print)
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