#pua openers
passingthetime · 2 years
I really fucking hate how I can break down exactly what techniques someone is using when they try to manipulate me and yet I still get manipulated.
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mylancap1 · 25 days
Mood wifey aku teruskan lagi dengan Lin. Lin yang aku kenal memang jenis yang muslimah. Maksud aku modern muslimah. Dia dulu study IIUM so walaupun nampak mcm islamic tapi uni tu ada macam-macam behind the scene. Macam lady's night atau event yang boleh dihadiri oleh girls je. Dan bercakap pasal girly things termasuk sexual stuff.
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Alin kategori yang mixed blood dan ada rangka body yang tough. Dulu asset dia memang boobs tapi lepas married, boobs dia dah tak berapa solid. Tapi aku masih boleh terima sebab banyak faktor lain yang aku turn on dgn dia iaitu taste sexual dia yang tinggi walaupun tak selalu dapat apa yang dia nak.
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Hidup dia yang long distance relationship memang mengundang horny yang tinggi. 6 bulan sekali baru boleh make love dgn partner buatkan Lin terpaksa sibukkan diri. Dulu, 1 fasa hidup dia, dia akan layan porn sepuas hati dan masturbate sampai dia betul-betul cum. Bila dah married dia cuba control sebab kalau tak, dia punya taste memang dick yang size besar, tak kisah Malay atau black guy.
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Partner dia pulak jenis yang pre ejaculate. Tak boleh control apa yang Lin response. So pancut awal menyebabkan mula-mula Lin susah hati. Tapi lama-lama Lin sebagai wifey yang baik bagi motivasi setiap hari pasal sex. Dia guide partner dia apa yang dia nak etc. Sampai la tahap dia rasa masalah pre ejaculate tu normal thing utk lelaki. Dia cuba enjoy sex dengan cara yang lain. Macam lebihkan foreplay. Sambil dia guide partner cara tingkatkan stamina & control pernafasan supaya tak pancut terlalu sekejap. Memang ada peningkatan lepas Lin konsisten bagi guide. Dorang akan make love bila betul-betul ada stamina dan tak penat.
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Then, Lin jenis yang open minded. Dia terus terang je apa yang dia nak masa sex. Dia bagitau straight forward apa taste dia. Lepas tu, dia biar je partner apply mcm mana keinginan dia tu dan tak memaksa. Lin risau partner akan rendah diri sampai jauhkan diri dan tak yakin nak sex pula. Lin layankan je naluri yang ada naturally.
Paling Lin favorite nak fucking bila dia tak ada mood. Masa dia moody dia akan fucking utk hilangkan stress dan masalah. Kalau rasa marah atau apa-apa tak puas hati, memang Lin akan cari partner. Dorang akan makeup sex puas-puas. Sampai la hormone release. Rasa lega, rasa hilang stress dan boleh lenjan berkali-kali lepas tu.
Sometimes, kalau 2 hari Lin tak kena sentuh dgn partner, Lin akan buat 1st move. Lin yang akan teasing & fucking partner 1st. Ahhhh shit. Sebab berjauhan ldr, Lin selalu fikir tentang variety. Dia akan WhatsApp dan bagitau apa expectation yang dia nak masa sex bila jumpa nanti. Apa yang Lin suka partner buat, apa yang Lin expect terima dr partner. Vice versa. Dan partner pula akan bagitau apa taste dia. Apa yang dia suka Lin buat. Dorang akan google sexual position lepas tu texting, "Next together kita buat mcm ni nak?" Tu yang selalu Lin text dgn partner dia. Dan bila partner okay, bila jumpa memang akan banyak la style baru masa fucking.
Lin dah tau, dia paling suka fucking masa keadaan marah. Either dia marah, atau partner. Lin pun tak tau kenapa. Dia rasa sex tu lagi thrill. Masa tu dia akan start dulu. Goda, pujuk, belai. Sampai la dick partner dah mencanak habis. Marah bertukar jadi nafsu sexual. Itu yang Lin paling favorite.
Pernah satu masa, bila partner dia lama tak balik sbb ldr. 3 bulan lepas tu, masa balik tu setiap malam fucking non stop. Awal-awal balik tu, sehari sampai 2-3 kali. Lin memang nafsu tinggi gila. Dia akan approach partner dan layan dgn cara paling creative. Sampai la Lin kering dan orgasm berpuluh-puluh kali, baru la dia akan slow down. Fuck. Kalau la Lin tak planning, memang setiap tahun dia akan preggy sebab Lin sangat subur. Pernah masa dalam pantang, partner jadi moody dan nampak tak happy, penat, stress je manjang... bila semua anak dah tidur, Lin slowly pergi dekat partner yg dah tidur. Lin belai partner slowly, manjakan partner, foreplay dalam keadaan partner tidur sampai dick mencanak dan terpancut. Shittt dalam keadaan tidur, Lin boleh layan partner dia. Berjam-jam sampai partner cumming berkali-kali. Dan bila partner tersedar, dorang fuck lagi beround-round. Fucking shitttt. Esoknya partner dah mula active balik, tak lesu dan semangat balik.
Lin memang pentingkan gila sex. Dari awal remaja lagi. Dia tau mcm mana nak belai, nak manjakan lelaki. Tu naturally ada pada diri Lin. Dia boleh buat lelaki energize dengan sexual je.
Sexual position paling Lin favorite:
On top (both Lin & partner suka sebab Lin memang akan tunjukkan expression muka yg notty gila bila ride)
Doggy (position ni Lin paling suka sebab rasa dick menusuk pussy yg ketat, the right spot tapi partner tak suka sebab tak boleh layan muka Lin kena fuck)
Duduk (mengadap muka ke muka, ada eye contact).
Lin kalau ada masa suka honeymoon berdua dgn partner. Dia akan cari masa ni utk dapatkan moment fucking yg betul-betul maximum. Fucking dekat hotel or resort memang kegemaran Lin. Sambil vacay sambil kena lenjan.
Macam-macam ikhtiar Lin nak bagi partner perform. Sampai tahap sapu gambir dekat dick pun pernah. Supaya make love lagi power. Lin tau partner dia pancut awal tapi dia bantu, dia takkan minta partner henjut rushing tapi step by step. Bila rasa nak pancut, stop kejap lepas tu kissing, foreplay lepas tu fuck balik.
Sometimes Lin akan blowjob dulu sampai la partner terpancut. Lepas tu lepak kejap. Dalam sejam kemudian baru foreplay semula. Dalam keadaan dick dah lembik pun, Lin tetap goda sampai mencanak balik. Masa tu baru la henjutan lebih feeling dan lama sebab 1st time tadi dah pancut dulu. Kalau tak, tak sampai 5 minit partner dah pancut. Bantuan Lin memang sangat berkesan.
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Lin rasa, zaman remaja dia addicted dgn porn dan suka masturbate membantu dia. Dia boleh apply skills yg dia tengok dekat porn star tu. Especially cara sucking the dick. Tu paling Lin perhatikan. Bila tengok porn, Lin akan analysis apa lagi yg partner kena buat masa make love sebab dia expect nak jadi mcm porn scene tu. Bila dia horny dulu, Lin akan masturbate. Memang sangat active. Masa tu la dia mengenali body sendiri. Dia dah tau spot mana paling dia sensitive dan perlu dirangsang. Sekarang Lin dah slow down tengok porn. Kadang tak tengok langsung, sebab nak tunggu partner balik utk fucking.
Satu cara lagi yang Lin buat. Kalau la dia rasa malam tu sex tak berapa jadi mcm diharapkan, dia akan fucking lagi keesokan paginya. Morning sex memang buatkan Lin orgasm dgn best. Quickie tapi best. Kalau tak dapat, tetap jgk make love sebelah tengah hari utk cover sex sebelah malam.
Lin paling favorite oral sex. Dia sangat pentingkan tu. Suka foreplay yang lama. Lin akan jadi tak tahan dan start agresif dalam sex. Lin start tewas bila kena rangsang dgn cara gigit leher, layan celah kangkang, dada, lovebite, hisap, cium, licking. Pendek kata, semualah akan buat Lin bernafsu gila. Partner Lin pula memang focus dekat dada. Boobs Lin tak la terlalu besar lepas married dan bersalin, tapi tetap rangka & ukur lilit dia besar. Sebab faktor mixed blood. Tu yang menyebabkan partner Lin akan lenjan part dada kaw kaw. Partner akan layan body Lin bahagian atas dulu. Lin akan start kalah teruk dekat leher. Memang situ tempat paling sensitive. Leher, belakang leher. Bila Lin start dah tak tahan teruk, partner akan slowly rangsang ke bawah step by step. Usik slow slow sampai Lin menggigil. Lin dah start cum dekat sini.
Lepas dah cum, Lin pula akan puaskan partner. Lin akan hisap dick. Start dgn tangan. Gosok-gosok. Lepas tu jilat dengan lidah dari bawah ke atas. Masukkan dalam mulut. Sedutttt passionately. Termasuk balls. Lin hisap dan jilat. Sampai celah kangkang. Memang Lin sangat power dalam oral sex. Partner dah terpancut habis dekat sini. Lama mcm mana pun try nak tahan, akhirnya cum jgk masa blowjob. Selalunya partner akan pancut dekat dada Lin. Lin pernah nak try telan sperm tapi partner belum bersedia. Lin try pujuk nak pancut dekat mulut je, lepas tu akan spit. Tapi buat masa ni, partner tetap belum ready. Lin akan try akan datang. Notty sial Lin.
Notty Lin terserlah lagi bila fucking dia akan moaning kuat gila. Terpaksa Lin fucking dekat bilik belakang. Lin & partner suka lenjan dalam bilik tak ada aircond. Kunci, tutup kipas, aircond. Fuhhh memang berahi habis. Moaning memang level maximum. Lin akan layan sepuas hati bila partner tekan dick kuat-kuat.
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Bila Lin dapat the ultimate cumming, dia akan menjerit paling kuat dgn mulut ternganga. Sampai habis suara. Dia akan grip dick partner dia kuat-kuat sampai la keluar habis sperm. Ahhh fuck. Lin memang pandai handle pelayaran di ranjang.
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Lin beria-ia make love sebab akan ldr balik. Bila ldr, kena tunggu berbulan-bulan lagi nak fucking. Lin akan tunggu kepulangan malam pertama tu. Masa tu memang fucking akan perfect gila. Bagi cukup-cukup. Minggu pertama tu, asal anak-anak dah tidur, setiap malam, setiap tengah hari akan fuck. Memang naturally, both Lin & partner akan masing-masing nakkan sex masa tu. Lin akan orgasm masa tengah-tengah henjut dan paling hujung. Dalam keadaan mish, partner akan lipat peha sampai kepala, lepas tu tekan kuat-kuat henjut laju ke dalam sambil multitasking rubbing clit dgn jari. Bila dah dapat 1 climax, partner akan doggy pulak. Naik dari belakang dan henjut laju-laju. Lin akan cepat gila cum. Lin masa tu akan pegang dada partner dan kissing. Lepas tu Lin akan berpaut dekat belakang, pegang peha sambil partner mainkan nipples, pegang dan grab kuat-kuat. Lin akan turn on balik.
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Macam tu la Lin yang aku kenal sebagai sorang yang sangat kuat sex dan addicted dgn fucking. Lin memang suka sex secara kerap dan sometimes, suka extreme style. Rough sex. Slow lepas tu wild. Lin suka kalau partner body catbath dia dari atas sampai bawah. Lin akan gigit-gigit partner kalau dah tak tahan sangat. Lin akan naked je dekat rumah depan partner supaya dia kena lenjan selalu. Kalau partner usik tits dgn boobs pun, Lin dah boleh jadi horny yang amat sangat.
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Aku turn on jgk dgn Lin sebab pilihan bra & panties dia pun sangat nice. Memang Lin jenis suka braless. Kalau ada peluang, dia takkan pakai bra pun. Dia suka boobs dalam keadaan free. Tapi tetap ada collection bra yg nice:
Brand: La Senza (pakai masa honeymoon, best pakai utk intimate, best design & material), Victoria's Secret (sexy & cute design), Triumph.
Design: Lacey, non wired.
Size: 40C
Face 8.5/10
Lin kategori yang muka dia kita akan turn on bila tengok. Nak-nak bila dia makeup light je. Nampak la muka mixed blood dia tu. Tengok bibir dia pun dah tau Lin kategori yang kuat blowjob.
Boobs 6.5/10
Lin pernah jadi paling padu dalam asset yang satu ni. Tapi lepas married, slowly boobs dia jadi saggy. Tapi kalau kadang-kadang tertayang sideboobs dia aku dapat tengok sisa-sisa pejal dan solidnya boobs Lin suatu masa dulu. So boobs Lin kategori average.
Butt 6/10
Butt pun Lin tak menang dekat sini. Pernah jgk power tapi lepas married dah tak berapa sangat. Mungkin Lin bukan jenis yang kita akan bernafsu tengok body dia. Dia menang kategori lain.
Body Cutting 8.5/10
Lin tak menang keseluruhan body cutting. Maksudnya nak yang hour glass, Lin tak ada part ni. Dia menang sebab dia ada Arabic blood. Dia ada rangka. So body cutting dia nampak tegap. Tu yang membuatkan nafsu fappers boleh tewas dekat situ.
Sexual Attractiveness 10/10
Lin perfect kategori yang ini. Aku tak ada persoalan apa-apa. Memang totally Lin menang dekat sini. Cara dia explain pasal sex, taste dia, cara dia apply dekat partner. Semuanya tunjukkan dia sangat high libido. Damnnnn.
Lin suka try something yang baru dalam sex. Lin akan try benda-benda yang tak pernah dia buat. Contohnya nak teasing dick partner dgn cara ice & fire. Letak ice lepas tu letak air panas. Fuhhh very extreme. Tapi dia berjaya buat.
Ahhh, aku rasa Lin memang teringin nak swinging. Nak tukar partner masa sex. Dan Lin teringin nak try black guy dick. Ahhhh fuck.
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nalza73 · 10 months
Hati Lina hanya tinggal sebahagian sahaja. Ada orang yang tidak pernah memulangkannya, walaupun Lina hanya pinjamkan sekejap. Ada yang pulangkan dengan penuh kelukaan. Ada yang sudi berikan sebahagian hatinya pula sebagai ganti. Dan jika nak tahu, setiap hati manusia ada nilai yang tersendiri.
Sekali hati terluka, kadangkala sukar untuk mengubati-nya. Ada kalanya, mengambil masa yang lama. Bila tiba sesuatu yang tidak diingini, mungkin pemilik hati itu akan menyendiri sehingga hatinya pulih semula. Hati yang diberi ini bukan untuk suka-suka. Ianya lahir atas satu kepercayaan. Dari situ, wujudlah rasa kasih sayang. Jika hilang rasa percaya itu, maka sukarlah untuk hati itu kem-bali indah.
Namanya Haslina, nama glamour Lina je, sudah berumah-tangga hampir 5 tahun. Anak gadis sebuah kampong dari Utara tanahair. SRppun tak sempat ambil sebab sudah dikahwinkan dengan suaminya, Talib (22 tahun ketika itu) seorang anggota tentera. Lina nikah di usia 16 tahun. Kini usianya sudah 21 tahun dan suaminya 27 tahun.
Dulu Lina kolot sikit baik pemikiran ataupun sikap, tapi setelah berkahwin dan bercampur dalam masyarakat sojar Lina jadi open minded kata orang very liberallah. Cuma Lina masih belum dikurniakan cahayamata. Tambah suaminya jarang mengauli disebabkan tugas askarnya dan kekurangannya.
Selalunya kami bertemu secara secret dan discreet. Tidak di dalam kem. Bahaya. Lina berani sebab dia yang ajak aku keluar dan libur-libur sebab dia bosan. Boring dengan ketiadaan suaminya. Terkejut juga aku ketika membayar gaji untuk para isteri yang dibuat potongan gaji oleh suami masing-masing, Lina menghadiahkan aku sekotak rokok marlboro. Aku terima juga dan terkejut bila kudapati terselit nota kecil mengajak aku keluar tengok wayang. Aku memberanikan diri dan setuju bertemu.
Aku duduk di sisi Lina sehingga bahu bersentuhan. Lina tunduk. Rambutnya yang hitam menutupi muka. Angin berlari-lari di padang memaksa dedaun pohon meliuk-liuk menari. Aroma tubuhnya menusuk hidung segar rasanya. Lina kelihatan ayu berbaju kurung moden.
“Lina, cuba lihat burung itu,” kata N.
Lina mendongak pada seekor burung kecil yang bertenggek di atas sebatang kayu reput di pinggir tasik.
“Tadi mereka sama-sama terbang, tapi suatu ketika mereka akan berpisah dan membawa halatuju masing-masing,” kata N penuh makna.
Sebatang ranting kecil pohon cemara tempat mereka berteduh jatuh di hujung kasutnya. Tangan kasarnya pantas mencapai, mematah-matahkan ranting kecil itu dan mengeluh perlahan.
Lina memang pandai berbual dan cara dia membuat aku hilang kekok dan juga gementar. Banyak perkara yang diperbincangkan oleh Lina. Seharusnya Lina memang nampak seorang yang berpengetahuan. Banyak topik yang boleh dikupasnya. N mengagumi Lina, isteri Lans Koperal Talib yang kini bertugas dalam hutan selama tiga bulan dalam satu operasi mencari dan memusnah peng-ganas kominis. Walaupun tidak berpelajararn tinggi namun dia suka membaca.
Wanita moden sering mengadu terhadap layanan suami keatasnya. Pada suatu hari Lina menceritakan bahawa suaminya tidak lagi mengajaknya makan di kedai. Mementingkan diri dan bila bersetubuh suaminya hendak buat cepat-cepat. Tidak romantik dan tidak mencumbu rayu. Boring kata Lina. Malah banyak waktunya Lina tidak klimaks dan puas bersama suaminya. Bila sikap suami begini hati Lina rasa luka. Jiwanya kosong. Dia mengorak langkah dan menumpu-kan perhatian kepada pegawai-pegawai muda dalam batalion dan cuba mengoda mereka. Aku tergoda..
Dalam mess di sebuah bilik yang memandang ke laut.. Lina kususupkan masuk ke bilikku.. Kalau aku kena kantoi hilang senioriti.. Silap-silap kena buang kerja. Namun aku gamble dan Lina juga gamble..
“Cepatlah N..” pinta Lina sudah tidak sabar lagi. “Cepat apa?” N saja mendera Lina sambil tersenyum. “Masuk cepat N, nak ni! Nak batang you tu..” rayu Lina lagi.
Lina merasai dinding vaginanya mula berdenyut-denyut bagaikan meminta-minta batang N. Sebelum masuk, N menyuakan batangnya ke mulut Lina untuk diku-lum. Sempat Lina memain kepala kote N denganlidahnya. Kemudian menjilat batang dan mengigit manja kepala kote N sehingga ke takut. Di samping itu Lina emngulum buah pelir N dan menyonyotnya. Mencepak bagai kepedasan makan gulai lemak cili api.
N melebarkan kangkangku dan mula menggesel perlahan batangnya betul-betul tepat dilubang puki Lina.
“Aarrgghh, sedapnya Nn..” Lina merenggek dan merintih perlahan menerima tusukan nikmat butuh N yang besar, panjang keras dan tegang itu.
N membenamkan kotenya hingga ke pangkal dan nikmat-nya tak dapat digambarkan.. Terasa penuh seluruh lubang burit Lina dihuni dan direndam Dik batang N.
“Huhh.. Haa.. Sedap nn.. Mak oi.. Abah oi.. Sedapnya dikongkek begini.. N kongkek kuat-kuat..” jerit Lina mengerutkan mukanya sambil dia menerima seluruh batang N dalam vaginanya.
N berbisik perlahan sambil menjilat dan mengigit cuping telinga Lina apabila seluruh batangnya telah memenuhi lubang pussy Lina.
“Hhmm.. Sedapnya batang you N.. O sedapp,” raung Lina penuh nikmat. Dia mendesah-desah dan merenggek-renggek. “Shsshh.. Huu.. Ketatnya lubang puki Lina nie.. Kemut Lina.. Kemut kuat-kuat..” balas N menambah dan merangsang ghairah Lina. “N.. Henjutlah.. Henjut kuat-kuat. Henjut laju-laju. Senakk ni N. Panjang kote N nie” rayu dan renggek Lina sambil mengelinting tubuhnya dan dia memalingkan mukanya ek kiri dan ke kanan sambil tangannya mencakar-cakar belakang N. Lina mengerang kuat dan keras.
N menyorong tarik batangnya perlahan-lahan sambil meramas-ramas punggung Lina yang mengancam itu. Lina merintih kesedapan sambil sesekali punggungnya terangkat-angkat mambalas tujahan nikmat butuh N.. Memberikan Lina seribu kenikmatan.
“Ohh.. Nikmatnya N.. Jangan berhenti N.. Kuat kongkek aku N. Henjut kuat-kuat,” rayuku sambil mengigit dada N dan memegang punggungnya kemas rapat ke tundunku. “Eemm, I rasa.. Kemut kuat lagi Lina.. Kemutt..” balas N membuatkan Lina tambah bersemangat.
Aku terus memasukkan batangku hingga ke pangkal tundun Lina lalu aku membiarkan keadaan itu tanpa bergerak. Kemutan dinding vagina Lina mencengkam ke batangku. Nikmatnya tidak dapat kubayangkan.
“Aduhh.. Mak aii panasnya lubang puki you Linaa..”
N meramas buah dada Lina dan menyuruh Lina mengubah kedudukan. Lina diminta menonggeng. N mula ‘fuck’ Lina secara doggie. Kedudukan yang amat disukai oleh Lina kerana dengan cara itu, butuhr N dapat masuk lebih dalam dan buah pelirnya melanyak biji kelentit Lina. Tak lama selepas itu, Lina melepaskan nikmat klimaks dan N tanpa henti-henti terus-menerus menghentak pukinya.
Lina baring telentang semula. Aku menyorong tarik batangku di puki Lina. N merapatkan kedua-dua belah kaki Lina dan terus ‘fuck’. Dengan cara ini, N dapat merasakan batangnya dikemut dengan kuat. Sekejapan akibat geselan batangku dan dinding vagina Lina, dia meraung dan menjerit-jerit mahu klimaks. N memberi isyarat kepada Lina yang dia akan ‘cum’. N memantaskan henjutannya dan Lina menerima hentakan yang kuat kat cipapnya.
Lina telah menjerit kesedapan.. “Kuat N.. Sedap N.. Laju-laju N.” Itu sahaja kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut Lina. Tiba-tiba Lina terdiam dan mengejangkan tubuhnya. Lina telah sampai klimaxnya.
Lina memberitahu N yang dia sedang subur dan memintanya jangan melepaskan air maninya ke dalam farajnya. Aku mencabut zakarku serta-merta lalu Lina mengulum batangku. Dia memuntahkan air maniku. Setelah memastikan zakarku sudah bersih, aku membelai rambut Lina dan mengusap pipinya sambil mengucapkan terima kasih atas hadiahnya tadi. Aku juga mengucup bibirnya sambil tanganku mengusap dan meramas buah dada Lina.
“Sayang, Lina mintak maaf kerana tak membenarkan N pancut dalam. Lina takut ngandung nanti” kata Lina sambil mengusap dadaku sambil mengucup bibir dan mukaku. “Apa salahnya Lina mengandung? Kan dulu Lina sendiri kata yang Lina mahu rasa mengandung soalnya.” “Itu betul tapi Lina takut suami tahu?” “Ok.. Kita tunggu suami you pulang dari operasi. Masa tu dia ada dan setubuh you. Dalam pada tu kita meetlah dan make love. Kalau Lina sangkutpun masa tu tak hal, suami tak sangka dan tak tahu.” “Baiklah. Lina setuju kita cuba. Nanti bila melahirkan muka bayi tak ada iras suami?” “Uiks.. Jangan bimbang. Kalau muka bayi yang bakal lahir tu mirip Lina.. Kan selamat. Kalau wajah N pun takkan suami Lina nak mempertikaikan.”
Lina sengih sambil aku menyonyot puting susu Lina yang pinkish itu. Kulitnya halus. Pukinya ketat dan dia pandai mengemut batangku.
Setelah kami dapat bersetubuh beberapakali di belakang suaminya dan aku memancutkan air maniku dalam lubang puki Lina. Di bulan kedua, Lina dan suaminya dapat bersama setelah suaminya balik dari operasi, barulah Lina disahkan mengandung.
Tidak dapat dibayangkan betapa gembiranya Lina dan suaminya tambah pula N. N berasa bangga dapat mewanita dan mengandungkan Lina yang mana suaminya tidak berkemampuan berbuat demikian walaupun mereka bersenggama. Tanpa pengetahuan suami Lina, N masih mengongkek Lina bila peluang ada. Biarpun Lina sudah besar perutnya, N masih lagi merodok lubang puki Lina semau-mau dengan batangnya.
Dunia begitu gila!! Alangkah anehnya perubahan dunia yang begitu pesat dalam tempoh kurang dari setengah abad!! Tetapi ini hanya merupakan perbedaan di antara kereta kuda dan kapal terbang jet sahaja. N dan Lina masih ingin mendengar tapak kaki kuda di jalan raya. Ini bukan pula bererti kami mengajak supaya kembali kepada keluhuran zaman lampau dan nilai-nilainya yang ideal, malah Lina menyeru agar setiap golongan wanita sentiasa ingat bahawa dia ialah seorang wanita dan selamanya tetap tinggal sebagai wanita baik tidak semesti tempatnya di syurga manakala jahat belum tentu neraka rumahnya. Yang gila itu manusia sendiri.
Rahasia kandungan Lina tetap dipegang oleh Lina dan N. Hanya mereka berdua sahaja yang tahu. Suami Lina tidak namun dia berbangga yang Lina mengandung juga akhirnya. Hehehe!!
Lina tetap mendapat bekalannya dari N. Tambah N suka menyetubuhi Lina waktu perutnya membesar. Bagai menyiram benihnya segar bugar.
Keseronokan.. Dimiliki oleh insan yang benar-benar berusaha untuk memilikinya tapi sayang sekian lama aku mencarinya.. Kutemui di sini.. Lina yang mengandungkan anakku sedang suaminya yang terhegeh-hegeh mendapat nama.
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devilsrecreation · 23 days
How many TLG Outlander incorrect quotes have I done? Here’s more anyway
Sumu: I know over 200 ways to kill a man
Kuumwa: You could glue an open jar of rats to his face and then blowtorch the other half of the jar so the rats have to eat their way out through his face :)
Sumu: …..201
Kenge: I know over 200 ways to kill a man
Sumu: You could glue an open jar of rats to his face and then blowtorch the other half of the jar so the rats have to eat their way out through his face
Kenge: …..201
Cheezi: On the count of three, what's your favorite cake? One, two, three-
Cheezi and Chungu, in unison: Chocolate cake peanut butter frosting with chocolate chunks!
Goigoi: Our turn, Sumu! One, two, three- vanilla!
Sumu, deadpan: I've never had cake, what is cake.
Mzingo: Looking left cause you don’t treat me right
Janja: Looking right because you left
Reirei: Looking up cause you let me down
Kiburi: Looking down cause you fucked up
Jasiri: What is wrong with you guys
Janja: Hah! 69! You know what that means?
Cheezi: What?
Mzingo: That you're a child.
Sumu: Can I be frank with you guys?
Goigoi: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Chungu: Can I still be Chungu?
Tamka: Shh, let Frank speak.
Kenge: Why are Shupavu and Njano sitting with their backs to each other?
Sumu: They had a fight.
Kenge: Then why are they holding claws?
Sumu: They get sad when they fight.
Janja: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Chungu: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Cheezi: I got distracted about halfway through.
Nne, as Tano nods: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
(Royal Mjuzi au)
Kiburi: Are we really going to let Nduli keep Mwamba?
Neema: We kept Tamka.
Jasiri: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life
Mzingo: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years!
Kiburi: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Janja: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Reirei: My moral code, is that you?
Jasiri: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Tamka: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
Wakali: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Neema: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Nduli: I joined in on the dumb stuff.
Janja: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Reirei: Janja no.
Kiburi: Mistlefoe.
Reirei: Please stop encouraging him.
Ucheshi: If you had to choose between Makuu and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?
Kiburi: That depends, how much money are we taking about?
Makuu: Kiburi!
Ucheshi: 63 cents.
Kiburi: I'll take the money.
Makuu: KIBURI!!!
Kiburi: I trust Janja.
Reirei: You think he knows what he’s doing?
Kiburi: I wouldn't go that far.
Janja: Don't worry, I got a plan.
Reirei: Alright.
Janja: TraitorSayWhat?
Kiburi: Excuse me?
Janja: What?
Janja: No wait-
Goigoi: Reirei, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Reirei: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Goigoi: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask one of the kids.
Chungu: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
Cheezi: That would suck cuz you can’t microwave metal
Janja: Good morning to everyone except these two furbrains
Ucheshi: The real treasure was the memories we made along the way.
Makuu: I almost died.
Kiburi: That... was my favorite memory.
Reirei: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Janja: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Jasiri walks in*
Janja: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Janja: I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness—
Jasiri: Hi.
Janja: *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
Kiburi: I'm not doing too well. 
Pua: What's wrong? 
Kiburi: I have this headache that comes and goes. 
*Makuu enters the room* 
Kiburi: There it is again.
*Kenge and Sumu are planning to break in somewhere*
Sumu: We need to distract the guards.
Kenge: Right.
Sumu: What are we gonna do?
Kenge: I'm going to break their elbows while you poke their eyes.
Sumu: Deal.
Human/Zootopia-esque au: trying to use the family/Kiburi’s computer
Dogo: “Password clue: Favorite child”? Oooh, ah, ouch…sorry, sis. This is awkward *types in their name, but gets denied* What?!
Kijana: Really??? *starts dramatically crying tears of joy* This moment is so much bigger than me! I would like to thank my parents and my manager— *gets denied*
Tamka: “Password clue: Best friend”? Oooh, ah, ouch…sorry, man. This is awkward *types in their name, but gets denied* What?!
Nduli: Really??? *starts dramatically crying tears of joy* This moment is so much bigger than me! I would like to thank my parents and my manager— *gets denied* Aw :(
The Outlanders trying to draw Jasiri:
Janja: I think I made one eye bigger than the other
Mzingo: I was going for a feeling
Reirei, with a perfect drawing: Honestly, I can’t even draw a circle
Kiburi: *shows his picture*
Janja: Okay Kiburi, you just drew yourself
Kiburi: I like me
Jasiri: Dammit, Janja!
Janja: What?! It wasn't me!
Jasiri: Sorry, force of habit.
Dammit, Mzingo!
Mzingo: Not me either.
Jasiri: Oh... Then who set the Outlands on fire?
Njano: *whistles*
Janja: We need to get through this locked door. Reirei, give me your credit card.
Reirei: Here.
Janja, pocketing it: Thanks. Kiburi, kick down the door.
*The group is getting into the car*
Janja: I’m driving.
Cheezi, out of view: Shotgun!
Chungu, turning to face Cheezi: Aww! But you had it on the way here-
Everyone except Cheezi: WOAH-
Cheezi, holding a shotgun: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat! *Pumps gun*
Fuli: What do you think Bunga will do for a distraction?
Kion: He’ll probably make a noise or throw a rock. That's what I would do.
*Explosions and several car alarms go off*
Kion:....Or he could do that.
Goigoi: And now it’s time for... WHAT’S. IN. TAMKA’S MOUTH?
Never try this game. Ever
Tamka: Agahhhagg
Nduli: oh oh oh! It’s those napkins from that one chicken wing place!
Tamka: Uh uh
Chungu: Oh! It’s the entire country of China!
Tamka: *spits the thing out* No! It’s a piece of dental cotton!
Cheezi: From five weeks ago?
Tamka: Uh huh!
Cheezi: And now it’s time for Janja’s poetry beat
Janja: Eh, I don’t wanna
Chungu: But it’s your thing!
Janja: No, it’s not!
Cheezi: Yeah, it is. That’s why it’s called “Janja’s”, emphasis on “Janja’s” poetry beat!
Janja: Why don’t one of you do it this time?
Chungu: You don’t like my poetry!
Janja: Sure, I do! Come on
Chungu: Okay.
I sat down on the ground today
Baobab ball I was to play
But instead of rolling north or south
How’d it end up in my mouth?
Janja: You’re right. That sucked
Chungu: Will Shakespeare my butt
Kiburi: (on one line) Hello?
Tamka (on the other line): Hey, what’s up?
Kiburi: I need a little help, can you come over?
Tamka: I can’t. I’m buying clothes
Kiburi: Alright, well hurry up and come over here
Tamka: I can’t find ‘em...
Kiburi: What do you mean you can’t find them?
Tamka: I can’t find them, there’s only soup
Kiburi: ...What do you mean “There’s only soup”
Tamka: It means there’s only soup
Kiburi:Well, then get out of the soup isle!
Tamka: Okay! You don’t have to shout at me! (walks into another isle) There’s more soup
Kiburi: What do you mean there’s more soup?!
Tamka: It means there’s just more soup
Kiburi: Go into the next isle
Tamka: (goes into the next isle) There’s still soup!
Tamka: I’M AT SOUP!
Tamka: FUCK YOU!!!!!
Kenge: I’m not worried about silly things like labels. Animals can call me whatever they want. They could even call me little…..
(Nduli leans in towards a sleeping Tamka)
Nduli: Tamka..Tamka...Tam-zebra.
Tamka: (wakes up) Gimme the leg! I want the leg!
Makuu and Ucheshi: (staring into each other’s eyes)
Kiburi: (rips the leg off of a kill)
Makuu: We’re having a moment
Kiburi: I’m having a snack
Goigoi: The good news is I named my nickel “Phillip!”
Janja: What’s the bad news?
Goigoi: It’s a girl nickel! :D
Cheezi: But it was a shiny nickel!
(Hodari saves Njano’s life)
Njano: Bro... 🥺
Hodari: Bro... 🥺
Kenge: Can you guys stop making out and go get the chimps?!
Neema: [Could I give Tamka a -2?]
Tamka: For what?
Neema: [Just for being you]
Jasiri: You assaulted a 94-year old animal!
Kenge: He sassed me
Mzingo: Ooh, you have some pie! Would you mind if I have a piece?
Janja: Uh, sure. (gives Mzingo a piece of pie)
Mzingo: Can you pass the cool hwhip?
Janja: What’d you say?
Mzingo: You can’t have a pie without cool hwhip!
J Cool hwhip?
M: Cool hwhip, yeah
J: You mean cool whip
M: Yeah, cool hwhip
J: Cool whip
M: Cool hwhip
J: Cool WHip
M: Cool hwhip
J: You’re saying it weird! Why’re you putting so much emphasis on the h?
M: What are you talking about? I’m just saying cool hwhip! You put cool hwhip on pie. Pie tastes better with cool hwhip
J: Say “whip”
M: Whip
J: Now say “cool whip”
M: Cool hwhip
J: Cool WHIP
M: Cool hwhip
M: Cool hwhip
Actor AU: Deleted scene with Scar and Jasiri
Director: Action!
Scar: Are you saying I’m stupid?
Jasiri: No…
Scar: Do I look. Stupid. To you?
Jasiri: *starts laughing* I’m sorry 😂😂
(Cut to next take)
Scar: Are you saying I’m stupid?
Jasiri: *starts wheezing* I’m sorry! *recomposes herself* I got it. No no, just do it again. I’m fine
(Cut to next take)
Scar: Are you saying I’m stupid?
Jasiri: *pointing* YES! *laughs*
Scar: This is the fifteenth take, I cannot work like this. I will be in my trailer…
Jasiri: I need a break
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 5 months
Taking them Home to Meet the Parents (Marius, Artem, Vyn)
This was originally two parts, but I don't think splitting them up makes much sense. Not when both are written and part two was only Vyn
Requests are OPEN, pls check rules before requesting
Cw: just fluff, a shovel talk
Marius x Fem!reader, Artem x Fem!reader, Vyn x fem!reader
Your parents are split when you bring him home for the first time
He easily charms your mother who thinks he’s “just such a nice boy, you should keep him y/n”
Mentally you’re like “uh huh. sure. Such a nice boy and the biggest tease in Stellis.” Not that you’d mention it. There’s no point in enlightening your mother during their first meeting
Your father is a different story
He’s heard rumors of the younger von Hagen boy and is  suspicious. Very suspicious. though you’re sure his mood is more about the boyfriend bit, not the von Hagen bit. He’s your father after all
The three of you have dinner, while, Marius chats with your mother and your father subtly not grills him on every topic imaginable
When dinner is done, your father drags him outside for a little talk. Before they leave your mother tells him to “be nice to the poor boy, he’s probably terrified” yes, yes he is, but he leads meetings in front of cranky old men all the time. He’s not going to show your dad just how terrified he is, lol
The shovel talk goes about as well as can be expected
“If you hurt my daughter, I’ll make sure you’re a permanent missing person’s case.”
nope, nope, not terrified at all to which Marius responds with a very quiet, “Yes sir, I wouldn’t dream of hurting your daughter”
Your father would be satisfied with the response and the rest of the night goes very well
Before he leaves, Marius definitely gives you a kiss that has your mother blushing, you breathless, and your father reaching for the shovel. It’s something your should have expected, really. Marius wasn’t going to be able to pretend all night. He never can.
If your parents would be of split opinions about Marius, the opposite is true if you brought Artem home
Your mother would be very pleased with the way Artem cares for you and how much he respects you. Of course, he treats her with the same courtesy, if not with the same openness. 
Your mother does remark that he seems a little distant and very formal. You merely shrug and tell her that Artem is just like that. 
Even with the distance your mother is easily won over
Your father is even easier to please. It’s painfully obvious that Artem respects you no shovel talk needed
He’s even happier when you tell him about his accolades. He wants someone who can take care of his daughter, who can support her no matter what she decides to do in live and Artem is certainly capable of doing so 
After dinner, Artem insists on being the one to drive you home (you came together anyway), which pleases your parents immensely. 
Vyn Richter 
Your dad was seriously trying to find fault with Vyn, he really was
After all, only the best of the best get to date his daughter
But this is Vyn. Despite his god complex, he has his good points and he knows full well how to put those on display
So instead of seeing “your daughter calls me professor in bed” he sees “successful psychiatrist, professor, and someone who will treat his daughter right”
And he will. Red flags aside, his distaste read: hatred of PUAs shows that he will not descend to that level of manipulation
What only you see is that Vyn is genuinely nervous. He doesn’t have a lot of experience at this stage of a relationship I wouldn’t think anyway and he is not nearly as perfect as he’d like to be (you spent an hour trying to convince him that it was going to be fine
So he results to assuaging your dad’s doubts and charming your mother
Boy howdy does he charm your Mom. His polished and refined manner, strict adherence to etiquette, and the gentlemanly way he treats you has her over the moon
So while your Dad is like, “he’s dating my daughter, I don’t like him. But damn it he treats her like a queen” Mom is like “great job, Y/n, he’s a keeper”
Actually, for a moment your mom is a little self conscious over the homely dinner she spent some much time on. I mean, this is fine dining, best of the best, Vyn and he can’t totally dampen that vibe.
But once things really get going, your dad stops interrogating Vyn and your mom stopped feeling so self conscious (a genuine  “compliments to the chef” from Vyn did the trick) things go fairly smoothly
Vyn soon stops being so nervous, to which you think “about damn time” and you end up having a very interesting dinner time discussion
By the time Vyn leaves, all mistrust has been dispelled
As far as you’re concerned, it’s a resounding success
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marvelsage · 1 year
AWTA x Marvel Final
Neteyam x Reader
Summary: You are the adopted Maximoff sibling and had powers like Wanda. During the blip you stayed at Kamar-Taj and trained to strengthen your powers and gain control. When Wanda came looking for America Chavez a fight broke out between the two of you and through her rage she was able to send you away. All the way to the Avatar universe where you were discovered by Neteyam.
I suggest listening to Tía Carrere - Aloha ‘Oe version
It had been some time before any of you moved from that rock, you had gone back to tracing his facial features and truly admired how beautiful he was. You started humming a song you heard when you were training with some people from Hawai‘i at the Kamar-Taj…
Ha'aheo ka ua i na pali
Ke nihi a'ela i ka nahele
E hahai (Uhai) ana paha i ka liko
Pua 'ahihi lehua o uka
You had rested your head on his chest, his heartbeat that used to calm yours no longer giving that steady rhythm. You had closed your eyes and zoned out everything else, so you didn’t notice when his mother gasps.
Aloha 'oe
Aloha 'oe
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo
You didn’t notice when Atokirina descended upon the both of you or that your hands began to glow. Nor the fact that slowly his wound had begun to close and heal to a light scar. You just kept on singing, even as the dots that aligned his being glowed.
One fond embrace
A ho'i a'e au
Until we meet again
You freeze and hold your breathe, oh what a cruel universe this was to play tricks on you.
*thump thump*
*thump thump*
Snapping your eyes open in disbelief, you look to his mother as she cries shakily and your own fill with tears. Sitting up just as he gasps awake and opens his eyes, his beautiful eyes that took a moment to adjust. The spirits lift as he warily looked around at everyone, and stopped on you in bewilderment.
“Did I die?” You released a watery chuckle before embracing him crying but this time of joy and relief, his family joining in as well.
“My son!”
“You skxawng!”
Back at the village, you and the rest of the girls were getting dressed in ceremonial attire for the celebration of your wins. You kept looking around and pinching yourself to make sure this was real and not a dream.
“He is alive, Y/n. You are not dreaming.” It was Kiri that had spoken up having noticed you fidgeting around.
“Sorry, It’s just, where I’m from things like this… doesn’t happen often or at all so, I’m still trying to grasp this reality.” She had finished putting the last of your markings and nodded, placing her hands on your shoulders to turn you to the mirror.
You wore a two piece white dress the skirt had slits on the side, the top made of a soft fabric with beads and shells. Your hair half up and down (or however you want it to be, depending on your hair type) held up in a meticayan clip, you were in awe at what you saw your face bare of any markings yet and met a pair of eyes in your reflection.
“Neteyam” You spun around, you didn’t even notice when the girls left or when he arrived. He was holding the same jar Kiri had to do your arms and chest, he was still slowly taking you in.
“Huh? Sorry um I-I uh sorry you look…beautiful” You meet his gaze and pinch your other hand again, he took notice of it right away. Placing down the paint and gently taking your hands rubbing over the spot you pinched, you were getting choked up.
“Why do you do that, Space girl.” A tear slipped as you close your eyes at the nickname and you felt his hand wipe at them before holding your face.
“Why do you cry hmm”
“I have lost…so many people that I have cared for in my life. I thought I lost you.” Opening your eyes and tilting you head back to look up at him. He leaned down and rests his head against yours.
“I am right here, Y/n.” You nod, he leans away and reaches for the jar once more and without another word paints markings along your face. You were admiring his own markings when he began humming a tune, it was the song you were singing to him. He obviously didn’t know the lyrics so…
Ha'aheo ka ua i na pali
Ke nihi a'ela i ka nahele
E hahai (Uhai) ana paha i ka liko
Pua 'ahihi lehua o uka
He traced lines down your lips to your chin, cupping your jaw and leaned his head back onto yours.
Aloha 'oe
Aloha 'oe
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo
One fond embrace
A ho'i a'e au
Until we meet again
“ I see you, Neteyam.”
“I see you, Y/n.”
Tag list:
@oyasumimosura @kas-1 @notleclerc @crookednighttragedy @idkanymore109456 @eternallyvenus @notleclerc
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"No one actual hates straight people. That's a lie."
*Meanwhile, plastered all over every social media in existence*
Tumblr media
Modern culture can just go crawl in a hole somewhere.
As lot of LGBT activists shit on het people non stop, women tell men they are sad, boring, pathetic, and gross, when they identify with pictures like this, and fake "alpha" men who can't find a date must of the time project their rage onto other men that identify with this picture.
Really I see the reactions to this and I'm left in awe of how awful people are. And a bulk of the women that shit on men for identifying with this picture are why men like Andrew Tate even HAVE a platform. Otherwise he'd just be some no name PUA on the Internet. A large chunk of why LGBT acceptance is down is because every time pictures like this go any level of viral, we see shit like, "Ew straight normalization", or, "Gross hetero couples" or other bullshit. Or those "fixing" the art by making the characters the same sex.
I'm sorry but maybe all of you should go and reflect on things. Because little is as shit in a relationship (not the most shit thing) as not being able to communicate and be yourself at all. If you're never able to be vulnerable at all around you're significant other, they REALLY don't love you. They love the image of you they've created in their head of you that lives on a pedestal, that your will NEVER be able to continue living up to. No. When you parents die. Don't cry. Brood a bit, then go take off your shirt and chop lumber so your woman can fawn over how masculine your are. */S*
I hate modernity. I hate it so fucking much. If I had a dime for every women that's ever said, "you can be open and honest about your feelings" to men, only to be grossed out when they do it and crack because they've been holding it in for years, I'd be richer than Jeff (Lex Luthor) Besoz.
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zam-jb · 2 years
Rumahtangga aku pulak mmg bahagia kalau ada selisih faham tu biasalah kan. Mana ada rumahtangga yg langsung tak ada ribut taufan sekali sekala. Kalau ada yg dakwa rumahtangga dia tak pernah ada masalah, itu menipu namanye.
Aku ngaku yg aku ni bukanlah seorg suami yg baik ataupun jujur ngan isteri ku. Pernah jugaklah aku curang ngan isteri ku. Sememangnye aku punyai nafsu yg ….. (entahlah mungkin pada ni tak pelik lagi kut)
Aku lebih teransang pada bini org. Kalau diberi pilihan antara bini orang atau anak dara….semestinye aku akan pilih biniorg. Bglah anak dara rupa mcm ratu cantik dunia sekali pun…aku akan tetap pilih biniorg…(biniorg tu mestilah yg oklah…..kalau tak ok sapa yg nak….kan?).
Aku tak pernah kenal ngan nurse satu hospital ngan wife aku ni. Selama ni kalau umah aku ada buat open house ke…tak pernah pun dia dtg. Nak dijadikan cerita, hari tu kereta bini aku ada kat workshop so terpaksalah aku kena ambik dia balik keje. Biasanye kalau aku tunggu wife aku ni selalu jugaklah aku masuk dlm hospital tu. Ward gynaecology tu ramai jugaklah aku kenal…tapi nurse ni mmg aku tak pernah tengok.
Tengah berbual ngan doktor2 dan nurse2 kat situ….aku terpandang sorang nurse ni. Mmg rupa…badan dia ni buat aku tak senang duduklah. Bernafsu. Tengah sembang2 tu aku pun buat2 senyumlah….ada sorang dr kat situ mcm perasan sambil aku borak2 aku duk asyik pandang nurse tu. Tiba2 dr tu panggil nurse tu introduce kat aku. Kami pun salam2lah.
Nama dia Zana (nama tipu…takan nak bg tau nama betul kut). Lepas salam tu dia pun terus sambung keje. Wife aku dtg dan kami pun baliklah. Aku Tanya wife aku nurse tu. Wife aku kata dia baru join ..sebelum ni dia keje kat hospital kerajaan. Umur dia 31 tahun anak 1. Rupa dia nak kata lawa sgt tu taklah sedap mata memandanglah katakana.
Tapi aku suka body dia….agaknye dlm 36B 30 36. Aku ni suka badan cam tu…berisi sikit. Bodi mcm model bukan taste aku. Sampai balik umah pun aku terbayang nurse tu….cara dia berjalan…ermmm mmg mengancamlah.
Aku tanam niat camana nak kenal ngan nurse tu. Tapi aku buntu. Bukan senang….dahlah dia tu satu tempat keje ngan bini aku. Aku sebolehnye nak ngelak dr ada affair ngan bini org yg satu tempat keje ngan bini aku ni…..byk masalah akan timbul. Sebelum ni bukan takde yg aku berkenan….pernah dulu aku berkenan kat dr sorang tu….lawa mmg lawa…anak mami, rupa mcm Amisha Patel.
Sapa yg minat kt filem Hindustan taulah…kan? Tapi aku tak sanggup. Dgn nurse ni lain mcm sgt rasanye….rasa mcm tarikan dia tu kuat sgt… putih kata ada chemistry. Puas aku fakir camana nak mulakan sampai aku tertidur. Sehinggalah dlm 4…5 hari aku pun malas nak fakir sgtlah pasal nurse tu.
Satu hari tu aku balik dr ofis dlm pukul 7.30pm. Bila masuk dlm umah terperanjat aku nurse Zana tu ada dlm umah aku. Kalau pembaca semua adalah masa tu….mmg akan gelak sakan kat aku. Aku kaku berdiri dlm 2…3 min jugaklah. ….bayangkanlah… bila tengok dia tengah duduk atas sofa kat living room tu.
Aku tersentak bila wife aku cakap si Zana ni tumpang balik jap sementara tunggu suami dia dtg ambik. Suami dia tu pengurus kilang di keramat. Rumah aku plak kat bukit antarabangsa so tak jauhlah. Barulah aku tau dia dtg umah aku tu bersama ngan bini aku. Kami makan mlm bersama. Tapi aku tak byk cakap. Tapi aku asyik duk perhatikan dia jer.
Apa yg bini aku borak ngan dia aku tak ambik kisah sgt. Bila dah makan semua dia bangun nak cuci tangan aku duk perhati je badan dia. Dia pakai track suit ngan sleeveless t shirt.ketat. Mata aku tak lepas dr tenung buntut dan dada dia. Sejak dr hari tu dia boleh katakan hari2 singgah umah aku dulu sementara tunggu suami dia dtg ambik.
Sehinggalah satu hari tu, dlm kul 8 mlm, wife aku dpt call dari hospital ada patient yg terpaksa bersalin cara ceasar…ada complication. So wife aku pun pegilah. Tinggallah aku, dia , maid aku dan anak-anak aku.
Sampai dlm kul 10 lebih anak2 aku naik tidur. Maid plak biasanye kalau takde apa dia berperaplah dlm bilik dia. Dia call suami dia, suami dia kata ada machine breakdown so production takleh jalan.
So terpaksalah suami dia settlekan dulu masalahnya dulu. Kat living room tu tinggalah aku ngan dia. Macam2 ceritalah kami borak. Sambil borak2 tu …aku ni mcm biasalah mata terpaku kat dada dia….kalau dia bangun jer aku tenung kat punggung dia bulat macam Jlo.
Lama-lama aku tak tahan….dah rasa stim semacam. Aku bangun nak ke dapur nak buat air dia…dia kata takpe dia buat sendiri….wife aku pun selalu cakap ngan dia…kalau rasa nak minum ke makan ker buat mcm umah sendiri.
Dia bangun ke dapur buat air. Aku ikut sekali ke dapur berdiri membelakangkan dia. Dia kata kat aku yg ikut sekali ke dapur tu tak percaya kat dia ker. Aku kata takdelah camtu…Cuma kalau dia tak jumpa cari gula ke susu ke senang aku tunjukkan… dlm pada tu aku cukup bernafsu. Aku dtg dekat ngan dia dr belakang. Entah macamana setan dah rasuk abis dah.
Aku betul2 berdiri belakang dia…..aku pegang bahu dia….gosok-gosok…dia terkejut. Aku terus pegang bahu dia…sambil aku cium leher dia. Dia suruh aku lepaskan dia kata jangan buat camtu. Aku terus cium leher sambil tangan aku gosok-gosok lengan dia….mulut dia mmg terus berkata jangan….jangan…tapi setakat mulut jerlah….sambil biar je aku cium leher dia. Aku dpt rasa dia dah naik biji-biji kat lengan dia.
Aku terus cium leher dia ….tangan aku mulalah peluk dia..sambil pelan-pelan ramas tetek dia.
Dia dah tak tentu arah….aku tau dia stim tapi rasa serba salah.
Aku teruskan lagi …ramas2 tetek dia dr belakang…..tiba2 jer terus dia pusing mengadap aku….belum dia cakap apa2 terus aku cium mulut dia…sambil tangan aku raba buntut dia pulak. Dia Cuma biarkan aje tapi aku tau dia dah teransang. Tangan masuk dalam baju dia…selak bra dia. Puting tetek dia pun dah keras.
Aku gentel-gentel….sambil terus beromen. Suara dia dah tak tentu arah. Aku tau masa tu aku tak sia sia kan…aku akan masukkan jugak batang aku dalam cipap dia. Sebelum aku terus nikmati seluruh badan dia sambil berdiri. Satu persatu pakaian dia aku bukak….dia diam …biarkan aje.
Aku terus isap puting dia…sambil tangan merayap kat celah kangkang dia….dia memang dah stim….air cipap dia pun dah banyak. Aku aku pusingkan dia membelakangkan tarik sikit buntut dia yang bulat tu….aku pun keluarkan batang aku masukkan dalam cipap dia kami main doggie sambil berdiri.
Masa main sorong tarik tu…aku suka cara dia mengeluh…memang buat aku lebih horny. Hinggalah dalam 30/…40 minit aku climax. Aku berborak ngan dia sambil berbogel kat dapur…borak punya borak….kami pun main lagi…kali ni aku duk atas kerusi makan…dia duk atas aku sambil mengadap….hinggalah dia climax 2 kali.
Lepas dlm 1 jam kite orang main untuk 2nd time tu suami dia pun call nak ambik dia.
Sejak dr ari tulah….aku selalu main ngan dia. Kalau susah sgt aku akan check in kat hotel lepas keje. Pernah jugak main dalam kereta. Hubungan kami masih lagi kekal sekarang ni. Pandai makan pandai simpan seperti kata orang…
Copy pasta dari alam maya :joy:
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askanallo · 2 months
how does reciprocation of attraction happens? bc of all the people you know, you like one and it just happens to be that one person likes you when there is a lot of other they could like. it feels like two people liking eachother is a 1 in a million situation, but it is quite often
Attraction is significantly more common than you think, and it's not just a one at a time thing. It's especially easy to fall for someone after talking to them for a while, and discounting online dating that's how most relationships form afaik, from acquaintances and friends. The "cold open" stuff PUAs love like going up to a random woman and asking for her number fails so often because it's 100% looks based. But if you talk to someone for a bit (enough so they know your name at least), the odds become more favorable.
There's also the "giving someone a chance" thing, where you go out with someone you aren't attracted to. Sometimes attraction does form just from seeing someone in a romantic context and from giving them a chance to flirt with you.
Our brains, generally (doesn't apply to aroace people obv lol) want to find someone to be attracted to who reciprocates. Because reproduction or something, idk. So it works out in the end, usually, somehow. I'm a little bit amazed by it myself.
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solmints-messyocdiary · 6 months
Found an incorrect quotes generator and I've been having some fun ahsjsj.
Tagging @bluecoolr @rottent33th @slaasherslut @probably-a-plant-thing because I used their babies in it.
Axel: *visiting the gang* Hello, I just came to-
Axel: *sees Rylan shoving Randy into the washing machine while Simon records and Klaus watches*
Axel: *retreating* Something suddenly came up.
Simon: Rylan, I know you snuck out to see Axel last night.
Rylan: If you tell Randy or Klaus, I swear I’ll murder you, and they’ll never find the body.
Simon: Five bucks?
Rylan: Fine.
"Alice": I'm gonna eat the chicken breasts!
Colt, snickering: Yeah, eat what you lack.
Ava, deadpanning at Colt: Then maybe I should order brains on delivery for you.
Colt, with their hands cupped over each other: I found a cool spider!
Ava: Oh? Lemme see!
Colt, opening their hands to see nothing there: …hm.
"Alice": …where’s the spider.
Colt: *looks troubled and stares at their hands*
Ava: Oh no.
Colt: sapnu puaS.
Ava: What??
"Alice": What language is that.
Colt: Turn your phone 180 degrees.
*Colt was removed from the groupchat*
"Alice": Can we go out to get icecream?
Colt: Did you ask Ava?
"Alice": She said no.
Colt: Then why did you ask me?
"Alice": They're not the boss of you.
Colt, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Darrell: Where’s B?
"Alice": Doing stuff.
Darrell: I don’t like the sound of that. Where’s Ava?
"Alice": Trying to stop B from doing the stuff.
Darrell: And Colt?
"Alice": Trying to stop Ava from stopping B from doing the stuff.
Darrell: I see. And what are you doing here, "Alice"?
"Alice": I’m supposed to stop you from stopping Colt from stopping Ava from stopping B from doing the stuff.
B: Who the fuck broke the toaster?
"Alice": It was Colt.
Darrell: It was Colt.
Ava: Colt broke it.
Colt: ...yOU PROMISED-
Susannah: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it?
Ophelia: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?”
The Patron, scoffing: Oh, please.
Ophelia, to The Patron: Hey, how you doin’?
The Patron:
The Patron: *giggles and blushes*
Susannah: I like your top, Ophelia!
The Patron: I have a name, you know.
The Patron: So, what is Susannah to you?
Ophelia: The reason I wake up every morning.
The Patron: ...That’s adorable.
Susannah earlier that morning, barging into Ophelia′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
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TOH characters as incorrect quotes + y/n
Hello! How are you doing today :) hope you're doing well!
I may or may not have changed certain words like God to Titan, and prom to grom, but yeah
Here are some quotes (that i used on a generating thingamajig on Google called perchance.org incorrect quotes)
Hunter: hey, y/n, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Y/n: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly
Hunter: No, i mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Y/n: Can't really say i have.
Hunter: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes
Y/n: Sorry, Hunter. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringing up anybody
Y/n: I'm proud to identify as morosexual. I'm attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing the under the moonlight.
Hunter: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?
Y/n, already taking off their clothes: God, Hunter, you're so fucking stupid.
Gus: Willow, can I ask you a question?
Willow: You just did.
Gus: Okay, can I ask you two questions?
Willow: You just did.
Willow: You just did.
Gus: When?!
Willow: Just now.
Luz & Gus in the back of Y/n's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
Willow: We have food at home.
Y/n: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough*
Luz & Gus: YAYYYYYY!
Y/n: *orders one black coffee and leaves*
Luz: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Hunter: We're chopsticks!
Luz: Well... that's cute!
Luz: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly?
Y/n: No, it means that if you take the other away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
Hunter: I’m this close to falling in love with Y/n.
Luz: Your fingertips are touching.
Hunter: Exactly.
Luz: *finds a note* Hmm, whats this?
Hunter: Hey, that's mine! *tries to grab it*
Luz: Aww, it's a love note for Y/n?
Hunter: No-
Luz: *opens it*
Luz: I can't read this.
Gus: Do you ever feel bugs on you when really there’s nothing there?
Luz: Those are the ghosts of the bugs you killed before.
Gus: *sobs*
Willow: You fucking scared him, you idiot.
Luz: What time is it?
Y/n: I don’t know, pass me that saxaphone and we’ll find out
Y/n: *BLASTS the saxaphone*
Y/n: It’s 2 am
Y/n: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Hunter: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Hunter: My future partner must be brave, strong intelligent, successful and organized
Y/n: *steps on a caterpillar and proceedes to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely.*
Hunter: That one. I want that one
Luz: You know, Hunter gives Y/n flowers everyday, i wish you'd do that to
Amity: Okay.
Amity: *gives Y/n flowers*
Y/n: ???
Amity: I don't know, I'm confused as well
Luz: Hey Hunter, wanna third wheel on my date with Amity tomorrow?
Hunter: sure
Luz: Y/n! Wanna third wheel on my date with Amity tomorrow?
Y/n: sure
Luz: Great! I've always wanted to go on a double date!
Hunter & Y/n: ...
Amity: Luz...
Hunter: I wanna be with you for the rest of my life.
Y/n: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal.
Hunter, getting down on one knee: that's 'cause it is.
Hunter: If i say i love you, will you say it back?
Y/n: Yes.
Hunter: I love you
Y/n: It back
Luz: why is hunter crying face-down on the floor?
Luz: That's ridiculous, Amity doesn't have a crush on me.
Hunter: Yes she does
Y/n: Yes she does
Amity: Yes i do
Hunter: sapnu puaS
Y/n: What??
Y/n: What language is that.
Hunter: Turn your phone 180 degrees
*y/n has blocked your number*
Luz: Okay! Let’s play Kiss Marry Kill!
Luz: First who would you kill?
*Amity points at Y/n*
*Gus points at Y/n*
*Willow points at Y/n*
Y/n: *shrugs* I would kill me too.
Luz: *visiting the squad* Hello, I just came to-
Luz: *sees Willow shoving Gus into the washing machine while Amity records and Y/n watches*
Luz: *retreating* Something suddenly came up.
Y/n: This food is too hot... I can't eat it
Hunter: You're very hot, and i still eat you
Everyone at the table: *silence*
Vee: One dinner... I just want ONE DINNER!
Luz: *about Hunter and Y/n* They make a cute couple huh.
Amity: They certainly are standing next to each other.
Hunter: Well, Y/n and i finally did it!
The rest of the squad: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*
Hunter: That's right... We kissed!
Hunter: Where are you going?
Y/n: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one!
Hunter: I told you I did! It's coming here on Friday!
Luz, knowing full well that Hunter gave Y/n and engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Amity: I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Luz: I sleep with a knife.
Hunter: Both of you are pathetic.
Amity: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Hunter: Y/n.
Luz: Do you love Y/n?
Hunter: Yeah, I do.
Luz: Amity! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks!
Amity: We all love Y/n. You should've asked if they were IN love with them.
Hunter: I thought that was implied.
Amity: ...
Luz: ...
Hunter, looking straight at Luz: Congrats Luz, you just won 100 bucks.
Y/n: I love you.
Hunter: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Y/n and Hunter kiss passionately*
Luz, to Amity: You owe me 20 dollars.
Amity: Why would anyone want to harm Luz?
Vee: Maybe because they met her?
Luz: So, what is Y/n to you?
Hunter: The reason I wake up every morning.
Luz: ...That’s adorable.
Y/n earlier that morning, barging into Hunter′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
Luz, bursting into the room: You two are having sex!
Y/n, not looking up from their book: Really? Hunter, why didn’t you tell me? I would have put my book down.
Luz: That shirt looks great, Y/n.
Y/n: Thanks.
Luz: But I bet it would look even better on Hunter's floor.
Hunter: Are you hitting on Y/n... for me?
Y/n: How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you?
Hunter: Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now.
Hunter: Would you like me to tutor you?
Luz: That was smooth.
Lilith: ....Thou shalt not marry each other, for thy art both sinful...
Hunter: I just wanna fucking marry Y/n!!
*Y/n rushes by with an armful of water bottles*
Hooty: What's going on?
Lilith: Y/n wouldn't drink water.
Hooty: ...And?
Lilith: And I asked them how fast they could chug an entire bottle.
Y/n: I'm in love with you
Hunter: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
Y/n: I know
Hunter: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Amity: Why is Y/n crying on the floor?
Luz: They're drunk
Amity: And?
Luz: They saw a picture of Hunter's spouse.
Amity: But they're Hunter's spouse
Luz: I know.
Hunter: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box.
Gus: Did Y/n say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'?
Y/n: The stars are so beautiful...
Hunter: They're just gigant balls of gas.
Y/n: You know what, if you're just going ruin this, then-
Hunter: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Y/n: Oh...
Y/n: *Holds us a sign that says "Grom?" outside Hunter's window.
Gus: OH my Titan, Yes!
Y/n: *Yelling up* No, tell Hunter!
Gus: Hunter! I'm going to grom with your lover!
Amity: Who do we know that has handcuffs?
Y/n: Well Hunter and I-
Hunter: *elbows Y/n*
Y/n: ...wouldn't know.
God damn, i finally finished this, took me long enough, and for any of you tat sent request's just so you know i am trying to write all of them, it's just taking me a while, plus i have no motivation ;-;
Anyway, ba-bye!
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subukunojess · 11 months
Nightmare Before Christmas in Dreamlight Valley
Hi guys. For a few weeks now, I’ve been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley on my Switch and it’s getting really good, especially with the recent update. I kind of spoiled myself with the twist in the story and I have so many ideas for my player character that I’ll do in separate posts. For this one, I would like to discuss a what-if scenario and write fanfiction in which characters that played a big part in my growing up were in the game. One movie, in particular, is Nightmare Before Christmas. 
Now this idea is not totally universal and very self-indulgent. I remember watching Nightmare Before Christmas when I was between 5 and 7. I remember being awed by the movie and very scared of the Oogie Boogie scenes. It wasn’t until my teenage years that I fully embraced it and it became my permanent hyperfixation. This post would be how I would write it in my fanfiction, but if you’d like to add or make/change something for your own, be free. 
I would include: Jack, Sally, Zero, Oogie Boogie, Lock, Shock, and Barrel
Ideas and Spoilers Under The Cut:
Jack and Sally
I still have to figure things out for them but at the top of my head, I feel like they went back to Halloween Town. Perhaps Jack wanted to help by going back to the town and coming up with new ideas and tools to combat the Forgetting. Sally followed him to help/keep an eye out for him. Due to the Forgetting, Jack has some sort of problem and it’s up to the Player and Sally to help him. From opening the Nightmare Before Christmas realm, you’d recruit Sally first and then Jack. Sally could have her own store selling fabrics and unique clothes. Both Jack and Sally live in a recreation of Jack’s house. 
Like with Pua, Zero can be an animal companion you unlock once Jack becomes a villager and asks you to help him find Zero. Don’t know how I would make it different from the Moana-Pua quest, but that’s what comes to mind. 
Oogie Boogie
Here’s where the self-indulgent stuff comes in. A little short backstory: not only did I get nightmares about Oogie as a child, but Oogie has played a major role in my life both on the positive and negative side. He’s somewhat of a comfort character and through him and other media, has helped me grow as a person. Whenever I added new characters or left aside past ones, Oogie has been with me from 16 years old until now. Prior to understanding the story, I wanted to write a fic in response to what happens during the Glade of Trust arc. In it, my Player, Jess, has a hard time processing the truth and what happened during the night. She tries to distract herself by spending the day with Mirabel, but the two get stuck in a new cave in the process. Jess panics, lets out her feelings about her recent experience, and, in a state of fear and regret, becomes Oogie Boogie. At first, it was supposed to just be a symbol of a person becoming a monster to handle the fear. But after learning about the Forgotten, I decided to add to it.
As a child, the player, although frightened by Oogie Boogie, tended to sometimes hang out with him when they get scared. Hey, if you can befriend Ursula, Mother Gothel, and Scar, you could befriend the Boogeyman. Anyway, when the Forgetting happens and the Player split, Oogie split in two as well due to dark magic and the Player’s magic/emotions. While the Player has regular Oogie, the Forgotten has Shadow Oogie with green eyes. After the Glade of Trust arc, Oogie is around not as a villager but as a part of the Player. Whenever the Player has a negative emotion or feels fear, they’d transform into Oogie. It’s still them, but sometimes a little moody or sarcastic. Transforming into Oogie would be necessary for side quests that will help figure out the mystery with the Forgotten. It turns out that since Oogie is split, he is not whole and thus, has no memories. Interacting with characters would reveal snipped memories of the Forgotten, most notably: Mother Gothel, Scar, and Olaf. As of this moment, I just finished saving Frozen Heights. As I find out more about the Forgotten, the list would increase. Likewise, the Forgotten can change into Shadow Oogie when extremely upset as well, but can freely do so within the Dark Castle. Once Act 1 of the Main Story is finished and the Forgotten wants to make amends with the Player and the Village, Oogie becomes whole again and he can be his own person, becoming a villager. 
Lock, Shock, and Barrel
Like Jack and Sally, I still do not know what to do with these three, but at the top of my head, here’s what I came up with: imagine you’re the trick-or-treaters in a valley where you are free to express yourself and have a little fun/mischief. Suddenly, these cool thorns appear and you don’t know why everyone’s freaking out. Some people are forgetting, Jack and Sally went back to Halloween Town, and your boss suddenly disappears. You go to the Ruler demanding answers and lo and behold, they look completely different and for some strange reason, you’re compelled to hang out with them. So you do just that, following the Ruler’s orders and whatnot when suddenly you realize that something dark and magical occurred in that your boss is somehow merged with the Ruler. You and the Ruler have a fight which results in the Ruler separating you three into three different portals having no memories of the valley but vague memories of the group.
So yeah, somewhat of a Minnie or Donald situation going on. 
Let me know what you think and what you’d like to add. Fics are a work in progress. 
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devilsrecreation · 6 months
Okay Nikki, you’ve made a fair amount of TLG oc’s. You do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT need to make more. ESPECIALLY not next gen oc’s. It’s not necessary. You understand? NO MORE—
…..I made more TLG oc’s.
Pua’s mate: Kuimba (singing, to sing)-A singer in the Pridelands and easily the kindest, prettiest, most loved crocodile in Pua’s float, and that’s what made her perfect in his eyes. The heart and soul of the float, she was able to open everyone’s minds when they were subjects to change. Because of her love of singing, she could do so at any given moment and the rest just allowed it because they loved her that much. Although she wasn’t a complete idiot (she was ditzy tho lol), Tamka gets his stupidity from her
-She died when Tamka was very young. Thankfully, he was old enough to remember her and carry memories of their time together
Piga’s mate: Ungwana (gentle)-If Piga had a soft spot for someone before Kiburi, it was her. Living up to her name, everything about her was gentle. Her gaze, the way she handled things, her voice…especially that voice. Never raised it or anything. She’s kind of has a way with bad boys, which is how she won Piga’s affections. Kiburi doesn’t have too many memories of her, but Piga sure does
-She also died during Scar’s reign, specifically the time when the float finally moved on with the other animals. It was extra rough for them, seeing how there were so many mouths to feed. Quite a few of the members starved to death, Ungwana included. She always put others needs in front of her own
Kinywa (mouth;mouthy)-Nduli’s mom and the sassiest in the float. She kinda had that wine aunt energy and says whatever the hell she wants. Nduli gets the sass and some of his temper from her, not to mention he was kind of a mama’s boy when not following Kiburi around
-How she died: Alright, so the Dry Season is difficult for practically all the animals in the Pridelands. But it’s especially the hardest on crocodiles, as they tend to get more moody and make worse decisions than other animals. This happened with Kinywa. She was unfortunate enough to get woken up during the Dry Season (no one knows what caused it, as she was the only one to wake up) and decided it was a good idea to try to hunt a rhino calf, causing its parent to get involved and….well, I don’t think I need to explain who won….or lived.
Janja and Jasiri’s kids-Shida (troublemaker) and Hatima (destiny, fate)
Shida-Shida is the older sibling. A hyperactive little troublemaker who enjoys pranking his fellow Outlanders just for fun.
Hatima-The younger sibling and the more mature of the two. Being a girl and based on how hyena clans work, she is destined to be the next leader. Problem is, she doesn’t know if she really wants to lead the Outlands in the first place. She would rather figure out her own destiny
Chungu and Aibu’s kid-Huangaza (sparkle); she’s the most extroverted, yet ditziest of the bunch. Total hippie personality-wise. She just wants to make friends and chill
Cheezi and Nguvu’s kid-adopt a wild dog pup named Igizo (play); a playful, fun-loving pup who just wants to have a good time and never takes anything seriously. He treats everything as if it’s a game
Nne and Madoa’s kid-Hila (cunning);the sarcastic, cocky friend who always has an answer for everything. He likes to show off his smarts and frequently calls himself a genius.
Kiburi and Hukumu’s kids (one of them, at least)-Piga; the rebellious, self-proclaimed “tough guy” who doesn’t take anyone’s shit. Doesn’t last long with his parents though, as they usually tell him off (He’ll only listen to Hukumu, as she scares him a bit lol)
(One of) Tamka and Erevu’s kids-Kutojali (indifference); The one who’s been done with everybody’s shit since the day he hatched. Like Erevu, he often looks on the logical side and is usually embarrassed by his dad
(One of) Nduli and Kuamua’s kids-Shauri (rascal); The most clumsy, but rambunctious croc you have ever met and Shida’s best friend. Her “genius” ideas often get the two into trouble cuz of how she acts before she thinks, leading to uh….interesting situations
Outlanders whose kids live in the Pridelands:
Kenge and Maji-unnamed children
Shupavu and Njano-Ushari. Yup! They named one of their kids after him! The definition of chaotic neutral. He’s a little shit who says and does whatever he wants, not really caring about the consequences…at first. He’ll still back down when there’s an actual threat. The best way to describe him is the song “One Jump Ahead” from Aladdin. That’s his antics in a nutshell.
-Ushari was the only one the skinks actually picked a name for. Njano accidentally blurted it out loud enough for him to hear and it stuck
-Ushari (as in the cobra) is in charge of watching over the kid and he’s even taken him under his wing
-His catchphrase, like his dad, is “Trust me!”
-However, I’m also thinking of the name Mpangaji (mischief-maker) since the name is a bit more fitting and less confusing lol idk
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praebitorem-glaciei · 15 days
this was written for @bunnhildr but has gn pronouns babyyyyyyy
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Achlys didn’t often see a particular.. Need? There were better things to do with his time, he reasoned. And yet here he was, pacing back and forth in his dorm. He was trying to walk it off, maybe, he wasn’t sure. He didn’t get aroused very often, it was somewhat confusing. At this rate, he really wasn’t sure how he even had a daughter. But that was neither here nor there.
No, this was a current issue. He tried to dissipate his form, forcing his body to lose all solid state. But when he reformed, it hadn’t helped. No, his problem persisted. Achlys held his head in his hands, trying to shake the thoughts from his head. 
He looked up at himself in the mirror above his dresser, looked at himself through his fingers. Red eyes stared back at him, uncovered, glossy. The strain in his pants was getting to him. It hurt, even. In part due to size, in part due to lack of attention. His cheeks flushed a dark hue, this was embarrassing. 
Even more so when he had to actually unzip his pants and step out of them. Achlys stumbled to his bed, falling onto his back, he stared up at the ceiling. Maybe he was just at a point where he could relax enough that desire became apparent. But he didn’t exactly want to get distracted. Not with this-
“Achlys!” Your voice, muffled, on the other side of the door caught his attention. You knocked against his door, once, twice, a third time. “I know you’re in there! You said you were going to help me with my report for last mission, Brim is on my ass!”
Achlys covered his face with his pillow, whispering screaming into the material. Okay he was too old for this. He had to be mature. He sat up, dropping the pillow on his bed. Then he slowly stood, moving to the door. You knocked again.
“I can’t right now, I apologise.” Your name left his lips with a stammer and he internally cursed himself. Was Achlys prepared to admit his current state was partially your fault? No. He couldn’t saddle you with that burden! 
“It’s three! You said three. I even got here on time.”
Achlys slammed his head into the door.
He heard you take a step back and he wanted to shrink. He made a face at himself. Too old for this, he kept reminding himself. Achlys unlocked the door as quietly as possible and then hurried to his computer chair, wrapping a blanket around his lower half and sitting down. 
“Come in.”
The door opened, the light from the hallway spilling into the dorm room. You shut the door behind yourself, turning on his room light without a second thought. You stopped suddenly, and he stared at you. With both eyes. Oh- He quickly looked away from you, leaning on his hand, elbow on the desk.
“You must really be out of it! Okay so- I started the report but after Phoenix blew up their Pua I got totally distracted-” 
Achlys watched as you set your laptop on his desk, turning it towards him before rounding the desk to stand beside him. He reached out, grabbing the laptop, dragging it closer to him. It took him all of two very quiet minutes to type a bullet point list of everything that happened, with timestamps and location markers.
“Here. Done.”
You leaned over his shoulder, looking down at the work written out for you. “Perfect!” He was confused by your sudden pause, turning his head to look at you, looking at him. “That blanket really doesn’t hide anything.” His eyes widened, the flush that never quite left his cheeks quickly returned in full force.
“I tried to tell you I was busy.”
“Mhm? Busy?”
“Yes! Busy.”
“With a hard on?”
Achlys exhaled when you grabbed the arms of his chair, spinning him to face you. Bent at this angle, you were eye to eye. “Want me to help?” He choked on his spit at your question, quickly averting his gaze. 
“Pardon me?”
“Want me to help?”
“That’s.. That would be inappropriate, I am your superior.”
“Oh calm down, Achlys! Barely. Now come on, let me help~”
Achlys stood up, forcing you to straighten out to look up at him at his full height. And with ease he swept down and picked you up, hands holding your thighs. Like you weighed nothing to him, and to be fair, you didn’t. The man let the blanket fall as he walked towards his bed, turning off the main light on his way.
You giggled when he tossed you on his bed, the material soft and plush, you bounced. Achlys settled down on the bed beside you, he swallowed thickly, this was embarrassing to him, again. You wasted little time hovering over him, one knee between his, one hand on the mattress, the other on the headboard beside his head.
His bedside table lamp was enough light, dim and a soft orange hue. He watched you trail your eyes down. “Wow.” He looked away from your face. “Maybe the blanket was hiding something..” He knew he was big, he was aware! He hated it. But there wasn’t any time to comment on that, you moved quickly, removing your hand from the headboard.
Achlys’ inhale was shaky as you adjusted his boxers, pulling his cock free from the hole. The girth alone was impressive, you couldn’t quite get your hand around it. Uncircumcised, the tip wept pathetically already. You gave him a squeeze and he whined softly in turn.
You let him go to tuck your hair behind your ears, getting it out of the way as best as you could. You then settled comfortably between his legs, pressing an almost too soft kiss to the tip of his cock. Achlys brought his hand to his mouth, biting down on his skin with sharp fangs. He really wasn’t used to this sort of attention.
He leaned his head back against the headboard, sighing in content as your mouth wrapped around the tip. His free hand tangled in your hair, eyes closing as he tried to let himself enjoy the pleasure. Warm mouth, wet tongue, he was going to lose it. But he did his best not to, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths.
Your tongue swirled around his cock, hand stroking up and down his thick shaft. He twitched under your affections. “Perfect..” He mumbled, voice low as he praised you, long fingers stroking your hair. He wasn’t the loudest, but his soft panting and the occasional whine were proof your actions got to him.
You took his cock as deep as you could, anything you couldn’t, your hand made up for. A strangled sound escaped the radiant, forcing him to bite down harder on his hand. You brought your head up, tongue roaming up the sensitive underside. You hummed at his reactions, the vibrations making him shudder.
“You’re perfect..” Achlys praised softly, ignoring the imprint of his teeth on his skin. He tugged your hair slightly. “Feels great..” He hoped his praise would only spur you on, though he meant it, too. When you looked up at him, only sinful thoughts could pass through his mind. He wanted more, but felt it too wrong to ask, with what you were already giving him. He looked away.
It was several more minutes of this, his praise, your mouth. His hand in your hair tightened suddenly, a louder gasp escaped him. “I’m close..” He warned you, surprised when you only opted to take him deeper, choking slightly at the sheer length and girth of his cock.
Achlys couldn’t quite help himself when his hips stuttered, pushing upwards against your mouth as he came. No small amount, so pent up for so long. He could only hope his cum wasn’t too salty as you swallowed every last drop from his twitching cock. You popped off of him with a wet sound that made him blush. Only leaning down to lick his slit clean too.
“Uhuh..” His legs felt like jello.
“Ha?!” His eyes widened when you squeezed his shaft again, tongue running up the length of his cock. 
“You look like you could use two.” Your tone was teasing and it became quickly apparent to Achlys that he was not leaving this bed any time soon.
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Examples of my art 🎨
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khanzaa18 · 12 days
Teruslah Memperbaiki Diri..
Tentang perjalanan menuju peningkatan diri
Dalam hiruk-pikuk kehidupan, di tengah segala tuntutan yang ada, mudah sekali bagi kita kehilangan fokus. Lihatlah sekelilingmu. Lihatlah bagaimana waktu berlalu begitu cepat, bagaimana setiap langkah yang kita ambil membentuk jejak yang panjang dalam perjalanan kita. Ambillah sejenak jeda untuk berhenti, merenung, dan merefleksikan tentang perjalanan yang sudah kita lalui sampai detik ini.
Setiap pengalaman, pertemuan, tantangan yang kita hadapi adalah peluang untuk bertumbuh. Pada hakikatnya, setiap kegagalan adalah sebuah pelajaran yang tersamar, setiap kesuksesan adalah tonggak penting dalam perjalananmu menuju penemuan diri. Terimalah momen-momen ini, karena mereka adalah pondasi dari evolusi pribadimu.
Perbaikan diri bukanlah tentang mencari kesempurnaan, karena tujuan semacam itu tak akan pernah tercapai. Sebaliknya, perbaikan diri adalah tentang menjadi versi terbaik dari dirimu, satu langkah pada satu waktu. Ini tentang mengakui kelebihan dan kelemahanmu, dan terus berusaha memupuk kebaikan dan mengatasi keterbatasan.
Mari coba perhatikan lagi kehidupan kita saat ini. Adakah area di mana kamu merasa bisa melakukan lebih baik? Adakah kebiasaan atau pola yang sudah tak lagi memberimu manfaat? Adakah keterampilan atau pengetahuan yang ingin kamu dapatkan? Gunakan refleksi ini sebagai awal untuk bertindak.
Berjalanlah dan terus bertumbuh..
Carilah peluang untuk memperbaiki diri dalam setiap aspek kehidupanmu, fisik, mental, emosional, dan spiritual. Baik dengan membaca beragam buku, nonton vidio yang memberikan wawasan, mendengarkan podcast atau terlibat dalam percakapan yang bermakna. Berusahalah untuk memperluas pandanganmu dan mendalami pemahamanmu tentang diri sendiri dan dunia di sekitarmu.
Perbaikan diri bukanlah destinasi, melainkan proses yang berkelanjutan, yang tentunya butuh dedikasi, ketekunan, dan kesiapan untuk menghadapi keterbatasan diri kita sendiri. Namun, hadiahnya tak terukur, rasa puas yang lebih besar, hubungan lebih dalam dengan dirimu dan orang lain, dan kehidupan yang dijalani dengan tujuan dan makna.
Jadi, saat kau melangkah menjalani hari-harimu, biarkanlah pemikiran-pemikiran ini berputar di pikiranmu. Biarkanlah mereka menginspirasi untuk bertindak, untuk membuat perubahan positif, dan untuk merangkul perjalanan perbaikan diri dengan hati yang terbuka dan tekad yang teguh. Karena dengan melakukannya, kau tidak hanya memperkaya kehidupanmu sendiri, tetapi juga ikut berkontribusi pada kebaikan yang lebih besar bagi umat manusia.
Semoga refleksi ini menjadi pengingat lembut tentang kemungkinan tak terbatas yang ada di dalam dirimu. Semoga ini menginspirasi diriku dan kamu yang membaca tulisan ini untuk terus berusaha menjadi lebih baik. Semoga tulisan ini bisa membimbingmu dalam perjalanan menuju versi terbaik dari dirimu sendiri.
Take a deep breath, embrace the present moment, and step boldly into the future, knowing that the path of self-improvement is always open to those who are willing to walk it.
Bogor, 10 Mei 2024
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