sustancy · 9 months
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NEW INSTA FILTER: holographic cat ୨୧
Inspired by a relaxing cat mask, the hologram adds the touch. I hope you enjoy. You can use it in the taste link or following me on Instagram, if you use it and tag me I will share it with the community. thank you. link taste: https://www.instagram.com/ar/301684462556492/ or follow me insta @ minddiko
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weareallfromearth · 7 months
Extremely personal posting ahead, TMI, NSFW, etc etc
The psychiatrist who prescribed me the medication that stole my ability to feel sexual arousal or pleasure, a capacity I haven’t gotten back after a full year post-med-cessation and a range of treatments, didn’t even bother to reject the re-referral from my GP that she received 2.5 months ago. (I know she got it because I called her office and they confirmed they sent it to her.)
I don’t know if she feels guilty or lost or her life is Vewy Busy or whatthefuckever but the least she could do is fucking write back and admit she doesn’t know what to do to help or is too busy to help and reject me.
(Usually on posts like this people say they don’t want medical advice, but that isn’t where I am. I have tried so many things. I am going to try so many more. This has fucked with my sense of self and my relationships so badly. If this ever happened to you with Clonidine specifically and you fixed it, I want to know about it. The PSSD forums are unbelievably sad to sift through and by definition I can’t have PSSD because this wasn’t caused by an SSRI or SNRI. The med that I think would be most likely to work seems to be almost banned in Australia. I am so heartbroken.)
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ilminnestrone · 2 months
Final Fantasy VII cured my PSSD
I've been deep down in PSSD, which is Post SSRI (a common antidepressant class) Seggsual Disfunction, for two years. That means my libido was simply non existent and I kinda had seggs with my husband once? Twice? in a couple of years and it wasn't even something special. No interest in seggs whatsoever. Never. For anyone.
Then we played Crisis Core. And Remake. And Rebirth.
All of them. All of those stupid characters were stupidly hot. I have a crush for every single bitch in there. I want Zack Fair's children. I could teach Cloud Strife some tricks. I would sing the Hallelujah for Vincent fucking Valentine. I could bury my face into Tifa's talents. Sephiroth can break my body whenever I want.
I send p0rn to our friends. I read smu7 fanfiction on the job. I now have quite a collection of h3nta1 fanart on my phone. My husband is now terrified because he kinda came to terms with the issue and he suddenly has a desperately h0rny spouse that just want to be shagged stupid.
It's frustrating but it's funny, you can make fun of me. The new me would say I give full consent to public humiliation.
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animalfurnace · 2 years
if i end up having persistent pssd i think i might end it all.
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sadieshavingsex · 2 months
Holy fucking shit!!!!!! Today I pulled the tower for my morning tarot card, and I feel it!!!!!!! I got soft rejected from my top school, and I spent nearly all day basically in an obsessive compulsive meltdown over sex and the sexual dysfunction that comes from Zoloft, and then I just fucking realized clear as day that I’m not ace and sex matters to me and I want to have it in a way that feels good to me and if I don’t have it at all I’m gonna be fucking sad because beneath all the shit I’ve dealt with over it it’s something i actually like at its core. And I realized I fucking have ocd/high anxiety/a mix of the two/whatever you want to fucking call it I have a stress/anxiety disorder and I can’t fucking run from that and the patterns are so clear and I CAN get help and feel better nonetheless and I love myself
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the-oaie · 1 year
I didn't know tumblr had a tag limit
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halluciniwaynia · 3 months
really hate that a lot of hatred of big pharma among mainstream Americans comes from “ssris can cause you to never have sex again” instead of “no one should have to pay insane out of pocket costs for a drug they need to function”
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incidentalblr · 11 months
imagine being able to come . hahahahah cant relate
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the-disemvoweler · 3 months
I’ve come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog’s a bitch-ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife. That’s right, he took his hedgehog fucking quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was this big. And I said “that’s disgusting!” So I’m making a callout post on my Twitter dot com: "Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small dick, it’s the size of this walnut except way smaller." And guess what, here’s what my dong looks like: PFFFFFFFFGJT. That’s right baby. All point, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife so guess what, I’m gonna fuck the earth. That's right this is what you get, my super laser piss. Except I’m not gonna piss on the earth, I’m gonna go higher. I’m pissing on the moon! How do you like that, Obama? I pissed on the moon, you idiot! You have twenty-three hours before the piss droplets hit the fucking earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too!
'v cm t mk n nnncmnt: Shdw th Hdghg's btch-ss mthrfckr. H pssd n m fckng wf. Tht’s rght, h tk hs hdghg fckng qll dck t nd h pssd n m fckng wf, nd h sd hs dck ws ths bg. nd sd “tht’s dsgstng!” S ’m mkng cllt pst n m Twttr dt cm: "Shdw th Hdghg, y gt smll dck, t’s th sz f ths wlnt xcpt w smllr." nd gss wht, hr’s wht m dng lks lk: PFFFFFFFFGJT. Tht’s rght bb. ll pnt, n qlls, n pllws, lk t tht t lks lk tw blls nd bng. H fckd m wf s gss wht, ’m gnn fck th rth. Tht's rght ths s wht y gt, my spr lsr pss. xcpt ’m nt gnn pss n th rth, ’m gnn g hghr. ’m pssng n th mn! Hw d y lk tht, bm? pssd n th mn, y dt! Y hv twnty-thr hrs bfr th pss drplts ht th fckng rth, nw gt t f m fckng sght bfr pss n y t!
You're lucky I had nothing better to do
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pluckysidekick · 8 months
The Drewd PSSD (Post Show Stress Disorder) continues! I’m ready to revisit Season 4 again — first up is a missing scene from 4x07.
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GIF courtesy of @nancy-drew
What if Ace came back for something, only to find Nancy crying on the floor? This is a missing scene we needed, that frankly they really needed. That’s what my new fic (Ain’t no) crying in The Claw aims to show us.
I've missed doing Ace's POV, and this idea seemed like the perfect opportunity. It came together in just a few days after thinking about it for a bit. Thank you to @likestosolvethepuzzle for the amazing beta as always - they said it’s "wistful but hopeful."
Here’s a taste:
“We can’t do this, Ace. It’s not safe.” Nancy hiccuped, visibly forcing herself to stop crying.
“I think we have to, actually. We haven’t been honest with each other. Neither of us.” He left that hanging. Nancy had accused him of lying by not telling her about Chunky. But she’d been lying too. Was she really not ready to move on?
Read more on Ao3
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lobotomizedlady · 4 months
Hey i am also anti psych as an institution but im also in therapy and on meds because I cant function.............. do you believe the meds can benefit me or am i just lining their pockets at my own detriment? im not about taking medical advice from tumblr but i have been looking for more opinions because im not knowledgeable on this and i want to read
I'm the first to admit that some people do in fact benefit from their meds, I'm one of those people to some extent. I am pretty happy with a few of my prescriptions. but on a larger scale, there are certain classes of medications that are widely prescribed that I believe do far more harm than good in the way they're currently being used.
the most harmful of these are antipsychotics. I used to be on one & I now refuse to take it, APs are just a chemical lobotomy, they literally shrink your brain over time + make you balloon up & give you diabetes, tardive dyskinesia, etc, thats just the tip of the iceberg. literally every single schizophrenic client I had who had been on APs for a long time had a million physical health issues bc of them & most were very lethargic to the point of falling asleep during group therapy.
while APs do have their uses in extremely severe cases, the big problem with them is that doctors aren't just prescribing them as a short term silver bullet to deal with severe psychotic episodes, as they ought to. they are handing them out like candy to anyone & everyone, from people with PTSD to curmudgeonly elderly patients to literal children, usually "difficult" ones in the foster care system, prison inmates with MH conditions-even people with nothing more than mild depression get given APs. and it's all bc big pharma sent their pill pushers out with bogus fraudulent studies exaggerating the positive effects & downplaying the negative ones so that they could make more money off meds that ought to be a very rare Rx.
this is also my primary issue with the second most harmful class of MH drugs, benzos. they work phenomenally when taken /as needed/ to stop panic attacks but psychs who prescribe them as a long term every day solution need to have their licenses taken away & I'm so serious about that. benzo withdrawal is the worst there is, you can literally die from it & it lasts YEARS with an insane amount of horrible side effects including rebound anxiety. I know people who trusted that their psychiatrist knew best & took xans for mild anxiety & now they literally cannot get off them, they are physically & mentally addicted & it's more difficult to kick than a heroin addiction (not exaggerating). well, guess who's a paying pharma patient for life now? how convenient.
SSRIs (as well as SNRIs) are another extremely commonly prescribed class that's come under fire recently due to the fact that the studies showing their efficacy were discovered to have been completely falsified. they literally don't do what the pharma companies claimed they do, the science is NOT there & on top of that they have some nasty side effects. what's particularly scary is what can happen when you try to come off them (withdrawal symptoms lasting years, anhedonia, also PSSD-there are people who haven't had an orgasm in years after coming off these drugs). I'm planning to take part in some of the lawsuits that are in the works due to this mass defrauding of mental health patients including myself.
the body count psychiatry has is a direct result of our for profit healthcare system that incentives overprescription, and the issue is so massive that I honestly think it totally dwarfs the opioid crisis prior to the overcorrection & fent & tranq being introduced. fuck, at least opioids /actually/ do what they're supposed to do, unlike most of these MH meds. it's insane & infuriating. I recommend reading Mental Health Inc if you want to know more about this, it gives you a sense of the scope of this issue.
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Grnklng pdmc crss wzrd wrld!
-b rprtr Jm
Th wzrd wrld s crrntl tkn b strm b grnklng pdmc. Lts f wzrds hv lrd bn nfctd, nd s s mst f th Cncl. Th gr wzrd Cncl rcmmnds t st ndrs, ntl th pndmc hs pssd.
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dialupmodem · 2 years
PSSD (post speaking stress disorder)
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grassius · 1 year
hey not to be dramatic, but i'd take a bullet for ur portrayal && pssds
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dasdkhadhdj thank you sm !!! i just love !! depressed salad man sm
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ujjinatd · 4 days
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Un pequeño proveedor de SSD promete resolver el enorme problema de almacenamiento del iPhone: el PSSD de Vinpower puede realizar copias de seguridad de un iPad a 800 MB/s y aumentar el almacenamiento del teléfono de Apple en más de 8 TB, lo que lo convierte en una necesidad para los creativos de iOS. Si bien la mayoría de los usuarios... https://ujjina.com/un-pequeno-proveedor-de-ssd-promete-resolver-el-enorme-problema-de-almacenamiento-del-iphone-el-pssd-de-vinpower-puede-realizar-copias-de-seguridad-de-un-ipad-a-800-mb-s-y-aumentar-el-almacenamiento/?feed_id=645753&_unique_id=665aba1f4c7a8
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loccokiddo · 24 days
Vegeta are TIV
Ce zicala dansantă a lu' Zorba, alunelu, a lunetă, hai că dacă este necaz, îmi repet și io pe pai că m-am învățat să fiu învățăcel, miros în draci a fresh de portocale,Nu rup o vargă doar pentru a atinge copaci, .pssd, iar am spart gheața în târg, trebuie să mă cinstesc în locul meu, aș vrea io să sărbătoresc pentru tineri,De parcă alții parchează după ce nechează, las că îi încânt io, îmi pare…
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